PIC - Professional Business Tours and Trade Missions

Empowering Innovation and Accelerating Brilliance Connecting you to Opportunities and Handing you Success Industrial Tours, Professional Business Tours, Trade Missions and Explorations


Promoting International Collaboration (PIC) is facilitating professional business tours and trade mission delegations to and from Israel to encourage commerce, and foster closer business relationships between Africa and Israel.

Transcript of PIC - Professional Business Tours and Trade Missions

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Empowering Innovation and Accelerating Brilliance

Connecting you to Opportunities and Handing you Success

Industrial Tours, Professional Business Tours, Trade Missions and Explorations

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Promoting International Collaboration (PIC) is facilitating professional business tours and trade mission delegations to and from Israel to encourage commerce, and foster closer business relationships between Africa and Israel. Commercial outcomes derived from these missions extend beyond the bilateral trade statistics as they include joint ventures; technology transfer; academic exchanges; part-nership arrangements in third markets; cooperation agree-ments between African and Israeli business associations; and an overall increase in trade relations. Each of these missions is themed around relevant areas of sustainable development, and the objective is to deliver not only commercial benefits to the beneficiaries, but also to make a contribution to the African and Israeli econo-mies. Encouraging diverse representation from political leaders, public sector decision makers, academia, and broad pri-vate sector interests assists such outcomes. PIC plays an important role in raising the awareness of the opportunities that exist between Israel and African coun-tries. The increase in the frequency, seniority and size of interactions in recent years is testament to the growing recognition by African and Israel business of the impor-tance of such missions.

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Why Israel?

Israel is a modern country with a vibrant, diverse busi-ness community. Israel is a thoroughly westernized coun-try and excels in every variety of business and industry. Most Israelis in the business arena speak fluent English, and business services are sophisticated, accessible and completely comfortable for the business traveller. Innovative export industries are the engine of the Israeli economy and even very small Israeli firms operate on a global scale. Many large exhibitions are held in Israel fea-turing locally and internationally developed technologies in communications, computing, defence, medicine, farm-ing and more. With so many foreign business visitors, the tourism industry is proficient at meeting international needs. Israel is one of the very few countries in the world where huge overseas investments in Israeli companies are matched by no less significant Israeli investments all over the world. The country is no longer just a recipient of busi-ness tourism based on its booming technology industries – it is the starting point for business ventures of all kinds all over the world. The variety of business from multina-tional corporations that have R&D production facilities in Israel ensure that professional and business services are at the highest international level.

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Why get International Exposure?

Trade and Business missions play an important role in the profile of any person, company or organisation in-volved with international commerce or programmes. With good preparation and follow-up, missions can be great door openers, and participants benefit in many ways, in-cluding: • Obtain sales and contracts as a direct outcome of

the mission • Find personal contacts for future follow-up • Sign partnerships and cooperative agreements for

further business development • Get hands on and up-to-date market information

and research • Assess overseas opportunities, infrastructure and

potential demand • Initiate new vendor relationships • Learn about the culture, customs, business and op-

erating environments In short, positive effects of missions include higher sales revenues, lower procurement costs and better sourcing, education, cultural/international business knowledge, pre-paredness, professional development, visibility/goodwill and perspective. An additional benefit is that the mission participants develop close friendships among themselves and a useful, professional network.

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Sectors of Focus

• Where Innovation meets Implementation - Advanced Agricultural Technology &Methods

• The Heart of Innovation - Advanced and Hi-Technology

• Inspiration, Creativity and Action - Information Technology and Telecommunications

• The Economic Miracle - Energy Solutions and Alternative Energy

• Incubator of Success - Medical and Bio Technology

• Entrepreneurship is a Means to an End - Start Up Nation and Business Development

• Introducing Global Solutions and Conveying International Expertise - Knowledge Management and Higher Education Collaboration

