PFP Program Profile, November 2014

Professional Fellows Program (Programul de Stagiu Legislativ într-o Instituţie de Drept din SUA) Dr Daniela Munca-Aftenev, Coordonator Program PFP


Professional Fellows Program Profile, November 2014

Transcript of PFP Program Profile, November 2014

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Professional Fellows Program(Programul de Stagiu Legislativ

într-o Instituţie de Drept din SUA)

Dr Daniela Munca-Aftenev,

Coordonator Program PFP

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Stagiu de 5-6 săptămâni într-o instituţie de drept din SUA

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Perioada stagiului din primăvara anului 2015

27 aprilie – 5 iunie

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- Ini iat în 2005ț

- ări participante: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ț Moldova, Rusia, Turcia, Ucraina

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Oferă profesioni tilor tineri din domeniul legislativ șposibilitatea de a acumula experien ă practică ț în una dintre institu iile publice de drept din SUA: ț

- instituţii publice de stat

- primării

- consilii regionale

- ONG-uri

- birourile senatorilor

- asocia ii de juri ti ț ș- universită i ț- Biblioteca Congresului

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35 de americani vor călători în ările țparticipante la invita ia absolven ilor PFP în ț ț

cadrul proiectului post-program

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Criterii de eligibilitate

• cetăţeni ai Republicii Moldova

• vârsta: 25 – 35 ani

• studii superioare în drept

• nivel intermediar de cunoaştere a limbii engleze: TOEFL - 500 (paper based) sau 61( Internet based)

• posedarea cunoştinţelor şi a experienţei profesionale şi academice în domeniul dreptului public din Republica Moldova

• angajaţi sau activ implicaţi într-o organizaţie publică de stat de drept sau ONG

• competenţe de lider şi capacitatea de a lucra în echipă

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Etapele de selec ieț

1. Depunerea dosarului electronic online, care va fi verificat de comisia alcătuită din 4 exper i din țMoldova i SUAș

2. Examenul scris TOEFL (paper based), la care candida ii vor trebui să acumuleze un minimum de ț500 de puncte din maximum 677.

3. Interviul în limba engleză, care va fi monitorizat de către 4 exper i din SUA: reprezentan i ai ț țAmbasadei SUA în Moldova, coordonatorul LFP de la Washington i Directorul ACTR-ACCELS șMoldova David Jesse.

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Structura dosarului electronic

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500 cuvinte

1. Why are you applying for the Professional Fellows Program? How is this connected to your interest in a career in politics, government or civic education?

2. Please describe one issue of local or national significance that motivates your application for the PFP. Why is this issue important for your region or country?

3. If you were offered the opportunity to invite your U.S. supervisor to your home region for two weeks and to develop a mutually beneficial project between your U.S. hosts and your home region, what project would you develop?

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Programul PFP în Moldova

administrat de către Consiliile Americane pentru Învă ământ Interna ional din Moldova ț ț din 2011

15 absolven iț

6 proiecte outbound implementate post program

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Alexei LAZARI, LFP 2012

• April - May, 2012

• Raleigh, North Carolina

• North Carolina Department of Corrections and the North Carolina University’s Chapel Hill School of Law

• Elena Draglin, founder and chairperson of Moldova AID

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Ion UNCIUC, Absolvent LFP 2012

Manager de Unitate, Penitenciarul nr.10-Goian, Departamentul Institu iilor țPenitenciare, Ministerul Justi ieiț

• April - May, 2012

• Columbus, Ohio

• The Horizon Community Engagement Corporation

• Jeff Hunsaker, Executive Director

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Proiect post-programAlexei Lazari iș Ion Unciuc, LFP 2012

„Intercultural exchange between Judicial Systems in

the US and Republic of Moldova: Prison System and

the Probation Office”

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Sabina Cerbu, Absolventa LFP 2012

Viceministrul Justi iei, țGuvernul RM

• October – November, 2012

• Washington, DC • The Office of US Congresswoman Marcia


• LaDavia Hatcher-Drane, Legislative Director

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Natalia Vîlcu-Bajurean, Absolventa LFP 2012

ef sec ie traducători i Ș ț șinterpre i autoriza i, ț țMinisterul Justi iei al RMț

• October – November, 2012• Honolulu, Hawaii• The Department of the Attorney General

