Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-24 [p...

w tT Jj I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER 24 1909 13 Avoid Harsh Drugs- Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowels t If you are subject to constipation you should avoid strong drugs and 1 cathartics Tehy only give temporary I relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoying than constipation They in no way effect a cure and their tendency Is to weaken- the already weak organs with whloh they como In contact We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatment ever devised Our faith in It is so strong that we sell it on the positive guaran tee that it shall not cost the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfaa tion and completely remedy constipa ¬ 1 tion This preparation Is caled Rex all Orderlies These are prompt soothing and most effective in action They are made of a recent chemical discovery Their principal ingredient- is odorless tasteless and colorless Combined with other well known in gradients long established for their usefulness in the treatment at consti- pation It forma a tablet which is eat ¬ en Just like candy They may be- taken at any time either dayor night without fear of their causing any in convenience jhatever They do not gripe purge nor cause nausea They act without causing any pain or ex L ceaalve looseness of the bowels They 4 are ideal for children weak delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person They come in two size packages 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents Remember you can obtain them only j at our store The Rexall Store Crystal Pharmacy I HALLOWEEN PARTYA- ND DANCET- HE TIME 1 Monday November 1st 1 THE PLACE Catholic Knights Hall Baylen Street THB PRICE 25 cents Which Includes Refreshments Served By the Ladles of St Katharines Church Beginning at4 p m PONT FAIL TO COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS I FSCIETyi Continued from Page Twelve o dark i the case Lets onthe rest shall clear I prom- ise ¬ you i 11312315 > 1 > Nozt here < iff his flrat Safo dljudl cation of the case Now here 4ke breath and ask which bird o the brace Decoyed the other into clapnet who Was rool who knave Neither and both perchance- And here Ja his final verdict11 603505 The long and the short is truth a seems what I show all this talk talked twas not for nothing that we talked I hope Both know as much about it now at least As all Rome no particular thanks I beg 111608 16258 This is the whole upshot particu all thanks indeed We may well class him with the mob with what bo chooses to name the rabbles brabble of reasonless unreasoning Rome In the second place this book is not as some have suggested a stroke at the institution of democracy The bourgeois of the two Halves of Rome is no worse than the I st word Quality has to say Besides what is the inference if each class alone has a wrong opinion or none What save this that it is better to trust the wholo people than any warped section ot them In this third place why did Halt Rome admit of thirteen Interrup ¬ tions Other Half Rome of none and r Tprtlum Quid of only seven Per- haps ¬ is because no supporter of Guido could hold his man so firmly because Browning wants perfect at- tention ¬ when Pompilia receives her first favorable presentation and be- cause ¬ in the third instance His Highness and His Excellency though buttonholed in a window corner had gone half asleep In the fourth place it seems a great mistake to assert that Tertium Quid was the only one of the three not in 100000 Given Away FREE- To Prove to You How to Get Strong at OnceA Marvel You win never ftnd a tonic as marvel- ously effttoUve as thla In your lire yes marvelous We prove it sending you- a 50c box of llakeMan Tablets free and let you see for yourself They ore as efa oa bread make you feel as strong as a lion and do It quick If you have that draggy droopy lazy qultworkfeel In they will change it m a hurry Es- pecially ¬ if you ire a nervous wreck cant sleep fag nerv- ous ¬ dyspepsia rheumatism catarrh kid- ney ¬ and liver trouble blood or nerve disease MakeMan Tablets will build- up you cure you make you over If this Is hard to bellevo send coupon below for a fre i 50a box and you soe for your icif MakeMan Tablets are tie greatest round tonic nerve and blood rem- edy ¬ l nown for both men and women You Ul be satisfied or back comes your money MakeMan Tablets sold by all drugglats at 50o a box or six for 5250 orBont by mall on receipt of price CUT OUT FREE COUPON m Yake lan Tablet Co 109 Make3Ian Bldg Dept L Chi ¬ v- As cago T 4 y t never used Make t Uan Tablets before please send raa through my druggiat Druggists name A4drcss a full size 500 box MakeMan Tablets also valuable booklet I enclose 4f to partially pay mailing expense C Siy naroa Address Write plainly Only one box to each family J f j terested in the case He was undoubt- edly ¬ the least Interested of the three- It would be truer