Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy as First-Line Treatment for Meniscal Pathology, July 2010

53 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010 ©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission. K nee injuries are a common con- cern resulting in over one million surgeries performed on the knee in the United States every year, including the meniscus. 1-3 There are an estimated 650,000 arthroscopic meniscal proce- dures, with a total number of 850,000 meniscal surgeries performed in the Unit- ed States every year. 1-3 Unfortunately, joint instability is a common result of meniscal procedures, which is not surprising con- sidering that the meniscus is a primary stabilizing component of the knee. One of the principle reasons for meniscal op- erations is to improve joint stability, yet meniscectomy often appears to have the opposite effect, eliciting even more insta- bility, crepitation, and degeneration than the injury itself produced prior to opera- tion. This is why reoperation rates after meniscectomy can be as high as 29% to improve the joint instability that the meniscectomy caused. 4-6 For this reason, it is desirable to look for non-operative in- terventions whenever possible. Platelet rich plasma prolotherapy offers hope in this direction. Meniscus Anatomy and Function There has been a great deal of specula- tion and research dedicated to what exact function the meniscus serves, but today there is general consensus that the menis- ci provide stability in the joint, nutrition and lubrication to articular cartilage, and shock absorption during movement. 7-11 The menisci (plural of meniscus) are a pair of C-shaped fibrocartilages which lie between the femur and tibia in each knee, extending peripherally along each medi- al and lateral aspect of the knee (see Fig- ure 1). The anatomy of both menisci is es- sentially the same, with the only excep- tion being that the medial meniscus is slightly more circular than its hemispher- ical lateral counterpart. Each meniscus has a flat underside to match the smooth top of the tibial surface, and a concave su- perior shape to provide congruency with the convex femoral condyle. Anterior and posterior horns from each meniscus then attach to the tibia to hold them in place. Stability Several ligaments work together with the menisci to prevent overextension of any motion. Hypermobility is avoided through ligamentous connections—both medially and laterally. Medially, the medial collat- eral ligament (MCL) is strongly connect- ed to the medial meniscus, as well as the medial tibial condyle and femoral condyle. Laterally, the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) attaches to the lateral femoral epicondyle and the head of the fibula. These ligaments provide tension and limit motion during full flexion and extension, respectively. The anterior and posterior meniscofemoral ligaments form an attachment between the lateral menis- cus and the femur and remain taut dur- ing complete flexion. Lastly, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) are responsible for preventing too much backward or for- ward motion of the tibia. 9,10 Prolotherapy Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy as First-Line Treatment for Meniscal Pathology Animal research together with five patient case reports demonstrate that Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy (PRPP) is effective in the treatment of MRI-documented meniscal tears. Donna Alderman, DO By Ross A. Hauser, MD; Hilary J. Phillips; and Havil Maddela Meniscus injuries are a common cause of knee pain, accounting for a large number of surgeries in the U.S. annually. While sur- gical treatments range from total to partial meniscectomy, meniscal repair and even meniscus transplantation, all have a high long-term failure rate with the recurrence of symptoms. The most serious of the long-term post-surgical consequences is an acceleration of joint degeneration. The poor healing potential of meniscus tears, along with the consequence of post-surgical joint degeneration, has led to the investigation of methods to stimulate non-surgical, biological meniscal repair. While platelet rich plasma prolotherapy (PRPP) has been studied for many types of connective tissue injuries, no study has focused specifical- ly on its use for meniscus tears. Hauser et al give a very comprehensive review of the anatomy and pathophysiology of menis- cus tears, with five case reports of MRI-documented meniscus tears successfully treated with PRPP. While further study under more controlled circumstances is needed, the logic of the authors’ discussion and the results reported clearly validate the use of platelet rich plasma prolotherapy as a first-line treatment for meniscus tears. — Donna Alderman, DO Prolotherapy Department Head FIGURE 1. Anterior aspect of the right knee.

Transcript of Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy as First-Line Treatment for Meniscal Pathology, July 2010

Page 1: Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy as First-Line Treatment for Meniscal Pathology, July 2010

53Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

Knee injuries are a common con-cern resulting in over one millionsurgeries performed on the knee

in the United States every year, includingthe meniscus.1-3 There are an estimated650,000 arthroscopic meniscal proce-dures, with a total number of 850,000meniscal surgeries performed in the Unit-ed States every year.1-3 Unfortunately, jointinstability is a common result of meniscalprocedures, which is not surprising con-sidering that the meniscus is a primarystabilizing component of the knee. Oneof the principle reasons for meniscal op-

erations is to improve joint stability, yetmeniscectomy often appears to have theopposite effect, eliciting even more insta-bility, crepitation, and degeneration thanthe injury itself produced prior to opera-tion. This is why reoperation rates aftermeniscectomy can be as high as 29% toimprove the joint instability that themeniscectomy caused.4-6 For this reason, itis desirable to look for non-operative in-terventions whenever possible. Plateletrich plasma prolotherapy offers hope inthis direction.

Meniscus Anatomy and FunctionThere has been a great deal of specula-tion and research dedicated to what exactfunction the meniscus serves, but todaythere is general consensus that the menis-ci provide stability in the joint, nutritionand lubrication to articular cartilage, andshock absorption during movement.7-11

The menisci (plural of meniscus) are apair of C-shaped fibrocartilages which liebetween the femur and tibia in each knee,extending peripherally along each medi-al and lateral aspect of the knee (see Fig-ure 1). The anatomy of both menisci is es-sentially the same, with the only excep-tion being that the medial meniscus isslightly more circular than its hemispher-

ical lateral counterpart. Each meniscushas a flat underside to match the smoothtop of the tibial surface, and a concave su-perior shape to provide congruency withthe convex femoral condyle. Anterior andposterior horns from each meniscus thenattach to the tibia to hold them in place.

StabilitySeveral ligaments work together with themenisci to prevent overextension of anymotion. Hypermobility is avoided throughligamentous connections—both mediallyand laterally. Medially, the medial collat-eral ligament (MCL) is strongly connect-ed to the medial meniscus, as well as themedial tibial condyle and femoralcondyle. Laterally, the lateral collateralligament (LCL) attaches to the lateralfemoral epicondyle and the head of thefibula. These ligaments provide tensionand limit motion during full flexion andextension, respectively. The anterior andposterior meniscofemoral ligaments forman attachment between the lateral menis-cus and the femur and remain taut dur-ing complete flexion. Lastly, the anteriorcruciate ligament (ACL) and posteriorcruciate ligament (PCL) are responsiblefor preventing too much backward or for-ward motion of the tibia.9,10


Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy as First-LineTreatment for Meniscal Pathology Animal research together with five patient case reports demonstrate that Platelet RichPlasma Prolotherapy (PRPP) is effective in the treatment of MRI-documented meniscal tears.

