h' tsf'J L;berc.uou n ..,. 16 PEOPLE'S . WAR VERSUS INDIVIDUAL TERRORISM fh c: 'J)Dhth!!i t )f ind1vidu:al ltrtonsTH '! 'lnt..'t ae, ai n m ntw1. It t.S an tS!Itl'' t1f not only fur 1he gruwcng rev()l ! tlonAry ntovrrncnh country > IIH.l m lrtlw.'tl.. l'-ut [1)f evrry pari of \'t<')pk ow'l strugJiJla tt\ thcmie. \'t":t (rnnt l'upmili. un .wnd Jf'lpe- tia tUm. An lt)-.:vrrec:t is M the worktnJ b.11. 'k yun. Urncu i1 it net.' t",.;, tn· to h:n'<' "' undeut:antlinu {)( the tl ... . md of this t i' trm 1Jf pnHt1cot f Jeth·iry. .lndrviduat iS: hA:red upon th.reo uouons. Otte l!t Out if 1• pnntblc for 11 h.tndfuJ of poople by in >it>ele (Qn\ h.ll to \)\'t!rt ltmw tht da8s- or .ftal 11 l.'nppling whiC'h will re.,.uh 1n ovNthrow trttr a 11unod of timr. o\nt 'Jthu is thtH it wilt exclte 1hc md <.lnw thom to side ..,, the . h::v. .. llu t i. mu .rlc.5. A thiN rwtkm u; that it \\"til force tht! ru\lnp: cl:ss.s to re3ort to rule thus away 4111 -.ullfUhiou U\e bene, ·otent or pcJc<flll notll"' or Capit:tlist/ Hltpori•list dk-rl ton:lup. R··•lit y cSI.:iblL\be• tho\ c•ch <>f these notton' ;.m; romant ic. idc.Uislic and harmh1 l trJ the tWik 9f fhc r e-v ... .,l utlon. fndi )s not Ol' "- · It hu hecn trie-d out in prac tL.:e 41nd pra"t":c " th< a<1tl · Only by tootlos i de>< m is it Po:>Sible to t il l• w• qf aero .. :.l.rct .: h•.s of gtrusgle ind tile abysmal twJure of'rlndt\'iduul t"rr£W"ilull NH1 HI barren '' "" l•fd bar<. ' Mtcre exists no e,;:llrhplt' of rt"Y"Oll}tion b"ing 111.1de hy Htis mot hod. No of hanMul oeillg ahle tu suhs:titut.., f<lr the or lbt r><<>ple. Workun, here ur ln tJOt JOWl: (O bt: I.Jt<JWI1 to rhcr th2t "1n1&ht ru.•.xt•- to h<: hlown up or 'sav•a•d l:>y lh< torrorists. I r WJ:.s rallu:totbhl- chat eU:n ufter Dll th..: committe-d hy the RUC in Ute u.o rth thet(l were stiU whn OPL'Qfy exprch.s(d diJtlauy wod SQffOw thd two Rl. i( wbo di.:d <Hi " re'iull of the '"ar -01 C.()UJll( ()( mnnlh' back. Far from winnin& !he pcQple to revolution home 1\ttd to do work. terrorism iJ capable of. work ant.! the rajsin& of pulitkl"f and lorn C\:L'II the UJm..l udvanccd . uway frotn t/1..: !!rem ;r lhe}' arc fo re-turn at u IJtor d;Jtc. Tfto third nnUon ul for<:ing on f•..,sm I< t. :ri snitt.J., horrr or tn frcJand t\'hcrc: liH!tt \lot-s not j'd l•,;ist . d·. mowme:nl . .. capabl!l:or lu<llllit '<1: . m •• ..,,.. ·an4· '''"'ulni ii\ .. 111ot• c 1>rtiC\¢\loU.y "'llntlllll ·<>Q, It thiS caul<). be l!oue. llutlt caq'l, for ·tho ellis• In p<>wer will to. fll$eiJt when it sW,t.J' U'alld 91 a rol<t Ulat .,nlu jt, 1101 til" . · or 4 ·handful· • ol -i11dlv,iaual WJillt ruch dt> I• 10 prov)tle thJO lrnperil\li-t cla111 wltl} excusc· it is for .to l3unch a f""ci&t IU\ oxcu'< which If not for it, it will 'Qrp.nisc t11ell. oNI,.Y Tfl.E laiASS!iS MAK.E HISTORY Tb<)'lt. wfw adv<>ca\4 indivi<hul \citorttm r.u lo ... determil\ini !he cour:sO' of: hum on history and ht Wit U\• UIQ$<:$ <,>f the people hi.story, no\. h4ttdful of de!•nnll'lcll or liupore. Thor u.qderest. huate Ur• ·iTIJI$Sts llnd n;}i\<1 rolo· •• tho nltUt rarue ltld lud,r or Thcy do eo rhal 111 transwons. (fsoDJ communalism LO ..lavery, fruru lo (¢u®li•m [rom fJOuduli<m 10 c•pilall$n.1 unJ unperl•h4m) have a 'qf mass mtolurions mvoJvinp mllliolljl . l>( oppleued r•oplc &rnoed will!. revolu!lon•ey lfnu. Counurpooed to ttlis tbe mdivldual II!ITorlsu lclY' on aruhcial •tlmubnlst >Och bombi!ll vr buildinp ami ·t;l\• of lodividua!J;. l'lt<y art rontiJlllt> who ldZA! tbo of lO!Ifl r3t:hff !laP fnJaaillJ in the arduput work or OtJanlutlon flll4 . ajitotkal.. Sucl1 'ltarmfui Uluuor>* """ o>nly tt$11ll· in retardina rile vllal WQI'I-\ - !?f 11a mu,.• or 111o pwplt for. til lill-wl ttll!d •aaill"l lilt fNDIVn>UAI. .s·• A. OhS1!RTION Qf 'nit:: l'l!OP(.B'S Sl'R UOC,il,jl fwatr;.t!on bQJD of V Of d,fU(i411) I'J'I JmpoiOII« .vtr tQ win tho mou.a the \UUM,&lc 181\tOIIt •wJ cstablbh lite sO<iAhst ordr-1. Jt sathorit:ll only trt".rr.-.tloM llod individual o( mlall jirOUp$ of 1 ' htroe!\'' who .:-oodemn. the h<.roet, the .. u t'ltina lndhdlltuaJ tu.rturbm u balLed upon rom.sntic tfrumina, wh¢ro:.t.ul rea.listk 1'orrorlsm lfi a de!