PITTSBURGH’S CREATIVE ASSETS CORRIDORS, and CONVERGENCE CENTERS Full Report August 2016 Presented By: In Partnership With: With Support From: Research By: Kevin Stolarick, PhD Lou Musante, MLS


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Full Report

August 2016

Presented By:

In Partnership With: With Support From:

Research By: Kevin Stolarick, PhD Lou Musante, MLS

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The 2016 Pittsburgh Regional Creative Industries Study is a part of the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s Creative Industries Network, supported

by FortyX80 and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. www.createpgh.org

Project Manager: Kim Chestney, Director of Creative Industry Acceleration,

Pittsburgh Technology Council Leadership Team: Audrey Russo, President and CEO,

Pittsburgh Technology Council James Denova, Vice President, Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Brian Kennedy, Senior Vice President Pittsburgh Technology Council

Authors: Kevin Stolarick, PhD and Louis A. Musante, MLS

Maps: Paulo Raposo, PhD

Graphics: Rachel Whitlinger, Rachel Whitlinger Design

Project Team: Veronica Musante, Neighborhood Field Team Leader Ben Hilldorfer, Online Research Manager

Tom Caruso, Field Team Leader North Side Alexandra Musante, Field Leader Team East Liberty Julia Musante, Neighborhood Data Processing

Research Assistance provided by David Pankratz, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council and Jack Donahue, Donahue Advisors.

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Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... 4 Report Overview ........................................................................................................... 4

Summary of Findings ....................................................................................................... 6 About the Study ............................................................................................................ 6 Mapping Pittsburgh’s Creative Sector .......................................................................... 9

“Live” Maps.............................................................................................................. 10 “Work” Maps............................................................................................................ 16 Pittsburgh’s Creative Location Index ....................................................................... 25

Neighborhood Selection ............................................................................................. 29 Creative Neighborhoods in the Pittsburgh Region .................................................. 29 Emerging vs. Established Communities.................................................................. 33

Neighborhood Inventories and Maps.......................................................................... 34 East Liberty ............................................................................................................. 36 Manchester/Chateau ............................................................................................... 38 West Virginia ........................................................................................................... 40

Regional Services Assets Inventory .............................................................................. 42 Map of Index + Regional Services Inventory .............................................................. 43

Pittsburgh’s Freelance Creative Workforce.................................................................... 47 Independent Contractor/Freelancer Infographic ......................................................... 47 Creative Worker Survey - Summary Results .............................................................. 49

Appendices .................................................................................................................... 57 Data Sources .............................................................................................................. 57

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pittsburgh’s Creative Assets, Corridors, and Convergence Centers Thisreportisintendedtoprovidecommunityleaderswithanin-depthunderstandingofPittsburgh'sCreativeIndustriesassets,peopleandconnectivity.The Pittsburgh’s Creative Assets, Corridors, and Convergence Centers 2016 Study examines the dynamics of the Creative Industries in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region in terms of assets, connectivity and creative sector. This study examines the relationship between creativity and economy, based on the premise that a strong creative sector results in a variety of positive impacts on the city’s competitiveness, prosperity, and quality of place. By ascertaining the landscape of Creative Industry businesses and resources, as well as the creative corridors that connect these assets, this report presents information on both established and emerging centers of creativity and innovation. The report focuses primarily on creative companies, creative employees, creative entrepreneurs/freelancers and the organizations that support them. This study builds on the Pittsburgh Technology Council’s 2014 Creative Industries study, “Inclusion, Innovation, and Integrative Design: Pittsburgh’s Creative Clusters.” For consistency purposes, “Creatives” are defined as individuals who work in the occupational clusters and sub-clusters shown below. The creative clusters are organized into seven, primary creative sectors – Design, Entertainment, Fine Arts, Communications, Software/Hardware, Data Science, and Creative-Industry Support Services.

DATA Science

Communications Internet R & D Sensor Telecomm

Entertainment Film & Media Recreation Toys


Architecture Engineering Industrial Design Other Design Textiles Urban

Fine Arts

Museums Music Performing Arts Visual Arts


Engineering Health Devices Manufacturing Retail Software

Media/ Communications

Advertising Broadcasting Graphic Design Marketing Painting Public Relations Publishing

Creative Industry Support

Post-Secondary Education R & D Services

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Creative Industry Occupational Clusters and Sub-Clusters Occupations include STEM, Art/Design, Engineering, and creative, education, and healthcare managers and professionals. Establishments include Design/Engineering, Entertainment, Media/Communications, Software/Hardware, Fine Arts, Data Sciences, and Creative Industry Support.


• What does the Creative Industries employment and freelance landscape look like in Pittsburgh?

