Perfor mance Partner - ABB...Perfor mance Partner ABB’s voice in the pulp and paper industry 1 •...

Performance Partner ABB’s voice in the pulp and paper industry 1 • 2009 Environmental sustainability is critical to ABB. p. 4 Shandong Bohui Paper plans to enter the top tier of the world’s papermakers with the help of ABB. p. 7 ABB’s Multivariable CD Control increases papermakers product quality, energy efficiency. p. 8 Russia’s Mondi Syktyvkar improved production logistics, with ABB’s Production Planning System (PPS). p. 10 Market conditions are forcing pulp and paper companies to look to new technologies and long-term energy strategies as core to their survival. p. 12

Transcript of Perfor mance Partner - ABB...Perfor mance Partner ABB’s voice in the pulp and paper industry 1 •...

Page 1: Perfor mance Partner - ABB...Perfor mance Partner ABB’s voice in the pulp and paper industry 1 • 2009 Environmental sustainability is critical to ABB. p. 4 Shandong Bohui Paper


ABB’s voice in the pulp and paper industry 1 • 2009

Environmental sustainability is critical to ABB. p. 4

Shandong Bohui Paper plans to enter the top tier of theworld’s papermakers with the help of ABB. p. 7

ABB’s Multivariable CD Control increases papermakersproduct quality, energy efficiency. p. 8

Russia’s Mondi Syktyvkar improved production logistics, with ABB’s Production Planning System (PPS). p. 10

Market conditions are forcing pulp and paper companies to look to new technologies and long-term

energy strategies as core to their survival. p. 12

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Published by ABB Pulp & Paper • 579 Executive Campus Drive, Westerville, Ohio 43082, USA • Tel: +1 614 818 6300 • Fax: +1 614 818 6571P.O. Box 94, FIN-00381 Helsinki, Finland • Tel: +358 1022 11 • Fax: +358 1022 24503 •

Editor-in-Chief Mike Cracraft • [email protected]

Editorial team William Dannelly • Tua Kauppala • Larry Davis • Eamon Devlin • Ingrid Johanson • Jing Guan • Lee Bee Leng • Mathilde Tempesta

Our history is filled with innovations that help pulp and paper makersrealize higher levels of productivity and profitability. That’s why we continue to invest heavily in research and development today. It’s alsowhy you’ll always experience the most benefit from an ABB solution.

First DC DrivesFirst Basis Weight GaugeFirst Analog QCSFirst Mechanical ScannerFirst On-line Moisture SensorFirst Sectional Thyristor DC DriveFirst Computerized QCSFirst Digital Web Inspection SystemFirst Digital AC DriveFirst X-ray Coat Weight SensorFirst AC Winder DriveFirst Coat Weight ActuatorFirst QCS in DCS ArchitectureFirst Smart SensorFirst Advanced Color ControlFirst On-line Fiber Orientation SensorFirst Encoderless DriveFirst Direct DriveFirst Neural Classification for WISFirst Fiber Orientation Control

1926 1950 1955 195619611964 19671970 1984 19861988 1989 1990 1991 1992 19992001200220032006


R&D is the strategic engine that powers ABB

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The scale of the challenges faced by ABB and our customers is unprecedented in mytwenty-nine years in the pulp and paper industry. Many of our customers and industrysuppliers are facing troubled times. ABB now has a real opportunity to show you, ourcustomers, what we can do for you and why we are the dominant automation supplierto the industry.

ABB has always been recognized as a global company, but what does that reallymean? It means that our service, sales and projects organizations are located wherethe mills are. We have pulp and paper operations in more than 40 countries around theworld. Today, you are challenged to make the most of your existing assets. Our localpresence allows for a fast response to keep our customer’s equipment operating at thehigh levels expected of ABB. In my tenure, I cannot recall a single time when our serv-ice organization was not able to get our ABB equipment up and running for a customer,regardless of the age or vintage of the product. We are also on hand to work with ourcustomers to provide them with upgrade solutions to improve the operational perform-ance at their mills. In these difficult times, ABB will still be there for our customers.

We continue to invest in Research and Development (R&D) in Pulp and Paper. In2009, look for us to introduce new sensor technologies for our Quality Control Systemsand tool developments for our Drives and OCS Systems to reduce application and configuration time on installations. One of our biggest areas of R&D investment will really differentiate us to our customers today, that is the area of Service. All of our service products are designed to reduce the “knowledge gap” between a top notchexperienced ABB service engineer and a new hire. We have pooled the knowledge ofour 600+ person global service organization to determine best in class practices, anddeveloped products that make these practices available to all our employees and ourcustomers. Please look into our new ProSeries of Service Products which addressesthis knowledge gap and creates standards for all to follow.

Someday, this crisis will be over and we, customer and supplier, will look backtogether and know who the true partners were.

Roger BaileySenior Vice PresidentPulp and Paper Business [email protected]

SustainabilityEnvironmental sustainability is criticalto ABB. Our products, systems andsolutions save energy, cut emissionsand reduce costs for our pulp andpaper customers. Sustainability is anexpectation for the future.