• Rodney Tam, Deputy Attrorney General

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„Fortificarea capacită ilor Ministerului țJusti iei i a altor autorită i din ț ș ț

Republica Moldova privind reprezentarea Statului în instan ele ț

judecătore ti na ionale i ș ț șinterna ionale, utilizînd experien a ț ț

Departamentului de Justi ie din Statele țUnite ale Americii”

Proiect post-programNatalia Vîlcu-Bajurean, LFP 2012

Coordonator: Natalia VÎLCU-BAJUREAN, absolventă LFP 2013

Invita i speciali: Donna H.KALAMAț , Supervising Deputy Attorney General, State of Hawaii, Department of the Attorney General, Land/Transportation DivisionWilma SUR, practicing attorney, member of California and Hawaii bars

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Veronica Vragaleva, Absolventa LFP 2012

ef direcţie administrarea Șimpozitelor directe, IPFS

• October – November, 2012• Harrisburg, Pennsylvania• The Office of Pennsylvania State Senator

Mike Brubaker• Kristin Crawford, Chief of Staff for Senator


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Proiect post programVeronica Vragaleva, LFP 2012

"Legal aspects of the state financial system:

Moldovan-American intercultural exchange" (July 22 - July 28, 2013)

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Mariana Buruiană, Absolventa PFP 2013

Consilier al vicepriministrului, Guvernul RM

• April – May, 2013• Salem, Oregon• Office of Oregon State Senator Floyd

Prozanski• Kevin Moore, Oregon State Legislative

Office Chief of Staff

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Proiect post-programMariana Buruiană, PFP 2013

"Enhancing the capacities of local public authorities by promoting the

best practices in US" (September 20 – October 7, 2013)

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Victoria Căpătici, Absolventa PFP 2013

Coordonator Programul Societate Civilă, Asociaţia Promo-LEX

• April – May, 2013• Chicago, Illinois• Heartland Alliance for Human

Needs and Human Rights• Kimberly Beers and Matt French,

GISHR Program

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Alexandru Cladco, Absolvent PFP 2013

Procuror - ef al Sec iei de ș țAnaliză i Implementare șCEDO, Procuratura Generală a RM

• April – May, 2013• Honolulu, Hawaii• The Office of Hawaii State Representative

Karen Awana• Tommie Suganuma, Administrative

Services Manager

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Igor Chiro caș , Absolvent PFP 2013

• October – November, 2013• Honolulu, Hawaii• The Richardson School of Law at

the University of Hawaii at Mano• Avi Soifer,

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Proiect post-programAlexadndru Cladco, PFP 2013

"Strengthening capacities of the General Prosecutor's Office and

Moldovan courts in ensuring respect of human rights of the defendants

during criminal proceedings, from the US Hawaiian perspective" (November 10-16, 2013)

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Vladimir Palamarciuc, Absolvent PFP 2013

• October – November, 2013• Albquerque, New Mexico• The State Bar of New Mexico• Richard B. Spinello, General Counsel

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Proiect post-programVladimir Palamarciuc, PFP 2013

"Enhancing Moldovan Bar Association and Young Lawyers Association administrative

capacities in strengthening the legal profession via model practices of American

Bar Association and Young Lawyers Division"

(April, 29 – May, 13 2014)

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Ion Guzun, Absolvent PFP 2014

• May – June, 2014• New York, NY• The Brennan Center for Justice at

New York University School of Law

Director, Centrul de Instruire Continuă în Domeniul Electoral - CICDE

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Natalia Iuraș, Absolventă PFP 2014

• May – June, 2014• Washington, DC• District of Columbia Board of Election

Director, Centrul de Instruire Continuă în Domeniul Electoral - CICDE

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Olga Rujanschi, Absolventă PFP 2014

• May – June, 2014• Honolulu, Hawaii• Office of Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland

Consilier, Parlamentul RM

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Andrei BriceacChairman,

Institute for Civil Rights NGO

Irina Grei erțProject coordinator,

Law Center of Advocates NGO

• Justice at Stake • HIAS

• October – November, 2014• Washington, DC

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Consiliile Americane pentru Învăţămînt Internaţional

Coordonator programDr Daniela Munca-Aftenev Email: [email protected]

str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, 81MD–2009 Chi inău șRepublica Moldova

Tel: +373 22 270766 Fax: +373 22 234873