PLAK FOR THE FALL mMWttm - Library of Congress€¦ · Florida. and Metropolitan Limited. Pullman;...

V>: ' ' \u25a0COMPANY.y>--I«HWW ?PHILADELPHIAriSKICHMOND;Ii?AND mmNQRFODIC? STEAMSHIP? LINE. \u25a0 : ; :; '\u25a0&Appointed H Bailing. .' daj'BSIevery fiTUES^ jDAY« FRIDAY s and U SUNDAY^ .at^dayi tj_U* * - \u25a0:'-\u25a0\u25a0.:';" « 1. , \u0084j_ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' k -Freight" received^ dally ?untll^ 5: P."M. " |fe^Sg^?S^ARRICK. ' - General Southern i Agent:l Office/^ockettii %.' General A genta^ Philadelphia; ¥* # JSSS^'rt ISafety1 Safety ot« Speed »AST TWIN SCREW SERVKCI New England; .-........;.... 5eptember 24th j Commonwealth. ... . .; .. - .. : ..October; \ Bth i Merion:(new).f...;. : r.C'.-. i'-- ..October. 15th I NewiEnEt1and'.". ..... ... ..." i. October "Saloon, $65 and $80 upward, according) to ' ; j steamer ; 2d Saloon,' $40 ; ; 3d Class : at(low; ! ratesl;;: ;? '"\u25a0.*:.:. \u25a0;'-\u25a0-,?\u25a0 '\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 ; - : .r ' : \u25a0:...-\u25a0:.•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:;:. ; . : Boston—MEDITERRAWEAN--Service X'\u25a0 Gibraltar; Naples; genoa: ;;;. ;; Cambronan ';'. ..:"::.'. :V.i .'—September 27th; Vanc0uvea ...... ..... ;. V<»... '.October 18th; Cambr0man .'....'. .". ... ..". . : . November. ;Bth; Bth Vancouver . .... .V.....i 7. '.'. November 20th mSaloon Rates, $6o"upward ; idSaloon, $50; For steamer plans,' etc.; address ' Dominion Line, Boston. /";"\u25a0'! fi ::.- ; : v;''-~.- '•V-.' I ",'-:' ".-•' -i je - 19-Th.Sat&7u-ems Am erican Line XEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON \u25a0 Sailing.^Wednesdays at. lo A. M., . St. Pau1..... 5ept., 24 I St. Louis..... Oct. 1 •Kensington Sept. 30 I tFriesland .... :Oct. 7 \u25a0\u25a0.>\u25a0-•\u25a0•• \ \u25a0 fio a. m: :, /, > -.•From Pier: "C," : foot of York-street, Jersey City, N.' J.. at 5 P.M. Star Line NEW YORK— ANTWERP— PARIS. ; . Sailing Saturdays at 10 .A.M. " Zeeland. . '. . ; . Sept. * 27 1 Vaderland. :..Oct. " 11 Finland. .;.:... Oct. 4| Kroonland:..Oct. 18 .-. Internationil Navigation: Company, . : Piers 14 and 15, North . river, - , Office. 73 Broadway, N. Y. W.B. PALMER &CO.. my 15, '95-Tu,Th&Sat ' Richmond. MRi HANKINS AGAIN CHOSEN: Hr'Wili nrmnln: Jircrftnrj- of the. S<n«o CotMiHKtrr. Ilnvlnjfc Keen S<— ! IrrtCJl -Iiy\u25a0 Chnlrmatt Klly«on— Few Menibcru Had Arrived IbMMrW. JOKMOCR ATIC STATE; COMM ITTEB - WEBTS AT SUJnrnVJSTO-XIGHT. PLAK FOR THE FALL continuous eight-hour -run. and; l 'in \u25a0' her white; dress with "buff trimmings, is a handsome' craft. . ". . . ' . . ! »nd ! SonthwesttFlorlda/ICUDajt X exa»,i «-ai-j I^Kd^g^^g^l^^^P ScHEDIJLE S IN EFFECT APRii U-imj 1.'..1 .'.. ; :STREET STATION-DAILY. li : p^ii§iis^iTp^n m pgi zlw&M** Si2o P; i M.-liv.^ Petersburg. •>- 1 af^ |% M'^VUA3 M.~liVVißalelgh, - y \\ 10;25iP:>M:' ?! 7:00 Hamlet. -; :\u25a0 \u25a0" i''os : a ! - m 9-40 A^'M.— Lv.jColnmbiaJ -:; L. 1:03 A.M. 9.40 A. iv (Central Ttoe ,. W4^s5 rAV;M. : 2:10 P.M.— Ar. Savannah.% HqMJpA*' ? M 7-M I P. \u25a0 *&.— Ar.', v Jacksonvme. 10# A r^M' - \u25a0^--^-Ar^ SLYAugustine. M^ i 6:45 A. M-^Ar- Tampa. . - 10:32. P.-M. :iO:08'A:-M^:-Ar.iC^io^tt&v;, . r; l:35?A; M; 10 22ArM.— Lv.i Chester. : 4:«^M.: 12:35P: M:9Lv-^«en^ood. -6:13 A.' M^ ; r2^o P-M;— liV.fAthens. 4? 50-^M13551 355 P" M--Ar.-Atlanta. ; < .ow a. 4(j p M.-A r. Augusta, 11*35 A^JVl.^' 7:20' P-'M.—Ar. Macon. - -\u25a0; '-^ : - : - •'- v-7is'A. vM.^Ar. New- Orleans. G:55 P." M. . I:4C A- M:-Ar.:Nashvllle. ; S:2O. A. M- s 8:20 A^iM^-Ar. Memphis. Train"; NoS 35 ; leaves Richmond J :10_ A. , M daily'for- Petersburg. : Norlina. il. . C.. and all ' Intermediate ft points.' / \u25a0 Connectlor at NorlinaVAvlth - train". arriving -Henderson 2:10 P. -'ite. and Ralelg»;3:so P: ; M. , daily. andDurhani;4 P.fM. daily, except Sunday. . < Trains I leave Richmond IforAW ashlngton. I New,.York. :\u25a0 and the Eas t^ daily^No. 34 at 5:45 ( Ar M., and. No." 66 at 5:05 P. iL r ', Connections at: Jacksonville; and .Tampa for all Florida East; Coast points and Cuba andi.Portoßlcoirat; New; Orleans for all ; points : ln Texas, Mexico and California.,, > TRAINS ARRIVE AT ) RICHMOND- .,->_.- .: . .;,; ;' DAILY.: .... " ; .--.' : 6 : 35' A.' M., No. 34-r From'all points South P." M.,-'Jo. 65 [.and Southwest. ' 5:45'P-"M.; No. "36, from;Norlina,: N. C, .; Petersburg and ilocal' points. / ' - SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. \u25a0 •' Nos 31 and 34 Florida. and Metropolitan Limited. Pullman ; Drawing-Room and Sleeping-Cars between -New York and Tampa: Vestibuled . . Coaches between New York and Richmond, and between Richmond and- Jacksonville. Pullman Sleeping-Cars v-(daily) -between Jackson- ville-and Tampa.; Also; through Draw- ing-R6om Sleeping-Cars bet— een. New Yorlc and ' Atlanta- and Cafe-Cars between Hamlet" - and Atlanta and Hamlet and Savannah. *:\u25a0>'"'; - ". :: " "'-.:Nos."" '-- .:Nos." 27 and "66—Seaboard -Fast Mail. Pullman. Drawihg-Room ; Buffet Sleeping- Cars between New. York and Jacksonville, connecting at - Hamlet with Sleeping-Car to' and from Atlanta. -In"connection with which \through Pullman tickets are sold. Pullman -Parlor-Cars -between i Jackson- ville and Tampa. Finest Day Coaches. . -: . » "W: J. MAY.: City Ticket Agent. , Z.^ P. Smith. District Passenger Agent. :• 'Phone. 405. ; " 1006 East .Main street.. effect in the abdomen of Reynolds, who nied about an hour afterwards. Snead ran' off.> but was captured: early Sunday, morning and brought' here and lodged in jail, last night. -He v was, however, re- moved to Lynchburg. as violence was feared. The negro : claimed ' that . the shooting was, accidental. '\u0084'. .' ". ' ; CIRCUS TO WINTER HERE IN RICHMOND. The Hall Agrgrrepntion iri.^Gfoocl; Fi- «.- iiancial Condidnn, Despite ! Rumors to Contrary. PROPOSALS.' •' y •. Commonwealth: of Virginia, " Office of Sup't; of \u25a0 Public Printing. \u25a0 Richmond. Va... September 10. 1902.. ; "SEALED "PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived at this office until 12 M. of THURS- DAY.' SEPTEMBER 25," 1902, for furnish- ing the following papers for' theuse- of the Commonwealth: \u25a0 . -. - '.' . 600 Reams 24x3S 50-pound No. 1, M. .F. Book. :- \u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0 .. ;:;.-..-:. .- :\u25a0 . . 324 Reams 26x36. 50-pound E. S. .Flat Writing. ,•' ' . / \u25a0 •100 Reams -16x21 24-pound Flat. ' : 1 .;110 Reams 26x36 70-pound '; No. 2 Ledger.' " .65 Reams 22x32 54-pound No: 2 Ledger.-", 40,000 -No.- 6^, ' No. 1 Rag Envelopes (Gov.). - , .- \u25a0• , ,-•.:, .: -'... \u25a0>; -30.000 No. 10. No. 1Rag Envelopes (Gov.). Papers, .etc., to he" delivered in" stock- room without charge for freight .or. dray- age. ' ' \u25a0 ' \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' ' ; --. . ';\u25a0 ', ' y \u25a0 .V Bidders will furnish samples of size and weights advertised^ for.. \u25a0 :' The right is -reserved- to reject any .or all bids. \u25a0 ..i-: , .:... .-,- .'< : J. H. O'BANNON, : Superintendent Pyblic Printing. se"ll-eod6t - . . '. - .. . ' .TRAiiira.f leave $nipHMOin>-OT»*s| &J^pS^«TREBT^TATIOW^fg.«^^ ... " , '. Norfolk 5 U:2O *Al3 M^v?Stopi^onlJ^at, i^StPeterßburftftWavisrlyiiandlSutfo^ .v. 9:49;-A- M.;< Emporla%ll:oß!cA.^.^ Weldon xII :50 5- : A:--: M-i H Fay ftteyilie ? ?- : "'S :4'??4 :41 i P; > M^S Charleston ill ils«/*r^ V viV-iM.,ri-Savannahs3:oo;;A^«Mrrk</»crf-i sonville?;9-05^A^^M^tTampa|5lfl^W, ;> ;vp. i M.V^Port Tampa A 0:30 P. M^Cdn-., nects 'at iVVilson, with No.\49;>;arrlv^ . ing GdldsboroVS^STP/MSsWilrning-j "ton 6 P.' M.V- Pullman Sleeper.- New. \u25a0; --York * Jacksonville- £^5 " ; \u25a0' v = 1' 11:10 A;-M.~<Daily.-Arriveß Petersburg] :;: -'-- ; . AI :.M. V v f :; Drewry'sk- Bluff. i -\u25a0; Centrallaf^M ana if : - \u25a0'^\u25a0'\u25a0- Cheater; on <' signaL '^ yJ ' T :?&± \u25a0'- -'-\u25a0 't" :^ V 1 :1O P. . M.-= v Daily, i\ arriving = Petersburg j j i r rl:50 -P.>m;« Connects Ksrith?Norfollf;| -"-.'< - and "Western ? railroad iilor.s RoanoK*; \u25a0 -]pr v and ?Intermediate ; points.; . S tops *at * \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 v; f >: - Drewry's - , - Bluff, t- Centralla, . mna_ '$.. * :<M> P^ rOCBANr OCBANj SHORE iLIMIT^O^ ; :.: : Daily. \ .Amves :Petersbur«;3:3Q?P. \u25a0\u25a0.. M.;>Nor-folk g:2oP;:M.SStop»;oii»r, - ' , at; Petersburg.: Waverly.;and:Bui- t - < folk. - _..- \u25a0:\u25a0•. \u25a0-'•\u25a0'\u25a0 4:30 p. M.DaHy, Except Sunday jArr. /. \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 riven Petersburg 6:l» \u0084 7:3s.P.:M.V'and Rocky, Mount 9:05 P- V«:oi P^^^S^^l^xe^guVg' : '\u25a0• .. . DIAN LIMITED. Dally."^ Arrive* ' \u25a0 Petersburg i ; 8:02 vrp." Connec^ ; with Norfolk arid Nor- folk and intermediate spolnUirEia- " poria Jl^'P-.M.- (connects^vitnt ai^ lantic and roralationa^ber: ~: ville I:2s ;a:;M^ Charleston 6a7^ A. . ' M- Savannah 8:35 ;A:,M.. n Jackson :r y . ' ville, 1 :15 P.rM.. TampalO:oo;P.^JVi-»: V Port Tampa 10:30 -P.vM^v*.__-_ \u25a0_-j : : \u25a0\u25a0-";.' \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0:, NEW LINE TOMIDDLBJ^aEOBr -" •' GIA -POINTS- Arrlvlntr. lAuaru«Ui 8:25-A. l M^vMacon 11:35; Aj:M.,^AH lanta 1:00 P. M:-> Pullman Sleeper t New York to Wilmington.", Charie3- , ton. Port ' Tampa," Jacksonville. ;Au-: gusta- and Maconl.- Dining, car .. -\u25a0•- ' vice.- \u25a0;= -.\u25a0..-; .;-'--: . \u25a0'':'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .:.!v. : ,V; - 0:45 P. M. Daily; . - Arriving '* PPeters Dugrg " - 10:25 : P. M. : - Connects f at Petersburg ' . : with Norfolk and r Western \u0084 way. arriving 'Lynchburg; 2:40 _A. ' M.. Roanoke 4 :45 A. M.; Bristol ; 10:40, V : A. M.y Pullman -Sleeper.. Richmond 11:80 P. JL" C BaUy? : Arrives Peterabursr -\u25a0:" : -12:10 •A;-.M.r-'.-:^.-.."-".-"-': "- '"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 : '-'' :^ : .' TRAIX3 ARRIVE RICHMOND.; \u25a04:12 A. M. Daily! i. 1 From -Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston. Atlanta,' Macon v . Augusta. :.-and .; all Point* •'••• \u25a0•\u25a0South.-; ..:\u25a0.\u25a0... „-\u25a0•.' .".-4 :,..', ::.- '•/. - :'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0-. ;^ '\u25a0 7:85 A. M. Dally.. "From" Petexsliurg, ." ' Lynchburg, and the. "West. 8:48 A. M. Dally, except Sand ay. :• Petersburg- local.' .' ; '"' ' Jil " 11:10 A.. M."'Daily. -except Sunday. From Rocky Mount and intermediate:sta- . tions. Norfolk' and Suffolk. :'• •- 11:1O A". M.: Daily." From '\u25a0\u25a0 Suffolk,, anil' Norfolk- -- : V-; : /: 11:42 A. M.. Daily.i.From'.Norfoile. Suf- folk, and' Petersburg. ;iv \u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0.\u25a0'".if- •• '\u25a0' 1.-BO P. m. Daily.n:;From ; Roanoke, and Intermediate. point*. 1 4 :3r> P.M. Daily.- : From Petersburg. \ 0:50 p. m. Daily. From .Norfolk, Sui- - folk,: and Petersburg. - -^ 1 T:45 P. M. Dafiy. From- Miami. 'Port -. Tampa. Jacksonville," Savannah, !'\u25a0;.. Charleston, Golds- boro*.' and \u25a0 all Doints South. i 8:56 P. M. Daily. ;From Petersburg, Lynchburg,'- and "West. ' v -.-\u25a0•\u25a0-: "i "'-.; . 'X M. r"EMMERS&N.-J:- ' " \u25a0 - ; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •-•.Traffic Manager. 1 . H. M. : EMMERSON, ; : ' ... '-:-'. Assistant Traffic Manager.* ' : ;" ..; -. W. J.. CRAIG. .;.\u25a0 N . \u25a0: •General Papseriger: Agent. . v . ' ':.-. C.:ftV CAMPBELIi' v r r - Dlrißlon Passenger- Agent/: ; ia 14 " \u25a0•••.;.•\u25a0•\u25a0-»«. 'eaat: Main -street.'; Mr. '/Hnl",- Tyler;,Has Rctnriiea. : ' Mr. "Hal." Tyjer, of Radford, who has-been' in"' the": city in .the 'interest' of the Pduthwest Virginia. Agricultural' and Live Stock Association. the' second an- nual exhibition of which '\u25a0 is to be held in Radford on- October' l4th,'-.15th,- 15th, : and 17th". has' returned home. -._;\u25a0 •: " \u25a0 Mr Tyler is how practicing law in Rad- ford and is considered one ; of the com- i:ig lawyers; of -the -Southwest. Though having hung- out his shingle less than n year ago, he has taken his place with ,the c?der members' pf : 4he bar "and is .highly thought, of.'- \u25a0'• - " ..-. ~ •--..:- 1 Duringhis four 1 years' -residence ; at 'the : F.xccii ti vo \u25a0 Mansion; Mr.:• Tyler, mad c "man>^. friends in the city who are glad to- see hirn.aijain even for- a short .visit, and v.-ill be glad to: hear' of his success in his chosen profession. . - .. : J^^: SteamsWi) Co. DAILY LIHEFOR PW lORK, THE ;": KCRTH k¥3 EAST. ;. Coles to, Tnkc Stump. . , ." Mr. M; A. Coles, Republican nominee for. Congress in the First District, was at his office \in the Custom House.yester- day. Mr. Coles will leave this week for the' firsf time -to. take the stump, in -the interest of his "campaign. ' ' . . \u25a0.;:;.;-:. mMWttm mm&K \u25a0\u25a0••--•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 In jK«ectM«r 25, 3003. Sf®^@3SgSfcw.-BD.- -" ' -.