Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition...

Product catalogue PLATES

Transcript of Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition...

Page 1: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and

Product catalogue


Page 2: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


IntroductIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

comPany ProfIle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Structural SteelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Structural SteelS wIth ImProved atmoSPherIc corroSIon reSIStance (atmofIX) . . . . . . . 11

hot-rolled PlateS for cold formIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

ShIP buIldIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

thermomechanIcal rolled PlateS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

for welded PIPeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

normalIzed PlateS for welded PIPeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

offShore StructureS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Quenched and temPered PlateS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

non-alloy or alloy SteelS for QuenchIng and temPerIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

caSe hardenIng SteelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

nItrIdIng SteelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

tool SteelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

boIler and PreSSure veSSelS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

delIvery condItIonS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Plate markIng at evS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Plate markIng at ePb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

materIal certIfIcateS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

SamPleS of Product certIfIcateS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

noteS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


Page 3: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and



InformatIve baSIc SIzeS of delIvered PlateS1)

length (max .) 21 000 mm

width 1 000–3 200 mm

thickness 5–200 mm

weight (max .) 24 000 kg

1) all dimensions listed are approximate . actual plate sizes available depend on the combination of length, width and thickness as well as on material specification . for particular information, contact evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . or evraz PalInI e bertolI S .p .a .

delIvery condItIonS of PlateS (heat treatment):

ar – as rolledn – normalizednt – normalized and tempereda – annealedm (tmcP) – thermomechanical rolledQt – Quenched and tempered

for more InformatIon or aSSIStance regardIng your Steel Plate needS, PleaSe contact evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . or evraz PalInI e bertolI S .p .a .

evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .S . 706 02 ostrava-vítkoviceczech republic

evraz PalInI e bertolI S .P .a .via e . fermi 2833058 San giorno di nogaro (ud)Italy

website: www .evrazeurope .come-mail: info@evrazeurope .comeastern and northen europe: + 420 59 5951111Southern europe: +39 0431 623111western europe, germany: +49 211 8632430other markets: +41 41 5609797

Page 4: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


P l a t e S

evraz euroPe

operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing:evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and evraz Palini e bertoli S . p . a . in Italy . Plates are rolled on four-high rolling mills from continuously cast slabs .

the Plate Product mIX IS deSIgned for:

•  Steel and bridge structures•  Ship building•  Transport machines and vehicles•  Atmospheric corrosion-resistant structures•  Pipelines•  Offshore structures•   Pressure vessels used in normal or elevated temperatures•  Flame-cut shapes•  Case hardened components•  Nitrided components•  Tools

Company profile

mIll certIfIcateS

evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . holds the Quality management System (QmS) certificate acc . to en ISo 9001:2000, aPI Spec . Q1 and the environmental management System certificate (emS) acc . to en ISo 14001:2004 .

evraz PalInI e bertolI S .p .a . holds the Quality management System certificate (QmS) acc . to en ISo 9001:2008, the environmental management System certificate (emS) acc . to en ISo 14001:2004 and the occupational health and Safety management System certificate (ohSmS) acc . to bS ohSaS 18001:2007

Page 5: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


EA:17 EA:29A









Per informazioni sulla validitàdel certificato, visitare il sito

For information concerningvalidity of the certificate, you

can visit the

CISQ è la Federazione Italiana diOrganismi di Certificazione dei

sistemi di gestione aziendale

CISQ is the ItalianFederation of managementsystem Certification Bodies







L'uso e la validità del presente certificato sono soggetti al rispetto del documento RINA: Regolamento per la Certificazione di Sistemi di Gestione per la Qualità

La validità del presente certificato è subordinata a sorveglianza periodica annuale / semestrale ed al riesame completo del sistema di gestione con periodicità triennale

The validity of this certificate is dependent on an annual / six monthly audit and on a complete review, every three years, of the management system

Prima emissioneFirst Issue

Emissione correnteCurrent Issue

RINA Services S.p.A.Via Corsica 12 - 16128 Genova Italy


Riferirsi al Manuale della Qualitàper i dettagli delle esclusioni ai

requisiti della norma

Data scadenzaExpiry Date 15.10.2013

SGQ N° 002 A SSI N° 001 G SGA N° 002 D DAP N° 001 H PRD N° 002 B PRS N° 066 C SCR N° 003 F LAB N° 0832

The use and validity of this certificate are subject to compliance with the RINA document : Rules for the certification of Quality Management Systems

Dott. Roberto Cavanna(Direttore della Divisione Certificazione)

Reference is to be made to theQuality Manual for details

regarding the exemptions from therequirements of the standard

ISO 9001:2008

Membro degli Accordi di MutuoRiconoscimento EA, IAF e ILAC

Signatory of EA, IAF and ILAC MutualRecognition Agreements

Page 6: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


structural steels

PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10025-2 wIth „ce“ markIng

the most commonly used structural steels have a minimum yield strength of minimum 235 mPa and a guaranteed weldability that can be used for less demanding steel structures for bridges, halls, railway sections, and motor vehicles, etc .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – longitudinalcev max . 1) thickness


thickness for option (c)


S235Jr(c)/1 .0038(1 .0122)4) 235 360–510 24 +20/27 0 .35 5–200 5–30 3)

S235J0(c)/1 .0114(1 .0115) 235 360–510 24 0/27 0 .35 5–200 5–30 3)

S235J2(c)/1 .0117(1 .0119)4) 235 360–510 24 -20/27 0 .35 5–200 5–30 3)

S275Jr(c)/1 .0044(1 .0128)4) 275 410–560 21 +20/27 0 .40 5–200 5–30 3)

S275J0(c)/1 .0143(1 .0140) 275 410–560 21 0/27 0 .40 5–200 5–30 3)

S275J2(c)/1 .0145(1 .0142)4) 275 410–560 21 -20/27 0 .40 5–200 5–30 3)

S355Jr(c)/1 .0045(1 .0551) 355 470–630 20 +20/27 0 .45 5–200 5–30 3)

S355J0(c)/1 .0553(1 .0554) 355 470–630 20 0/27 0 .45 5–160 5–30 3)

S355J2(c)/1 .0577(1 .0579)4) 355 470–630 20 -20/27 0 .45 5–160 5–30 3)

S355k2(c)/1 .0596(1 .0594)4) 355 470–630 20 -20/40 0 .45 5–160 5–30 3)

1) ; valid for thicknesses of up to 30 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) valid for thicknesses up to 16 mm, for higher thickness refer to the standard3) according to the standard4) In accordance with ad2000–merkblatt w 0 directive .