>> 4

Shandong Bohui PaperAs one of China’s up-and-comingpaper companies, Shandong BohuiPaper has plans to propel them-selves into the top tier of the world’spapermakers with the help of ABB.

>> 7

Multivariable CD ControlABB’s MCD helps papermakerscreate a higher quality product. Italso helps mills run more efficiently, using less energy.>> 8

Mondi SyktyvkarWhen Russia’s Mondi Syktyvkarwanted to improve production logistics, they turned to ABB’sProduction Planning System (PPS).

>> 10

Breaking the energy strangleholdMarket conditions are forcing pulpand paper companies to look tonew technologies and long-termenergy strategies as core to theirsurvival.

>> 12

Latest ABB newsNew orders and news from around the world.

>> 14


Dear Customer,



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Contributing to a brighter

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Environmental sustainabilitySustainability considerations affect howwe design and manufacture products,what we offer customers, how we engagesuppliers, how we assess risks andopportunities, and how we behave in thecommunities where we operate andtoward one another. As a result, ABB hasbecome a leader in technologies that helpour pulp and paper customers improveperformance while lowering environmentalimpact.

Sustainability is as important to us as it is to our customers, because it’s aboutthe potential to solve important problemsfor people and the planet. And it’s aboutour ability to adapt in ingenious ways toprotect the world around us without getting in the way of progress.

As pulp and paper experts, we knowthat both forests and human ingenuity areprecious, sustainable resources, and weare committed to growing both.

Rationally harvested forest landacreage is actually growing – and it’s a good thing. For each ton of wood produced by a tree, 1.5 tons of carbondioxide are removed from the atmos-phere. But that's just the beginning. When you make something from a tree,carbon sequestered in forests and theproducts themselves largely offset carbonproduced by the manufacturing process.Each year, over 100 billion tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide are stored inlong-lived wood products.

Even ABB’s annual report was printed on paper made from elementary chlorine-free (ECF)pulp in mills which are certified to ISO 14001.Approximately 50 percent of the wood usedcomes from forests certified by the ForestStewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme forthe Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

In ways like downsizing to a smaller motor forenergy savings, installinglow-voltage drives toreduce pollutants – or just changing to energy-efficient fluorescent lighting– we all can contribute to a sustainable future.

Environmental sustainability is critical to ABB. Our products, systems and solutions save energy, cut emissions and reduce costs for our pulp and papercustomers.

Every day ABB’s people work to saveenergy and mitigate climate change, fulfill-ing our slogan: “Power and productivityfor a better world.”

As a crucial component of ABB’s ongoing global sustainability initiative, individual ABB businesses employ cre-ative methods to reduce the amount ofenergy consumed at administrative andmanufacturing sites. This initiative hasproduced solid results. By the end of2008, ABB cut its energy use by five percent, to reduce costs and fulfill itscommitment to curb emissions of carbondioxide, the main gas held responsible for global warming.

In the long term, a sustainable forestmanagement strategy aimed at maintain-ing or increasing forest carbon stocks,while producing an annual sustained yield of timber, fiber or energy from theforest, will generate the largest sustainedmitigation benefit.

Another way that mills can benefit from forests is by using their renewablebiomass to create energy instead of relying exclusively on petrochemicals. In a number of cases turbines at millsgenerate power in excess of what goesonto the power grid.

Trees may even be one key to solvingthe world’s energy crisis. Anything madefrom petroleum today could conceivablybe made from wood-based cellulose fiber.This would lessen our dependence on oiland be better for the environment.


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Conserving energyEnergy efficiency is a fundamental part of ABB. It’s a core element of the ABBmanufacturing processes and the prod-ucts sold to customers.

Our power conditioning systems arebecoming a standard for renewable andalternate sources of energy such ashydrogen fuel cells, wind farm generatorsand battery energy storage systems.

ABB’s control and automation solutionshave proven their worth by helping ourcustomers run more energy-efficient operations, whether they are an offshoreplatform, a power plant – or a paper mill.For example, motors account for 65 per-cent of the world’s energy consumption.Paper industry users tend to buy a motorthat far exceeds their needs to give themotor a protective buffer from powerspikes and uncontrolled overload. ABBsystems make it possible to drop down insize from an excessively dimensioned 37kilowatt motor to a smaller 30 kilowattmotor. For a typical medium-sized millwith 200 motors, that means a total saving of about 180,000 kilowatt-hours a year and reduced annual CO2 emissionsof 140 tons.

The global installed base of ABB low-voltage drives alone saves about 130 million megawatt-hours of electricity a year, equivalent to the annual consump-tion of about 32 million households in developed countries. This savings eliminated CO2 emissions of about 109million tons – that’s more than the yearlyemissions of Finland.