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Business Opportunities

The function of PIC is to encourage bilateral trade and opportunities between Africa and Israel. This is achieved through a series of local business networking events and the co-ordination of inbound and outbound professional business exploration trips and trade missions. We offer trade support services including seminars, introductions to Israeli companies and customised business pro-grammes to and from Israel. Israeli companies excel in areas of technology, which in-clude Information Technology, Software Development, Telecommunications, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Medical Equipment. There are also many Israeli compa-nies manufacturing and exporting other products, includ-ing consumer goods, security products, plastics, chemi-cals, jewellery and religious artefacts. There are new trade and investment opportunities con-stantly arising between Israel and African countries, and we encourage you to explore these through our expertise and professionalism. PIC can assist you in finding potential business partners in Israel, whether it is for exporting or sourcing products and/or services, accessing new technologies, or even vis-iting some companies during our next scheduled busi-ness trip to Israel.

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Business Opportunities

Attending our scheduled programmes gives you the opportunity to: • Conduct business face to face • Test and see products first hand • Compare many products from the market in one

trip therefore saving you time and money • Gain valuable knowledge from experts • Network with professionals in your business sec-

tor to share information and gain insight on best practices

Furthermore, if you are interested in: • Increasing productivity or boosting efficiency; • Finding solutions; reducing costs; • Seeking inspiration or new ideas; • Developing international contacts; • Improving industry knowledge and discovering

the latest innovations; • Meeting experts or improving your carbon foot-

print; Then attending our professional business trips is the right decisions for you.

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Benefits of Attending our Programmes

Networking: Business tours provide an opportunity to net-work with other professionals in your industry. The bene-fits of networking cannot be underestimated - as they say 'it's not what you know, it's who you know'. Branding: Attending our professional trips brands your business and yourself as a professional and/or an expert in your industry. If you do this well enough you can be-come one of the people that other people in your industry want to get to know. Learning: The educational component of attending our scheduled events is significant. There is no better way to generate ideas for your market and other business strate-gies than through the sharing of ideas with other profes-sionals in your field. Recognition: Attending professional business tours can be a great place to get recognised for your innovative and growing business. Motivation: There is no better way to get inspired than through interactions and the sharing of ideas with peers.

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Delivering Innovation, Knowledge and Performance

Professional Business Trip & Mission

Core Motives or Needs • Develop and share ideas • Educate and inform • Promote • Network / socialise • Change attitudes / behaviour • Increase sales • Improve performance

Key Outcomes • Innovation • Improved organisation performance • Personal development • Increased productivity • Increased sales • New skills and knowledge • Awareness

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Where Innovation Meets Implementation

Advanced Agricultural Technology & Methods

Advanced Agricultural Technology & Methods This programme has been developed to foster and build bridges between the African and Israeli Agricultural Tech-nology sectors. Those involved are given the opportunity to build personal relationships, assist the best in new and innovative agricultural technology companies, and de-velop new business partnerships between African and Israeli companies. Our delegation will visit innovative companies, examining firsthand the technologies critical to an energy independ-ent future. During the programme, attendees will get an opportunity to meet and interact with influential leaders in the industry. Study visits will include on-site visits to selected Israeli public and business organisations involved in innovative ventures and Advanced Methods. • Greenhouse Technology • Crop Development • Dairy Technology • Aquaculture - Fisheries • Horticulture - Flora and Fauna • Water and Irrigation Technologies • Soil and Fertiliser • Agricultural Trade and Exports

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The Heart of Innovation

Advanced and Hi-Technology

Advanced and Hi-Technology Innovation in the modern economy is a complex process involving the interactions of many actors (stakeholders) through the various stages of development of a new ven-ture: entrepreneurs, academic and R&D institutions, other firms (suppliers, customers, competitors, public bodies, consumers, etc.). The innovation process includes sys-temic interaction between participating stakeholders and is related to Public Private Partnership (PPP). Innovation is crucial for differentiation in businesses in a world of constant change and younger generations are bringing this change about, in both the social and the business spheres. The familiarisation trip will frame the central aspects of doing business in Israel within the context of the country’s booming high-tech and the emerging of global Israeli companies. It will offer a unique synthesis between state of the art global business and practical, hands-on experi-ence with the Israeli high-tech industry and its leaders. Visits to Hi-Tech Incubators, Industries and Academic Centres will offer participants all of the right contacts for future endeavours.

