Performance+Appraisal (1)

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Transcript of Performance+Appraisal (1)

  • 7/31/2019 Performance+Appraisal (1)


    For the period from to

    Guidelines for filling up

    PA - I

    Staff Appraisal

    General Data of Appraise

    Name: Department: Sales

    Date of Joining: D.O.J Present Department:

    Years of service in the company: Period of work in the present job:

    Designation: Sales Executive Grade Rs.:

    Birth Date: Present SalaryEducation Qualification: Master Level :

    Bachelor Level:

    Diploma or any other:

    Rated by: Reviewed by:

    (Supervisor) (Final Evaluating Authority)

    Name: Name:

    Designation: Designation:

    Signature: Signature:

    Date: Date:

    (For use ofHuman Resource Department)

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    Employee data and Part I to be filled by Appraisee

    Part- II & III to be filled by Supervisor

    Part IV to filled by final authority

    Part V to be filled by supervisor during Counseling

  • 7/31/2019 Performance+Appraisal (1)


    PART I

    To be filled in by the employee

    1. Goal Matrix

    K.R.A Achievement Gap if any Reason for non-achievement if any Sales Promotion Able to achieve target 5 times last F/Y

    Stock Maintenance Able to keep track all bike movements accurately.

    Payment collection Collection done as per schedule.

    Extra activitiesAble to carry out all the outgoing activities of showroom.

    Assisting Showroom Able to carry out the all the work when and where as per directed by the in-chIn charge

    Relation with sales Able to maintain good relation with all the channels


    Attending customer Able to satisfy all the customer queries


    2. List out your main achievements during the period.

    Achieved target five times past F/Y

    Customers are more loyal towards Yamaha brand.

    Able to maintain relations with debtors.

    Able to work more efficiently and independently than past F/Y.

    Able to handle all the multi task activities with added responsibility.

    3. What are the areas in which you think you have done well

    Sales promotion and promoting brand name.

    Tracking all the showroom activities. Stock Maintenance.

    Multitasking activities and task that need team working.

    4. What are the areas in which you feel you have not done so well

    I have given best to all my work and feel that all my work have been done properly.

    5. Please list the reasons for (no. 4) above

    6. What support do you need to do your job more effectively

    Training : Yes, in the field of sales, motivation and self assessment.

    Management Support : Motivational support would be necessary

    Others (Please specify) :

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    Appraisal Sheet

    (To be filled by the Supervisor)Note: - Please rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is low and 5 is high. Please tick in the appropriate box.

    (A) Attributes Marks

    1. Performance as per target:






    (i) In department

    (ii) Out side department


    (i) Oral

    (ii) Written

    8. Loyalty towards organization:

    9. Positive attitude towards work

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    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

  • 7/31/2019 Performance+Appraisal (1)


    10. Customer Focus

    11. Overall contribution in work

    (For Managerial Level Only)


    (i) Ability to take decisions

    (ii) Ability to implement procedures


    (i) Ability to motivate people

    (ii) Ability to inspire team work

    (B) Additional Comments: -

    Please state any facts, regarding his growth and progress, or any action, which may accelerate his performance. Plea

    comment on the observations made by the appraise at point no.2 to 6 in Part - I

    (Final Ratings)

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    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

    S.N Grade

    Marks Range

    Marks Obtained(For Managerial Level) Others

    1 Excellent 68 and above 50 and above

    2 Very Good 51 - 67 40 49

    3 Good 35 50 25 39

    4 Average 17 34 15 24

    5 Satisfactory 01 - 16 01 14

  • 7/31/2019 Performance+Appraisal (1)



    (To be filled by the employees Supervisor)Please give your views briefly

    1. Suitability for the present job:

    (i) What are his strong points?

    (ii) What are his weak points?

    (iii) Suggestions for enhancing his effectiveness?

    (iv) Has he been counseled about these strong and weak

    points during this period?

    2. Suitability for the next higher job:

    (i) Which higher/other role can he be considered for?

    (ii) What are his strong points which make him/her

    suitable for a higher role/other role

    (iii) What are the weak areas, which need to be worked

    upon before he can be considered for the next job/other role

    3. Which other position will suit his abilities best?

    4. What types of training will help him/her to perform better and prepare

    him/her for next or other position.

    Name: Signature:

    Designation: Date:

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    PART - IV

    (To be filled by the Final Authority)

    Please put your comments here

    1. Your comments on the overall rating.

    2. Your overall impression and any other general comments you wish to

    make regarding the appraisee.

    3. Your suggestion regarding his future utilization/placement.

    4. Any other remarks if any.

    Name: Signature

    Designation Date:

    The final authority will please return the form to the supervisor who has done the appraisal. He will hold a counseling session w

    appraisee and will fill Part V, The completed form should be returned to the HumResource Department.

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    PART V

    (Please fill up in brief notes during counseling session with the Apraisee)

    Observations during counseling Session-

    Action Points if any-

    Name: Signature

    Designation Date:

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