< |«a3,^M; Dally/ from^BYRD-STREEr for;LtWaj»llington ana beyond;^ Stopß* at- 'Mlirord. Fred- :erickaburg,' and Alexandria. Stopi -\u25a0 I Occoquan 1 Sundays. :V-Sleeplngr Can ' to Washington and :New York. Dialnff Car. ' \u25a0 - ;«:^»?Ar^ 41. Dally; rrom MAi» .-: - IBTRBE7T .W:ATIOX. Florida, aai ;, MotropollU./.- >Umlted. -lor WmJ! \ .- Sinaion^-anai^tieyondL •. dtopa «» .-- : - Frederlcksb-jrg ' and Alexandria :; Sleeping Cars, to New York. , 7:0O A. 'M.'Exc apt Sunday, from ELBA : VSTATION, accomodation for Ajs. ..;:- ~- -land ; and Interroediato points. **• . A^S-' Sut»ltl X f OR'?, from BYRD- ; \u25a0\u25a0 BTRKET STATION, for Washlnsl ; .on and - : beyond. Stops at Elba - . . Oi»n. :••:.'. J Hen. n\u25a0•".: and , local, statloa/ . ,Ashlan</ toICherry ; Hill inclusive NeKley, Occocjuan. and Alexandr»aL -;~- Buffet Parlor Car. SAO A: M. fixcept : ':.. Sunday, ftp- BTRD.3TREET i STATIOX, fj Washington and beyond.. »top» at . Eloa. : Glen Allen, and local «ta. tions, Ashlantf to Accotink Incla- sive. Seminary,* and Alexandria. . -\u0084 Parlor car *«• 1-:05 ! Noop. Except Sunday, from BYRU. " .BTP^ET.STATIOX. for WwtoS . .ton and boyond. Stops at ElbL . Ashland. \u25a0\u25a0Doswell.Slllford, p-°£ - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"• \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0"\u25a0 ertckaburjft;-: and .Alexandria. BuST^t commodation f or . Fredericksbur* «^« and interr.ieaate points. our * -,- .-beyond. Stops .at Dcswell. Fre4- .. : erickaburs. and Alexandria. Ble*t>- Ing Car toNp-w York. tt:ia p. >1 Daily, from ELBA STA- TION, for Washington and. beyond Stops at Ashland. Frederickshur^ and Alexandria. Sleeping Car to New York. Dinlnsr Car. B:SO Jf^. M Exce Pt Sunday, from ELBA STATIO.V. Accommodation for Ashland and intermediate Domta. »:O5 P. M. Dally, from BYRD-^HFet STATION-, for Washington andb£ yond. ; Stops at Elba. Aahland. h Doswen. Mflford. ITreclerlcksburx, . Brooke, Widewater.- Quantlco. and Alexandria. Stops at other sta- tions Sunday. Bleeping Car Rich- ' Ashland and intermediate points. TRAIXS ARRIVE KICIIMOMJ—SOtiTI^ ' WARD. O:4O A. SI. Except Sunday, at ELBA STATION. Accommodation ftES Ash'and and Intermediate polrta 8:25 A. M. Except Sunday, at BYP&. " -street Station; -AwommSS: tlon from Fredertckaburg and Sa- termedlate points. v la 8:4O A.M. Daily. at BYRD-STREET STATION. Stops at AlexVnS Occoquan. TV'idewater. Brooke Frederickpburg. Milforcl, DoswPli Ashland, and Elba.. Stops at othv ' stations Sunday. Sleeping Ca»- %'«"-, . York to Richmond. * eTr 12:01 P.. M. Except Sunday., at BYRn \u25a0 87 REET STATIO.V. Stops at S: \u25a0 cal statlonn. Washington to Ash land Jnclualve, Glen Allen ana Elba. Parlor car. an<s 2:02 P. M- Daily, at ELBA STATrov Stops at Alexandria. Lorton. Oreo-" . quan. Frcdertcksbursr. and arilforrl Sleeping Car from Xciv York •' -Dining Car. xorK- 2:05 BJS^jWS. 1 •£ I xSg -yrederloksburg. Milford. Dosw^ End Ashland. Steeplnc Car fronr New York. 6:OO P. M. _Except " Sunday, at ELBA BTATION Accommodation from Ashland and Intermpdiatp oolnra T-15 P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREFT !\u25a0 \u25a0 ' * :. STATION. Btop^ at Alexandria Frederlcksbur^, Do3we!l. A^i a!U I -and Eloa, Sleeping Cars fro™ New York and Washlrigton Din- ins t;ar. 8:5OP M. Daih-. at BYRD-STREET STATION. Gcops at Alexandria local stations. Quantico to Ashland inclusive. Glen Allen and Elba. Bu*. . - fet Parlor Car. 10:39 P. M. Dally, at MAIN'-STREST \u25a0STATION- Florida and Metro- politan' Limited. Stopj at Alex- andria, Frederlctsburtr, Doswell and Ash'and. Sleeping cars frcra .. . New York. \u25a0- ll:OO P. y>- E.xcepc fJundav. at ELBA \u25a0 STATION. Accommodation from AahlanC.. W. P. TAYLOR. Traffic Manager ,W. D. DTTKiE. General Manager. , Til- T.' % l>-. MYEKS. PrpsWont.- J^JI ;pxatnitie.."-: Our JSeiris. . PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES.—NA- tionaI Soldiers'- Home. Va.. Treasurers Office, September 15. 1902. Sealed propo- sals received at; this office until ijoon. THURSDAY. OCTOBER; 15. .1002, for furnishing 'and delivering of COAL at the Southern Branch. N. H. D. V S., during eight months, beginning November. ]. < 1002, of: the fiscal year ending June' 30. 1903. Printed; instructions: and specifica- tions' and blank -proposals .willH; be,, sup- plied upon application to; this: office. .Bids aggregating over. .5500. must be.^icconi- ipanied by .a /c ertified check, payable 'rto the undersigned .Treasurer, for at,\; l.gist 5 per centum of the amount thereof^ ;wh,ic.n check will be forfeited to the National Home for- D. V.- S.. in case:the. successful bidder.refuses or. fails".to enteriinto-con- tract as required; \u25a0 otherwise, to re- turned to the- bidder. , The right is served to reject any or all proposals.ilor to : waive , informalities therein."- 1 ' KEnve- lopes containing proposals sho'uldnbeoen- dorsed—"Proposals ' for Coal.^NK-H::?©. V. 5.." and- addressed to theiundersign- ed. W. -H. H. PECK. Treasurer/?f'i'A'p- p'roved: WILLIAM THOMPSON,' - rGover- nor.. '- " "56-16,23.30 00 7 *\u25a0' /BETWEEN- - \. RIGHMOND AND NORFOLK. . i "' The New Steamers ,v BRIHDSn MB BERKELEY "All right. Professor, sell, the tickets," and the Colonel George W. Hall Circus began its first night's performance, at the corner of Vir/c and Main streets last night after a successful matinee in the afternoon. 1 Many rumors were afloat during the day. the chief of.-which- had it that?: the circus was stranded, and \u25a0' it was to\ learn the true situation of affairs that a Dis-: patch man -went -out -.last evening to see- the Colonel and his show, which, by the- way. is a good one. "The circus was never in a better con-, dition financially," said the Colonel. "Yes: Attorney Wipe did have a claim against me. but I have settM-d that to the satisfaction of all concerned. The show does not owe a dollar to any one. We paid off everybody Sunday night." "What was this little . business Mr. Wise had witb you?" . "Some negroes- we had with us struck and put tlvoir claim in Mr. Wise's hands to settle." . ' " . ' "Could he have levied. on the gate re- ceipts?" , - r , \u25a0 '' "No: I do not think he could," and the Colonel continued. "I think;it is. a shame that a \u25a0fellow can't come to a town with-, out everybody meddling with his affairs. I havo come to Richmond to winter., if negotiations I had before coming mate- rialize. No sooner than I get" here a re- port :. is circulated that. the. show^ is stranded." ' . ' The Colonel stopped and listened. "What's that noise. Colonei?" Tire Colonel's old circus : spirit came back to him, and,once"more' he was cry- ing out the merits of his show: ~ ; "The two beautiful spotted; hyenas from Hall'-s - geological- collection— the scavaiigers of the desert; the animals that live entirely upon flesh; ransack graves and follow armies, for the dead and wounded"— and the Colonel hurried inside the tent, soon returning. "They, have been scrapping, but Cardona, the trainvi-r. parted them. v - "We will show here again to-morrow night and* next day in Manchester." . f. The show is full of many good features. It was well patronized, both tents being crowded last night. : .- . . Office ; of City Engineer, " : :• : ' \u25a0\u25a0• . City Hall. ; -' \u25a0;. . -\u25a0'..: Richmond. Va.. Sept. '22 ISO 9 "NOTICE TO- CONTRACTORS." " \u25a0 Sealed proposals willbe received at this ofnce'until'4 P. M. Thursday, Sept* 25, : f0r granolithic curb and. gutter and sidewalks as per. list and . specifications at this of- fice. :\u25a0"•- \u25a0 . ••'• \u25a0•"\u25a0'; \u25a0" ':'*\u25a0.'.'•'\u25a0•.' .' .. T' - •'-\u25a0'\u25a0;. \u25a0 . •\u25a0\u25a0 •''.- > ' -A. : certified checks for $250 must: accom- pany each : bid; and the Committee on Streets reserves the j right ; to i reject any or all bids and to let the work as a whole or in parts, as : it may deem best. "\u25a0•-•\u25a0 ; :\u25a0\u25a0 m . t w.:e. cuTSHAW,i \u25a0 \u25a0 se22-td :.'. , -.•\u25a0.-, ' City Engineer. HOW MISS RIVES WORKS. LISGAIi 2VOTICES. leave Richmond, nightly ; at 7 o'clock for Norfolk. Fare one way, , $ :':'round trip, S4 50 including state-room' accommoda- tion arriving at Norfolk at 6 A. M.; ther a transferring to New York steamer, daily, except Sunday: ' "'-;,\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0>;-\u25a0 Passengers can leave daily, except Suri- dav by ' Chesapeake and Ohio railway. at B'-50'A.- M. and 4 P.!:M.; or 9A..M. and 3 P M by 'Norfolk and: "Western railway, both -iines"' connecting- 1 at Norfolk with di- rect steamers sailing same. day.: ,- j 1 ~ Freight for -all northern;^ eastern,'*" and foreign : ports | ; received . ana . . forwarded daily except Sunday, at ;\u25a0\u25a0 company's wharf. Rocketts. •' - .-\u25a0: :\u25a0- -:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 " : v \u25a0 \u25a0'-;-.'-- Tickets on sale, at - company s ; office, jNo. j^i2 east Main street:; Richmond Trans- fer B Company, VNo.-» 903 ; east 7 ' Main i street, Murphy's Hotel, \u25a0-\u25a0: Chesapeake " and and ' Richmond ? and mPetersburg :depots. Richmond. Baggagd checked through-to all POintS "- JOHN 7 F^MAYER. ii S ent^ ; ' : - 1212 east- Main street, Richmond. .~Vai : : v- : - ' :\u25a0;\u25a0.:\u25a0£ j.:j.; brown, \u25a0 : - General Agent.'. H B. WALKER, Traffic Mgr., New-York. jy 23.. :V. : •:.-,.• - : ->y \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0 ". . [;'/ \u25a0' .-:. 'Our trays of valuable gems, both set and unset, will anord a stock trom which onyone can get stones just to their liking- pure, sparkling, beautiful— :worth the price. .--.." y ,-\u25a0 \u0084: ' .- ;' : w' ' .'.- : \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0••"-..•; There isn't a. doubt of the.value of an investment for jewels and precious stores. You'll always , get your moneys worth here! "'r \u25a0 ;- •;•\u25a0 : - -\u0084:• .;.•:-\u25a0 ..-; iS^fHflrfi^esiern AMD ARRIVE NEW MAIM-STREET STATIOH, . September IG, 1902. •LBIVB RICHMOND. : 7:45 A. M. Daily, Newport News. Lo- S:sd A?M. Old. Point, ;^w-; ' - port News. ' and Norfolk. . Tw « hours -and twenty-five mmutes to i •• •: ••-' Norfolk. Stops Williamsburg. New. < --port; News, and Hampton onl>. \u25a0'' -Parlor ear. - . " \u25a0\u25a0 T ~ ' fn . ' 4 :0O P. M. Daily, except Sunda> , tor ,;f\< Old : Point. Newport News. : and : .Norfolk..Two hours and_twent>-nve •- minutes: to Norfolk. Stops Wil- :\u25a0\u25a0:-.' liamsburg, Newport News, ana : ' Hampton only. Parlor car. Con- - ! ; "\u25a0•-'\u25a0\u25a0. nects at Old ..Point with ->\ ashin«- . ton, Baltimore, and Cape., / Charie3 .•steamers; at Norfolk with Old Do- ' - minion steamers for Isew : xov !\- _\u25a0 5:00 P. M: Daily, .for -Newport iNews •\u25a0.-. sand5 and Old Point. Makes .principal . :...-: Stops. .-'\u25a0'..\u25a0 : : ' \u25a0'• \u25a0•- :,_-.: ,_-.- \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-:\u25a0 MAINLINE WEST-BOUND./ f . .IO:1O-A. M. Local. Daily to Charlottes- .: \u25a0- -ville,: and; except- Sunday, between ': Charlottesville and Clifton -i orge, f connects : for Orange, . Culpeper. ,Calverton, and Manassas. . - 2:30, P. M.'Daily-Cincinnati and; Louis-. ' ville Express. Parlor : car, _ex- . 1. cept Sunday,.to Gordonsville. fmi- -. : man from 'Gordonsville " to cincm- .\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0) \u25a0>\u25a0 nati, ••: Louisville. and the \> e«t. v . Connects for Virginia Hot Springs. : . A' local train from Gordonsville to - ::^-\u25a0Stauhton. follows for local stations, -except Sunday.: .. . \u25a0 . 5:30 P. M. Except Sunday. Accommoda- :"\u25a0 . \u25a0 tion to-Doswell. / _.. '7:0 OP. M. "St Louis - and Chicago ; l' -Special." Daily, with Dining and ' ' Pullman cars, to* Cincinnati, m- l :' dianapolls, - and St. Louis; \u25a0Sunday, with Parlor car, Cmcin- 1 v , ; nati 'to 'Chicago." . Dlnins car. on - '• 'at Gordonsville. ,- " . 1O:3O P. " M. F. F. V. Limited. 1 Except ". i ' > Sunday to Gordonsville; daily be- . i 'yond.' Pullman to Hinton.connect- ' •; . ;. ing with "Pullman; to" Cincinnati, '. , . •.Louisville, and ths "West. Connects r.for "Virginia Hot Springs. , '• i JAMES-RI\ r ER DIVISION. ' 10J2O : A. M. Daily, tor Lynchburg. * Lex- :;';'- .'"-Vngtonl New Castle, and Clifton : -Forge, except Sunday, for Rosney 5 - . and Alberene. Parlor car. .5:15T.M. Except^ Sunday, to -Warren. ; ;\u25a0••.» ARRrVE RICHMOND.' 'I-. .-' .From' Norfolk and Old Point; 18 .:'. : . -' A. M.. 6:30 and 7:20 \u25a0 P. •M. daily: :r - - 2:20 P. M., except Sunday. -. \u25a0 . ' .'. : MAIN. LINE."- . ' ..From Cincinnati and the West, : 7:45 A.:M., daily; 9:45 A. M., except .' :-\u25a0 'Sunday, .and 3:30 : P. ' M... daily. •i I .- Local, 8:30 A. 'M.." except Sunday, \u25a0 : -.and: 7:ls P. M.". ! dally. ' , ;- JAMES RIVER DIVISION. ,6:35" P. M. daily- and 8:40- "A. M., ' except Sunday. c Apply"at:. 809 east Main" street." 903 east Main;, street.'":: Murphy's "..Hotel.' and Jef- ferson" Hotel for further information, rates, -ticliets, -and Pullman: reservations. '\u25a0\u25a0';: .. W. O. \WARTHEN. : \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0•.