Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: dont sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we dont have to sell everything! Page1 How To Make These slippers are made to fit YOUR foot. You crochet them in one piece, fit them to size over the last few rows and then sew them together down the back of the ankle to close the heel (and seal the deal!) If you are new to making slippers or socks, then these are a really great way to get started. You can vary the stitches once you are confident with this pattern! You can add lots of stripes... or you can make them all one colour. Make them your own! If you have very narrow feet, use a smaller hook and finer yarn : these are a wide fit... but they are just SLIPPERS! I use Australian/UK Crochet terms in the project. Stitches used are Chain Stitch and Half Treble Crochet [which is the same as Half Double Crochet in US terminology] There are videos on YouTube to teach you how to Half Treble Crochet (HTR). This project works in rounds. The right side of your work is always facing outwards, (except for the last 8 rows, when you need to turn your work at each row.) You Need:: 4mm crochet hook 8ply (DK) Yarn in a few colours Scissors Yarn Needle How To Half Treble Crochet (HTR for short!) : Yarn Over : insert hook into stitch: pull your yarn through to the front of your work : yarn over again, pull top loop through bottom three loops on hook


Crochet some slippers! This is an easy project for beginners who would like warm toes!

Transcript of Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

Page 1: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



How To Make

These slippers are made to fit YOUR foot. You crochet them in one piece, fit them to

size over the last few rows and then sew them together down the back of the ankle to

close the heel (and seal the deal!) If you are new to making slippers or socks, then

these are a really great way to get started. You can vary the stitches once you are

confident with this pattern! You can add lots of stripes... or you can make them all

one colour. Make them your own! If you have very narrow feet, use a smaller hook and

finer yarn : these are a wide fit... but they are just SLIPPERS!

I use Australian/UK Crochet terms in the project. Stitches used are Chain Stitch and Half Treble

Crochet [which is the same as Half Double Crochet in US terminology] There are videos on

YouTube to teach you how to Half Treble Crochet (HTR). This project works in rounds. The right

side of your work is always facing outwards, (except for the last 8 rows, when you need to turn your

work at each row.)

You Need::

4mm crochet hook

8ply (DK) Yarn in a few colours


Yarn Needle

How To Half Treble Crochet

(HTR for short!) : Yarn Over :

insert hook into stitch: pull

your yarn through to the front

of your work : yarn over again,

pull top loop through bottom

three loops on hook

Page 2: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



In Your First Colour let’s begin : I used Blue/Green (pictures below!)

a) Make a slip knot and chain 4 :: Join with a slip stitch to form a ring. Chain up 2.

b) Now, Half Treble Crochet 9 times into the ring you made.

Once you have 9 HTRs, join your round up with a slip stitch into the 2nd original chain

you made to close the circle tightly.

c) Chain 2 :: Half Treble crochet into the base of the chain stitches you just made.

Now Half Treble crochet twice into each stitch of the previous round.

Close the round with a slip stitch into the 2nd original chain stitch once more.

d) Chain 2 :: HTR once into the base of these two chain stitches.

HTR once into each stitch of the previous round. Slip stitch the round closed

e) Chain 2 :: HTR once into the base of those two chain stitches. Now follow the

sequence between the following asterisks all the way around : *Half Treble into the

next 3 stitches, then TWO Half Treble into the next stitch* all the way around and

fasten off.

First steps :: with the Blue Green (the toe of the slipper!)

Let’s change colour. Just tie your next colour to one of the HTRs, being sure it’s tied

through TWO loops for extra security. Then poke your hook through the stitch, just

under where you have tied your yarn on, and pull the new yarn to the front with your

crochet hook, to form a loop on your hook.

Page 3: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



Note :: I changed to cream for this part of our slipper (below)

a) Chain up 2 :: HTR once into the base of the 2 chain stitches. Now HTR once into

each stitch of the previous round. Close the round with a slip stitch into the 2nd (the

highest!) original chain. This helps to form a nice neat round. Keep your yarn pulled

very taut when you do this for best results.

b) Chain up 2 :: HTR once into the base of the 2 chain stitches. *HTR one into the

next stitch, then HTR twice into the next stitch* repeat all the way around the round,

and then close with a slip stitch just like we did before.

c) Chain up 2 :: * HTR once into the base of the 2 chain stitches. HTR once into each

stitch of the previous round. Close with a slip stitch, as per usual! *

d) Repeat above for the THREE ROWS in TOTAL. Note that in a crochet pattern,

anything between * and * is to be repeated!! Nice work. Fasten off your yarn leaving

a ‘tail’ of around 20cm.