>Crtlon O( tht pwp\e 1 s struale and lhc tas\ of the.r pC1htical (or revoltJhon. Terror i'U ore falst friend$ of llre peo ple and 1t be ralls . jl\ h> til< resporulhOity of thiM irrJivlduotli.Sth: t'urlll of $ti'UUlo by d.oltverinl woll·a>med polihc•l blow• this iuue i.l raised. If t:OftC!o.'t illoa' do not this incorrect idea then the movement will be harmed the clnss SDTV<d. Th• poiJtt to he home the leodiui roto o( the cloG.' as the only fore¢ c'J)able of rallyinv nroun•1 it wnlt the >yst•m. i\lso it mu't be slressed that when one rvprt:-.entative Of impenalism ia .. mJnated thert is anotller to ta. ko hi> place. The terroti¥t bt uik<d wbat <hffcroncc <114 it. n,.kc t" the ot the A wotkLA,. when Kennedy wa,< <hot m Otll4S. Of his drath solved none of the problems of American workers, bl .. \.'11 or white . And '!(lither i::oultt il for it 1 .. ' power the imperioliot is In a stnto or p•rrotual war with \'!<>!ktrs opprei:« ·d propks at home and tilJo"ihou t the world, Simila.rl)', whul would 1t rnatte:r in lrtland wert Lynoh or Cltlcheu•r Clorl< 10 disapp•ur from lho of treachery ln the o( ' the dmruction or 1111 p('llincal · wielded by th• British mllna clnu! li would 111alter · >Cry little, for th•rc >till be J roland tllc colony aut! tbe lrisl• peuple the. torrori$111 b•• or th_c nal enomy to offer, and impcnalism thri><$ on AN AR'riFI("IAl SliMULANT h is the ruhna. not WO(kma t\lasscs vf lrclund or Orituin. that 1\c<d< $0!11< on ificial <Citnwanr. rndtvidual ltrroJisxn oftcu fu.x in wiJh ib pbh• l$ it trt Growing economic pulJtic:tJ in a nf'W era in wbith moukiud " 14 worldwide victory. OW! the of hnpe-rfuHsm which l' beudut' f01 rotnl t•olll>pte. At aU cc:utS the imptmllsts wish to bolat6 lite revolutiooane..s (ron, rllt m .• USC'-'. £very n:voluti<.tnary, it IS argue<l in imv•n•)ist rr• -«. rJdio ilOd lc!oviolplt, Is an a terrorist, " bombn wilh .no hwnvn ti nuntlless thua Ht for onty tl"· tope or Jbr QCjl explc•it lllJJvuJual (dron\lll .f...u Own \'IO<h which lit,,· or l!l[ P9C!nlc tltoy 1!' 111 I(XIIall$rn? s.ay worker• fih·u on their 1'V •cts at\d picture• in tl111 pre.<> of duhri• dcoth alter a do'e of fndlviJuol A'nd •Yon tl\t con•oiuuJ liQid aivinll th•il .ull to. lh• ·. liS thtnk fhtt wllal,lltty see i• lho work c.1 whfn ·c1eftff)' if. 1' not Mtf cannot be when retl terrw Mlld V>OltnC-9 In the wood Imlay "' cou ... l ""' 11)' tho Pe<!Ptv,cqrrcct!y (ld\tinv f11r the ljberotlon or tl\l!lr class but by donyhrl! til• Dl!WOJ liber41ivn. 1'hus uo mnttor that spout of the in4lvlllu•4 "'"l! puroue I<TrOJiU!l with lla$t ol mtentiotll and rnay l>' sillc¢r, .in ' tbeir fw tllit enonoous nOlionl tilt f;pt 1$ tflat wiJeq ll""f)', fl ill- l'llliPi 4!P 11!11 wbo pi!J. from 1 . !1• i«:l, . · · · INDIVIDUAL T.ei\RORlSM AND RIWI.SJONISM potiii<'D ""'" up \.liJ theo "JtfJb t-•·'t:rflldy and the) tt.rruti$h who .. r:-q/1 Jcr tilt mf)tt llnllfrlt "ltlllirvldll"l!", lie went on to "Th't.- 11nd nwrf'ly buw 10 d(ffet('''' v( JpnJUd'lt'f(.l' ; /l'lt- r'l "l.lth .>nti .fLf />UW t .. l) thf tl/ •pure ami #mph!,' ltabour utullrffH'1f.l, while. ih' bow tc1 thd ,PU!7111.neity .tlf 11t11 passlmwu imiliTIQ/itW nf tht lme./l(dlifl/1 wlw a1c c'rthtJ' (Jl Jlnk./.Ju u11 tht wtrh lhl' labour or lat•l · oppommft)' w do m. {I It vtry dr({lcult indet:.d fnr lhu. tr wht> lunt lt>ll tlt'flr be6</• "' whi1 rwwr tltJt iJ pou//Jie to /illd t•"'" uull<t for rltdr indtgnarion ond -1IVf11u.tlontJr;.v ennR. *' t.Hh«r tbarJ tl'trt'lr", 'fh• extend Ill( argument ajlllinn indiviJual letrori.lm ond 1\ltv• <l••ciOJW\1 a 1(1 uttack all fonn• of rovolutiortarr umc..t parllcu!orly J'eorl• War. Taking thr Moscow liflC Q '"poaccful tran,ition'' whioh •mount• lo with lhe other world •mveriatist power. 1hey dC$l"'rntely try to trid<. people. into believing that lmperio)ism Will allow >b<lf 10 bo overthrown and $ooi•li1111 buill \11ilhout the IU!Cd (or a ,_ arm<d ,..volt of the poopl<t 1<14 ·.by tilt working cia.., So they too, ju•t like the llriti;;h ruHf!$ cia,. ""'I ever'jl otheJ r .. lorcl, · p41 · odor• ll1c U.. 1ht terrorism War art the ,.ra,, in fact tbey ve dl1fo,nt. lt . 1ndivi4ual terrorls!n if anti·worl<lni nlau, rtiverls peop1o from a or the cl2 ... <neruy, ationale$ the JUIIS:Itl wbo lun not yol adopt.:d !he ttvo!utioiury roild, llos • history ol ·total failure, und : 11 an in•trument or the il!lpeclalist <las& • •.. 1hen what Is lht way for · of th" people who more and more wlsh to mako revoh•tioo. build !be -nJ estpblfsh the wotatorsltip .of the W(lf'ldn& cluss? Nl!W liRA flint, it is to f.TUD hnnly that th¢re LS ,nQ nood .for '?f is no need to resort "' th• doprossl\'e nesatlve pnctke ()( indivi<lttal to(TO<jam, ·lobnklnd ltu ..ow entered iht era in which '-' headinM for totlll calla!'11' •ud ;ociltlillm i• at.lvancirig w vtct.o.ry. lt ii an <lb)caive lt\HII · tlio.t '"'rl:•" ""d oppr,$$0d p!!•.