-\u25a0• District -Passenger Agent. C E. DOYLE, - ';H.^W FULLER,- . General Manager. Gen. ; Pass. Agent. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- ".1 ';' "\u25a0>"\u25a0.-: t \u25a0':•' ;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 5&2S XT. Allen & Co. Jewellers,^' 14tti atid Maiti Streets. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN? 7^" Please take notice that the" under- signed, -who was, on the 19th day of May, 1900, by the Orphans' Courtof<the County of Philadelphia, in'the State of vania, ' appointed and duly, qualified : as tne; guardian in Pennsylvania of Charles 1 Hazlehurst. and Samuel vHazlehurst, In- ! fant . children of "\u25a0 Charles rand Margaret I McKim Hazlehurst (de'—'sed), .and which State the said 'gu'#fc'.n. arid -wards 'then resided, and now iodide, "will." on MONDAY. THE 13TH DAY OFfOCTO- k . BER, 1902, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., of .that day, at the court-room of -the Chancery Court of the city of Richmond, in: the City Hall: in said city, move; the said Court . to.. enter an order directing that the shares of the estate :of^' the late Henry R. \u25a0"\u25a0 Hazlehurst; (the -grandfather, of; said infants) which- may- then be,^ or which: may hereafter, come, under the control of said Court .and belonging to said infants, "be paid ; over and ..delivered to the .undersigned as such guardian- and removed by him to the State of Pennsyl- vania.- --- \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-:'\u25a0:\u25a0• MURRAY RUSH-- Guardian? of Charles and Samueli-Hazle- y hurst,, -infants. : v ' y: - -..•; 1 : ' ; L By Christian & Christian; his counsel. ; .: se 2-Tu4t :;•\u25a0':;\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 .:"\u25a0-"-\u25a0 A ' " ' "•"' . : \u25a0 Chairman.^ TaylorEUyson and . the i>cmo^r;»tic State Central and Executive Committees- have hocn hard'at work for the past month endonvorin^ to arouse in-, forest amonc Democrats in registration, and have been making:- organized and cf- \u25a0Cectlve effort to sccurt the enrolment of the r Democratic vote of the district. •They have been sccurinp ;the: co-opera- tlon of the county and city committees, but desire more. effective work by -the lo- cal organizations and all ' the -aponcics Of the party. To that end Chairman El- l>-son has calloji the committees together In this city to-nißht. at Murphy-?, to out- Une. plans for: a, vigorous and aggressive te*njp:il£ti- It~ is- confidpntly expected that all tlie ten> Demoorntic nominees for Congress "will win: but Mr. Ellyson never," takes any chances, l^e always makes the fight as" vigorous and well organized as thougn cvrr>- district was in "doubt. This energy and organized intelligent work has much to 'do 'with tbej brilliant record of the BtAte Chairman :is n campaigner. Vor many years. he has conducted the c.iV-, TJalgns : for his party in the Stnte, ably assisted : by his. committees, and has never lost:a" fight yel. •. . .'- ' Here Is Ihe list of commltteemen: STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. First -District—Clnggett. B., Tones. King hnd Queen: H. : ?F.. Crismond. Fr-edeneks- liurg: R. L. Ailsworth. Northampton: J. Boyd''-Poars;.'''Mathcws; Lloyd T. Smith, Korthumberlandi',';, Second District-J. N. Sebrell. .Jr Bouthampton: George. W. Jones. Norfolk tounty: J. M. Curtis, Warwick:- "W .• aa Dey. Norfolk city: P. V. Cogbill. Ches- terfield: John S. Harwood and J. J. ILynch; Richmond, city; B. L. "Winston. JJanover: Fourth District-F. R. Lassiter. Peters- burg: A. T>. Watkins. Prince Edward: 1 . E. '; Clarke. -Mecklenburg: R. G. Southall, iA.melia:. vacancy. ..- * \u25a0 \u25a0' •Fifth Dislrict— R. A. James, Pittsylvn- nia: J. M.^Kook^r. Patrick: George M. Helms. Franklin: T. G. Burch. Grayson. And w: H. Sutherland. Carroll. 1 "- Sixth District—John R. Edmunds. ' Hali- Ifax: D. Q. .Ecrsrleston." Charlotte Cchair- tnan): If. O. Humphreys. Bedford: Sid- ney Sh el tman.' Montgomery; A. P. Crad- aock. Lynchluirg: . Seventh District— "\V. F.. Richards. W ar- yen: Jolm S. Patton. Chariot tesvillc: E. AY. Carpenter. Roekir.gham; G. \u25a0 W*. Kin- Bey, and E. -D. .Newman. . Shnnandoah. Eig-hth District— Grenville Games. Fau- tjuier; R: Lindsay Gordon. Louisa: G. S. P. Triplett and^C. P. Janney, Loudoun; one vacancy.' 4-^v "."' Ninth District— B. F. .Buchanan. W ash- Jngton: M. C. Clark. T. A. Lynch. Taze- •well; P. F. St. Clair, Giles; and .D. Smith. . Tenth District—Joseph Button. Appo- cnattox: AA r . A. R'.nehart. Allegheny: Irv- 'ng P. \u25a0VVhitchead, Amherst: E. W. Hu- >ard, .Buckingham; and F. T. Glasgow, wockbridgc. : EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. pjj-pt— \ A. Jon op. of- Richmond -ounty Second— TT. E. Boykin. of Tsle «if Wight. Third— H. M. Smith. Jr. Fourth— .William H. Mann. Fifth-E. AY. Saun- ters Sixth— vacant: Seventh— Thomas S. Martin. Eighth-J«scph E. Willard. Ninth -William F- Rhea. Tenth— Edward Ech- >ls. ' . . , There arc several vacancies in the Cen- tral Committee to be filled, and also one In the Central Committee. These are the jommittees as constituted at the time. of Ihe lnst. me^ir.g. Mr. Carter Glass, of Lynchburg. will : probably be the Sixth District enmmitteeman: Mr. Leonard Marbury, of Alexandria, has died since the last meeting of "the committee. Dr. II F. Bryant, of Southampton, chairman of the Second District Committee, re- Bigned to run for the Democratic nomi-, \u25a0nation for Congress, and Mr. John N. Se- brell. Jr.. Of >thc' same county. . was rec- ommended by the District Committee as His successor. This recommendation will. Kt; is expected, be ratified by the'commit- tee - \u25a0 - 3HR. -HANKINS AGAIN SECRETARY. Chairman Ellyson has again selected Mr. J. <;. Hankins to be Secretary of the State Committee. Mr. Hankins served throuch the gubernatorial campaign last year, having been selected by ' Mr. Elly- ebn -'as; successor 1 to Mr. Joseph Button, "the former secretary, who at the time Siad as much as he could do. being secre- tary of the Constitutional Convention and of the State; Senate. ;. - Only one Jor two' members of the enm- taittee came in' last night, but they, will J>egin to arrive this morning, and tho majority of them will be on hand •when the chairman raps the body to 01- to-night at Murphy's. Some of the members who reside in remote sections of ihe State will probably not attend the Jineeting. The gathering is expected :to,bo B. harmonious business session." the only >bject being to., devise plans to more ef- fectually "de^eatUhe Republicans in every BistricUNo. other business can come be- fore' the 'committee.-" The differences be- tween the Norfolk county : factions have been adjusted,' so far as 'the State Com- mittee has power to -adjust them. .The Eame may., be said of the factions \. in. Bhenandoah. v. :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . ' : - " \u25a0, •- <• v BAY'LINE\; TOBALTIMORE Via C. & X). Railway and Old Point. V; U.S. MAIL ROUTE. Leave Richmond > via : Chesapeake '\u25a0. and Ohio f railway,:- daily, -n except Sunday. , at Sfp ; M.; connecting,-^ at? Old Point 'with A^utierb steamers of the. Old Bay Line- iJavlne at 7:15 P. M.,;, arriving- Baltimore 6^30 A? -M.^ In. time^toamake -connect^ with all-. trains ; North.; East. : and, Weat Shortfall; ride^andvah nieht onvonetS the^ finest steamers- Jn southern- waters. Returning." > arrive: Richmond , 10 An-M. . TRAILS LEAVE RICHMOND. V\. 1O:I5 A. M. No. !). daily for Durham, -N*. C. JDanvUU. and ail locil sta'Jjiu south, connecting at BurUevjiw with Norfolk and Western rallwa/ \u25a0' for Farmvllle.' Lynchbur;; and all - loi*al stations West; at Jeffreys 10. loca," stations on Norfolk Dtvlaws to Danville; at Oxforfi for Hen- : derson. 8:SO P. M.. JJo. ». Umlted train Xor iacluonvlhe and all Florida " fiointa; Havana, Nassau. _etc con- nects .at Moseley with i-annriu* .and PowLatin railroad;^, a' Greensboro' for Durham. t«i*e 1 aj 1 ' and :Wlnston-Salem; at Cha-dotW : •-—^-^wlth No. IS. United States fast mail.; solid train, dally, .for >e« i Orleans and points Suuth. wbi« | ; carries Sleepers to Kew Ori^a..'- | Drawla«-Room Sleeper Klchmoml | to Atlanta and Einninahaa- | trahi. with Sleeper. s*-|»- - bury to M^mpoia. Dln:nsr-Car »«f*.. ;J ' --•\u25a0vice.- '-•\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0- I .11:05 -P. M. No. 11. Southern Expre«. | " \u25a0 daily for Atlanta. Augusta J.i«; » ; | aonvilie. and points South. S!«*{W- | for I>a.jvine. Greensboro', | bury, ajid Charlotte, open at «•"' | moni 93aK M. Connection wuo .:. : \u25a0 ' .. New York ; and Florida Ercpreaa ana j j . South-araat^m ;Ltw»lte<l. which car- s Ties through Sleepers to August* | Savannah, Jacksonville Tawr^ \\ Nashville.: KemphJa. Atlanta. >£* | ' Orleans, etc. Complete Dlninff-Caf j service. Also. Pullman - our-_, I Sleep*.- Mondays. -Wednesday^ ft™ | rridays Washington to S«n Trsa | ci«co. without cnsinse, wlih conr.e^ | tlona for all points in Tesaa. J** ll^ _-^ co. 7and California. " _. -ol I «.-00 P M.. Ntt. 17.. 10cal daUy. •«gg § '•'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0. : '\u25a0; Bnnday. for fceysvilla and tntoi- | . \u0084 , mediate points. . C ' j /TRAI7TS ARRIVE IJf ItIC«« o>D ' i T:0O A. M.) . ."-• \u25a0 \u25a0 I 8:43 P.--M.) \u25a0\u25a0 Prom '. Attants. A"* ll3^! I Jacksonville. Aahevll!-. * n(J *^ | ./points 'South. I 8:« Ai- M., trom "Keysville and -oc" \u25a0\' ; :~y..'-i*t!ktsonM.'-.\\:\u25a0'-''\u25a0'\u25a0' . '\u0084,»\u25a0 1 *S» P. M. : . ' n-om ~ Durham. cn» r ;,°±J \u25a0\u25a0 I - panvllle and intermedlati>i>wuon - | > IOCAI, PREIOHT. I No«. C end tS, \u25a0 between Manchester ** $ : ; N#toolla. \u25a0-•--\u25a0. s em southern RAILWAY Scliedale in Effect, July 20, lUO-- Trains Leurc and Arrive 1 tth-Strsel ' . ; Stetlou. DIVIDEND NOTICES. < ..; ..; \u25a0..-•\u25a0\u25a0 Office 'of; the = Secretary.' 'Atlantic-Coast \u25a0 Line Railroad Company, Wilmington. . N; C, \u25a0September; 2l,:, 1902. . THE. BOARD £OF DIRECTORS ; . OF THE , .ATLANTIC-COAST*'LINE?':RAIL- ROAD. COMPANY ? have.' .declared; '; due and : payable on -• October, r the 7-i;'"': 1902, .THREE. AND j ONE-HALF r PER CENT, interest on the Scertificates -of indebted-: ness •\u25a0.- of :-.; thre 7 Wilmir gton 0 and \ ' Weldori Railroad •\u25a0 Companyr: /.ori;"-the '. six -months ending." September -'3\. 1902.. \ Interestvdue and payable at' the office: of ithejtreasurer, at Wilmington,: N.. C ' The.transfer.;books :will-':stand closed -from * SeptembVrV'22d to September. 30; 1902, Sbothr inclusive, f: - : : v \u25a0..,-. ;\u25a0: -\u25a0--.- JAM:ES'-F:vPOST,^/-: ;-se 21-llt '' r " -'-'[ \u25a0.'.'• ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .'- .'!'•• - ; Secretary. - \u25a0 Richmond Trust and I Safe Deposit Co., Richmond. Va.*,: September.: 16,1 902.>, THEI BOARD OF S HAVE this day declared a -QUARTERLY:DIVI- DEND . OP. ONE (1) * PER'; CENT.; oni the capital . stock. - payable ' OCTOBER ' lr :1902. to .,: stockholders^? of ; record ; f ofc >, September :27,"1902.>;.The>transfer.bookS'Will^peclo36d . from r September : 27. ; 1902. > to > October J , 1902.*. Dividend will -be ;maUed.,- :. :•. \u25a0/.,:'\u25a0 : v"H. L:, ; CABELL. ; ; '•"!.;'.•* ;?' ',' " -Scrretafyvrt' She Tells of Her Way pt Writing . Her Characters. y'\ BALTIMORE. MD.. September 22.— CSpe-; cial.)—Miss Hallie Erminie. . Rives has come" to Baltimore with her father, who is here .on business. She expects, how- ever, in a day or so. to go on a hunting trip in- the mountains of Virginia. Of. her. work she 'speaks with great enthusiasm. She said to-day: "Most of the characters , stories are followed' by nic while forming them, as if they really existed and I were sim- ply observing them. This ;is especially the, case with ; ' my ' later-historical , novels.' Thus," in^writing'the. scene with.- Patrick Henry in Independence ' Hall, Philadel- phia. 1 went to the hall. ? and, : sitting there, I followed' Henry as I imagined him speaking "Again, . in"painting .Lord Fairfax, "I would often cry over his char- acter.- as -I- went. -in \u25a0my mind's eye from' Winchester to his estate at Gi'eenway court. \u25a0 :.,><. y.r ..- J \u0084;.•>.*>•;. •-' . "While writing 'Hearts Courageous-on e method of assistance in^ following-.--- the chaiacters.was^to have life-size portraits of, therii. which I 'executed myself; ;hung upon the walls of my study.*- Musicoften. starts my emotions, and I would "write; tinder its' influence." ."My dramatic: scenes I write in red _ink and pastoral ; scenes in green. -At: onc" timel-I; had my? father. , get up a fox hunt for 'Hearts Courageous.;: I- have a .red and 'black study in' ; New York and a green and gold' one at my home in Kentucky.-' ' ' ' \u25a0• 'Miss Rives says she. .has , no, regular, hours for work: but writes only when she has a feeling ". akin; to inspiration. When this .comes Upon her ; she .says progress is rapid and \u25a0uninterrupted..". Friends- are neglected and she is only seen at meals, and then it may ; be in the. garb of some one of her characters.. " ; -._-\u25a0.:'\u25a0'. \u25a0 \u25a0'" ]| r \u2666/. ' .' -.":\u25a0\u25a0 " 1 .