PPT Lesson 2

Microsoft ® PowerPoint 2010 Lesson 2: Working with Text Courseware #: 3246 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

Transcript of PPT Lesson 2

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PowerPoint 2010

Lesson 2: Working with Text

Courseware #: 3246

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010

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Lesson Objectives

• insert and modify text in placeholders

• create and format bulleted and numbered lists

• format text

• cut, copy, and paste text

• indent text

• insert, modify, and delete text boxes

• create, modify, and delete WordArt

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Adding Text

• Most text typed in placeholders.

• 3 types of text placeholders: title, subtitle, and text.

• Empty placeholders don’t appear in slide shows.

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Using the Spelling Checker

• On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling, or

• press F7, or

• right-click a misspelled word and click Spelling, or

• double-click Spell Check on the status bar.

• Note language in Status Bar.

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Using the Thesaurus

• Use variety in words to increase viewers’ interest in presentation.

• Replace long sentences with fewer, more precise words.

• To access Thesaurus:

– right-click a word, phrase, or placeholder in your presentation and click Synonyms; or

– On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Thesaurus or Research; or

– press Shift+F7.

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• Variety of bullet and numbering styles available; or

• Create new style

Organizing List Information

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Creating Lists

• To apply list style to selected text, on Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering.

• Demote with Tab; promote with Shift+Tab

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• Select ready-to-use bullet and numbering styles; or

• Define new bullet or numbering style.

• Change font, color and size.

• Change numbering to start at other than 1

Customizing Lists

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Formatting Text

• Adjust font face, size, color, weight and more

• Use Ribbon or mini-toolbar

• Copy formatting with the Format Painter

• Can clear all formatting from selected text

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Formatting Paragraphs

• Adjust these aspects of whole paragraphs:

– Alignment

– Line spacing

– Indentation

– Text direction

• Use Ribbon or Paragraph dialog

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Indenting Text

• Indents useful for bulleted and numbered lists

• View ruler to see exact measurements

• Use markers on ruler or buttons on Home tab in Paragraph group

• 3 types of indent markers:

– First line

– Hanging

– Left

First LineHanging


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Cut Remove from original location in current presentation, and place in Clipboard.

Copy Copy from original location in current presentation, and place in Clipboard.

Paste Insert item from Clipboard into presentation at current cursor position.

Clipboard Temporarily stores cut or copied items

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

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• On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Cut, Copy or Paste; or

• use keyboard shortcuts:

– Ctrl+X Cut

– Ctrl+C Copy

– Ctrl+V Paste

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

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• Paste Options button appears with pasted item• Click to display how pasted item can appear here• Number and type of options vary based on item

Keep Source Formatting (K)

Keep formatting for item as it was in original presentation.

Use Destination Styles (S)

Use a style that exists in this presentation on the pasted item.

Keep Text Only (T) Remove any existing formatting with original item and keep text only.

Use Destination Theme (H)

Apply the paragraph and text formatting in the destination to the pasted text.

Picture (U) Paste the text as a picture.

Set Default Paste Set how all pasted items of this type appear.

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

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Using the Office Clipboard

• Collect up to 24 items in the clipboard, then paste one at a time in any order.

• Use Paste All to paste all items in order in which they appear in Clipboard.

• Keep track of cut items after they disappear from slide.

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• On Home tab, in Clipboard group, click Office Clipboard Task Pane

Paste All Paste all items currently in Clipboard in same order as in Clipboard.

Clear All Clear all items from Clipboard.

Options Select options on how Clipboard works.

Using the Office Clipboard

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• Drag text to move selection of text

• Best used to move text short distances

• Does not use Clipboard, leaving contents of Clipboard intact

• Select text, drag text and drop it to new location

– “ghost” cursor appears as guide

Moving Text Using Drag-and-Drop

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Formatting Placeholders

• Change formatting of whole placeholder, not just the text within it.

• Start with Quick Styles; and/or

• Adjust Outline, Fill and Effects

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• Similar to text placeholders

• Automatically enlarges or shrinks depending on amount of text

Using Text Boxes

Tolano Adventures

Tolano Adventures

Tolano Adventures

Tolano Adventures

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Inserting Text Boxes

• On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box; or

• on the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes, and then click Text Box; or

• under Drawing Tools , on the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, click Draw Text Box, then

• click to draw text box in desired size and position on slide, then

• type text into box.

Sample text box

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Selecting and Moving Text Boxes

• Click text border to select and format it separately from text within

• To move:

– drag on the slide; or

– right-click the text box and click Size and Position; or

– under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the Size Dialog box launcher, and then select the Position tab.

