POLICE SEEKING Wife Sold Pound · 2017. 12. 14. · well program car-ried nice 1 4 i 4 Time...

THE WASHINGTON TllIES THURSDAY OCTOBER 5 1905 I Boston Authorities Hot on the Trail LITTLER PR 0 G RE S S MADE Suit Case Mystery Though Being Probed Is No Nearer a Solution BOSTOX Oct 5Captain Shaw of the State police force and the men un der him are scouring the city and its outskirts for a physician who has been missing from his two offices in this cify fpr the last two weeks This man Is believed to be the one who cut up the both of the unidentified young woman whose torso was found In a dress suit case off the WInthrop Yacht Club two wtrtrKs ago evidence against the missing man Is not of such a it is said that the could without further Investigation In the event of his arrest expect to look for his conviction of malpracUce yet the au thorities say that it is up to this man to make explanations Hazcn ou the Case ExChief AVllliam P Hazen of th United States Secret Service Bureau who is in this city investigating the dress suit case mystery has spoken to the police authorities about the same men and they have assured him that a most careful investigation is being made as to this missing physician In connection with the case Certainly there Is suspicion enough to entitle the police authorities to take the man want- ed to the state house and apply the third degree In his case This physician conducts one office In Tremont street not far from the Hotel Topraze and another about six blocks away Chief Hazen has visited the offices by the man wanted and at both places the attendants said that they seen the doctor for nearly two weeks There was a conference held at the house this morning by Chief Shaw Deputy Chief Neal and State Detectives Smith and Rhoadcs It was decide to send for the pawnbrokers who had teen man who bought the two dress uit It was also decided to send for M F Kcnney the bill collector who has told that the pawnbrokers assured him that they Identified a photograph shown to them by Kenney as that of the bought the two dress suit cases The pawnbrokers were first ex amIned Pawnbrokers Probed They said that they remembered Ken- ney coming to their respective places but they denied having made a positive ridehtincation of the picture shown to them Kenney was next called In lie Chief Shaw and the other police of- ficials that ho had shown the picture to Pawnbrokers Berkman and Rubin and while neither of them had declared pos- itively that this was the picture of the man who did buy the dress that they were certain that the picture bore a strong resemblanqe to the man In question Then the pawn- brokers were confronted wltfu Jvenney and the statement given by Kenney In the presence of a stenographer was read to the pawnbrokers Chief then dismissed Kenney from the conference room and ally talked with the pawnbrokers It is said that they that while they would swear that ths was the picture of tho man wanted that they believed It looked like the man Chief Shaw then told the pawnbrokers to return to their shops and under no circumstances make nny statements for publication Chief Shaw would not comment on the the Interviews he had but it Is known that he has not dismissed the case but that on the contrary he is still working along these lines There have been several inquiries made for missing girls Descriptions have been furnished of persons arid In most Instances positive marks of Identification have furnlsed to the authorities The police today conferred again with Dr William Whitney curator of the Anatomical Museum of tho Harvard Medical School in whose possession is the torso of the dress suit case victim Dr Whitney again said that there were bsolutely no marks on the torso by which a positive identification could be made The are still In hopes that the missing head may be recovered PAT CROWE 18 LYING DECLARES CUDAHYSR Fugitives Story of Plot With Packers Son Refuted by Kidnapers Own OaCAHA Oct A Cudahy gave out the following signed statement The alleged statement of Crowe that my son was a party to the kidnaping plot Is so absurd particularly In the light or his previous statements that I can hardly believe that he made it It certainly Is untrue Said He Alone Did It For several years I have made no effort toward securing the driest of Crowe although having had two let- ters sent to me signed by him admit- ting that he alone was guilty of the kidnaping of my son and begging stating that he wanted to start life anew In one of these letters he says I am of the Cudahy affair I am to blame for tho whole crime Leaves Case to Court- I have felt In duty bound to retrain from agreeing not to prosecute him that this was a matter entirely