--. \u25a0'. Fatal Flßlit Over Yonrig Woman. LANGDALE,- ALA., .- September 22.— 1n a light last \u25a0 night between William ' Phil- lips and .William Owens, the.latter Was in- stantly ! killed and 'i Phillips mortally wounded. vThe : shooting : occurred Rafter, church, which, both "young.meh" attended, and the trouble arose over a. young w;o- ma n; f or Avhose a ff ectidns ' the . young men were rivals. \ >. ... •< .. '"\u25a0-.'; .. EXCURSIONS; TRAIISPORTATLONCOMPANY'S STEAMSHIP LINES. . DIBECX EOUXE TO;l BOSTOIT,-; MAgS.i : ;^-:,: i-^ANDIPEOvriDENCZ; B. I. •\u25a0_: ; ••.. ;• Steamers Cleave Norfolk". ! i'f or i- Boston TUeIdAY.^ ; WEpNESDAY,;^FR I g^ and : SUNDAY- at' « P: M: ; :. for Providence MONDAY/ TH URSDAY. : and \u25a0; SATUR. DAY~at ;6;P:r M.v. ->^>. \u25a0' frp-rt '\u25a0 \u25a0>.\u25a0 -'\u25a0 - Accommodations :••-•, and \u25a0 \u25a0• cuisine i;-\unsur- P :^assengers Hand! !'? freight; .: : -tak'en.::for/ail' Ne"svEnglandlpclnts^v>; ±:^: -'V. ;. ; \u25a0;\u25a0, Tickets : on i sale at Chesapeake. and Ohio" and -NorfolkTan d~ Westerns railway office* and r 903 " east 'Main <street, v >;^v; «'.-.; v-f- « ?_ .\u25a0™ £?% g* f:i ;_ R;-H:> WRIGHT, .^ffentv;- apSO. \u25a0 "'\u25a0 " -Norfolk. -.Vm:-;: \u25a0i ;\u25a0 ..-'- .BcAford {Reprint jration. . BED FORD CITY. VA..''. September. .22.— »Special.)-The result of the registration at 'the ten p'rccmcls. whore the books have |)een. opcncd.s i s as 'follows: ' '. ChcrlemonL \u25a0112. -white. --'2R colored; no white applicant |-ejectea: 50 colored rejected. . This precinct has one more' day for rogisterins. and it > thought that not more thaa Sva votes > ; ill bo lost. : Curtin. with two more daysto conn,; 9 ivhites and two colored; -with no white votesr rejected ;eleven negroes disquali - Jfled.; \u25a0\u25a0 -. .:\u25a0,-.\u25a0 ' - --\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 Peakesville— lll white and five colored; l>ne 1 white rejected. anu 34 colored/ - \u25a0>r Goode— l22 whites^ and S9 : colored rcgis tercd. , i :-.*. \u25a0 ; White * Rock—2l \u25a0 while and one colored accepted. \.\ . . ,, .... . .Valleyf Mills— sS"' : whitcs v and one colored. . Thurman— llo, whites and. three colored. Perrowvllle— 32 whiter and 13 colored. Boonsboro— loG Whites "and "IS colored. ; Cove—C2 whites ajid.l3 colored registered. . The persons rejected by the registrars at these latter precincts have not yet been reported. It is thought that the regis- tration, when completed,, will' give about \u25a056' per cent, of the former voting popula- tion, of the, county. . ; . \u0084::-', . . The * Democra-tic Executive Committee liave-been-Vcry' zealous in their \u25a0 efforts to Jrißtruct :the people i in .regard to j the re- -'"niulrcments necessary for complying with any ©ne-'of .tho. ; conditions.;. Posters giv- \u25a0.; ing full" explanat lons Jiavo been' scattered I broadcast through" the ,\u25a0 country and : the : fesult; thus far is : regarded as ; very :en- "fcouraging. . : \-^- \u25a0'.;'.' ,/ ' -.:; - ._\u25a0 ll^l}; :. fTUSCAROR^LEAVESi : . Peternburfi: Rcg:l»tra*ion. .; ;• . \u25a0- PETERSBURG. VA.v . September ; 22:— (Special.)— "The 'registration to-day: re- sulted as follovvrs:/ '.' '":\u25a0; ' : ':'":;:'-'-y , Registration to-day' resulted.) -whites,' R6; colored. 15; total- registration jto- date: Whites. '1,318: colored; 507.' ' : ' . "/'."' 1 .- \u25a0 .- " : ' \u25a0. \u25a0' " : ! ;.; \u25a0\u25a0'•.- : - » ' " ' " -'- —;\u25a0-': ;--\u25a0 './.; \u25a0'\u25a0--. ;-. \u25a0\u25a0•:\u25a0;'; THE^ATJIHERST. HOMICIDE: •;};! •;•.-- \u25a0 Scliedale In ECect May 25, 1002. liEAVE -RieHJU'I.TO (DAILY), BYRIK \u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-: ':' STREET STATION.. ' : \u25a00:00 Al IL; NORFOLK LIMITED." Ar- , rives Norfolk .U^O A. 3d. Stop 3 only \u25a0 .at Petersburg,*: Waver ly/ and Sut- \u25a0 -.- .f01k.., Stops at l-Wakefleld only to ; s \u25a0 let off passengers \u25a0 hoidins tickets J-' j tcom Richmond and Petersburg. l- oios A. M..; THE CHICAGO EXPRESS. ;. . t or LynchDurg,; Roanoke,- ; Coluna- \u25a0.,..- bus. and: Chicago. Buffet {Pario; ' ; Car Petersburg to . Roanokp; Ptill- t \u25a0 ;-\u25a0-: man Sleeper Roanoke " to % Colum- " .. 4 bus ;i also, for Bristol. Konxville. and 1 Chat*? nooga.- Pullman Sleeper '-. -A s°anoke,to iCnorville. . . . .-, lriOP. ;M., Roanoke - Express, for : ' Farmville," Lynchburg. .^ Roanoke. _„,.' and intermediate; stations. '. " - 3;OO P. M.. Ocean Shore Limited. . Ar- rives; Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only : , : '; at Petersburg,: Waverly^ and Suf- ; ii -. : folk. = Connects, at* Norfolic with ateaaiers' to: "• Boston, \ Providence." \u25a0.;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- > . Kew jYork- Baltimore;-audWash- .:^i- ington. - \u25a0••\u25a0.. .. •-*-- -\u25a0 -.-\u25a0 --:. - \u25a0--\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .•-' .-\u25a0 :-. " w:2S;P.'M., for Suffolk Norfolk, and In-" X- -\u25a0\u25a0-~ternaedlate stations." "-Arrives at ?i. at: 10:40 P. M. ,;" ?y-AS p.',c M.: ; for Ly nchburg ' and s ßo*-" ;. "noke. Connects at '^ynchburg with \u25a0 . .' \u25a0 'i* "ijvashlngton' and : Cnattanoog^ Urn- \u25a0 ;•\u25a0 .' lted.- I PuUman' I Sletpers;Lynihburs i ;toc Memphis -rand "New Orleans: "* V-:: -c Cafe.vParlor, "and; Observation Cara •: - . ..» Radf ord >: to VAttala, \u25a0 Ala; \u25a0\u25a0 Pullman .:\u25a0:•;,\u25a0 c Hieeper ; between ;. Richmond , and .-; -Lynchbu/g.r Berth* *Teady, for i-oc- \u25a0 \u25a0;. ' -cupancy at 8:30 P.- M: •-; Also. : .Pull- \u25a0; - man '\u25a0 Sleeper : Peters burg and " Roa- \u25a0\u25a0-:.:'. -•;\u25a0•. noke. \u25a0:. ;>..:-\u25a0•\u25a0. v"^.-."..:."'".':,-.--' * :^:^"'-'. yralna ?r axrlve": Richmocd - :from .-Lynch-- };r^JSburg»and: tte 'West s daily at tTas ::i SA;;M;. Jl:5O P^M.. and S:3«s p. M.: :• V' from -\u0084= Norfolk . and \u25a0>-' tha > Ea*t . at : j\ : -'11:10 >A^M.V^1X:-43^{l and ; Omce:fß3S;Malnystreet:.: V : : ; V ;' JOHN E..WAGNBR, , \u25a0\u25a0; .. ;:'.Clty^ Passenger and ; Ticket .'Agent. , 7-:\ f> ; ; /- : ;-';:';;,;-:'-- ; ,--^a'H.';BO8LEY.vr.:,"-; : - Dlatriot 'Passenger « Agent. m ..---- .W.*'B^BBVnJU^i;.-.? :'"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0*:>' *.'-:'\u25a0. . General sPaasenser/Aifeiit..- fe2S '4 fTriKsr-Duili RevnucrCnUer; for Ser-; \u25a0 '\u25a0 vice on tli* iMlneH.: . ;',Tlit.. i'evenuetCutter^Tujicarbra 1 has ..been completed i at . t he ' Trigß Shipbuilding,;C6m- . ffeahy's^yards! anu will '.'.be-]; towed' to '\u25a0 Bal-- ; timore to-day by. {the ' revenue^cutter:AVi- 'tiona^ -where; her -f urnishlngsj.will! be: sup- plied. " . ' - - \u25a0; The ; /l^aciroraV win! :' beY inservice .': on" pa^iSuiwiorya^lilichigahT'i'Sheiiwilli carry, one s three-pbundj rapld-flre -gun for-? Bvard;/ which"- wlU^«^litute|;hjerj^arma-': s.toenJ^Hpheri>u-iak:|eit : ; I fori?Bpeedt?th'ei !^lKaW^»ad6^i6jkMUl«efclio)^Jnltf , ',-: •\u25a0\u25a0-i.'". "\u25a0\u25a0-*-\u25a0' :C-.-: C-.-- '\:,\.-J- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0: -"\u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0:; :;V^.:;; V»-.' -.•\u25a0\u25a0 -; \u25a0 -.\u25a0..,•;/ .-,: \u0084,V» ,—^ lvilll nb Followed .'a ; Bnite-Bnll} Game \u25a0 } - " :' - , '' : i nt . !•««"«>• MillH. _;; V- AMHERST: COURTHOUSE."' SepteihWr.: 22.— (Special.)— Edjjar>:Reynolds,-^ ail young man " fromi Big?lsland.";'Bedforcl" county," was :'; shot and , killed * by f : Silas £ Sneadi^i ai negro. : nearj Pedlar.: 1 Mills,vinj;thisicounty;| Saturday.!', evening > lask'^Young;;Reynolds' \u25a0was ' one : of ;: a >base-ballsteamS thatfihad! been -playing": the*" Pedlar..iMlils~t»amgonj that:day.Sand;ireturningShomei';thofeb6ys : aidifflcultyi-with; the negro^S^^k^tS^vV.. -*»§§ sg in ithe scuffles a' gun < in 1 the hands of mss&r^^yUKbmtsfiaiHh^ load *aUa&- . .\u25a0 .. 1, . T. I -. . . Any number of gppd,;re- - liable rUpright -Pianos \u25a0 have' come .to our. store •the -:;past^.mmith^i: Pianos : ; -that have: been takeri^in,ex- change in. parti payment on, ). Stieffmprights; ; To-dayl we offer :^an; : exceptionally ; fine \u25a0 bargain ; iar very_;.pretty :ma-^ ihogany/upright;; sweet tone, \u25a0Oeasy;actipnXr^tuned^fep6l-^ ishedj-and in thorouglirjTef \u25a0pair. " Cost, - . ..when new, :.^32s>iOU^ . ;i?Teniis,':_sssper>m6nt;fi?; i? Teniis,' : _sssper>m6nt;fi? v^AVe^ ; -will^g^ra^^e^this'instru^ ment :fbr < -five; -,years,. and : take jit^ as 'i part !pay ment yon \u25a0 ; ;>a ; ;rie\y.^S_tte v-.?. in^three^ears:v : E>r : opi in* and- '< ,look it over. H " / \ - CHA^: n. I STIEFF, igEastj;B^oad|St reetvl : RICHHOND, VA; J j IMi-r - list ofCused&Pi-j 01d:'Phone:3ii6.--anos. : -.' :: \ Mahogany Upright Piano for $100. J'EK F-kVOIUTi: ILOL'TK NUH' i<iL / LSAVEiIUCUiIU^U. \u25a0ii»BP. iL. No. 18. \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0Baltimore Lia^^ § I , daisy, except SaiuUy.-s fof AUj Point, conaectias at . '.V«\u25a0**\u25a0*^Tj with steamers iur ' SaluniJrd i- J \u25a0; York-river landings." ;."•:-\u25a0 ?-::'iiis P^M.; : No. v ID. doily, except /. " " vdays, local express ror K«5Si .r-?-.-atidini<;rmedi;tte stations. Cotui^ r^ ;^ \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-; wiihv stage ;at ; Lester Manor •« V ; Walkeriou^and iTappabunr.oc^. ::r;-\u25a0\u25a0-;: :r ;-\u25a0\u25a0-; daily. «capt : - Smiduy. fof \u25a0\u25a0**". ;: -••- /connecting .: w ith - ;.-.; »- , ,-\u25a0, -\u25a0 Manor = for. "VVall£er* a**'*' ARRIVE KICIIMW o',,0 '\u0084 *oiisA:^ 31. vK0:^15;;i daily, -trora A « ; >"~ ; Point; ; with connection iro OT ***. more, except Monday. , f •io-45 'A' Si;. ?NO.<9. "dally, except Sun^J ..->.-\u25a0*-- and: Mondays.-;.---^, •„.... \u25a0 : " . P. rM.T: daily. -except Sumla^*- l ' West Point ana \u25a0 : »nternJ«-«»a M IJ- :'v. ; wtions.- r.-^^'i ::\u25a0: :\u25a0\u25a0, }_'\u25a0\u25a0• „,„„« b* 16 will make no itopa itween C-Rlchmond | and > Quinton. _ g Steamers sail from W tat Stouit a-^Lrl v dally; Sexcept ' Sundays.'^- Stearaerb «-j' \ : Aorjv. and rAllmond* .Tuesday. Thursdays. Saturdays. \u25a0 'I^—'^VQTBL'Rr .. q_ H,;'ACKtii'v iRICHMONDMNDIjBEIERSBURG I m. ICARSiiLKAVRaCORNTSRsPEr.KVW'AXD ; r ' SEVENTHi STREETS. 1 £MAX- V : . - J .CHESTER. .. \u0084 * '- ".- Imverf' hour: from ft a. M. ' to NTPMM;" |;Lastscar.ill:3o?P.'M.' 1 imiVi CARS CLEAVE SfPETERSBimGj^S 30 'Minutes * After ?.Ever>-sHour.S f rora \6:30 a. m. try i'>:»,p.^r:ar^u%^ 3Sghday i ape,cla,l|V!squr«lons,^ The -Last; Excnrsiqn : - of-the^efopto ' Via R.,'F. &JP: R. R. / . MONDAY, September 29; 1902 \u25a0.Train Cleaves c >Broad and^Hancock 'i streets j" •rMondayTmorning'Vat"; 9 o'clock. -','., ;' Beturning.V ; leaves Ninthi;- and avenue;*'" Washingtonj > Tuesday,'^ September (soth^at 6P. M.,?sharp. : / -- - . =1£ Bound-Trip f fare * Richmond .•\u25a0 to l "Washington,- \u25a0 ' ' , " - .WE GO RAIN,. OR. SHINE.,; -^;, For tioketsTMidy inf orma^oni'^inqittire \of J. fiii's Th6nipson7?2o £' bast \u25a0 Broad s atreiet,^and^lit the train, : " iig Train*stops at : all ; regular: stations between ] \u25a0Rldhmond:andiQuantico. ;;•;-, V- . :^.. V.'v IRGIBI4 MYIGATIUN CO.. f^^JAMES RIVER Y^gl?: DAY LINE.: ''\u25a0 - steamerf Pocahontas leaves teveryCikiON-; D \Y";WEDNESDAY. £ and ;FRII>AY;;f at: .7 f Af*MrSfor.iNorfolk.-'; Portsmouth^^Oia^ Point SfNews.W^Claremont.'^andi ij am es-river,f landiiigsVsfand V connec tirfg ~ at ' Old f Point 1 and | Norfolk p for.; , Washington^ Baltimore.«;aiidCthe: North:-: .. &^^ssffi» m State-rooms preserved \ ; for , the nfghtfat' Imodcrate^ prices.;- : '-;.-, 'direct- to*the" wharf;>SParA; r orilyj Slisosand-£ %l~; to f;Norf oik. MustoSbyj Grand Orchestrion. .; .' : .-±; '- ,X. ' - V- : - ; f or^aboye-named Tplac&i | iandsaUs.point3Sin*Eastern;^V3rslri!a>land; iNorthiCarolihail^lHVXN^WTSlSiaEßJ^ \u25a0 .; ;-. /\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\r -"::'•':. ;;-,-': ,'. GeneraK '- Manager.' w "Lay the. proud usurpers low Tyrants fall, in every; foe! Liberty's in every blow.' , Let us do, or die!"': - . "By Oppression's woes : and .pains. By your sons, in servile chains.. We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free! "Now's the day, and mow's the hour— See the front o'battle:iour ;!•\u25a0:.. ,V- See: approach proud Edward's pow'r— : Chains arid slaverie.r "Wha will ' be .a traitod knave? '- .' Wha can : fill a j coward's grave? ; "What sac base as be.; a. slave? ; ; .'\u25a0 Let him turn and flee. -- , "Wha for . Scotland's King and law, Freedom's sword will strongly. draw, Freeman stand or freeman fa. ' .Let him follow me. ; ; . -:,,. : \u25a0\u25a0;;;- BAI^QGKBURI^ , , \u25a0.*< ( By. Robert Burns.) \u25a0 \u25a0 "Scots .wha \u25a0 ha e ,wi! Wallace' bled; 1 Scots wham Bruce has aftcn '- led, Welcome ito -your gory -bed, \u25a0...-.< - , Orto victorie. ". ; .\u25a0\u25a0-;\u25a0 "; '\u25a0\u25a0•.-