• Where do Creatives live and work?

• What are the key established and emerging Creative Corridors in the region? • Are the creative communities siloed or collaborative?

• Where are the majority of the region’s Creative Industry Support Services located?

The inventory and results of this report will be used to create a directory of the region’s creative assets – to further connectivity and awareness of the region’s creative momentum and potential.

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1. Self-employed and freelance creative-sector talent account for more than 100,000 people in the Pittsburgh region.

The Pittsburgh Metropolitan Region is home to more than 100,000 working Creatives who live and work here. Their number spans many industries (see Figure 1) and includes full-time and part-time Creatives. Data sources include County Business Patterns from the US Census (2012) and the American Communities Survey (5-year sample; 2013). Approximately one-third of the Pittsburgh region’s Creatives are self-employed, and another one-third have full-time jobs in addition to their freelance work. The primary research survey of creative-sector employees indicates* that:

a. 31.3% are full-time freelancers.

i. 84,059 of 268,560 creative sector talent

ii. Average 36.9 hours per week

b. 50.3% of the remaining 68.7% (34.6% of the total) work full time, but also freelance.

i. 92,804 of 268,560 creative sector talent

ii. Average 8.9 hours per week

c. 65.9% of all Creatives do at least some freelance work

i. 176,981 of 268,560 creative sector talent

Self-employed individuals within the Pittsburgh metro area number 52,376 (4.6% of the workforce). This includes all self-employed people across a wide spectrum of jobs and professions. This compares to the national average for US metros at 5.75% and the overall US average of 6.5%.

*Because this survey specifically targeted creative-sector talents more likely to do freelance work, these estimates likely overstate the actual numbers. Freelancing full-time and in addition to a full-time job is, however, clearly more prevalent among the creative-sector workforce than the overall workforce.

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2. The majority of Creatives do not live where they work. Creative-industry employees tend to work in different areas of the region. Numerous examples demonstrate this (see Figures 2 – 16), but the Arts sector strongly illustrates this trend. Creatives who work in Art & Design industries live in a wide variety of neighborhoods (see Figure 4). By contrast, their work locations are highly concentrated in neighborhoods that are home to universities and other creative anchors. This pattern holds true to some extent for all creative- industry employees. Data sources include County Business Patterns from the US Census (2012) and the American Communities Survey (5-year sample; 2013).

3. Current neighborhoods, like East Liberty and Lawrenceville, have not yet achieved the density of employers and Creatives that long-established corridors, like the Strip District and the Southside, currently possess.

In terms of Creative employees, the Strip District and Southside are well- established neighborhoods. This holds true especially for work locations (see Figures 8 – 15). Easy Liberty and Lawrenceville, however, show less live and “work” densities across the board (see Figures 2 – 16). Importantly all artists in these areas have not been included in this analysis.

4. Creatives tend to live in clusters in the same areas regardless of their specialties. Work locations are industry specific.

Creatives tend to live in residential and neighborhoods of Pittsburgh (see Figures 2 – 7). In contrast, they tend to work in industrial and commercial neighborhoods (see Figures 8 – 16). The “work” clusters, are, however, industry-specific with concentrations that vary from industry to industry. Creative employees work in three types of neighborhoods, namely:

Majority Commercial

a. Downtown b. Strip District c. Southside d. Hill District (Oakland)


e. Oakland f. North Side g. Squirrel Hill h. Highland Park i. East End

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Majority Residential

j. Mt. Washington k. Sheraden l. Bloomfield m. Garfield n. Shadyside o. Point Breeze

5. Creative Industry support services can be found across the Pittsburgh

region with these neighborhoods showing the highest concentrations:

a. Downtown b. The Strip District c. Southside d. North Shore

Entrepreneurial-support services show the highest concentration within Pittsburgh’s Central Business District and adjacent neighborhoods (see Figures 21 – 22). By contrast, community engagement venues and facilities are more widely distributed throughout the Pittsburgh region (see Figures 21, 23, and 24.)

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Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Maps

Pittsburgh’s creative-sector talent is mapped to show where Creatives work and where they live. Raw data obtained primarily from the US Census and American Communities Survey are used for geocoding and mapping. (2013 - See “Appendices – Data Sources” for more detail.) Each of the circles above represents a distinct map. “Live” maps are shown first, starting with “All Creatives.” This is then broken down into four sub-sectors. “Work” maps are shown second, again starting with “All Creatives,” which is then broken down into seven sub-sectors. Different sub-sectors were required for “Live” and “Work” since these data were gathered from different sources with unique classification hierarchies.