Partnering with our customers to protect the environmentImportantly, ABB seeks to be a “goodcorporate citizen.” To accomplish this, we work closely with customers to minimize the environmental impact of our technologies and products. In class-es, seminars and one-on-one communi-cations, we pass along our expertise inprotecting the environment and savingenergy to clients and suppliers.

Since sustainable development is integral to all aspects of our business, we work hard to balance economic, environmental and social priorities to create value for all our stakeholders. Our goals are to continuously improve our own social and environmental per-formance, and to take steps that improvethe quality of life in the communities andcountries where we do business.

• We become a partner in initiatives thatfoster economic, environmental, socialand educational development

• Offer our customers eco-efficient prod-ucts that achieve reduced environmen-tal impact over their complete lifecycles

• Share our state-of-the-art technologies with emerging markets

• Assure that all our operations andprocesses comply with applicable environmental standards and legislation

• Offer incentives to suppliers who havesustainability policies and systems similar to our own. ■

ABB policies for sustainabilityABB applies specific policies for thefive areas that contribute to our sus-tainability performance: environmental,social, health and safety, human rightsand business ethics.

As part of these policies, we arecommitted to conducting an ongoingdialogue with our customers to help them select the most environ-mentally-friendly products, systemsand solutions. Our environmental policy focuses on the management of environmental issues in nine keyareas throughout the lifecycle of ABB products – from suppliers andcontractors, through the customers’use of our products, to their eventualdisposal and recycling at the end oftheir useful life.

Specifically, our policy is:

1. To conduct our operations in anenvironmentally sound manner byapplying environmental manage-ment systems, such as ISO 14001,in all our operations and by applying environmental principles,such as commitment to continualimprovement, legal compliance andawareness training of employees, in all our operations worldwide.

2. To promote environmental responsi-bility along the value chain byencouraging suppliers, subcontrac-tors and customers to adopt inter-national environmental standards.

3. To develop our manufacturingprocesses with a focus on energyand resource efficiency.

4. To develop and market productsand systems which are resource-efficient and facilitate use of renew-able energy sources.

Atmospheric monitoring sensors Advanced fuel cell systems

Wind turbine technology






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As one of China’s up-and-coming papercompanies, Shandong Bohui Paper hasplans to propel themselves into the toptier of the world’s papermakers. To maketheir company even more competitive,Bohui Paper developed a large-scalestrategy: upgrade to leading-edge equip-ment, technology and techniques. BohuiPaper looked to ABB to provide themwith the most advanced technologies that can guarantee the scale of profit and quality they want.

ABB and Bohui Paper have a long andsuccessful working relationship. Since2000, ABB has provided Bohui with overUSD 8 million in automation, according to Chen Linfeng, sales director of ABB(China) Ltd. North Asia Pulp and Paperbusiness unit.

Innovative techniques to become more profitableSome experts have estimated that inthree to five years only a few paper millswill have an output of over 1,000,000 t/y.Yang Yanliang, chairman of ShandongBohui Paper Company, Ltd, has notedthat Bohui Paper, with its current capacityof 850,000 t/y, has a production capacityexpansion plan based on addingadvanced technology and equipment, tomake them one of the industry’s leaders.

Bohui Paper is using a range of innova-tive techniques to grow its business. Forexample, the company planted 300,000hectares of fast-growing trees in planta-

tions near surrounding villages. The company will use this more sustainablewood to supply its raw material.

Leading edge technology and equip-ment are another tool the company isusing to expand. In the past, BohuiPaper’s production line was controlled by workers who drew on their own observations to maintain quality. Now it iscontrolled more reliably and consistentlyby an ABB quality control system.

Smooth installationABB worked with Bohui personnel toinstall the ABB QCS system and the easyimplementation saved work and avoidedunscheduled downtime that would havecost hundreds of dollars for each hourlost on the production line.

ABB also installed large refiner motorswith a capacity of 60,000 kilowatts. Thesehigh efficiency synchro-motors will helpsave power and reduce CO2 emissions,resulting in both economic and environ-mental benefits.

The right productsKey in Bohui Paper’s expansion plans is a move toward manufacturing productswith a large potential market. Bohui Paperhas chosen to produce white boardpaper, a product with great profit potentialbecause of its use in the large packagepaper market, which is growing in Chinadue to increasing exports. Bohui Paperplans to capitalize on the new 350,000 t/ywhite board paper product line, currentlybeing implemented by ABB, which willmake them the biggest white board papersupplier in China.

By cooperating with world class companies such as ABB, Bohui Paper is manufacturing high-quality products thatwill make them more competitive.

Chen Linfeng of ABB says that theclose cooperation between ABB andBohui has made both companies strategic partners.

Yang Yanliang of Bohui agrees that the cooperation between Bohui and ABBhas been very successful because ofABB’s technology, equipment and aftersales service. He says further cooperation will be enhanced to improve overall productivity and mutual benefit, and toachieve a win-win situation. ■

ABB helps China’s Shandong Bohui Paper becomes a top worldwide papermak-

Good paper can travel a long way.Bohui ships its products worldwideand as an example premium printerWest-Camp Press in Westerville, OhioUSA does a press check of a four-color project printed on Bohui paper.