Transcript of PLAK FOR THE FALL mMWttm - Library of Congress€¦ · Florida. and Metropolitan Limited. Pullman;...

Page 1: PLAK FOR THE FALL mMWttm - Library of Congress€¦ · Florida. and Metropolitan Limited. Pullman; Drawing-Room and Sleeping-Cars between-New York and Tampa: Vestibuled.. Coaches

V>:' ' \u25a0COMPANY.y>--I«HWW

?PHILADELPHIAriSKICHMOND;Ii?ANDmmNQRFODIC? STEAMSHIP? LINE.\u25a0:;:;'\u25a0&Appointed HBailing..'daj'BSIevery fiTUES^jDAY«FRIDAYs andUSUNDAY .at^dayitj_U*

* -\u25a0:'-\u25a0\u25a0.:';" « 1. , \u0084j_ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


k -Freight"received^ dally?untll^5:P."M. "

|fe^Sg^?S^ARRICK. ' -General Southern iAgent:lOffice/^ockettii%.' General Agenta^ Philadelphia; ¥*

#JSSS^'rt ISafety1 Safety ot«Speed


New England; .-........;.... 5eptember 24th jCommonwealth. .....;..-..:..October; \BthiMerion:(new).f...;.:r.C'.-. i'-- ..October. 15th INewiEnEt1and'.". ........ ..."i.October"Saloon, $65 and $80 upward, according) to';j

steamer ;2d Saloon,' $40 ;;3d Class :at(low;!ratesl;;: ;? '"\u25a0.*:.:. \u25a0;'-\u25a0-,?\u25a0 '\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0;-:.r ':\u25a0:...-\u25a0:.•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:;:.;.:Boston—MEDITERRAWEAN--Service X'\u25a0

Gibraltar; Naples; genoa: ;;;. ;;Cambronan ';'...:"::.'.:V.i.'—September 27th;Vanc0uvea ...... ..... ;.V<»...'.October 18th;Cambr0man .'....'. ."......"..:.November. ;Bth;BthVancouver..... .V.....i7.'.'.November 20thmSaloon Rates, $6o"upward ;idSaloon, $50;For steamer plans,' etc.; address

'DominionLine, Boston. /";"\u25a0'! fi::.- ;:v;''-~.- '•V-.'I",'-:' ".-•' -i



\u25a0 Sailing.^Wednesdays at.lo A. M., .St. Pau1..... 5ept., 24 ISt. Louis..... Oct. 1•Kensington Sept. 30 ItFriesland ....:Oct. 7

\u25a0\u25a0.>\u25a0-•\u25a0•• \ \u25a0 fio a. m: :, /, >-.•From Pier: "C,":foot of York-street,

Jersey City, N.' J.. at 5 P.M.


; . Sailing Saturdays at 10.A.M."

Zeeland. .'..;.Sept. * 27 1Vaderland. :..Oct."11

Finland. .;.:...Oct. 4|Kroonland:..Oct. 18.-. Internationil Navigation: Company, .: Piers 14 and • 15, North.river,- , Office. 73 Broadway, N. Y.

W.B. PALMER & 15, '95-Tu,Th&Sat • '



Hr'Wili nrmnln: Jircrftnrj- of the.

S<n«o CotMiHKtrr. IlnvlnjfcKeen S<—

! IrrtCJl -Iiy\u25a0 Chnlrmatt Klly«on—Few

Menibcru Had Arrived IbMMrW.



continuous eight-hour -run. and; l'in\u25a0' her

white; dress with "buff trimmings, is ahandsome' craft. . ". . . ' ..

!»nd!SonthwesttFlorlda/ICUDajt Xexa»,i «-ai-j

I^Kd^g^^g^l^^^PScHEDIJLE S

INEFFECT APRiiU-imj1.'..1.'.. ;:STREET^ii§iis^iTp^nmpgizlw&M**Si2o P;iM.-liv. Petersburg. •>-1af^ |%M'^VUA3M.~liVVißalelgh,

-y \\

10;25iP:>M:' ?!7:00 Hamlet. -; :\u25a0

\u25a0" i''os:a!- m 9-40 A^'M.—Lv.jColnmbiaJ -:;L.1:03 A.M. 9.40 A. iv

(Central Ttoe,.

W4^s5 rAV;M.:2:10 P.M.—Ar.Savannah.%HqMJpA*'?M 7-MIP. \u25a0 *&.—Ar.',vJacksonvme.10# Ar^M' - \u25a0^--^-Ar^ SLYAugustine.

M^ i6:45 A.M-^Ar- Tampa. .-

10:32. P.-M. :iO:08'A:-M^:-Ar.iC^io^tt&v;, .r;l:35?A;M; 10 22ArM.—Lv.iChester. :

4:«^M.: 12:35P: M:9Lv-^«en^ood.-6:13 A.'M^;r2^o P-M;—liV.fAthens.4? 50-^M13551 355 P" M--Ar.-Atlanta.;< .ow a.

4(j p M.-Ar. Augusta,

11*35 A^JVl.^' 7:20' P-'M.—Ar. Macon.

- -\u25a0; '- :-:-•'-v-7is'A.vM.^Ar. New- Orleans.G:55 P."M. . I:4C A- M:-Ar.:Nashvllle.;S:2O. A. M-s 8:20 A^iM^-Ar.Memphis.

• Train";NoS35;leaves RichmondJ:10_ A.,Mdaily'for-Petersburg. :Norlina. il..C.. andall'Intermediate ftpoints.' /\u25a0 Connectlor at


train". arriving -Henderson2:10 P.-'ite. and Ralelg»;3:so P:;M.,daily.andDurhani;4 P.fM. daily, except Sunday.

.<Trains Ileave Richmond IforAWashlngton.INew,.York. :\u25a0 and the Eas t^daily^No. 34 at5:45(Ar M., and. No."66 at 5:05 P. iL

r ',Connections at:Jacksonville; and .Tampafor allFlorida East; Coast points and Cubaandi.Portoßlcoirat; New; Orleans for all;points :ln Texas, Mexico and California.,,> TRAINS ARRIVE AT)RICHMOND-.,->_.- .: . .;,; ;' DAILY.: .... ";.--.' :

6:35'A.'M.,No. 34-r From'all points SouthP." M.,-'Jo. 65 [.• and Southwest. '

5:45'P-"M.; No."36, from;Norlina,: N. C,.;Petersburg and ilocal' points.



•'Nos 31 and 34

—Florida. and Metropolitan

Limited. Pullman ; Drawing-Room andSleeping-Cars between -New York andTampa: Vestibuled ..Coaches betweenNew York and Richmond, and betweenRichmond and- Jacksonville. PullmanSleeping-Cars v-(daily) -between Jackson-ville-and Tampa.; • Also; through Draw-ing-R6om Sleeping-Cars • bet— een. NewYorlc and

'Atlanta- and Cafe-Cars between


and Atlanta and Hamlet andSavannah. *:\u25a0>'"';


""'-.:Nos."" '--

.:Nos." 27 and "66—Seaboard -Fast Mail.Pullman. Drawihg-Room ;Buffet Sleeping-Cars between New. York and Jacksonville,connecting at -Hamlet with Sleeping-Carto' and from Atlanta. -In"connection withwhich \through Pullman tickets are sold.Pullman -Parlor-Cars -between i Jackson-ville and Tampa. Finest Day Coaches. .-:. » "W: J. MAY.:City Ticket Agent.,Z.^P. Smith. District Passenger Agent.

:• 'Phone. 405. ;"

1006 East .Main street..

effect in the abdomen of Reynolds, whonied about an hour afterwards. Sneadran' off.> but was captured: early Sunday,morning and brought' here and lodged in

jail,last night. -He vwas, however, re-moved to Lynchburg. as violence wasfeared. The negro :claimed

'that . the

shooting was, accidental. '\u0084'. .' ".' ;CIRCUS TO WINTER


The Hall Agrgrrepntion iri.^Gfoocl; Fi-

«.- iiancial Condidnn, Despite !

Rumors to Contrary.

PROPOSALS.' •' • y•. Commonwealth: of Virginia,

"Office of Sup't; of \u25a0 Public Printing. \u25a0

Richmond. Va... September 10. 1902..;"SEALED "PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-ceived at this office until 12 M. of THURS-DAY.'SEPTEMBER 25," 1902, for furnish-ing the following papers for' theuse- ofthe Commonwealth: \u25a0 . -.

-'.'. 600 Reams 24x3S 50-pound No. 1, M. .F.

Book. :- \u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0 . . ;:;.-..-:. .- :\u25a0 ..324 Reams 26x36. 50-pound E. S. .Flat

Writing. ,•' • ' . / •\u25a0

•100 Reams -16x21 24-pound Flat.': 1

.;110 Reams 26x36 70-pound ';No. 2 Ledger.'".65 Reams 22x32 54-pound No: 2 Ledger.-",• 40,000 -No.- 6^,

'No. 1 Rag Envelopes

(Gov.). - , .- \u25a0• , ,-•.:, .: -'... \u25a0>;-30.000 No. 10. No. 1Rag Envelopes (Gov.).Papers, .etc., to he" delivered in" stock-

room without charge for freight.or.dray-age. ' '


'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

' '; --. . ';\u25a0 ',

'y \u25a0

.V Bidders will furnish samples of sizeand weights advertised^ for.. \u25a0 • :'

The right is -reserved- to reject any .orall bids. \u25a0

•..i-: , .:... .-,- .'<:J. H. O'BANNON,:

Superintendent Pyblic"ll-eod6t - . . '.

- .. . '•

.TRAiiira.fleave $nipHMOin>-OT»*s|&J^pS^«TREBT^TATIOW^fg.«^^... " • , '.

Norfolk 5U:2O *Al3M^v?Stopi^onlJ^at,i^StPeterßburftftWavisrlyiiandlSutfo^.v. 9:49;-A- M.;< Emporla%ll:oß!cA.^.^

Weldon xII:50 5-:A:--:M-i HFay ftteyilie ??-:"'S :4'??4 :41i P;>M^SCharleston illils«/*r^V viV-iM.,ri-Savannahs3:oo;;A^«Mrrk</»crf-i

sonville?;9-05^A^^M^tTampa|5lfl^W,;> ;vp.iM.V^Port Tampa A0:30 P. M^Cdn-.,nects 'at iVVilson,with No.\49;>;arrlv^. ing GdldsboroVS^STP/MSsWilrning-j"ton 6 P.' M.V-Pullman Sleeper.- New.

\u25a0; --York *Jacksonville- £^5"; \u25a0' v = 1'

11:10 A;-M.~<Daily.-Arriveß Petersburg]:;: -'--; .AI:.M. V

v f:;Drewry'sk- Bluff.i-\u25a0;Centrallaf^M anaif:

-\u25a0'^\u25a0'\u25a0- Cheater; on <'signaL ' yJ'T:?&± \u25a0'- -'-\u25a0 't":^V1:1O P.. M.-= vDaily,i\arriving =Petersburg jj

i r rl:50 -P.>m;« Connects Ksrith?Norfollf;|-"-.'<- and "Western ? railroad iilor.sRoanoK*;

\u25a0 -]pr v and ?Intermediate ;points.; .•S tops *at *\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 v;f >:



-Bluff,t- Centralla, . mna_

'$..*:<M>P^ rOCBANrOCBANjSHORE iLIMIT^O^; :.:: Daily.\ .Amves :Petersbur«;3:3Q?P.

\u25a0\u25a0.. M.;>Nor-folk g:2oP;:M.SStop»;oii»r,- ',at; Petersburg.: Waverly.;and:Bui- t- <folk.-

_..- • \u25a0:\u25a0•. \u25a0-'•\u25a0'\u25a04:30 p. M.DaHy, Except Sunday jArr.

/.\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 riven Petersburg 6:l»\u0084 7:3s.P.:M.V'and Rocky, Mount 9:05 P-

V«:oiP^^^S^^l^xe^guVg':'\u25a0•.. . DIAN LIMITED. Dally." Arrive*' •

\u25a0Petersburg i;8:02 vrp." Connec^; with Norfolk arid Nor-

folk and intermediate spolnUirEia-" poria Jl^'P-.M.- (connects^vitnt ai^lantic and roralationa^ber:

~: ville I:2s ;a:;M^Charleston 6a7^ A.


M-Savannah 8:35 ;A:,M..n

Jackson :ry .' ville,1:15 P.rM.. TampalO:oo;P.^JVi-»:• V Port Tampa 10:30 -P.vM^v*.__-_ \u25a0_-j::\u25a0\u25a0-";.' \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0:, NEW LINE TOMIDDLBJ^aEOBr-" •' GIA -POINTS- Arrlvlntr. lAuaru«Ui8:25-A. lM^vMacon 11:35; Aj:M.,^AHlanta 1:00 P. M:->Pullman Sleeper

t New York to Wilmington.", Charie3-, ton. Port'Tampa," Jacksonville. ;Au-:

gusta- and Maconl.- Dining,car.. -\u25a0•-

'vice.- \u25a0;= -.\u25a0..-; .;-'--: . \u25a0'':'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .:.!v.:,V;

•-0:45 P. M. Daily;. -Arriving'*PPeters Dugrg

" -10:25 :P. M.:

-Connects f at Petersburg' . : with Norfolk and r Western

\u0084way. arriving 'Lynchburg; 2:40 _A.'M.. Roanoke 4:45 A. M.;Bristol;10:40,

V : A. M.yPullman -Sleeper.. Richmond

11:80 P. JL"CBaUy?:Arrives Peterabursr-\u25a0:": -12:10 •A;-.M.r-'.-:^.-.."-".-"-':"-'"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0:'-'': :.'

TRAIX3 ARRIVE RICHMOND.;\u25a04:12 A. M. Daily!i.1From -Jacksonville,

Savannah, Charleston. Atlanta,'Macon v. Augusta. :.-and.; all Point*•'••• \u25a0•\u25a0South.-; ..:\u25a0.\u25a0... „-\u25a0•.' .".-4 :,..', ::.-'•/.

-:'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0-. ; '\u25a0

7:85 A. M. Dally.. "From" Petexsliurg,." ' Lynchburg, and the."West.8:48 A. M. Dally, except Sand ay.

:• Petersburg- local.' .' ;'"' ' Jil

" •11:10 A..M."'Daily.-except Sunday. From

• • Rocky Mount and intermediate:sta-. tions. Norfolk' and Suffolk. :'• •-11:1O A". M.:Daily." From

'\u25a0\u25a0 • Suffolk,, anil' Norfolk-- -

: V-;:/:11:42 A. M.. Daily.i.From'.Norfoile. Suf-folk, and'Petersburg. ;iv \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0'".if-

•• '\u25a0'1.-BO P. m. Daily.n:;From; Roanoke, and Intermediate. point*.

1 4:3r> P.M. Daily.-: From Petersburg. \0:50 p. m. Daily. From .Norfolk, Sui-- folk,: and Petersburg.