>\)les lbo lh-'bC: · .,b B""VWl thJt pQ41ic#lt>ow•r llf<>l"' o•'•. l>f !he blf.ff'l u · ¥\<"' Altll 'nuw l"etlinJ tloro<> 101' •nd Ill {l>llQJJY llfl111 c(>untry lml)orlalilm Is bema sub)cct•d tu f.ho O( the fi;JtidnaJ Ubor;nlon moverncnl$. lite of lmp•rinlism m.U Jtruwus lfl! >l<p !>y step u the r04\!ti()ftltiY , authO!"iftc$ tbeir OlUtMI the lho SfOjlO of the revt>lutlonqry ntO\'IIrooni COOJiCJOU!nc.')S tnlrJutflcs. hlhng . lhc peopk wtth ,. hot•cd for rap•loh.,, anJ IICW to the flghr throush tQ tha enu. li. lllltll be pointe<! QU t tn<Jivklual · fi link•d . 'with tbe revi$Joni•m of wltq ••el<. to tont-in' Ule ""\I>Jkiol( """ . wuhin lbt rl!fortlJifl a. (ow lllOfll crit1nQJ> lrqm th_e lllbla PI lbe bnperlt)lritlt ln lb.! form pr a tO<>r• i:hilllnas In the poekel ud houf' ar1d ut t1te· pqlflt Qf ;, not 10 Ill)' Jl .. t/. ,to !Jt4'*1• fur llli!Ae end• It IUiVOLUTJON IS 11ill ""AI)'j .mn, · wrona. It II !" tl\at IQ !"U< IN TilE WORLO .. •· tllq nlllllt wue and tho In a: word tho ""'""' COJijral lil&k. o( 1el1irl1 polilical· lo objeelivo con,Jili . -• '-. on '!'0 tlte. to ,PI<Jk>nf uo to , Lbo m•lrr. tNnd ·II! 0 1 'i:e C¥p.'lllllll W#ll.e rU.u •mount 111 devetupm<lll •» true f"' 1 la d 1 hili tltctr liPUll P»l>f<:d on tu worbr1 re.r l>f lh 14 , r< n •• II " for Rn-oJu!ion IIIIIQI.IliiS to ll,..ill& Ot-. t bloc a D••pile •ll 911 · or tjlc ciiiSol ill to blilory 1 l>y pro . ems •nd tt;u, confu,l<ln link Individual tmoriuu' •ud th•d iu. ••onoutl•m .11 r.ll<ir cqJnflU>ll d•nomlnatur I ... w ?$ npcr . oy by clilll ror of. ' of •P<>tllaooity. ln #il areal of the wort< . Wh•! f.! Ill, bt J)une j..eflln M•o 111 bll In ' lin!< m Ulia way: tbetu . o! l.b• wnrtd llll' tlle "'F"! 1.11 tH;U'J¥ llo pvrW.ox Ill iht unJly t/(r-.1. 11 , 1 , 11 11/l. 4 , 111 , 11 M# YJI\f, rtn •rat published 1n Vot.1 No.s St;pt.JOct:t970 r; bit. The- pcllplt . u/ •mflh "untr.' t'itn t.:rFtuinlj .U/HJI cJv,a·to· q , 11 f a IUt ,'OJWttf, f.{ tJftlY r ': 114rt /r) "f'f.M In strwltJfl<, tal• """ 41111 xra${1 rn llwlr "''"' l)ondr d••rirtY <>I 1h•l1 cnuntry. J'h1.r 11 luw of ht.rtor)l. " 11 i!l llli• oorrect , .. din¥ or "' "PI"'""d to •n inconec:t re•dlns by !!lOOt wllo indhlki\IAI le<rorislll, thnt ia tile source or crrofldenco and determination $h3rtd by reVolution.nrit:s, Mol'l<ill-lenlnlsb 11\rouabout the world. The pcopJe t uc winmna, and no no for« 10 ., .apable ol turnirl¥ b<a\:k this hi<torU:al for •'lis!$ no fon:e Jt1lJhtlo1 than the revolutiuna.ry arm('d with da.> con&etousne!'!l and JUnlr, INVINC'IBJ..Ii PEOPLE'S WAlt Only rh• mti.'ISOI ernted wilh the ii1Yincible woapou . or Peopl•'• W u can h1.1rl the itnl"'riali•l systeln into il$ gave: the ma-. not handful or indtvidunl "bro.s" benl upon, ob)echvejy, reli,.,in& tholr pent up fnr&tratlonf at tho oxperue ot buUdiil& the rnovcrnont, but u V3f11U3rd porty fot&ln& ahead ICD1'WI in ill w•k• lht rippor!Yois(s ri&hl aod left. lt tl!o rna,.oi ·oro the depo$itory of r.ll• task of smashinJ impc.rlaU:n)l, lllld if Poople'ft War is thoir lnvlncible w..apon, thtn lhe flnt 's1ep ind· the only· po:s•il:>le stftltina point, tokin11 into account tli• <;onditin"' < rathet lhOJC we would like to exi.•tJng, JJ· fQr serioll> '"""lutfonarles . to flo ·to the mo,Sses and team rrom tl&<,lal. fn tlte opirit of "!-'rpm tht mu;rsts rotM tnti6UI" we must.• · u cootrl.dc Moo poi(lll. out ''T•Ir• ,he idtaJ 0[ lhf mauC'.t t#Ntn, lhttr lfO (Q th< IIUIU¢.1, (Hrln(7#. ill (/ .. idtOI and """' 1hel'l throusft IJI as to j'or111 MMCI. I<Uial of ieJ(/trih(p- JU<h ls h111ie "''"I&Od 11[ l•aderthlp"', The raok is to au to . the people witlt a MJ< 1 !n lr..t•nd of <il!i•Wbore, Tho people illUI the people slol\t arc tho molivo rorct In the •evplution tb. on hsk• be uoderiQken. 01\ly tho workin3 clul il connect«! 10 tho most form of eoonorny There. ia n.o claD tnO.te \!X vlQ) and \.bus tbt 1\1.... ,, of the Only tho proletariat arow• biuor day -l•y, only this seotion of .oclety bean the hiStoric: b\WJon , of Jlbtralini thv mas. .. a il\ff.)UaA lo•dlna ·lite f110VCUIO!\f d · Wh<:iio, The . tao!< l>tf\irf Jn Jhe . of Jioehtnd and Britain i. to condu<'t many-sided agltrillon nnd t>kt up tho prohloms of the roople and show throuab potw.nt araumeot and dls<:ull!lon that aU these problem• ara lil\kc4 to ··apllalut illat tho oply way Ill end the problema is to end Cllpit:Uism o111d the only w•y to do lha t io to unite a!l. tho force• u,., can be unilo4 iltlo Q gnocrplec.l rllan-baaed move1pept btlldc<l >r truly workomi' revo!\11101141}' paf(y compOiied or .. Ill• rno8( of thQ ..,orkii!J dau and other exploite<l sltol ••

