pastoof Wiliam Diseases - University of South...

I AH K RICA'S OUTS TAN 01AO1 yi^^7T|j|yrT73r JIVrMiNV 1942 ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE READY R. K. O..I'm fifteen but grow. i;.g up every day. I can't do much work but 1 do nut forth lota of effort. 1 want to become1 a big man and wunt your idea Sir. We don't take the paper, but they take it * next door and I read it every chance I get. Ans: Young rffan I know of nothing for, a hoy your Bffft than to make himself a little money . . . you can do just that by working up a paper route for this paper. Call at the newspaper ' office and talk to them . . . write them-if you like. The more work you do, the more effort and thought you put into your work > . . . the quicker you are going; to develop intQ manhood both mental. ly and physically. Big men are made ; . not born . . . it is up to . ' you to study and prepare yourself thoroughly for success in .life. Ncrw is the time to start. j R. W..Dear Sir: Would it be safe for me to return home now? j Mother is so anxious to see me aruT she says that everything should^ be alright now. I want to" visit her " Christmas. j Ans: Your mother is in a posi_ tion to know .... take her word 1 for it and home for Christmas. The boy who gave you so much trouble has recently married and moved away from your mcrther's community. You should be able to visit home without hia knowing a H pure trip w'ould be most i*a. i joy able. 1 G. D..J have friend in Nyty 1 York, and'he is planning tq send my Christmas gift from up there as he isn't coming home. But he doesn't know how to pick out the i things a young girl would like. He wants -to surprise- me. I hate to write and tell him what to buy but if you say I should. I will. What "must I da? ; Ans: N'o don't write the boy and | give him the Christmas list you CLIP AND MAIL THli Notice To Readers! Let Professor Iems "free" in this column . . . jus in your letter. For a "Private Ret his new ASTROLOGY READING you will receive "free" by return n and understanding.advice analyxtr your full name, birthdate, and corn please restrict your questions to the soning. Address Your Letter Dlrec The Palmetto Leader, 1310 Assemb! (Give Birthdate and Explain Que of Pa My Name : . Address ; City [.| I am a Leader subscriber o^^o.oo^.aoo.o<Biace^o.oocrO0a MULLINS NEWS A choral group of one hundred voices rendered one of the most outstanding prgrams ever to be presented by local talent on Sunday. Dpppmhpr 1J of fV\« An/loi- son theatre. This group composed of members of the various church choirs and the Choral .So- i ciety of the Palmetto high school. The program consisted of spirituals, gospel songs and Christmas carols. This program was given for the benefit of the Tubercular campaign which is a national project. Though the first time that such a program has been given we are sure that we are worthy of being called upon for such services As Negroes we are willing to do our share for such a worthy cause. The chorus was directed by A( G. Whitener,- with Mrs. A. B. Garcia as accompanist. The program was as follows: . God Bles9 America; Theme song, Over My Head T See In The - - Ahv I "Ain't Gonna' Study War No More; Swing Low, Sweet Char iot; Keep Me From Sinking I Down; Its Me; Give Me That Old Time Religion; Intermission.remarks by Mrs. Reeder (white) social and civic welfare worker; Solo, Mrs. Mack; Silent Night; Go Tell It On The Mountains; King's Highway; The Old Ship of Zion; Closer Walk With Thee; * Fare You Well. Our energetic Principal, Prof. K. Richardson did quite a bit m tawaid.) mailing tnls program a success. \r »» inrs. nettie Robinson, county tubercular chairman was the spon sor of this program. Soloists for the occasion were: Mesdames Jannie Reaves, Safroniu Reaves, A. P. Garcia, Misses M. A. Harper, Beatrice Jamison and A. G. Whitener. Mrs. Mack was the guest soloist. Leola