PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Transcript of PM’s on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Visit to Iran for XVI NAM Summit


Transcript of Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran for the NAM Summit "I have to maintain the dignity of the office of the Prime Minister. I can’t get into a tu-tu main-main slanging match with other political leaders."

Transcript of PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Page 1: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Transcript of PM’s on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Visit to

Iran for XVI NAM Summit

Page 2: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Foreign Secretary briefed us about your excellent meeting with the Supreme Leader. Sir, he was very appreciative of India’s 2000 year old relationship with Iran. Would you like to elaborate on your meeting with the Supreme Leader whether he sought your intervention in resolving issues with any other country?

PM: There is no issue of India intervening to solve any problems in which Iran is involved. It was a philosophical discussion. The relations between our two countries which go back to centuries old ties of culture, civilization, language and religion; the continuing relevance of what India is trying to achieve - a country of composite culture trying to make a sense is of diversity of our people, to create a sense of unity amidst diversity. He was very appreciative of this.

Page 3: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Sir, har taraf se kafi kharab sanket aa rahe hai. Zee Network ne ek initiative shuru kiya hai, jiska nam hai Zee Positive. Aap Bharat ki growth ke liye kha 3 badi jeezen positive dekhte hai.

PM: Dekhiye aapko es baat ka pata hi hai ki duniya mai bahut bada aarthik sankat hai, es aarthik sankat ke hote huai bhi hamari economy 6.5% growth rate maintain kar rahi hai. Aur aaj ke es mushkil samay mai jabki America jaisa mulk bhi 2% ki baat nahi karte, Europe main 0% growth rate ki baat ho rahi hai. We should count our blessings. Even then it will be our effort to improve upon the growth performance of 6.5% by creating an environment conducive to growth of savings, domestic investment, fortunately our domestic savings and investment rates are still very high and if we improve the climate of investment in infrastructure sector, power, roads, ports and railways, telecommunication I am confident, we will be able to given a big push forward to our growth processes.

Page 4: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: President Zardari again invited you to Pakistan and you had accepted it and you said that you will visit at a suitable time and would like a substantial outcome of that visit? In your opinion, what would be the substantial outcome and a suitable time?

PM: Well, I am very keen to visit Pakistan and am very grateful to President Zardari for inviting me to visit that country, but I also mentioned to him that we have to create a proper atmosphere. There must be a general feeling that Pakistan is doing all that it could do to deal with terrorism directed against India from Pakistani soil, and in this context the court trial of those who have been charged with this heinous crime of Bombay massacre. I think this is a crucial test of Pakistan’s sincerity to bring the perpetrators of these horrible crimes to book. Now, on that point, President Zardari and Interior Minister Rehman Malik said they are doing all that is possible subject to the vagaries of the court process. I also said that there are issues like Sir Creek, which he himself had told me when he visited Delhi for going to Ajmer Sharif that these are ‘doables’. I said that let us push that process further and in the meanwhile Foreign Ministers of the two countries will be meeting and they can explore the possibilities what can be achieved to facilitate a purposeful visit of my tour to Pakistan.

Page 5: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: The Opposition has literally held the Parliament in hostage demanding your resignation, will you be resigning? If not, then do you plan to plan to break the log jam?

PM: Well, if I were resigning I wouldn’t have been here. I hope the Opposition will see sense. We are a parliamentary democracy. We have been elected by the people of India for a five-year term. I sincerely hope that the BJP will respect the verdict of the people and let the Government function. In a Parliamentary system, the majority has a right to rule. If the BJP feels that the majority cannot be trusted to govern the affairs of this country and they would like to run it their way that is a total negation of what the democratic politics is about. I sincerely hope and even now it is not too late that the BJP recognizes that there is too much at stake.

Page 6: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

PM: We all have an obligation, in Opposition as well as Government, both should work together to take this parliamentary democracy, of which we are genuinely proud of, in tackling the problems of our country. Our country faces with enormous problems- look at what is happening in North-East, attempts to divide communities, to create gap between North and South, what happened in some southern cities. Also terrorism remains a serious threat. In addition Naxalism is a growing menace. Our country has done well despite all these odds but we cannot assume that we can continue to make a mess of the processes of governance and yet the country will continue to grow, that we will continue to create jobs for the young people. Let us concentrate on essentials and let us wait till the next elections to test the fortunes of various political parties.

Page 7: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Are you giving any monetary assistance – economic bail out – to Mamta Banerjee. She is expecting some thing from you?

PM: We are very keen to help all State Governments which have financial problems and West Bengal is no exception to this rule. We have been discussing with Finance Minister and Chief Minister of West Bengal, the practical, pragmatic and viable ways and means of helping to tide over these difficulties.

Page 8: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: In your NAM address you touched two points – one was food security and another was the cyber terrorism. On food security, you said that you would look for international cooperation. What kind of international cooperation are you looking for? For cyber terrorism on our domestic front, we need more domestic legal framework because we are not having any comprehensive cyber policy in our country.PM: Well I agree. I have been asking my National Security Advisor to zero in on the gaps in evolving a viable policy to tackle the menace of cyber terrorism. As far as food security is concerned, we would like the world to cooperate more in increasing agricultural productivity, particularly in the countries of Africa where there is enormous scope for increasing agricultural production and our India-Africa Forum Summit seeks to use India’s capabilities to help them increase productivity whenever there is demand. At the same time, technology can be an important source of increasing food production and also in weather forecasting, developing early warning systems in case of floods or droughts. Biotechnology also has an important role to play. Nations of the world should cooperate with each other to make a success of biotechnology in increasing food production. In the 21st century, use of water is going to be the most important issue and a critical input in development processes. How do we economise use of water? How to use modern technologies for irrigation like sprinkler irrigation as against flow irrigation? Israel has come up with new methods. So there is a whole gamut of issues that the NAM countries may deliberate and cooperate and can enlarge their mandate. They can cooperate with other parts of the world on the issue of increasing food production.

