Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily...

Point Estimation

Transcript of Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily...

Page 1: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Example (a variant of Problem 62, Ch5)Manufacture of a certain component requires three differentmaching operations. The total time for manufacturing one suchcomponent is known to have a normal distribution. However, themean µ and variance σ2 for the normal distribution are unknown.If we did an experiment in which we manufactured 10 componentsand record the operation time, and the sample time is given as


1 2 3 4 5time 63.8 60.5 65.3 65.7 61.9

6 7 8 9 10time 68.2 68.1 64.8 65.8 65.4

What can we say about the population mean µ and populationvariance σ2?

Page 2: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Example (a variant of Problem 62, Ch5)Manufacture of a certain component requires three differentmaching operations. The total time for manufacturing one suchcomponent is known to have a normal distribution. However, themean µ and variance σ2 for the normal distribution are unknown.If we did an experiment in which we manufactured 10 componentsand record the operation time, and the sample time is given as


1 2 3 4 5time 63.8 60.5 65.3 65.7 61.9

6 7 8 9 10time 68.2 68.1 64.8 65.8 65.4

What can we say about the population mean µ and populationvariance σ2?

Page 3: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Example (a variant of Problem 64, Ch5)Suppose the waiting time for a certain bus in the morning isuniformly distributed on [0, θ], where θ is unknown. If we record 10waiting times as follwos:

1 2 3 4 5time 7.6 1.8 4.8 3.9 7.1

6 7 8 9 10time 6.1 3.6 0.1 6.5 3.5

What can we say about the parameter θ?

Page 4: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Example (a variant of Problem 64, Ch5)Suppose the waiting time for a certain bus in the morning isuniformly distributed on [0, θ], where θ is unknown. If we record 10waiting times as follwos:

1 2 3 4 5time 7.6 1.8 4.8 3.9 7.1

6 7 8 9 10time 6.1 3.6 0.1 6.5 3.5

What can we say about the parameter θ?

Page 5: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimate of a parameter θ is a single number that can beregarded as a sensible value for θ. A point estimate is obtained byselecting a suitable statistic and computing its value from thegiven sample data. The selected statistic is called the pointestimator of θ.

e.g. X =∑10

i=1 Xi/10 is a point estimator for µ for the normaldistribution example.The largest sample data X10,10 is a point estimator for θ for theuniform distribution example.

Page 6: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimate of a parameter θ is a single number that can beregarded as a sensible value for θ. A point estimate is obtained byselecting a suitable statistic and computing its value from thegiven sample data. The selected statistic is called the pointestimator of θ.

e.g. X =∑10

i=1 Xi/10 is a point estimator for µ for the normaldistribution example.The largest sample data X10,10 is a point estimator for θ for theuniform distribution example.

Page 7: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimate of a parameter θ is a single number that can beregarded as a sensible value for θ. A point estimate is obtained byselecting a suitable statistic and computing its value from thegiven sample data. The selected statistic is called the pointestimator of θ.

e.g. X =∑10

i=1 Xi/10 is a point estimator for µ for the normaldistribution example.

The largest sample data X10,10 is a point estimator for θ for theuniform distribution example.

Page 8: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimate of a parameter θ is a single number that can beregarded as a sensible value for θ. A point estimate is obtained byselecting a suitable statistic and computing its value from thegiven sample data. The selected statistic is called the pointestimator of θ.

e.g. X =∑10

i=1 Xi/10 is a point estimator for µ for the normaldistribution example.The largest sample data X10,10 is a point estimator for θ for theuniform distribution example.

Page 9: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:unbiasedness,minimum variance,and mean square error.

Page 10: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?

There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:unbiasedness,minimum variance,and mean square error.

Page 11: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:

unbiasedness,minimum variance,and mean square error.

Page 12: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:unbiasedness,

minimum variance,and mean square error.

Page 13: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:unbiasedness,minimum variance,

and mean square error.

Page 14: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Problem: when there are more then one point estimator forparameter θ, which one of them should we use?There are a few criteria for us to select the best point estimator:unbiasedness,minimum variance,and mean square error.

Page 15: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimator θ̂ is said to be an unbiased estimator of θ ifE (θ̂) = θ for every possible value of θ. If θ̂ is not unbiased, thedifference E (θ̂)− θ is called the bias of θ̂.