Donna Alderman, DO

By Ross A. Hauser, MD; Hilary J. Phillips; and Havil Maddela

Meniscus injuries are a common cause of knee pain, accounting for a large number of surgeries in the U.S. annually. While sur-gical treatments range from total to partial meniscectomy, meniscal repair and even meniscus transplantation, all have a highlong-term failure rate with the recurrence of symptoms. The most serious of the long-term post-surgical consequences is anacceleration of joint degeneration. The poor healing potential of meniscus tears, along with the consequence of post-surgicaljoint degeneration, has led to the investigation of methods to stimulate non-surgical, biological meniscal repair. While plateletrich plasma prolotherapy (PRPP) has been studied for many types of connective tissue injuries, no study has focused specifical-ly on its use for meniscus tears. Hauser et al give a very comprehensive review of the anatomy and pathophysiology of menis-cus tears, with five case reports of MRI-documented meniscus tears successfully treated with PRPP. While further study undermore controlled circumstances is needed, the logic of the authors’ discussion and the results reported clearly validate the useof platelet rich plasma prolotherapy as a first-line treatment for meniscus tears.

— Donna Alderman, DOProlotherapy Department Head

FIGURE 1. Anterior aspect of the right knee.

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54 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

Shock AbsorptionThe menisci also provide shock absorp-tion and stability by equally distributingweight across the joint. By acting as a spac-er between the femur and tibia, the menis-cus eliminates any direct contact betweenthe bones thus preventing any contactwear.12 It is estimated that 45% to 70% ofthe weight-bearing load is transmittedthrough the menisci in a completely in-tact joint.7 By channeling the majority ofthis weight evenly, the meniscus is able toavoid placing too much direct stress at anyone point of the knee. In turn, properweight transmission in the knee reducesstress on any other joints in the body af-fected by load bearing.11

Lubrication and NutritionOne of the most vital roles of the menis-cus is to provide lubrication to the knee,which it accomplishes through diffusingsynovial fluid across the joint. Synovialfluid provides nutrition and acts as a pro-tective measure for articular cartilages inthe knee.13 The femoral condyle in theknee is covered in a thin layer of articu-lar cartilage, which serves to reduce mo-tional friction and to withstand weightbearing. This cartilage is very susceptibleto injury—both because of its lack of prox-imity to blood supply and the high levelof stress placed on it by excessive mo-tion.14,15 The meniscus, therefore, is ableto provide a much-needed source of nu-trition to the femoral and tibial articularcartilage by spreading fluid to that avas-cular area.

InjuryMeniscal damage can be caused by eithertrauma or gradual degeneration. Trau-matic injury is most often a result of atwisting motion in the knee or the mo-tion of rising from a squatting position,both of which place particular strain andpressure on the meniscus. Tears are themost common form of meniscal injuryand are generally classified by appear-ance into four categories: longitudal tears(also referred to as bucket handle tears),radial tears, horizontal tears, and obliquetears16 (see Figure 2). Research indicatesthat radial or horizontal tears are morelikely to occur in the elderly populationwhile younger patients have a higher in-cidence of longitudal tears.17-19 Each canbe further described as partial thicknesstears or complete thickness tears, de-pending on the vertical depth of the tear(see Figure 3).

Limited Blood SupplyAn ability to preserve the meniscus, un-fortunately, is somewhat hampered by thefact that only a very small percentage(10% to 25% peripherally) of the menis-cus receives direct blood supply.20 Thisarea is often referred to as the red zone,and the inner portion of the meniscuswhich does not receive blood supply is re-ferred to as the white zone (see Figure 4).While the red zone has a moderate chanceof healing from injury, the white zone isalmost completely incapable of healing it-self in the event of injury.21

More often than not, traumatic injuriesoccur during athletic activity (see Figure5). The ratio of degenerative to traumat-ic tears increases from equal incidence inthose under 20 years of age to a ratio of7:8 in the 30 to 39 age group and to near-ly 4:1 in individuals over the age of 40.22

This pattern of increased degenerative

FIGURE 2. Common types of meniscal tears. FIGURE 3. Depths of tears in the meniscus.

FIGURE 4. Superior aspect of right knee showing red and white zones.

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55Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

breakdown is to be expected with age, asjoint wear will result from years of me-chanical stress. Unlike the anatomy ofyounger and more active patients, howev-er, the fibers in older patients are less ca-pable of healing themselves due to de-creased diffusion of synovial fluid as a re-sult of lessened motion.23

Symptoms of Meniscal TearsA basic ability to identify meniscal tearsymptoms is essential for diagnosis andtreatment of injury (see Table 1). The firstsymptom typically indicative of a menis-cal tear is pain. In the case of a traumat-ic tear, pain may present immediately atthe time of injury and is often accompa-nied by an audible pop. In a degenerativetear, the onset of pain may be more grad-ual, with no definite moment of injury. Inboth cases, pain may be accompanied byswelling and subsequent limitation inrange of motion. Another hallmark ofmeniscal tears is clicking, popping, orlocking in the knee joint. These symptomsare mostly likely a result of a torn flap ofmeniscal tissue which catches in the jointduring movement. Instability and weak-ness are also both common symptoms be-cause a damaged meniscus—as well asdamaged ligaments and tendons—in-hibits normal mechanical function.

The severity of initiating trauma, as wellas the nature and characteristics of thetear, plays an important role in the menis-cus’ ability to heal (see Table 2). Tears thatare shorter, partial thickness, and locatedin the vascular red zone have a much bet-ter chance of healing than extensive, com-plete thickness tears located in the white

zone.24,25 When other cartilages and liga-ments are injured in the knee, they canhave a detrimental effect on the menis-cus’ ability to heal on its own. Because ofthe interdependence of each of the knee’smechanisms, meniscal injuries oftenoccur in conjunction with other internalligament damage. The most common ex-ample of this is O’Donoghue’s “unhappytriad,” the correlated injury of the menis-cus (debatably either medial or lateral),tibial collateral ligament, and ACL.26-28

The severity of meniscal lesions has beenfound to increase in direct proportion toACL injury and/or laxity and create lessfavorable conditions for repair.29 Further-more, previous injury to either the menis-cus or any other ligament inside the kneecan increase the risk of future injury to themeniscus, even if the injury has healed orbeen surgically repaired.