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WHERE CREATIVES “LIVE” Figure 2: All Creatives

All Creatives include those who work in STEM, Art & Design, Creative Industries Management, and Education & Healthcare. For a complete list of occupation sub-clusters, please see the respective maps on pages 11-14.

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Figure 3: STEM Occupations

STEM occupations include those who work in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computers.

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Figure 4: Art & Design

Art and Design occupations include those who work in the arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media.

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Figure 5: Creative Industries Management

Creative Industries Management occupations include those who work in management, business, and financial services.

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Figure 6: Education & Healthcare

Education and Healthcare occupations include those who work in education, legal, community service, healthcare practitioners, and technical occupations.

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Figure 7: Self-Employed & Independent Contractors

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Figure 8: All Creatives

All Creatives include those who work in the Data Sciences, Design, Entertainment, Fine Arts, Media/Communication, Software/Hardware, and Creative Industry Support. For a complete list of industry sub-clusters, please see the table on the bottom of page 4.

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Figure 9: All Creatives – Number of Employee

All Creatives include those who work in the Data Sciences, Design, Entertainment, Fine Arts, Media/Communication, Software/Hardware, and Creative Industry Support. For a complete list of industry sub-clusters, please see the table on the bottom of page 4.

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Figure 10: Fine Arts

Fine Arts include those who work in arts organizations, arts venues, museums, music, performing arts, and visual arts.

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Figure 11: Design & Engineering

Design and Engineering include those who work in architecture, engineering, textiles industrial design, urban design, and other design fields.

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Figure 12: Software & Hardware

Software and Hardware include those who work in engineering, health devices, manufacturing, retail, and software development.

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Figure 13: Data Science & Telecommunications

Data Science and Telecommunication include those who work in communications, sensor development, internet applications, telecommunications, and associated research and develop.

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Figure 14: Entertainment

Entertainment includes those who work in educational IT, film, media, recreation, post-production and toy manufacturing

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Figure 15: Media & Communications

Media & Communications includes those who work in advertising, broadcasting, graphic design, marketing, painting, public relations, and publishing.

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Figure 16: Creative Industries Support

Create Industry Support includes those who work in associations, consulting, post-secondary education, research & development, and services.

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The Pittsburgh Creative Location Index (PCLI) consists of three, evenly weighted local measures designed to capture the concentration of Creatives who live, work, or are self- employed in that region. These measures include:

• Share of population in each neighborhood/census tract/zip code (merged geographies)

o Working in a creative job and living in that area (census tract)

o Working in a creative job and working in that area (zip code)

o Self-employed and living in that area (census tract)

This combined index captures the concentration of Creatives in that area. The highest scores are not possible to achieve in areas devoted almost solely to either business (work) or residential (live), but instead, require a good mix of uses. By using the shares, we made some allowance so that although an area may not have many businesses in it, if those businesses are mostly creative, we awarded a higher score. Maps shown earlier indicated total numbers to reveal the greatest activity, whereas this index and the corresponding maps (below) show the greatest concentration.

To score highly, a region (census tract/zip code) needed to score highly on all three measures. Those in the middle ranges generally scored higher on one of the three, and by lower on the other two. Regions with a low overall density scored at the lower end on all three measures.

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Figure 17: Pittsburgh’s Creative Location Index

Pittsburgh’s Creative Location Index map displays the concentration of Creatives who live, work, or are self-employed in each region, and is a compilation of the data from Figures 2 – 16. The concentration gradient is not as dramatic as it was for previous maps. This suggests that Creatives, overall, do not live in silos occurring in specific industries.

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Figure 18a, 18b: Western Pennsylvania Creative Location Index

Western Pennsylvania’s Creative Location Index map shows the concentration of Creatives who live, work, or are self-employed throughout the region. Pittsburgh city proper is outlined in yellow, and the map includes the cities of Washington and Latrobe.

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The Creative Location Index map displays the concentration of Creatives who live, work, or are self-employed in each region across Western Pennsylvania. Because of the fineness of the regions within cities and metros, those darker areas are much smaller and not easily seen. The values on this map do correspond to those shown on the map of just the Pittsburgh Region (figure 17). The map shows that live, work, and self-employment concentrations across Western Pennsylvania do not show a particularly strong pattern or concentrations. Pockets of concentration are distributed across the whole area.

Western & Central PA Creative Location Index

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Place of Residence – Top 30 Neighborhoods Where Creative Employees Live

Tract Neighborhood Tract Pop.