Printers such as West-Camp useonly the very best paper produced tothe tightest specifications. They haveto meet critical deadlines and theircustomers demand images that arecrisp, clear and on-register. Thisplaces stringent requirements onprinters, and in turn, on the paperproducers.

“One of our key success factors on how to go from a small privatelyowned company to become one of the top 10 papermaking enterprises,is to cooperate with some world class famous companies, like ABB,Voith and Metso,” said Yang Yanliang, chairman of Shandong BohuiPaper Company, Ltd.

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A mill’s primary goal for any set of CDcontrols is to produce a paper sheetwhere all of the profiles (weight, moisture,caliper, fiber orientation) are uniform. Toachieve this, mill personnel try to minimizeprofile variations – which can lead tocompeting control actions among multiplesets of actuators. ABB’s MCD applicationsimultaneously optimizes and balancesmultiple paper quality CD profiles, whilecoordinating the contributions of multiplesets of CD actuators within their opera-tional limits.

MCD coordinates multiple sets of CDactuators used for controlling multipleprofiles of sheet properties. It delivers themost effective results by empoweringoperators to set the best balance amongthe objectives using a simple and intuitiveoperator interface.

Minimizing profile variabilityThe MCD algorithm minimizes the weight-ed profile variability by using an advancedoptimization strategy that takes intoaccount individual profile mappings, actuator status, actuator constraints, two-dimensional response models and thegoal of fast profile response. MCD usesunique models and alignment relation-ships for each input and output pair todescribe the responses of each actuatorzone. The model of each zone consists ofboth spatial (cross-machine direction) andtemporal (machine direction) responses.

This optimization strategy not onlyachieves the desired profile uniformity, it also maximizes the use of the controlranges of all actuators and ensures that all actuators operate within their constraints.

Mills enhance product quality with

Years of CD control technology leadership and expertise havegone into the development of ABB’s Multivariable CD (MCD)Control. The result: ABB’s MCD helps papermakers create ahigher quality product. It also helps mills run more efficiently, using less energy.

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Using MCD Control to make processes more effectiveThe applications for MCD Control arealmost unlimited. MCD control can beapplied to paper machines, coaters,supercalenders and other processes withmultivariable CD coupling characteristics.

For example, two independent CDmoisture controls on a paper machinemight try to correct errors in the samemoisture profile without coordinationbetween each other or the CD weightcontrol. Over time the independent CDmoisture controls can apply too muchenergy from the steambox and too muchwater from the air-water rewet actuator.They might also create unwanted short-term variability in the machine-directionand cross-direction.

ABB’s multivariable CD Control caneasily be configured to minimize the useof the air-water spray while maximizingthe use of the steambox. This approachwill prevent a situation where both steamand water are applied to the same sectionof the profile and it eliminates excessivecontrol actions. As a result, energy con-sumption is reduced. In addition, eachcontrol action made by an actuator will berecognized and met with an equivalentresponse from the other actuators at the correct time, reducing short-term variability in the paper’s quality.

With supercalenders, which producesheets with uniform gloss and uniform

caliper profile, the process can affectmany other quality properties such asmoisture, smoothness, brightness, opaci-ty, stiffness and strength. It is crucial thata control strategy properly balances thesecompeting objectives.

Since supercalendering is a stop-and-go process where each paper reel can becompleted in about 50-90 minutes, it isalso very important that control actionsare made quickly, accurately and withprecise coordination. Independent CDcontrols applied to the supercalender tocontrol both gloss and caliper might notresolve their competing control actionsbefore a reel is complete.

Multivariable CD Control overcomesthis challenge by combining importantquality parameters like caliper, gloss andmoisture, into a single objective function.Operators can easily adjust the relativepriorities of each profile. Every MCD control action optimizes this weightedobjective function by making the properchanges to all actuators simultaneously,with the optimum coordination in both CD and MD. In addition, the operator hasthe flexibility to choose which actuator touse in MD control and to set the relativepriorities for these objectives.

Supercalender startup and shutdowncan also be managed by MCD control.Actuator setpoints are carefully initializedduring the startup phase so that the topand bottom glosses reach the saleable

Multivariable CD Control

specification in minimum time. Actuatorsetpoints are also securely ramped downduring the shutdown phase.

The benefits of this control are minimalwaste during transitions, improved reelbuilding, optimal quality based on set priorities and available actuator range,significant reductions in CD and MD glossand caliper variations and – most signifi-cantly – less use of the expensive coatingadditives needed to produce key qualitiessuch as glossiness. ■

For additional information, contact EamonDevlin: [email protected]

• Minimize energy consumption whenthe increased application of anactuator carries a penalty ofincreased energy demand. Forexample, the coordination of arewet shower and a steambox canresult in reducing the consumptionof both steam and water.

