Personal branding and social media - Campus preuniversitario 2014

Personal branding. Using social media in the real world Paco Núñez (@paco_nro) CEU Cardenal Herrera University June, 2014

Transcript of Personal branding and social media - Campus preuniversitario 2014

Personal branding. Using social media in the real world

Paco Núñez (@paco_nro)CEU Cardenal Herrera University

June, 2014

What is personal branding?

What is personal branding?

What is personal branding?

What is personal branding?

• Definition• How to get that people know us as we want to

be known by?

Which personal brandig we want?

What kind of things we want

to be known by?

How to get a personal branding?

• Internet is our allied• Two ways:– Clumsy• Medium term failure

– Planned• Probability of success

A real testimony“After several months searching job actively and collaborating in a communication agency and Marketing online company, I realize that it is very important having a clear profile in different social media. The shop window of ourselves is even greater through social medial and web sites. (…) Nowadays, the first effect that people perceive about us is what they see online. That is why we should find the way to stand out and to show what is our value on Internet. If you cause a good effect online, you will get an opportunity in offline word; if don’t, you wont. That is why I don’t think that be present in social media is enough; you need to be different”

Rona Daveri Maszlanka (Madrid), at WixBlog

A real testimony

“Internet is the place where companies try to find potential candidates nowadays; today it is not enough to send a CV. I found a clear necessity to differentiate myself from the competition, and the perfect way to show to my audience my knowledge and my initiative was presenting myself as a product”

Rona Daveri Maszlanka (Madrid), en WixBlog

Some data

•80% of companies use social media for recruitment

• % of these using LinkedIn…


More data…

• YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world

• 200,000,000 blogs in the world• 78% of consumer trust peer recomendations• LinkedIn grows from 32M users in 2008 to

277M at the end of 2013

*Data from Socialnomics and LinkedIn

Social Media Revolution

Available at

Personal branding: strategy issue

1. Create a blog.2. Share my blog.3. Relate to minded

people.4. Check acceptance of

what I do.5. Modify what is failing.

1. Create a blog

• Platform to show what I love– Focus on something concrete– Positive attitude– Be very visual• What do you wanted to read if you were the reader?

– Techniques to facilitate to be found by Google (SEO)

– Periodicity. Set a schedule

1. Create a blog

• Platforms– Tumblr (Yahoo!)• Very easy• Few possibilities

– Blogger (Google)• Quite easy• It position very good on Google

– Wordpress• More complex• Very personalized

1. Create a blog

• Tools for gathering information– Evernote– Paper and pen– Mobile phone

• Pictures• Video

• Tools for organizing information– Evernote– Calendar– Tasks lists

2. Share my blog

• Social networks are the key• Possibilities– Share what we produce– Host contents for our blog (YouTube)– Interact with “readers”– Invite “readers”

3. Relate to minded people

• Do the same as you do in off-line world• We have civic rules on Internet• Be social• Be active on social media• Not only cast; interact, answer, search, share…

4. Check acceptance of what I do

• Tools for monitoring blog– Blog statistics – Google tools

• Tools for monitoring social media– Hootsuit– Tweetdesk

5. Modify what is failing

• How is everything going on?

• Can you improve anything?

• How can you improve?

• Do what you planned

• What to do• How to do

Plan Do


Tips for Facebook• Encourage participation and connection with our target audience• Speaking in the first plural person• Ask questions type "call to action" • Write paragraphs with no more than three lines always with a link • Use current pictures• Create a calendar of publications. At least 2 times a week • Publishing minimum each 2 hours • Respond quickly and promptly to user interactions • Encourage your colleagues and friends who click the "Like" button

of your page

Tips for Twitter

• Recommended structure: text + link + #• Synthetic and concise text • No more RTs than tuits published• Use # related to your sector• RT trusted contents– Verify

• Do not use script type SMS


Personal branding. Using social media in the real world

Paco Núñez (@paco_nro)CEU Cardenal Herrera University

June, 2014