Transcript of PEOPLE'S. WAR VERSUS INDIVIDUAL TERRORISM · barren ''"" l•fd bar

h'tsf'J L;berc.uou n ..,. 16


fh c: 'J)Dhth!!i t )f ind1vidu:al ltrtonsTH '! 'lnt..'t ae,ain m th~ ntw1. It t.S an tS!Itl'' t1f U\1}\Urtnn~.:e not only fur 1he gruwcng rev()l ! tlonAry ntovrrncnh u~ thi~ country >IIH.l m lrtlw.'tl.. l'-ut [1)f evrry pari of th~' .,.,. ~ttltJ \'t<')pk ow'l strugJiJla tt\ li l- cJ~\tt: thcmie. \'t":t (rnnt l'upmili.un .wnd Jf'lpe-tiatUm. An lt)-.:vrrec:t ~N'ruoch is c~:apar.le M Strlju~ the worktnJ d~SII tn'·~vmcfu b.11.' k yun. Urncu i1 it net.'t",.;, tn· to h:n'<' "' ~,.·lc;ar undeut:antlinu {)( the tl ... ~.,. w~'lts .md ~t,nlfiC'ance of this nt<•:tli\'~ t i' trm 1Jf pnHt1cot f Jeth·iry.

.lndrviduat ~errt:•tkm iS: hA:red upon th.reo uouons. Otte l!t Out if 1• pnntblc for 11 h.tndfuJ of poople by "'1!"8'"~ in >it>ele (Qn\h.ll to \)\'t!rtltmw tht ru)in~ da8s- or .ftal 11 l.'nppling bluv.~ whiC'h will re.,.uh 1n

ovNthrow trttr a 11unod of timr. o\nt'Jthu is thtH it wilt exclte 1hc ma.u~s md <.lnw thom to th~ side ..,, the. h::v. .. llu t .rlc.5. A thiN rwtkm u; that it \\"til force tht! ru\lnp: cl:ss.s to re3ort to fi.s\:tS~ rule thus ~l~:£fitll away 4111 -.ullfUhiou re~.udini; U\e bene,·otent or pcJc<flll notll"' or Capit:tlist/Hltpori•list dk-rl ton:lu p.

R··•lity cSI.:iblL\be• tho\ c•ch <>f these notton' ;.m; romantic. idc.Uislic and harmh1l trJ the w~wt tWik 9f fhc re-v ... .,lutlon. t~rron'ill\ )s not Ol' "- · It hu hecn trie-d out in practL.:e 41nd pra"t":c " th< a<1tl · te~l . Only by tootlos ide>< m r~Jlot~ is it Po:>Sible to ~lscovcr til• l• w• qf tl\ui~ l~ . Pr•ctice aero .. lo•o~ :.l.rct.:h•.s of h,!$tA«~ gtrusgle a~ianst uploltat~ll ind uppre~lon tile abysmal twJure of'rlndt\'iduul t"rr£W"ilull NH1 HI barren ' '"" l•fd bar<. 'Mtcre exists no e,;:llrhplt' of rt"Y"Oll}tion b"ing 111.1de hy Htis mot hod. No · ~xamplo of ~ hanMul oeillg ahle tu suhs:titut.., f<lr the mt.~ssn or lbt r><<>ple.