- -^ 1T:45 P. M. Dafiy. From- Miami. 'Port

-. Tampa. Jacksonville," Savannah,!'\u25a0;.. Charleston, Golds-

boro*.'and \u25a0 all Doints South.i 8:56 P. M. Daily. ;From Petersburg,

Lynchburg,'- and "West.' • v

-.-\u25a0•\u25a0-: "i "'-.; . 'X M.r"EMMERS&N.-J:-' "\u25a0

- ;\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •-•.Traffic Manager. 1.H. M.:EMMERSON, ; : '... '-:-'. Assistant TrafficManager.* • ':;"..;

-. W. J.. CRAIG..;.\u25a0 N . \u25a0: ••General Papseriger: Agent. . v. '

':.-. C.:ftV CAMPBELIi' vrr-Dlrißlon Passenger- Agent/:

; ia 14"

\u25a0•••.;.•\u25a0•\u25a0-»«. 'eaat: Main -street.';

Mr. '/Hnl",- Tyler;,Has Rctnriiea. •:'

Mr. "Hal." Tyjer, of Radford, whohas-been' in"'the":city in .the 'interest' of

the Pduthwest Virginia.Agricultural' and

Live Stock Association. • the' second an-nual exhibition of which '\u25a0 is to be held in

Radford on- October' l4th,'-.15th,- 15th,:and

17th". has' returned home. -._;\u25a0 •: "\u25a0

Mr Tyler is how practicing law in Rad-ford and is considered one ;of the com-i:ig lawyers; of-the -Southwest. Though

having hung- out his shingle less than

n year ago, he has taken his place with,the c?der members' pf:4he bar "and is.highly thought, of.'- \u25a0'• - "

..-. ~ •--..:-1 Duringhis four

1years' -residence ;at 'the:F.xcciitivo \u25a0Mansion; Mr.:• Tyler, mad c"man>^.friends in the city who are glad to- seehirn.aijain even for- a short .visit, andv.-ill be glad to:hear' of his success in his

chosen profession. . - .. :

J^^: SteamsWi) Co.


Coles to, Tnkc Stump. . , ."

Mr. M; A. Coles, Republican nomineefor.Congress in the First District, wasat his office \in the Custom House.yester-day. Mr. Coles will leave this week for

the' firsf time -to. take the stump, in -theinterest of his "campaign. ' ' . . \u25a0.;:;.;-:.

mMWttmmm&K • \u25a0\u25a0••--•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0

InjK«ectM«r 25, 3003.

Sf®^@3SgSfcw.-BD.- • -" ' -.<|«a3,^M; Dally/ from^BYRD-STREEr

for;LtWaj»llington anabeyond;^ Stopß* at- 'Mlirord. Fred-:erickaburg,' and Alexandria. Stopi

-\u25a0IOccoquan 1Sundays. :V-Sleeplngr Can'to Washington and :New York.Dialnff Car.


-;«:^»?Ar^ 41. Dally; rrom MAi».-:

-IBTRBE7T .W:ATIOX. Florida, aai;, MotropollU./.->Umlted. -lor WmJ!

\ .- Sinaion^-anai^tieyondL •. dtopa «».-- :-Frederlcksb-jrg '

and Alexandria:;Sleeping Cars, to New York., 7:0O A.'M.'Exc apt Sunday, from ELBA: VSTATION, accomodation for Ajs...;:- ~- -land;and Interroediato points.**• . A^S-'Sut»ltlXfOR'?, from BYRD-;\u25a0\u25a0 BTRKET STATION, for Washlnsl;.on and -:beyond. Stops at Elba- ..Oi»n. :••:.'. JHen.n \u25a0•".: and ,local, statloa/. ,Ashlan</ toICherry;Hill inclusiveNeKley, Occocjuan. and Alexandr»aL-;~- Buffet Parlor Car.

SAO A: M. fixcept :':.. Sunday, ftp-BTRD.3TREET iSTATIOX, fjWashington and beyond.. »top» at.Eloa. :Glen Allen, and local «ta.tions, Ashlantf to Accotink Incla-sive. Seminary,* and Alexandria.. -\u0084 Parlor car *«•

1-:05!Noop. Except Sunday, from BYRU."

.BTP^ET.STATIOX. for WwtoS. .ton and boyond. Stops at ElbL. Ashland. \u25a0\u25a0Doswell.Slllford, p-°£-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"• \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0"\u25a0 ertckaburjft;-: and .Alexandria. BuST^t

•commodation for.Fredericksbur*

«^« and interr.ieaate points. our*-,-.-beyond. Stops .at Dcswell. Fre4-.. : erickaburs. and Alexandria. Ble*t>-IngCar toNp-w York.

tt:ia p. >1 Daily, from ELBA STA-TION, for Washington and. beyondStops at Ashland. Frederickshur^and Alexandria. Sleeping Car toNew York. Dinlnsr Car.B:SOJf^.M™ExcePt Sunday, from ELBASTATIO.V. Accommodation forAshland and intermediate Domta.»:O5 P. M.Dally, from BYRD-^HFetSTATION-, for Washington andb£yond.; Stops at Elba. Aahland.h Doswen. Mflford. ITreclerlcksburx,. Brooke, Widewater.- Quantlco. andAlexandria. Stops at other sta-tions Sunday. Bleeping Car Rich-

'Ashland and intermediate points.


Ash'and and Intermediate polrta8:25 A.M. Except Sunday, at BYP&."

-street Station; -AwommSS:tlon from Fredertckaburg and Sa-termedlate points. v la

8:4O A.M.Daily. at BYRD-STREETSTATION. Stops at AlexVnSOccoquan. TV'idewater. BrookeFrederickpburg. Milforcl, DoswPliAshland, and Elba.. Stops at othv'stations Sunday. Sleeping Ca»- %'«"-,

. York to Richmond. * eTr

12:01 P.. M. Except Sunday., at BYRn\u25a0 87REET STATIO.V. Stops at S:\u25a0 cal statlonn. Washington to Ash

land Jnclualve, Glen Allen anaElba. Parlor car. an<s

2:02 P. M- Daily, at ELBA STATrovStops at Alexandria. Lorton. Oreo-". quan. Frcdertcksbursr. and arilforrlSleeping Car from Xciv York•' -Dining Car. xorK-

2:05 BJS^jWS. 1 •£IxSg• -yrederloksburg. Milford. Dosw^End Ashland. Steeplnc Car fronr

New York.6:OO P. M. _Except "Sunday, at ELBABTATION Accommodation fromAshland and Intermpdiatp oolnraT-15 P. M. Daily, at BYRD-STREFT


'*:. STATION. Btop^ at AlexandriaFrederlcksbur^, Do3we!l. A^ia!UI-and Eloa, Sleeping Cars fro™

New York and Washlrigton Din-ins t;ar.

8:5OP M. Daih-. at BYRD-STREETSTATION. Gcops at Alexandria ar.ttlocal stations. Quantico to Ashlandinclusive. Glen Allen and Elba. Bu*.. - fet Parlor Car.

10:39 P. M. Dally, at MAIN'-STREST\u25a0STATION- Florida and Metro-politan' Limited. Stopj at Alex-andria, Frederlctsburtr, Doswelland Ash'and. Sleeping cars frcra... New York.

\u25a0- ll:OO P. y>- E.xcepc fJundav. at ELBA\u25a0 STATION. Accommodation from

AahlanC..W. P. TAYLOR. Traffic Manager,W. D. DTTKiE. General Manager.

, Til- T.'%l>-. MYEKS. PrpsWont.- J^JI

;pxatnitie.."-:Our JSeiris.

. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES.—NA-tionaI Soldiers'- Home. Va.. TreasurersOffice, September 15. 1902. Sealed propo-sals received at; this office untilijoon. THURSDAY. OCTOBER; 15. .1002,for furnishing 'and delivering of COALat the Southern Branch. N. H. D. V S.,during eight months, beginning November.].<1002, of:the fiscal year ending June' 30.1903. Printed; instructions: and specifica-tions' and blank -proposals .willH;be,, sup-plied upon application to; this: office. .Bidsaggregating over. .5500. must be.^icconi-ipanied by .a /certified check, payable 'rtothe undersigned .Treasurer, for at,\; l.gist5 per centum of the amount thereof^ ;wh,ic.ncheck will be forfeited to the NationalHome for-D. V.- S.. in case:the. successfulbidder.refuses or. fails".to enteriinto-con-tract as required; \u25a0 otherwise, to re-turned to the- bidder. ,The right isserved to reject any or all proposals.ilorto:waive , informalities therein."-1

'KEnve-lopes containing proposals sho'uldnbeoen-dorsed—"Proposals '

for Coal.^NK-H::?©.V. 5.." and- addressed to theiundersign-ed. W. -H. H. PECK. Treasurer/?f'i'A'p-p'roved: WILLIAMTHOMPSON,' -rGover-nor.. '- "

"56-16,23.30 00 7


The New Steamers ,v •


"All right. Professor, sell, the tickets,"and the Colonel George W. Hall Circusbegan its first night's performance, atthe corner of Vir/c and Main streets lastnight after a successful matinee in theafternoon. 1

Many rumors were afloat during theday. the chief of.-which- had it that?: thecircus was stranded, and \u25a0'it was to\ learnthe true situation of affairs that a Dis-:patch man -went -out -.last evening to see-the Colonel and his show, which, by the-way. is a good one.

"The circus was never in a better con-,

dition financially," said the Colonel."Yes: Attorney Wipe did have a claim

against me. but Ihave settM-d that tothe satisfaction of all concerned. Theshow does not owe a dollar to any one.We paid off everybody Sunday night."

"What was this little . business Mr.Wise had witb you?" .

"Some negroes- we had with us struckand put tlvoir claim in Mr. Wise's handsto settle." . '" . ' •

"Could he have levied.on the gate re-ceipts?" , - • •r , \u25a0


"No: Ido not think he could," and theColonel continued. "Ithink;it is.a shamethat a \u25a0fellow can't come to a town with-,

out everybody meddling with his affairs.Ihavo come to Richmond to winter., ifnegotiations Ihad before • coming • mate-rialize. No sooner than Iget" here a re-port circulated that. the. show^ isstranded."

' . '

The Colonel stopped and listened."What's that noise. Colonei?"Tire Colonel's old circus :spirit came

back to him, and,once"more' he was cry-ing out the merits of his show: ~;

"The two beautiful spotted; hyenas

from Hall'-s-

geological- collection— thescavaiigers of the desert; the animalsthat live entirely upon flesh; ransackgraves and follow armies, for the deadand wounded"—and the Colonel hurriedinside the tent, soon returning. "They,have been scrapping, but Cardona, thetrainvi-r. parted them. v

-"We will show here again to-morrow

night and* next day in Manchester." . f.The show is full of many good features.

It was well patronized, both tents beingcrowded last night.

: .- . . Office;of City Engineer,"

: :• :' \u25a0\u25a0•• . City Hall.;-'

\u25a0;. . -\u25a0'..: Richmond. Va.. Sept. '22 ISO9"NOTICE TO- CONTRACTORS."


Sealed proposals willbe received at thisofnce'until'4 P. M.Thursday, Sept* 25,:f0rgranolithic curb and. gutter and sidewalksas per. list and . specifications at this of-fice. :\u25a0"•- \u25a0 . ••'• \u25a0•"\u25a0'; \u25a0" ':'*\u25a0.'.'•'\u25a0•.' .'.. T'

-•'-\u25a0'\u25a0;. \u25a0 . •\u25a0\u25a0 •''.- > '

-A.:certified checks for $250 must: accom-pany each : bid; and the Committee onStreets reserves the jright; toireject anyor all bids and to let the work as a wholeor in parts, as :itmay deem best. "\u25a0•-•\u25a0 ;

:\u25a0\u25a0 m . t w.:e. cuTSHAW,i \u25a0

\u25a0 se22-td :.'. , -.•\u25a0.-,'

City Engineer.


leave Richmond, nightly;at 7 o'clock for

Norfolk. Fare one way, ,$ :':'round trip,S4 50 including state-room' accommoda-tion arriving at Norfolk at 6 A.M.; ther atransferring to New York steamer, daily,except Sunday:

'"'-;,\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0>;-\u25a0

Passengers can leave daily, except Suri-dav by

'Chesapeake and Ohio railway.atB'-50'A.- M. and 4 P.!:M.; or 9A..M. and 3P M by 'Norfolk and: "Western railway,

both -iines"'connecting-1at Norfolk with di-rect steamers sailing same. day.: ,- j1

~Freight for -all• northern;^ eastern,'*" and

foreign :ports|;received . ana ..forwardeddaily except Sunday, at ;\u25a0\u25a0 company'swharf. Rocketts.

•' -.-\u25a0: :\u25a0- -:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0

":v \u25a0 \u25a0'-;-.'--Tickets on sale, at

-company s ;office, jNo.

j^i2 east Main street:; Richmond Trans-ferBCompany, VNo.-» 903;east 7


Murphy's Hotel, \u25a0-\u25a0: Chesapeake "andand

'Richmond ? andmPetersburg :depots.Richmond. Baggagd checked through-toall POintS "-

JOHN7F^MAYER. iiSent^ ;':-1212 east- Main street, Richmond. .~Vai:: v- :

- ':\u25a0;\u25a0.:\u25a0£ j.:j.;brown, \u25a0

: -General Agent.'.

H B. WALKER, Traffic Mgr.,New-York.• jy 23.. :V.:•:.-,.• -:->y \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0 ". . [;'/\u25a0' .-:.

'Our trays of valuable gems, both setand unset, will anord a stock trom whichonyone can get stones just to their liking-pure, sparkling, beautiful—:worth theprice. .--.." y • ,-\u25a0


'.- ;':w''.'.-:\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0••"-..•;

There isn't a. doubt of the.value of aninvestment for jewels and precious stores.You'll always ,get your moneys worthhere! "'r \u25a0 ;- •;•\u25a0 • :

--\u0084:•.;.•:-\u25a0 ..-;



. September IG, 1902.

•LBIVB RICHMOND.:7:45 A. M. Daily, Newport News. Lo-

S:sd A?M. Old. Point, ;^w-;' -port News.

'and Norfolk. . Tw«

hours -and twenty-five mmutes to

i•• •:••-'Norfolk. Stops Williamsburg. New.

< --port; News, and Hampton onl>.\u25a0'' -Parlor ear.

- . "\u25a0\u25a0


~ 'fn.'4:0O P. M. Daily, except Sunda>, tor

,;f\< Old •:Point. Newport News. :and: .Norfolk..Two hours and_twent>-nve•- minutes: to Norfolk. Stops Wil-

:\u25a0\u25a0:-.' liamsburg, Newport News, ana• :

'Hampton only. Parlor car. Con--

!;"\u25a0•-'\u25a0\u25a0. nects at Old..Point with ->\ashin«-. ton, Baltimore, and Cape.,/Charie3

.•steamers; at Norfolk with Old Do-'-

minion steamers for Isew :xov!\- _\u25a0

5:00 P. M:Daily, .for -Newport iNews•\u25a0.-. sand5 and Old Point. Makes .principal

. :...-: Stops. .-'\u25a0'..\u25a0 :: '

\u25a0'• \u25a0•-:,_-.:,_-.- \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0 \u25a0

•\u25a0-:\u25a0 MAINLINEWEST-BOUND./ f.

.IO:1O-A. M. Local. Daily to Charlottes-.: • \u25a0- -ville,: and; except- Sunday, between

':Charlottesville and Clifton-iorge,

f connects :for Orange, . Culpeper.,Calverton, and Manassas. . -

2:30,P. M.'Daily-Cincinnati and; Louis-.' ville Express. Parlor :car, _ex-

. 1. cept Sunday,.to Gordonsville. fmi--. : man from 'Gordonsville

"to cincm-

.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0) \u25a0>\u25a0 nati, ••:Louisville. • and the \>e«t.

v . Connects for Virginia Hot Springs.:. A' local train from Gordonsville to- ::^-\u25a0Stauhton. follows for local stations,

-except Sunday.: .. . \u25a0 .5:30 P. M. Except Sunday. Accommoda-

:"\u25a0 . \u25a0 tion to-Doswell. • / _..'7:0OP. M. "St Louis - and Chicago;l' -Special." Daily, with Dining and' ' Pullman cars, to* Cincinnati, m-l:' dianapolls, - and St. Louis;

\u25a0Sunday, with Parlor car, Cmcin-1 v ,;nati 'to 'Chicago." . Dlnins car. on- '• 'at Gordonsville. ,- " • „ .

1O:3O P. "M. F. F. V. Limited.1 Except". i

' > Sunday to Gordonsville; dailybe-.i 'yond.' Pullman to Hinton.connect-'•;. ;.ing with "Pullman; to"Cincinnati,

'. , . •.Louisville, and ths "West. Connects• r.for "Virginia Hot Springs. ,'• • iJAMES-RI\rER DIVISION.


10J2O :A. M. Daily, tor Lynchburg.*Lex-

:;';'- .'"-Vngtonl New Castle, and Clifton:-Forge, except Sunday, for Rosney

5- .and Alberene. Parlor car.

.5:15T.M. Except^ Sunday, to -Warren.;;\u25a0••.» ARRrVE RICHMOND.'