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10025-2 en 10025+a1 dIn 17100 bS 4360 nfa 35-501

S235Jr(c) S235Jrg2(c) rSt 37 - 2 40 b e 24 - 2

S235J0(c) S235J0(c) St 37 - 3u 40 c e 24 - 3

S235J2(c) S235J2g4(c) St 37 - 3n 40 d e 24 - 4

S275Jr(c) S275Jr(c) St 44 - 2 43 b e 28 - 2

S275J0(c) S275J0(c) St 44 - 3u 43 c e 28 - 3

S275J2(c) S275J2g4(c) St 44 - 3n 43 d e 28 - 4

S355Jr(c) S355Jr(c) – 50 b e 36 - 2

S355J0(c) S355J0(c) St 52 - 3u 50 c e 36 - 3

S355J2(c) S355J2g4(c) St 52 - 3n 50 d –

S355k2(c) S355k2g4(c) – 50 dd e 36 - 4

Page 7: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of fIne-graIn SteelS accordIng to en 10025-3 wIth „ce“ markIng

Structural steels with a guaranteed fine-grain structure and a low carbon equivalent . thanks to the minimum yield strength of up to 460 mPa anda guaranteed impact energy at -50 °c, these steels are suitable for more demanding steel structures and their supporting elements .they are suitable for the construction of railway and motor vehicles, as well .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)[%]

min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – longitudinalcev max .1) thickness


S275n/1 .0490 275 370–510 24 -20/40 0 .40 5–100 3)

S275nl/1 .0491 275 370–510 24 -50/27 0 .40 5–100 3)

S355n/1 .0545 355 470–630 22 -20/40 0 .43 5–100 3)

S355nl/1 .0546 355 470–630 22 -50/27 0 .43 5–100 3)

S420n/1 .8902 420 520–680 19 -20/40 0 .48 5–80

S420nl/1 .8912 420 520–680 19 -50/27 0 .48 5–80

S460n/1 .8901 460 550–720 17 -20/40 0 .53 6–80

S460nl/1 .8903 460 550–720 17 -50/27 0 .53 6–80

1) ; valid for thicknesses of up to 63 mm; for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) higher thicknesses upon request

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10025-3 en 10113-2 dIn 17102

S275n S275n Ste 285

S275nl S275nl tSte 285

S355n S355n Ste 355

S355nl S355nl tSte 355

S420n S420n Ste 420

S420nl S420nl tSte 420

S460n S460n Ste 460

S460nl S460nl tSte 460

Page 8: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


thermomechanIcal rolled of fIne-graIn Steel PlateS, accordIng to en 10025-4 wIth „ce“ markIng

thermomechanical rolled plates of structural steels have a low carbon equivalent, and thus excellent welding properties . they are used for moredemanding steel structures and their supporting elements . the impact energy is guaranteed at temperatures as low as -50 °c, facilitating a wide range of usage .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)[%]

min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – longitudinalcev max .1) thickness


S275m/1 .8818 275 370–530 24 -20/40 0,34 8–40

S275ml/1 .8819 275 370–530 24 -50/27 0,34 8–40

S355m/1 .8823 355 470–630 22 -20/40 0,39 8–40

S355ml/1 .8834 355 470–630 22 -50/27 0,39 8–40

S420m/1 .8825 420 520–680 19 -20/40 0,43 8–40

S420ml/1 .8836 420 520–680 19 -50/27 0,43 8–40

S460m/1 .8827 460 540–720 17 -20/40 0,45 8–303)

S460ml/1 .8838 460 540–720 17 -50/27 0,45 8–303)

1) ; valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm; for higher thicknesses refer to the standard 2) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard 3) higher thicknesses upon request

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10025-4 en 10113-3 Sew 092

S275m S275m –

S275ml S275ml –

S355m S355m QSte 380 tm

S355ml S355ml –

S420m S420m QSte 420 tm

S420ml S420ml –

S460m S460m QSte 460 tm

S460ml S460ml –

Page 9: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS accordIng to aStm

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

a 36 250 400–550 20/23 2) 5–200

a 283

a 165 310–415 27/30 2) 5–80

b 185 345–450 25/28 2) 5–80

c 205 380–515 22/25 2) 5–80

d 230 415–550 20/23 2) 5–80

a 52950 (345) 345 485–690 18/21 2) 5–25 3)

55 (380) 380 485–690 17/20 2) 5–25 3)

maximum value of the carbon equivalent as per the formula upon agreement1) testing upon agreement2) testing temperature and minimum impact energy upon agreement 3) according to the standard

Page 10: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of fIne-graIn SteelS accordIng to aStm

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

a 572

(type 1, 2, 3)

42 (290) 290 415 min . 20/24 2) 5–80 4)

50 (345) 345 450 min . 18/21 2) 5–100 4)

55 (380) 380 485 min . 17/20 2) 5–50 3)

60 (415) 415 520 min . 16/18 2) 5–32 3)

a 573

58 (400) 220 400–490 21/24 2) 5–40 3)

65 (450) 240 450–530 20/23 2) 5–40 3)

70 (485) 290 485–620 18/21 2) 5–40 3)

a 633

a 290 430–570 18/23 -60/20 5–80

c 345 485–620 18/23 -60/20 5–80

d 345 485–620 18/23 -60/20 5–80

maximum value of the carbon equivalent as per the formula upon agreement1) testing upon agreement2) testing temperature and minimum impact energy upon agreement3) according to the standard4) higher thickness upon agreement

Page 11: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance (atMOFIX)

Plates of structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance do not require – unlike common steels – expensive surface treatments (painting) . they feature increased resistance even against the impacts of the atmosphere, which contains sulphur . their key use is in the area of construction and the building of bridges, but they can be used for chimney stacks and waste gas duct structures, as well .

PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10025-5 wIth „ce“ markIng

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – longitudinalcev max .1) thickness


S235J0w/1 .8958 235 2) 360–510 24 0/27 0 .44 6–80

S235J2w/1 .8961 235 2) 360–510 24 -20/27 0 .44 6–80

S355J0wP/1 .8945 355 470–630 20 0/27 0 .52 6–12 3)

S355J2wP/1 .8946 355 470–630 20 -20/27 0 .52 6–12 3)

S355J0w/1 .8959 355 2) 470–630 20 0/27 0 .52 6–80 4)

S355J2w/1 .8965 355 2) 470–630 20 -20/27 0 .52 6–80 4)

S355k2w/1 .8967 355 2) 470–630 20 -20/40 0 .52 6–80 4)

1) 2) valid for plates with thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) according to the standard4) higher thicknesses of up to 100 mm upon agreement

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10025-5 en 10155 Sew 087 can/cSa – g40 .21-m

S235J0w S235J0w – –

S235J2w S235J2w wtSt 37 - 3 –

S355J0wP S355J0wP – –

S355J2wP S355J2wP – –

S355J0w S355J0w – –

S355J2w S355J2g2w wtSt 52 - 3 350at

S355k2w S355k2g2w – –

PlateS of SteelS accordIng to aStm

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

a 588

a 345 485 min . 18/21 2) 6–80

b 345 485 min . 18/21 2) 6–80

k 345 485 min . 18/21 2) 6–80

maximum value of the carbon equivalent as per the formula on agreement1) testing upon agreement2) temperature and minimum impact energy testing upon agreement

Page 12: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Hot-rolled plates for cold forming

thermomechanIcal rolled PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10149-2

Standard methods used for processing these plates are bending, fl anging, cold roll forming, etc . upon agreement, these plates can bedelivered ready for hot-dip zinc-coating . these plates have excellent weldability thanks to their low carbon equivalent .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

transverse bend test 2)

thickness [mm]

S315mc/1 .0972 315 390–510 24 -20/40 0 t 8–20 3)

S355mc/1 .0976 355 430–550 23 -20/40 0 .5 t 8–20 3)

S420mc/1 .0980 420 480–620 19 -20/40 0 .5 t 8–20 3)

S460mc/1 .0982 460 520–670 17 -20/40 1 t 8–20 3)

S500mc/1 .0984 500 550–700 14 -20/40 1 t 8–16 3)

S550mc/1 .0986 550 600–760 14 -20/40 1 .5 t 8–16 3)

maximum value of the carbon equivalent based on the formula , upon agreement1) testing upon agreement2) minimum former diameter for 180° bend angle; t – plate thickness3) according to the standard

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10149-2 Sew 092

S315mc (QSte 340 tm)

S355mc (QSte 380 tm)

S420mc QSte 420 tm

S460mc QSte 460 tm

S500mc QSte 500 tm

S550mc QSte 550 tm

Page 13: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


normalIzed PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10149-3

these plates guarantee suitability for cold forming because of their technological processing . Standard methods used for processingthese plates are bending, fl anging, cold roll forming, etc . based on agreement these plates can be delivered ready for hot-dip zinc-coating .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5 .65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

transverse bend test 2)

thickness [mm]

S260nc/1 .0971 260 370–490 30 -20/40 0 t 5–20 3)

S315nc/1 .0973 315 430–550 27 -20/40 0 .5 t 5–20 3)

S355nc/1 .0977 355 470–610 25 -20/40 0 .5 t 5–20 3)

S420nc/1 .0981 420 530–670 23 -20/40 0 .5 t 5–20 3)

maximum value of the carbon equivalent as per the formula , upon agreement1) testing upon agreement2) minimum former diameter for 180° bend angle; t – plate thickness3) according to the standard

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10149-3 Sew 092

S260nc QSte 260n

S315nc (QSte 340n)

S355nc (QSte 380n)

S420nc QSte 420n

Page 14: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


ship building

PlateS accordIng to IndIvIdual ShIPPIng comPanIeS

Plates of structural steel grades according to the requirements of the inspection companies abS, bv, dnv, lr, and others, with a minimum yieldstrength 235 to 355 mPa are used for ship and watercraft construction . the quality of this assortment is guaranteed by product certificationawarded by the individual shipping companies .


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– a





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h St

eel g




– a a a a a a a a

0/27 b b b b b b b b

-20/27 d d d d d d d d

-40/27 e e e e e e e e


h St




l gra



0/31 ah 32 ah 32 a 32 a 32 a 32 ah 32 ah 32 a 32

-20/31 dh 32 dh 32 d 32 d 32 d 32 dh 32 dh 32 d 32

-40/31 eh 32 eh 32 e 32 e 32 e 32 eh 32 eh 32 e 32


0/34 ah 36 ah 36 a 36 a 36 a 36 ah 36 ah 36 a 36

-20/34 dh 36 dh 36 d 36 d 36 d 36 dh 36 dh 36 d 36

-40/34 eh 36 eh 36 e 36 e 36 e 36 eh 36 eh 36 e 36

maximum value of the carbon equivalent based on the formula , upon agreement

Page 15: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS accordIng to aStm a 131

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]


a 235 400–520 21/24 +20/27 5–80

b 235 400–520 21/24 0/27 5–80

d 235 400–520 21/24 -20/27 5–80

e 235 400–520 21/24 -40/27 5–80

ah 32 315 440–590 19/22 0/31 5–80

dh 32 315 440–590 19/22 -20/31 5–80

eh 32 315 440–590 19/22 -40/31 5–80

ah 36 355 490–620 19/22 0/34 5–80

dh 36 355 490–620 19/22 -20/34 5–80

eh 36 355 490–620 19/22 -40/34 5–80

maximum value of the carbon equivalent based on the formula , upon agreement1) valid for thicknesses of up to 50 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard

Page 16: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


thermomechanical rolled platesfor welded pipes the thermomechanical rolled plates of non-alloyed and micro-alloyed steels as well weldable are designed exclusively for welded pipelines for com-bustible and non-combustible fluids . these can be supplied only upon agreement on the basis of the technical conditions negotiated between the manufacturer and the customer for supplies of these plates . technical conditions must specify all requirements of the customer for the plates subject to the order .