Discoid Meniscus ConditionAnother condition which can be both acause and complication of meniscal tearsis a discoid meniscus (see Figure 6). A dis-coid meniscus occurs when the lateralmeniscus takes on the shape of a discrather than a crescent and is most oftenmanifested in adolescence.30 Although thecause has never been officially deter-mined, the repercussions of a discoidmeniscus have been widely documented.Often referred to as “snapping knee syn-drome,” this condition is identified with itsonly symptom: snapping on extension.The “snap” is caused when the femur andthe meniscus are not able to move in syncwith each other and the femur either slipsover a ridge in the meniscus or off themeniscus altogether.31 Unlike the normalmeniscus, which is shaped to fit thecondyle of the femur, a discoid meniscuslacks the configuration to serve as a stablesurface for motion. This abnormal track-ing adds stress to the meniscus, increasingthe probability of lateral meniscus tears.32

Unfortunately, discoid menisci often re-main undetected when no symptoms pres-ent prior to injury, and the only other wayto identify a discoid meniscus is by mag-netic resonance imaging (MRI).

ImagingFor decades, MRI has been used as a pri-mary determinant for meniscal injuries butthe fact that it is more sensitive to some tis-sues than others, however, can prevent itfrom producing a completely accurate pic-ture of an injured area. This can cause in-

FIGURE 5. A hit on the knee causing a medial collateral ligament injury. If the hit is severeenough, the supporting ligaments of the knee could also be torn. (Used with permission fromHauser, R. Prolo Your Sports Injuries Away, Beulah Land Press, Oak Park, Ill. 2001)

FIGURE 7. False-positive MRIs of the knee inteenagers. Because significant abnormalitiesshow up in the menisci on MRI in teenagers,when no true injury exists, relying on thismodality to make a diagnosis is a scary propo-sition, especially if surgery is contemplated.(Used with permission of Beulah Land Press,2001, Oak Park, Il. “Prolo Your SportsInjuries Away!” fig. 16-10.)

FIGURE 6. Discoid meniscus of right knee.

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56 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

jured tissues to remain undetected, orother “abnormalities” on the MRI may bemisread as actual injuries (“false-positive”).One study that brought these issues intothe spotlight was performed on collegebasketball players at Duke University whodisplayed no clinical symptoms of knee ab-normality. Internal irregularities of theknee including cartilage defects, joint effu-sions, bone marrow edema, and even dis-coid menisci were found on the MRI’s of75% of subjects, who never displayed anysymptoms of meniscal abnormaility.33 Moredistressing is the fact that in another studyon children with a mean age 12.2 years,66% showed a high signal intensity withinthe menisci.34 A high signal intensity is oneof the criterion to diagnose degenerativemenisci (see Figure 7).

Just as MRIs can lead to false-positivereadings, they may also produce false-negative findings by failing to detect anactual meniscal injury. This was the casein one study of 254 human knees, wherethe researchers found patients presentingwith normal MRIs, despite exhibitingsymptoms of meniscal injury confirmableon arthroscopy.35 Another study publishedin the Journal of Arthroscopic Surgery re-ported that 35% of their patients wouldhave undergone unnecessary surgery ifthe examiner had relied on just MRI find-ings of meniscal tear alone, leading theresearchers to conclude that MRIs are “anexpensive, unnecessary procedure”35 (seeFigure 8). Stanitski found that 71% of hispatients were given inaccurate MRI read-ings, with 24% showing false-positive evi-dence of meniscal tears, while actual ACL,meniscal, and cartilage injuries went un-detected in half of the patients.36 Part ofthe reason there are so many MRI “abnor-malities” in the menisci in asymptomaticindividuals is because structures that at-tach to the menisci can cause an increasedsignal and produce the false appearanceof a meniscal tear.

Perhaps the best study to date to docu-ment abnormal meniscal MRI findings inasymptomatic individuals was publishedin the New England Journal of Medicinein 2008.37 In this study MRI scans on 991knees were taken and compared to pa-tients’ responses about pain and disabili-ty in those knees. The MRIs in these pa-tients (aged 50 to 90) showed that over60% had meniscal tears documented onMRI and that sixty-one percent of subjectswho had meniscal tears did not have anypain, aching, or stiffness in their knees.

As seen by these and numerous otherstudies, MR imaging often disagrees withpatients’ clinical symptoms or arthroscop-ic findings, making it a poor tool for di-agnosis. Rushing to surgery based on anMRI alone, therefore, can cause unneces-sary surgery resulting in premature de-generative changes and may not solve thepain complaints of the patient.

Limitations of Surgical RepairTraditional surgical treatments for menis-cal injury have been meniscectomy, menis-cal repair, and meniscal allograft—eachhaving shortcomings and minimal long-term benefits (see Appendix A). Althoughthere is some short-term improvement inaspects such as pain control, the long termeffects of meniscectomy, meniscal repair,and meniscal allograft transplantation re-veal that symptoms, such as pain and in-stability, will persist for years afterward.The main reason that these and othertreatments are ineffective in healing themeniscus can simply be attributed to thefact that, regardless of what is done tostructurally repair the meniscus, it is stillprimarily an avascular cartilaginous struc-ture which cannot heal without a sufficientsupply of nutrition. The poor healing po-tential of meniscal tears has led to the in-

vestigation of methods to provide bloodsupply to the injured area. The methodsinclude vascular access channels and syn-ovial pedicale flaps. Unfortunately, no sur-gical treatment to date has been shown tostimulate healing of the meniscus. On thecontrary, surgeries often have the oppositeeffect. They initiate additional damage tothe joint, further decreasing the probabil-ity of healing (see Table 3).

The bottom line is that surgical proce-dures do not initiate the regenerativeprocess needed in these traumatized kneejoints. Left alone or treated by the surgery,the degenerative process initiated by theinitial trauma continues, unless some-thing is done to initiate regeneration. Thereverse of degeneration is simply regen-eration. In other words, a degenerative

FIGURE 8. MRI of the right knee without con-trast. Noted are changes in the medial menis-cus. See how even the radiologist cannot deter-mine whether this represents a recurrentmeniscal tear or is just post surgical changes.

Excerpt from Radiologist’s MRI ReportFindings: Post surgical changes are demonstrated inmedial meniscus with smaller than expected size ofbody of medial meniscus. Altered signal intensity inbody and posterior horn of medial mensicus extendingto inferior articular surface demonstrates similarappearance to previous outside MR. This either repre-sents residual changes from prior surgery and menis-cal tear or recurrent tear persistent from prior exam.

