Pinstripe Presents Quality of Hire Myth or Measurement

Quality of Hire: Myth or Measurement? #talentmindset



Transcript of Pinstripe Presents Quality of Hire Myth or Measurement

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Quality of Hire: Myth or Measurement?


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Welcome & Introductions

Kevin Wheeler Founder and Chairman the Future of Talent Institute

Kevin started FOTI five years ago out of his passionate belief that organizations need a more powerful and thoughtful architecture for talent than they have.

Kevin is a globally known speaker, author, teacher and consultant in human capital acquisition and development, as well as in corporate education.


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• “One top-notch engineer is worth 300 times or more than the average engineer.”

• “We would rather lose an entire incoming class of engineering graduates than one exceptional technologist.”

Alan Eustace Senior Vice President of Engineering and Research

Setting the Stage


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• Measures of output quality reported in 20 studies of production workers found:

– The Value of Top Third performance was 1.7 times the value of average workers.

– The DIFFERENCE between the annual value of Top Third vs. Average performers was AT LEAST 40% of their salary.

Some Facts

Schmidt & Hunter

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• The Myths – We’ll know it when we see it.

– You can’t quantify it.

– The same factors apply to every position.

• The Reality – It can be described by every hiring manager and fellow employee.

– It can measured, tracked and improved.

– Every position needs a specific combination of factors.

Can We Measure Quality?


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Why, What and How?

Why? What?


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Factors that Impact Quality

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Example 1: Silicon Valley Internet Company

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Example 2: Nuclear Engineer

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Measuring Quality


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1. Establish a definition of quality for each position. – Determine what performance outcomes are important and that make a

business difference.

– Determine what characteristics makes up hiring manager satisfaction.

• KSAs

• Fit

• Motivation

• Experience

2. Develop standards to measure quality of hire. – Define which competencies/criteria are most important to those


– Decide levels of KSAs, motivation, fit and experience that are needed to achieve performance outcomes.

Steps to Measuring Hire Quality

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• Tangible-outcome positions – Gross sales

– Number of proposals to closes

– Customer satisfaction

– Customer additions/losses

– Number finished/assembled/etc. per established timeframe

– Time to complete a certain amount

• Intangible-outcomes positions – Jury-of-peers evaluation

– Time to productivity

– Number of rejections or amount of rework

– Customer/team satisfaction

Defining Quality for Each Position Measures

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• Performance-Based Tests: – Tests objectively scored for productivity, customer service, and sales.

• Risk-Based Tests: – Tests objectively scored for safety, financial, sobriety, and civility risk.

• Behavior-based Interviews: – Guides with questions, probes and rating anchors used by trained hirers

whose ratings have been calibrated and skill checked.

Measuring KSAs


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• Job Knowledge Tests: – Multiple choice tests objectively scored for technical / functional

knowledge critical to value.

• Years of Practice – Measures of time, especially if at significantly greater levels of responsibility

or complexity.

• Peer Reviews – 360 degree feedback, anonymous feedback.

• Referrals – Recommendations from trusted partners.

Measuring Experience


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• Only subjective measures available: – Interviewer opinion of candidate’s enthusiasm, opinion on level of

engagement with organization's ideals and goals.

– Assessment of whether active or passive candidate.

• Active may be more motivated.

– Number of times candidate applied.

– Team/Panel judgment.

Measuring Motivation


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• Managerial Simulations – Inbox and role-play simulations that feature realistic managerial and

executive challenges evaluated by trained assessors guided by rating anchors.

• Team/Panel Interviews – Crowd sourced opinion about candidate based on group interview and

subsequent discussion.

• Cultural Fit Tests – Some tests available.

– Personal Job Fit assessment or others.

Measuring Fit


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• Average (expected) performance outcomes – Meets sales targets three quarters out of four

– Maintains 98% of customers

– Adds at least four new customers per quarter

– No interpersonal conflicts or issues with team

• Tenure average: 16 months

• Hiring manager satisfaction: 3.5 out of 5

Example: Sales Lead Position

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• Clear understanding of manager’s expectations & needs.

• Clearly/objectively defined job descriptions.

• Targeted sourcing.

• Clear assessment criteria.

• Effective assessments.

• Post-hire measurement.

• Feedback.

Ways to Improve Quality of Hire

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Predicting New Hire Quality


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Performance & Risk-based tests

Performance & Risk-based tests + Behavior-based interviews

Performance & Risk-based tests + Behavior-based interviews + Simulations

Resume review + Typical interview


ty to






Management Position

Ability to Predict Performance

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Summary of the Process

Identify top performing

incumbents by position

Use measures of outcomes,

manager satisfaction and team fit

Determine competencies & skills position-by-position

Use multi-rater process

Determine competencies that

make a performance difference

Use predictors of the competencies to assess candidates

Use tests, simulations and behavior-based


Train and monitor process rigorously

Measure new hires and correlate to


Measure new hires against top performers

Measure manager satisfaction

Continuously refine

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Thank you & learn more!

Download the complimentary whitepaper Quality of Hire: Myth or Measurement at

And, connect with us online.


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Save the Date! Wednesday, February 15

Corporate Recruiting: How Does Your Organization Measure Up?

Guest Presenter: Kim Lamoureux, Principal Analyst for Talent Acquisition

at Bersin& Associates