PlateS for PIPeS accordIng to aPI 5l 1) and en 10208-2 1) – Sweet ServIce

grade acc . aPI-5ldesignation / Steel number acc .

en 10208-2yield Strength rt0,5

(rt0,2) 2) [mPa]tensile

Strength rm 2) [mPa]min . elongation 2)

[%]cev max .2) thickness 3)


b l245mb/1 .0418 245 - 440 415 - 760 22 0 .40 8–30

X42 l290mb/1 .0429 290 - 440 415 - 760 21 0 .40 8–30

X46 320 - 525 435 - 760 20 0 .41 8–30

X52 l360mb/1 .0578 360 - 510 460 - 760 20 0 .41 8–30

X56 390 - 545 490 - 760 18 0 .42 8–30

X60 l415mb/1 .8973 415 - 565 520 - 760 18 0 .42 8–22

X65 l450mb/1 .8975 450 - 570 535 - 760 18 0 .43 8–22

X70 l485mb/1 .8977 485 - 605 570 - 760 18 0 .43 8–22

PlateS for PIPeS accordIng to aPI 5l1) and en 10208-2 1) – Sour ServIce 4)

grade acc . aPI-5ldesignation / Steel number acc .

en 10208-2yield Strength rt0,5

(rt0,2) 2) [mPa]tensile

Strength rm 2) [mPa]min . elongation 2)

[%]cev max .2) thickness 3)


b l245mb/1 .0418 245 - 440 415 - 760 22 0 .40 8–30

X42 l290mb/1 .0429 290 - 440 415 - 760 21 0 .40 8–30

X46 320 - 525 435 - 760 20 0 .41 8–30

X52 l360mb/1 .0578 360 - 510 460 - 760 20 0 .41 8–30

X60 l415mb/1 .8973 415 - 565 520 - 760 18 0 .42 8–22

1) Standards aPI 5l and en 10208 are technical conditions for supplies of welded pipes, not for plates2) Informative value3) higher thicknesses upon agreement4) Supplied with hIc and SSc tests as per the nace or en standard

Page 17: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Normalized plates for welded pipes

normalized rolled plates of non-alloyed and micro-alloyed steels are designed exclusively for welded pipelines for combustible and non-combustible fluids . these can be supplied only upon agreement on the basis of the technical conditions negotiated between the manufacturer and the customer for supplies of these plates . the technical conditions must specify all requirements of the customer for the plates subject to the order .

PlateS for PIPeS accordIng to en 10208-1 1)

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength rt0,52)


tensile Strength rm2)


min . elongation2) (l0 = 5,65√S0)

[%]cev max .2) thickness 3)


l210ga/1 .0319 210 335 – 475 25 0,40 5–40

l235ga/1 .0458 235 370 – 510 23 0,40 5–40

l245ga/1 .0459 245 415 – 555 22 0,42 5–40

l290ga/1 .0483 290 415 – 555 21 0,42 5–40

l360ga/1 .0499 360 460 – 620 20 0,43 5–40

PlateS for PIPeS accordIng to en 10208-2 1)

designation/ Steel number

yield Strength rt0,52)


min . tensile Strength rm2)


min . elongation2) (l0 = 5,65√S0)

[%]cev max .2) thickness 3)


l245nb/1 .0457 245 - 440 415 22 0,42 5–40

l290nb/1 .0484 290 - 440 415 21 0,42 5–40

l360nb/1 .0582 360 - 510 460 20 0,43 5–40

l415nb/1 .8972 415 - 565 520 18 on agreement 5–40

1) Standards en 10208-1 and en 10208-2 are technical conditions for supplies of welded pipes, not for plates2) Informative value3) higher thicknesses upon agreement

Page 18: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Offshore structures

normalIzed PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10225

designation/ Steel number

groupmin . yield

Strength reh [mPa]

tensile Strength rm


min . elongation

(l0 = 5 .65√S0) [%]

min . Impact energy kv


cev max . 3)

Pcm max . 4)

thickness [mm]

S355g2+n/1 .8801 1 355 1) 470–630 22 -20/50 6) 0 .43 . . . 5–20 5)

S355g3+n/1 .8802 1 355 1) 470–630 22 -40/50 6) 0 .43 . . . 5–40 5)

S355g7+n/1 .8808+n 2 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .24 5–62

S355g8+n/1 .8810+n 3 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .24 5–62

S355g9+n/1 .8811+n 2 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .22 5–62

S355g10+n/1 .8813+n 3 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .22 5–62

thermomechanIcal rolled PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10225

designation/ Steel number

groupmin . yield

Strength reh [mPa]

tensile Strength rm


min . elongation

(l0 = 5 .65√S0) [%]

min . Impact energy kv


cev max . 3)

Pcm max . 4)

thickness [mm]

S355g5+m/1 .8804 1 355 1) 470–610 22 -20/50 6) 0 .43 . . . 8–20 5)

S355g6+m/1 .8805 1 355 1) 470–610 22 -40/50 6) 0 .43 . . . 8–40 5)

S355g7+m/1 .8808+m 2 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .24 8–40

S355g8+m/1 .8810+m 3 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .43 0 .24 8–40

S355g9+m/1 .8811+m 2 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .41 0 .21 8–40

S355g10+m/1 .8813+m 3 355 2) 470–630 22 -40/50 7) 0 .41 0 .21 8–40

S420g1+m/1 .8830+m 2 420 1) 500–660 19 -40/60 7) 0 .42 0 .22 8–40

S420g2+m/1 .8857+m 3 420 1) 500–660 19 -40/60 7) 0 .42 0 .22 8–40

S460g1+m/1 .8878+m 2 460 1) 540–700 1) 17 -40/60 7) 0 .43 0 .22 8–30

S460g2+m/1 .8887+m 3 460 1) 540–700 1) 17 -40/60 7) 0 .43 0 .22 8–30

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard

2) valid for thicknesses of up to 25 mm, for higher thickness refer to the standard