to say that they were all interested in the case none of them in the person although Half Rome and his fellow would have hotly denied this yes and taken some hun- dred ¬ or more extra lines to do it in too Brownings ironical dramatiza- tion ¬ of this representative aristocrat- is a shrewd blow at mankind rather than at aristocracy He does indeeu expose the foibles incident to blue blood gone anaemic But the follies of the lowlorn are elsewhere un spared He is a good sportsman shoots folly as it flies from what ¬ ever quarter and is an unmistakably good shot So much for these three outsiders- and their outer circle of selfconscious I pretended solicitude We now go to the socalled New Prisons on a visit 1 to the murderer Swept Over Niagara This terrible calamity often hap ¬ pens because a careless boatman ig- nores ¬ the rivers warnIngsgrowingr- Ipples and faster current Natures warnings are kind That dull pain- or ache In the back warns you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy Dia ¬ betes or rights Disease Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feel ¬ ings return After long suffering one 100 bottle wholly cured me writes R Blankenship of Belk Tenn Only 50c at all druggists ART EXHIBIT AT HOTEL ESCAMBIA W H GraT representing the Ber- lin Photographing Company of Berlin Germany is at Hotel Escambla with a collection of fine Art Reproductions- and will be glad to receive visitors- on Sunday the 24th and Monday tho 25th This is an unusual opportuni- ty ¬ for Pensacolas art lovers to selec pictures from the greatest master- pieces ¬ in the world MRS HYERS BRIDGE Mrs R H Hyer entertained at bridge on Friday afternoon the affair having been delightfully informal and unusually pleasant The honor guest was Mrs Clarke of Washington D C NEW CITY FLINCH CLUB WITH MRS RICHARDS- The New City Flinch club will hold one of Its pleasant meetings on Thursday Mrs W W Richards as to be hostess MR BRAWNER- IS IMPROVING- The many friends of Mr F E Brawner will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly improving from his re ¬ cent illness at his home on North Palafox street He has been ill for more than a week AT CHRIST CHURCH TONIGHT- Mr Wm Packham will give another- of his fine pipe organ recitals tonight- at Christ church Miss Willie Wooda will sing A Dream of Paradise and Mr McMillan of Savannah Georgia i1l also sing Fear Ye XTot 0 Israel AT TEMISthNT- HIS AFTERNOON- An Interesting meeting will take place this afternoon at the Mission a feature of which will be a vocal solo by Miss Nell Richards with a full Mission chorus There will be some good strong mission talk and plans laid for the future All are invited- to attend HIGH SCHOOL DANCE WAS- A PLEASANT AFFAIR The Athletic association of the Pen ¬ sacola High School gavo a delightful dance last night at tho Catholic Knights hall in honor of the High School girls and the Brewton Collegi- ate ¬ Institute The haIl had been dee orated in the maroon and white while gayly colored pennants were also used- as attractive decorations Fruit punch and cake were served the guests hav ¬ ing been received by a committee composed of High School girls High School affairs are always full of a zest and snap which characterize few social events of other varities and last nights bright event wfs no ex ¬ ception to the rule The Brewtoa young people who are a fine set of students left on the night train last night after having been given jus the finest sort of send off imaginable- by the local boys and girls MRS J S SIBLEY IS IN NEW YORK Mrs J S SIbley Is spending some ¬ time in New York She will visit her former home in Winchester Va be ¬ fore returning home HAVE RETURNED FROM- A SUMMER IN EUROPE- Mr and Mrs L Hilton Green have returned from Europe where they spent the summer both in England- and on the continent Mr Green had his fine touring car along and they enjoyed the good roads of the old world with many fine drives there MR J KUGELMAN IS ATTENDING- THE MONTGOMERY FAIR Mr J Kugelman is spending a fe days in Montgomery where is taking in the fair He Is having a fine time according to reports received and is doing the town and its big show to the queens taste AT THE FIRST M E CHURCH TODAY There will be special music at the First M E church services today at Hannah MIL This morning Miss Lillian Jacoby one of the citys lead ¬ ing violinists will play the offertory- solo and tonight Miss Missouri Caw thon will sing Fear Ye Not Oh Israel w ADD SOCIETY WERE CHARMED WITH PENSACOLA BAY Returning to Baltimore from the pilots convention in New Orleans Captains J Ed OBrien and W D Sanner and their charming wives stopped off for a day in Pensacola- and were entertained on the bay by their friend Mr H H Thornton Among those who had the pleasure- of meeting Mr Thorntons guests were Mr L Earle Thornton and wife Ron John E StHlman and wife Mr C J Levy And wife Judge A C Blount Judg E C Maxwell Mr Hen J Hyer Mr Sam French and i FREE PILE