Personal & Personality

To Sister S.M.Cyril Loreto Day School, Sealdah 122, AJC Bose Road Kolkata:-700014 Subject: Barefoot Teacher Training Respectable Sister, We are very much keen to receive training under the Barefoot Teacher Training Programme to be held in your institute from 17/07/2006 to 30/07/2006 to get some proper ideas that will help us work with better expertise within children; --particularly for those who are deprived of formal education & normal diet. Hence we most earnestly request you to kindly allow us, names given herein below, to join this training programme. 1. Shri Biplab Mukherjee 2. Shri Chanchal Roy 3. Shri D.P.Banerjee 4. Shri Santanu Sen 5. Shri 6. Shri 7. Shri With best regards Yours truly,

Transcript of Personal & Personality

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To Sister S.M.CyrilLoreto Day School, Sealdah122, AJC Bose RoadKolkata:-700014

Subject: Barefoot Teacher Training

Respectable Sister,

We are very much keen to receive training under the Barefoot Teacher Training Programme to be held in your institute from 17/07/2006 to 30/07/2006 to get some proper ideas that will help us work with better expertise within children; --particularly for those who are deprived of formal education & normal diet.

Hence we most earnestly request you to kindly allow us, names given herein below, to join this training programme.

1. Shri Biplab Mukherjee2. Shri Chanchal Roy3. Shri D.P.Banerjee4. Shri Santanu Sen5. Shri 6. Shri 7. Shri

With best regards

Yours truly,

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IL&FS House Plot No 14, Raheja Vihar, Chandivili, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400072E-Mail: [email protected]

Client ID: 10426087

Please supply us the Instruction Slip book according to the collection instructions below;

Collection of the Instruction Slip Book

At the counter in Person:

By Post

By the Bearer whose signature is appended below:

Signature of the Bearer: _______________________________________

IL&FS shall send the instruction slip book by post to the address recorded with IL&FS & charge for the same, if not collected within five days from the date of application.

Name of Holders Authorized Signatory (ies)

1. IPSITA SEN _______________________________________

2. SANTANU SEN _______________________________________

(Please use the requisition form for getting the new instruction slip book)

Page 3: Personal & Personality


Dayco Securities Pvt Ltd;

3rd Floor, CSE Building;

7, Lyons Range;


Subject: - Activation of the Demat Account

Reference: - Client ID 10059801


Reference above, the said Account is stated to be in dormant stage as no Transaction in this Account has been undertaken during the last few months.

Hence, you are requested to kindly activate the Account to facilitate the Transaction of equities.

Thanking you,


(SANTANU SEN)4/6, Rocky PathCity Centre, Durgapur-73216

Page 4: Personal & Personality

Re: COMPLAINT on Telephone Bill from Calcutta Telephones for November,2009 of 26544363...Sun, 15 November, 2009 4:35:22 AMFrom: Santanu Sen <[email protected]>

...View Contact

To: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>

Shri Bhuvaneshwar Prasad DGM(Telecom Revenue)Calcutta Telephones.                                                                   - COMPLAINT -          Inspite of your best wishes I can't stay in peace bcoz of your indifferent attitude towards the customer like me.

1. I submitted twice ;once at Uttarpara Exchange on 19/09/2009 & again at Satyabala Excahange on 10/11/2009 requesting for

Adjustment of exceess payment made on 28/08/2009 for the period from June09 to July 09 by Rs 663/= in the subsequent bills.I supposed that by sending the "Nil"Bill for the period of August-September,2009 you have started the process of adjustments.But on receiving this Bill on EMail I find myself extremely SHOCKED.

Rebate on the Rent of my Telephone for not having telephone connection for the period from 13/08/2009 to 15/09/2009.If you go by your record, you may also find that perhaps on 21st September the Number to my telephone was allotted.

But much to my dismay,your office have sent this bill of Rs 601/= for the period of Sept09 to Oct 09 on 13/11/2009 without paying any heed to my requests already submitted twice ,the last one by 10/11/2009. I'm in no mood to confront with you.But let me know why my requests have been ignored by

Not adjusting Rs 112 (Rs 663-Rs551). Not allowing Rebate under such circumstances inspite of filing

requests at your office.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail at the earliest & simultaneously let me know your views & /comments over this submission.In anticipation of kind consideration & earliest action,

Yours poor customer,

Santanu Sen.