MeOleesp, reporter. Oon't go through tho next 12 month* unprepared. Let my new Is 1942 Astrology Reading* be your r w Inspiration. Just of# the press. Confidential letter of free advice on 3 Questions included with each order. Prof. Abbe' Wallace. | have worked out ... it would scare him to death. Let him hf.r.dle this matter in his own way. Surei, he isn't" so old fashioned that he wouldn't know' what tt) buy a your-trype. My suggestion in yout case is to let him choose the gift and regardless of what it is be sure to write him a note , t thanks immediately -after Christ N. B..I don't, ^know what would do ff.this frierd should find another girl. He writer me the .sweetest letters remindln me of his lcrve but he hasn't heeii here in two weeks. Tell me win to do as I am so unhappy and I want him so badly. ^ns: His trouble is financial t doubt .... he can't be runnine fifty milec each week end to vis: you. He's mighty thoughtful and writes regularly, so don't doubt U boy. He will try t^ find a job tin r 1 in your city after Christmas apt ( I dare say he will be a daily gn s ! in your home. * M. D..I'm 10 year: «»!«1 a u j don't, know where..ui\u t; tt+^r 1 never seen him. My uiutlivr treat/ lived with her. Huve lived with ni» ' aunt for 7 years. My grand motlu t J raised me from a- six months nld > t>aby. ftfy aunt is very mean to no* I am in the tHh grade. Do >ou Uii ! [ should quit» school and go tc 1 work ? 1 Ans: A girl with no parents to 1 help her needs all the education you realtee that vu'ur mtik ing a sacrifice to keep you w i- 1 Ifir :und ill school ? Appreciut* what she is giving you regardl fts you please. Follow yoiu aim'.' J wishes and work hard afte- schoo 1 ind try to help her t.--Hit" trcT""* know just how much it means to you for her to be kind. Y u ivuTh have lots to be thankful for in thi: lunt of yours. Do not stop school and go to work until' your aunt ?ives her consent. 5 COUPON TODAY! \ Abbe' Wallace analyze your prob- , t Include a dipping of the column >ly" . . . send a quarter (25c) for AND LUCKY DAY CHART . . . |j tail a confidential letter of kindly | eg- (8) questions privately. Sign ect address to all letters, and . . . ise within the scope of logical reat to: Prof. Abbe' Wiallace, care of ly Street, Columbia, S. C. nations Fully on Separate Sheet i per) 1 \ t t State -"J 1 am a Newsstand buyer ( WILLIAMS CHAPEL A. M. K. t CHURCH t Rev. R. J. Jefferson, Pastor f Orangeburg, S. C. Promptly a ( [1:45 the Sunday School ope»nu with the Supt. in charge. The us. N sistance Supt., having undergone [ a minor operation, wa,.. unable to j be present. We missed him and , pray for him a speedy recovery. j After a brief study period, the t lesson was: interestingly ruviuuni v by Mr.~E. 71. Thompson, tlie same was very much enjoyed. Mr. ( Thompson recently i-ami* to us , from Mt. Zion A. M. E. church in ^ Jacksonville, Fla. He is a rep re. v sentative of the North Carolina j Mutual Insurance Company. I The morning services were very much enjoyed and well attended. Tha.Pastor.selected his text front--; Rev. 3:21, subject, "Righteous \ Living." The pastor delivered a i wonderful message and everyone seemed* t<> have enjoyed it. The | Holy .Ghost was really in our midst. The members are lining up now for great work in the near future. A very successful official j bcrard was held last Monday night and plans were made for a trus tee's rally on the second Sunday in January at which time each 1 member is urgently asked to pay $1.00. We are looking fur nothing but success. A very successful league \va» conducted by the president of the league. A very nniipn- was had. Mr. Walker an (I Mr". Myers sung solos, Miss Elease Jefferson recited a very nice and appropriate poem which she wrote. Miss Jefferson has proven to be quite a writer. At the evening service the pas tor selected his text from St. Matthew 14:JO. This wa« another one of