• Achieve the optimal balancebetween competing quality objec-tives, for example the application ofboth slice actuators and dilutionprofiler on a machine to balancethe objectives of a uniform weightprofile and a uniform fiber orienta-tion profile.

• Reduce expensive coating additives(used to improve gloss) andimprove reel building by optimizingMD and CD gloss, moisture andcaliper, simultaneously on a super-calender.

• Reach faster recovery from processupsets by reducing the machine-direction variation that results fromindependent control of multipleactuator sets.





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Mondi Syktyvkar’s new ABB PPS systemcovers production scheduling millwide,including fine planning and trim optimiza-tion for the paper machines, winders and sheet cutters as well as system maintenance for continuous support andversion updates.

In operation for a year, the new ABBPPS system has already brought valuablebenefits to Mondi Syktyvkar, includingimproved efficiency, better use of capaci-ty, decreased inventory, less waste and reduced lifecycle costs. Personnelthroughout the mill are also better able to cooperate on their work.

Syktyvkar, rich in natural resourcesThe mill is located in Syktyvkar, the capital city of the Komi Republic, locatedin northwest Russia. Syktyvkar was granted city status in 1780 by Catherinethe Great. The city is surrounded by huge forest resources; about 70% of therepublic’s surface area is covered withevergreen trees.

Its location by the River Sysola (abranch of the River Dvina), makes it idealfor the forest industry, which has beenone of the key industries in the area. Inaddition to timber, the Komi Republic isalso rich in minerals such as oil, coal andnatural gas.

With 10,000 employees, MondiSyktyvkar is one of the city’s largestemployers.

The mill’s site in an area full of naturalresources is a constant reminder to actresponsibly to protect the environment.Among other certifications, Mondi also has an ISO 140001 environmentalcertificate.

“We spend a lot of money on takingcare of environmental issues. Majorinvestments have been made in decreas-ing our ecological footprint,” says VladimirBondarevsky, Deputy CEO, MondiSyktyvkar.

The mill cooperates closely with localenvironmental authorities. Additionally, allmill suppliers are certified to ensure thatthe implementation of the environmentalpolicy continues outside the mill too.

Commitment to high-tech solutionsMondi Syktyvkar’s strong commitment tohigh-tech solutions is one of the factorsthat makes it a powerful force in theRussian paper market.

The Syktyvkar mill is one of the largestpaper producers in the Russian forest

Mondi Syktyvkar improves productivitywith an ABB ProductionPlanning SystemWhen Mondi Syktyvkar wanted to improve productionlogistics, they turned to ABB’s Production PlanningSystem (PPS). According to Ilya Sadovenko, Head of Information Process, “We sell quality of service, not just a product. We have to have the necessaryvolume, at the right time, in the right place.”

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industry. With three paper machines andone board machine, the mill producesnearly 800,000 tons of paper annually. Inthe Russian market, Mondi Syktyvkar hasan approximately 45% share in officepaper and nearly 10% in newsprint.Typical mill production also includes offset paper and linerboard for corrugatedcardboard.

PM11, PM14 and PM15 produce600,000 tons of fine paper annually, whilethe board machine, BM21, produces200,000 tons per year of containerboard.The Syktyvkar mill also produces around700,000 tons of pulp per year.

An extremely flexible productionprocess allows the mill to meet even the strictest customer demands. Each of the machines can be used to producedifferent products.

As a supplier, Mondi Syktyvkar issecure: its own forests meet half of itspulp production needs. Eleven loggingcompanies ensure the mill’s wood supply.In addition to the company’s own wood-yard, the mill has a pulp mill, a powerplant and a complex of effluent treatmentfacilities.

Productivity is an important elementAt the Mondi Syktyvkar mill, productivityhas been an important factor from thebeginning. To get the most out of existingcapacity, mill executives knew they had toupdate manufacturing logistics.

According to Bondarevsky, MondiSyktyvkar had several logistics and orderprocess needs. The mill wanted to opti-mize their production schedule, achievebetter customer satisfaction and improveits machine and production efficiency. Toaccomplish this, mill executives requested

advice from others in their group, particu-larly from Poland where Mondi alreadyhad a PPS system.

As a global supplier, ABB was able to provide the solution needed at theSyktyvkar mill. “In comparison with competitors, ABB was the best optiondue to its customer-friendly attitude andbetter user interface visuality,” explainsBondarevsky.

Integrating the ABB PPS systemABB provided the Syktyvkar mill with aproduction planning system that helps the timing of fine planning, finishing workat the winder and trim optimization. The contract included training, systemsupport, remote support and versionupdates for five years.

The new production planning systemwas installed between the existing SAPsystem and the production control millfloor system, ASODU. Typically, the SAP system sends orders to be sched-uled and planned in ABB´s productionplanning system.

Mill employees integrated the ABB system into their existing system them-selves and also performed the localizationwork. This included translating all of thedocumentation manuals into the local language. “The system integrationprocess was a rather complex project due to the existing architecture, but wemanaged to do it with the help of our ITexperts,” Sadovenko explains.

