Peace Treaty (fanfic)

Peace Treaty   Signed with Love  By: [email protected] Characters: Kim Haeun (OC), Kim Myungsoo, INFINITE Poster by: Sushi_Kimchi | ★☆ X-ZONE Graphic Request Shop ★☆  Prologue For decades Baekgok High School and Seoul High Achievement Academy have been rivals, neck and neck in every aspect. With a long-standing grudge there isn't a day when blood isn 't shed. Kim Haeun wants nothing to do with the conflict but with her brother being the kingka of Baekgok High she finds herself becoming the 'princess', a title that sh e disdains. One day after yet another fight a note is left for her by none other than the leader of Seoul Academy Myungsoo. A note containing an offer that Haeun has no choice but to accept. Start a fake relationship, extinguish the h atred, force the students of the two schools to become comrades; how hard can it be?

Transcript of Peace Treaty (fanfic)

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Peace Treaty   Signed with Love ♥ 

By: [email protected]

Characters: Kim Haeun (OC), Kim Myungsoo, INFINITE

Poster by: Sushi_Kimchi | ★☆X-ZONE Graphic Request Shop★☆ 


For decades Baekgok High School and Seoul High Achievement Academy have been rivals, neck and

neck in every aspect. With a long-standing grudge there isn't a day when blood isn't shed. Kim Haeun

wants nothing to do with the conflict but with her brother being the kingka of Baekgok High she finds

herself becoming the 'princess', a title that she disdains. One day after yet another fight a note is left

for her by none other than the leader of Seoul Academy Myungsoo. A note containing an offer that

Haeun has no choice but to accept.

Start a fake relationship, extinguish the hatred, force the students of the two schools to become

comrades; how hard can it be?

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 Chapter One

Even though it’s my 2nd year in this class I still have no friends, although that’s with the exception of 

my brother’s ‘minions’ that follow me around like a puppy. Having my older brother Sunggyu be the

kingka of this school somehow made me the princess, and no one except his friends dare approach

me. As I leant back on my chair with my legs propped above my desk, and yawned they stormed in.

The whole class silenced but they, Woohyun and Sungyeol didn’t seem to notice at all. 

“Haeun, can you fix up these wounds for us?” Sungyeol chirped, grabbing a chair and sitting by my

side. Both their faces had slight scratches and were bleeding. I sighed, this happens more often than

you think. Already I had an idea of what had happened; they got into a fight with the rival High School

two blocks away. The relationship between them and us has been an all out war for decades, not just

with the school gangs, but even the principals have their fair share of rodeos.

It didn’t help that all areas of the schools, sport, art, academic and performance, were neck and neck

with each other. It meant that not a single student in this school liked them, well, except me – I’m just

neutral about all this, I hate that everyday people get hurt over this silly competition.

Woohyun winced as I applied medication to a slash across his nose, “Doesn’t hurt at all,” he muttered. 

“What did you two get up to now?” I asked tiredly. 

Sungyeol jumped in immediately, “Those punks from the other school shoved me.”  

“Was your pride worth getting hurt like this?” 

He scratched his neck sheepishly, “Yes,” and an audible ‘aw’ chorused through the girl’s in the class.

Not only is my brother’s group the ‘leaders’ of this school but they also have a large female following.

Being this close with them doesn’t exactly make me the most popular amongst the girls but it’s been

said that they “respect” me for not trying to start relationships with the boys.

A guy from my class, the class president Hyunjin approached Woohyun and patted him on the back,

“Did you beat them up good?” 

Sungyeol scrunched up his face, “They whipped out a knife and we had to run for it before they tried

to stab us. Crazy bastards.” Hyunjin shook his head at the tale, “Typical, those guys are just cheats.” 

Sungyeol jumped up and Woohyun followed suit, “Anyway, we have to get payback. Let’s get

Sunggyu”- I stopped them as they stomped to the door. My brother’s already in deep trouble for

failing his tests, if he were to get into another fight... let’s just say he inherited his fighting skills from

my mum.

Grabbing them by the arm I dragged the both of them out of class. “You are not getting him into this.

I’ll go with you guys to the school and we’ll apologize.”  

Woohyun looked at me incredulously, “But”- I narrowed my eyes at him and he stopped mid-

sentence, letting out a breath of exasperation.

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Chapter Two

The whole walk to Seoul Academy was filled with bickering between Sungyeol and Woohyun on whogot me involved. I folded my arms and resisted the urge of punching them, Sunggyu would teach

them their lesson soon enough.

When we arrived at the gate it loomed above us ominously. We looked extremely out of place here.

The thing with our schools is that even though we’re so similar in many aspects, in the appearance

factor we’re very different. Their uniform consisted of black blazers, deep red ties, and black trousers

for the boys, and plaid skirts and knee high socks for the girls, while we wore grey cardigans and

beige ties with similarly soft coloured skirts and pants.

All eyes were cast our way as we made our way through the students. Sungyeol and Woohyunstopped their argument and flanked either side of me protectively, glaring at anyone that looked at

us. This wasn’t my first time here, there have been many days where I’m forced to go to the battle

ground to help them bandage themselves. Despite their tough demeanour many of these guys are

scared of hospitals.

Already I knew where I was heading; to the roof. With the crowd gathering around us, several teachers

stopped to stare then continued on their way. By now they all knew better then to try and stop a fight,

especially with those two by my side.

“Shove off.” Woohyun commanded, pushing the crowd away so that they didn’t touch me.

Several girls squealed when he made contact with them. It’s not bizarre for some students to switch

sides; there have even been cases where moles have been planted into the rivalling school’s gangs.

We walked up the stairs and behind us we could hear the murmur of cusses, some considered

stopping us but decided against it when they saw Sungyeol. He may have a reputation for being cute

and bubbly but sometimes he can go ballistics and Woohyun has to hold him back.

The door was locked but a kick from me made it burst open, and there they were. A large group of ten

or so boys all hanging out on the roof; reading comics, chatting, playing video games and all the

senseless stuff that guys like to do.

I heard a cry of recognition come from Woohyun and Sungyeol as they pointed at two of the boys

eating in the corner.

Before they could charge at them I pulled the sleeves of their cardigan, “Don’t even think about it.” 

“I’m here to see your leader,” I declared willing the strongest voice out of me. You would think I’d 

know the guy’s name but you’d be wrong. Sunggyu is usually adamant not to tell me things like this.

A boy with a mop of blonde curls answered me, “Myungsoo is sleeping.” Sure enough by his side wasMyungsoo leaning against the railing with his eyes closed.

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“Wake up!” Sungyeol barked all traces of his usual adorable facade gone.

He opened his eyes slowly and then yawned lazily before paying us any attention. “What do you three


“I’m here to apologize for these two who attacked a couple of your students. I’d also like a sorry in

return though seeing as your people provoked them.” 

Myungsoo arched a brow up at me, “You came all the way here for this?” 

“I’d rather this then have my brother get into a fight with you people.” 

He shrugged nonchalantly and walked up to me, both Sunyeol and Woohyun tensed. Snatching a

notebook from one of his underlings he ripped out a page and scrawled something on it.

“This is your apology,” before I could complain the bell rang and I completely panicked.

“We’re going to be late for school!” I shouted leaping down the stairs.

Disgruntled, Woohyun followed with a complaining Sungyeol right behind him.

“We don’t even go to classes; why are we rushing?” 

“You might not care about your grades, but I do!” 

What I didn’t see till much later after school was what was actually written on that piece of paper.

Peace? Call me - ####### And that’s how I met my “boyfriend”. 

Chapter Three

“No! I don’t approve of this at all. I’m going to tell  dad!” Sunggyu yelled angrily, causing everyone in

the classroom to stare at him.

Woohyun chimed in, equally upset by my betrayal, “The last time we went to his school you were

more concerned about missing class then sucking his face.” 

“Sunggyu there are certain things I know about you that you definitely don’t want out parents to

know and, the last two weeks with Myungsoo have been magical - I’m in love.” This wasn’t my idea, I

had called him curious about his proposal and he had suggested that in order to stop this boiling

hatred love had to be used, and what better way than to have the kingka of Seoul Academy date the

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so-called princess of Baekgok High? It seemed like the ideal situation for the both of us. I hate

watching people get hurt and he hates having to answer to measly complaints every day.

An outbreak of accusations erupted in the class and Sunggyu promptly calmed everyone down, before

we could go back to my announcement though another made the class just as surprised.

Sungyeol leant by the window, with his head peeking out like a puppy, “Bad news boss, looks like your

sis’s boyfriend is out there waiting for her.” I thought this up - have him come to my school to publicly

proclaim his “love” for me. 

Everyone ran to look and soon chaos came again, “I’m going down there, teach him to play with


Sunngyu and Woohyun ran out of the room, followed by other members of the gang, while Sungyeol

trotted calmly beside me to the scene. He was either taking this unusually well or he’s still half asleep

and the information hasn’t sunk in, I’m going for the latter. As we arrived at the large concrete path

leading to the entrance of the school we could see Sunggyu already threatening Myungsoo, who

seemed more occupied with waving at the many girls stripping him naked with their eyes.

