Planning 60th slideshare v

An Unbound World



Transcript of Planning 60th slideshare v

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An  Unbound  World  

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Think  About  It….  

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305  M  

149  M  

1950   2009  

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44% of U.S. children are minorities

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Today’s minorities are projected to

become the majority by 2042

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By 2030, the older populations will more than double, to where 1 in 5 people in this country will

be 65 and older!

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Life expectancy is increasing so fast that most of the babies born today will live to be at least 103!

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In 1950, 78% of US households were comprised of married couples, compared to only 52% in 2000

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Two-thirds of them had never gone beyond grade school and they spent less than $7 a year on education

In 1950, the average American parents made less than $2,000 a year.  

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18.2  M  


3.9  M  


College  Enrollment  

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Harvard  Tui?on  

$36  K  


$445  1949  

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Bachelors Degrees!1960: 65% men 35% women!

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2008: Women received 60% of all degrees

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On average a woman in 1947 made $800!

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Women hold half of all managerial and professional jobs today!

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85% of all jobs lost in this recession were lost by men!

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We  are  living  in  exponen:al  :mes.    

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The computer in your cell phone today is a million times cheaper… a thousand times more powerful…and a hundred thousand times smaller than the computer at MIT in 1965

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Technical information is doubling every 2 years.

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The top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004�

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Today’s graduate will have 10–14 jobs by the age of 38

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More video was uploaded to YouTube in the last 2 months than if ABC, CBS and NBC had been

airing new content 24/7/365 since 1948

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The number of text messages sent everyday exceed the total

population of the planet

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75% of Americans have bought a product online!

81% have researched a product online!

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76% of parents say they feel extremely close to their children today  

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Only 25% of grandparents reported feeling this way with their children

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64% of daughters share the same taste in movies as their mothers

44% share their sense of fashion

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48% of sons enjoy listening to the same music as their dads

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90% of US consumers consider themselves either

“conscious consumers or socially responsible”

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Millennials are starting adult life with more debt than any preceding generation

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