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Inspiration, Creativity and Action

Information Technology and Telecommunications

Information Technology and Telecommunications From mobile start-ups to communication satellites, Israel is home to more that 550 telecom companies. Israel’s tech-savvy population has provided entrepreneurs and start-ups with a domestic market that is constantly de-manding new services and increasing bandwidth to ac-commodate for surges in digital traffic. The ingenuity of Israeli innovation has been duly noted for decades within Silicon Valley. With the highest proportion in the world of skilled engineers in the workforce, Israel provides the perfect incubator for R&D in technology-focused fields. Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM and Google are just a few big players that have partnered with Israel and set up permanent R&D facilities. In addition to Israel’s intellectual capital, part of the coun-try’s appeal lies in its end-to-end capabilities; Israel does everything from chip design, fabrication and testing, to manufacturing of subassemblies and equipment produc-tion. Meetings with Semiconductor and Software companies will offer you a VIP pass into the Israeli telecom industry ranks among the world’s most sophisticated, advanced and commercially successful.

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The Economic Miracle

Energy Solutions and Alternative Energy

Energy Solutions and Alternative Energy The Israeli sustainable energy industry is today considered a global pioneer thanks to breakthrough technological in-novations in the fields of solar and geothermal, as well as bio-mass, wind and wave energy.

Israel serves as the base to over 100 start-ups in the sus-tainable energy sector. Solar water heaters are used in over 90% of Israeli homes. Israel houses one of the world’s largest solar energy dishes at the Ben-Gurion Na-tional Solar Energy Centre.

The Israeli Public Utility Authority and National Infrastruc-tures Ministry have established feedin tariffs for the devel-opment of solar and wind power technology, encouraging major investment and innovation into these fields.

As of October 2010, a consortium of leading Israeli compa-nies, investors and academic institutions began to develop and operate a brand new technology centre for sustainable energy in the south of the country.

Israel is currently embarking on programs that will enable it to integrate alternative energy systems and implement en-ergy efficiency technologies to meet its climate change challenges.

There is so much to offer African countries in energy de-velopment technologies.

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Incubator of Success

Medical and Bio Technology

Medical and Bio Technology Israel’s thriving life sciences industry is world-renowned for its groundbreaking innovations, ingenuity and creativ-ity. It is home to about 1,000 life science companies, with 40 new companies being formed each year. Multinational companies including J&J, Perrigo, GE Healthcare and Phillips Medical, together with local companies such as Teva, Given Imaging, Insightec, Medinol, Disc-o-tech, Kamada and others have been at the forefront in the de-velopment and marketing of life-changing medical de-vices, treatments and medications.

Proven record of innovative scientific excellence: Israel’s life sciences sector is supported by a strong foun-dation of academic excellence, including some of the world’s leading research institutes; renowned R&D facili-ties, such as the Technion and the Weizmann Institute, as well as cutting-edge medical centres. Four academics have recently won the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Daniel Shechtman of the Technion won the prize in 2010 for his discovery of quasicrystals; Ada Yonath of the Weizmann Institute in 2009 for showing how ribosomes function, which has important implications for developing antibiot-ics and Aaron Ciechanover and Avram Hershko of the Technion in 2004 for their discovery of Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation, leading to breakthroughs in the un-derstanding and treatment of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and cystic fibrosis.