'I-..-' .From' Norfolk and Old Point; 18.:'. :. -' A. M.. 6:30 and 7:20 \u25a0 P. •M. daily::r - -

2:20 P. M., except Sunday. -. \u25a0 .'

.'. • : MAIN.LINE."- .'..From Cincinnati and the West,

: 7:45 A.:M.,daily; 9:45 A.M., except.' :-\u25a0 'Sunday, .and 3:30 : P.

'M... daily.

•i I.- Local, 8:30 A.'M.."except Sunday,\u25a0 : -.and: 7:ls P. M.".!dally.


,6:35" P. M. daily-and 8:40-"A. M.,'except Sunday.

c Apply"at:.809 east Main" street." 903 eastMain;,street.'":: Murphy's"..Hotel.' and Jef-ferson" Hotel for further information,rates, -ticliets, -and Pullman: reservations.'\u25a0\u25a0';: .. W. O. \WARTHEN.•: \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0•.-\u25a0• District -Passenger Agent.


';H.^W FULLER,-.General Manager. Gen. ;Pass. Agent.

'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- ".1 ';' "\u25a0>"\u25a0.-: t \u25a0':•' •;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 5&2S

XT.Allen &Co.Jewellers,^'

14tti atid MaitiStreets.

TO WHOM ITMAY CONCERN? 7^"Please take notice that the" under-

signed, -who was, on the 19th day of May,1900, by the Orphans' Courtof<the Countyof Philadelphia, in'the State ofvania, 'appointed and duly, qualified:astne; guardian in Pennsylvania of Charles

1Hazlehurst. and Samuel vHazlehurst, In-!fant .children of "\u25a0 Charles rand MargaretIMcKim Hazlehurst (de'—'sed), .and :.inwhich State the said 'gu'#fc'.n. arid -wards

'then resided, and now iodide, "will." onMONDAY. THE 13TH DAY OFfOCTO-

k . BER, 1902, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.,of .that day, at the court-room of -theChancery Court of the city of Richmond,in: the City Hall: in said city, move; thesaid an order directingthat the shares of the estate :of^'the lateHenry R. \u25a0"\u25a0 Hazlehurst; (the -grandfather,of; said infants) which- may- then be,^ orwhich: may hereafter, come, • under thecontrol of said Court .and belonging tosaid infants, "be paid ;over and ..deliveredto the .undersigned as such guardian- andremoved by him to the State of Pennsyl-vania.-

---\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-:'\u25a0:\u25a0• MURRAYRUSH--

Guardian? of Charles and Samueli-Hazle-y hurst,, -infants. : • v ' y:-

-..•; 1:' • ;

L By Christian & Christian; his counsel. ;.: se 2-Tu4t :;•\u25a0':;\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 .:"\u25a0-"-\u25a0 A

' "' "•"' . : \u25a0

Chairman.^ TaylorEUyson and . the

i>cmo^r;»tic State Central and ExecutiveCommittees- have hocn hard'at work for

the past month endonvorin^ to arouse in-,

forest amonc Democrats in registration,

and have been making:- organized and cf-

\u25a0Cectlve effort to sccurt the enrolmentof the r Democratic vote of the district.•They have been sccurinp ;the: co-opera-

tlon of the county and city committees,

but desire more. effective work by -the lo-

cal organizations and all'the -aponcics

Of the party. To that end Chairman El-

l>-son has calloji the committees togetherInthis city to-nißht. at Murphy-?, to out-

Une.plans for:a, vigorous and aggressivete*njp:il£ti-

It~is-confidpntly expected that all tlie

ten> Demoorntic nominees for Congress

"will win: but Mr. Ellyson never," takesany chances, l^e always makes the fight

as" vigorous and well organized as thougn

cvrr>- district was in "doubt. This energy

and organized intelligent work has muchto 'do 'with tbej brilliant record of the

BtAte Chairman :is n campaigner. Vormany years. he has conducted the c.iV-,TJalgns :for his party in the Stnte, ably

assisted :by his. committees, and has neverlost:a" fight yel. •. ..'-


Here Is Ihe list of commltteemen:• STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE.First -District—Clnggett. B.,Tones. King

hnd Queen: H.:?F.. Crismond. Fr-edeneks-liurg:R. L. Ailsworth. Northampton: J.Boyd''-Poars;.'''Mathcws; Lloyd T. Smith,

Korthumberlandi',';,Second District-J. N. Sebrell. .Jr

Bouthampton: George. W. Jones. Norfolktounty: J. M. Curtis, Warwick:- "W .• aa •Dey. Norfolk city: P. V. Cogbill. Ches-

terfield: John S. Harwood and J. J.ILynch; Richmond, city; B. L. "Winston.

JJanover:Fourth District-F. R. Lassiter. Peters-

burg: A. T>. Watkins. Prince Edward: 1.E.'; Clarke. -Mecklenburg: R. G. Southall,

iA.melia:. vacancy. ..-*

\u25a0 \u25a0'•Fifth Dislrict—R. A. James, Pittsylvn-

nia: J. M.^Kook^r. Patrick: George M.

Helms. Franklin: T. G. Burch. Grayson.

And w: H. Sutherland. Carroll.1 "-

Sixth District—John R. Edmunds.'Hali-

Ifax: D. Q. .Ecrsrleston." Charlotte Cchair-tnan): If.O. Humphreys. Bedford: Sid-

ney Sh el tman.' Montgomery; A. P. Crad-aock. Lynchluirg: .

Seventh District— "\V. F.. Richards. W ar-yen: Jolm S. Patton. Chariot tesvillc: E.

AY. Carpenter. Roekir.gham; G. \u25a0 W*. Kin-Bey,and E. -D. .Newman. .Shnnandoah.

Eig-hth District—Grenville Games. Fau-tjuier; R: Lindsay Gordon. Louisa: G. S.

P. Triplett and^C. P. Janney, Loudoun;

one vacancy.' 4-^v "."'Ninth District—B. F..Buchanan. W ash-

Jngton: M. C. Clark. T. A. Lynch. Taze-•well; P. F. St. Clair, Giles; and .D.Smith. .

Tenth District—Joseph Button. Appo-

cnattox: AAr. A.R'.nehart. Allegheny: Irv-'ng P. \u25a0VVhitchead, Amherst: E. W. Hu-

>ard, .Buckingham; and F. T. Glasgow,


pjj-pt—\ Jon op. of- Richmond-ounty Second— TT. E. Boykin. of Tsle «ifWight. Third—H. M. Smith. Jr. Fourth—

.William H. Mann. Fifth-E. AY. Saun-

ters Sixth—vacant: Seventh— Thomas S.

Martin. Eighth-J«scph E. Willard. Ninth-William F- Rhea. Tenth— Edward Ech->ls.

'. . ,There arc several vacancies in the Cen-

tral Committee to be filled, and also oneIn the Central Committee. These are thejommittees as constituted at the time.of

Ihe lnst. me^ir.g. Mr. Carter Glass, ofLynchburg. will:probably be the SixthDistrict enmmitteeman: Mr. LeonardMarbury, of Alexandria, has died sincethe last meeting of"the committee. Dr.

IIF. Bryant, of Southampton, chairmanof the Second District Committee, re-Bigned to run for the Democratic nomi-,

\u25a0nation for Congress, and Mr. John N. Se-

brell. Jr.. Of>thc' same county.. was rec-ommended by the District Committee asHis successor. This recommendation will.Kt;is expected, be ratified by the'commit-tee -


3HR. -HANKINS AGAIN SECRETARY.Chairman Ellyson has again selected

Mr. J. <;. Hankins to be Secretary of the

State Committee. Mr. Hankins servedthrouch the gubernatorial campaign last

year, having been selected by'Mr. Elly-

ebn -'as; successor 1to Mr. Joseph Button,

"the former secretary, who at the timeSiad as much as he could do. being secre-tary of the Constitutional Convention andof the State; Senate. ;.

-Only oneJor two' members of the enm-

taittee came in' last night, but they, willJ>egin to arrive this morning, and tho

majority of them will be on hand•when the chairman raps the body to 01-

to-night at Murphy's. Some of the

members who reside in remote sections of

ihe State will probably not attend theJineeting. The gathering is expected :to,bo

B. harmonious business session." the only

>bject being to., devise plans to more ef-fectually "de^eatUhe Republicans in every

BistricUNo. other business can come be-

fore' the 'committee.-" The differences be-

tween the Norfolk county :factions have

been adjusted,' so far as 'the State Com-mittee has power to -adjust them. .TheEame may., be said of the factions \.in.Bhenandoah. v.:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . '

:- "

\u25a0, •- <•


Via C. &X). Railway andOld Point. V;

U.S. MAILROUTE.Leave Richmond >via :Chesapeake '\u25a0. and

Ohio frailway,:-daily,-nexcept Sunday. ,atSfp ;M.; connecting,-^ at? Old Point 'withA^utierb steamers of the. Old Bay Line-iJavlne at 7:15 P. M.,;,arriving-Baltimore6^30 A? -M.^In.time^toamake -connect^with all-. trains;North.; East. :and, WeatShortfall; ride^andvah nieht onvonetSthe^ finest steamers- Jn southern- waters.Returning."> arrive: Richmond ,10 An-M.


1O:I5 A. M. No. !). daily for Durham, -N*.• C. JDanvUU. and ail locil sta'Jjiu

south, connecting at BurUevjiwwith Norfolk and Western rallwa/

\u25a0' for Farmvllle.' Lynchbur;; and all-loi*al stations West; at Jeffreys 10.loca," stations on Norfolk Dtvlawsto Danville; at Oxforfi for Hen-

: derson.8:SO P. M.. JJo. ». Umlted train

Xor iacluonvlhe and all Florida"fiointa; Havana, Nassau. _etc con-nects .at Moseley with i-annriu*

.and PowLatin railroad;^, a'

Greensboro' for Durham. t«i*e1aj1'and :Wlnston-Salem; at Cha-dotW

:•-—^-^wlth No. IS. United States fastmail.; solid train, dally, .for >e« iOrleans and points Suuth. wbi« |

; carries Sleepers to Kew Ori^a..'- |Drawla«-Room Sleeper Klchmoml |to Atlanta and Einninahaa- |

trahi. with Sleeper. s*-|»-- bury to M^mpoia. Dln:nsr-Car »«f*.. ;J' • --•\u25a0vice.- '-•\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0- I

.11:05 -P. M. No. 11. Southern Expre«. |"\u25a0 daily for Atlanta. Augusta J.i«; »;|

aonvilie. and points South. S!«*{W- |for I>a.jvine. Greensboro', |bury, ajid Charlotte, open at «•"' |moni 93aK M. Connection wuo .:.

:\u25a0' . . New York;and Florida Ercpreaa ana jj

. South-araat^m ;Ltw»lte<l. which car- sTies through Sleepers to August* |Savannah, Jacksonville Tawr^ \\Nashville.: KemphJa. Atlanta. >£* |' Orleans, etc. Complete Dlninff-Caf jservice. Also. Pullman

-our-_, ISleep*.- Mondays. -Wednesday^ ft™ |rridays Washington to S«n Trsa |ci«co. without cnsinse, wlihconr.e^ |tlona for all points in Tesaa. J**ll^

_-^ co. 7and California."

_.-ol I«.-00 P M.. Ntt. 17.. 10cal daUy. •«gg §

'•'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0. :'\u25a0; Bnnday. for fceysvilla and tntoi- |. \u0084,mediate points. . C


/TRAI7TS ARRIVE IJf ItIC««o>D' iT:0O A. M.) . ."-• \u25a0

\u25a0 I8:43 P.--M.) \u25a0\u25a0 Prom '. Attants. A"*ll3^! I

Jacksonville. Aahevll!-.*n(J *^

|./points 'South. I

8:« Ai- M., trom "Keysville and -oc"

\u25a0\';:~y..'-i*t!ktsonM.'-.\\:\u25a0'-''\u25a0'\u25a0' . '\u0084,»\u25a0 1*S» P. M.:.'n-om

~Durham. cn»r;,°±J \u25a0\u25a0 I-

panvllle and intermedlati>i>wuon-


No«. • C end tS, \u25a0 between Manchester** $

: ; N#toolla. \u25a0-•--\u25a0. s

em southernRAILWAY

Scliedale inEffect, July 20, lUO--

Trains Leurc and Arrive 1tth-Strsel' . ; Stetlou.


..; ..;\u25a0..-•\u25a0\u25a0 Office 'of;the =Secretary.''Atlantic-Coast \u25a0 Line Railroad Company,

Wilmington..N;C, \u25a0September; 2l,:, 1902.. THE. BOARD £OF DIRECTORS ;. OFTHE,.ATLANTIC-COAST*'LINE?':RAIL-ROAD. COMPANY ? have.' .declared; '; dueand: payable on -• October, r the7-i;'"':1902,.THREE. AND jONE-HALF rPER CENT,interest on • the Scertificates -of indebted-:ness •\u25a0.-of:-.;thre 7 Wilmir gton 0 and \


Railroad •\u25a0 Companyr: /.ori;"-the '. six -monthsending." September -'3\. 1902.. \ Interestvdueand payable at' the office:ofithejtreasurer,at Wilmington,:N..C


:will-':stand closed -from*

SeptembVrV'22dto September. 30; 1902, Sbothr inclusive, f:

-::v \u25a0..,-. ;\u25a0: -\u25a0--.- JAM:ES'-F:vPOST,^/-:;-se 21-llt

'' r "-'-'[ \u25a0.'.'• ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .'- .'!'•• -

; Secretary.

-\u25a0 Richmond Trust and ISafe Deposit Co.,

Richmond. Va.*,:September.: 16,1902.>,

THEIBOARD OF SHAVEthis day declared a -QUARTERLY:DIVI-DEND. OP. ONE (1)*PER'; CENT.;oni thecapital . stock.



to .,:stockholders^? of;record ;fofc>,September:27,"1902.>;.The>transfer.bookS'Will^peclo36d.from rSeptember :27. ;1902. > to > October J,1902.*. Dividend will-be ;maUed.,-:. :•. \u25a0/.,:'\u25a0 : v"H. L:,;CABELL. ;;

'•"!.;'.•* ;?' ',' "-Scrretafyvrt'

She Tells of Her Way pt Writing

. Her Characters. y'\

BALTIMORE. MD.. September 22.— CSpe-;cial.)—Miss Hallie Erminie. . Rives hascome" to Baltimore with her father, whois here .on business. She expects, how-ever, in a day or so. to go on a huntingtrip in-the mountains of Virginia. she 'speaks with great enthusiasm.She said to-day:

"Most of the characters , storiesare followed' by nic while forming them,as if they really existed and Iwere sim-ply observing them. This ;is especiallythe, case with;


'later-historical ,novels.'

Thus," in^writing'the.scene with.- PatrickHenry in Independence

'Hall, Philadel-

phia. 1 went to the hall. ? and, :sittingthere, Ifollowed' Henry as Iimaginedhim speaking "Again,. in"painting .LordFairfax,"Iwould often cry over his char-acter.- as -I-went. -in \u25a0my mind's eye from'Winchester to his estate at Gi'eenwaycourt. \u25a0 :.,><. y.r ..- J \u0084;.•>.*>•;. •-'."While writing 'Hearts Courageous-on e

method of assistance in^ following-.--- the

chaiacters.was^to have life-size portraitsof, therii. which I'executed myself; ;hungupon the walls of my study.*- Musicoften.starts my emotions, and Iwould "write;tinder its' influence." ."My dramatic: scenesIwrite in red _ink and pastoral ;scenes ingreen. -At:onc" timel-I; had my? father. ,getup a fox hunt for 'Hearts Courageous.;:I- have a .red and 'black study in';NewYork and a green and gold' one at my

home in Kentucky.-' ' ' '\u25a0•

'Miss Rives says she. .has ,no, regular,hours for work: but writes only when shehas a feeling ". akin;to inspiration. Whenthis .comes Upon her;she .says progress

is rapid and \u25a0uninterrupted..". Friends- areneglected and she is only seen at meals,

and then it may ;be in the. garb of someone of her characters..


\u25a0 \u25a0'" ]| r \u2666/.'

.' -.":\u25a0\u25a0"

1 .--. \u25a0'.Fatal Flßlit Over Yonrig Woman.LANGDALE,-ALA.,.- September 22.—1n

a light last \u25a0 night between William'Phil-

lips and .William Owens, the.latter Was in-stantly !killed and 'iPhillips mortally

wounded. vThe :shooting :occurred Rafter,church, which, both "young.meh" attended,

and the trouble arose over a.young w;o-ma n; for Avhose a ffectidns


the.young menwere rivals.\ >. ... •< . . '"\u25a0-.'; ..