within the province of the State au thorities Sheriff Power today received a from Pat Crowe himself in which Crowe asks the sheriff to go to Montana to bring him to Omaha Crowe says that he will not try to avoid extradition in case the after him MARINE BAND CONCERT AT MARINE BARRACKS The Marine Band at the Marino Bar racks will give the following program Overture William Tell Rossini Religiose Last Dream of tho Vir Massenet Cornet solo song In His Steps Friedman Musician Edw B Llewellyn Selection Carmen Bizet Scenes 7from The Fortune Teller jf Herbert Descriptive Fantasia Way Down Suanee River Mlddleton The StarScancled Banner SEEKING MISSING DOCTOR th onewho r Handwriting 5Edward today nC guilt March Yankee GrltlIolzman u lithe J POLICE char- acter certain con- ducted r kite cases Mold suit- case otn be- lieving tele- gram ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > cAMERiCAN TO CALCUTTA WHO SHOCKED STATE D APARTMENT CONSUL > STANLEY STONER Missouri Man Turned Up in Paris Months After He Was Supposed to Be Located in India Fall Trotting Meeting nishes Fine Sport THE BISHOPS GOOD WORK Won the 222 Straight Heats to L J K in- 220 Pace Fine sport was the order of the second days racing of the fall the Brightwood Driving Club yesterday af- ternoon Several hUdred followers of trotting horses were present to witness the races and so was the out that all were satisfied at the days racing Six in 222 Trot The first race of tho day was the 222 trot which enlisted six entries with Sir Electroid the only Washington horse in the The Bishop won easily with VriiUe second and Lady Thistle third The 220 pace went to L J K Little Penn was second with Roan Hal third S D R took the 21C trot with Gen eral Kuser second and Silver Socks third The summaries 220 pace purse 3SO A The Bishop h g by Mambrlno King 1 Sir Electroid b g Thomas 2 1 3 4- W J White b g Jamison 4 Jack B br g Baker Lady Thistle b m Finney Cloudless hilt m Fleming C dis Time 221Vi 221 220 pace purse L J K b g by Sidney Prince Reaves 1 1 1- Tlttle Penn b m Finney T 2 3 5 Hal r g Fleming 7 2 3 Flinch b h Brawl 6 C 2 Noble Boy sr g Dorsey 3 4 4 Lot r g Morrow 457 Ella P c m Rabbitt Time 220i 21314 220- 21C trot purse WOO- S D R br g by Lee Cayler Brawley 1 11 General Kuser blk g Miller 2 2 Silver Socks sr g Cannon b m Kohn 221 220 222 Starter Hutchinsons work was highly satisfactory John H Gheen Charles- E Hartung Henry Copperhite of Washington an4 Dr L T Dunn of Providence were the Judges ELECTRICAL WORKERS TO MOVE HEADQUARTERS- The headquarters of the Internation- al Brotherhood of Electrical Workers will be moved from this city to a more central location probably Indianapo- lis Ind or In the near future A referendum vote Is now being taken among the locals of the organization- to decide tho location but It will be at least thirty days before the full vote will have been taken The new board of officers who will be installed on December 1 will be If J McNulty president P J Collins secretary F vice of the first in which Washington is located J J Reid of Erie Pa CAPT TAGGART ON DUTY WANTS CANTEEN RESTORED Ohio Oct C Capt E F Taggart whose divorce case was re- cently in Wooater Ohio reported- at the barracks here for duty He declined to talk of the divorce Captain TaRgart took charge C Infantry i favor the reestablishment of the army can teen he said If whisky was taken from the army It would be heaven You miss one pleasures of the table unless you have the crisp dainty for breakfast brain and nerves well nourished all day BRIGHTWOOO RAGES DREW LARGE CROWD Fur EventThree meeting or 1 f 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 5 5 3 221 300 eo eo oan 5 j 6 4 3 3 2 3 2 J 7 II 1- l well program car- ried nice 1 4 i 4 Time district proceed- ings of the Urape Nuts ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = KEEPING SOMETHING see M Witte was seasick aboard the Mayflower and had to be put ashore was a wise precaution- He didnt want to give up that indemni- ty yet Yonkers Statesman ChurchI GothamThat ¬ Stanley Stoner Preferred to Remain in Paris BRESIDENT IS SURPRISED State Department in Ignorance That Former Incumbent Was Drawing Salary surprised 4o that Stanley Stoner j was appointed from March S to be consul general at cotta Is riot ocfiujiyins that post but that hois in iParls j It was equally surpr c il to fcrow that Robert P Patterson K was sup- posed had been succeeded at the post y Mr Stoner was still Jn office and that he Iras bftcii drawing iiis salary regularly This goes lo show that the office hours of the consuls not watched closely by the department hoc Per nearly j eight months have been going on at Calcutta as they wem before Stpners