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Entrepreneurship is a Means to an End

Start Up Nation and Business Development

Start Up Nation and Business Development Israel has focused a lot of its efforts on finding and nur-turing high-growth entrepreneurial firms, including uni-versities. Many start-ups (entrepreneurs) have failed, but a number have succeeded and grown quickly. The result: Israeli high-growth start-ups have been creating jobs and generating sustainable wealth for the country, and innovations for the world (e.g., the USB memory stick, new generation cardiac stents, and camera pills that transmit pictures from inside the human body). Is-rael is often referred to as "startup nation" and a high-tech superpower. Today 40% of Israel’s exports is from the high-tech industry. The emphasis in the programmes will be on under-standing the dynamics of the Israeli entrepreneurial en-vironment and on analyzing Israeli innovation at differ-ent lifecycle stages. Our aim is to equip the forthcoming business sector with the knowledge and tools they re-quire in order to effectively tackle challenges, based on the Israeli experience in a global market. This professional tour exposes participants to new audi-ences, share knowledge in training and research, build up new collaborations and exchange ideas with aca-demic and business networks from around the world, and provides a structured offer to capacity-building and development needs.

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Introducing Global Solutions and Conveying International Expertise

Knowledge Management and Higher Education Collaboration

Knowledge Management and Higher Education Collaboration Israeli universities, according to several ranking and rat-ing services, are among the best in the world. The UK’s Times Higher Education (THE) weekly magazine re-leased its list of the top universities in the world, and four were Israeli universities. To bolster global relationships and bilateral academic exchange and cooperation, delegations of university presidents and chancellors will explore opportunities for academic and research collaboration, learn about the latest state-of-the art research initiatives, and study the unique academia-industry ties that have turned Israel into the “Start Up Nation”.

This initiative will provide world-wide forum for exchange of information, experience, challenges, and best prac-tices in education leadership. Through such exchanges. Academic collaboration will provide a means for deans to partner in innovation, collaborate with industry and other stakeholders, and build a network that will support deans' leadership role in developing regional and na-tional policies to advance the global economy. Israeli academic institutes invest significant energy and resources in maintaining an academic dialogue with col-leagues and potential partners internationally.

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PIC Professional Programmes

Professional business tours and trade mission organised by Promoting International Collabo-ration (PIC) offer detailed insight and superior information sources of the Israeli business envi-ronment as well as interactions with Israeli commercial leaders, academic organisations and economic representatives. In all PIC professional business tours, our participants benefit from individual business matchmaking opportunities and customised industry visits. Customised Programmes Upon Request: Tailor-made packages are available to institutions and organisations wish to send delegations to Israel on customised expeditions. We work in close relations with partners to design and co-ordinate a mission according to their requirements, budget and specifications. Group Discounts are available for groups. Please contact us for details. International Programmes: Open programme are scheduled throughout the year in which individuals are welcome to apply. These programmes are 8 days / 7 nights in duration, offering study tours, business meetings and presentations, networking opportunities and historical and religious excursions around Is-rael. Attendance Fee for International Programmes: US $2,450 per person - Double Occupancy (Two sharing a room) US $2,800 per person - Single Occupancy (One person in a single room)

Intended Participants: • Chambers of Commerce • Industry Associations • Government Organisations • Non-Government Organisations • Academic Institutions • Public Private Initiatives • Industry Professionals • Individual Business Men and Women Price Includes: • Airport Transfers • Accommodation in 4*** Star Hotels - HB basis

(breakfast and dinner at the hotels) • Group transportation in Israel on private chartered

bus • Israeli Visa • Study Tours and Business Meetings • Excursions and Tours around Israel

Not Included in the Price: • Tips for guide, drivers, etc • Medical and Trip insurance • Extra expenses • Soft Drinks and Alcohol Beverages during the

meals • Any item that was not described above

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PIC Contact Information

Contacts: Promoting International Collaboration

ISRAEL Web site: www.promoting-intl-collaboration.com Mr. Mark Street

Director Tel: +972 4 9532497 direct Mobile: +972-528 711 613 Skype: mark.street.pic LinkedIn: Mark Street - PIC Email: [email protected]