Principle of Unbiased Estimation

When choosing among several different estimators of θ, select onethat is unbiased.

Page 16: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimator θ̂ is said to be an unbiased estimator of θ ifE (θ̂) = θ for every possible value of θ. If θ̂ is not unbiased, thedifference E (θ̂)− θ is called the bias of θ̂.

Principle of Unbiased Estimation

When choosing among several different estimators of θ, select onethat is unbiased.

Page 17: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionA point estimator θ̂ is said to be an unbiased estimator of θ ifE (θ̂) = θ for every possible value of θ. If θ̂ is not unbiased, thedifference E (θ̂)− θ is called the bias of θ̂.

Principle of Unbiased Estimation

When choosing among several different estimators of θ, select onethat is unbiased.

Page 18: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation


Let X1,X2, . . . ,Xn be a random sample from a distribution withmean µ and variance σ2. Then the estimators

µ̂ = X =

∑ni=1 Xi

nand σ̂2 = S2 =

∑ni=1(Xi − X )2

n − 1

are unbiased estimator of µ and σ2, respectively.

If in addition the distribution is continuous and symmetric, then X̃and any trimmed mean are also unbiased estimators of µ.

Page 19: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation


Let X1,X2, . . . ,Xn be a random sample from a distribution withmean µ and variance σ2. Then the estimators

µ̂ = X =

∑ni=1 Xi

nand σ̂2 = S2 =

∑ni=1(Xi − X )2

n − 1

are unbiased estimator of µ and σ2, respectively.

If in addition the distribution is continuous and symmetric, then X̃and any trimmed mean are also unbiased estimators of µ.

Page 20: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Principle of Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation

Among all estimators of θ that are unbiased, choose the one thathas minimum variance. The resulting θ̂ is called the minimumvariance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of θ.

TheoremLet X1,X2, . . . ,Xn be a random sample from a normal distributionwith mean µ and variance σ2. Then the estimator µ̂ = X is theMVUE for µ.

Page 21: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Principle of Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation

Among all estimators of θ that are unbiased, choose the one thathas minimum variance. The resulting θ̂ is called the minimumvariance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of θ.

TheoremLet X1,X2, . . . ,Xn be a random sample from a normal distributionwith mean µ and variance σ2. Then the estimator µ̂ = X is theMVUE for µ.

Page 22: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

Principle of Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation

Among all estimators of θ that are unbiased, choose the one thathas minimum variance. The resulting θ̂ is called the minimumvariance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of θ.

TheoremLet X1,X2, . . . ,Xn be a random sample from a normal distributionwith mean µ and variance σ2. Then the estimator µ̂ = X is theMVUE for µ.

Page 23: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionLet θ̂ be a point estimator of parameter θ. Then the quantityE [(θ̂ − θ)2] is called the mean square error (MSE) of θ̂.


MSE = E [(θ̂ − θ)2] = V (θ̂) + [E (θ̂)− θ]2

Page 24: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionLet θ̂ be a point estimator of parameter θ. Then the quantityE [(θ̂ − θ)2] is called the mean square error (MSE) of θ̂.


MSE = E [(θ̂ − θ)2] = V (θ̂) + [E (θ̂)− θ]2

Page 25: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionLet θ̂ be a point estimator of parameter θ. Then the quantityE [(θ̂ − θ)2] is called the mean square error (MSE) of θ̂.


MSE = E [(θ̂ − θ)2] = V (θ̂) + [E (θ̂)− θ]2

Page 26: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionThe standard error of an estimator θ̂ is its standard deviation



V (θ̂). If the standard error itself involves unknownparameters whose values can be estimated, substitution of theseestimates into σθ̂ yields the estimated standard error (estimatedstandard deviation) of the estimator. The estimated standard errorcan be denoted either by σ̂

θ̂or by s


Page 27: Point Estimation - University of Utah › ~lzhang › teaching › 3070spring2009 › Daily Up… · Point Estimation De nition A point estimate of a parameter is a single number

Point Estimation

DefinitionThe standard error of an estimator θ̂ is its standard deviation



V (θ̂). If the standard error itself involves unknownparameters whose values can be estimated, substitution of theseestimates into σθ̂ yields the estimated standard error (estimatedstandard deviation) of the estimator. The estimated standard errorcan be denoted either by σ̂

θ̂or by s