appointment although the department- was flattering itself that it had fixed them to its satisfaction The news came In a letter from Stoner dated Paris In he said that he would be unable to accept the appointment because of the ill health of his wife He suggested that he might be persuaded to take a place In the diplomatic service instead President Roosevelt has not yet recov- ered from his surprise sufficiently to what to do GOT HER BY MISTAKE Ponsonby has a charming wife Yes and he got her by mistake How was that He was trying to to the younger sister but hes so crosseyed that the older sister thouht he was at her and promptly accepted him Cleveland Plain GALCUTT A CONSUL NEVER TOOK POST J ofFact The State was greatly learn who Call I i t I which i Deparmoat l who i are things de- cide ¬ > ¬ ¬ POLLUTED CITY RESERVOIRS Their Danger to the Health of Perrjuna tHe Only the and Means to Protect the Consumer of Germ Laden Drinking Water Safe Means to Protect the Human System Against the Invasion of Microscopic Enemies drinking water such aa Therp Is only one real safe way to from reservoirs wells j protect the body against the Invasion of taminated with organic materials j everywhere The atmosphere Is full of bacteria A catarrhal condition of theVmucous bacilli and socalled disease Kcrrn membranes makes It very easyifor the water that hus been exposed to tne at j er they are taken Into the lungs with mosphere any length of time the air or into the stomach with the 7 With the most drinking water and food CONTAMINATION scrupulous care A membrane affected by catarrh has Ig some contamination numerous small ul r Is Inevitable but cers or sores which INEVITABLE m some cities the allow the germs to M v vxv x xv x most gross care enter the blood lessness is common Contagious and en CATARRH The reservoirs containing the supply diseases are of water for the city are located in un the result wholesome districts the drainage from Peruna protects the system against the thfe surrounding country is filthy and effects of Impure drinking water and everything tends to make the water im impure air by enabling the body to toot Itself against the encroachments of Again and the disease germs have called public attention to the During the autumn season when im animal life found In drinking pure drinking water is more common water than at any other time of the year ev Some cities are attempting to better eryone should be fortified against con things through use of filtering taglous and infec r v plants and other expedients tious diseases by PROTECTION But whatever taking a course of may be done every Peruna which will IN 15 person who drinks put the mucous PERUNA S water Is more o r membranes right i w x x less exposed to the and make it impossible for the germs to vx xx germs that are cap do damage- able of doing damage In the human sys Nobody Is safe Everybody is exposed tern i Protection may In Peruna The Knabe Piano The Knabe Angelus The Emerson Piano The Smith Barnes Piano The Laffarque Piano The Heller Piano Make Up Your Mind About That Piano THE stock of Pianos shown here anticipates every wants in this line Of course our principal are the Knabe Pianos and the self Knabe Angelus of mechanical con- struction but we also handle other leading pianos pianos that we back by the strongest of guarantees Three Bargains in Grand Pianos 650 4OO 45O For a Splendid For a Steinway For a Weber rCnnbe Grand Parlor Grand Baby Grand Of course these instruments have been used but theyre in perfect condition now Consult us about Wfti KNABE a CO 121820 F Street CommunityWays ORDINARY Is more or less con microscopic enemies that us I which become mingled with the drlnkl disease to the bloodr heth DANGER I I pure I I EVERYBODY EXPOSED I I I I I them- e I Found e r r FK y surround enter w v 9 r < < < > > < < < > > > > > ¬ < < Pretty Brooklyn Wife Sold at 2 a Pound Weighs 95 and Was Given to Another Man by Husband for Ratifies Sale in f 200Court DismissingSuit NEW YORK Oct 5 Justice Dickey m the supreme court at Brooklyn vir- tuillly ratified the sale of a wife to the of counsel In a suit brought by tne husband Tho price which the husband having ton for a release of all his claims amounts to a trifle over 2 a pound for the pretty woman who was the subject the deal is less than five feet tall and weighs about ninetyfive pounds The disclosure of the deal caused the sudden termination a suit for fo 0 as Justice Dickey threw out of court the action by which Edwin R Tucker sought to recover for the al itged his wire through the au o oss ac- cording contention ac- knowledged b lurement of Eugene B Dudley an aged and vgalthy bachelor Lawyer Charles J McDermott coun sol while