Post Media at the ICA

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  • 8/6/2019 Post Media at the ICA


    Post media at the ICA German new media philosophy. 26/05/11

    Media does not distribute sense or convey meaning, if it does it is a secondary


    This talk was curated by Peter Osbourne of the philosophical department of

    Kingston University. Speakers included Boris Groys, Lorenz Engell, BernhardSiegert and Eric Alliez. Groys, Engell and Siegert were there to help clear the

    German philosophy of new media. Each speaker delivered a paper with their

    position and concerns regarding the philosophy of new media.

    Boris talked first announcing that many of his students now talk about the death

    of the subject that initially sounds as ambiguously utopian as the death of the

    audience. There is no longer a subject, as we attempt to find ways to analyse

    communication mediums. It has been long noted that content and subjects are

    not the analysis, its the form that carries the content that contains the mechanics

    of new media theory. So nothing changed since McLuhan released the medium is

    the massage in 1967. Groys then connected Hegel and talked about society neverbeing able to master its own desire. He talked of a capitalised subject where the

    content provider was the master, we are serving subjects to the Internet

    agencies (facebook, google etc). These agencies that have operational control

    where the subject surrenders to these networked agencies. This still felt like

    familiar territory, lefty paranoia of corporate media giants. Groys pushed further

    the need to analyse the mechanics of these operational agencies, by relating

    them to current news regarding the arrest of Julian Assange. Groys quoted

    Assanges comment on Wikileaks and how it allows information to flow free in

    an anarchic way. However this is example emphasises the importance of the

    medium over the message, as Julian and wikileaks is more discussed than the

    content it exposes.

    Groys ended his paper by asking how the subject can challenge being a servant of

    the oppressive systems of the media provider.

    Lorenz Engell illustrated the trend of media studies to attempt to classify the

    properties of media, when the most important element of understanding media

    theory is in identifying the processes and operations of the medium. This seems

    pointless when media is so self-aware already, medias self-awareness makes it

    stronger. Through media we have an inter production of operative assembles

    that reproduce objects, artefacts and ourselves. The subject is the effect of all

    these tactile operations. Media does not distribute sense or convey meaning, if it

    does it is a secondary function.

    Bernard Siegel The map is not the territory. Siegel took a historical abstraction

    of new media theory, telling a mythical tale of when a King desired a map so life-

    size, to a 1:1 scale. Maps are instruments that portray spaces of representation.

    Maps have proved useful artefacts as markers to how society interpreted the

    semiotics of the world that surrounded them. Siegel suggests that the media

    forms of today will be studied as portrayals of society during this time. Because

  • 8/6/2019 Post Media at the ICA