the pastor's master pieces. The attendance wa, very good. The ckrb^ and boards are getting lianipaSPd up Tor a great work, and with ^fc/d's help we are *oing through. TTT 1 ' yye were nappy to nave hail so many visitors worship with oAmonpr them was Mrs. Daisy Tay lor. She spoke to us about the Christmas Seals, we enjoyed it so much. To all of the visitf/rs, come aprain. . v The A. C. E. league is having a shoe rally Sunday. You are invited to be present. Goldie McDuffie, reporter ' Ti Actress Snpports Campa IT"* BsSgtJv i.?8/: Ethel Waters (left), star of Br between acts to purclias TB.STILL KNK.MV OF VOl'TH A ^laiinjr spotlight is thrown tu the "mih'I.ii .* <ii tube! cufosis-Tit imes like these. Not only has the, lisease always in past peiiods <>i itress flared up and spread, bat he I'Dinnnrsiiiii .if i;>: t .. and tuberculosis show^ staitlin,' acts. .'*\^L Lai tubeiTuIo^er'kill Americans than were killed in ac. ion, or died from wcAinds received n acti»n. d»i.liw.! 'ir?-t.Wui hi. Beet available- figures on the. lufnber of America? s killed in ae ioflt; or died from wounds received 11 action, in all the wars the I'nilcd States- has- foueht since 177(1 .shrrrte a I ill..] I..mi.Li-i-l.irUI.--in-.--. uberculusis killed 'i'l-l.iICS. En'/land durinz a te: nidtiTTi )eriod in IP 10 41 were anon >:i»u" ely .'10.QUO 1 )ui itur a con n- > I on month period. tub rOtrk fiUO 000 ll V e> III .the I' lilted States. We c: ? i' *. afford eompla.-eiuvy rejfavdinir t. hcciilos } ill th'< out try. T> ae enou.'h. the fieri it lira in st the disease is b»-in<r won. Phe death rate has lieen force <1 lown from first to seventh plruv is a cause of-death for the pop ilation is a whole. It has.been ci". hree. fourths' in the la-t thirty idd years. But. these fljrurcs, . ompurinjf he fatalities <>f war and tubercu. osis. show that tuberculosis is far . ine.ius4~-an.e-v_d.iHvnim-i-- TIMS IS I'KNDI.KTON Ity I.. I.. I .aster With Christmas just a f< w days iway i ml miljioiw «»f children loping in Hy't Santa wi!! 'isit tlu-m and fill their st<» kirn's ind wishes. We. whn nrc a hip to ealizei will divert mir primary. ho'Uffhts and attention.; otlte-Kwvy.W A1! A iimrirn is a price ovin^ and thinking., democracy. L )ur boys and pirls have never pent a Christmas when' their ountry was ;-t war. bit this hiislmas they will for the tirst inie. No doubt some of us ar-> tointr to b a bit disappointed to atise our stoeki: t*s will not| be illed to the brim on Christmas iiorniuv* many will not have anv 'hristmav tree for the first time, un.. c..; uii with "Merry Christmas." here is ir<»itivr to he hit t.f hone n the sis teim-nt. We (In ->t mean Cat there will l><.viih le sarcasm when nil f ives vim lie hi V e mentioned yreetinii' h'it v~hh-hfrye Tti t.yy iiii tTtrdTAiii tlte' La hie. Pur t'e msiioHt'v of lis. Christmas u not voinir to he as iiei'iy as m; ny. nianv othe's that ,V have v. itnm's'-d. NeVef the ll'SS. jlease accept m r sit cere wi-lies "or a ilerrv Christmas and a Hap_ jy New Year,' in spite of all the aids 11, tile ont i a rv. (in Sendav. 1 teerniliiT llth. Kiint's Ch: pel A M K elmreh (poiisol^Tl Y "I Iar\ est It 'Th " forts pa-t v. Ilev M C. Williaois. Many useful yifts were presented to Rev. \\ ilhanis h*. t e wood) shim 1l_ v.learned thai tlwradv will re"i;ii|| in nroeesy for another Week. This is ilist ; reminder of the Christutis nayea-t at Kind's Chanel mi Sunday af(ei n<>uiii Ih d-mber 'J 1st. fin Christ hp's Dav j'hver Spnn -s Maptist hutch will he 1*1 till- *11111*' nMIIIIHIIIIiy, I P(/ll!lt\ illl'l »'V> -n v<- !,. >11 !.t| I ht*v. m (t wtntnftrr will im-sirh the-l'liYistnias senium. ' As nhovi- stated, this \v an animal ocea ** 71. K'. eh vi-ar all of tve | churches' <>f Pendleton conn- t | HH'tlli'l' «MUp C Mill liinf Mllll U'||' ' brute tl>'* birth nf (> Lord. It :.s a great orrnsiMi. The tfpirit is stimulating. invigorate g. ,,r what I have you? .Yes. folks, come to ' Pendleton. Christmas Day and tV<"'vh n vvf' » <. you ; Ce net a j Methodist, a Kantist. Catholic or any special denomination, but a | h"!i<ve>- and follower of Jesus. Christ. You are weleome. ^nnitiv, ftrc ruber 1 1th, Miss Violji Grove* hart as her "house I "uest. Prof. Wvins Auston of Str te l ollege. Orangeburg. ProC A'stin u-j»s once pritvinal and in st'ucter of the Helton pnbl'? o' M «. C roves w h instrur tor in t h Honea Path public i ^ntrno-t . j Mr P I Mil-. .r r-.