CURE Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyra ¬ mid Pile Cure What It Has Done For Others It Can Do For You We have testimonials by the hundreds showing all stages kinds and degrees of piles which have been cured by Pyramid- Pile Cure It you could read these unsolicited let ¬ ters you would no doubt KO to the near ¬ est drug store and buy a box of Pyramid- Pile Cure at once price fifty cents We do not ask you to do this Send- us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free Wo know what the trial package will do In many cases it has piles without further treatment If It proves- Its value to you order more from your druggist at 50c A box This Is fair is it not Simply till out free coupon below and mall today I FREE PACKAGE COUPON I Fill out the blank lines below with t I your name and address cut out coupon and mall to the PYRAMID t DRUG COMPANY 190 Pyramid i Bldg Marshall Mich A trial pao I of the great Pyramid Pile Cure I will then be sent you at once by I mail FREE in plum wrapper I II Name Street i City and St- ateMRS I I FRIED VIOLIN I RECITALas- sisted by MR PACHAM Piano Proceeds to Civic League October 25 Knights of Columbus Hall Mr Walter A Halbert of Chicago Leaving the city about 1130 the visitors were shown the points of in ¬ terest in our beautiful harbor the boat running past thebar shore homes Navy Yard and forts to the barOf course this is an old story o Capt OBrien but Capt Sanner the head of the Baltimore pilots was very much impressed with the line entrance to Pensacola harbor witn its straight channel of neveres than 3 depth as ltumtlJ the- m griiti lence ssdrbaSiity of the liar b itse1ft ndsaid hat Pnsc ltt had every reason to be proud of itt Returning from the bay the party stopped at the Monarch hotel ai San ¬ ta Rosa beach nvhero a fish dinner- was enjoyed alter which the steamer was boarded and the happy party returned to the city about 5 p m the visitors leaving for home that evening MISS LURLEYNE FULGHUM TO PLAY AT GADSDEN STREET M E CHURCH TODAY Among the attractions at the Gads den Street M E church today wit be a fine violin solo which is to be play ¬ ed by Miss Lurleyne Pulghum at the morning services Miss Fulghum Is a young musician in whom the local musical world holds much Interest and she Is always heard with pleas- ure ¬ p NEW ORCHESTRA FOR THE GADSDEN STREET M E SUNDAY SCHOOL- A very creditable new orchestra organized among some well known lo- cal ¬ artists is attracting much atten ¬ tion of late and will make its first appearance at the Gadsden Street M E Sunday school this morning The fine new musical organization has the following membership Mrs C M Wilson Jr first violin Miss Leo Burton second violin Clyde Williams cornet Mr Cressap trombone and Miss Lillie Williams pipe organ ARE ENTERTAINING- MR rJ ANDREW JACKSON RICHARDS Mr and Mrs W J Roberts of 810 East Romana street are entertaining Mr Robertas grand father Mr An ¬ drew Jackson Richards Though fn his eightysecond year Mr Richards Caffeine in coffee- is a direct poison to the nerve centres of many highly organized per- sons ¬ It produces all sorts of disorders from stomach troubles palpitation of the heart kidney affec- tion ¬ etc up to more in ¬ tricate nervous troubles such as paralysis- The way to keep well- is to leave off coffee and use Postum which is a direct rebuilder of the nerve centres Theres a Reason Sure and well defined improvement in health will follow this course- as can easily be prov- en ¬ by any person who values health enough to make a triaL xxxxxzxxxxxxxxxx xxxxixxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX X M A General Utility List For H N- N Practical Sensible People l- j a For several weeks you see weve been out of some of our r 3 strongest best selling lines and as a logical result our people have fj > been calling for them incessantly 7l 7 > Some recent arrivals however in the popular Sampson Galateas H- TN 1 colors guaranteed in our special doublefold Ginghams and in other K strong reliable stuffs place us right with the trade again In other words call on us for most anything just now for weve a mighty K- b fine mighty complete allaround line in thee practical numbers all M told Heres a memoranda of this special list X X 25 Pieces BEST QUALITY CUR- T TAIN SWISSES in assorted styles v the thing for fresh clean windows XI which are shining now after the autumn w house cleaning Some have rings and dots others fanciful tracings of various X designs and the material is of un usually good value Special 1 O yard per a THE SAMPSON GALATEA CLOTH an honest straight satisfac- tory w proposition in a fine strong X material whose colors never fade and 1 which wears somewhat like the pro- verbial X iron Its just the finest kind X of goods for rompers for the frisky a little fellows and sells per 20c yard a tf- w1 is r v a see c H K X on 6 7 X X X X tYY is remarkably spry and young Prob- ably the most remarkable character ¬ istic with him is his memory which reaches back to tho days ot