TABLE 1. Symptoms of Meniscus Tears

• Clicking or popping• Decreased knee range of motion• Instability• Joint line tenderness• Locking• Pain• Swelling• Weakness

TABLE 2. Factors Affecting the Healing of a Torn Meniscus

More Likely to Heal Less Likely to Heal

• Males• Patients <50 years old• Patients with BMI<40• Traumatic tears• Red zone tears• Radial or oblique tears• Partial thickness tears• Shorter tears• Lateral meniscus• Isolated tears

• Females• Patients 50+ years old• Patients with BMI>40• Degenerative tears• White zone tears• Horizontal or longitudinal tears• Complete thickness tears• Longer tears• Medial meniscus• Tears with associated injuries

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process can only be reversed when stimu-lated to repair itself. Degeneration of themeniscus is initiated by a damaged menis-cus’ inability to repair itself, and the sur-gical procedures themselves acceleratethe degenerative process. Therefore, theideal treatment for a damaged meniscusis one that can stimulate regeneration ofthe degenerated or torn meniscus.

Platelet Rich Plasma for Meniscal PathologyIn order to understand how growth fac-tors affect the treatment of meniscus in-juries, it is first important to understandthe role that they play in the naturalprocess of healing. The preliminary stepsof healing begin with the attraction ofblood cells to the site of an injured tissue.When a tissue is injured, bleeding will nat-urally occur in that area. A specializedblood component called platelets rapidlymigrate into the area to initiate coagula-tion, or the clotting of blood cells, to pre-vent excessive bleeding from an injury. Inaddition, platelets also release growth fac-tors which are an integral part of the heal-ing process. Each platelet is made up ofan alpha granule and a dense granulewhich contain a number of proteins andgrowth factors. The growth factors con-tained in the alpha-granule are an espe-cially important component to healing.When activated by an injury, the plateletswill change shape and develop branchesto spread over injured tissue to help stopthe bleeding in a process called aggrega-tion, followed by the release of growth fac-

tors, primarily from the alpha granules. At this point, the healing process then

proceeds in three basic stages: inflamma-tory, fibroblastic, and maturation. Aftergrowth factors are released from theplatelets, they stimulate the inflammato-ry stage with each growth factor playing akey role (see Table 4). This stage is markedby the appearance of monocytes which arewhite blood cells that respond quickly toinflammatory signals and elicit an im-mune response. Growth factor productionis at its highest level immediately follow-ing the inflammatory stage. Fibroblastsbegin to enter the site within the first 48hours after an injury and become the mostabundant cells in that area by the seventhday. The fibroblasts deposit collagen, themain building block of tissues such as themeniscus, for up to many weeks afterward.The maturation of collagen may then con-tinue for up to one to two years after theinitial inflammatory event.

It is important to understand that eachof these stages stimulates the next. If theinflammatory stage does not occur, nei-ther will the fibroblastic stage, and so on.If there is not a significant enough im-mune response to completely regeneratethe damaged tissue in any of these stages,the injury will be unable to heal complete-ly, leaving the person with a chronic de-generated knee.

In the case of the injured meniscus, itis clear that the damaged tissue can notrepair itself. Healing in the meniscus de-pends on having enough of a blood sup-

ply and or/growth factors at the site of theinjury. Since less than 20% of the menis-cus is vascularized by the time a personreaches the age of 40 years, meniscal heal-ing is generally incomplete.91 Once torn,the menisci, because of its low cellularityand incomplete healing response, is un-able to fully repair itself.92

In Vivo and In Vitro Growth FactorStudies to Stimulate Meniscal RepairBecause growth factors are known to be abasic component of healing, the adjunctuse of growth factors to stimulate connec-tive tissue repair has been studied as a po-tential for the treatment of injured soft tis-sues, including the meniscus. Direct ex-posure of connective tissues to fibroblas-tic growth factors can indeed cause newcell growth and formation of collagen.Therefore, injecting growth factors at thesite of a soft tissue injury allows the dam-aged tissue to heal itself.

Before any treatment is tested on hu-mans, it is common practice to investigatethe effect of that treatment (in this casegrowth factors) on cells, as well as on an-imal models with similar pathology to hu-mans. The primary objective of thesestudies is to determine if and how a poor-ly vascularized tissue such as the menis-cus can be stimulated for reliable cellularand tissue repair. In such studies, growthfactors, such as the ones extracted and se-creted from the platelets are incubatedwith meniscal cells and then injected intoinjured meniscal tissue to see if cellular

FIGURE 9. Effects of platelet-derived growthfactor-AB on DNA synthesis in celss from thethree zones of the meniscus. Results are mean+ SEM (N=12). Platelet-derived growth fac-tor at 1 and 10ng/ml increased DNA synthesis(in both the middle and inner zones) by over400% compared with control.95

TABLE 3. Effects of Treatments for Meniscal TearsOnly Prolotherapy stimulates the repair of injured meniscal tissue.

Effects of Treatment Meniscalremoval





Articular cartilage deterioration Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Bone deformity Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Chronic pain Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Continuing instability Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Joint space narrowing on MRI Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Likely to be re-injured Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Long term osteoarthritis Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Restricted motion Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Weakened ligaments Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Stimulates meniscus repair No No No No Yes

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58 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

repair and regeneration occurs. Manystudies demonstrate that injection of var-ious growth factors can increase meniscalcells activity and stimulate repair in thistissue and other connective tissues.93 Theideal mode of treatment for meniscal tearsand degeneration would stimulate theproduction of meniscal fibrochondrocytesand its synthesis of extracellular matrix(ECM). Increased ECM synthesis wouldrender the generated meniscal tissuemore able to withstand the forces placedon the knee since it is the collagen, pro-teoglycans and glycoproteins in the ECM,that give the meniscus its compressiveproperties to withstand tensile loads.94

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)is one growth factor commonly used in an-imal meniscus studies. One recent studymeasured both cell proliferation and ex-tracellular collagen matrix formation ineach of the inner, middle, and outer re-gions of sheep menisci in the presence ofPDGF-AB. After one week, meniscal cellproliferation was apparent in all threemeniscal zones, reaching an 800% in-crease in the inner vascular zone com-pared to control. The formation of the col-lagen matrix had increased by 450% inthe middle zone and by 300% in the outerzone (see Figure 9). An increase in the pro-duction of glycosaminoglycans, a maincomponent of synovial fluid, in each ofthe three zones was observed.95 Meniscalcell migration was also stimulated.