Improved efficiency, reduced lossesAccording to the Deputy Head of theProduction Planning Department,Ekaterina Pankova, the new system hasbeen beneficial to Mondi Syktyvkar. Using

trim optimization, the mill has improvedmaterial efficiency significantly andreduced losses. Capacity use has alsobeen improved by automating the plan-ning process, resulting in less manualeffort in scheduling, more efficient processcontrol and real-time process tracking.Through efficient planning, inventoryneeds have decreased and there hasbeen less production waste. System lifecycle costs have also been reduced.

With capacity optimization and numer-ous cost savings in the planning phase aswell as in the process itself, productivitywill continue to improve significantly. Millpersonnel also enjoy more efficient coop-eration companywide. “Now, we havebetter communication between differentdepartments,” says Pankova.

Obtaining real-time information is veryimportant to Mondi Syktyvkar’s produc-tion process. As many as 20 people can use the new system simultaneously,increasing operational efficiency as workers plan and schedule production or control finishing work at the winder on the mill floor.

Successful startProject installation began in early 2007and full operation was underway by year-end. From first set up to site installationand final implementation, staff met challenging tasks but as Bondarevsky,Sadovenko and Pankova jointly say, “We are very satisfied.”

Long-term partnership brings benefitsThe partnership between ABB and MondiSyktyvkar played an important role in theproject’s success. Cooperation betweenSyktyvkar and ABB began in the 1970s,when ABB delivered two web imagingsystems. In the late 1970s, Syktyvkarplaced an order with ABB for sectionaldrives for the complete paper productionline and for millwide process electrifica-tion. A decade later, ABB delivered sectional drives for a soft calender andfour years ago, ABB won two more webimaging systems orders.

At Mondi, long-term partnership ishighly valued. According to Bondarevsky,“It is much more beneficial for both parties. You know what you can expectfrom your partner.” ■

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Options like setting back the thermostatand driving slower will not significantlyreduce energy costs at pulp and papermills but every mill has the potential to sig-nificantly reduce energy costs. By taking afresh look at the return on investment ofcommon electrification and automationprojects, significant amounts of moneycan be added to the bottom line.

ABB’s Roger Bailey, Senior VicePresident, Pulp and Paper Business Unit,shares insights into what ABB engineerslook for when assessing energy savingsopportunities in paper and pulp mills.

“Our people have the advantage ofcoming from a business culture built

on developing electrification systems and separately, pulp and paper automa-tion systems. When you combine those knowledge bases, you have a different perspective on opportunities to reduce energy consumption,” saysBailey.

It’s well understood that each mill’soperation needs are unique but virtually all mills have common areas of opportunitywhere substantial energy savings can berealized. Uncovering these opportunitiesbegins with thorough inspection and evaluation in three main hotspots. Theseareas of energy savings opportunities are Power, Process and Optimization.

Power utilizationWith every low-efficiency electric motor stillin place, with every fixed speed pump orfan, and with every mill operating atimproperly designed network structure,energy-loss, time-loss and profit-loss areall to common in pulp and paper mills.

Electrical motors account for nearly65% of industrial electrical consumption,making them an obvious target for savingsimprovements. Reducing electric motorpower consumption, through implementa-tion of efficient speed control and increas-ing the efficiency of the motors themselvesare high savings solutions. Over its life, amotor can cost from 15 to 20 times more

Breaking the energy strangleholdMarket conditions are forcing businesses in the pulp and paper industryto re-evaluate the cost of doing business. Skyrocketing energy prices area big factor in operating cost increases.

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ABB’s M3000 motor qualifies for the highest European efficiency class, EFF1, and is rated from 4-710 kW.ABB has a full range of motors in EFF1 – the highest efficiency level – and no motors in the lowest class,EFF3. In a situation where a 15 kW motor operates for 6,000 hours per year, an EFF1 motor can providean energy saving of 4 MWh each year when compared with an EFF3 motor.

to run than it did to buy. ABB considersproper dimensioning of the motor arrange-ment key in realizing the potential savings available.

Upgrading mechanical drives to electricdrives is also a highly effective measure incutting energy bills. In fact, dramaticallyreducing the need for mechanical drivecomponents by directly coupling the driveto a paper machine section saves space,energy and money. Elimination of the gearbox alone reduces several percent of thepower required for operation.

ABB‘s engineers focus on the design of the network structure, recommendingoptimal voltage levels, short circuit capacities and proper electrical supply toguarantee the best long-term reliability.‘Right sized’ voltage levels can significantlyimpact mill energy consumption. Withoutthe correct voltage level assignment, a mill may use far more energy than necessary while increasing its runningcosts and endangering workers’ safety.Along with proper voltage assignment,advanced metering systems can lower this consumption by efficiently monitoringelectrical power use and in turn preventingoveruse.