General Andrew who was a personal friend to the Richards ¬ Ittr Richards also has the of being an Indian interpreter of some note in years gone by After a stay of a few days in Pen ¬ sacola he will visit relatives on Bayou Grande p and Mrs Frank ot Florence Italy will the winter here Mrs is now uie guest or relatives in Washington D C Miss Hyer was to have sail- ed ¬ from Liverpool for home yesterday- Mr and Mrs W K Hyer will remain several weeks longer Mrs Julian S Sibley is visiting in the east Mrs J E Concknnon is entertain- ing ¬ her neices the Misses of Indiana Hon Emmet Wilson Is in Chica- go ¬ Miss Louise Bond will leave at noon today to be the guest of relatives and friends in Montgomery- Miss Francis Walker is visiting her sister at Caswell Ala Little Miss Nellie Bell the brignt little daughter of Mr and Mrs G A Fleming is convalescing after a siege of typhoid fever to the delight- of her parents and Miss Rosie Thompson of Bay Mm ette is the guest of Mr and Mrs G H Fleming Many school children suffer from constipation which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons Cham- berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets- are an Ideal medicine to give a child for they are mild and gentle in thior effect and will cure even chronic con ¬ stipation Lots of people want ostrich feathers Lots of people want- to around 98c See Miss Herrimans special sale to ¬ By attending early youll have vour pick FINE BLACK AND WHITE OSTRICH PLUMES ON SPECIAL SALE GOI > A THE NOBUTTON MOLINE UNDERWEAR- which fits without the sus- picion ¬ of a wrinkle does entirely with the buttoning nuisance is the very style for the closefitting onepiece Moyen age effect just now A clever arrange ¬ ment of draw ribbons closes the garments with a precision- and an exactness which makes them desirable indeed for careful dressers Thereis only one mill in the world by the way where these particular garments are made and weve their exclusive sale in this city Fleece lined ribbed and in regular sizes 25 and 50c a out tn sizes 3 5c o 65c and Crescent be management of of am West Phone The Ads profit VERY SATISFACTORY REAL DELIGHT good prac ¬ tical durability are new special They fill X many needs and are so generally sought H by our people who know the H kind we carry that they need no ¬ introduction All colors all styles per yard line of SEASONABLE any amount of attention faom the careful buyers right now First place we carry the famous Merode line known by everybody everywhere Some styles- are M silk and wool some are all wool and are all Weve union suits and separate garments in all a and all styles They range in frrpereannent 50c to f twi eure practical farseeing person youll mighty fin- epaiJagvaiueshere Leave it to us L See other ads pages and 1- 2TSONPARKERREESECO EVERYTHING TO WEAR w 2xYYY Jackson fam- ily distinction PERSONAL MENTION- Mr Chaffin spend Varnon Daisey Luverne friends charming pay morrow anywhere- and away p = d T 7 > 3 ASK YOURSELF WHY were we awarded the contract for steamheating the 5000000 Metho ¬ dist church at Dawson Ga THIS WEEK BECAUSE installed a similar heating plant for the same parties six years ago in a most satisfactory manner and at a price WHY were we awarded the contract for the plumbing in the marine barracks- at the navy yard THIS WEEK BECAUSE we submitted a reasonable price and the officials know that we are installing worth of plumbing at Fort Barrancas in a very satis ¬ manner WHY are we installing the plumbing in Mr J T Hughes 2000000 resi ¬ dence in Florala Ala THIS WEEK BECAUSE we were recommended to him by one of our satisfied clients for whom we had installed work years ago WHY are we installing the plumbing in the new bank and office building at Milton Fla THIS WEEK BECAUSE the owners have known us for the past ten years and know us to be a responsible firm and firstclass mechanics WHY are we installing plumbing in some twentyfive houses in Pensacola THIS WEEK BECAUSE our client knowing that he has obtained satisfactory results at a reasonable price and desiring that his neighbor share with in his good fortune he advises him have McGhan do his work GEO McGHAN SONS The Practical Plumbers Bell Telephone 038 No 21 4 21 6f 21 8 DeLuna NOTICE- To My Patrons Friends- Ive sold a controlling Interest in my grocery business to the Grocery Co which wll under the Mr Robt T Thomas- I thank you for your generous patronage and hope you will give to the new firm which I a mem ber the same splendid patronage ao corded me- oct243t D J CUNNINGHA- MFor goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 Intendencia 855 Read Journals Want and thereby a and a a in their our X H doublefold Ginghams so after H ther fur i- 122c a X Our KNIT UNDERWEAR attracting others cotton weights 2 a we reasonable 1000000 factory him to = iII a CHICKENS AND EGGS Consignments of chickens and eggs solicited Highest market price pa- idSTRATTON ICE WORKSPr- oduce I Department Subscribe for The JournalIH- E x