A similar in vitro study found that cellproduction of sheep menisci increased inproportion to the increased concentrationof PDGF-AB used. This study observed a2.5-fold increase in cell production.96 An-other in vitro study placed bovine menis-cal cells in different solutions containingcytokines and measured the effect of eachon the synthesis of new cells in each of thethree meniscal zones. The authors report-ed that significant DNA synthesis occurredin meniscal cells treated with PDGF-AB,hepatocye growth factor, and bone mor-phogenic protein-2 in all three regions.97

Similar results were found when analyz-ing the effect of basic fibroblastic growthfactor (bFGF) on meniscal cells fromsheep. When cultured in the bFGF, the for-mation of DNA increased by as much asseven-fold and protein synthesis increasedby as much as 15-fold in the inner (avas-cular) zone of the meniscus. The results ofthe outer and middle zones likewise yield-ed statistically significant cell growth.98,99

The synthesis of proteoglycans, the prin-

ciple component of the extracellular col-lagen matrix, was specifically measured inanother study on sheep menisci. In allmeniscal zones, transforming growth fac-tor beta (TGF-ß) stimulated proteoglycanproduction by up to 100% and the proteo-glycans were larger than controls. TGF-ßalso stimulated cell division in the fibro-chondrocyte cultures.100 Other authorshave also confirmed that meniscal fibro-chondrocytes from all three zones, includ-ing the avascular zone, can proliferate andgenerate new extracellular matrix giventhe proper stimuli.101-104 Such findings havebeen the basis of the integration of growthfactors in the treatment of meniscalpathology.

One study involved the use of growthfactors TGF-ß1 and insulin-like growthfactor (IGF-1) as an aid in the insertion ofmeniscal plugs into the avascular portionof the meniscus. This study found thatTGF-ß1 was effective in forming an at-tachment between the actual meniscusand the plugs, and IGF-1 was effective incell proliferation. Both growth factors alsosignificantly increased the cell density ofthe plugs.105 Canine menisci with a defectin the avascular portion documented a 10-fold increase in healing by the addition ofa fibrin sealant and endothelial cellgrowth factor.100 In this study, the ingrowthof new blood vessels (neovascularization)and granulation tissue (connective tissue)to the avascular portion of the meniscuswas noted. Growth factors have even beenintroduced into surgical treatments, par-ticularly meniscal transplantation, to pre-serve and enhance joint tissue.106,107

The evidence that avascular cells are ca-pable of regeneration when properlystimulated to do so, serves as the basis andrationale for platelet rich plasma pro-lotherapy in the treatment of meniscal

pathology as described in the followingcase reports.

Patients and MethodsThe five patients were treated at the pri-mary author’s private practice, CaringMedical and Rehabilitation Services inOak Park, Illinois.

The patients received 3.5-4cc of plateletrich plasma Prolotherapy (PRPP) injectedinside the joint. Twenty cc’s of patient’sblood was drawn at the time of treatment.The blood sample, mixed with anticoag-ulant citrate dextrose solution A (ACD-A),was placed into a centrifuge to separatethe platelet rich plasma from the plateletpoor plasma. The platelet concentratesystem used in this study was HarvestTechnologies SmartPReP. Patients wereasked to let pain be their guide as far asactivity levels after the PRPP.

A premedical student (H.M.) reviewedin-house medical charts of patients whohad completed their last prolotherapytreatment at least one year ago and hadMRI-documented meniscal tears. H.M.completed phone interviews asking the pa-tients a series of questions with an empha-sis on the effect prolotherapy had on theirknee pain, stiffness, and return to sports.

Case Report #1A 21-year-old runner athlete sustained amedial meniscal tear during wrestling.MRI revealed an oblique tear of the pos-terior horn of the medial meniscus. Be-cause the patient failed physiotherapyand other conservative care the orthope-dic surgeon recommended a partial meni-sectomy. The patient’s parents were pro-lotherapy patients and hoped that pro-lotherapy would offer a non-surgical op-tion for their son as well.

The patient was complaining of pain

TABLE 4. Various Growth Factors Found in Platelets and Their Actions

Platelet-Derived GrowthFactor (PDGF)

Attracts immune system cells to the area andstimulates them to proliferate. Has been shownto enhance ligament and tendon healing.

Transforming GrowthFactor-ß (TGF-ß)

Secreted by and affects all major cell typesinvolved in healing. SImilar affects as PDGF.

Vascular Endothelial GrowthFactor (VEGF)

Helps new blood vessel formation, therebyincreasing vascularity in injured areas.

Fibroblast Growth Factor(FGF)

Promotes the growth of the cells involved in col-lagen and cartilage formation.

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60 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

Traditional treatment for meniscal injury is surgery. The mostaggressive surgical treatment is meniscectomy, which involveseither complete or partial removal of the meniscus dependingon the horizontal extent of the tear. Guided by arthroscopy, thedamaged portion of the meniscus is surgically debrided and re-moved. In either operation, a peripheral rim of the meniscusmust be kept to preserve any form of normal function within theknee. The decision as to whether to remove all or part of themeniscus is based on the severity of the tear, the restriction ofactivity caused by the tear, and the age of the tear. Total menis-cectomy is generally performed on the most severe and avas-cular tears which cannot be otherwise repaired.38,39

Current surgical techniques for meniscal injuries acceleratemenisci and joint degeneration. Perhaps Lohmander et al, intheir comprehensive review of surgical procedures for menis-cal pathology, said it best: “there is a lack of evidence to sup-port a protective role of repair or reconstructive surgery of theanterior cruciate ligament or meniscus against osteoarthritis de-velopment…Osteoarthritis developing in the injured joints iscaused by intra-articular pathogenic processes initiated at thetime of injury, combined with long-term changes in dynamicjoint loading.”40

To see what effect the absence of the meniscus has on degen-eration within the knee, researchers from the UK, at the Instituteof Medical and Biological Engineering, conducted an in vitrostudy by mounting dissected bovine knee joints in a pendulumfriction simulator and monitoring wear on knee cartilage both withand without a meniscus. Their results showed no change in sur-face integrity or loss of cartilage with an intact meniscus, but re-moval of the meniscus resulted in immediate surface wear andcartilage deterioration.41 A similar study found that 10 years afterundergoing meniscectomy, 65% of patients had radiographic ev-idence of joint space narrowing greater that 50%.42