Workun, w~•tbet here ur ln lr<l~nd.\ArC tJOt JOWl: (O bt: I.Jt<JWI1 to ftYCiiUtiOn,~y rhcr th2t the~y "1n1&ht b~ ru.•.xt•- to h<: hlown up or 'sav•a•d l:>y lh< torrorists. I r WJ:.s rallu:totbhl- chat eU:n ufter Dll th..: outrage~ committe-d hy the RUC in Ute u.o rth thet(l were stiU poopl~ whn OPL'Qfy exprch.s(d diJtlauy wod SQffOw (<~r thd two Rl.i( wbo di.:d <Hi " re'iull of the h(.why· '"ar -01 C.()UJll( ()( mnnlh' back. Far from winnin& !he pcQple to revolution ~nd ~etf in.a home th~ 1\ttd to do mn~istent work. terrorism iJ capable of. p::u..~~J>•.dn,e m~b~ work ant.! the rajsin& of pulitkl"f ~On.!i.'JOIISUC$ and ~.111 lorn C\:L'II the UJm..l udvanccd . W\>rk-C'.a·~ uway frotn t/1..: n10~·cmeJU, !!rem ;r lhe}' arc fo re-turn at u IJtor d;Jtc.

Tfto third nnUon ul for<:ing on f•..,sm I< t.:risnitt.J., pdrr;~ttl.vl)• horrr or tn frcJand t\'hcrc: liH!tt \lot-s not j'd l•,;ist ~ d·. mowme:nl wl~h . t'i. •~ . .. :.J~· te:~t~Q, le~on\up·· capabl!l:or lu<llllit '<1: . m •• ..,,.. ·an4· 6m•t\llO!I,,,~~~I'I\.· P~' '''"'ulni ii\ (aw·,'l~i)> .. ~ 111ot• c ~h.o~!t• 1>rtiC\¢\loU.y "'llntlllll .~t · ·<>Q, ev~>t( It thiS caul<). be l!oue. llutlt caq'l, for ·tho ellis• In p<>wer will to. fll$eiJt fl•l~ when it sW,t.J' U'alld 91 a rol<t Ulat .,nlu jt, 1101 til" $\l~jc.ctivt . d~,.,.. · or 4 ·handful· • ol -i11dlv,iaual rurn~lltlcit. WJillt ruch it<tt•··~~~ dt> I• 10 prov)tle thJO lrnperil\li-t cla111 wltl} 1h~ excusc· it is h~PinB for .to l3unch a f""ci&t C)nsl~umt. IU\ oxcu'< which If not provide<~ for it, it will 'Qrp.nisc t11ell.

oNI,.Y Tfl.E laiASS!iS MAK.E HISTORY Tb<)'lt. wfw adv<>ca\4 ~4 pr~tctiou indivi<hul \citorttm r.u lo cn~p til~ ~ ... determil\ini !he cour:sO' of: hum on history and ht'IL'\ll~( Wit U\• UIQ$<:$ <,>f the people 1h~l<• hi.story, no\. ~ h4ttdful of inlbvi~u~Js bowcv~t de!•nnll'lcll or liupore. Thor u.qderest.huate Ur• ·iTIJI$Sts llnd n;}i\<1 t~e!t rolo· •• tho nltUt rarue ltld lud,r or hber~tlon. Thcy do ~or eo rhal 111 rn~111 transwons. (fsoDJ pr~nutiwo communalism LO ..lavery, fruru .tav~~ry lo (¢u®li•m [rom fJOuduli<m 10 c•pilall$n.1 unJ unperl•h4m) have b~n a plo4~ct 'qf mass mtolurions mvoJvinp ~ny mllliolljl . l>( oppleued r•oplc &rnoed will!. revolu!lon•ey C<>~Ueiousuel~ ~d lfnu. Counurpooed to ttlis tbe mdivldual II!ITorlsu lclY' on aruhcial •tlmubnlst >Och ~~ Ill~ bombi!ll vr buildinp ami ·t;l\• uu.u!N.~UIII of lodividua!J;. l'lt<y art rontiJlllt> who ldZA! tbo IJn~ of lO!Ifl r~t•n"'' r3t:hff !laP fnJaaillJ in the unroJn~tle arduput work or OtJanlutlon ec.l<~<:ah<>n flll4 . ajitotkal.. Sucl1 'ltarmfui Uluuor>* """ o>nly tt$11ll· in retardina rile vllal WQI'I-\ -!?f ~,.panna 11a mu,.• or 111o pwplt for. til lill-wl ttll!d •aaill"l lilt ~•piWlt>t ·~)JQill fNDIVn>UAI. 'fli~II.OIUS~ .s·• A. OhS1!RTION Qf 'nit:: l'l!OP(.B'S Sl'R UOC,il,jl Ttrrorbl~ at~all.ffolll fwatr;.t!on bQJD of V ~ Of d,fU(i411) I'J'I JmpoiOII« ~I .vtr ~inJ ~bit· tQ win tho mou.a t~ the