When he saw me his dark downcast eyes immediately brightened, he’s a good actor. Shoving his hand

in his pockets and walking past Sunggyu, he jogged to me and affectionately propped his head on my

shoulder, his silver bead necklace embedding my skin. Inside I was cringing but I greeted him with a

smile that broke my face.

“Looking at all this emotion is making me feel violated,” Sungyeol commented scrunching his face up

in disgust he looked like he just ate a lemon.

“You’re not the only one. What are you thinking Haeun?” Woohyun added wincing. 

Soon a whole circle of observers came to stare at the scene, all gawking at us like we were animals in a


“What are you thinking Haeun?” Woohyun asked shaking his head in disappointment. 

Amidst the gossiping I could see Sunggyu scanning my face, looking for any signs that he could

interpret, finally he sighed and nodded. “I don’t want my sister getting hurt, for now let’s settle with a


Myungsoo grinned hugging me to his chest, “Deal,” the smell of vanilla and a faint scent of exhaust

from his motorcycle wandered to my nose and with my face against his body I could feel his taut

muscles and the steady beat of his heart, unintentionally my face began to flush.

“But first, how do I know this is real and not just an act?” He is my brother of course so he can read

me like a book.

My body froze with his sudden question and my brain seemed to have gone a vacation but Myungsoo

brushed it of f with ease, “Don’t be stupid.” 

Then shocking me and everyone else he put a hand on my neck and pulled me to him before kissingme, right there, in front of the whole school.

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Chapter Four

“Okay, stop that there are certain things a brother never wants to see. There’ll be peace between the

two schools until we discuss this further; anyone who doesn’t follow this will get a ‘Hi’ from my fist.

Now get out of here,” Sunngyu exclaimed covering his eyes with his hands. 

Myungsoo intertwined out hands and led me to his motorcycle which I’m pretty sure he isn’t allowed

to ride. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming, how dare this guy just steal my first kiss without

warning me?

As the engine started Sunggyu shouted after me, “Get home by 7... No make that 6. Actually anything

later than 5 and I’m telling our parents.” “Have safe sex!” Sungyeol added earning himself a whack on

the back of head.

Speeding off into the distance I tightened my grip on Myungsoo’s waist, but was careful to put a safe

distance between us. I had a million things I wanted to accuse him off, and when we finally stopped at

a McDonalds in the centre of the city it was my chance.

“What did you do that for?” 

“What?” He asked getting up and flinging his bag behind his back. 

“You stole my first kiss,” I said between gritted teeth. 

“You’re welcome,” he merely replied with an uncaring attitude.

I looked at him incredulously, “It might not be valuable for you but it is for me, y-you... man slut.” 

“MAN SLUT?” He repeated in alarm, obviously offended by what I had said, but by then I didn’t give a

crap. Pushing past him I walked to the bus station, and attempting to stop me he grabbed my wrist,

inadvertently snapping the bracelet my best (and only) friend in Primary had made for me.

Stirred by my already infuriated mood I picked up the beads and threw it at him, “You’re the worst.” 

When I arrived home I ignored Sunggyu’s many protests and slammed my bedroom door in his face,

“Stop complaining about my relationship and get yourself a girlfriend!” 

Trying to take my mind off the hectic day I took out my homework and started early, after all in the

academic area I’m the only ray of hope in this family. Finishing all my trigonometry work a couple of 

hours later, I stood up to stretch my stiff limbs and coincidentally spotted Myungsoo standing outside

my house gate. I swoop down the stairs, desperate to shoo him away before my parents saw him. I

should have never told him my address when we were plotting our plan.

Slamming the door opened I began to utter threats, but already he was gone. I walked over to the

place I had just seen him a couple of seconds earlier; he had just vanished into thin air. Suddenly

something gleaming caught my eye and around the handle of the gate I found my bracelet all fixed

up. The beads that had rolled away were replaced with round silver spheres; it took a minute for me to

recognize that they came from the necklace that I had seen around Myungsoo’s neck. 

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Carefully I slipped it on; it felt cold and heavy compared to what it was like before yet it still had a

delicate grace. Somehow it resembled the two schools – Baekgok High and Seoul Academy.

My cell phone vibrated and I picked it up, a text message from him.


Beneath the cherry tree my dad planted, in the warm breeze of spring, and with the sound of children

playing in the background – I smiled.

Chapter Five

The fresh air hit me like a slap in the face, making me recoil at the bitter coldness. I’m definitely not a

morning person. With drowsiness in my movements I walked to bus station by myself. Myungsoo had

offered to pick me up seeing as that would reinforce our “love” for each other, but with Sunggyu now

watching my every move I need some alone time. I sat on the waiting seats and closed my eyes,

prepared to take a short nap that would likely stretch on to become 15 or even 30 minutes worth of 


I was interrupted shortly after closing my eyes though by a crowd of tall and not to mention strong

built girls from Myungsoo’s school.

They looked me down with menacing eyes, “Myungsoo is ours. Why don’t you and go pick someone

from your own school?” One of them asked spitting disgusting gobs of saliva as she spoke.

I winced at her and nodded my head before trying to return to my dream but they clearly didn’t like

my nonchalance. A skinny girl with extremely prominent bones pulled my hair, and another pushed

my shoulder challenging me to attack them. I’ll tell you now that I’m not a bad fighter, but unlike

Sunggyu I’m very cautious about my behaviour since I do want to graduate.

Their provoking stopped though when they saw who was walking towards us. The boy with blonde

hair I had seen on the roof the other day Dongwoo and Hoya, another of Myungsoo friends.

“Get lost.” Dongwoo warned stepping between us.

The groups ran from the bus stop, tripping over themselves as they tried to escape.

One of the more grotesque girls didn’t follow his command. “Aren’t you angry too? Myungsoo

betrayed us.” 

Hoya interrupted her, “Myungsoo is the best. He would never betray us. There has to be something

special about this girl, although I fail to see it.” A backhanded compliment, I wasn’t sure whether to be

irritated or flattered.

“Kiss ass,” Dongwoo and I chorused at the same time.

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“So, why are you two here? Did my boyfriend send you two?” 

Hoya shook his head, “You would think so, but no. We came here to talk to you. We’re not here to

force you but we think it would be better if you broke it off with our leader.” 

I furrowed my brows, “Explain?” 

“You may like him now, but eventually you’ll get tired of him. Myungsoo doesn’t know how to show

his emotions properly so he comes across as cold and tactless.” 

“I like him,” I insisted trying to get them to end the conversation.

Dongwoo smiled, “That’s what they all say; you know there’s a reason why he’s like this now right?” 

Then they left leaving me to contemplate on what I’d heard. I know our relationship is fake but why is

my act always the one that’s doubted?

Am I half-hearted about protecting the students from getting hurt?

Chapter Six

I could feel the aura of hatred inside the room. The students in my class glared at me with venomous

eyes yet the only one that confronted me was the class president Hyungjin and a few of his girlfriends,

yes he had more than one.

“I didn’t take you for a Seoul Academy lover,” Hyunjin remarked as he took h is seat in front of my


I slammed my foot against his chair so that he nearly stumbled to the group, “If I didn’t care about my

school report you’d really be getting it right now.”  

He stood up and banged his fist against my opened book, “You little brat, the only reason I was nice

to you was because you’re Sunggyu’s sister. I’m going to”-

Woohyun walked in then, “Hyungjin, what are you going to do?” 

His entrance made a silence engulf the room in an instant, and immediately people averted their eyes

and made idle conversation. Out of the group he is the only one in the same class as me, although he

shouldn’t be. He was held back a year because he did fill the minimum attendance requirements. The

other boys kept note of how many days they showed up but he didn’t bother. To be fair he’s already

wiser than a majority of the class without even trying

Woohyun leant against a desk and then cast his eyes to the ground, thinking of something to say.

Usually we didn’t hang out with each other without either Sungyeol or Sunggyu around, and when we

did we usually had something that kept us occupied. He began to speak but I started at the same time

and then we both stopped self consciously.

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Before we could try again, the teacher showed up and ordered everyone to get to their seats.

“We had a new student in our class, her name’s Lee Yerim,” He announced writing the name on the

board with chalk. The girl was so short that we didn’t notice her till then; she had wispy hair in a cute

bob, and huge eyes that could make even ice melt.

Her voice was sweet as she spoke, “Hello everyone, I’m Yerim, nice to meet you all.” 

I could see the boys in my class drowning in their new found love. When break came Sunggyu arrived

at my class glancing at me before giving me the cold shoulder. When is he going to stop sulking?

From the corner of my eye I spotted Yerim peering around the room cautiously like a deer in the


When I accidentally made eye contact with her she shuffled to my table, “Can I eat lunch with you?” 

“Sure,” I replied with a friendly smile.

Hyunjin swooped over evidently smitten with the new girl, “You shouldn’t sit with her, she’s a traitor.” 