PlateS of SteelS accordIng to aPI 2h

grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – transversecev max . 1) thickness


42 289 427–565 18/22 -40/340 .43 2)

5–800 .45 3)

50345 2)

483–620 16/21 -40/410 .43 4)

5–80324 3) 0 .45 5)

1) 2) for widths up to 2 1⁄2“3) for widths over 2 1⁄2“4) for widths up to 2“5) for widths over 2“

Pcm = C+ + + + + + 5BSi30





5) according to the standard

6) longitudinal

7) transverse

Page 19: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Quenched and temPered PlateS of 500 Q and 690 Q Steel gradeS

Quenched and tempered plates of 500 Q and 690 Q steel grades are supplied in a form suitable for steel structures (S500 …, S690 …) as per EN 10025-6 or in a form suitable for pressure vessels (P500…, P690…) as per EN 10028-6 .

designation as per en 10025-6: S500 Q, S500 Ql, S500 Ql1, S690 Q, S690 Ql, S690 Ql1 .designation as per en 10028-6: P500 Q, P500 Qh, P500 Ql1, P500 Ql2, P690 Q, P690 Qh, P690 Ql1, P690 Ql2 .

avaIlable Plate ParameterS

thickness 20–80 mm

width 1) 1500–2500 mm

length max . 11000 mm 2)

weight of one piece of plate max . 8000 kg

total volume of plates ordered 50 t units

1) higher or lower widths upon agreement2) for thicknesses of 20–25 mm (incl .) only max . 8000 mm

mechanIcal ProPertIeS and carbon eQuIvalent

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1)


min . yield Strength rp0 .2 2)


tensile Strength rm 1)


min . elongation (l0=5 .65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 3)

[°c/J] – transversecev max . 4)

S500 Q/1 .8924 500 – 590–770 17 -20/27 0 .47

S500 Ql/1 .8909 500 – 590–770 17 -40/27 0 .47

S500 Ql1/1 .8984 500 – 590–770 17 -60/27 0 .47

P500 Q/1 .8873 500 – 590–770 17 -20/27 –

P500 Qh/1 .8874 500 380 590–770 17 -20/27 –

P500 Ql1/1 .8875 500 380 590–770 17 -40/27 –

P500 Ql2/1 .8865 500 380 590–770 17 -60/27 –

S690 Q/1 .8931 690 – 770–940 14 -20/27 0 .65

S690 Ql/1 .8928 690 – 770–940 14 -40/27 0 .65

S690 Ql1/1 .8988 690 – 770–940 14 -60/27 0 .65

P690 Q/1 .8879 690 – 770–940 14 -20/27 –

P690 Qh/1 .8880 690 570 770–940 14 -20/27 –

P690 Ql1/1 .8881 690 570 770–940 14 -40/27 –

P690 Ql2/1 .8888 690 570 770–940 14 -60/27 –

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 50 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) testing upon agreement; valid at 300 °c and with a thickness of up to 50 mm; for lower temperatures or higher thickness refer to the standard en 10028-63) for higher temperatures under standard refer to the standard4) ; only for plates supplied as per en 10025-6; valid for thickness up to 50 mm; for higher thickness refer to the standard

en 10025-6

Quenched and tempered plates

Page 20: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Non-alloy or alloy steelsfor quenching and temperingPlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10083-2 and en 10083-3

these plates are used for machinery parts in all machinery production areas . In most cases they are difficult to weld . they are supplied either without heat treatment or in soft annealed (+a) or normalized (+n) condition, according to the following table . Products from these plates are further pro-cessed with heat treatment – quenching and tempering . after such treatment, they obtain their typical properties, i .e . high hardness and strength .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1) [mPa]

min . tensile Strength rm 1) [mPa]

min . elongation 1)

(l0 = 5 .65√S0) [%]hb max .



c22e/1 .1151 2) 240 430 24 – 5–80c35/1 .0501 2) 300 550 18 – 5–80

c35e/1 .1181 2) 300 550 18 – 5–80c40 /1 .05112) 320 580 16 – 6–80

c40e/1 .1186 2) 320 580 16 – 6–80c45/1 .0503 2) 340 620 14 207 6–80

c45e/1 .1191 2) 340 620 14 207 6–80c50e/1 .1206 2) 355 650 13 217 6–80

c55/1 .0535 2) 370 680 11 229 6–80c55e/1 .1203 2) 370 680 11 229 6–80

c60/1 .0601 2) 380 710 10 241 6–80c60e/1 .1221 2) 380 710 10 241 6–80

28mn6/1 .1170 2) 345 630 17 223 6–8038cr2/1 .7003 3) – – – 207 6–8046cr2/1 .7006 3) – – – 223 6–8034cr4/1 .7033 3) – – – 223 6–8037cr4/1 .7034 3) – – – 235 8–8041cr4/1 .7035 3) – – – 241 8–80

25crmo4/1 .7218 3) – – – 212 6–8034crmo4/1 .7220 3) – – – 223 6–8042crmo4/1 .7225 3) – – – 241 8–8050crmo4/1 .7228 3) – – – 248 8–80

34crnimo6/1 .6582 3) – – – 248 8–8030crnimo8/1 .6580 3) – – – 248 8–80

35nicr6/1 .5815 3) – – – 223 6–8039nicrmo3/1 .6510 3) – – – 240 8–80

51crv4/1 .8159 3) – – – 248 8–8020mnb5/1 .5530 3) 4) – – – – 6–8030mnb5/1 .5531 3) 4) – – – – 6–8038mnb5/1 .5532 3) 4) – – – – 6–80

27mncrb5-2/1 .7182 3) 4) – – – – 6–8033mncrb5-2/1 .7185 3) 4) – – – – 6–8039mncrb6-2/1 .7189 3) 4) – – – – 6–80

1) valid for plates under normalized conditions and for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) en 10083-23) en 10083-34) Plates without heat treatment