\UUM,&lc 181\tOIIt ~prtali.un •wJ cstablbh lite sO<iAhst ordr-1. Jt sathorit:ll only t.h~ trt".rr.-.tloM llod individual ~av o( mlall jirOUp$ of 1'htroe!\'' who .:-oodemn. the ~~1 h<.roet, the peup1~. ..u t'ltina pua1v~ b)&t~ndt:rL lndhdlltuaJ tu.rturbm u balLed upon rom.sntic tfrumina, wh¢ro:.t.ul r~..,ulutiooarits ~~ rea.listk m!'reru~li-'tl. 1'orrorlsm lfi a de!>Crtlon O( tht pwp\e1s struale and lhc tas\ of pr~p~rtnl the.r pC1htical con:h~tou!6ne.•)t (or revoltJhon. Terror i'U ore falst friend$ of llre people and 1t be ralls . jl\ ~rrious t:"omnu;h~t h> undert•l~ til< resporulhOity of exposut~ thiM irrJivlduotli.Sth: t'urlll of $ti'UUlo by d.oltverinl woll·a>med polihc•l blow• wh~ncver this iuue i.l raised. If t:OftC!o.'t illoa' do not ~utrt\la1 this incorrect idea then the movement will be harmed ~nd the bn~euati•t clnss ohjo~tively SDTV<d. Th• ~l\Senlilll poiJtt to he dn~cn home i¥ the leodiui roto o( the workin~ cloG.' as the only fore¢ c'J)able of rallyinv nroun•1 it olh~r e~1'lolteJ l~n.ta di$,onton~cd wnlt the >yst•m. i\lso it mu't be slressed that when one rvprt:-.entative Of impenalism ia ·~· .. mJnated thert is ~!ways anotller to ta.ko hi> place. The terroti¥t sho~ld bt uik<d wbat <hffcroncc <114 it. n,.kc t" the Uv~~ ot the A nt~~rk~n. wotkLA,. ~~ when Kennedy wa,< <hot m Otll4S. Of cou~$1: his drath solved none of the problems of American workers, bl .. \.'11 or white. And '!(lither i::oultt il for it 1 .. ' inta~tln power the imperioliot ~"" w~kb is In a stnto or p•rrotual war with \'!<>!ktrs an~ opprei:«·d propks at home and tilJo"ihou t the world, Simila.rl)', whul would 1t rnatte:r in l rtland wert Lynoh or Cltlcheu•r Clorl< 10 disapp•ur from lho siag~ of treachery ln the a~soncc o( 'the dmruction or 1111 p('llincal po~,a,·~.r ·wielded by th~ir JM~ten:. th• British hnp~rialist mllna clnu! li would 111alter ·>Cry little, for th•rc woul~ >till be J roland tllc colony aut! tbe lrisl• peuple the. oppr~s~d. llldl\'idu~l torrori$111 b•• QOI~ ' • eon{u~n or th_c nal enomy to offer, and impcnalism thri><$ on ~o.'.Qnfusion. AN AR'riFI("IAl SliMULANT h is the ·rmp~Tidist ruhna. d~, not th~ WO(kma t\lasscs vf lrclund or Orituin. that 1\c<d< $0!11< on ificial <Citnwanr. rndtvidual ltrroJisxn oftcu fu.x in r~eut1y wiJh ib pbh• l$ it flol.lnd~u trt Growing economic :~.nd pulJtic:tJ in a nf'W era in wbith moukiud " ~d•~nclng 14 worldwide victory. OW! the ~)'$1~1 of hnpe-rfuHsm which l' beudut' f01 rotnl t•olll>pte. At aU cc:utS the imptmllsts wish to bolat6 lite revolutiooane..s (ron, rllt m .• USC'-'. £very n:voluti<.tnary, it IS argue<l in 111~ imv•n•)ist rr•-« . rJdio ilOd lc!oviolplt, Is an animal~ a terrorist, " bombn wilh .no hwnvn vwJue~~ ti nuntlless thua Ht for onty tl"· tope or Jbr QCjl 'fha~ explc•it lllJJvuJual (dron\lll .f...u Own \'IO<h which lit,,· or ~purs.:1 tlilln.•~U)'"'ll)' 111~ Pf,P<>~Lf'.C:illll<,tll\l' ••m~ l!l[ P9C!nlc tltoy

~.7Jli.rt~1:~~ llf\~~::1\i? ~· 1!'111 i~.~ I(XIIall$rn? s.ay worker• 1t~:iog fih·u on their 1'V •cts at\d picture• in tl111 pre.<> of duhri• ~hd dcoth alter a do'e of fndlviJuol to<rod~IO- A'nd •Yon tl\t pnliti<~lly con•oiuuJ liQid ~ack·from aivinll th•il .ull to. lh• ·. IIIUVCIJI~I)t liS llJ~Y llli~uldcdly thtnk fhtt wllal ,lltty see i• lho work c.1 revolu.tionarics~ whfn ·c1eftff)' if. 1' not Mtf cannot be when retl terrw Mlld V>OltnC-9 In the wood Imlay "' cou ... l ""' 11)' tho Pe<!Ptv,cqrrcct!y (ld\tinv f11r the ljberotlon or tl\l!lr class but by itupofi~I(>Jn donyhrl! til• Dl!WOJ liber41ivn. 1'hus uo mnttor that spout of the in4lvlllu•4 ~uuc.:rpeiJ "'"l! puroue I<TrOJiU!l with th~ lla$t ol mtentiotll and rnay l>' sillc¢r, .in ' tbeir '~pport fw tllit enonoous nOlionl tilt ~u . f;pt 1$ tflat wiJeq tb~ 1111~ drJfJ~ ll""f)', fl ill- Ill~. l'llliPi 4!P 11!11 \lrQfker~ wbo pi!J. from 1.!1• i«:l, . · · ·


b~IWftll Y~U!IOnllsiJ Will>¥~! potiii<'D ""'" up \.liJ theo "JtfJb t-•·'t:rflldy Jti'1AfKI~t " and the) tt.rruti$h who .. r:-q/1 Jcr tilt mf)tt J<•lf·~<...,lfidnf llnllfrlt "ltlllirvldll"l!", lie went on to Yhito~ "Th't.- ~i."onomilf.t 11nd t~•rron'lll nwrf'ly buw 10 d(ffet('''' pt~lti v( JpnJUd'lt'f(.l' ; /l'lt- r'l"l.lth.>nti .fLf />UW t .. l) thf sr~>l!lan•ilv tl/ til~ •pure ami #mph!,' ltabour utullrffH'1f.l, while. ih' rororiu~ bow tc1 thd ,PU!7111.neity .tlf 11t11 passlmwu imiliTIQ/itW nf tht lme./l(dlifl/1 wlw a1c c'rthtJ' fnc:opabl~: (Jl Jlnk./.Ju u11 tht ttr~lt wtrh lhl' labour llWVt·rn~nt or lat•l · Or.~ oppommft)' w do m. {I It vtry dr({lcult indet:.d fnr wht> lunt lt>ll tlt'flr be6</• "' whi1 rwwr D¢~"'!4 tltJt thi~ iJ pou//Jie to /illd t•"'" uull<t for rltdr indtgnarion ond -1IVf11u.tlontJr;.v ennR.*' t.Hh«r tbarJ tl'trt'lr",