According to Bailey, motors, drives anddimensioning are ‘the elephant in theroom’. “Most people know the opportuni-ties for substantial savings exist in theseareas,” says Bailey, “but frankly, until thefinancial drain is monetized, many arereluctant to make improvements. Our people focus on identifying the ROI opportunities for customers.”

Process control and optimizationIn pulp and paper mills, the net energygains from upgrades and conversions areminimal without better control. Increasingproductivity and reducing energy needs,advanced control programs and energyoptimization applications are designed tooperate processes according to definedobjectives. Any upgrade or modernizationprograms need to consider how to makethe processes a more adaptive, flexibleand most importantly efficient part of themill operation.

With modernized controls, such asABB’s System800xA, data are collectedand analyzed in real time, leading opera-tors to make needed adjustments faster,ensuring optimum runs.

According to Bailey, solid advancedcontrol and optimization strategies can netmill energy consumption reductions by up

to 20% and production can increase byup to 10%. ABB’s multi-tiered solutionapproach allows users to focus on theunique needs of their mill, maximizing thereturn for any given project.

Simple product enhancements can alsolead to significant energy savings. In oneexample, ABB engineers estimate thathigh performance actuators and sensorscan reduce total steam usage by 10%,and steam costs the average mill USD8/1,000 PPH, meaning a mill could saveUSD 1,000,000 annually.

Reducing the amount of steam used inthe manufacturing process and reducingdrying time by allowing the final product tohit its highest possible moisture target creates substantial energy savings.

End to end optimizationBailey notes that operations in pulp andpaper mills represent hundreds of dynam-ic, inter-related functions, which comprisethe production process. To optimize thesefunctions requires the use of both toolsand people. The former are widely avail-able the later are becoming more scare.Any optimization solution must addressboth the technology and the humanaspect.

Production, planning and disturbancesolutions ensure the world’s most sophisti-cated enterprises effectively operate at the highest level of efficiency possible.Either as standalone applications or totallyintegrated suites, optimization solutionscan focus on issues that are hurting industry profitability.

It’s widely accepted that advanced optimization solutions help achieve efficient mills but ABB has enhanced thesecapabilities by supplementing them withengineers that understand both the prod-ucts and the process. ABB engineersevaluate an operation with tools and experience to ensure the process as wellas the software is being utilized to itsfullest capabilities. It is this human factor of hands on experience and industryexpertise that makes the entire packagepay off for customers.

“Companies in this industry need toview energy consumption as a key com-ponent to their sustainability. Economicpressure and energy availability are alreadyre-shaping the landscape. Companieshave to look to new technologies andlong-term energy strategies as core totheir survival,” concludes Bailey. ■

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Czech Republic

ABB won an order from JIP Vetrini for an upgrade for theirIndustrialIT System 800xA and a new 17-zone Slice Profiler.


Ahlstrom La Gere purchased a SP1200 with moisture sensorthat the mill plans to add to an existing QCS800xA system.Ahlstrom La Gere also ordered CD Moisture Control.


Metsa Tissue in Raubach purchased a QCS 800xA System anda Smart U Frame with weight, moisture and option for color. Thiskey order replaces a competitor’s QCS.

ABB scored a highly competitive win at Cascades Arnsberg:ABB sold the White Top Liner Board mill a new QCS 800xASystem and Optipak Sensor for their SP700 Frame.


ABB achieved a major win at ABC Paper. The mill is replacing acompetitor’s equipment with a Network Platform 700 for theirPM4 with basis weight, moisture, caliper and ash. The order alsoincludes a Network Platform RNP 1200 with reflection moisture,interface solution and commissioning.

ABB won an extensive order from Bilt Ballapur for their PM7that includes a Network Platform 1200 with weight, moisture,caliper and color; a Network Platform 1200 with weight, moistureand ash; a Dilution Profiler with 79 actuators; a AWS Profiler with73 actuators and an Induction xP with 73 actuators.


The ABB team achieved a win at Somes when the mill orderedan Air-Water xP covering 30 zones.


ABB won a competitive order from KPK St. Petersburg. The mill ordered an 88 zone Air-Water xP and CD Control for theirlinerboard PM2.


After the ABB team demonstrated the Smart Platform 1200upgrade with remote electronics for Holmen Hallstavik, the millchose to order it for their newsprint PM12.

After purchasing a Measurement Platform in 1986 and upgradingto a Smart Platform in 1997, SCA Obbola decided to upgradetheir third generation frame. The mill turned to ABB to add thenext generation of sensors. With a PM1 paper machine that is9.9 m wide, SCA Obbola’s has one of the longest frames everbuilt.

United Kingdom

ABB secured an order from ArjoWiggins Stoneywood for aNetwork Platform 1200 with basis weight, ash, GT caliper,

moisture, color and optipak; a 21 zone Slice Profiler and a 63zone Dilution Profiler. The automation replaces the mill’s 1180equipment and includes color control auto grade change.