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10083-2,-3 germany great britain

c22e ck22 070m20c35/c35e c35/ck35 080m36c40/c40e c40/ck40 080m40c45/c45e c45/ck45 080m46c50e ck50 080m50c55/c55e c55/ck55 070m55c60/c60e c60/ck60 070m6028mn6 28mn6 150m1938cr2 38cr2 –46cr2 46cr2 –

en 10083-2,-3 germany great britain

34cr4 34cr4 530m3237cr4 37cr4 530m3641cr4 41cr4 530m40

25crmo4 25crmo4 708m2534crmo4 34crmo4 708m3242crmo4 42crmo4 708m4050crmo4 50crmo4 708m50

34crnimo6 34crnimo6 817m4030crnimo8 30crnimo8 823m30

35nicr6 35nicr6 –

Page 21: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10343 wIth „ce“ markIng for conStructIon PurPoSeS

these plates are used in the building industry for the production of quenched and tempered components . they can also be used under normalized conditions . In most cases these plates are difficult to weld . they are supplied in normalized condition . Products of these plates are further processed with heat treatment – quenching and tempering . after such treatment, they obtain their typical properties, i .e . high hardness and strength .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1) 2) [mPa]

min . tensile Strength rm 1) 2) [mPa]

min . elongation 1), 2)

(l0 = 5,65√S0) [%]

min . Impact energy kv 1) 3)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

c35 /1 .0501 300 550 18 +20/20 5–80c45 /1 .0503 340 620 14 +20/12 6–80

c35e /1 .1181 300 550 18 +20/20 5–80c45e /1 .1191 340 620 14 +20/12 6–80

1) valid for normalized condition2) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) valid for thicknesses of over 16 mm, for thicknesses of up to 16 mm without kv – testing

Plates of alloy steels 25crmo4 / 1 .7218, 42crmo4 / 1 .7225, 50crmo4 / 1 .7228, 34crnimo6 / 1 .6582, 51crv4 / 1 .8159, 20mnb5 / 1 .5530 and 27mncrb5-2 / 1 .7182, which are included in en 10343 as well, can be supplied only under en 10083-3 – see page 20 .

Page 22: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Non-alloy or alloy steelsfor quenching and tempering


(Sae number)

a 827







a 829



























heat treatment and mechanical propertiesupon agreement .

PlateS of SteelS accordIng to aStm a 827, a 829, a 830


(Sae number)

a 830






































Page 23: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10084

these plates are supplied only in soft annealed (+a) condition .

designation/ Steel number

hb max . (+a)

thickness [mm]

c10e/ 1 .1121 131 5–80c15e/1 .1141 143 5–80c16e/1 .1148 156 5–80

17cr3/1 .7016 174 6–8028cr4/1 .7030 217 6–80

16mncr5/1 .7131 207 6–8016mncrb5/1 .7160 207 6–80

20mncr5/1 .7147 217 6–8018crmo4/1 .7243 207 6–8020mocr3/1 .7320 217 6–8020mocr4/1 .7321 207 6–80

16nicr4/1 .5714 217 6–8010nicr5-4/1 .5805 192 6–8018nicr5-4/1 .5810 223 6–8017crni6-6/1 .5918 229 6–80

20nicrmo2-2/1 .6523 212 6–8017nicrmo6-4/1 .6566 229 6–8018crnimo7-6/1 .6587 229 6–80

Case hardening steels

Page 24: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and

Nitriding steelsPlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10085

these plates are supplied only in soft annealed (+a) condition .

designation/ Steel number

hb max . (+a)

thickness 1) [mm]

24crmo13-6/1 .8516 248 20–8031crmo12/1 .8515 248 20–8031crmov9/1 .8519 248 20–80

33crmov12-9/1 .8522 248 20–80

1) other thicknesses upon agreement


Page 25: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en ISo 4957

these plates are supplied only in soft annealed (+a) condition .

designation/ Steel number

hb max . (+a)

thickness 1) [mm]

c45u/1 .1730 207 10–80c70u/1 .1520 183 20–80c80u/1 .1525 192 20–80c90u/1 .1535 207 20–80

21mncr5/1 .2162 217 20–8070mnmocr8/1 .2824 248 20–80

90mncrv8/1 .2842 229 20–8035crmo7/1 .2302 260 20–80

40crmnnimo8-6-4/1 .2738 260 20–8055nicrmov7/1 .2714 248 20–80

1) other thicknesses upon agreement

tool steels

Page 26: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS for SImPle PreSSure veSSelS accordIng to en 10207

these plates are with low yield strength for simple pressure vessels and storage facilities, which operate under normal outdoor temperatures, e .g . for compressed air or other fluids .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1)


min . yield Strength rp0 .2 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5,65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

P235S/1 .0112 4) 235 117 360–480 26 -20/28 5–60 3)

P265S/1 .0130 4) 265 140 410–530 22 -20/28 5–60 3)

P275Sl/1 .1100 4) 275 132 390–510 24 -50/28 5–60 3)

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) valid at 300 °c . for lower temperatures under standard refer to the standard3) according to the standard4) upon agreement in compliance with the eu 87/404/eec and ad2000-merkblatt w 0 directives

Boiler and Pressure Vessels

Page 27: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of SteelS accordIng to en 10028-2

Plates of unalloyed as well as alloyed steels for pressure-loaded vessels and facilities, operating under normal as well as elevated temperatures .these plates are usually delivered in normalized condition or in both normalized and tempered condition .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1)


min . yield Strength rp0,2 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5,65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 3)

[°c/J] – transverse

thickness [mm]

P235gh/1 .0345 4) 6) 235 153 360–480 24 -20/27 5–80 5)

P265gh/1 .0425 4) 6) 265 173 410–530 22 -20/27 5–80 5)

P295gh/1 .0481 4) 6) 295 192 460–580 21 -20/27 5–80 5)

P355gh/1 .0473 4) 6) 355 232 510–650 20 -20/27 5–80 5)