Total BA+1

Total Creative

Mean Earnings


Percent Creative

1402 Squirrel Hill North 2,447 1,429 1,177 127,608 85.5% 48.1% 1408 Squirrel Hill South 4,554 2,389 2,007 104,334 78.0% 44.1% 0708 Shadyside 1,705 1,122 723 94,539 82.9% 42.4% 1404 Point Breeze 2,306 1,304 889 143,302 76.0% 38.6% 1414 Squirrel Hill South 5,351 2,817 2,055 117,528 66.8% 38.4% 1403 Squirrel Hill North 3,440 1,765 1,296 136,443 79.9% 37.7% 1702 South Side Flats 3,725 1,054 1,365 71,898 49.0% 36.6% 1413 Squirrel Hill South 5,177 2,551 1,832 78,659 69.0% 35.4% 1405 Point Breeze North 2,054 907 684 53,735 59.7% 33.3% 1102 Highland Park 3,971 1,539 1,224 67,242 56.9% 30.8% 1807 Mount Washington 2,011 637 616 56,217 39.4% 30.6% 1914 Mount Washington 2,796 873 843 69,074 42.9% 30.2% 1911 Duquesne Heights 2,425 640 707 87,730 34.4% 29.2% 1517 Greenfield 4,931 1,842 1,427 76,145 50.9% 28.9% 2023 Banksville 4,144 1,248 1,165 71,852 37.0% 28.1% 1516 Greenfield 2,363 682 661 60,260 37.2% 28.0% 2708 Brighton Heights 2,651 888 717 73,920 39.5% 27.0% 0705 Shadyside 6,664 1,849 1,709 74,778 81.3% 25.6% 0605 Polish Hill 1,274 362 318 64,681 31.6% 25.0% 1903 Mount Washington 1,945 716 484 73,610 45.8% 24.9% 1401 Squirrel Hill North 5,476 1,196 1,333 154,935 73.0% 24.3% 0603 Lower Lawrenceville 2,341 595 566 47,971 30.3% 24.2% 2503 Central Northside 1,090 269 256 68,167 31.9% 23.5% 2815 Crafton Heights 1,462 314 300 64,585 28.8% 20.5% 0901 Central Lawrenceville 1,843 510 371 64,470 35.2% 20.1% 1706 South Side Slopes 1,864 421 361 64,874 33.9% 19.4% 2406 Herr's Island 2,714 505 506 73,458 26.0% 18.6% 0404 North Oakland 2,488 680 461 37,021 67.3% 18.5% 2701 Brighton Heights 2,649 660 454 61,182 33.3% 17.1% 1916 Beechview 4,295 715 726 50,667 22.2% 16.9%

1 Total residents with Bachelor’s degree or higher. 2 Percent of residents with Bachelor’s degree or higher.

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Place of Residence – Top 30 Neighborhoods Where Self-Employed Live



Tract Population

Total Self-Employed

Mean Earn

Percent Self- Employed

1114 Garfield 11,284 63 24,153 14.2% 1404 Point Breeze 2,306 137 143,302 10.5% 1403 Squirrel Hill North 3,440 177 136,443 10.1% 0404 North Oakland 2,488 60 37,021 9.4% 1408 Squirrel Hill South 4,554 233 104,334 9.0% 2602 Perry North 6,621 89 53,217 8.8% 1204 Larimer 869 14 31,813 8.5% 2708 Brighton Heights 2,651 121 73,920 8.3% 0201 Golden Triangle/Civic

Arena 10,351 151 87,215 7.7%

1414 Squirrel Hill South 5,351 199 117,528 7.4% 1914 Mount Washington 2,796 117 69,074 7.3% 2507 California Kirkbride 761 15 33,685 7.2% 0506 Upper Hill 7,388 47 58,106 7.2% 1916 Beechview 4,295 164 50,667 6.9% 1106 Highland Park 8,268 90 98,964 6.8% 1516 Greenfield 2,363 92 60,260 6.6% 2509 Fineview 1,285 29 40,560 6.4% 1402 Squirrel Hill North 2,447 98 127,608 6.3% 1807 Mount Washington 2,011 70 56,217 5.8% 0903 Bloomfield 5,275 43 45,202 5.7% 0605 Polish Hill 1,274 47 64,681 5.4% 1018 Stanton Heights 10,275 83 74,192 5.4% 2620 Spring Hill-City View 7,563 47 48,534 5.3% 2607 Perry North 5,550 49 64,175 5.2% 0406 Central Oakland 2,392 63 23,037 5.0% 2107 Manchester 9,753 42 57,782 5.0% 2612 Summer Hill 3,382 31 63,009 5.0% 2815 Crafton Heights 1,462 37 64,585 5.0% 0603 Lower Lawrenceville 2,341 75 47,971 5.0% 1903 Mount Washington 1,945 57 73,610 5.0%

