Portfolio Englis

o p r t vázquez gonzález ruth folio

Transcript of Portfolio Englis

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op rtv á z q u e z g o n z á l e z r u t h folio

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training fi nal degree project student residence . milan 2005this garden is located at ten minute walking from the duomo, out of the way. two ways to access: from the north, through a walk with trees; and from the south through the via francesco sforza, with a huge traffi c. this project, within the hustle and garden, wants to make a diff erence. a strip available as a wall, in which the common uses will be provided and from this point we will advance to the church, respecti ng a prudenti al distance and the broken polyline zigzag which formed the medians of the side reaching its point, but not reaching at the same ti me. this space divides the building into three parts with two entries, with three facades which leaves a gallery before we arrived to it. regarding the common uses strip, it is fracti onated a third fl oor which fl ies a module on ride, composing in the wall façade the door “air”, opening a space to the statale building and to the whole garden. from this place we can see how, from a short distance, the velasca tower presides the skyline.

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design sketches

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site plan

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ground fl oor

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2nd fl oor 4nd fl oor

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entrance elevati on

passage elevati on

via sforza elevati on

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midblock secti on

entrance block seccion-elevati on

entrance secti on

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garden elevati on

three blocks secti on

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work contest for the reform of “la violeta” as popular civic center . barcelona 2009“la violeta” is part of the historical heritage of Gràcia. I t is a bui lding where, over more than 100 years, i t has hosted al l k inds of social and cultural inst itutions in the neighborhood. that is why the proposed action is very sensit ive to preserve the elements which are most characterist ic. the intervention has as main aim the renewal, keeping their neoclassical facades and interior spaces of higher qual ity, such as coffee and bi l l iards room on the ground f loor, and the dance hal l on the 1st f loor.the main idea has as principal objective maintaining f idel ity to the original core of the building, acting with more transformation within the two blocks on either sides of this central space, with five floors including the basement, so that they can accommodate all rest of the program, and they would contain the new cores of vertical circulation.

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secti onlocati on

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basement fl oorelevati on

ground fl oor

1st fl oor

2nd fl oor

3rd fl oor

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collaborati on sports pavilion + pool contest . santa eulalia de ronçana 2009the proposal starts with two main aims: to achieve the constructi on of two sports spaces (sports pavilion and double pool) in an available way of two phases , and create a relati on space which are proporti onate among them, the rest of the program and the existi ng pavilion. the main volum of the new pavilion is placed close to the preexisti ng pavilion. subsequently, the volume of the pool is placed facing the new pavilion and ending close this entry-relati onship space, which becomes a square. the positi on of the volumes is important for the relati onship of spaces: the square is located to level +90, and from here there is the entrance to the new pavilion and bar, whose fl at roof functi ons as podium to the old pavilion, which is located at elevati on +93.50. the pool is located at elevati on +87, being half way between the square and the street below, which facilitates the access to the technical room located at elevati on +84, and creati ng a private garden for swimmers, separated from the transit of the entry square.

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site plangeneral viewsentrance square view

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entrance street secti on

arrival street secti on

square secti on

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+90.00 fl oor

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+87.00 fl oor+90.00 fl oor+93.50 fl oor

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collaborati on sant jaume apostol street urbanizati on . 2008-2009 barcelonaThe project involves the urbanization of the three stretches which shape Sant Jaume Apòstol Street, lo-cated in the district of Sarria-Sant Gervasi. Located at the mountainside of Collserola, the three stretches have a great level to save which prevents the road traffic. The main objective has been to allow the con-nection of the three stretches, improving the quality of urban space via some steps that are as uniform and comfortable as possible. In addition, other objectives have been addressed: to provide the street with a sewerage which was nonexistent at f irst, to bury all uti l it ies which were air at f irst, to provide the public street with l ighting and place it within the stretches which need it, and to provide access to existing farms.

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collaborati on can saladrigas factory rehabilitati on in cultural container . 2005-2007 barcelonathe new container concentrates all its efforts on maintaining the shape and appearance of the building, posing minimum interventions to improve relations with common spaces of the various services. it concentrates all external action in the annexes to the manor of elderly people and on the north facade. access is down the Joncar street. the large outdoor space that is generated around the street at this point, is significant enough to generate the building’s entrance door. after the bulk of the facade, there is a large space that serves as the main hall. from here you access to both the library and the conference room, to the upper lobby of industrial culture centre. in the facades, initial architectural voids and cornices, jambs, sills and trim are recovered, making a cleaning work treatment with projectors, to ensure their conservation.

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ground fl oor

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longitudinal secti on

1st fl oor

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entrance elevati ontransversal secti on

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lift elevati on

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collaborati on “servicio estación” building rehabilitati on . 2005-2007 barcelonait deals with a complex project, which covers the reform and the regulatory compliance of the “servicio estación” building (propiety of commercial society called “servicio estación” sa domiciled in barcelona, aragon street no. 272), designed in the 60s by the municipal architect from barcelona, soteras . furthermore, it will be structurally reinforced, escalators will be placed, the public areas which were not used at first will be renovated. this project has been addressed in several phases. one of the aims has been to return to the building the structural clarity and the original composition, providing everything you need within to achieve the objectives, and to facilitate the transit of customers. It has been an exercise to clear rather than built, it has been to put in order all the standards with some color.

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