crossfcxaminlng Tucker elicited acknowledgment of having JOO and signed an that for the consideration named he relinquished nil claims upon his wifes affections nnd to any rewards that might grow qut of the suit she had brought for separation alimony The phrase from this and other suits past or f ture Vas construed by Justice Bickey as non suiting the roan who wanted Mr Dud ley to pay 75000 for jijle ed supplant- ing In the affections or the little wo man his agreement M ln t aviceptcd anti any > ¬ ¬ ¬ Blffii FORTUNE Thirty Thousand Dollars Left to Him Distributed to Many De serving Colleges NEW HAVEN Conr Oct J Bryans account of his division of 30COO left to him by the date Phlio S Bennett for distribution among schools and colleges was filed in court here to clay Mr Bryan says he made up a shortage In the funds caused by pay- ment of taxes by adding to It his own fees as executor colleges each received Various institutions established In the interest of needy students received some funds Many colleges for girls were given GENTLE COMMENT- You 166k though you mode your own dresses declares the woman with the haughty nose Do I asks the woman with the belligerent eyes Well you look as though vou didnt wear your jtwn dresses Brooklyn Citizen BRYAN OISTRiBUTES t 5W Twcnt fi tOO t its ¬ The Long Reach of Little Money In Our Boys Clothing Department While weve Boys Suits and Overcoats for as much as 1200 and 1500 still our greatest strength is placed upon our lines at modest prices If you are considerably concerned about your boyTs apparel and what parent is not then youll find it PT decidedly to your advantage to get his clothes al the j IX Saks store where assortments are by far the teat sb and prices by far the lowest For the rather Y extraordinary low prices of 295 345 and 395 t J we can show you suits that will actually surprise J equals of which it is a matter of rf to find anywhere else for the same money TWO PAIRS OF PANTS WITH OUR BOYS 295 SUITS In doublebreasted jacket and Norfolk styles made of stylish serviceable light and dark fancy mixtures aslbfltac curately and tailored so as to render excellent SIzes T to 16 Very extraordinary value at T r f IL J- n M THE SAKS SPECIAirA BOYS SUIT A merit are TAPED t SEAMS SILK V VRis UBLE KNEE LINED FRONTS PATEN V V Si AJcr AND BUTTONS These Suits are mlide eriniiy r- are a number of patterns from which 3 7 Jacket Is fashioned In the latest U u i i Txi Sizes 7 to 17 years 7 TWO PAIRS OF PANTS WITH Obi JuVS 133 3 threeinone style Doublebreasted coat vac JfIt eiti t worn as a plain doublebreasted Jacket or as a KvrteV One in the regulation cut the other In knlckerborio tyfc with strap and buckle for ages 7 to 17 years good tel ue at Its points of AND m n JL- tA I Uf Boys Knee Trousers SOc Made of serviceable fancy cheviot small ends of highgrade fabrics of rv of corduroy For this reason we are able 1 11 n to them at so small a price Well f tailored patent waistbands and buttons Sizes 4 to 1 years worth Long Pants Suits 97 Penn Avenue aks Made of fancy cheviots and in a manner that Insures splendid vice possessed of all those little style Innovations that the particular youth demands Weve never offered such good suits for so little i Seventh Street BUSY BS Bakers Bartenders Bookkeepers Were offered positions by Help Wanted Advertisers in The Times last week you can bake carve the meat mix the treat add well j you may find employment every d y i We accept Want Ads for The Washington Times at regular office rates Veitshs Pharmacy J Cor 20th and M Sts NW 1 Eyesight specialist to holloing 708 13th St Fourteen of practical ex perience in the theory and optics Examinations without extra charge Six Serial Stories One Complete Novel Fourteen Short Stories 10 CENTS TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS is what find in issue of THE ALL STORY MAGA 1 ZINR It means that you can take your pick of any kind of literature that suits THE MYSTERY a complete novel is one of the strangest its originality and calculated to create a good of discussion There are no tiresome introductions to the stories in this magazine They excite your interest in the very begin- ning and hold it until the end It is the kind of a story magazine you and everybody else is looking for OUT TODAY ALL NEWSDEALERS r I est you and the impos- sibility 95 cut l M o rUT BEER p > f j V t p 3 I a alSO serI 9 7S There taped seams Ulnmpaxqj I Butchers II I THAT you I I I i youI- f S RIVERSIDE f th 1 through The Times Wants stories e qUite SLaL uu m I 1Uld I 1 InlW i I Located my paw years t 1 I p I r I f f 1 3 R so r service c SEAT t 0 t s o z 1 r vr y r a o od cassimeres 111 l decade r ea DEAN s a > > < ± > > ¬ < > < +