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Places of Work – Top 28 Neighborhoods Where Creative Employees Work



Percent Creative


Total Creative


Total Creative

Employed Total

Establishments Total



29.3% 288 12,262 1,621 41,873


24.9% 81 4,945 720 19,864

15238 NOT CITY – Borough of Blawnox & Fox Chapel, Townships of O’Hara, Indiana, Harmar & West Deer

24.6% 111 3,666 741 14,908

15214 PART CITY (NORTHSIDE) 22.5% 7 201 90 894 15220 PART CITY (WEST END,


20.3% 113 3,274 754 16,132


18.3% 109 1,607 612 8,767


18.2% 150 5,340 1,308 29,392


13.5% 119 2,596 1,047 19,248


12.1% 41 722 350 5,975

15212 PART CITY (NORTHSIDE) 11.6% 91 2,015 695 17,428 15235 PART CITY – Borough of

Churchill, Townships of Penn Hills & Wilkins. Small part City of Pittsburgh

9.6% 53 818 728 8,485

15237 NOT CITY – Borough of Franklin Park, Townships of Ross & McCandless

9.3% 136 1,670 1,561 17,939


8.0% 13 58 117 721


7.8% 44 449 427 5,746

15229 NOT CITY – Borough of West View and Township of Ross

7.6% 27 128 249 1,693

15228 NOT CITY – Borough of Bethel and Township of Mt Lebanon & Upper St Clair

6.4% 52 179 418 2,803

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6.0% 39 367 260 6,106

15209 NOT CITY – Millvale Borough & Townships of Shaler, Reserve & Ross

5.5% 19 109 251 1,980

15215 PART CITY – Sharpsburg, Aspinwall & Fox Chapel, Townships of O’Hara, Indiana & Shaler

4.2% 33 195 385 4,668

15223 NOT CITY – Borough of Etna and Township of Shaler

3.7% 19 60 194 1,606


3.6% 6 57 260 1,591


3.3% 3 13 73 393

BROADHEAD) 15216 PART CITY (BEECHVIEW) 3.3% 35 100 417 3,037 15226 PART CITY (BROOKLINE &

OVERBROOK) 2.9% 11 63 201 2,166


1.8% 7 17 136 932

15225 NOT CITY – Township of Neville & Neville Island

1.8% 4 35 102 1,959


1.5% 19 70 263 4,563

15243 NOT CITY – Townships of Mt Lebanon, Scott & Upper St Clair

1.3% 20 34 185 2,569

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We selected a sample of creative neighborhoods in the Pittsburgh region to examine – from emerging to established communities. The criteria to create the Pittsburgh Creative Location Index formed the basis for the selection criteria used to identify the two neighborhoods to inventory and study in greater depth.

The first neighborhood was to be an established creative neighborhood–a locale with a significant and growing creative-sector presence. The second neighborhood was to be an emerging neighborhood–a community with potential. Live (residential), Work (businesses), and Self-Employed were considered with a goal to simultaneously include a strong concentration (high score on the index) and a significant level of activity (high overall numbers). The tables below show these values for census tracts (neighborhoods) and zip codes.

We inventoried the major streets/commercial streets of the neighborhoods studied. We categorized establishments as best as possible using external visual information, building- directory listings, signs, and Google maps.

Established Neighborhoods

(1) East Liberty* (2) Strip District (3) Southside Flats

Emerging Neighborhoods

(1) Manchester-Chateau* (2) Garfield (3) Central Lawrenceville (4) Bloomfield

*Selected neighborhood

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Established – Work

1 ZIP Code Tabulation Area

Established – Live


Census Tract



Tract Pop


BA+1 Percent Creative

Percent Self-


Total BA+2

Total Self- Employed

Total Creative

Mean Earnings

Pop 25+3

East Liberty 1113 0.422

12,977 25% 35% 3.2% 415 38 422 46,541 1,673

East Liberty 1115 0.412

11,765 26% 34% 3.1% 562 41 445 34,954 2,187

Strip District 203 0.745

15,640 72% 61% 11.3% 407 58 312 112,700 568

Southside Flats 1609 0.714

6,594 55% 63% 1.7% 1,205 35 1,312 79,766 2,195

Southside Flats 1702 0.612

3,725 49% 54% 0.6% 1,054 14 1,365 71,898 2,151

1 Total residents with Bachelor’s degree or higher. 2 Percent of residents with Bachelor’s degree or higher. 3 Number of residents who are 25 years old or older.