Yerim blew him off with a glare, “Who are you to me? I think I can decide who I want to eat with.” 

He gave an incredulous look and stalked off, sending vicious looks my way while doing so.

Woohyun only noticed Yerim then and misunderstanding the situation called out, “Hey ugly, I thought

I told you guys to knock it off.” 

She didn’t break like glass like I thought she would, instead she stood her ground and folded her

arms, “Ugly? Aren’t you being a little conceited, you’re not exactly perfect yourself are you?” 

He looked taken aback for a second then replied, “Whatever I’m going to find Sungyeol,” and left

class. Yerim stormed out too, saying that she’d lost her appetite completely so that only Sunggyu and

I were left.

He chuckled entertained with what had just unfolded, “Woohyun might just fall in love with that

aggressive girl, she certainly is a new type for him.”  

“Shut up,” I retorted unintentionally and far too quickly. I touched my lips, where had the sudden

anger come from?

“Are you on your period or something?” Sunggyu murmured bitterly. 

At the time I was too engrossed in my thoughts to hurt him because I realized something; I was


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Chapter Seven

Since people in Myungsoo’s school was still sceptical I ended up having to wait outside the school

gate for him. Several people stopped and bore holes into me, but with the sudden revelation that I

might like Woohyun as more than I friend I was in a daydream. He was always just another of mybrother’s rowdy friends, granted he was more bearable but still...

Someone poked my arms and I looked up although still in a daze. It was one of Myungsoo’s friends,

although I didn’t know him very well I’ve seen him on the roof a few times.

“Follow me, he’s in the Gym because of basketball practice.”  

“Oh, okay.” 

Out of all Sunggyu’s friends Woohyun is the most trustworthy and the one to depend on. Maybe

unconsciously I fell for him because of that. More importantly then why this feeling came to be, Ishould deal with suppressing it. I could think about it all day like a girl from a manhwa but ultimately

all this unnecessary emotion and while I’m putting up this act is impossible.

We walked into the gym which was pristine with a large basketball court and an area for the audience.

It was also empty. The only remaining ball crept towards me and already I knew what was happening.

How could I have been so stupid? Behind me I heard the clatter of the doors slamming shut sealing

me from the outside world. Two people appeared from behind me, and smirked at my new found


The main guy, Mr Oily had hair that was in chunks of grease and I wondered how long he hadn’t

washed it. Disgusting. “You shouldn’t be so trusting,” he said with a condescending smile. I dropped

my eyes to the ground pretending to be scared, and clutched my books to my chest.

“I have no idea what Myungsoo sees in you, but we’ll make sure he regrets this decision,” he added

approaching me and placing his dirty hand below my chin, “You’re really cute when you’re frightened.

That’ll be fun to watch when we mutilate your face.” 

I let out a small whimper, and he left of his guard cooing as if I was a baby. In that same second I lifted

my history book, slamming it on the bottom of his jaw. He fell back and before the others could react I

kicked him in the groin. I then threw the book in the face of his first comrade who was still processing

the scene, so that he collapsed to the ground in a heap.

The remaining guy charged at me, “You little bitch.” 

I ducked down and kicked the basket ball that had not moved an inch since we went inside. It hit his

shin and he lost his footing nearly tripping. That was all I needed. I flung my shoulder bag at him so

he caught it and stumbled back a tad. Then with nothing left I took off my shoe and flung it at his

head, hitting the centre of his forehead perfectly.

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Chapter Eight

Exhausted I feel to the ground and let the long breath I had been holding.

The large metal doors of the gym opened with a tumultuous bang and Myungsoo stood, still holding

on to the handle to support himself. He was puffing probably from having to run all the way here.

With piercing dangerous eyes that could stop even a charging bull he loomed above us, sun shining

brightly behind him.

"What the hell are you guys.... what happened?" He asked in confusion, taking in the scene of the

three idiots in a wasted heap.

Relaxing his stance he walked to me, giving Mr Oily an unsympathetic kick on the way to see if he was

still able to fight back. A grunt was uttered as Mr Oily distorted in pain, still holding on to his crotch.

Shows him to try and mess with me. The rest cowered away when Myungsoo approached eliciting a

devious smirk from the latter.

He looked up at me chuckling, "Heh, you might be an even better fighter than... wait, what's wrong?"

That's when I noticed the tears streaming down my face and dripping onto my cardigan, the traitorous

tears that I had tried so hard to hide. All that frenzy of anger hadn't come from the adrenaline of the

sudden ambush rather it was a way of unleashing my sadness at my unrequited feelings. I quickly hid

my face with my sleeves and ducked my head down so he couldn't see. Crying is a sign of weakness.

He crouched down to examine my condition and shouted to the three, "Get out! And you three better

come to school tomorrow. If you don't I'll track you down and you know what happens after that,


Two of them scrambled out, carrying the third on their shoulders and leaving a trail of blood in their


When they were gone and all we could hear were their loud complaints he consoled me patting me

on the arms awkwardly, "Don't cry. I'll make sure that never happens"-

"I'm not crying and I don't care about them, it’s not like I haven’t been in a fight before."  

He struggled to suppress a smile at my insistence, "What are you not crying about then?"

"I... think I might be in love with Woohyun, and he only thinks of me as a little sister."

He considered this for a moment and reached a conclusion just as quickly, "Tell him."

Chapter Nine

“You’re so blasé, it’s annoying.” 

He stood up, pulling me by the wrist so that I got up too.

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“I’m serious, put on your shoe and stop acting like some overdramatic drama character.” 

I mopped up my face and did as told protesting under my breath.

“What about our relationship then? Won’t people fight more if we break up?”  

He rolled his eyes, “That’s just an excuse. Since you like him he won’t be the type to spill your secret

without your permission. If he is, maybe that’s why you can’t tell him – because your feelings for him

aren’t true. ” 

“They are.” I insisted upset at what he was insinuating but also not sure where he was getting at.

“Then go. Right now. Where is he?” 

“Probably in class, he acts like he doesn’t care about his school work but” -

Myungsoo took my wrist before I could continue and hauled me outside to where his motorcycle was

parked. Putting a helmet on my head he went about his way nonchalantly, ignoring my adamant

objections, and then we were off.

Baekgok High was quiet and the only little sound came from the running track on the other side of 

the school. Tiredly I hopped of his motorcycle and followed him inside, he seemed to know the place

better than I do with all the fights that have happened here.

He stopped outside the shoe compartments, “Go.” 

Despite my complaining I knew that I wanted Woohyun to know. I wanted him to like me back.

With trembling steps I walked inside, and eventually Myungsoo got tired of my paste and pushed me

the class almost like a bulldozer.

He stopped once I reached the door. I threw him a quick glance, “Thanks.” 

I received something close to a smile and he waved off my gratitude with a disinterested expression.

The door slid open and an unexpected sight was before me. One that my determination slowly melt

away to nothing. Yerim had fallen asleep on the table, her eyes closed delicately and her lips pouting.

Woohyun was sitting across from here, gazing with fascinated eyes. Perhaps they were going over the

homework together, whatever it was I could see that he was entranced – maybe even developing

feelings for her.

What he said next confirmed what I thought, “Hey, I think I like you.” 

Yerim woke up, still dazed from sleep. “What did you say?” 

Then he was bending down, closing his eyes-

Black blocked my vision as Myungsoo draped his blazer over my head.

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“I can see this room is taken. We’ll go somewhere else.”  

Then he pulled me away until we were once again outside. It was warm, a contrast from what I was


“I’m sorry,” he murmured. 

I began to pull his blazer away from my face, “Things have a funny way of working out, right?” 

He stopped me, his voice was soft and if the place wasn’t so isolated I wouldn’t have been able to hear


“It’s okay to cry. I can’t see you.” 

That was all it took. Tentatively he put at arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his chest, despite

his appearance he had lulling warmth and that day I wept until the sky turned a splendid scarlet. The

first week after I met Myungsoo my first love ended with disappointment, but it also let me confrontmy feelings and move on.

After that no one doubted my acting.

Chapter Ten

Now there’s a reason why I’m the in the teacher’s office, begging anyone I could see to help me out. It

all started two days ago on Friday, when the reports were sent out.

My mum threw the phone at Sunggyu and he ducked just at the right second, scampering behind the

couch to hide from her burning fury.

“You’re failing just about every subject. You’re supposed to graduate this year! Really, what do you want 

to become? A garbage man?”  

“Being a garbage man is actually a really accomplished job. Honestly, can you get by without them?”  

I snickered but quickly hid my face when she glared my way, “Mum’s right Sunggyu. You need to focus

on your school work, all the teachers are complaining about you and your friends.”  

He sighed and walked to the door, “It’s not like anyone at school cares. I’m going to going out.”  

My mum collapsed on the sofa, “What am I going to do with him? At this rate he isn’t going to get 

accepted into any university... Haeun, you have to help him out, okay?”  

“Okay,” I promised albeit hesitantly. 

All the teachers offered a sympathetic look but made no attempts to respond. A majority of them

have had bad experiences with my brother’s group, and the rest weren’t too keen after hearing the


Finally a math teacher, Mrs Han relented, “I’ll tutor your brother and his friends...” 