Page 9: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Sir, in your second term as Prime Minister, you have been bogged down by many constraints, be it coalition politics, protests on the streets or be it the parliamentary deadlock over issues. Do you have any regrets. Could you tell us 5 things that you would have wanted to do but you have not been able to do till now?

PM: Well we would have certainly liked to lay the foundation of 9 percent growth rate but international events have not helped and also lack of cohesiveness in our domestic politics was also a factor. There have been, for example, difficulties in giving effect to Goods and Services Tax. The Goods and Services Tax, as has been agreed upon, can lead to increase the GDP of the country by 1-2%. It will streamline the tax system, minimize scope for evasion. But there are problems because we are not able to push through. Also I would very much have liked, that the opposition would give us a chance to work in a manner that the basic problems of India like poverty, hunger, disease can be tackled effectively. Unfortunately, from one crisis to the other, the BJP has chosen to disrupt Parliament. These are all diversionary tactics. One has 24 hrs at one’s disposal. If one is preoccupied all the time with handling these diversionary tactics, naturally it affects the ability and capacity of the government to attend to its more fundamental tasks , which I am always saying is to grapple with the mass poverty and ignorance and disease which still affect millions and millions of our citizens.

Page 10: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: My question is limited to NAM Summit. The few conservative media block repeatedly claimed that Iran is a rogue state with nuclear capabilities. Do you see NAM Summit as a slap? If not, why not?

PM: NAM Summit is not meant to be a slap to any one country. NAM has a set agenda. This was the 16th Summit. Iran has been chosen as the Chairperson. Therefore it is only appropriate that the Summit should take place in Iran which is a very important country in our region and in the developing world. The Iranians have a very proud civilization. They have many things to contribute to the world. Therefore, meeting in Tehran has no more or no less significance than the fact that Iran be a member of NAM in good standing.

Page 11: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Political logjam ki baat ho rahi hai. Pahle to 2G scam abh phir coal gate par opposition ne Prime Minister par attack karne ki koshish ki. Kya aapko lagta hai ki is tarike ki political instability par rahte huye bhi Lokpal mein Pradhanmantri ko rakhna chahiye? Kya sarkar is bill ko paas karaane ki koshish karegi?

PM: I have always been in favour of bringing the Prime Minister within the scope of being judged by the Lokpal. I have said that many times and I repeat that I am not afraid of myself or any Prime Minister being brought within the purview of the jurisdiction of Lokpal. This is a matter now it is before the select committee of Lok Sabha. Then, thereafter, if they approve the bill, may be if they make any amendment it will have to go back to the Lok Sabha. But the bill is now in the court of Parliament, whatever the outcome, we will respect the outcome.

Page 12: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Sir, you said that you would appeal to the BJP’s good sense to stop the political logjam. Clearly that’s not working. Sir, do you have any other way of overcoming the logjam. Do you have any way of taking this forward, because otherwise we will see no Parliament between now and the winter session?

PM: Well I sincerely hope that there are people, welcoming people in all political parties and that they would all have the good sense to recognize that what is happening in our Parliament is not something which is doing credit to anyone. Beyond that, at this stage, I am not going to do anything.

Page 13: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: Getting back to Pakistan, is India letting Hafiz Saeed off the hook?

PM: We are not letting anyone off the hook. Whosoever is guilty of crimes, terrorist crimes directed against India should be brought to justice. So I am not saying that anyone should not be brought to justice.

Question: Sir, young leader Rahul Gandhi has expressed his intention to assume a larger role in the party and the government. Sir, what role do you visualise for Rahul Gandhi after this Monsoon Session.

PM: Well I have always been of the view that Rahul Gandhi should play a more active role in the government. I have invited him to be a member of the cabinet on several occasions and I sincerely hope that this time he would consider very seriously. But I have no inside knowledge of what he is planning to do.

Page 14: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh's on-board Press Interaction enroute to Delhi from Tehran

Question: The five things that currently give you sleepless nights, is it the problem in Assam, is the state of the economy, is it the impasse in Parliament?

PM: Well, Let me say that the development in Parliament are a source of great concern to me. But when I look to the future of our country, the way things have gone in Assam, there is definite tension that has disturbed peace in Assam, (inaudible) this certainly cause concern. Similarly, the fact that thousands and thousands of people have continued to move from various parts of the country particularly from deep south, Bangalore, Hyderabad, have chosen because for some reason or the other they don’t feel secure, there going back to North East is not good for the promotion of national unity and national cohesion. I have also said that the growing communal tensions is yet another area where I sincerely believe that all right thinking people should sit together and control this menace.

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Question on JPCPM: That is for JPC to decide.

Question: Why are you allowing the BJP to set the political agenda?

PM: I have to maintain the dignity of the office of the Prime Minister. I can’t get into a tu-tu main-main slanging match with other political leaders. So it is better, as I said earlier, that I keep silence.