Transcript of POLICE SEEKING Wife Sold Pound · 2017. 12. 14. · well program car-ried nice 1 4 i 4 Time...

Page 1: POLICE SEEKING Wife Sold Pound · 2017. 12. 14. · well program car-ried nice 1 4 i 4 Time district proceed-ings of the ... Ponsonby has a charming wife Yes and he got her by mistake



Boston Authorities Hot onthe Trail


Suit Case Mystery Though BeingProbed Is No Nearer a


BOSTOX Oct 5Captain Shaw ofthe State police force and the men under him are scouring the city and itsoutskirts for a physician who has beenmissing from his two offices in this cifyfpr the last two weeks This man Isbelieved to be the one who cut up theboth of the unidentified young womanwhose torso was found In a dress suitcase off the WInthrop Yacht Club twowtrtrKs ago

evidence against the missingman Is not of such a

it is said that the couldwithout further Investigation In theevent of his arrest expect to look forhis conviction of malpracUce yet the authorities say that it is up to this manto make explanations

Hazcn ou the CaseExChief AVllliam P Hazen of th

United States Secret Service Bureauwho is in this city investigatingthe dress suit case mystery has spokento the police authorities about the samemen and they have assured him that amost careful investigation is beingmade as to this missing physician Inconnection with the case Certainlythere Is suspicion enough to entitle thepolice authorities to take the man want-ed to the state house and apply thethird degree In his case This physicianconducts one office In Tremont streetnot far from the Hotel Topraze andanother about six blocks away

Chief Hazen has visited the officesby the man wanted and at both

places the attendants said that theyseen the doctor for nearly two

weeksThere was a conference held at the

house this morning by Chief ShawDeputy Chief Neal and State DetectivesSmith and Rhoadcs It was decideto send for the pawnbrokers who hadteen man who bought the two dressuit It was also decided to send

for M F Kcnney the bill collector whohas told that the pawnbrokers assuredhim that they Identified a photographshown to them by Kenney as that ofthe bought the two dress suitcases The pawnbrokers were first examIned

Pawnbrokers ProbedThey said that they remembered Ken-

ney coming to their respective placesbut they denied having made a positiveridehtincation of the picture shown tothem Kenney was next called In lie

Chief Shaw and the other police of-ficials that ho had shown the picture toPawnbrokers Berkman and Rubin andwhile neither of them had declared pos-itively that this was the picture ofthe man who did buy the dress

that they were certain that thepicture bore a strong resemblanqe tothe man In question Then the pawn-

brokers were confronted wltfu Jvenneyand the statement given by Kenney Inthe presence of a stenographer was read

to the pawnbrokersChief then dismissed Kenney

from the conference room andally talked with the pawnbrokers It issaid that they that while theywould swear that ths was the pictureof tho man wanted that they believedIt looked like the man Chief Shawthen told the pawnbrokers to return totheir shops and under no circumstancesmake nny statements for publicationChief Shaw would not comment on thethe Interviews he had but it Is knownthat he has not dismissed the casebut that on the contrary he is stillworking along these lines

There have been several inquiriesmade for missing girls Descriptionshave been furnished of personsarid In most Instances positive marks ofIdentification have furnlsed to theauthorities

