Pp the Spanish Armada

The Spanish Armada

Transcript of Pp the Spanish Armada

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The Spanish Armada

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In the late 16th century, Spain was the most

poweful empire. Spanish king, Philip II, ruled much

of the New World and much of Western Europe.

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PHILIP II was the great-grandson of the Catholic Monarchs

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Elisabeth I was the Protestant queen of England and Philip´s enemy

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Philip was a devout Catholic. He felt it was his duty to invade and conquer England to convert the country back to the Church of Rome.

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In 1588 he sent about 122 ships from Lisbon to fight Protestant England.

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The route ofThe SpanishArmadaJuly-October 1588

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Between the first ship and the last one there was a distance of 7 miles (11km)

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The Spanish ships slowly made their way into the English Channel.

They looked like “great floating-castles.”

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But they were also clumsy and difficult to manage

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English ships were smaller and more manageable.

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The Spanish galleons were so high and the English vessels so low that it was difficult for the Spaniards to fire them.

Spanish galleon English vessel

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Also the English vessels slipped under the bows of the Galleons, firing a shot or two and then going for the next one.

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The first encounter lasted for more than a week. The Spanish suffered severely. Masts shattered, Holes in the hulls, sailors slained…

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The Armada was also sttacked by fire-boats. The Spaniards were horrified. In their escape some ships collided, others burned or ran aground.

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Others sailed northwards. The boisterous northern seas did the work of many cannons.

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Queen Elizabeth said about the battle: I have the body of a weak, feeble woman, but I have the heart of a king, and no prince of Europe should dare to invade my kingdom.

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Just 87 ships returned to Spain. The following

year, England organized a similar campaign

against Spain, which was also unsuccessful.

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The end