'fh• ruvisiotti$1.~ extend Ill( argument ajlllinn indiviJual letrori.lm ond 1\ltv• <l••ciOJW\1 a "th~ory" 1(1 uttack all fonn• of rovolutiortarr umc..t urug~te , parllcu!orly J'eorl• • War. Taking thr Moscow liflC Q '"poaccful tran,ition'' whioh •mount• lo collnbor~tion with lhe other loa~fng world •mveriatist power. Am~rka, 1hey dC$l"'rntely try to trid<. people. into believing that lmperio)ism Will allow >b<lf 10 bo overthrown and $ooi•li1111 buill \11ilhout the IU!Cd (or a ,_ arm<d ,..volt of the poopl<t 1<14 ·.by tilt working cia.., So they too, ju•t like the llriti;;h ruHf!$ cia,. ""'I ever'jl otheJ r .. ~tio"''ry lorcl, ·p41 · odor• ih~ poop!~ ll1c U.. 1ht terrorism ~nd P~ork'r War art the ,.ra,, II'~~~~ in fact tbey ve ~ltlentially dl1fo,nt.

lt. 1ndivi4ual terrorls!n if anti·worl<lni nlau, rtiverls peop1o from a co~ioua undentandin~ or the cl2 ... <neruy, ationale$ the JUIIS:Itl wbo lun not yol adopt.:d !he ttvo!utioiury roild, llos • history ol ·total failure, und : 11 an in•trument or the il!lpeclalist <las& • • .. 1hen what Is lht way .,forw~rd for til~ liliU~.JI ·of th" people who more and more wlsh to mako revoh•tioo. build !be ""'ioli~t !Y~tem -nJ estpblfsh the wotatorsltip .of the W(lf'ldn& cluss?

Nl!W liRA flint, it is ~rudill to f.TUD hnnly that th¢re LS ,nQ nood .for ff\15tril.ti~Jn '?f ~t!sp.a1r~ The'~ is no need to resort "' th• doprossl\'e ~ud nesatlve pnctke ()( indivi<lttal to(TO<jam, ·lobnklnd ltu ..ow entered iht era in which jmperi.dL~n '-' headinM for totlll calla!'11' •ud ;ociltlillm i• at.lvancirig w wortd~wlde vtct.o.ry. lt ii an <lb)caive lt\HII· tlio.t '"'rl:•" ""d oppr,$$0d p!!•.>\)les .ll..'fl).~ lbo lh-'bC: ·.,b B""VWl thJt pQ41ic#lt>ow•r llf<>l"' o•'•.l>f !he blf.ff'l ~>f u · ¥\<"' Altll ·~~ 'nuw l"etlinJ tloro<> ~u~IM 101' ..-(lo~ IU,.<>~tforl •nd ~~' Ill {l>llQJJY llfl111 c(>untry un~

A~'!"~ri::.1"'i.~~~;;;.~-,.::,;:lh~~,: C'~ribll~n lml)orlalilm Is bema sub)cct•d tu f.ho tUUHUl~f ~JOW5 O( the fi;JtidnaJ Ubor;nlon moverncnl$. Withi~ lite ·~ hc•ulut)tl~ of lmp•rinlism m.U Jtruwus lfl! >l<p !>y step Ull(Oidju~. an~ u the r04\!ti()ftltiY , authO!"iftc$ in~re.ase tbeir (~$Cia! r~pm•l< OlUtMI the p~Qpl~ ~ lho SfOjlO of the revt>lutlonqry ntO\'IIrooni ~f'OtUlf!Cl' Aru~ pohttC~1 COOJiCJOU!nc.')S tnlrJutflcs. hlhng . lhc peopk wtth ,. n~w hot•cd for rap•loh.,, anJ IICW e<>ura~c to p~n:ue the flghr throush tQ tha enu.

M"r~over li. lllltll be pointe<! QU t th~t tn<Jivklual Ierro~~ · fi link•d . 'with tbe revi$Joni•m of tbQ~ . wltq ••el<. to tont-in' Ule ""\I>Jkiol( """ . .rru.w~. wuhin lbt rl!fortlJifl ·~oll!lll< •o! a . (ow lllOfll crit1nQJ> lrqm th_e lllbla PI lbe bnperlt)lritlt ln lb.! form pr a f~w tO<>r• i:hilllnas In the w~u poekel ud boll~r houf' ar1d condition~ ut t1te· pqlflt Qf ptodl~etioo, 'fbi~ ;, not 10 Ill)' Jl .. t/. ,to !Jt4'*1• fur llli!Ae end• It IUiVOLUTJON IS 11ill ""AI)'j .mn, · wrona. It II !" >~~y tl\at IQ !"U< t~•.. IN TilE WORLO TODAY'.~ .. •· ·~NO en~1 tllq nlllllt wue and titt~~leJ,> tho In a: word tho ""'""' • COJijral lil&k. o( 1el1irl1 polilical· pi:Jow~ lo objeelivo con,Jili . -• '-. on '!'0 tlte. to ,PI<Jk>nf uo cii~Uenae ~U: to , Lbo m•lrr. tNnd ·II!