The police today conferred again withDr William Whitney curator of theAnatomical Museum of tho HarvardMedical School in whose possession isthe torso of the dress suit case victimDr Whitney again said that there werebsolutely no marks on the torso bywhich a positive identification couldbe made The are still In hopesthat the missing head may be recovered



Fugitives Story of Plot With PackersSon Refuted by Kidnapers


OaCAHA Oct A Cudahygave out the following signed

statementThe alleged statement of Crowe that

my son was a party to the kidnapingplot Is so absurd particularly In thelight or his previous statements that Ican hardly believe that he made itIt certainly Is untrue

Said He Alone Did ItFor several years I have made no

effort toward securing the driest ofCrowe although having had two let-ters sent to me signed by him admit-ting that he alone was guilty of thekidnaping of my son and begging

stating that he wanted tostart life anewIn one of these letters he says Iam of the Cudahy affair I am to

blame for tho whole crimeLeaves Case to Court-

I have felt In duty bound to retrainfrom agreeing not to prosecute him

that this was a matter entirelywithin the province of the State authorities

Sheriff Power today received afrom Pat Crowe himself in which

Crowe asks the sheriff to go to Montanato bring him to Omaha Crowe saysthat he will not try to avoid extraditionin case the after him


The Marine Band at the Marino Barracks will give the following program

Overture William Tell RossiniReligiose Last Dream of tho Vir

MassenetCornet solo song In His Steps

FriedmanMusician Edw B Llewellyn

Selection Carmen BizetScenes 7from The Fortune Teller

jf HerbertDescriptive Fantasia Way Down

Suanee River MlddletonThe StarScancled Banner










March Yankee GrltlIolzmanu







r kite























STANLEY STONERMissouri Man Turned Up in Paris Months After He Was Supposed to Be

Located in India

Fall Trotting Meetingnishes Fine Sport


Won the 222 StraightHeats to L J K in-

220 Pace

Fine sport was the order of the seconddays racing of the fall theBrightwood Driving Club yesterday af-ternoon

Several hUdred followers of trottinghorses were present to witness theraces and so was the

out that all were satisfied at thedays racingSix in 222 Trot

The first race of tho day was the 222trot which enlisted six entries with SirElectroid the only Washington horse inthe The Bishop won easily withVriiUe second and Lady Thistle third

The 220 pace went to L J K LittlePenn was second with Roan Hal third

S D R took the 21C trot with General Kuser second and Silver Socksthird

The summaries220 pace purse 3SO A

The Bishop h g by MambrlnoKing 1Sir Electroid b g Thomas 2 1 3 4-

W J White b g Jamison 4Jack B br g BakerLady Thistle b m FinneyCloudless hilt m Fleming C dis

Time 221Vi 221220 pace purse

L J K b g by Sidney PrinceReaves 1 1 1-

Tlttle Penn b m Finney T 2 3 5Hal r g Fleming 7 2 3

Flinch b h Brawl 6 C 2Noble Boy sr g Dorsey 3 4 4

Lot r g Morrow 457Ella P c m RabbittTime 220i 21314 220-21C trot purse WOO-

S D R br g by Lee CaylerBrawley 1 11

General Kuser blk g Miller 2 2Silver Socks sr g Cannon

b m Kohn221 220 222

Starter Hutchinsons work was highlysatisfactory John H Gheen Charles-E Hartung Henry Copperhite ofWashington an4 Dr L T Dunn ofProvidence were the Judges


The headquarters of the Internation-al Brotherhood of Electrical Workerswill be moved from this city to a morecentral location probably Indianapo-lis Ind or In the nearfuture

A referendum vote Is now being takenamong the locals of the organization-to decide tho location but It willbe at least thirty days before the fullvote will have been taken

The new board of officers who willbe installed on December 1 will be IfJ McNulty president P J Collinssecretary Fvice of the first inwhich Washington is located J J Reidof Erie Pa



Ohio Oct C Capt EF Taggart whose divorce case was re-cently in Wooater Ohio reported-at the barracks here for duty Hedeclined to talk of the divorce

Captain TaRgart took chargeC Infantry i favor

the reestablishment of the army canteen he said If whisky was takenfrom the army It would be heaven