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“Really? Thank you so-“ She held up a hand to tell me she wasn’t finished. 

“That’s only if you persuade them to form a group and compete in the athletics meet coming up with

Seoul Academy. We’ve lost by one point for two years straight, and not once has your brother’s group

ever shown up despite their great results in physical education. If we win this year I’ll agree to give

them private lessons.” 

Just about the whole office brightened at the thought, “Yeah we’ve lost far too long,” they all agreed.

I thanked them and gave a bow before leaving the room. How on earth am I going to convince that

group of lazy sods to join the athletics meet? Letting out a breath, I buckled up and stormed into the

art room. Ever since the weather’s gotten unbearably hot they’ve migrated from the roof to here. All of 

Sunggyu’s friends including a few I didn’t know were circled around him, reading a magazine and

arguing who was the prettiest idol. Woohyun was there and although it hurt to look at him I bore

through it with a dull ache in my chest. It actually wasn’t as bad as yesterday.

“Everyone except Sunggyu and Woohyun get out! It’s time for them to exercise.”  

They gave me a glance before returning to their conversation.

“I’m telling you, IU is way cuter.” 

“Are you kidding me? Look at Sohee in this photo. Her cheeks are”-

I grabbed the magazine and chuck it out the window leading to a pandemonium amongst the boys.

“Go down there and grab it! Now!” Sunggyu commanded, and when his underlings scurried out the

door I closed it, securing the handle with a chair.

“Okay you guys it’s time for us to go workout! We’re going to form a team and join the athletics day


Sunggyu arched a brow, “Why?” 

“Mrs Han is willing to tutor you guys if we win, and if you don’t improve your grade then you aren’t


He leant back dangerously on his chair, on the brim of falling on his back, “What do I care?”  

This was where I had him, “Do you really want to spend another year studying like Woohyun?” 

He winced at the thought, “We can’t join the sport competition anyway. We need six people.” 

I counted off on my fingers, “Well, there’s me, you, Woohyun and... he could probably get Yerim, then

there’s Sungyeol... Where’s Sungyeol anyway?” 

Woohyun shrugged, “I tried looking for him around school the other day, and a kid in his class told

me he hasn’t been here for days. It’s not unusual for him not to be at school but I went to his house

too and he wasn’t there either.” 

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I ran a hand through hair out of my face tiredly after hearing my new task, “I guess it’s my job to find


Chapter Eleven

From afar I could see the apartment complex Sungyeol lived in with his dad and little brother. It wasn’t

a high-rise but it was decently sized, and the outside of the building had darkened due to the smog.

For some reason this neighbourhood always gave me a solemn feeling.

Myungsoo trailed behind yawning despite the time.

He glanced at me, “How are you holding up?” 

“I’m alright. It’s okay now,” I assured granted not sounding very convincing. 

“There are other guys out there that like you.” 


When we reached the outside of the building I pressed the buzzer repeatedly but no one answered.

Myungsoo walked past me and putting his nail in the keyhole opened the door in a flash.

“I’ve had to do this a few times.” 

Yet, when we knocked at Sungyeol's door and stood for hours there was still no reply.

“Let’s go,” He suggested getting impatient but I sat on the door mat insistently.  

“No, we have to wait for him.” 

Eventually at about dinner time with my stomach roaring and Myungsoo suppressing a smile I heard

the sound of boots clunking up the steps. Sungyeol looked lifeless but a happy expression

immediately crossed his face when he saw me, his cheeks were stained with drying cement and his

hands were calloused from work.

He glared at Myungsoo who was leaning against the frame of the door, “I don’t like you,” Sungyeol

declared childishly.

“I don’t like you either.” 

Avoiding an argument I ordered Myungsoo to meet me down the flight of stairs and he obeyed

willingly, obviously not keen on staying any longer.

“Why haven’t you been showing up at school?” 

“Been trying to earn money to get a motorbike like your stupid boyfriend,” he replied rubbing his eyes


“I can still hear you!” Myungsoo called out.  

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“I don’t care!” 

I grabbed Sungyeol’s arm to stop him getting sidetracked, “Are you sure that’s the only reason?” 

“What? Do you think family is in debt and I need to make money to make ends meet? You honestly

watch too much dramas.” He answered snickering cheerfully at the very idea. 

He must take me for an idiot.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” 

His laughter stopped in an instant and he shook his head, smiling weakly, “Can never get a lie past

Detective Haeun, right?” 

“Why?” I repeated pressing for him to answer me.  

He turned around, unlocking the door and hiding his face from my sight, “Why would I worry you

guys with useless stuff like this? I want to sleep”-

“We’re your friends; you can tell us these things.” 

He didn’t answer but continued fumbling with his keys and I stood in front of him forcing him to make

eye contact with me. He tried to hide his face but I saw it, the vulnerable look, tears that seemed to be


He wiped them away with his sleeve, “I’m supposed to be the cheerful one. The friend you guys turn

to when you need something to laugh about. This is ironic, right?” 

I struggled to reply, all along he had been trying to hide his hardships because he didn’t want us to

worry and selfishly none of us ever questioned how he was. None of us thought much of it. He was


Then the sound of running, the tumultuous stomps up the stairs, we both froze. Seconds later

Sunggyu and Woohyun were before us, both nearly collapsing from the sprint.

My brother pulled Sungyeol into a bear hug, “Thanks for always being there for us, but you don’t have

to be the happy one all the time. At times like this we want to be the ones that make you laugh.” 

“I get it, I get it. Now stop hugging me, you smell.” Sungyeol retorted trying to slither out of his grasp.

Woohyun laughed at the scene and chipped in, restraining him from escaping.

He sent a look my way, “Although I don’t like him, he’s a nice guy... that Myungsoo. He stole your cell

phone and told us to come here as soon as possible.” 

“My cell phone?” My hand shot to my pocket and sure enough it was empty. That guy is just...

Still teasing Sungyeol Woohyun offered an arm to me and I followed it joining in. This time my heart

didn’t skip a beat. 

Sungyeol’s neighbour arrived to see three idiots nearly choking the fourth. 

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Chapter Twelve

In a sudden turn of events we’re outside training for the athletics meet and I’m the one complaining.

Studying is one thing but exercising is another. Even when I was little I was the scrawny kid that was

never picked for teams. It was so bad that behind my back my brother would bribe people withchocolate to pick me.

Right now Yerim was running in front yelling out encouragements despite me stopping every minute

or so. Woohyun, Sungyeol and my brother were already on their third lap and every time they passed

me they would give me a hard thump on the back making me cuss at them enviously.

The day after our teasing of Sungyeol his dad was unexpectedly offered a job as head manager of a

large corporation. It just came out of nowhere since he didn’t even apply for the position however it

meant that Sungyeol was available to join our team. But we were still one person short even with the

addition of Yerim.

“Come on, you can do t!” She shouted, pulling me by the arm.

With our practice coming to an end and the day of the event drawing nearer we found ourselves in a

panic to find the final member.

Sunggyu and I walked home together both considering countless names. When we turned the corner

we accidentally bumped into a slim boy that could only be described as pretty. What stuck out though

was the f act that he was wearing our school’s uniform and Sunggyu was struggling to name him. He

knew nearly everyone in our year level.

He pulled the new kid up by the wrist, “Hey, what’s your name?” 

“Sungjong,” he replied dusting off his uniform.

“Join our group and you won’t have an awkward first day of school by yourself,” my brother

immediately offered.

I snapped at him, shocked by his rudeness but Sungjong agreed.

“I had to drop out of school for a few weeks so I need some catching up,” he said as we walked

together conversing freely.

I could see Sunggyu‘s eyes glitter with admiration – he always wanted to drop school completely, “You

lived my dream.” 

Sungjong smiled awkwardly unsure whether he was being sarcastic or my brother was genuinely that

idiotic, sadly it was the latter.

After days of running around and me getting many sympathetic look much to my chagrin, the day of 

the most anticipated event arrived. Our teams lined up on the large track field of Seoul Academy as

their band performed a few songs; this year was their turn to host it. About half our school were

taking part in events while the other half either decided to skip school or were merely spectators.

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As the races went underway I saw Myungsoo smirking at me amongst the crowd of students.

Nonchalantly he went up to me and pecked my check, earning gasps from the audience who were

supposed to be watching the relay.

“I thought you weren’t competing,” I whispered in his ear, and giving an intimate smile. I could hear

my brother cussing from the other side of the track.

Myungsoo patted me on the head, “I had a better idea - If Seoul Academy wins you have to go on a

date with me.” 

Chapter Thirteen

"Run you big idiot, run!" I shouted, my brother glared at me before quickening his pace.

They were doing the final rounds of the relay and he was up against Hoya who was just an inch in

front of him. In the previous match Yerim had unexpectedly beat out all the girls, with me coming lastand Woohyun first equal to Dongwoo. Sungyeol was getting ready for the 100m spring by stretching

his limbs, and making the girls squeal by constantly giving them cute poses. If the whole school wasn't

watching I would've given him a good slap across the head.

Hoya won the last relay of the day, and all the girls from Seoul Academy swarmed him like ants to


"Good on you for beating those Baekgok High losers," one of them said clinging on to his arm like a


He gave a wry smile and tried to nudge them away but he was stuck. Dragging my feet I walked to thewater fountain. At this rate we were going to lose and I'll have to go on a date with that guy... I'm not

exactly against going on a date with him, I mean... I don't mind, but if we lost it meant that Mrs Han

weren't going to tutor the boys and with the mid-year exams coming up I don't want any of them

kicked out of school.

I sighed and splashed cold water of my face, when suddenly a girl wearing the red and white Seoul

Academy sports uniform came up next to me. She had long gorgeous hair that was dyed to a honey

brown, full lips, and although she had single lids it suited here by giving her a soft look. Folding her

arms she had her head cast down, brooding on something and I quickly tried to dart out from the


She stopped me by grabbing my arm, "You know, I used to date Myungsoo."

I didn't know that but replied confidently, "Yes, I know you used to date him."

Her grip on me hardened, "Watch your tone Baekgok slut."

Angered by what she was saying I pulled my wrist from his hand with a mere swat, "What do you


"I know something is up. The way he kissed your cheek like that... he never did that to me, and I dated

him for three months."

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I snorted, "Obviously he just likes me more."

That's when she went absolutely mental, "You don't understand! This is like a 180 degree

transformation. When we were together I would always try to impress him and he just replied with

short snarky comments. I tried to kiss him and he said my breath smelt funny... one time I even sent

him naked photos, I was that desperate for affection. Do you know what he replied with, do you?"

Backing away from her bulging eyes and red furious face I held my hands up in the air, "No?"

"He told me I shouldn't cut my feet off when I'm taking full body shots! That bastard"-

The "bastard" and Dongwoo showed up then, walking towards us.

Myungsoo placed a calm hand on her shoulder, "Calm down Nanhee."

She slapped him away and tried to hit him although it was more likea child throwing something, "You

were so mean to me...."

For a moment he looked helpless, "Sorry."

"That what you always said. You never told me you loved me, or even liked me. It was always"-

Dongwoo took over from there, pulling her away from the scene while she screamed profane words at

him. He seemed more amused by this than anything, and when they left Myungsoo crouched down


"Did you really like that girl?"

He laughed lifelessly, "She wasn't like this before, I wanted to treasure her and look at what I've turned

her into... I'm not good with girls to say the least."

"You're good to me?" I offered.

He grinned in disbelief, stood up and made his way to the track, "The last sprint match is coming up

and we're tied. I'm up against your friend Sungjong, keep your fingers crossed. You don't want him to

lose, right?"

I looked at his back while he walked away and twisted the bracelet he made for me earnestly.

I thought that was the end of our conversation but then without turning around he added, "Oh, and

you're not just any girl."

Chapter Fourteen

Stupid Myungsoo and his mixed signals. One minute he’s telling me to confess my feelings to another

guy, and then the next he’s telling me he likes me. That’s what he meant when he said that right? Guys

are too confusing... Maybe I should just be a nun. I looked at the final contestant’s line up anxiously; I

want Sungjong to win right?

“Of course I want Sungjong to win!” I shouted, unintentionally saying my thoughts out loud.

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Yerim stared at me for a moment then giggled, “Caught between your boyfriend and our school I


The match started with a bang and they raced ahead. It seemed that Myungsoo was going to win, he

was just in front of Sungjong by centimetres. The crowd from the opposing school screamed his name

and I looked on unsure who to be supporting. Then, at the last second he tripped.

Everyone held their breath and what was even more surprising was the fact that Sungjong stopped

too. Earning angry shouts from the students from my school he pulled Myungsoo up and by then the

round was already over.

First place went to another student from Baekgok High that I didn’t know... so this meant our school

won. Celebratory cheers erupted through the crowd while Seoul Academy kept insisting that it was a

fluke. Sungjong supported Myungsoo to the nurse’s room and after being obliged to celebrate with

my brother and his friends I followed them.

Sungjong fled the room when he saw me with an excuse of having to buy himself a drink. Luckily

Baekgok High still won otherwise he might really be getting it from a few of the more extremist

students in our school. I sat down next to Myungsoo and looked at his now bandaged ankle along

with the crutches that the nurse must’ve given him. 

“That looks pretty bad.” 

“Yeah it is,” he replied. 

“Want to go outside for a breath of fresh air?” 

“Okay,” he stood up and we walked outside together as Sungyeol was crowned as best competitor of 

the day. It was rather irritating to watch him dance and blow kisses and my arm twitched with the urge

to punch him. He noticed this of course, sending me a wink and forming a heart with his arms to

purposely provoke me. Now he was really going to get it.

Suddenly I noticed something was off, “Myungsoo, you forgot your crutches.”  

He murmured a few cusses and by then I already had the gist of what had occurred while he was

running. I kicked him right in his bandaged area and when he reacted one second late I knew that my

suspicions were true.

I walked off leaving him there, “Idiot!” 

If you’re not careful this might become more than an act. 

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Chapter Fifteen

The results for the exams were out and Sunggyu and Sungyeol punched the air triumphantly.

“No summer school! We passed!” 

“Just,” I added smiling to myself, secretly relieved at their scores.

Sungjong grinned at his fifth place score not reacting as over the top as the others. Getting tutoring

from Mrs Han for a few weeks I found that he was so studious he could even rival me. Without the

extra tutoring from Mrs Han I would always place within the ten highest scores. I crossed my fingers

and scanned through the second year scores, I was third place. Not bad. Looking higher up I

expected to find maybe the class president but instead it was Woohyun who only made one mistake

in the test. He nodded nonchalantly before following my brother and his friends back to the music

room but was stopped half way by our homeroom teacher.

“I need to talk to you about taking you up to your proper grade level,” he murmured to him steering

Woohyun away from us.

My brother laughed merrily, “Has that guy been working hard because of his girlfriend?” 

Sungyeol pouted at the thought, “I don’t like that girl, she looks deceiving”.  

Sunggyu punched him on the arm playfully, “Is it  because she’s cuter than you?” 

“She’s not cuter than me... take that back!” 

They ran down the hall and kids from the school laughed at their wild antics, this happens more than

often. Sungjong shook his head in exasperation and chased after them.

Happy that everything had come to an amiable end I took out my cell phone ready to text Myungsoo

about the test results, but then I noticed that my inbox already had a message.

I’m outside your school, want to go watch a movie? 

I brightened and saved his message without too much thought when Woohyun popped up from

behind me.

“Huh, you really do like him...” 

“What do you mean?” I stuttered nervously, shocked from his sudden entrance.

“After seeing you two together I thought you were only acting, but I was wrong. Who would’ve

guessed... me... wrong?” He chuckled in disbelief and left me by myself.

With what Woohyun just said stuck to my mind I walked to the nearest window and looked out to see

Myungsoo leaning on the gate casually. His fringe had grown out to below his eyebrows and it

emphasized his dark eyes and sharp features. As usual he looked tired and he seemed to have dozed

off. This guy really needs to sleep earlier and I felt inclined to tell him that but then something echoed

in my mind.

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“Heh, of course I don’t like him.”  

Chapter Sixteen

“Why is Dongwoo here with us?” 

Myungsoo sighed, “He’s been complaining that I haven’t been spending enough time with him.” 

“It’s true,” Dongwoo added nodding his head.

This guy is either purposely annoying me or he can’t get a hint. No matter how hard I tried to make

him leave he found a way out of it. Usually it would be the third wheel that felt uncomfortable but

now it was the opposite.

“Let’s watch that new movie”-

“I could really use some fast food right now. What about McDonalds?” Dongwoo chimed in, clearly

uninformed to the f act that he wasn’t welcomed. 

Myungsoo held my hand making me startle and nearly punch him in the face. He raised his brows in

surprise; over the past few weeks we’d gotten used to things like this and my reaction had always

been very composed.

He leant in and whispered in my ear, “You okay?”

I blushed furiously as his breath ticked against my skin catching me off guard. In a panic I pushed hisface away and he nearly stumbled to the ground but balanced himself on time. He was bothered

about the way I was acting but didn’t mention it again until we arrived at McDonalds and Dongwoo

went to order.

“You seem really troubled today.” 

“I’m fine, over the moon. It’s all flowers and meadows here,” I replied anxiously.  

He sat quietly brooding for a moment then began again, “It looks like the tension between your

school and mine has really calmed down. I think if we were to ‘break up’ now on mutual terms then

we won’t have to continue this act anymore.” 

“W-what?” I stuttered incomprehensibly. I couldn’t read his expression at all. 

Luckily before he could continue Dongwoo returned, “I have to go. There’s something going on over

at the main road. You should walk Haeun home now. It doesn’t seem safe.” 

It sounded like there was a hidden message in there and Myungsoo gave me a look, grabbed my

hand and led the way out. I wanted to ask about what was happening but something told me now

wasn’t the time. When we were outside on the busy street Dongwoo waved and then ran the opposite

direction. Once he was out of sight Myungsoo dropped my hand and it fell to my side limply, like a

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snail without a shell I suddenly noticed the blazing sun, the cold sweat running down my back, and my

unsteady heart beat.

“Walk in front, it’s safer that way,” he directed with a hardened gaze.

“Isn’t it even better for you to walk next to me?”  

He relaxed and chuckled, “I guess so.” 

For a few brief second Myungsoo’s hand brushed against mine and I lost focus. Maybe I did want him

to be near, to feel the touch of his skin on mine... even then I didn’t have the courage to ask him. I

waited for him to do it on his own accord but that didn ’t seem to be on his mind, my hand clenching

restlessly I waited in vain.

In an instant his cell phone rang distracting me as he gave rushed replies to the caller. His tone was

urgent and already he was signalling for a taxi to stop. When he hung up he turned to me and

somehow I already knew what he was going to say.

“Baekgok High and Seoul Academy, there’s been a big fight. We need to get there now.” 

Chapter Eighteen

Myungsoo's Story

Hoya stifled his snickers always the loyal friend and Dongwoo convulsed with laughter while I glared

at them menacingly.

“Did Nanhee really just tell you to masturbate to the newspaper?” he asked incredulously and wiping

away the tears forming at his eyes.

I dated her a few months ago; it's quite a fascinating story really. She sent me a few naked photos of 

herself, and the camera cut off at her knee so I told her she shouldn't crop her photos at the joint

because it looks unbalanced. then she screamed profanity at me. Girls can be so over sensitive.

“Apparently the only thing I care about is photography,” I murmured confirming the rumour and

causing them to be in hysterics.

Luckily she dumped me after that, although she has since sent me a series of disturbing, letters, texts

and voice mails.

We walked past a stall in the school selling paparazzi shots of popular students, and Hoya stopped to

look over them. There were photos of me walking home and I couldn’t help but to be slightly crept


“This picture of you is still the bestseller,” Hoya announced holding up a photo of m e about to pull off 

my shirt off in the changing rooms.

I didn’t even want to think about how that shot was taken.

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Just as I was about to ditch them a photo caught my eyes, and I picked it up curiously.

The shop attendant who was a girl in my class immediately came to my aid, “Her name’s Haeun, she’s

quite popular amongst the boys in this district although no one confesses to her since her brother is

the kingka of Baekgok High.” 

Dongwoo snatched the photo and put a hand to his chin, “Seems pretty plain to me... six or seven out

of ten.” 

Ignoring his comment I held my hands up to the window, forming a square with my fingers. As I

looked through the lenses to the sunlight seeping in I could already see her profile etched into my


A week after that Haeun came onto our school rooftop her long hair blowing in the wind, and a

grimace dug into her face. She seemed genuinely upset about the whole conflict and for once I think

there’s a girl who I can relate to. 

Right away Hoya knew the plan I devised with her, “You two aren’t real, right?” 

I smirked this guy is much smarter than he looks, “How did you find out?” 

“Only one of the two of you seems to honestly like the other,” he replied purposely not saying any

names since I’m stubborn enough to deny it till death.

“It’s that obvious, huh...” 

He shook his head with a chuckle, “No, I’m just good at analyzing you. We have been friends since we

were kids.” 

“I should’ve known.” 

“I think it’s better if you break this thing off. If you don’t she’ll always think of you as being under the

premise of acting.” 

I sighed and admitted reluctantly, “But I think I need her right now more than ever.” 

Now as I’m walking away from the confrontation I can feel something inside me contract because I

know in a way I’m also leaving my love. I really am bad with girls, despite whatever she says.

Then as I’m about turn a corner a shoe comes flying straight at my head and I spin around angrily to

see a merciless Haeun.

“What’s that for?” I shout out holding on to my wound even though I’m secretly happy that she

stopped me I send daggers her way.

“Idiot! Who told you that you could decide when this ends without my permission? Stop trying to act

cool and just let me say something!” 

Somehow within the clouds she always finds that ray of light that I try to hide.

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“Who’s trying to act cool? Stop calling me an idiot, and you can say whatever you want to say! Say it

now to everybody if that’s what you want! What do I care?” 

The whole school gaps at our shouting competition all in shock as they watch the usually collected

ones lose their grip.

“Well, listen to this then! I’m in love with you!”  

The sun is blinding, everything is bright and the distance between us closes rapidly. Instantly she

wraps her arms around my neck and stand on her tiptoes. I ease her towards me with a hand at her

nape and then we are kissing in front of everyone, except it isn’t like the first one – rehearsed and


This is real.

Chapter Nineteen“The image of you and him kissing is still haunting my mind,” Sungyeol said looking distraught.

His body was shivering and although I flushed at the memory of Myungsoo’s lips against mine, the

rise and fall of his chest as he breathed I still managed to laugh at the hilarity of it all. It was the first

day of summer vacation and the group had decided to visit our house although obviously woken up

by nightmares of the previous day.

“Stop talking about it! I’d rather forget it all. More importantly we have to find out who it was that

spread those posters,” Sunggyu declared laying sprawled out on the coach.

“It would have to be more than one person, since it’d be impossible to carry all that without looking

suspicious. Also, students from both schools are involved,” Sungjong stated jotting down the notes on

a piece of paper.

“That many flyers would probably need at least three people from each school,” Sungyeol added in  

counting off with his fingers.

“That person would have to know me personally to find out it was faked,” I said with a troubled


We all turned to Woohyun expecting him to have deducted it by now. He was usually the smartestwhen it came to things such as this. He sat brooding, having barely spoken since yesterday. Gently I

prodded his arm to bring him back to reality.

“I have the gist of who it is, but we’ll have to investigate around to confirm it,” he announced heading

for the door.

“Who do you think it is?” Sungjong asked in confusion. 

“It’s pretty obvious. Who hasn’t been around since that catastrophe?” 

We all stared at each other blankly before we realized and shouted at the same time, “Yerim!” 

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He nodded, “Exactly. I’ve been keeping an eye on her since the day she transferred because I thought

she was suspicious. On the first day she came to our school I caught her sneaking into the principal’s

office and looking through the records.” 

“Why didn’t you tell us?” asked Seungyeol sullenly. 

“Because all of you guys with the exception of maybe Sungjong, are brash and would probably try to

confront her with no evidence.” 

“That’s not fair... Actually that sounds about right, let’s go then!” 

We all hopped up from the crowded living room, and Sunggyu took the lead charging ahead with the

boys following after him.

I nudged Woohyun elbowing him on his side, “For a moment there you really did like her, didn’t you?” 

From watching him for so long I knew his nature and his behaviour; what I saw that day in theclassroom wasn’t a lie. 

He smiled sadly as if reminiscing the past, then put his index finger to his lips, “Shhh.”  

Chapter Twenty

We went to the closes printing shop beside our house since Woohyun deducted that she couldn’t

possibly print so many flyers at her house. After much discussion we decided Sungjong looked the

most trustworthy and made him approach the cashier.

“Excuse me, recently... maybe a few days ago, was there a girl here that printed off about 100 to 200

flyers?” He asked in a polite tone. 

The middle-aged man yawned lazily behind the counter, paying more attention to the small TV that

was airing the latest basketball match, “Maybe.” 

Sunggyu interrupted then pushing Sungjong aside, “Hey, is that Lakers versus Clippers?”  

The man perked up then, “Yeah, it’s a tough match. The score is pretty close.” 

Sunggyu smirked, “Want to do a bet? I win you tell us the information we need, you win I’ll give you

my young sister.” (BEAST reference, lol). 

I gapped at Sunggyu but the older man whistled approvingly looking at my body like I was a product.


We walked out the store with what we needed; Yerim had indeed been there along with two other

guys who were actually wearing the Seoul Academy uniform.

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“Haeun, don’t you think that punching him was a little bit too far?” Sungjong asked in exasperation. 

“Didn’t you see the way he was leering at me? Besides I think Sunggyu’s plan all along was that we

would either win, or if we didn’t I would punch that man’s gut.” 

“If she didn’t do it, I would’ve,” Sungyeol added mimicking the hit I made earlier with his fist. 

We trudged down the path, heading towards Seoul Academy.

“How are we going to find her?” I asked. 

“I’ve already told everyone in the gang to start fishing for information; you should call Myungsoo and

tell him to get his boys to do some work too.”  

“Fine,” I replied trying not to flush as I took out my cell phone.  

After that kiss he had dropped me off and needless to say it was just a bit awkward. This would be my

first time talking to him since then and I didn’t know what would be changing between us. Did I need

to act cuter?

“Hello,” Myungsoo answered, I could hear muffled laughter in the background. 

“Hi, this is Haeun... um, you know the posters from yesterday”-

He interrupted me, “You guys come to the basketcall court in the central park, here’s a sight worth


Then he hung up leaving me to gap at the phone incredulously. That wasn’t lovey at all, in fact it 

seemed as if he was in a hurry to stop talking to me. Nothing seems to have changed from before.

“We have to go to the court in central park, he said there was something going on there.” 

“That was just sad to listen to, “ Sungyeol said shaking his head in mock disappointment as we went

to the bus stop, “Haeun, you need to be more girly.” 

“What? I’m girly, I’m the girliest girl out there!”  

“No, this is how you’re supposed to do it,” he pretended to be calling someone, and batted his

eyelashes exaggeratedly, “Oppa~ How are you? I missed you oppa. Kiss” -

After listening to him go on for about 15 minutes we arrived. The place was relatively quiet when we

entered but as we approached the destination noise began to steadily rise.

I expected maybe a dozen people out there but when we got there we found only Myungsoo,

Dongwoo, Hoya and Yerim. Dongwoo was poking fun at Yerim and making petty remarks while she

ignored his constant laughter.

Myungsoo waved me over, it was my first time seeing him without his uniform and he was wearing an

opened plaid top that revealed a simple white graphic shirt with dark jeans. My heart thudded

erratically unsure of how to act.

I knew it was gross but I couldn’t help but try it, “Oppa, what’s happening?”  

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Myungsoo raised a brow at me, “Aren’t I just a year older than you?” 

“Yeah, sorry... about that phone conversation...” 

He shuffled his hair sheepishly, “Sorry, I have a slight cold right now so I can’t talk much, and...” He

stopped there too embarrassed to continue which just aroused my curiosity more.

“And what?” 

“I really wanted to see you so I hung up early,” he murmured coughing in between so he wouldn’t

have to actually say it.

I blushed and shuffled nervously, “I wanted to see you too.” 

“Okay, can you two stop? More importantly we have to interrogate the perpetrator here,” Sunggyu

glared at Yerim sticking his tongue at her childishly.

“Why’d you do that?” Woohyun asked getting straight to the point. 

Yerim sighed irritably, “I having nothing against any of you guys, just that dickhead Kim Myungsoo. I

was friends with Nanhee. She was a nice girl before but then he ruined her.”  

“Nanhee? How do you know her?” Hoya asked in confusion, “Didn’t you just transfer to Baekgok


“I used to go to Seoul Academy,” she replied rolling her eyes.

“You must not have been very memorable; I’m going to write that down okay?” Sungjong said taking

notes as we spoke.

“Hmph, Anyway, I’m transferring schools after this so there’s no more you can find out from me,” She

walked away from the scene nonchalantly and the guys didn’t have it in them to hit her. 

She glanced at us for the last time, “Just a warning, there’s more coming, and don’t try to ask what

because you’ll know soon enough.” 

Then she looked at Woohyun and they held eye contact.

For a second she looked guilty sad even as she bit her bottom lip, “Sorry.”  

Chapter Twenty-one

After Yerim made her apology she instantaneously reverted back to being a pompous jerk, and

sauntered off nonchalantly. We sat on the courts now, absorbing everything we’d heard. It didn’t seem

as if Myungsoo’s ex Nanhee was responsible for the crime, she was far too gone to have plotted such

devious acts. They continued to discuss possible culprits while I was deep in my thoughts.

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The countenance Yerim emitted wasn’t that of someone who would hold a grudge, in fact it seemed

 just a few days ago who were laughing together. I had a little hope left within me, although

diminutive. Standing up I ignored the group’s inquiries are ran off chasing after her. 

When I finally saw her retreating silhouette I nearly tackled her to the ground, “Where are you going?”

I breathed between pants.

She pulled away with an irate expression, “What else do you want from me?” 

“Even if you did betray us, I know that you didn’t mean it.” 

She raised an incredulous brow, snorting at the notion, “What crap are you talking about?” 

“You’re part of the group, whether you like it or not.”  

Her pursed lips softened but her stern eyes still remained, “Look, I didn’t want to do it but you have to

understand my situation. I have my own friends, my own people that I promised to.” 

“Why did you transfer to Baekgok High though? Weren’t you after Myungsoo?” I reasoned. 

Yerim sighed in exasperation, “We thought that if I joined your school then you would trust me, and

we could’ve taken down Myungsoo together. Who was I to know that you and he would end up in


Finally she pulled away from my grasp and brushed herself off, “I have to go now.” 

“Wait!” I shouted and she turned back quizzically, “Are you coming back?” 

She smiled weakly and brushed her hair out of her face lethargically, “Not for a long time.” 

Then she walked off leaving me staring after her.

“Oh and Haeun, the people most likely to seek revenge for you are the people that love you the

most,” she hinted flickering her gaze back at me, “Think about that.”  

The people most likely to seek revenge for you are the people that love you the most.

“What do you think she means by that?” I interrogated Myungsoo as we sat together on the parkbench. Everyone else had already left with the afternoon coming to a close and now it was just the

two of us.

He titled his head, considering the question I had thrown at him, “For example, if you were to be

bullied by someone, who do you think would hunt that person down?”  

“You,” I replied immediately and then flushing because it sounded presumptuous.

“Yes, me. And who else?” 


“What about Woohyun, Sungyeol or Sungjong?” He asked curiously.  

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I looked down at our hands, just inches apart and gulped, “They only hang around me because of my


He scoffed and shook his head in disappointment, “You really are an idiot are you?”

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” I retorted with punching his arm.  

“They may have noticed you because of Sunggyu, but they obviously stick around you because they

think of you as their companion. More importantly though, I have a feeling I know who Yerim was

talking about.” He dragged me off the seat refusing to reply to my endless question, and soon we

were on his motorbike. Tentatively I wrapped my arms around his waist, butterflies fluttering in my

stomach. He glanced back at me with a smile and then took off. I felt an intense déjà vu as we sped

away to Seoul Academy.

“Why are we here?” I asked as he pulled me to around the back of the school. We huddled against thewall, away from the security cameras, and I pleaded that guard weren’t going to suddenly show up

and kill me. This isn’t quite the first date I was hoping for. With the utmost precision Myungsoo pried

open the back window with a large dagger, it was obvious he had done this a number of times.

“Why do you have a knife with you?” 

“Protection.” He answered casually, as if it were completely normal.  

“And why are we here again?” 

“I know the group that’s responsible, but I don’t know their contact details. We need to go into theirfiles.” He finally replied, leaping through gap of the window with the utmost ease. 

I reached up and he pulled me over, cradling me close to him as we arrived in the dark edge of the

classroom. I could feel the beat of his heart against my back, as well as his breath against my ear; hot

and prickling my sensitive skin. Carefully closing the window, we sneaked through the halls of the

supposedly empty school.

“Why didn’t you get your henchmen to do the dirty work?” I whispered, scared to be overheard

despite the lack of spectators.

He turned back to me, smirking coyly in response, “That’s not nearly as fun though.”  

I gapped at him in disbelief muttering incoherent cusses as he led us to the principal’s office wit h a

bemused smile. Breaking through the door as easily as the window, he walked straight to the large

metal compartments at the back. Flipping through the files he selected a few and read out the

addresses for me to write down on a scrap paper. When the task was finally completed we made our

way out but not before hearing the daunting sound of sneakers squeaking.

We rushed to the shadow of the staircase, our breaths bated as we watched the people walking past,

because of the darkness we couldn’t see clearly and I counted approximately ten boys. My heart was

thudding rapidly and cold sweat broke out behind me back, at any moment they could see us.

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Myungsoo didn’t seem to care though, “There’s what? Five of them? I can handle that.” He handed me

his knife and walked out from our hiding place confidently with his hands in his pocket as I gawked

after him.

“What are you guys doing here?” He asked with an indifferent demeanour. 

The group halted in their steps and turned around, even with their whooping number a few of them


The supposed leader of the group spoke then, “So you found out. I should’ve known that Yerim squirt

would spill the info.” The voice sounded so familiar that for a moment my mind froze.  

Where had I heard that before?

“Didn’t that last beating teach you idiots?” Myungsoo asked his tone thick with condescension.  


“There’s one of you and eight of us. Do you really think you can take us on?”

Myungsoo merely motioned for them to come, and soon several of the boys were charging his way.

He punched someone across the face, and kicked another in the groin, but not before getting thrown

to the ground. From there the action was all a blur in the dim hall and I struggled to make out what

was happening.

Looking down at the sharp weapon in my hand I wasn’t sure if I would be able to use it, however no

matter how tough Myungsoo is, no one can take down that many people. I tightened my grasp on the

handle and sneaked around the battle field, instead going for the leader who was overlookingeverything.

When I was directly behind him, I slammed the blunt end of the handle into his skull, and he groaned

and fell to the ground, his body convulsing in pain. A few of his comrades spotted me and

approached, already making crude remarks about me body.

“Hey sexy”- Myungsoo interjected then kicking him in the ribs. Before he could continue with the fight

I took his hand and sprinted to the only exit I knew of, the window we came in using.

“I could’ve finished them easy.” He protested as we landed on the plush green grass.

“I’m sure you could’ve.” 

We ran to the entrance of the school, “Well, now where’s that sheet of addresses?” 

Oh, crap.

“Under the staircase.” I admitted hiding my face with my palms, “At least now we know the bad guys,

you can just send your gang to hunt them down.” 

Myungsoo clenched his jaw, his knuckles white on the handlebars of his motorbike, “That’s a problem

when half my gang was in there.” 

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“Y-you’re lying.” 

He looked at me, his eyes strained as he too took in the revelation, “There are the loyal members, and

then there are the ones that flock to whoever they think is most powerful.” 

“Why was Greasy Hair leading the pack?” I asked stuttering as I spoke. 

He snickered slightly at the nickname but responded, “Jinhyun or Greasy Hair as you call him, was

Nanhee’s other ex-boyfriend. They were childhood friends before they dated, and it seems he never

got over her.” 

I looked down despondently, “What do we do now?” 

Myungsoo may be brave, but he was ultimately rational, “Getting into a fight with them now would

result in too many casualties. We can only wait.” 

Chapter Twenty-two

The holidays ended far too quickly and soon I was walking hand in hand with Myungsoo to Seoul

Academy. The morning was eerily quiet with no students in sight, and already we knew that

something had gone down. This was confirmed as we neared the school and began to hear chaotic

screams. Myungsoo ran ahead of me, kissing me quickly on the lips.

It bothered me; it was like he wanted to make the most of it before it was all over.

The Seoul Academy school grounds were a blood bath. I saw Dongwoo and Hoya amongst those that

were fighting, and upon closer inspection even Sungjong, Sunggyu and Woohyun. What Myungsoo

said before flashed in my mind, “They may have noticed you because of Sunggyu, but they obviously 

stick around you because they think of you as their companion.”  

Myungsoo’s arrival put a pause to the fighting, and he looked over everything furiously taking the

scene in, “What the hell happened?” 

Hoya replied immediately, “There was a coup d’état. Initially the fight wasn’t big but then more people

got involved, and those guys,” he pointed at my friends who waved in response, “Decided to help


The principal stormed out of the building, he probably watched for quite a while but didn’t find the

guts to show up till the punches stopped.

“Who is responsible for this?” 

A bated silence answered as everyone waited for someone to admit the blame.

“Me.” Myungsoo answered when it was clear everyone else was unyielding. An audible gasp came

over the crowd, and even the principal looked a bit iffy about it all.

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“You don’t have a speck of blood on you, unlike your classmates. How is this fault?” He questioned


“I came up with the idea of this fight; I thought it’d be fun.” He lied smoothly. 

The principal frowned, “I’d hate to have to do this, what with your family’s status, but with the extentof what happened here I have no choice. Please come with me.”

Myungsoo was expelled the next day.

He sat on my couch lethargically, while everyone else played cards, equally nonchalant towards the

whole ordeal. I could only gap at them in indignation.

“You’re not going to enrol to another school?” I asked incredulously. 

He yawned in reply, “What need is there to? I’ll just take over my dad’s business.” 

My anger escalated and I could feel my hands quiver with the need to hurt him.

“So you’re just going to rely on your parents? Do you have a dream? An ambition?”  

Dongwoo and Hoya snickered at the fact I was lecturing their leader, and I sent them a death glare so

that they immediately shut up.

“You two as well, all you’re doing to following his every whim. Don’t you have anything you want to

do?” I persisted. 

I looked towards Woohyun, “You’re smart but you’re not doing anything with it,” Sungjong, “You’re

smart too, you’re also rational and calm in urgent situations,” Sungyeol, “You’re family is going to

depend on you when you’re older. Do you want your father to work his whole life?” 

Finally my eyes rested on my brother, Sunggyu, “You have great leadership skills but you’re wasting


“Well, what do you want to be then?” Sungyeol asked, hurt by comment.

I stood up heading for the kitchen, “I know you guys are all going to tease me for this, but I want to

be a nurse, and I’m already studying for it.” I left the room irately and cleaned the plates by myself.

My mum peeped through the door curiously, “Which one of those guys is your boyfriend?” 

“W-what are you talking about?” I stuttered in surprise.

“I can tell. Is it the one with the blonde hair? You always go for the delinquents”-

I interjected then humiliated at his prying questions, “No, it’s Myungsoo, he’s sitting on the couch.” 

“Oh, he handsome!” She commented, winking like a teenage girl.

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To my utmost embarrassment that’s when Myungsoo decided to walk into the room. He ducked his

head sheepishly and looked almost shy as he greeted my mum. She gave him a good slap on the back

in return, and I could see him wince. As I’ve said before the family get’s their strength from her.

“I’m going now.” He told giving me a nudge at the arm.

I looked at him quizzically, “What about the other guys?” 

“They’ve already left.” 

“Do you need to walk you out?” 

“It’s fine, I need to think over some things.” 

I nodded in understanding and then he was gone. I didn’t know then the effect my words had on

them but the very next day I walked into the music room to see all their heads stuck in a book. They

were actually studying! Albeit with a sour face, but still!

Sungjong looked up at my entrance and waved at me, “Did you hear? The students from Seoul

Academy started a petition and got Myungsoo back in the school. I ’m sure his dad also had to pay a

hefty sum but he’s back!” 

“You’re brother here put his leadership skills to use and actually came up with the idea.” Sungyeol

added cheekily, reminding me of my nagging from the previous day.

Sunggyu held his head high, averting eye contact from me and purposely acting condescending,

“Thank your big brother.” He commanded childishly.

“Thanks.” I replied ecstatic despite how he was acting.

I turned around and slid open the door, desperate to go see my boyfriend but nearly collided into

Woohyun in the process. I noticed he had a thick book on biology in his hand.

He pushed my back teasingly, “Go on, find your boyfriend.” 

Grinning at him I darted down the halls and down the countless flights of stairs.

I ran outside the school with the intention to go to Seoul Academy but actually met Myungsoo at the

gate of my school. He held a large camera in his hand and when I approached snapped a photo of 

me. I jumped into his arms, hugging him close to me while he protested that I was going to make him

drop his contraption. Gradually he relented and eventually hugged me back with slight hesitation.

Who knew the guy was shy?

My heart thudded feeling his warm enclosing around me, at the moment I was happy.

This peace treaty that we signed between us, we signed it with love.

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After graduation we all got separated despite our efforts to stay together. This isn’t to say we didn’t

keep in contact, we tried our best to but it’s not easy with us being so far away. I’m still in High school

studying in my third year. I’m by myself now.

Sungjong’s in the same grade as me, but he transferred school to one that specialized in performing

arts, he said that even though he’s good at academics, he wanted to perform on stage.

Sunggyu went on to unexpectedly major in economics. He told all of us that he after he graduates,

he’ll be the managing director of Myungsoo’s parent’s company, and however ludicrous it sounded

then, it actually seems like it might be coming true, especially with Myungsoo rejecting the offer of 

taking over the family business.

Woohyun is studying medicine, as I will be too. He wants to be a doctor and with his intelligence and

calm piece of mind, I don’t doubt he can become. I’ve heard he’s also talking to Yerim recently,

although he wouldn’t admit it when I interrogated him.

With his liveliness and mood making abilities, Sungyeol is learning to be a teacher. I haven’t heard

from him often but he’s quite popular in his university and even the teachers have adopted him as the

mascot of school.

Dongwoo and Hoya started a lunch business in the block between Baekgok High and Seoul Academy,

and just as your prediction might be it took off. Now they’ve opened several chains across South

Korea, and they’re both constantly travelling to keep up with it all.

Lastly, Myungsoo’s become a freelance photographer and working several part-time jobs to earn a

living. I’ve met his parents and they’re good people, although they were initially against his dream

they’ve accepted it now and are even offering to give Myungsoo an ‘allowance’ but he won’t accept it.

He’s been offered a job with the national newspaper recently, and is travelling to worldwide events to

capture the moments. I haven’t seen him for a month.

Without the boys I sat in the class feeling lonely, despite the constant chatter of the other students.

I’ve actually been adopted as the Queenka but I try my best to keep out of that scene, basically a

bunch of students follow me around and I have to attempt to ignore them. It’s not an easy job.

I look down at the bracelet Myungsoo first gave me, feeling nostalgic and wishing they were all here.With a sigh and continued on with my works, only to be called to the window by my excited


“What’s going on?” I murmured looking out.

Then to my utter shock there they were, all waiting for me casually like it was any other day.

Sungyeol spotted me and waved hysterically, “Come on Queenka, skip school for once!” 

My brother and Woohyun convulsed into laughter at the new nickname and I narrowed my eyes at

them. Sungjong acted innocent but even he struggled to suppress his snicker, he was wearing the newgaudy uniform of his school too.

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I searched the group for that one guy I ’ve been yearning for and when I spotted Myungsoo I broke

out in a goofy grin. He smiled at me and ushered for me to come down, while Hoya and Dongwoo

rolled their eyes at our public display of affection.

Sprinting to meet them I realized something; I’m lucky, I have a great brother, great friends, and a

great boyfriend.

The sky’s the limit.