The results of total meniscectomy have led to a more cau-tious approach to meniscal excision, particularly with surgicaltechniques removing only the damaged portion of the menis-cus.43-46 The thought is that if a portion of the meniscus is pre-served, then meniscal function will be more normal as well.Studies have confirmed that removing only the torn portion ofa meniscus lowers the severity of postoperative complications,shortens the length of hospital recovery and therapy, and re-duces overall pain levels—but the nature of postoperative com-plications remains the same. These risks include degenerativeosteoarthritis, joint instability, femoral and tibial surface dam-age, and risk of re-injury requiring re-operation.45,46 Partial menis-cectomy, like total meniscectomy, was found—via MRI volumemeasurement—to cause cartilage loss at a rate of 4.1% per year;a rate that is 78% faster than controls.47 Other researchers notedthat when meniscal integrity is compromised, such as with par-tial meniscectomy, the likelihood of developing degenerativearthritis is much increased.48,49 One of the main reasons for thisis that partial meniscectomy, by definition, puts additionalstrains on the ligamentous support of the knee to provide sta-bility. Follow-up studies show that ligament laxity in the medialand lateral collateral ligaments and anterior cruciate ligamentsis increased with meniscectomies.50-53 In his study of post sur-

gical function, McGinity et al documented that athletes who haveundergone partial meniscectomy and total meniscectomy wereequally likely to give up sports altogether as a direct result ofthe operation.54

ADDITIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF SURGERYMeniscectomy can provide temporary pain relief in the earlystages following the operation, especially when an acute tearhad caused excessive pain or popping preoperatively. Anotherimmediate result may be a greater feeling of stability if the tearhad previously been a source of instability. On long-term follow-up, however, these initial improvements have rarely been shownto last.4,39,55 Complete pain relief from meniscectomy is nearlyunheard of after more than 10 years and, at that point, morecomplex issues including limited range of motion, radiograph-ic degeneration, crepitation, and severe functional impairmenthave usually begun to surface. In many cases, a simple menis-cus tear, if operated on, can become a career-ending injury.4,5,39,55

In long-term follow-up studies, four to 14 years after a menis-cectomy, nearly 50% of patients had to decrease or stop theirtypical sporting activities.39,55 This included adolescents who un-derwent total meniscectomy. The X-ray progression of the de-generative change paralleled the reduction in activity. Some 17years after follow-up after total meniscectomy, the incidence ofdegenerative arthritis as documented by X-ray was 300% morelikely in the knee that had the meniscectomy versus the non-operated knee.55

This is logical when considering knee anatomy. A knee jointbecomes unstable when ligaments, cartilages, or bone struc-tures are weakened and unable to carry out the level of func-tion of a healthy knee. Such is the case when the meniscus isremoved from the knee and unable to perform the usual weight-bearing and tracking functions, placing additional stress on therest of the knee.42,56 Common physical symptoms of instabilityafter meniscectomy are crepitation, such as cracking or pop-ping, and locking in the joint. One study following over 1,000meniscectomy patients found that 10 to 20 years after the sur-gery, 27% had more crepitus in the knees having undergonemeniscectomy than they had in the untreated knees.5 In thissame group of patients, degenerative changes ranging fromflattened tibial and femoral bone surfaces to significant jointspace narrowing were found in 62.5% of the patients with X-rayevaluation of their knees.4

The greatest risk of partial and total meniscectomy is in thedevelopment of long term degenerative osteoarthritis. Numer-ous studies have confirmed that a large percentage of the menis-cectomy population experience joint osteoarthritis later in life.57-

63 One study found that 15 to 22 years after having a meniscec-tomy, the odds ratio of knee degenerative arthritis was 2.6 aftermedial meniscectomy and 5.3 after later meniscectomy, usingthe non-operated knee as the control.58 In one study, 20 to 29years after meniscectomy, X-rays showed 53% had significantprogression of degenerative arthritis compared to 13% of thenon-operated knees.59 Another group of researchers found that21 years after meniscectomy, 71% of operated knees showedsigns of at least mild degeneration and 48% showed signs of

APPENDIX A.Traditional Surgical Treatments for Meniscal Injury

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61Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

moderate or severe joint degeneration.61 Another study foundthat 40% of meniscectomies resulted in degenerative osteoarthri-tis, and many were accompanied by other injuries, including alarge number of ligament tears.75 One study noted that “althoughrisk factors for post-traumatic osteoarthritis are multifactorial, theprimary risk factor that stood out in this study was if a meniscec-tomy had been performed.” In this study the risk of developingosteoarthritis in the knee after meniscectomy was 100%.63

Biomechanically, the development of osteoarthritis can be ex-plained, in part, by the increased stress placed on the tibia andfemur post meniscectomy. It is a fact that reducing the size ofcontact area on a surface increases pressure in the remainingarea. Therefore, by removing all or part of the meniscus fromthe knee, the area through which weight is transmitted in thejoint is reduced, thus increasing the pressure on both the tibiaand the femur, and their articular cartilage. The amount of con-tact stress on the tibiofemoral joint can increase by 65% withonly a 10% reduction in contact area, and this percentage in-creases in proportion to the amount of meniscus removed.Complete removal of the meniscus can increase contact stressby as much as 700%61-64 (see Figure A1). What this means forany knee without a meniscus is that it now bears the pressureproportional to carrying seven extra people on one knee.

An additional aspect contributing to the acceleration of theosteoarthritic process is through structural wear of the articularcartilage (see Figure A2). By depriving the joint of the ability tolubricate the articular cartilage, the motion of the femur againstthe tibia will begin to break down the cartilage. When these ar-ticular cartilage cells, which are metabolically active, degener-ate faster than they can regenerate, the result is the accelerat-ed breakdown (degeneration) within the joint.63 One study,which followed rabbits in three-month intervals after varying lev-els of injury, found that the amount of cartilage damage sus-tained was greatest in the meniscectomy subjects, proving thistreatment to be even more damaging than non-treatment.64 Al-though osteoarthritis (OA) may have a reputation as a slowly-

developing disease only prevalent in the elderly, this is clearlynot the case. Cartilage loss can develop from adolescent in-juries and appear as early as a few years after a meniscecto-my.65-68 Precursors to OA, such as evidence of biological carti-lage alterations, can appear in as little as three months postmeniscectomy.69,70 Because OA develops steadily with time, thiscan have devastating effects just five to 10 years after the pro-cedure. The articular cartilage in a knee deteriorates at an av-erage rate of 4.1% per year after meniscectomy.71 This rate isabout twice the rate of normal cartilage loss with aging. AfterOA forms, the articular cartilage continues to deteriorate in theknee joint at a rate of about four to five percent per year.44,45