You miss onepleasures of thetable unless you havethe crisp dainty

for breakfast

brain and nerves wellnourished all day





meeting or

1 f2 2 2

3 3 56 5 5 3


eo eo


5 j 6

43 3 23 2



II 1-


well program car-ried








of the

Urape Nuts











KEEPING SOMETHINGsee M Witte was seasick

aboard the Mayflower and had to be putashore

was a wise precaution-He didnt want to give up that indemni-ty yet Yonkers Statesman



Stanley Stoner Preferred toRemain in Paris


State Department in Ignorance

That Former Incumbent WasDrawing Salary

surprised 4o that Stanley Stoner j

was appointed fromMarch S to be consul general atcotta Is riot ocfiujiyins that post butthat hois in iParls j

It was equally surpr c il to fcrow thatRobert P Patterson K was sup-

posed had been succeeded at the posty Mr Stoner was still Jn office and

that he Iras bftcii drawing iiis salaryregularly

This goes lo show that the office hoursof the consuls not watched closelyby the department hoc Per nearly j

eight months have been going onat Calcutta as they wem before Stpnersappointment although the department-was flattering itself that it had fixedthem to its satisfaction

The news came In a letter fromStoner dated Paris In he saidthat he would be unable to accept theappointment because of the ill health ofhis wife He suggested that he mightbe persuaded to take a place In thediplomatic service instead

President Roosevelt has not yet recov-

ered from his surprise sufficiently towhat to do

GOT HER BY MISTAKEPonsonby has a charming wifeYes and he got her by mistakeHow was thatHe was trying to to the

younger sister but hes so crosseyedthat the older sister thouht he was

at her and promptly acceptedhim Cleveland Plain





The State was greatlylearn

who Call









who i










Their Danger to the Health of Perrjuna tHe Onlythe and

Means to Protect theConsumer of Germ

Laden DrinkingWater

Safe Means to Protect theHuman System Against

the Invasion ofMicroscopic


drinking water such aa Therp Is only one real safe way tofrom reservoirs wells j protect the body against the Invasion of

taminated with organic materials j everywhereThe atmosphere Is full of bacteria A catarrhal condition of theVmucous

bacilli and socalled disease Kcrrn membranes makes It very easyifor thewater that hus been exposed to tne at j er they are taken Into the lungs withmosphere any length of time the air or into the stomach with the

7 With the most drinking water and foodCONTAMINATION scrupulous care A membrane affected by catarrh has

Ig some contamination numerous small ul rIs Inevitable but cers or sores whichINEVITABLE m some cities the allow the germs to Mv vxv x xv x most gross care enter the bloodlessness is common Contagious and en CATARRH

The reservoirs containing the supply diseases areof water for the city are located in un the resultwholesome districts the drainage from Peruna protects the system against thethfe surrounding country is filthy and effects of Impure drinking water andeverything tends to make the water im impure air by enabling the body to

toot Itself against the encroachments ofAgain and the disease germshave called public attention to the During the autumn season when imanimal life found In drinking pure drinking water is more commonwater than at any other time of the year evSome cities are attempting to better eryone should be fortified against conthings through use of filtering taglous and infec r vplants and other expedients tious diseases by PROTECTIONBut whatever taking a course ofmay be done every Peruna which will I N

15 person who drinks put the mucous PERUNAS water Is more o r membranes right i w x xless exposed to the and make it impossible for the germs tovx xx germs that are cap do damage-

able of doing damage In the human sys Nobody Is safe Everybody is exposedtern i Protection may In Peruna

The Knabe PianoThe Knabe Angelus

The Emerson PianoThe Smith Barnes PianoThe Laffarque Piano

The Heller Piano

Make Up YourMind AboutThat Piano

THEstock of Pianos shown here anticipates every

wants in this line Of course our principalare the Knabe Pianos and the self

Knabe Angelus of mechanical con-struction but we also handle other leading pianos

pianos that we back by the strongest of guarantees

Three Bargains inGrand Pianos

650 4OO 45OFor a Splendid For a Steinway For a WeberrCnnbe Grand Parlor Grand Baby Grand

Of course these instruments have been used buttheyre in perfect condition now Consult us about