Neighborhood ZCTA1 Zip Codes

Percent Creative


Total Creative Establishments

Total Creative

Employees Total Establishments

East Liberty 15206 15206,


20.6% 76 1,975 620

Strip District 15222 15222,




29.3% 288 12,262 1,621

Southside Flats

15203 15203 18.3% 109 1,607 612

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Emerging – Work

Emerging – Live

Neighborhood ZCTA Zip Codes

Percent Creative Employees

Total Creative Establishments

Total Creative Employees

Total Establishments

Garfield 15224 15224 1.5% 19 70 263 Manchester- Chateau

15233 15233, 15267, 15279

6.0% 39 367 260

Central Lawrenceville

15201 15201 7.8% 44 449 427

Bloomfield 15224 15224 1.5% 19 70 263

Neighborhood Census Tract

PCLI Score

Tract Pop

Percent BA+

Percent Creative

% Self-Emp.

Tot BA+

Total Self- Emp.

Total Creative

Mean Earn Pop 25+

Garfield 1016 0.495 6,659 14% 22% 0.0% 60 0 62 36,155 431 1017 0.485 8,345 9% 18% 3.2% 86 17 98 46,569 915 1114 0.358 11,284 12% 18% 14.2% 104 63 79 24,153 891 Manchester- Chateau

2107 0.600 9,753 24% 44% 5.0% 316 42 370 57,782 1,335

Central Lawrenceville

901 0.497 1,843 35% 38% 2.3% 510 23 371 64,470 1,450

902 0.555 9,087 39% 42% 3.3% 895 59 758 62,414 2,267 Bloomfield 802 0.869 8,798 49% 57% 3.0% 688 32 600 50,983 1,405

804 0.567 4,664 50% 42% 0.7% 407 7 400 41,266 809 806 0.973 5,802 68% 68% 2.4% 1,048 34 958 69,855 1,544 809 0.736 5,517 43% 46% 0.8% 560 9 529 45,625 1,305 903 0.771 5,275 26% 44% 5.7% 335 43 337 45,202 1,293

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Row Labels Count of Businesses

Amenity 11 Bar 2 Restaurant 9

Commercial 41 Creative Industry Support Service 5 Design 3 Financial 2 Government agency 2 IT, HW/SW, Telecomm, Data business 10 Medical 8 Non- or not-for-profit, community service 4 Retail 7

Public Space 10 Church, religious 3 School, education 7

Space 5 Vacant space 5

Grand Total 62

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Figure 19: East Liberty Creative Industries Inventory Map

East Liberty’s Creative Industry Inventory Map shows the nature and distribution of creative-support services throughout the neighborhood. It’s important to note that high concentrations of these establishments exist near the recently developed residential complex and bus way along Penn Avenue and in Bakery Square.

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Row Labels Count of Businesses

Amenity 20 Bar 5 Restaurant 15

Commercial 62 Creative Industry Support Service 9 Design 3 Financial 3 Government agency 4 IT, HW/SW, Telecomm, Data business 3 Medical 3 Non- or not-for-profit, community service 6 Retail 31

Public Space 15 Church, religious 5 School, education 10

Space 11 Vacant space 11

Grand Total 108

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Figure 20: Manchester & Chateau Creative Industries Inventory Map

The Creative Industry Inventory Map of Manchester and Chateau reflects the nature and distribution of creative-support services throughout these two neighborhoods. Concentrations of these establishments exist along the river and in the area north of Heinz Field and west of West Park.

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We looked at the adjacent communities in West Virginia for additional input on the regional Creative Industries landscape. In this region, employment in the Creative Industries is much more highly concentrated, with the greatest number to total jobs concentrated in a small number of locations. Most notably, this is seen in the West Virginia High-Tech Corridor along I-79 to the south of Morgantown, in Wheeling, around Charleston to Huntington and in the eastern panhandle. However, while those are the places with the largest numbers of total creative industry employment, the share of all employment that could be considered creative is not as high in those same regions. Rather, the highest concentration of creative industry employment is more widely distributed across the middle of the state. The Morgantown area shows a few areas with higher numbers of self-employed people (north and south of the city) with very few living in the city proper. And while the city and its surrounding region is home to a large number of jobs in the Creative Industries, those jobs do not create significant concentrations of larger shares of the overall employment base as is the case across the state. These results are based on the same data and data sources that were used for the Pittsburgh region analysis.

Figure 21: West Virginia – Self-Employed/Independent Contractors

This map shows the distribution of self-employed Creatives and independent contractors throughout West Virginia and the city of Morgantown. The shading represents the absolute number of persons rather than Creatives per capita.

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Figure 22: West Virginia – Creative Employees

This map reflects the distribution of Creative employees throughout West Virginia and the city of Morgantown. The shading represents the absolute number of persons rather than Creatives per capita.