Transcript of Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-24 [p...


tT Jj


Avoid Harsh Drugs-Many Cathartics Tend to

Cause Injury to theBowels

t If you are subject to constipationyou should avoid strong drugs and

1 cathartics Tehy only give temporaryI relief and their reaction is harmfuland sometimes more annoying thanconstipation They in no way effect acure and their tendency Is to weaken-the already weak organs with whlohthey como In contact

We honestly believe that we havethe best constipation treatment everdevised Our faith in It is so strongthat we sell it on the positive guarantee that it shall not cost the user acent if it does not give entire satisfaation and completely remedy constipa ¬

1 tion This preparation Is caled Rexall Orderlies These are promptsoothing and most effective in actionThey are made of a recent chemicaldiscovery Their principal ingredient-is odorless tasteless and colorlessCombined with other well known ingradients long established for theirusefulness in the treatment at consti-pation It forma a tablet which is eat ¬

en Just like candy They may be-taken at any time either dayor nightwithout fear of their causing any inconvenience jhatever They do notgripe purge nor cause nausea Theyact without causing any pain or ex

L ceaalve looseness of the bowels They4 are ideal for children weak delicate

persons and aged people as well asfor the most hearty person

They come in two size packages 12tablets 10 cents 36 tablets 25 centsRemember you can obtain them only

j at our store The Rexall StoreCrystal Pharmacy




1 Monday November 1st1 THE PLACE

Catholic Knights HallBaylen StreetTHB PRICE

25 cents Which Includes RefreshmentsServed By the Ladles of St

Katharines ChurchBeginning at4 p m



FSCIETyiContinued from Page Twelve


dark i the caseLets onthe rest shall clear I prom-


you i 11312315 >1 >Nozt here < iff his flrat Safo dljudl

cation of the caseNow here 4ke breath and ask

which bird o the braceDecoyed the other into clapnet whoWas rool who knave Neither and

both perchance-And here Ja his final verdict11

603505The long and the short is truth

a seems what I showall this talk talked twas not for

nothing that we talked I hopeBoth know as much about it now at

leastAs all Rome no particular thanks I

beg 111608 16258This is the whole upshot particu

all thanks indeed We may wellclass him with the mob with whatbo chooses to name the rabblesbrabble of reasonless unreasoningRome In the second place this bookis not as some have suggested astroke at the institution of democracyThe bourgeois of the two Halves ofRome is no worse than the I st wordQuality has to say Besides what isthe inference if each class alone hasa wrong opinion or none What savethis that it is better to trust thewholo people than any warped section

ot them In this third place why didHalt Rome admit of thirteen Interrup ¬

tions Other Half Rome of none andr Tprtlum Quid of only seven Per-haps


is because no supporter ofGuido could hold his man so firmlybecause Browning wants perfect at-tention


when Pompilia receives herfirst favorable presentation and be-cause


in the third instance HisHighness and His Excellency thoughbuttonholed in a window corner hadgone half asleep

In the fourth place it seems a greatmistake to assert that Tertium Quidwas the only one of the three not in

100000Given Away FREE-

To Prove to You How to Get Strong atOnceA Marvel

You win never ftnd a tonic as marvel-ously effttoUve as thla In your lire yesmarvelous We prove it sending you-a 50c box of llakeMan Tablets free andlet you see for yourself They ore asefa oa bread make you feel as strongas a lion and do It quick If you havethat draggy droopy lazy qultworkfeelIn they will change it m a hurry Es-pecially


if you ire a nervous wreck cantsleep fag nerv-ous

¬dyspepsia rheumatism catarrh kid-


and liver trouble blood or nervedisease MakeMan Tablets will build-up

youcure you make you over If this Is

hard to bellevo send coupon below for afre i 50a box and you soe for youricif MakeMan Tablets are tie greatestround tonic nerve and blood rem-


l nown for both men and women YouUl be satisfied or back comes your

money MakeMan Tablets sold by alldrugglats at 50o a box or six for 5250orBont by mall on receipt ofprice


Yake lan Tablet Co109 Make3Ian Bldg Dept L Chi¬



T 4 y t never used Maket Uan Tablets before please send raa

through my druggiatDruggists nameA4drcss

a full size 500 box MakeMan Tabletsalso valuable booklet I enclose4f to partially pay mailing expense