MENISCAL REPAIRAs the importance of maintaining complete intact menisci hasbecome more widely recognized, the desire for a less invasiveand more curative treatment has been sought out for meniscalinjuries. For this reason, many have turned to meniscal repairas their treatment of choice. Meniscal repair utilizes one of sev-eral suturing techniques to reattach a torn flap of the meniscus,rather than removing it. In preparation for meniscal repair, themeniscus is generally debrided to remove any tissue that is ren-dered too loose or “contaminated” to heal, and then the proce-dure is performed either open or through incision underarthroscopy.72 Meniscal repair is generally reserved for periph-eral tears that extend into the red zone, because the likelihoodof healing is greater in that region.72,73

The short-term results of meniscal repair have varied signifi-cantly, with a range of both promising and disappointing out-comes.74,75 Another concern associated with meniscal repair is,not surprisingly, long-term degenerative osteoarthritis.76-79 Andas the ability to track long-term results has become possible,repair failures and associated symptoms have been observedin large numbers, proving that the effectiveness of this treat-ment is questionable at best. Preoperative symptoms have beenshown to reoccur as early as six months following meniscal re-

FIGURE A1. Increase in joint contact stress versus percent of meniscusremoved. As the percentage of meniscus removed during surgeryincreases, joint contact stress increases exponentially. Thus arthroscop-ic meniscectomy dramatically increases the incidence of future degener-ative knee arthritis.66,67

FIGURE A2. Healthy knee joint with intact meniscus and degeneratedknee joint without meniscus. The removal of part or all of the meniscusduring arthroscopic surgery accelerates the degeneration of the articu-lar cartilage.

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with all activities except walking. He had popping in the kneeand locking when trying to go from flexion to extension. Phys-ical examination revealed medial joint laxity as well as a posi-tive anterior drawer sign.

The patient received one session of 3.5cc of platelet rich plas-ma prolotherapy to the inside of the knee. The anterior cruci-ate ligament and medial collateral ligament were treated withHackett-Hemwall prolotherapy using a 15% dextrose, 10%Sarapin® and 0.2% procaine solution as previously described.

Prior to prolotherapy the patient reported pain and stiffnesslevels of 5 (on a scale of 0 to 10) which decreased to 0 and 1,respectively. Prior to prolotherapy, he was completely incapac-itated related to sports and after prolotherapy he was back torunning and exercising longer than 60 minutes. When he wasquestioned 15 months after the PRP prolotherapy session, hesaid prolotherapy had met his expectations.

Case Report #2A 39-year-old squash player sustained a right knee injury whileplaying squash about one year prior to the visit. An MRI re-vealed a horizontal flap tear in the body of the lateral menis-cus and the patient had a trial of physiotherapy without suc-cess. The patient did not want to get an arthroscopy which wassuggested but instead sought out prolotherapy after an inter-net search.

The patient complained of pain when running and was un-able to play sports. He had crepitation in the knee but no lock-ing. He complained of a deep ache within the knee. Physicalexamination revealed slight medial ligament laxity but no heator swelling.

He received two sessions of PRP prolotherapy to his knee,each with 3.5 cc of solution. He also received Hackett-Hemwallprolotherapy to his medial collateral ligament. The patient stat-ed his pain and stiffness levels went from a 6 to a 1 after theprolotherapy. He reported that prior to prolotherapy he wascompletely incapacitated from running or playing squash butnow, 17 months after his PRP prolotherapy treatment, has nolimitations.

Case Report #3A 50-year-old chiropractor sustained medial and lateral menis-cal tears after falling in a bicycling accident two years prior. Hehad tried previous conservative therapy without success in re-lieving his severe left knee pain. He was completely disabledas far as his previous activities of running and cycling. He didnot want to get arthroscopy because of a poor response to anarthroscopy on his right knee several years before.

Beside pain with any type of activity other than walking, hehad popping and crepitation in the knee but no locking. Hehad pain deep within the knee as well as both laterally and me-dially. He had some generalized laxity of his knee throughouton physical examination.

He received a total of four sessions of PRP prolotherapy tohis knee over a one year period of time. His general laxity wasalso treated with Hackett-Hemwall prolotherapy. The primaryreason for such a long time span is that each treatment gavehim so much improvement he thought it was his last as he in-creased his physical activity, only to have some of the pain re-turn. He was contacted twenty-four months after his last PRPprolotherapy session.

pair and can lead to long-term joint damage decades later.80,81

Specifically, as documented by CT arthrogram, completelyhealing from meniscal repair was found in only 58% of themenisci.80 After a 13 year follow-up the failure rate in oneSwedish study was 29%.81 In this same study, knee functionshowed a statistically significant decline in the meniscal-re-paired knee compared to the non-operated knee. The authorsnoted, “We conclude that 13 years after repair, knee functionis good but not better than after meniscectomy and not asgood as in an uninjured knee.” Six independently performedstudies, conducted an average of eight years after a repair,found that 10% to 38% of all meniscal repairs were consid-ered failures.82-87 And in 25% of all patients undergoing menis-cal repair, the surgery will either not relieve their symptoms orthe repair will fail and their symptoms will again return andneed another operation or some other form of therapy.76


The most recent contribution to surgical treatment of menis-cus injuries has been the advent of the meniscal transplant.Transplantation can be performed either with human allograftor artificial collagen implants, with the majority utilizing cryop-reserved (deep-frozen) allografts extracted from human ca-daver knees. Before a transplant can be conducted, the pa-tient must undergo arthroscopic removal of any remainingmeniscal tissue to prepare for the new implant. Using one oftwo techniques—a bone plug or a bridge—the implant isplaced inside the knee in alignment with the femur and tibia,and then sutured into place. This procedure requires carefulmeasurement of the meniscus and precision in matching thesize and placement of a new meniscus, as even the slightesterror in measurement could cause improper tracking anddamage to the knee.88

This method has been monitored closely for short-term re-sults but, because it is a relatively new treatment and meth-ods between studies have varied, long-term results are diffi-cult to assess. Based on what information we do have, how-ever, the hope of long-term relief remains questionable. In anumber of studies spanning from two to seven years after al-lograft transplantation, failure rates ranged from 28% to 58%,where symptoms such as allograft deterioration, new tears,and unresolved pain symptoms resulted in premature removalof allografts or additional arthroscopic surgeries.88-90 As onestudy states, “[patients] should be advised that the procedureis not curative in the long term, and additional surgery willmost likely be required”88 (see Figure A2). Recovery time isanother important issue in assessing any treatment, and trans-plants have a longer rehabilitation time than other meniscaloperations. In documented transplantation cases, patients didnot begin physical rehabilitation until eight weeks post oper-ation, at which time they were started on non-strenuous ac-tivities such as cycling and followed, between nine and 12weeks post operation, by swimming and walking. Even in themost successful knees, patients were informed that theyshould never return to arduous physical activity, including ath-letics.89 Meniscal transplantation, having such a high failurerate, diminishes the hope that anyone, especially athletes,would have for maintaining an active lifestyle.

