Personal Branding Presentation COM 300

Personal Branding Project Meagan Cottage COM 300

Transcript of Personal Branding Presentation COM 300

Personal Branding ProjectMeagan CottageCOM 300

Table of Contents

The Past-Who am I?-Where do I come from?

The Present-What am I doing now?-What inspires me?

The Future-What are my goals-What are my dreams?-Who do I hope to become?

The Past…Who am I?

Born June 9th, 1989

My family is comprised of my mom and dad, my older sister who is married to my brother-in-law, who have two sons, and then my younger sister

I am the middle child, with an older and younger sister…

I am an aunt to my two nephews who are 3 and 8!

I consider myself to be relatively outgoing but also enjoy spending time at home with my family…

Where do I come from? I was born and raised in San Diego, in a coastal city called Oceanside…

I went to a small private Christian school from 1st grade to 12th grace. Our graduating class only had 30 people!

I’ve never moved from the house I grew up in!!

EXCEPT, when I studied abroad in England for 6 months!! (see picture)

I started playing soccer at a young age and still continue today. I believe that is where my passion for running came from.

It’s hard to tell but that is Buckingham Palace in the background…

The Present…What am I doing now?

Running!! My first ½ Marathon in San Diego, set to run my first full marathon with my dad in October…

I am graduating in May with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations…

I am a in store/online manager of a clothing store called “The Printed Palette”…

What inspires me?Reading… The Beach…

God’s Creation…

“He made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.” Psalm 146:6

The Future…What are my goals?

Graduate with Honors…

Continue being involved with the community and my church…

To hopefully pay off my car and small student loans this year…

And to secure a full time staff position with a church or non profit doing community events…

What are my dreams?

One day own by own business or nonprofit…

To backpack my way through Europe for two weeks in September (hopefully!!)….

Have a family of my own..

Who do I hope to become?

Someone who can inspire others

Someone who can point others to Jesus

Who do I hope to become?

Someone who can inspire others

Someone who can point others to Jesus