C Siy naroaAddress

Write plainly Only one box to eachfamily



terested in the case He was undoubt-edly


the least Interested of the three-It would be truer to say that theywere all interested in the case noneof them in the person although HalfRome and his fellow would have hotlydenied this yes and taken some hun-dred


or more extra lines to do it intoo Brownings ironical dramatiza-tion


of this representative aristocrat-is a shrewd blow at mankind ratherthan at aristocracy He does indeeuexpose the foibles incident to blueblood gone anaemic But the folliesof the lowlorn are elsewhere unspared He is a good sportsmanshoots folly as it flies from what ¬

ever quarter and is an unmistakablygood shot

So much for these three outsiders-and their outer circle of selfconscious


pretended solicitude We now go tothe socalled New Prisons on a visit 1

to the murdererSwept Over Niagara

This terrible calamity often hap ¬

pens because a careless boatman ig-nores


the rivers warnIngsgrowingr-Ipples and faster current Natureswarnings are kind That dull pain-or ache In the back warns you theKidneys need attention if you wouldescape fatal maladies Dropsy Dia¬

betes or rights Disease TakeElectric Bitters at once and seeBackache fly and all your best feel ¬

ings return After long sufferingone 100 bottle wholly cured mewrites R Blankenship of BelkTenn Only 50c at all druggists


W H GraT representing the Ber-lin Photographing Company of BerlinGermany is at Hotel Escambla with acollection of fine Art Reproductions-and will be glad to receive visitors-on Sunday the 24th and Monday tho25th This is an unusual opportuni-ty


for Pensacolas art lovers to selecpictures from the greatest master-pieces



Mrs R H Hyer entertained atbridge on Friday afternoon the affairhaving been delightfully informal andunusually pleasant The honor guestwas Mrs Clarke of Washington DC


The New City Flinch club will holdone of Its pleasant meetings onThursday Mrs W W Richards asto be hostessMR BRAWNER-IS IMPROVING-

The many friends of Mr F EBrawner will be pleased to learn thathe is rapidly improving from his re ¬

cent illness at his home on NorthPalafox street He has been ill formore than a weekAT CHRIST CHURCHTONIGHT-

Mr Wm Packham will give another-of his fine pipe organ recitals tonight-at Christ church Miss Willie Woodawill sing A Dream of Paradise andMr McMillan of Savannah Georgia

i1l also sing Fear Ye XTot 0IsraelAT TEMISthNT-HIS AFTERNOON-

An Interesting meeting will takeplace this afternoon at the Missiona feature of which will be a vocalsolo by Miss Nell Richards with a fullMission chorus There will be somegood strong mission talk and planslaid for the future All are invited-to attendHIGH SCHOOL DANCE WAS-A PLEASANT AFFAIR

The Athletic association of the Pen ¬

sacola High School gavo a delightfuldance last night at tho CatholicKnights hall in honor of the HighSchool girls and the Brewton Collegi-ate


Institute The haIl had been deeorated in the maroon and white whilegayly colored pennants were also used-as attractive decorations Fruit punchand cake were served the guests hav ¬

ing been received by a committeecomposed of High School girls HighSchool affairs are always full of azest and snap which characterize fewsocial events of other varities andlast nights bright event wfs no ex ¬

ception to the rule The Brewtoayoung people who are a fine set ofstudents left on the night train lastnight after having been given justhe finest sort of send off imaginable-by the local boys and girlsMRS J S SIBLEYIS IN NEW YORK

Mrs J S SIbley Is spending some¬time in New York She will visit herformer home in Winchester Va be ¬


Mr and Mrs L Hilton Green havereturned from Europe where theyspent the summer both in England-and on the continent Mr Green hadhis fine touring car along and theyenjoyed the good roads of the oldworld with many fine drives thereMR J KUGELMAN IS ATTENDING-THE MONTGOMERY FAIR

Mr J Kugelman is spending a fedays in Montgomery where is takingin the fair He Is having a fine timeaccording to reports received and isdoing the town and its big show tothe queens tasteAT THE FIRST M ECHURCH TODAY

There will be special music at theFirst M E church services today atHannah MIL This morning MissLillian Jacoby one of the citys lead ¬

ing violinists will play the offertory-solo and tonight Miss Missouri Cawthon will sing Fear Ye Not OhIsrael



Returning to Baltimore from thepilots convention in New OrleansCaptains J Ed OBrien and W DSanner and their charming wivesstopped off for a day in Pensacola-and were entertained on the bay bytheir friend Mr H H Thornton