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Resizing Text Boxes

• Use handles to resize visually (press Shift to retain proportions); or

• under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click Shape Height or Shape Width. Then click or type in a height or width and press Enter; or

• right-click the text box and click Size and Position; or

• under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the Size Dialog box launcher.

Tolano Adventures

Tolano Adventures

Tolano Adventures

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Resizing Text Boxes

• By default, text box resizes to fit text.

• Options:

– Do not Autofit

– Shrink text on overflow

– Resize shape to fit text

• Also adjust internal margins

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Rotating a Text Box

• Rotate or flip text boxes vertically or horizontally:

– On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and click Rotate, or

– under Drawing Tools or Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Rotate, or

– drag the Rotation handle (green circular handle) in a circular movement.

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• Very similar to formatting text placeholders

• Click text box border to select it, then apply formatting options on Format tab – Styles, Word Art, etc.

• Can format text within box when box is selected, using options on Home tab in Font group, or WordArt

Formatting Text Boxes

Tolano Adventures

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Using the Selection Pane

• Easier to see and select objects on a slide

• On the Home tab, in the Edit group, click Select, then Selection Pane

• Can show, hide and re-order objects

• Press Ctrl to select multiple objects

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• Arrange overlapping text boxes

• Select object, then under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, click one of these options in the Arrange group:

Changing the Order

Bring Forward

Moves the selected text box one level up, closer to the viewer.

Bring to Front

Moves the selected text box to the top, closest to the viewer.

Send Backward

Moves the selected text box one level back, away from the viewer.

Send to Back

Moves the selected text box to the bottom, farthest from the viewer.

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• Align boxes and space them evenly on the slide so they don’t distract viewers

• Select 2 or more text boxes, then under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align and choose one of these options:

Aligning Text Boxes

Align Left Align all text boxes with the text box furthest left on the slide.

Align Center Center all boxes horizontally based on the center point of each text box.

Align Right Align all text boxes with the text box furthest right on the slide.

Align Top Align all text boxes with the text box at the highest point on the slide.

Align Middle Align all text boxes vertically at the middle of the slide.

Align Bottom Align all text boxes with the text box at the lowest point on the slide.

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• Options for spacing text boxes evenly on a slide:

Distributing Text Boxes

Distribute Horizontally

Arrange the text boxes from left to right on the slide with equal space between each.

Distribute Vertically Arrange the text boxes from top to bottom on the slide with equal space between each.

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Changing the Vertical Position of Text

• Align text within a box to the top, middle, or bottom, or the center top, middle or bottom

• Add impact by changing the orientation of text using Text Direction.

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Reusing Formatting

• Useful for consistent formatting of text boxes

• Right click text box and select Set as Default Text Box

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Setting Tabs Inside a Text Box

• Tabs are useful for columns of information, such as numbers and dates

• Align left, center, right or decimal

• Create by dragging alignment marker on ruler; or

• on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Dialog box launcher. Click Tabs to set a value for a tab stop position or type in Default tab stops.





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Creating Columns

• Easier to use than tabs for 2 or 3 columns of text.

• To format text in a text box in multiple columns, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Columns.

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Using WordArt

• WordArt allows you to create three-dimensional text

• To insert WordArt, on the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt (or select text first).

• Can change the shape, fill, effects, etc. on Format tab

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Lesson Summary

• insert and modify text in placeholders

• insert and modify text in placeholders

• create and format bulleted and numbered lists

• format text

• cut, copy, and paste text

• indent text

• insert, modify, and delete text boxes

• create, modify, and delete WordArt

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1. How do you demote a bullet?

2. List the types of text alignment in PowerPoint.

3. What are Quick Styles?

4. How do you copy formatting from one paragraph to another?

5. How do you cut or copy multiple items and paste them all later?

6. How do you move items from one slide to another slide?

7. How do you adjust the spacing between characters in a title?

8. How do you add text anywhere on a slide in addition to the slide layout placeholders?

9. How can you select all objects on a slide?

Review Questions

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10. How can you select some but not all objects on a slide?

11. How do you set the height and width of a text box to exactly 2"?

12. How do you align a group of text boxes to the left?

13. When aligning text in text boxes what are the six types of alignment available in PowerPoint?

14. How do you rotate a text box to a specific angle?

15. How do you increase the internal margins of a text box?

16. How do you format a text box with two columns of text?

17. How do you add an effect to a WordArt object?

18. How can you create a link in your presentation to a Web site?

Review Questions