From: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>Sent: Fri, 13 November, 2009 7:50:23 PMSubject: Telephone Bill from Calcutta Telephones for November,2009 of 26544363

Page 5: Personal & Personality

Calcutta Telephones Online Bill Presentation

Dear customer,

Kindly find enclosed herewith the telephone bill for November,2009 in respect of 26544363

With best wishes,

Bhuvaneshwar Prasad DGM(Telecom Revenue)Calcutta Telephones

N.B.- You can print this bill and make payment in our collection center. If you are using POP mail, please connect to Internet to print this bill with BAR code.

Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek.

Page 6: Personal & Personality

Re: Bill for Telephone Number 26731956 of 09/09/2009 is Paid...Fri, 20 November, 2009 12:57:05 AMFrom: Santanu Sen <[email protected]>

...View Contact

To: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>

Fw: COMPLAINT on Telephone Bill from Calcutta Telephones for November,2009 for the Telephone      bearing no   26544363 ...Mon, 16 November, 2009 8:07:29 PMFrom: Santanu Sen <[email protected]>

...View Contact

To: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>

----- Forwarded Message ----From: Santanu Sen <[email protected]>To: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>Sent: Sun, 15 November, 2009 4:35:22 AMSubject: Re: COMPLAINT on Telephone Bill from Calcutta Telephones for November,2009 for my telephone,number being   26544363

Shri Bhuvaneshwar Prasad DGM(Telecom Revenue)Calcutta Telephones.                                                                   - COMPLAINT -          Inspite of your best wishes I can't stay in peace bcoz of your indifferent attitude towards the customer like me.

1. I submitted twice ;once at Uttarpara Exchange on 19/09/2009 & again at Satyabala Excahange on 10/11/2009 requesting for

Adjustment of exceess payment made on 28/08/2009 for the period from June09 to July 09 by Rs 663/= in the subsequent bills.I supposed that by sending the "Nil"Bill for the period of August-September,2009 you have started the process of adjustments.But on receiving this Bill on EMail I find myself extremely SHOCKED.

Rebate on the Rent of my Telephone for not having telephone connection for the period from 13/08/2009 to 15/09/2009.If you go by your record, you may also find that perhaps on 21st September the Number to my telephone was allotted.

But much to my dismay,your office have sent this bill of Rs 601/= for the period of Sept09 to Oct 09 on 13/11/2009 without paying any heed to my requests already submitted twice ,the last one by 10/11/2009.

Page 7: Personal & Personality

I'm in no mood to confront with you.But let me know why my requests have been ignored by

Not adjusting Rs 112 (Rs 663-Rs551). Not allowing Rebate under such circumstances inspite of filing

requests at your office.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail at the earliest & simultaneously let me know your views & /comments over this submission.I am still waiting for an answer from your end,& not for   the report on the status of the payment of previous Bills.In anticipation of kind consideration & earliest action,

Yours poor customer,

Santanu Sen.

From: BSNL-Calcutta Telephones <[email protected]>To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>Sent: Thu, 19 November, 2009 2:56:46 AMSubject: Bill for Telephone Number 26731956 of 09/09/2009 is Paid

Calcutta Telephones Online Bill Presentation

Calcutta Telephones thanks you for paying the Bill.

Bill for Telephone Number 26731956 of 09/09/2009 is Paid on 19/09/2009

With best wishes,

Bhuvaneshwar Prasad DGM(Telecom Revenue)[email protected] Calcutta Telephones

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Page 8: Personal & Personality


1. New Concise Oxford Thesaurus2. Labour Laws In Industries : G B Pai

Page 9: Personal & Personality


SMS: to 575756

Charges: A.TEL: Rs 3/- per msg BSNL: Rs 1/- per msg REFUSAL

TAXI: - Taxi No Place where refused Date & Time This refusal shall be treated as Official Refusal




Call: - 9830010000 / 9830811111 to register the Complaint.

Page 10: Personal & Personality


1. MIOT HOSPITAL : 4/112,Mount Poonamallee Road,Manapakkam,Chennai-600089(Hip & Knee Replacement Surgeries) ►22492288

FAX: 22491188 EMAIL: (1) [email protected] (2)

2. Dr Shyamal Chatterjee at 8 D N Mukherjee Road, Bally.

(At 8am -11am & 5 pm -8pm) * Sunday Closed.3.