Among those who had the pleasure-of meeting Mr Thorntons guestswere Mr L Earle Thornton and wifeRon John E StHlman and wife MrC J Levy And wife Judge A CBlount Judg E C Maxwell MrHen J Hyer Mr Sam French and



Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyra ¬

mid Pile Cure

What It Has Done For Others It CanDo For You

We have testimonials by the hundredsshowing all stages kinds and degrees ofpiles which have been cured by Pyramid-Pile Cure

It you could read these unsolicited let ¬

ters you would no doubt KO to the near ¬

est drug store and buy a box of Pyramid-Pile Cure at once price fifty cents

We do not ask you to do this Send-us your name and address and we willsend you a trial package by mall free

Wo know what the trial package willdo In many cases it has pileswithout further treatment If It proves-Its value to you order more from yourdruggist at 50c A box This Is fair isit not Simply till out free coupon belowand mall todayI


Fill out the blank lines below with t

I your name and address cut outcoupon and mall to the PYRAMID t

DRUG COMPANY 190 Pyramid i

Bldg Marshall Mich A trial paoI of the great Pyramid Pile Cure I

will then be sent you at once byI mail FREE in plum wrapper

III Name

Street i

City and St-





sisted by


Proceeds to Civic League

October 25

Knights of Columbus Hall

Mr Walter A Halbert of ChicagoLeaving the city about 1130 the

visitors were shown the points of in ¬

terest in our beautiful harbor theboat running past thebar shorehomes Navy Yard and forts to thebarOf course this is an old story oCapt OBrien but Capt Sanner thehead of the Baltimore pilots wasvery much impressed with the lineentrance to Pensacola harbor witnits straight channel of neveres than3 depth as ltumtlJ the-m griiti lence ssdrbaSiity of the liarb itse1ft ndsaid hat Pnsc ltthad every reason to be proud of itt

Returning from the bay the partystopped at the Monarch hotel ai San ¬

ta Rosa beach nvhero a fish dinner-was enjoyed alter which the steamerwas boarded and the happy partyreturned to the city about 5 p mthe visitors leaving for home thatevening


Among the attractions at the Gadsden Street M E church today wit bea fine violin solo which is to be play¬

ed by Miss Lurleyne Pulghum at themorning services Miss Fulghum Isa young musician in whom the localmusical world holds much Interestand she Is always heard with pleas-ure




A very creditable new orchestraorganized among some well known lo-cal


artists is attracting much atten¬tion of late and will make its firstappearance at the Gadsden Street ME Sunday school this morning Thefine new musical organization has thefollowing membership Mrs C MWilson Jr first violin Miss LeoBurton second violin Clyde Williamscornet Mr Cressap trombone andMiss Lillie Williams pipe organARE ENTERTAINING-MR


Mr and Mrs W J Roberts of 810East Romana street are entertainingMr Robertas grand father Mr An ¬drew Jackson Richards Though fnhis eightysecond year Mr Richards

Caffeine in coffee-is a direct poison to thenerve centres of manyhighly organized per-sons


It produces all sorts ofdisorders from stomachtroubles palpitation ofthe heart kidney affec-tion


etc up to more in¬

tricate nervous troublessuch as paralysis-

The way to keep well-is to leave off coffee anduse Postum which is adirect rebuilder of thenerve centres

Theres a ReasonSure and well defined

improvement in healthwill follow this course-as can easily be prov-en


by any person whovalues health enough tomake a triaL

xxxxxzxxxxxxxxxx xxxxixxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXM A General Utility List For H


N Practical Sensible Peoplel-


aFor several weeks you see weve been out of some of our


3 strongest best selling lines and as a logical result our people have fj>

been calling for them incessantly7l 7>

Some recent arrivals however in the popular Sampson Galateas H-TN

1colors guaranteed in our special doublefold Ginghams and in other K

strong reliable stuffs place us right with the trade again In otherwords call on us for most anything just now for weve a mighty K-

b fine mighty complete allaround line in thee practical numbers all Mtold Heres a memoranda of this special list



T TAIN SWISSES in assorted stylesv the thing for fresh clean windowsXI which are shining now after the autumnw house cleaning Some have rings and

dots others fanciful tracings of variousX

designs and the material is of unusually good value Special


CLOTH an honest straight satisfac-

toryw proposition in a fine strongX material whose colors never fade and

1 which wears somewhat like the pro-

verbialX iron Its just the finest kindX

of goods for rompers for the friskya little fellows and sells per 20cyard a tf-



rv a see

c HK

X on 6 7 XXX


tYYis remarkably spry and young Prob-ably the most remarkable character ¬

istic with him is his memory whichreaches back to tho days otGeneral Andrew who was apersonal friend to the Richards ¬