Wfti KNABE a CO121820 F Street


ORDINARYIs more or less con microscopic enemies that us

Iwhich become mingled with the drlnkl disease to the bloodr heth

















rFK y


enter w

v 9


< <



< <

> >

> > >




Pretty Brooklyn WifeSold at 2 a Pound

Weighs 95 and Was Given to Another Manby Husband for Ratifies

Sale in



NEW YORK Oct 5 Justice Dickeym the supreme court at Brooklyn vir-tuillly ratified the sale of a wife

to the of counsel Ina suit brought by tne husband

Tho price which the husbandhaving ton for a release

of all his claims amounts to a trifleover 2 a pound for the pretty womanwho was the subject the deal isless than five feet tall and weighsabout ninetyfive pounds

The disclosure of the deal caused thesudden termination a suit for fo0 as Justice Dickey threw out ofcourt the action by which Edwin RTucker sought to recover for the alitged his wire through the au



ac-cording contention



lurement of Eugene B Dudley anaged and vgalthy bachelor

Lawyer Charles J McDermott counsol while crossfcxaminlng Tuckerelicited acknowledgment of having

JOO and signed anthat for the consideration named herelinquished nil claims upon his wifesaffections nnd to any rewards thatmight grow qut of the suit she hadbrought for separation alimony

The phrase from this andother suits past or f ture Vas

construed by Justice Bickey as nonsuiting the roan who wanted Mr Dudley to pay 75000 for jijle ed supplant-ing In the affections or the little woman


M ln



antiany >





Thirty Thousand Dollars Left to HimDistributed to Many De

serving Colleges

NEW HAVEN Conr Oct JBryans account of his division of

30COO left to him by the date Phlio SBennett for distribution among schoolsand colleges was filed in court here toclay Mr Bryan says he made up ashortage In the funds caused by pay-ment of taxes by adding to It his ownfees as executor collegeseach received

Various institutions established In theinterest of needy students receivedsome funds Many colleges for girlswere given


You 166k though you mode yourown dresses declares the woman withthe haughty nose

Do I asks the woman with thebelligerent eyes Well you look asthough vou didnt wear your jtwndresses Brooklyn Citizen




Twcnt fitOO




The Long Reach of Little Money

In Our Boys Clothing DepartmentWhile weve Boys Suits and Overcoats for as

much as 1200 and 1500 still our greateststrength is placed upon our lines at modest pricesIf you are considerably concerned about your boyTsapparel and what parent is not then youll find it

PT decidedly to your advantage to get his clothes al thej IX Saks store where assortments are by far the teat

sb and prices by far the lowest For the ratherY extraordinary low prices of 295 345 and 395

tJ we can show you suits that will actually surprise

J equals of which it is a matter of

rf to find anywhere else for the same moneyTWO PAIRS OF PANTS WITH OUR BOYS 295 SUITS

In doublebreasted jacket and Norfolk styles made of stylishserviceable light and dark fancy mixtures aslbfltaccurately and tailored so as to render excellent SIzes Tto 16 Very extraordinary value at T r

fIL J-nM


are a number of patterns from which 3 7Jacket Is fashioned In the latest U u i i TxiSizes 7 to 17 years 7

TWO PAIRS OF PANTS WITH Obi JuVS 133 3threeinone style Doublebreasted coat vac JfIt eiti tworn as a plain doublebreasted Jacket or as a KvrteVOne in the regulation cut the other In knlckerborio tyfcwith strap and buckle for ages 7 to 17 years good telue at

Its points ofAND


n JL-

tAI Uf

Boys Knee Trousers SOcMade of serviceable fancy cheviotsmall ends of highgrade fabrics of rv

of corduroy For this reason we are able 1 1 1 nto them at so small a price Well ftailored patent waistbands and buttons

Sizes 4 to 1 years worth

Long Pants Suits 97

PennAvenue aks

Made of fancy cheviots andin a manner that Insures splendidvice possessed of all those littlestyle Innovations that the particularyouth demands Weve never offeredsuch good suits for so little i






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Six Serial StoriesOne Complete Novel

Fourteen Short Stories




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a complete novel is one of the strangest

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I Butchers



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Located my paw





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