Powerful Dua to Remove Afflictions and Calamities

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Powerful Dua to Remove Affliction

Transcript of Powerful Dua to Remove Afflictions and Calamities

  • Powerful Dua to remove afflictions and calamities.

    It is related by Sayyidina al-Hasan (r), grandson of the Prophet (s), from Ibn Abi ad-Dunya (r) in his

    book Kitab al-Mujabeen, Book of Those Whose Du`as Allah (swt) Accepted:

    Kana rajulun min as-haab an nabi mina l-ansaar, yukanna aw aba mo`allaq. There was a Sahaabi (r)

    from the Ansar in the time of the Prophet who was a merchant who made good money. He

    traveled a lot and people invested their money with him and he brought good profit. One day he was

    traveling with some money and a thief stopped him. It was difficult to see his face as it was covered,

    and as he drew out his sword he said, Put out all the money you have and on top of that, I am going

    to kill you, I will not leave you! The Sahaabi (r) said, Take the money. What do you need from my

    blood? The thief answered, I am taking your money and I will also kill you. The Sahaabi said, If

    you dont want to leave me alone, give me permission to pray four raka`ats before I die. Pray as

    much as you like, said the thief, I will kill you right here but if you want time to pray, I will give it to


    So that Sahaabi (r) made wudu, prayed four raka`ats and then in the last sajda recited this du`a:

    Yaa Wadood, yaa Wadood! Yaa Dhal-`Arshi l-Majeed! Yaa fa`aalan limaa tureed! Asaluka bi `izzika

    Lladhee laa yuraam wa bi-mulkika Lladhee laa yudaam wa bi-noorika Lladhee malaa arkaana

    `arshika an takfiyanee sharra haadha Llis. Yaa Mugheethu, aghithnee! Yaa Mugheethu, aghithnee!

    Yaa Mugheethu, aghithnee!

    O Loving One! O Lord of the Glorified Throne! O You Who does what He wants! I ask You through

    Your Might which cannot be harmed, and Your Dominion which can not be defeated, and Your Light

    which filled the pillars of Your Thrown, that You protect me from the evil of this thief! O Savior from

    Calamity, save me! O Savior from Calamity, save me! O Savior from Calamity, save me!

    As soon as he finished his du`a, a knight began to approach with a harbah, big spear in his hand. He

    had it placed on the ears of his horse. When the thief looked at him, he approached him to fight. The

    knight killed the thief with just one strike. Then he came to the Companion of the Prophet and

  • said, Stand up. The Sahaabi (r) said, For the sake of Allah (swt) and Prophet , may Allah give you

    my life! Who are you? Allah has saved me today by your hands! He said, I am an angel from the

    angels of the Fourth Heaven. When you made that du`a, after the first part I heard the doors of

    heavens cracking with a loud noise, sam`itu bi abwaabi sama ar-rabi`a qaaqaa. Then after the second

    part of your du`a, dajja kabeera, was making lots of noises. Then after the third part of your du`a, a

    voice came to me saying, Go and help that person! I asked Allah to give me permission to kill him.

    And Sayyidna al-Hasan (r) (the narrator) said, Whoever makes wudu, prays four raka`ats and makes

    this du`a, Allah will accept it from him regardless if that person has any afflictions or not.

    Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani