pendahuluan tentang tenoss

ABSTRACT : PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) is a company which active in telecommunications and information (InfoComm) and also the biggest fullly service and network provider in Indonesia. In order to give an advanced service to customers, TELKOM feel important to have tools that capable to handle entire equipment (Network Element) owned by TELKOM. Therefore TELKOM buy TeNOSS, able to assist to alter to paradigm customer centric, and can monitor, operate at the same time manage the infrastructure peripheral of upstream until service downstream shall delivered to customer. TeNOSS have been given and suggested its use by IT and Supply Director to EGM InfraTEL Division and EGM Multimedia Division. But until this article is made, still seldom TELKOM’s employees be discovered which have used TeNOSS as a means of assist the everyday activities. This research aim to know the factors influence the lowering of usage TeNOSS, by using part of Updated DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model (2003). In this research is used data collecting method randomly sampling. Questionnaires were sent to responder that is employees of InfraTEL Division and Multimedia

Transcript of pendahuluan tentang tenoss

ABSTRACT :PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) is a company which active in telecommunications and information (InfoComm) and also the biggest fullly service and network provider in Indonesia. In order to give an advanced service to customers, TELKOM feel important to have tools that capable to handle entire equipment (Network Element) owned by TELKOM. Therefore TELKOM buy TeNOSS, able to assist to alter to paradigm customer centric, and can monitor, operate at the same time manage the infrastructure peripheral of upstream until service downstream shall delivered to customer. TeNOSS have been given and suggested its use by IT and Supply Director to EGM InfraTEL Division and EGM Multimedia Division. But until this article is made, still seldom TELKOMs employees be discovered which have used TeNOSS as a means of assist the everyday activities. This research aim to know the factors influence the lowering of usage TeNOSS, by using part of Updated DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model (2003). In this research is used data collecting method randomly sampling. Questionnaires were sent to responder that is employees of InfraTEL Division and Multimedia Division as user TeNOSS. Stuffing questionnaires returned are counted 106 (one hundred six) and which competent to be analysed by using Partial Least Square only 90 (ninety). After analyzing the 90 (ninety) stuffing questionnaires, the conclusions are Quality Information variable affecting significantly to Intention to Use of TeNOSS, otherwise Quality System and Quality Service variables don't have a significantly effect to variable of Intention to Use of TeNOSS.INTISARI :PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (TELKOM) merupakan perusahaan penyelenggara informasi dan telekomunikasi (InfoComm) serta penyedia jasa dan jaringan telekomunikasi secara lengkap (full service and network provider) yang terbesar di Indonesia. Agar TELKOM dapat memberikan kemajuan pelayanan kepada pelanggannya, TELKOM merasa perlu untuk memiliki alat bantu (tools) yang mampu menangani seluruh perangkat yang dimilikinya. Oleh karena itu TELKOM membeli TeNOSS, yang dapat membantu mengubah ke paradigma customer centric, dan dapat memonitor, mengoperasikan sekaligus memelihara perangkat infrastruktur dari hulu hingga hilir sampai layanan dideliver ke pelanggan. TeNOSS telah diserahterimakan dan dianjurkan penggunaannya oleh Direktur IT and Supply kepada EGM Divisi InfraTEL dan EGM Divisi Multimedia. Namun hingga tulisan ini dibuat, masih jarang didapati rekan-rekan TELKOM yang telah menggunakan TeNOSS sebagai alat bantu kerja sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya penggunaan TeNOSS, dengan menggunakan sebagian Model Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi DeLone dan McLean Diperbarui (2003). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode pengumpulan data secara random sampling. Kuesioner dikirimkan kepada responden yaitu para karyawan Divisi InfraTEL dan Divisi Multimedia selaku user TeNOSS. Isian kuesioner yang diterima kembali adalah sebanyak 106 (seratus enam) dan yang layak untuk dianalisis dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square berjumlah 90 (sembilan puluh). Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap 90 (sembilan puluh) isian kuesioner tersebut, diperoleh simpulan bahwa variabel kualitas informasi (information quality) yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap intensitas atau niat penggunaan TeNOSS, sedangkan variabel kualitas sistem (system quality) dan kualitas pelayanan (service quality) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat penggunaan TeNOSS.