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Before the prolotherapy he had a pain and stiffness level of8 and 7 respectively, both of which decreased to a 1 after pro-lotherapy. He was unable to exercise before prolotherapy butafter the PRP prolotherapy he is able to engage in unlimited cy-cling and is able to run, but has chosen not to run because ofhis right knee (the one that had arthroscopy). He also said thatPRP prolotherapy met his expectations.

Case Report #4A 52-year-old athlete presented after sustaining an MRI-docu-mented horizontal tear of the posterior horn of the lateral menis-cus and oblique tear involving the postern horn of the medialmeniscus after falling during running. He had a past history ofpartial lateral meniscectomy 20 years prior. His symptoms in-cluded diffuse knee pain and a feeling of his knee giving way.He also had occasional locking of the knee.

On physical examination, he was found to have medial jointlaxity as well as significant crepitation especially on the medialaspect of the knee. He received a single PRP prolotherapy treat-ment to his knee. At that time he also received Hackett-Hemwallprolotherapy for his medial knee instability. His pain level be-fore prolotherapy was a 7 and stiffness also a 7 but, fourteenmonths post PRP treatment, his pain level is 0 and stiffness is1. He was unable to exercise at all before prolotherapy but aftertreatment he can cycle for two hours and has no limitations withmost weight lifting, all swimming and all cycling. He cannot runcurrently because of an Achilles injury that he is thinking aboutgetting treated with prolotherapy.

Case Report #5A 46-year-old male with a history of three right knee surgeriesand two on the left—including partial meniscectomies on bothknees—presented for a prolotherapy evaluation because of pre-sumed recurrent meniscal tears on both knees. The patient’smain sport is soccer, but had a recent skiing injury causing bi-lateral knee swelling and pain for one month prior to the firstvisit. The patient saw an orthopedist who ordered an MRI whichshowed the medial meniscal tears.

The patient was adamant about not wanting another kneesurgery. He was on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica-tion, which was stopped once PRPP was begun. The com-plaints in both knees (the right was worse than the left) wereswelling, popping and snapping and inability to run at allwithout significant pain. He felt both knees were unstable. Thepatient was completely disabled in regard to sports because ofthe injuries.

On physical examination, there was some slight knee swellingbilaterally as well as evidence of medial knee joint instability bi-laterally. Both knees started out with a pain level of 7 and stiff-ness level of 6, but the patient felt the right knee was significant-ly more unstable. Both knees were treated intraarticularly withplatelet rich plasma prolotherapy, as well as with Hackett-Hemwall prolotherapy on the medial knee for the instability. Hisright knee required five PRPP treatments and his left four treat-ments total.

Upon follow-up fifteen months after his last prolotherapy treat-ment, he stated his right knee pain was still a 0 while stiffnesswas at 1. His left knee pain and stiffness was at a 0. He statedthat over the past year he has been playing soccer without anylimitations.

SummaryMeniscus injuries are a common cause of knee pain. Tears arethe most common form of meniscal injuries, and have a poorhealing ability primarily because less than 25% of the menisci re-ceive a direct blood supply. While surgical treatments have rangedfrom total to partial meniscectomy, one of the most serious long-term sequelae of surgeries for meniscus tears is an accelerationof joint degeneration. This poor healing potential of meniscaltears has led to the investigation of methods to stimulate biolog-ical meniscal repair. Research has shown that damaged meniscilack the growth factors to heal. In vitro studies have found thatgrowth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),transforming growth factor (TGF), and others augment meniscicell proliferation and collagen growth manifold. Animal studieswith these same growth factors have confirmed that meniscaltears can be stimulated to repair with various growth factors orsolutions that stimulate growth factor production. Platelet richplasma prolotherapy has been shown to be effective in these fivecases of MRI-documented meniscal tears in returning these pa-tients to activity and athletic sports. While more controlled stud-ies need to be completed, the clinical evidence shows that PRPPis a reasonable approach to meniscal injury and should be con-sidered as first-line treatment for meniscal injuries. �

Ross A. Hauser, MD received his undergradu-ate degree from University of Illinois. He grad-uated from the University of Illinois College ofMedicine in Chicago and did his residency atLoyola/Hines VA in Physical Medicine and Re-habilitation. He is the Medical Director of Car-ing Medical and Rehabilitation Services in OakPark, Illinois and is passionate about prolother-apy and natural medicine. He and his wife Mar-

ion, have written seven books on prolotherapy, including the nationalbest seller “Prolo Your Pain Away! Curing Chronic Pain with Prolother-apy,” now in its third edition, a four-book mini series of Prolotherapybooks, and a 900-page epic sports book on the use of prolotherapy forsports injuries. Dr. Hauser may be reached at 715 Lake St., Suite 600,Oak Park, IL 60301; 708-848-7789;

Hilary J. Phillips received her Associate of Sci-ence degree from Triton College, in River Grove,Illinois. Her previous medical experience in-cludes volunteering at Beulah Land NaturalMedicine Clinic and working as medical assis-tant in skilled care geriatric nursing. She alsoserved as a medical assistant for over a year atCaring Medical and Rehabilitation Services. Hi-lary is currently a student at North Park Univer-sity where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry.

Havil S. Maddela currently works as a med-ical assistant at Caring Medical and Rehabili-tation Services in Oak Park, Illinois. He is cur-rently enrolled in the pre-med program at Loy-ola University, Chicago where he graduated inMay 2010 with a degree in biology. He workedin a medical missionary clinic during his highschool years as well. He hopes to attend MedicalSchool in the fall of 2010. He may be reached at

715 Lake St., Suite 600, Oak Park, IL 60301; 708-848-7789;

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65Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2010©PPM Communications, Inc. This copy is for personal use only. Do not reproduce, digitally transmit or post without permission.

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