01'i:e '",:~;{/c~~J~Ilon .tl~e

C¥p.'lllllll •Y•t~ru, W#ll.e rU.u •mount 111 devetupm<lll •» true f"' 1 la d 8~· 1 hili tltctr ~on liPUll P»l>f<:d on tu worbr1 lh~ re.r l>f lh • 14, r< n •• II " for ~t~r, Rn-oJu!ion IIIIIQI.IliiS to l.h~ ll,..ill& Ot-. ~ t bloc a pcoph~. D••pile •ll 911 · or tjlc ruuu~ ciiiSol ill to blilory 1 ~· l>y • pro . ems •nd tt;u, confu,l<ln link ll~tWttll Individual tmoriuu' •ud ~~d ne'"!~~r'f'lim, th•d cnn~llions iu. ••onoutl•m .11 r.ll<ir cqJnflU>ll d•nomlnatur I ... w ?$ npcr . oy by clilll ror of. ' w~nllip of •P<>tllaooity. ln #il areal ~~~;;:.•rf.c;'...,:f~;" ;;;,'::),OY4jd~nt of the wort< . Wh•! f.! Ill, bt J)une j..eflln M•o 111 bll I!Utllti~ In ~l>llllltde 0~P1~Llle4.1ho 'lin!< m Ulia way: tb~tt tbetu . o! l.b• wnrtd llll' ~~~~ ~~~~ tlle ~ "'F"! 1.11 tH;U'J¥ llo pvrW.ox Ill • iht unJly t/(r-.1. 11 ,1, 1111/l. 4 ,111, 11 M# YJI\f, rtn

•rat published 1n Vot.1 No.s St;pt.JOct:t970

r; bit. The- pcllplt .u/ • •mflh ,·"untr.' t'itn t.:rFtuinlj .U/HJI cJv,a·to· q , 11f a IUt ,'OJWttf, f.{ tJftlY r ': • 114rt /r) "f'f.M In

strwltJfl<, tal• ~p """ 41111 xra${1 rn llwlr "''"' l)ondr rh~ d••rirtY <>I 1h•l1 cnuntry. J'h1.r 11 ~ luw of ht.rtor)l. "

11 i!l llli• oorrect , .. din¥ or 1\istory~ "' "PI"'""d to •n inconec:t re•dlns by !!lOOt wllo odvo~ato indhlki\IAI le<rorislll, thnt ia tile source or crrofldenco and determination $h3rtd by reVolution.nrit:s, Mol'l<ill-lenlnlsb 11\rouabout the world. The pcopJe tuc winmna, and no for~e, no for« 10 .,.apable ol turnirl¥ b<a\:k this hi<torU:al up$ura~. for Ulo.r~ •'lis!$ no fon:e Jt1lJhtlo1 than the revolutiuna.ry m11~s arm('d with da.> con&etousne!'!l and JUnlr,

INVINC'IBJ..Ii PEOPLE'S WAlt Only rh• mti.'ISOI ernted wilh the ii1Yincible woapou . or Peopl•'• W u can h1.1rl the itnl"'riali•l systeln into il$ gave: the ma-. not • handful or indtvidunl "bro.s" benl upon, ob)echvejy, reli,.,in& tholr pent up fnr&tratlonf at tho oxperue ot buUdiil& the rnovcrnont, but u V3f11U3rd porty fot&ln& ahead ICD1'WI in ill w•k• lht rippor!Yois(s ri&hl aod left.

lt tl!o rna,.oi ·oro the depo$itory of r.ll• task of smashinJ impc.rlaU:n)l, lllld if Poople'ft War is thoir lnvlncible w..apon, thtn lhe flnt 's1ep ind· the only· po:s•il:>le stftltina point, tokin11 into account tli• <;onditin"' thl~ < rathet lhOJC we would like to ~· exi.•tJng, JJ· fQr serioll> '"""lutfonarles .to flo ·to the mo,Sses and team rrom tl&<,lal. fn tlte opirit of "!-'rpm tht mu;rsts ro'· tM tnti6UI" we must.• · u cootrl.dc Moo poi(lll. out ''T•Ir• ,he idtaJ 0[ lhf mauC'.t t~.nd CI.JH~1UU1ft t#Ntn, lhttr lfO (Q th< IIUIU¢.1, (Hrln(7#. ill (/ .. idtOI

and """' 1hel'l throusft IJI as to j'or111 MMCI. I<Uial of ieJ(/trih(p- JU<h ls r~J! h111ie "''"I&Od 11[ l•aderthlp"',

The raok is to au to. the people witlt a

~:~~u~:~!~n. ot,.~f,!a~!· ~u;~~~~ :,:~~ MJ<1 !n lr..t•nd of <il!i•Wbore, Tho people illUI the people slol\t arc tho molivo rorct In the •evplution ~nd tb.on hsk• m~it be uoderiQken. 01\ly tho workin3 clul il dire~tly connect«! 10 tho most ndv~ncecl form of eoonorny ~nd produ~tlon. There. ia n.o claD tnO.te \!X vlQ) and \.bus rovol»ti~ t~n tbt 1\1....,, of the prol<tarian~. Only tho proletariat arow• biuor day b~ -l•y, only this seotion of .oclety bean the hiStoric: b\WJon , of Jlbtralini thv mas. .. a il\ff.)UaA lo•dlna ·lite r"':olll~iqlliQ' f110VCUIO!\f ~ d · Wh<:iio, The. tao!< l>tf\irf 1,'0.\'l'l.ulioroul~ Jn Jhe fd~a.r Cli!~ . of Jioehtnd and Britain i . to condu<'t many-sided agltrillon nnd t>kt up tho prohloms of the roople and show throuab potw.nt araumeot and dls<:ull!lon that aU these problem• ara lil\kc4 to ··apllalut 50C~ly ~nd illat tho oply way Ill end the problema is to end Cllpit:Uism o111d the only w•y to do lha t io to unite a!l. tho force• u,., can be unilo4 iltlo Q

gnocrplec.l rllan-baaed move1pept btlldc<l >r • truly workomi' revo!\11101141}' paf(y

compOiied or .. Ill• rno8( •d~anced elcm~nt~ of thQ ..,orkii!J dau and other exploite<l sltol ••