Several ABB deliveries and start-ups at St. Regis Paper Co.Ltd.’s Kemsley Mill in Sittingbourne, Kent, have increased millproductivity. ABB upgraded the Kemsley Mill’s ABB System800xA from a version 3.1 to a 5. The automation includes newservers and hardware, as well as an Information Manager andBackup Server. ABB also supplied energy and utility monitoringand reporting software to replace an obsolete third party monitoring system. The new system prepares the mill for future system expansion.

ABB also upgraded automation on the Kemsley Mill’s PM6,integrating operator, engineering and management informationand the control system with the paper machine and stock preparation process equipment. Along with the upgrades, themill added new ABB drives and motors to their PM6 and a Air-Water xP Profiler.

Additionally, ABB provided automation for the mill’s new stockpreparation plant, including a new System 800xA extendedautomation system, Information Manager, OPC Server, BackupServer, application engineering, commissioning and start-upservices. ABB also delivered a third-party IndustrialIT Enabledvideo surveillance system.


For their Androscoggin Mill, Verso Paper ordered a 92 zoneInduction xP # 1 SC1, a 56 zone Induction xP # 2 SC1, a 92zone Induction xP # 1 SC2 and a 56 zone Induction xP # 2 SC2. This is a repeat order for ABB for the mill’s supercalenderinduction systems

ABB won an order from UPM for their Grand Rapids, MN mill, toreplace an existing ABB MP280 based QCS on their 5OMC withan AC450. The order also added 800xA as the HMI. The intentwas to turn this system into a true coater package and lay thefoundation to add CD control.

The ABB team secured an order from Cellu Tissue’s grade tissue mill in Gouverneur, NY, for an SP700 with weight andmoisture.

Worldwide Web Imaging Orders

ABB has been awarded new Web Imaging HDI800 contracts forthe Tervakoski Oy mill in Finland, Hamburger Spremberg mill inGermany and Domtar Ashdown mill in the United States. ABB’sfully integrated Web Imaging Solution HDI800 monitors the paperproduction for all paper grades, certifies the quality of the prod-uct and improves productivity and process control.

Major Industrial IT for Papermaking orders

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ABB and Stora Enso form a jointventure at six Finnish millsABB has formed a joint venture with Stora Enso to provide allmaintenance operations and improve efficiency at six pulp, paperand board mills in Finland.

The operation that began on January 1, 2009, will be thelargest of its kind in the pulp and paper industry, with estimatedannual revenues of between USD 200-270 million.

ABB assumed responsibility for the management of the company, applying its global, performance-based ABB FullService concept, which covers all assets at a customer’s site.

Stora Enso will own 51 percent and ABB 49 percent of thejoint venture. Around 1,450 Stora Enso employees transferred to the new company.

ABB has more than 150 Full Service partnership agreementswith customers in the paper, mining, chemicals, and oil and gasindustries around the world. These full-service partnerships arestrategic initiatives that help customers improve the performanceand reliability of their production assets. ABB’s proven best practices applied to the full spectrum of maintenance activitiesimprove plant efficiency and let our partners focus on their corebusiness, adding new value to the bottom line.

Czech engineering center is a new global concept for pulpand paper

ABB’s Process Automation Operations Center in Ostrava, CzechRepublic, is part of a new global concept to provide a centrallocation for services and support related to ABB Pulp & Paper.

The Ostrava center will serve customers in Europe while similar,newly established centers in China and Mexico will serve theAsian and American markets. In the Czech Republic, AndersKornblad, ABB’s Local Division Manager Process Automation

and Regional Manager for Paper Systems Europe, says this geographical concentration of resources will allow the companyto react more flexibly to pulp and paper customers’ needs withineach region.

The Czech Republic is a natural hub for ABB’s European operations. “Our team here is highly experienced and competentin pulp and paper. Thus we are well placed to offer service andsupport to other countries,” says Kornblad.

ABB China Process AutomationDivision wins nationwide awardsfor two projectsDuring the MICONEX2008 exhibition organized by the ChinaInstrumentation and Control Society (CICS), two projects of ABBChina Process Automation Division were awarded “2008 Science& Technology Outcome Award.” These two projects are the400,000 tpy BKP pulp project of Hunan Juntai Pulp Paper Co.,Ltd and the G-crystal Group Shandong Haitian 1 million ton calcined soda project. Only 13 projects won the award this year.

As one of the top 10 milestone projects of the 11th 5-yearplan of China and the integrated forest and paper leading modelproject supported by China State Development and ReformationCommittee, and also the largest integrated forest and paper project in Hunan Province, the pulp project was highly regardedby officials in Hunan and the customer management team.

Also, the calcined soda project is one of the key projects ofShandong province, regarded as important to stretch the oceanchemical production chain and bring on the economic andindustrial development of Weifang city.

“We are very happy to win these awards; it reflects not only acknowledgements from our customers, but also from industryauthoritative organizations. We owe our success to ABB state-of-the-art products and systems, as well as to our employees'hard work and team spirit,” says Tobias Becker, Head of ProcessAutomation North Asia and China.

Notes of interest

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