The Ten Virgins

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25:1-13

Transcript of The Ten Virgins

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

1. The Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

1. The Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7

2. The Sermon on the Go, Mt 10

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

1. The Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7

2. The Sermon on the Go, Mt 10

3. The Sermon on the Grow, Mt 13

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

1. The Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7

2. The Sermon on the Go, Mt 10

3. The Sermon on the Grow, Mt 13

4. The Sermon on True Greatness, Mt 18

Five Teaching Sermons in Matthew:

1. The Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7

2. The Sermon on the Go, Mt 10

3. The Sermon on the Grow, Mt 13

4. The Sermon on True Greatness, Mt 18

5. The Sermon on the Other Mount, Mt 24-25

Three Truths From the Ten Virgins:

1. No one knows when Jesus is coming again, but when He does it will be sudden!

The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: Here’s the bridegroom!

Mt 25:5-6

What is “that time”??

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is the very last days before Jesus comes again

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is the very last days before Jesus comes again

• “That time” is the culmination of “birth pangs”

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is the very last days before Jesus comes again

• “That time” is the culmination of “birth pangs”

– Distress

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is the very last days before Jesus comes again

• “That time” is the culmination of “birth pangs”

– Distress– Global evangelism & harvest

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is the very last days before Jesus comes again

• “That time” is the culmination of “birth pangs”

– Distress– Global evangelism & harvest– For most, “life as usual”

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is when thereis going to be a wedding

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is when thereis going to be a wedding

• “That time” is when there is little time left to get ready

What is “that time”??

• “That time” is when thereis going to be a wedding

• “That time” is when there is little time left to get ready

This is “that time!”

Three truths from the Ten Virgins:

2. When Jesus comes, it is not our outward appearance, but our inner preparations that will matter:

Three truths from the Ten Virgins:

2. When Jesus comes, it is not our outward appearance, but our inner preparations that will matter:

– All were professing Christians

Three truths from the Ten Virgins:

2. When Jesus comes, it is not our outward appearance, but our inner preparations that will matter:

– All were professing Christians

– While the Bridegroom’s coming was delayed, all were subject to the rhythms& demands of every day life

What is Oil?

1. “Oil” is the preparations I have made in this life to meet Him face to face in the next life.

What is Oil?

1. “Oil” is the preparations I have made in this life to meet Him face to face in the next life.

2. “Oil” is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

What is Oil?

1. “Oil” is the preparations I have made in this life to meet Him face to face in the next life.

2. “Oil” is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

3. “Oil” is my faithfulness toHim.

What is Oil?

4. “Oil” is the transformed life of obedience I live for Him

What is Oil?

4. “Oil” is the transformed life of obedience I live for Him

5. “Oil” is the godly way I treat others.

What is Oil?

4. “Oil” is the transformed life of obedience I live for Him

5. “Oil” is the godly way I treat others.

6. “Oil” is God’s love in my heart fueling good works.

What is Oil?

7. “Oil” is the faith in Him I cling to, regardless of what happens in the world, or what happens to me or to those I love.

What is Oil?

7. “Oil” is the faith in Him I cling to, regardless of what happens in the world, or what happens to me or to those I love.

“Oil” is the sum total of my Christian life!

Two truths about oil:

• “Oil” cannot be shared or transferred

“Give us some of your oil, our lamps are going out. No! There is not enough for both of us.”

Mt. 25:8-9

Two truths about oil:

• “Oil” cannot be obtained in an instant

“Oil” only comes through an investment of time and at a personal cost

Three truths from the Ten Virgins:

3. A time is coming when it will be too late to get ready any more:

But while they were on their way to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut.

Mt. 25:10