Figure 23: West Virginia – Creative Employees

This map shows the distribution of Creative employees throughout West Virginia and the city of Morgantown. In contrast to Figure 25, the shading represents the share of employees in a given area who have Creative jobs.

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To provide a clearer picture of Pittsburgh’s Creative Industry assets, our goal was to identify the organizations that provide services and opportunities to Creatives. Data was collected from a wide variety of on-line and publicly available sources, and resulted in an inventory of 537 individual establishments:

Category Sub-Category Number of Assets

Entrepreneurial Support Accelerators 7 Entrepreneurial Centers 15 SBDC 4 Marketing/Design/Printing 147 Law Firms 87 Healthcare/ Employee Benefits 25 Financial Institutions & VC Firms 73 Community Development Centers 10

Facilities & Spaces Co-Working Spaces 9 Maker Spaces 14 Studio Spaces 10 Warehouses 0 Industrial 0 Real Estate Services 58

Exhibition/Performance Museums 26 Galleries 28 Theatres 12 Festivals & Community Events 12


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Figure 24: Regional Creative Services Inventory

This map overlays Creative Industry Location Indices with Creative Industry Support Services.

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Figure 25: Community Engagement Services

Community Engagement

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Figure 26: Entrepreneurial Support Services

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Figure 27: Work Spaces

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Cluster Total % All % Cluster Advertising 36 11% 14% Creative Industry/Service Support 53 16% 21% Data Science 12 4% 5% Design 33 10% 13% Entertainment 30 9% 12% Fine Arts 55 17% 21% Other 18 6% Other (please specify) 30 9% Software & Hardware 38 12% 15% (blank) 22 7% Grand Total 327

More Detailed Cluster Indicated:

Advertising Total Marketing 7 Graphic Design 5 Audio Services 1 Video Production 4 Print Production 6 Publishing 2 Design Total Industrial Design Textiles 1 Industrial Design Manufacturing 1 Industrial Design Engineering 1

Entertainment Total Social Media Education Technology 1 Social Media Theme Parks & Recreation 1 Social Media Film & Digital Media 3 Social Media Post-Production 1 Social Media Other 1

Fine Arts Total Arts Performing Arts 4 Arts Music 2 Arts Museums 4 Arts Galleries 7 Arts Venues 4 Arts Organizations 8

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Software & Hardware Total HWSW Mobile Applications 11 HWSW Augmented Reality 2 HWSW Health IT/Medical Devices 5 HWSW Robotics 2 HWSW Responsive Environments 4 HWSW Other Text 2

Data Science Total Data Big Sensors 1 Data Communications 1 Data Embedded Computing 1

Creative Industry/Service Support Total CI/Sp Incubators/Accelerators 4

Interface with Other Cluster? Among all: If at all: 0 = Not at All, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Regularly

Count Sum Average Non- Zero

Non-Zero Average

Respondent ID 327 327 Interface Advertising 219 291 1.33 181 1.61 Interface Industrial Design 219 123 0.56 92 1.34 Interface Social Media 218 369 1.69 201 1.84 Interface Visual Arts 218 240 1.10 150 1.60 Interface Software Development 217 199 0.92 136 1.46 Interface Big Data 216 149 0.69 104 1.43 Interface Co-working Spaces 216 145 0.67 101 1.44

Freelance Also Freelance Counts of

Respondent ID Average of

Freelance Hours No No 73 No freelancing

Yes 74 Freelance part- time


Yes (blank) 67 Freelance full- time


(blank) (blank) 113 n/a Grand Total 327 Overall 22.0

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Development Apps Development App Interest

Total No No 99

Yes 75 No Total 174 Yes No 16

Yes 27 Yes Total 43 (blank) (blank) 110 (blank) Total 110 Grand Total 327

Job Change Past 5 years Total % Never 67 45.3% Once 52 35.1% Twice 16 10.8% Three times 9 6.1% Four times 2 1.4% More than five times 2 1.4% (blank) 179 Grand Total 327

Employment Type – Organization Where You Work

Total %

Educational Institution 14 9.5% For-Profit Company 86 58.1% Government 1 0.7% Non-Profit Company/Charitable Organization 46 31.1% Other (please specify) 1 0.7% (blank) 179 Grand Total 327

Reason to Change Job (up to 2) Total %

(of 351 responses)

Respondent due to ID 327 Change Job due to Pay 87 26.6% Change Job due to Hours 48 14.7% Change Job due to Health Benefits 8 2.4% Change Job due to Ed PD Fund 8 2.4% Change Job due to Retirement 6 1.8% Change Job due to Location 31 9.5% Change Job due to Type of Work 86 26.3% Change Job due to Employer 17 5.2% Change Job due to Professional Growth 43 13.1% Change Job Advancement 17 5.2%