Let’s change colour again! Do this by tying your new coloured yarn between two

stitches of the previous round, then hooking a loop through with your crochet hook

(a). Position the tied on yarn quite close to where you fastened off your last colour, so

all your bumpy joins are kinda lined up on your finished slipper. See my left slipper

above? I did not line my joins up, so it’s a bit messy and bumpy. My right slipper is

much neater, because I kept my joins aligned a bit more and concealed them in the

inside foot part of my slipper. (They are hiding!) Be sure to leave a long yarn tail of

around 20cm to make things easier to neaten up later.

Page 4: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



Note :: I changed to yellow for this part of the slipper.

a) Chain 2. HTR once into each stitch of the previous

round slip stitching the round closed at the end of

each round.

b) Repeat the above for a total of THREE ROWS.

Fasten off your work neatly, leaving a long tail once


Change colour by tying your new yarn between two

stitches of the previous round and hooking a loop

through with your crochet hook. Add your new colour

so that it lines up with where you added your previous

colour. This way all our joins will be in one line and

we can hide them along the side of our slipper! Again,

leave a long tail.

Note :: I changed back to grey for this part.

a) Chain 2. HTR once into each stitch of the previous

round slip stitching the round closed at the end of

each round.

b) Repeat the above for a total of THREE ROWS.

Now, change colours again just like we did before,

roughly in line with your previous colour changes. I

am going to change back to yellow.

Page 5: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



a) Now. Flatten your slipper out so all your loose tails and

bumps from colour changes are running down the left

side. Note where the middle of the front of your slipper is

(where my crochet hook is laying).

b)We need to leave a six stitch gap at this midpoint (or

roughly in the middle). I’ve marked it by tying my grey

yarn back on at one stitch, and looping some green yarn

through at the other point. This helps me to know where

NOT to stitch. I must NOT stitch in the six stitches

between those two markers! Nope! Otherwise my foot

may not go in to this slipper. And it may as well become a

pencil case!

Right. I have changed back to yellow for this next part.

a) Chain 2. Now Half Treble once into each stitch of the

previous round. Slip stitch each round closed neatly. Be sure to

keep your stitches taut as you start each round.

b) Repeat for a TOTAL of THREE ROWS.

Change colours once more, lining up with your previous colour

changes for neatness. I changed to grey again.

Look, I changed to grey. It’s my last colour change. I am going

to finish my slipper in grey. Let’s go.

a)Chain 2.

b)Now we need THREE more rows of HTR, remembering to slip

stitch your round closed and chain up twice to start each row.

Once done, slip stitch the final round closed and fasten off your


Page 6: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



a)Let’s finish the back part of the slippers. Chain 2

and HTR all the way around until you reach that

seventh stitch (the one which I marked with the

green yarn!)

b) Now stop. Chain up two and turn your work.

These two chains are going to be counted as our first

HTR of the row. So then HTR into each of the

stitches along this row, chaining up two and turning

your work to start a new row.

c) Keep on HTRing and 2 chaining along for SIX


d) After Row Six pop your foot in to your nearly

slipper and pull your slipper tightly towards the back

of your foot. It probably won’t quite fit you yet,

unless you have teensy feet. Now continue

crocheting enough rows to make them fit you nicely.

Make sure they fit firmly.) I am crocheting 8 rows in

total : so just another 2 rows after Row Six (my foot is

a size 39!) Remember you are always missing those

six stitches and turning at the end of each row. Once

your slipper is the right length fasten off your yarn

leaving a nice long tail of around 30cm.

Page 7: Pippy Slippers by Pip Lincolne

meetmeatmikes.com :: pattern by pip lincolne :: don’t sell my pattern :: you can sell things you make from this pattern :: but much nicer to make them as gifts for people you love :: we don’t have to sell everything!



a) Turn your slipper out the wrong way. Sew the back seam closed (on the outside for

extra comfort) with matching yarn and a yarn needle.

b) Now sew in your ends threading them with the yarn needle and weaving them in

and out of your work a couple of centimetres one way, and then the other. Snip the

loose yarn close to your work (careful!) and stretch your work so that the snipped end


Turn your slipper the right way out and try it on! It looks a bit like a squat bootie, but

it will stretch nicely to fit (if you fitted it correctly!) Chortle at your cleverness and

the cosiness of your toes! Now you have to make another! Sheesh. I mean, YAY!