DIBECX EOUXE TO;lBOSTOIT,-; MAgS.i :;^-:,: i-^ANDIPEOvriDENCZ; B. I.•\u25a0_: ;••.. ;•

Steamers Cleave Norfolk".!i'fori-BostonTUeIdAY.^ ;WEpNESDAY,;^FRIg^and:SUNDAY-at'« P: M:;:.for ProvidenceMONDAY/ THURSDAY.: and \u25a0; SATUR.DAY~at;6;P:r M.v. • ->^>. \u25a0' frp-rt '\u25a0

\u25a0>.\u25a0 -'\u25a0-

Accommodations :••-•, and \u25a0 \u25a0• cuisine i;-\unsur-P:^assengers Hand!!'? freight;.:

:-tak'en.::for/ail'Ne"svEnglandlpclnts^v>; ±:^: -'V.;. ; \u25a0;\u25a0,

Tickets :onisale at Chesapeake. and Ohio"and -NorfolkTan d~Westerns railway office*and


"east 'Main<street, v >;^v;«'.-.; v-f-« ?_.\u25a0™£?%g*f:i;_ R;-H:>WRIGHT,.^ffentv;-

apSO. \u25a0 "'\u25a0 " -Norfolk.-.Vm:-;:

\u25a0i ;\u25a0 ..-'- .BcAford{Reprint jration.

. BEDFORD CITY. VA..''.September. .22.—»Special.)-The result of the registration at

'the ten p'rccmcls. whore the books have|)een. opcncd.s is as 'follows:


\u25a0112. -white.--'2R colored; no white applicant

|-ejectea: 50 colored rejected. .This precinct

has one more' day for rogisterins. and it> thought that not more thaa Sva votes>;illbo lost. :

Curtin. with two more daysto conn,; 9ivhites and two colored; -with no whitevotesr rejected ;eleven negroes disquali-Jfled.; \u25a0\u25a0 -. .:\u25a0,-.\u25a0

'---\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0

Peakesville— lll white and five colored;

l>ne 1 white rejected. anu 34 colored/ -\u25a0>r

Goode— l22 whites^ and S9 :colored rcgis

tercd. , i :-.*. \u25a0

; White* Rock—2l \u25a0 while and one colored

accepted. \.\ ..,, ..... .ValleyfMills—sS"':whitcs vand one colored.. Thurman— llo,whites and. three colored.Perrowvllle— 32 whiter and 13 colored.Boonsboro— loG Whites "and "IS colored. ;Cove—C2 whites ajid.l3colored registered.

. The persons rejected by the registrars

at these latter precincts have not yet beenreported. It is thought that the regis-tration, when completed,, will'give about

\u25a056' per cent, of the former voting popula-tion,of the, county. . ;. \u0084::-', . .

The*Democra-tic Executive Committee

liave-been-Vcry' zealous in their \u25a0 efforts toJrißtruct :the people iin.regard to jthe re-

-'"niulrcments necessary for complying withany ©ne-'of .tho. ;conditions.;. Posters giv-

\u25a0.;ing• full"explanat lons Jiavo •been' scatteredIbroadcast • through" the ,\u25a0 country and : the: fesult; thus far is:regarded as ;very :en-"fcouraging. .:\-^- \u25a0'.;'.' ,/


-._\u25a0 ll^l}; :.


: .Peternburfi: Rcg:l»tra*ion. .; ;•. \u25a0-

PETERSBURG. VA.v. September ;22:—(Special.)— "The 'registration to-day: re-sulted as follovvrs:/ '.' '":\u25a0;

':':'":;:'-'-y ,Registration to-day' resulted.) -whites,'

R6; colored. 15; total- registration jto- date:Whites. '1,318: colored; 507.'

':'. "/'."'

1 .- \u25a0 .-":'\u25a0.

\u25a0'":!;.; \u25a0\u25a0'•.-

:-» '" '" -'- —;\u25a0-': ;--\u25a0 './.; \u25a0'\u25a0--. ;-. \u25a0\u25a0•:\u25a0;';


\u25a0 Scliedale In ECect May 25, 1002.liEAVE -RieHJU'I.TO (DAILY), BYRIK

\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-: ':' STREET STATION..' :

\u25a00:00 Al IL;NORFOLK LIMITED." Ar-, rives Norfolk.U^O A. 3d. Stop3only\u25a0

.at Petersburg,*: Waver ly/ and Sut-\u25a0

• -.- .f01k.., Stops at l-Wakefleld only to;s \u25a0 let off passengers \u25a0 hoidins ticketsJ-' jtcom Richmond and Petersburg. l-oios A. M..;THE CHICAGO EXPRESS.;.. tor LynchDurg,; Roanoke,- ;Coluna-\u25a0.,..- bus. and: Chicago. Buffet {Pario;'; Car Petersburg to .Roanokp; Ptill-

t \u25a0 ;-\u25a0-: man Sleeper Roanoke"

to% Colum-" .. 4bus ;ialso, for Bristol. Konxville.and 1Chat*? nooga.- Pullman Sleeper

'-. -As°anoke,to iCnorville.. . . .-,lriOP. ;M., Roanoke - Express, for: 'Farmville," Lynchburg.. Roanoke._„,.'and intermediate; stations. '.

"- 3;OO P. M.. Ocean Shore Limited. .Ar-• rives;Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only:,:'; at Petersburg,: Waverly^ and Suf- ;ii-. :folk. = Connects, at* Norfolic with

ateaaiers' to:"• Boston, \ Providence."\u25a0.;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- > .Kew jYork-Baltimore;-audWash-.:^i- ington.

-\u25a0••\u25a0.. .. •-*-- -\u25a0 -.-\u25a0 --:. -

\u25a0--\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .•-' .-\u25a0 :-. "

w:2S;P.'M., for Suffolk Norfolk,and In-"X- -\u25a0\u25a0-~ternaedlate stations." "-Arrives at?i. at: 10:40 P. M. ,;"?y-AS p.',c M.: ;for Lynchburg

'and sßo*-"

;. "noke. Connects at '^ynchburg with\u25a0.• .' \u25a0'i*"ijvashlngton' and:Cnattanoog^ Urn-\u25a0

;•\u25a0 .' lted.-IPuUman' ISletpers;Lynihbursi ;tocMemphis -rand "New Orleans:"*V-::-c Cafe.vParlor, "and; Observation Cara•:- . ..» Radford >: to VAttala, \u25a0 Ala; \u25a0\u25a0 Pullman

.:\u25a0:•;,\u25a0 cHieeper ;between ;.Richmond,and.-; -Lynchbu/g.r Berth* *Teady, fori-oc-

\u25a0 \u25a0;.'-cupancy at 8:30 P.- M:•-;Also.:.Pull-

\u25a0;- man '\u25a0 Sleeper :Peters burg and "

Roa-\u25a0\u25a0-:.:'. -•;\u25a0•. noke. \u25a0:. ;>..:-\u25a0•\u25a0. v"^.-."..:."'".':,-.--'


yralna ?r axrlve": Richmocd-:from .-Lynch--

};r^JSburg»and: tte 'West sdaily at tTas::i SA;;M;. Jl:5O P^M.. and S:3«s p. M.:

:• V'from -\u0084= Norfolk .and \u25a0>-'tha > Ea*t. at•:j\:-'11:10 >A^M.V^1X:-43^{land; Omce:fß3S;Malnystreet:.: V : :

;V;' JOHN E..WAGNBR, ,\u25a0\u25a0;

.. ;:;« '.Clty^Passenger and ;Ticket .'Agent. ,7-:\ f>;;/-:;-';:';;,;-:'--;,--^a'H.';BO8LEY.vr.:,"-; :- • • Dlatriot 'Passenger «Agent.m• ..---- .W.*'B^BBVnJU^i;.-.? :'"\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0*:>' *.'-:'\u25a0. . • General sPaasenser/Aifeiit..-

fe2S '4fTriKsr-DuiliRevnucrCnUer; for Ser-;

\u25a0 '\u25a0 vice on tli* iMlneH.:.;',Tlit..i'evenuetCutter^Tujicarbra 1has ..beencompleted iat.the

'Trigß Shipbuilding,;C6m-.

ffeahy's^yards! anu will'.'.be-]; towed' to'\u25a0 Bal--;timore to-day by.{the


'tiona^ -where; her -furnishlngsj.will! be: sup-plied. " . ' --

\u25a0; The ; /l^aciroraV win!:'beY inservice .':on"pa^iSuiwiorya^lilichigahT'i'Sheiiwillicarry, one s three-pbundj rapld-flre -gun for-?Bvard;/ which"- wlU^«^litute|;hjerj^arma-':s.toenJ^Hpheri>u-iak:|eit :;Ifori?Bpeedt?th'ei!^lKaW^»ad6^i6jkMUl«efclio)^Jnltf,',-: •\u25a0\u25a0-i.'". "\u25a0\u25a0-*-\u25a0' :C-.-: C-.-- '\:,\.-J- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0: -"\u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0:; :;V^.:;;V »-.' -.•\u25a0\u25a0 -; \u25a0 -.\u25a0..,•;/.-,: \u0084,V» ,—^

lvilllnb Followed .'a;Bnite-Bnll}Game


}- ":' - ,


:int.!•««"«>• MillH. _;; V-

AMHERST: COURTHOUSE."' SepteihWr.:22.—(Special.)— Edjjar>:Reynolds,-^ ailyoungman "

fromiBig?lsland.";'Bedforcl" county,"was :';shot and ,killed*by

f:Silas £Sneadi^i ainegro.:nearj Pedlar.:1Mills,vinj;thisicounty;|Saturday.!', evening >lask'^Young;;Reynolds'\u25a0was'

one :of ;:a>base-ballsteamS thatfihad!been -playing":the*"Pedlar..iMlils~t»amgonjthat:day.Sand;ireturningShomei';thofeb6ys :

aidifflcultyi-with;thenegro^S^^k^tS^vV.. -*»§§sg inithe scuffles a' gun <in1the hands ofmss&r^^yUKbmtsfiaiHh^ load *aUa&-

. .\u25a0 .. • 1, . T.I -. .

. Any number of gppd,;re-- liable rUpright -Pianos \u25a0 have'

come .to our. store•the -:;past^.mmith^i: Pianos :;

-that have: been takeri^in,ex-change in.partipayment on,

). Stieffmprights; ;To-dayl weoffer :^an; :exceptionally ;fine \u25a0

bargain ;iar very_;.pretty :ma-^ihogany/upright;; sweet tone,

\u25a0Oeasy;actipnXr^tuned^fep6l-^ishedj-and in thorouglirjTef

\u25a0pair. "Cost, -...when new,

:.^32s>iOU^.;i?Teniis,':_sssper>m6nt;fi?; i?Teniis,':_sssper>m6nt;fi? v^AVe^; -will^g^ra^^e^this'instru^

ment :fbr< -five;-,years,. and:take jit as •'ipart !payment yon

\u25a0;;>a ;;rie\y.^S_ttev-.?.in^three^ears:v :E>r:opiin*and-'< ,look it over. H

"/ \

- CHA^: n. ISTIEFF,igEastj;B^oad|St reetvl


IMi-r - list ofCused&Pi-j01d:'Phone:3ii6.--anos. :-.' ::\

Mahogany Upright

Piano for $100.


/ LSAVEiIUCUiIU^U.\u25a0ii»BP. iL. No. 18. \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0Baltimore Lia^^§ I,daisy, except SaiuUy.-s fof AUj

Point, conaectias at. '.V«\u25a0**\u25a0*^Tjwith steamers iur

'SaluniJrd i-

J \u25a0; York-river landings." ;."•:-\u25a0

?-::'iiis P^M.;:No.v

ID. doily, except

/." "

vdays, local express ror K«5Si.r-?-.-atidini<;rmedi;tte stations. Cotui^r^ ;^ •\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-; wiihvstage ;at ;Lester Manor •«

V ;Walkeriou^and iTappabunr.oc^.

::r;-\u25a0\u25a0-;: :r ;-\u25a0\u25a0-; daily. «capt :- Smiduy. fof \u25a0\u25a0**".

;:-••- /connecting .:with-;.-.; »-

, ,-\u25a0,-\u25a0 Manor =for. "VVall£er* a**'*'

ARRIVE KICIIMWo',,0'\u0084

*oiisA: 31. vK0:^15;;i daily, -trora A«;>"~ ;Point;;with connection iroOT ***.

more, except Monday. ,f

•io-45 'A'Si;. ?NO.<9. "dally, except Sun^J

..->.-\u25a0*-- and:Mondays.-;.---^, •„.... \u25a0 :" .

P.rM.T:daily.-except Sumla^*- l'

West Point ana \u25a0

:»nternJ«-«»a M

IJ- :'v.;wtions.- r.-^^'i::\u25a0: :\u25a0\u25a0, }_'\u25a0\u25a0• „,„„« b*

16 will make no itopa

itween C-Rlchmond |and >Quinton._

g Steamers sail from W tat Stouit a-^Lrl vdally;Sexcept

'Sundays.'^- Stearaerb

«-j' \

:Aorjv.and rAllmond* .Tuesday. Thursdays.Saturdays. \u25a0 'I^—'^VQTBL'Rr ..

q_ H,;'ACKtii'v •



SEVENTHi STREETS. 1£MAX- V :. - J .CHESTER. .. \u0084

* '- ".-Imverf' hour: from ft a. M.

'to NTPMM;"


30 'Minutes*After?.Ever>-sHour.S frora \6:30a. m. try i'>:»,p.^r:ar^u%^


The -Last; Excnrsiqn :-of-the^efopto'

Via R.,'F. &JP: R. R. / .MONDAY, September 29; 1902

\u25a0.Train Cleaves c>Broad and^Hancock 'istreets j"•rMondayTmorning'Vat"; 9 o'clock. -','.,;' Beturning.V ;leaves Ninthi;- andavenue;*'" Washingtonj > Tuesday,'^ September

(soth^at 6P. M.,?sharp. : /-- -

.=1£ Bound-Trip ffare *Richmond .•\u25a0 tol"Washington,-

\u25a0' ' , "-

.WE GO RAIN,.OR. SHINE.,; -^;,

For tioketsTMidy informa^oni'^inqittire \of J.

fiii'sTh6nipson7?2o £'bast \u25a0Broad s atreiet,^and^litthe train, :


iigTrain*stops at:all;regular: stations between ]

\u25a0Rldhmond:andiQuantico. ;;•;-, V- . :^.. V.'v


f^^JAMES RIVERY^gl?: DAY LINE.:''\u25a0 -steamerf Pocahontas leaves teveryCikiON-;D\Y";WEDNESDAY.£and ;FRII>AY;;fat:

.7 fAf*MrSfor.iNorfolk.-';Portsmouth^^Oia^Point SfNews.W^Claremont.'^andiijames-river,f landiiigsVsfand Vconnec tirfg~at

'Old fPoint1and|Norfolkp for.;,Washington^Baltimore.«;aiidCthe: North:-:.. &^^ssffi»mState-rooms preserved \;for,the nfghtfat'Imodcrate^ prices.;- : '-;.-,

'direct- to*the" wharf;>SParA;rorilyjSlisosand-£ %l~;tof;Norfoik. MustoSbyjGrand Orchestrion. .;.':.-±;'- ,X.


;for^aboye-named Tplac&i|


\u25a0 .; ;-./\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\r -"::'•':. ;;-,-': ,'.GeneraK '-Manager.' w

"Lay the. proud usurpers lowTyrants fall,in every; foe!Liberty's in every blow.' ,

Let us do, or die!"':- .

"By Oppression's woes :and .pains.

By your sons, in servile chains..We will drain our dearest veins,

But they shall be free!

"Now's the day, and mow's the hour—

See the front o'battle:iour ;!•\u25a0:.. ,V-

See: approach proud Edward's pow'r—

: Chains arid slaverie.r

"Wha will'be .a traitod knave? '-.'•

Wha can :fill ajcoward's grave? ;

"What sac base as be.; a. slave? ; ; .'\u25a0Let him turn and flee.

-- ,

"Wha for.Scotland's King and law,

Freedom's sword will strongly. draw, •

Freeman stand or freeman fa.'

.Let him follow me. ;; . -:,,. : \u25a0\u25a0;;;-

BAI^QGKBURI^, , \u25a0.*< (By.Robert Burns.) \u25a0


"Scots .wha \u25a0 ha e ,wi! Wallace' bled;1

Scots wham Bruce has aftcn'-led,

Welcome ito-your gory -bed, \u25a0...-.<-

, Orto victorie. ".;.\u25a0\u25a0-;\u25a0 ";'\u25a0\u25a0•.-