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Sex Total % All % Responding Female 112 34% 53% Male 101 31% 47% (blank) 114 35% Grand Total 327

Age Total % All % Responding 18-24 6 2% 3% 25-34 55 17% 26% 35-44 58 18% 27% 45-54 51 16% 24% 55-64 31 9% 15% 65 or older 12 4% 6% (blank) 114 35% Grand Total 327

Race Total % All % Responding African American 10 3% 5% Asian 3 1% 1% Caucasian 187 57% 91% Hispanic 5 2% 2% Native American 1 0% 0% (blank) 121 37% Grand Total 327

Sex Age Total % Responding Female 18-24 3 3%

25-34 35 31% 35-44 30 27% 45-54 24 21% 55-64 17 15% 65 or older 3 3% Female Total 112 53% Male 18-24 3 3%

25-34 20 20% 35-44 28 28% 45-54 27 27% 55-64 14 14% 65 or older 9 Male Total 101 47% (blank) (blank) 114 (blank) Total 114 Grand Total 327

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Inc Range Total % All % Responding Under $20,000 21 6% 10% $20,000 - $39,999 34 10% 17% $40,000 - $74,999 59 18% 29% $75,000 - $99,999 35 11% 17% $100,000 or more 52 16% 26% I prefer not to say. 6 2% (blank) 120 37% Grand Total 327

Marital Total % All % Responding Divorced/Separated 15 5% 7% Married/Partnered 135 41% 66% Single 55 17% 27% (blank) 122 37% Grand Total 327

Education Total % All % Responding Associates or junior college degree 3 1% 1%

Bachelor's degree 79 24% 38% High school graduate 2 1% 1% Post-graduate work or degree 114 35% 55% Some college 11 3% 5% (blank) 118 36% Grand Total 327

Used Service1 Total % All % Responding No 93 28% 44% Yes 117 36% 56% (blank) 117 36% Grand Total 327

Used Service1 No Yes % Yes Respondent ID 93 117 Used Shared Space 14 12% Used Real Estate 3 3% Used Service 24 21% Used Shared Maker 30 26% Used Work Hard Pittsburgh 18 15%

1 ”Used Service” means that the respondent used one of the “other services.” In this case, “Service” was a catch all for general business services that could not be attributed to one of the specific services mentioned.

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Used Performance

1 = Terrible and 10 = Amazing Total

1 2 2 1 3 4 4 2 5 14 6 3 7 12 8 32 9 25

10 9 (blank) 223

Grand Total 327 Average 7.38

Access to Service 1 = Terrible and 10 = Amazing Total

1 0 2 1 3 2 4 5 5 13 6 5 7 12 8 23 9 26

10 16 (blank) 224

Grand Total 327 Average 7.62

Importance of Access to Service (1 = not at all important and 10 = extremely important)

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Services Importance FINANCIAL Total

1 82 2 12 3 9 4 6 5 17 6 5 7 6 8 9 9 9

10 24 (blank) 148

Grand Total 327 Average 3.95

Services Importance SHARED SPACES Total

1 73 2 18 3 10 4 7 5 13 6 12 7 11 8 10 9 9

10 16 (blank) 148

Grand Total 327 Average 3.92

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Services Importance REAL ESTATE Total

1 83 2 24 3 13 4 9 5 16 6 8 7 8 8 6 9 3

10 9 (blank) 148

Grand Total 327 Average 3.10

Services Importance


1 22 2 9 3 8 4 8 5 19 6 14 7 24 8 31 9 18

10 28 (blank) 146

Grand Total 327 Average 6.26

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Data Sources

All mapping data come from publicly available sources. The survey data were collected from December 2015 to March 2016 using an online survey.

• Industry & Employment

• County Business Patterns (2012), US Census • “Zip Codes” (ZCTA – zip code tabulation areas)

• Demographic

• American Communities Survey (5-year sample; 2013), US Census • Census Tracts

• Asset Data

• Start up & supporting services • Collected from on-line, available business lists and through a survey

• Pittsburgh Creative Location Index

• Share of population in each neighborhood/census tract/zip code (merged

geographies) • Working in a creative job and living in that area (census tract) • Working in a creative job and working in that area (zip code) • Self-employed and living in that area (census tract)

• Combined index captures the concentration of Creatives in that area throughout the day (work) and night (live)

• Creative Worker Survey

• Collect on-line (Survey Monkey) • Completed by 327 people • Numerous out-reach and other attempts to generate completions