Page 11: Personal & Personality



Bagrry’s: & Email: [email protected]

Name Contents Special Notes Remarks7 am Oats/Corn/Wheat/Barley/Rice/Jawar/Bajra Anti-Oxidant, Nil Cholesterol, 4.31 gm

Fat /100g,Nil Sodium,Good, TastyRs 135/425gm

2. OATS:

Kellogg’s:-Email: [email protected]

3. OATSName Contents Special Notes Remarks

Oat-Bites Wheat bran, High in Fibre B1,B2,B3&B6, Nil Cholesterol, High in Iron & Calcium,4 gm Fat/100gm

Good, TastyRs 95/350gm


Page 12: Personal & Personality

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ► [email protected]... more► FACEBOOK

Hi Santanu,

Please confirm your Facebook account by clicking this link:

Thanks,The Facebook Team

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___If you are receiving this in error and did not register for Facebook, please report this account here:

Page 13: Personal & Personality
Page 14: Personal & Personality



“If we can’t make time stand still, at least we can make it run.” – Christopher Marlow.

You need a long term vision combined with short term focus

Spend the entire day working, make every minute count.

1. Annual Salary: Rs 3,60,000/= (for the year 09-10) No of WORKING DAYS in the Office: 215 (365 -104 -30: Govt Holidays – 16 Leaves) Per day Earning: Rs 1,675/= Per hour Earning : Rs 239/=


The average person wastes 50% of time at work on idle socialising & personal business. The average person wastes 30% of time at work on looking for materials that have been mislaid. Two Coffee breaks / day @ 20mins *50weeks a year consumes 166 hrs. Lunch Time @ 1hr / day consumes 365 hrs a year. Poor / Fuzzy communication wastes lot of time; be crystal clear.

3. Overwhelmed with too much to do in too little time, one should REMIND oneself;-

“All you can do is all you can do”


“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of fight in the dog.”- Anonymous “Do what you can, with what you have, right what you are.”- Roosevelt.


Real Goals Better ways to accomplish the task with less time & less expenditure of Resources. Ways to eliminate unnecessary “low value tasks & activities.” Anticipatory thinking : Plan before the chance happens / odd happens. Reorganisation: Continually seek better, faster, more efficient ways to accomplish same result. Re-Engineering : Process analysis by simplifying process through “Reduction of Steps” Restructuring : Continually focus your “Time & Resources” on “Vital Few” Reinventing: For change in ways to align activities more congruent with the Long Term Goals.

6. VACATION : It’s an excellent use of time.

Page 15: Personal & Personality

One day off each week One long weekend off each quarter (Three to Five Days inclusive of Weekly Holidays). Two full weeks off each year.


If it’s more than 6 months old, it’s junk. Usually of entire info, 80% is never referred again.


To get through larger quantities of material in a shorter period of time.


Exercise 30-60mins to keep one lean, mean & physically fit. A short NAP is good for hours ahead. Light lunch keeps mind clear & sharp. Space Change by getting up, stretching, walking around to refresh. Use Time Planner Golden Hour : First hour to be invested in YOURSELF. Reading for1/2 to1 hour in morning Upgrade Skills &Sharpen Intellect.


“Procrastination is the thief of dreams”; - Indian Saying. Develop a Compulsion to Closure: Once begins, refuse to stop till ends. FIRST do the task causing fear, anxiety or stress. Pareto Principle : Divide tasks into “Vital Few” & “Trivial Many” & thus Prioritise “To do list”.

Ask if “Trivial Many” not done, what would happen? Creative Procrastination: Not to perform Unimportant Task & thus save time for Key Tasks.


List every step before you begin. Salami Slice the task---- Pick one SMALL SLICE of activity & do it immediately. Swiss cheese Method: Select 5 minute part of major task & do it now. Set aside a designated 15 minute period during which you will work “Non Stop” on project. Practise: First “Get-to-it-tiveness” & Next “Stick-to-it-tiveness” Set Deadlines on all tasks; which acts as a “Forcing System”. Work faster to increase Productivity & hence develop sense of Urgency. Bias for Action to develop “Fast Tempo” Generate “Speed & dependability” to get onto “fast Track” in your career.

Page 16: Personal & Personality


Admit mistake & accordingly change mind & decide: It saves a lot of time. Staying in the Wrong Relationship is major time-waster. Discipline to be Punctual, don’t keep people waiting.


List the things “not to be done” by you before you start & outsource. For Effective Delegation, take time to explain task. Reverse Delegation to be avoided, don’t let people delegate task back to you. Delegation helps multiply output by moving from what you can do to what you can control. Delegation helps to give enough time to do few things that only you can do. “Law of Comparative Advantage”: Delegate / Assign at wages less than you earn


In writing , define problem. Identify possible causes before deciding on Solution. Fallback Plan : If first plan fails, apply this alternative plan.


Have clear, written AGENDA for every meeting & every participant. Have early Detailed Plan to maximise time to be spent, prepare for different set of Time Schedule. Start & Stop meeting on time.

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