Ittr Richards also has theof being an Indian interpreter of somenote in years gone by

After a stay of a few days in Pen ¬

sacola he will visit relatives on BayouGrande


and Mrs Frank otFlorence Italy will the winterhere

Mrs is now uie guest orrelatives in Washington D C

Miss Hyer was to have sail-ed


from Liverpool for home yesterday-Mr and Mrs W K Hyer will remainseveral weeks longer

Mrs Julian S Sibley is visiting inthe east

Mrs J E Concknnon is entertain-ing


her neices the Misses ofIndiana

Hon Emmet Wilson Is in Chica-go


Miss Louise Bond will leave at noontoday to be the guest of relatives andfriends in Montgomery-

Miss Francis Walker is visiting hersister at Caswell Ala

Little Miss Nellie Bell the brigntlittle daughter of Mr and Mrs G AFleming is convalescing after asiege of typhoid fever to the delight-of her parents and

Miss Rosie Thompson of Bay Mmette is the guest of Mr andMrs G H Fleming

Many school children suffer fromconstipation which is often the causeof seeming stupidity at lessons Cham-berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets-are an Ideal medicine to give a childfor they are mild and gentle in thioreffect and will cure even chronic con ¬


Lots of people want ostrichfeathers Lots of people want-to around 98c See MissHerrimans special sale to¬

By attending earlyyoull have vour pick


> A

THE NOBUTTONMOLINE UNDERWEAR-which fits without the sus-


of a wrinkledoes entirely with

the buttoning nuisance is thevery style for the closefittingonepiece Moyen age effectjust now A clever arrange¬

ment of draw ribbons closesthe garments with a precision-and an exactness which makesthem desirable indeed forcareful dressers Thereis onlyone mill in the world by theway where these particulargarments are made and wevetheir exclusive sale in thiscity Fleece lined ribbed andin regular sizes 25 and 50c


tnsizes 3 5c o 65c



management of

of am

West Phone

TheAds profit


tical durability are new specialThey fill X

many needs and are so generally sought Hby our people who know the

Hkind we carry that they need no ¬

introduction All colorsall styles per yard

line of SEASONABLEany

amount of attention faom the carefulbuyers right now First place wecarry the famous Merode line knownby everybody everywhere Some styles-are

Msilk and wool some are all wool

and are all Weve unionsuits and separate garments in all a

and all styles They range in

frrpereannent 50c tof twi

eure practical farseeing person youll mighty fin-epaiJagvaiueshere Leave it to us L

See other ads pages and 1-


w 2xYYY












anywhere-and away

p = d T 7 > 3

ASK YOURSELFWHY were we awarded the contract for steamheating the 5000000 Metho ¬

dist church at Dawson Ga THIS WEEKBECAUSE installed a similar heating plant for the same parties six years

ago in a most satisfactory manner and at a priceWHY were we awarded the contract for the plumbing in the marine barracks-

at the navy yard THIS WEEKBECAUSE we submitted a reasonable price and the officials know that we are

installing worth of plumbing at Fort Barrancas in a very satis ¬

mannerWHY are we installing the plumbing in Mr J T Hughes 2000000 resi¬

dence in Florala Ala THIS WEEKBECAUSE we were recommended to him by one of our satisfied clients for

whom we had installed work years agoWHY are we installing the plumbing in the new bank and office building at

Milton Fla THIS WEEKBECAUSE the owners have known us for the past ten years and know us to

be a responsible firm and firstclass mechanicsWHY are we installing plumbing in some twentyfive houses in Pensacola

THIS WEEKBECAUSE our client knowing that he has obtained satisfactory results at a

reasonable price and desiring that his neighbor share with in his goodfortune he advises him have McGhan do his work

GEO McGHAN SONS The Practical PlumbersBell Telephone 038 No 21 4 21 6f 21 8 DeLuna

NOTICE-To My Patrons Friends-

Ive sold a controlling Interest inmy grocery business to theGrocery Co which wll under the

Mr Robt T Thomas-I thank you for your generous

patronage and hope you will give tothe new firm which I a member the same splendid patronage aocorded me-oct243t D J CUNNINGHA-

MFor goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 Intendencia855

Read Journals Wantand thereby


and a ain their

our XHdoublefold Ginghams so

after H

therfuri-122c a


Our KNITUNDERWEAR attracting

others cotton


2 a




= iII


Consignments of chickens and eggs solicitedHighest market price pa-



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