PowerPoint Presentation - CT Office of Health Strategy...PowerPoint Presentation Author Linda Green...

Page 1 Primary Care Modernization Project Consumer Advisory Board 8/7/2018

Transcript of PowerPoint Presentation - CT Office of Health Strategy...PowerPoint Presentation Author Linda Green...

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    Primary Care Modernization Project

    Consumer Advisory Board


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    What is the Primary Care Modernization Project?

    A new model for primary care in Connecticut helps providers expand their care teams and offers new ways for patients to access care outside of a traditional office visit.

    It also will propose a more flexible payment model that supports these improvements in care delivery.

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    How will the model be developed?

    The Freedman HealthCare team is working with consumers, providers and other stakeholders as well as state and national experts to determine:

    • The services primary care providers will need to offer to be eligible for additional and more flexible payments. These services will aim to make care more convenient, community-based and responsive to the needs of patients.

    • A new way to pay for primary care that helps providers cover the cost of investing in these new services.

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    What will success look like?

    Better Health: A primary care system that helps patients stay healthy and better manage chronic diseases

    including diabetes, high blood pressure and depression.

    Improved Care Quality: More ways for primary care providers to easily connect their patients to the right

    care, from the right provider, at the right time.

    Better Patient Experience: Patient needs are at the center, patient input is heard and patients’ culture,

    values and preferences are respected.

    Improved Provider Satisfaction: Doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers can focus on the work

    they love and achieve professional and personal goals.

    More Affordable Care: Health care dollars are spent smarter so over time care becomes less expensive,

    for patients, employers, health insurers and the state.

  • Timeline


    Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

    Practice Transformation Task Force

    Design Groups Review Capabilities

    Payment Reform Council

    Stakeholder Engagement

    Consumer Engagement

    Timing reflects goal to present a model to the governor-elect in November.

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    What is the role of consumers in primary care


    SIM’s focus on primary care reflects what is has heard from consumers since 2013.

    Care needs to be:

    • More focused on the needs of patients

    • More convenient

    • More accessible

    • More connected to patients, other care team members and community services

    • More equitable

    • Less stigmatizing

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    What is the role of consumers in primary care

    modernization?Existing SIM Committees and Workgroups – 46 consumer representatives participating, some on more than one group

    Design Groups – 20 consumer representatives participating

    Payment Reform Council – Two consumers spots proposed to HISC, awaiting final approval on payment reform council

    Consumer Advocate and Organization Leaders Discussions – 23 identified, more on the way

    Consumers Listening Sessions - Four listening sessions in very early planning states for groups of consumers with similar perspectives and needs

    Previous Listening Session Feedback – Developed detailed table with findings and references, incorporated in throughout the process

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    Input from Advocates, Organizational Leaders

    *Pending DSS initiated collaboration agreement


    Advanced Networks

    Primary Care Practices

    Federally Qualified Health Centers

    Individual Payers

    Hospitals/Health Systems

    Health care provider and professional training


    Consumers Representing Various


    Consumers Advocate Organizations

    Initial Consumer Advocate, Organizational Leader


    Interview Goals:

    1. Share and Gain Feedback on Project Goals

    • Make care better through added capabilities such as…

    • Change the way primary care is paid for to increase spending on PCP care

    and give providers the money and flexibility they need to take care of


    • What changes do you think would be most beneficial to those you serve?

    • Do you have any concerns?

    2. Tap into Participant Knowledge, Experience

    • Dive deep into 1-2 advocate specific subtopics or other relevant content

    most aligned with their work

    3. Revisiting the Big Picture

    • As we wrap up, can you each share with us one thing you want to make

    sure we understand and don’t forget?








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    Input from Consumers


    Advanced Networks

    Primary Care Practices

    Federally Qualified Health Centers

    Individual Payers

    Hospitals/Health Systems

    Health care provider and professional training


    Consumers Representing Various


    Consumers Advocate Organizations

    Initial Consumer Listening Sessions

    Listening Session Goals:

    1. Share and Gain Feedback on Primary Care in Connecticut

    • For example, I really like it when my doctor or his/her

    office does xyz

    • If you could fix one thing it should be…

    2. Use Narratives to Explain and Gain Input on Specific


    • Use up to three short stories – on slides with pictures – to

    explain how a few relevant, specific changes might be


    • As you listened to this story: (repeat for each story)

    - What was different from how your doctor’s office

    works for you today?

    - What was better?

    - Anything that worried you?

    3. Wrap Up

    Can you each share with us one thing you want to make sure

    we understand and don’t forget?








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    New Services or Capabilities Being Considered Increasing Patients’ Access and


    Expanding Primary Care Capacity System Supports and Resources

    1. Diverse Care Teams

    • Community health workers

    • Pharmacists

    • Care coordinators

    • Navigators

    • Health coaches

    • Nutritionists

    • Interpreters

    • Nurse managers

    2. Alternative Ways to Connect to

    Primary Care

    • Phone/text/email

    • Home Visits

    • Shared visits

    • Telemedicine

    1. Capacities

    • Practice specialization

    • Pain management and MAT

    • Infectious diseases

    • Geriatrics (complex older


    • Persons with disabilities

    • Genomic medicine

    • Subspecialists as PCPs

    • Pediatrics considerations

    2. Health Information Technology

    • E-consults

    • Remote patient monitoring

    1. BH Integration (adult)

    2. BH Integration (pediatric)

    3. Community Integration

    • Social determinants of health

    • Purchased community services

    4. Oral Health Integration

    Social determinants of health and health equity will be considered across capabilities

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    Approach to Evaluating Possible New


    Evidence and literature

    Expert opinion and experience

    Experience in other states

    CT Consumer Experience

    Skeleton Capabilities

    Includes consumer needs and health equity sections

    PTTF recommendations

    Design group recommendations

    Stakeholder and consumer input

    Draft Capabilities Statements

    PTTF recommendations

    Design group recommendations

    Stakeholder and consumer input

    Final Capabilities Statements

  • How the PTTF Will Review Capabilities


    Does the evidence support including this capability in the PCM payment bundle?

    Based on health promotion/prevention, quality and outcomes, patient experience, provider satisfaction, lower cost

    Should this be a core (universal/required) or an electivecapability?

    Should this capability be deployed in all practice sites, or provided by a subset of docs or practices within each primary care network?

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    Example Design Group Slide:

    Consumer Needs and Health Equity Lens

    Consumer Needs:

    • Need for optimized preventive care for cancer

    • Need for optimized preventive care for cardiovascular disease

    Health Equity Lens:

    • Genomic screening is currently available as a “concierge” opportunity for those who

    seek it and can self-pay. This screening would be offered to a more diverse and

    representative population.

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    Payment Reform Council

    What will it do?

    Determine a way to pay for care differently so primary care providers can make the investments

    necessary to provide the new capabilities and services.

    What will be some of the key questions it considers?

    • How to make payments enough and fair, particularly for providers taking care of the sickest patients

    • How to invest more in primary care and in way that long term costs decrease not increase