16mo3/1 .5415 6) 275 194 440–590 22 +20/31 6–80

18mnmo4-5/1 .5414 345 285 510–650 20 -20/27 6–80

15nicumonb5-6-4/1 .6368 6) 460 380 610–780 16 -20/27 6–80

13crmo4-5/1 .7335 6) 300 216 450–600 19 +20/31 6–80

13crmoSi5-5/1 .7336 310 233 510–690 20 0/27 6–80

10crmo9-10/1 .7380 6) 310 236 480–630 18 +20/31 6–80

12crmo9-10/1 .7375 6) 355 295 540–690 18 -20/27 6–80

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) testing upon agreement; valid at 300 °c and thicknesses up to 16 mm; for other temperatures under standard or higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) for other temperatures under standard refer to the standard or on agreement4) maximum value of the carbon equivalent based on the formula , upon agreement5) higher thicknesses of up to 100 mm upon agreement6) upon agreement in accordance with the eu Ped (Pressure equipment directive) 97/23/ec and ad 2000 – merkblatt w 0 directives

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10028-2 dIn 17155

P235 gh h I

P265 gh h II

P295 gh 17mn4

P355 gh 19mn6

16mo3 15mo3

13crmo4-5 13crmo44

10crmo9-10 10crmo910

18mnmo4-5 –

Page 28: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


PlateS of fIne-graIn SteelS accordIng to en 10028-3

these steels feature a guaranteed fine-grain structure and a low-carbon equivalent . the mechanical properties of these plates are guaranteed at high tempe-ratures (up to 400 °c) – yield strength of rp0,2, as well as temperatures as low as -50 °c – impact energy kv . they can be used for the construction of more demanding pressure vessels working under high as well as low temperatures .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh 1)


min . yield Strength rp0,2 2)


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5,65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 3)

[°c/J] – transversecev max . 4) thickness


P275nh/1 .0487 6) 275 179 390–510 24 -20/30 0 .40 5–80 5)

P275nl1/1 .0488 6) 275 179 390–510 24 -40/27 0 .40 5–80 5)

P275nl2/1 .1104 6) 275 179 390–510 24 -50/27 0 .40 5–80 5)

P355n/1 .0562 6) 355 – 490–630 22 -20/30 0 .43 5–80 5)

P355nh/1 .0565 6) 355 232 490–630 22 -20/30 0 .43 5–80 5)

P355nl1/1 .0566 6) 355 232 490–630 22 -40/27 0 .43 5–80 5)

P355nl2/1 .1106 6) 355 232 490–630 22 -50/27 0 .43 5–80 5)

P460nh/1 .8935 6) 460 300 570–720 17 -20/30 0 .53 6–80

P460nl1/1 .8915 6) 460 300 570–720 17 -40/27 0 .53 6–80

P460nl2/1 .8918 6) 460 300 570–720 17 -50/27 0 .53 6–80

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) testing upon agreement; valid at 300 °c and thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for other temperatures under standard or higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) for other temperatures under standard refer to the standard4) upon agreement; cev= ; valid for thicknesses of up to 60 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard5) higher thicknesses of up to 100 mm upon agreement6) upon agreement in compliance with the eu Ped (Pressure equipment directive) 97/23/ec and ad 2000 – merkblatt w 0 directives

eQuIvalent deSIgnatIon

en 10028-3 dIn 17102

P275nh wSte 285

P275nl1 tSte 285

P275nl2 eSte 285

P355n Ste 355

P355nh wSte 355

P355nl1 tSte 355

P355nl2 eSte 355

P460nh wSte 460

P460nl1 tSte 460

P460nl2 eSte 460

Page 29: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


thermomechanIcal rolled PlateS of fIne-graIn SteelS accordIng to en 10028-5

thermomechanical rolled plates have a higher minimum yield strength of up to 460 mPa and are designed for pressure vessels and facilities working under normal or low temperatures . these plates have excellent weldability because of their low carbon equivalent . Impact energy is guaranteed even at temperatures as low as -50 °c .

designation/ Steel number

min . yield Strength reh


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation (l0 = 5,65√S0)


min . Impact energy kv 3)

[°c/J] – transversecev max . 4) thickness


P355m/1 .8821 6) 355 1) 450–610 22 -20/27 0 .39 8–40

P355ml1/1 .8832 6) 355 1) 450–610 22 -40/27 0 .39 8–40

P355ml2/1 .8833 6) 355 1) 450–610 22 -50/27 0 .39 8–40

P420m/1 .8824 6) 420 2) 500–660 19 -20/27 0 .43 8–40

P420ml1/1 .8835 6) 420 2) 500–660 19 -40/27 0 .43 8–40

P420ml2/1 .8828 6) 420 2) 500–660 19 -50/27 0 .43 8–40

P460m/1 .8826 6) 460 2) 530–720 17 -20/27 0 .45 8–30 5)

P460ml1/1 .8837 6) 460 2) 530–720 17 -40/27 0 .45 8–30 5)

P460ml2/1 .8831 6) 460 2) 530–720 17 -50/27 0 .45 8–30 5)

1) valid for thicknesses of up to 40 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard2) valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard3) for other temperatures under standard refer to the standard4) upon agreement; ; valid for thicknesses of up to 16 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard5) higher thicknesses on agreement6) upon agreement, in accordance with the eu Ped (Pressure equipment directive) 97/23/ec and ad 2000 – merkblatt w 0 directives

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PlateS of SteelS accordIng to aStm/aSme

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

a/Sa 204

a 255 450–585 19/23 2) 6–80

b 275 485–620 17/21 2) 6–80

c 295 515–655 16/20 2) 6–80

a/Sa 285

a 165 310–450 27/30 4/14 5–50 3)

b 185 345–485 25/28 10/14 5–50 3)

c 205 380–515 23/27 16/14 5–50 3)

a/Sa 387

2 310 485–620 18/22 2) 6–80

11 310 515–690 18/22 2) 6–80

12 275 450–585 19/22 2) 6–80

22 310 515–690 –/18 2) 6–80

a/Sa 455 260 515–655 15/22 -4/18 5–20 3)

a/Sa 515

60 (415) 220 415–550 21/25 2) 5–80 4)

65 (450) 240 450–585 19/23 2) 5–80 4)

70 (485) 260 485–620 17/21 2) 5–80 4)

upon agreement, carbon equivalent guarantee is available based on the formula 1) testing upon agreement2) testing temperature and minimum impact energy upon agreement3) according to the standard4) higher thicknesses of up to 100 mm upon agreement

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PlateS of fIne-graIn SteelS accordIng to aStm/aSme

designation grademin . yield Strength


tensile Strength rm


min . elongation 200/50


min . Impact energy kv 1)

[°c/J] – longitudinal

thickness [mm]

a/Sa 299a 290 4) 515–655 16/19 -7/20 5–80

b 325 4) 550–690 16/19 -7/20 5–80

a/Sa 302

a 310 515–655 15/19 2) 6–80

b 345 550–690 15/18 2) 6–80

c 345 550–690 17/20 2) 6–80

d 345 550–690 17/20 2) 6–80

a/Sa 516

55 (380) 205 380–515 23/27 -51/18 5–80 5)

60 (415) 220 415–550 21/25 -51/18 5–80 5)

65 (450) 240 450–585 19/23 -51/18 5–80 5)

70 (485) 260 485–620 17/21 -46/20 5–80 5)

a/Sa 537 class 1 345 485–620 18/22 -62/20 5–80 5)

a/Sa 612 345 570–725 16/22 -46/27 6–25 3)

a/Sa 662

a 275 400–540 20/23 -60/18 5–50 3)

b 275 450–585 20/23 -51/18 5–50 3)

c 295 485–620 18/22 -46/20 5–50 3)

a/Sa 737b 345 485–620 18/23 2) 5–80

c 415 550–690 18/23 2) 5–80

upon agreement, carbon equivalent guarantee is available based on the formula 1) testing upon agreement2) temperature and minimum impact energy testing upon agreement3) according to the standard4) valid for thicknesses of up to 25 mm, for higher thicknesses refer to the standard5) higher thicknesses of up to 100 mm upon agreement

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Delivery conditions

aPPlIcable StandardS

dimension, flatness en 10029, a(Sa)20/a(Sa)20m, a(Sa)6/a(Sa)6m

Surface en 10163, a(Sa)20/a(Sa)20m, a(Sa)6/a(Sa)6m

z – testing (through thickness) en 10164, a(Sa)770/a(Sa)770m

blasting – only ePb ISo 8501–01

ultrasound en 10160, Sel 072/77, a(Sa)435, a(Sa)578, other standards on agreement

certificates en 10204

testing as per en, aStm, aSme, shipping companies standards, other standards on agreement

Internal SoundneSS homogeneIty ultraSonIc teStIng – evS

an automatic ultrasonic line is used for testing . manual testing is available to meet stricter conditions .

Page 33: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Products are marked by stamping and painting . according to customer request, products can be marked by either text (sprayed with white color on the plate), or color . marking is carried out based on each individual order . the “colour marking catalogue” containing individual patterns is available to make the marking process easier .

eXamPle of Plate markIng by low StreSS StamPIng

rolled product no .Plate serial no . from

the rolled productmanufacturer’s

symbol heat origin heat no .

Steel grade (and/or heat treatment code) Sample no . Plate widthrolled product no . heat origin heat no . Plate serial no . from the rolled


Internal localization code

heat treatmentcode

order no .



Inspection Plate length

Plate marking at eVs

Plate marking at ePB

eXamPle of Plate markIng by whIte colour PaIntIng

eXamPle of Plate markIng by durable adheSIve labelS wIth bar codIng

eXamPle of Plate markIng by low StreSS StamPIng

heat no .

Steel grade and/ or heat treat

customer id .

Plate unique id . no .

Steel grade

order no . heat no .


Plate Id .

mill logo

Page 34: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Material certificatesQualIty aSSurance certIfIcateS aS Per en 10204:2004

Quality assurance certificates shall be issued by the Quality assurance department stating the chemical compo-sition of heat and the material testing results (e .g . ultrasound, mechanical testing) as required by the customer:

customer order compliance declaration „2 .1“ the document is issued by the manufacturer to certify that the products delivered comply with customer order requirements . the document does not state any test results .

testing Protocol „2 .2“ the document is issued by the manufacturer to certify that the products delivered comply with customer order requirements . the document states general test results .

Inspection certificate „3 .1“ this is a document issued by the manufacturer in which the manufacturer confirms that the products supplied are in line with the requirements of the order and in which the manufacturer indicates the results of the tests . the testing unit and the tests executed are indicated in the product’s specification, in the official specifications, in the corresponding technical specifications and/or in the order . the document is confirmed by an authorized representative of the manufacturer independent of the production units . In the Inspection certificate “3 .1”, the manufacturer may indicate the results of tests obtained from testing as specified by the specification on the basic materials or input products used under the condition that the manufacturer uses tracing procedures and can provide the necessary corre-sponding inspection documents .

Inspection certificate „3 .2“ this is a document prepared by an authorized representative of the manufacturer independent of the production units and either by an authorized representative of the client (inspection company) or by an inspector indicated in the official specifications, in which they declare that the products supplied are in line with the requirements of the order and which indicates the results of the tests . In the Inspection certificate “3 .2”, the manufacturer may indicate the results of the tests (obtained from testing) as specified by the specification on the basic materials or input products used on condition that the manufacturer uses tracing procedures and can provide the necessary corre-sponding inspection documents .

Inspection companies a) national: ŘJ, Čd, zvS, InSPekta, ČlPr, and others b) international: lr, dnv, abS, bv, gl, tÜv, rIna, russian naval register of Shipping, and others c) inspection carried out directly by the customer

multiple certifications available on agreement .

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samples of ePB product certificates

samples of eVs product certificates

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Page 37: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and


Page 38: Plates - Vítkovice Steel · PlateS evraz euroPe operates two rolling mills with a long tradition in steel manufacturing: evraz vÍtkovIce Steel, a .s . in the czech republic and valid from: 2012

eVRaZ VÍtKOVICe steel, a.s. 706 02 ostrava-vítkoviceczech republic

e-mail: info@evrazeurope .comeastern and northern europe: + 420 59 5951111Southern europe: +39 0431 623111western europe, germany: +49 211 8632430other markets: +41 41 5609797

eVRaZ Palini e Bertoli s.p.a.via e . fermi 2833058 San giorno di nogaro (ud)Italy