||,.t and Cleveland Ohio, will be fu | n"i»ili/.ed f»t Krrrt^i.Chanel A. M. R. church, December 17th it 2:30 p. m. Mr. Milner is one c/f Pendleton's t)l lest pior eers lie is sur v.-ed by several brothers, sigters IK-.:'- y-rr- r ~ I.. reriALMBiio LKADKR iga/Agaiad Tuberculosis jjj^l } ]' Mr oadway show*, takes time out e her Christmas Seals. i\ this country. Tuberculosis still ».ilis nsoie American between the v s til 15 ; nil 4 5 thun »*i»j vwiaci .an e of death. Tuberculosis authorities assure us that we can look forward with ttrH confidence to the eventual era_ dilution of disease. They also wt rn Us that unless every effort made during LijUics like Xhese to limit tain prom-ess in the fitrht. we ,rtand to lose nardlwoii ground. This is the only time during th year when the tuberc'dos's Kg***. rTs make an appeal for financia support to carry on a campaign that saves our lives, uur health and out- hat>>piiu\s*. Ohristmas Seals long agu. wrote their value in the victories tl ey have supported over the disease. Number of K:iltwl"tn AttrWurr Participated in by I'nited States War Duration of war. No. killed RevoTuTTonui y War 8" yrs. 4 00-1 War u,f 4jP2 2 yrc, 5nios..1.877 War with Mex. 1 yrn 5 mo^ t,7tM~ t'ivil War 4_years. .Union = liu^Z° i ollleilei ales 74,.r»Xl W->- wiili Spain 4 mos. 700 Philipine InsurVton 2 vis 1 mo. 1.004 World War "I 1 vr., "inns, 56.5 1r 19 yrs., 10 mos. 244,450 Number of People Killed in United ^tafes bv Tuberculosis 1937 09324 1938 03.735 1939 61,609 1940 60,000 .Total 254 .G3R FLORENCE NEWS Ws. Shirley Taylor of N. Y. C. and Miss Uorrina Samuel of Philadelphia. Pa., were called home on account of the death of their brother Mr. Clenunons. Miss Cora Gregg the daughter of Mr. Robert Greg -died-at.her home ill ^ ul'I.O- » long illness. She was funeralizLtl Tuesday at Mt. Zron Methodist" clinch. A brief program was rendered and eulogy by the past<» Surviving are a father, sis u-rs, brother, other relatives and a host of friends. Miss Gregg is a recent graduate of Wilson high school. The Lincoln cafe n.iov*.,i j j ii, j. lew location 248 N. buigan St., opposite Grant's I)ru ». >re. The Nurses club o! Fioreiic, held its iccular »*i .»*i it» Tin. is. t!ay afternoon, in H n lie, ille at lie home of Miss McKay. Tile meeting had its rig lai de.tion al execises. The V < "ug''n ave us the 'hiuhl s. is .of ll»tNTTises' convention wlr h' nie-. in ( harleslon. At'lei g.* n :1 bu-i less discussion the roM. vas cull ed, everybody respond d with u.s. The club clonal d d .50 foi Christinas Seal l)iive. \V wen lad to have Rev-. W. J. "mpple with us. The club was ; veil a lelieioi s repast. Wv adjourned 'o meet at the Mcl eod's Colored .Xiiraes.' homo, Junumy.ft:.I'.' 'J.. Nurse \V. 1.. McC ' ii Sumlay in Sumter wi.ii ulutives mil friends. VT I'HII.IP AT M. K. ( HlKtH Uev. T. H. Weathers, Pastor Has.over, S. ('. () i Sunday school opened with the S pt. M, E. Hinton in charge. A large number were present. The lesson v. as taught by the teacheis :.n«l leview by iRev. T. II. Weathers oi whivb we all enjoyed a wonderful lesson anil a good review. IWe were very glad to have MrsJ E Eee"with us. A warm prayer service was con ducted by t'he Prayer committee, A leW announcements were made after which the presentation of Rev. J. A. Taylor who delivered a soul sirring message from the fullness of his heart. Everybody was made to feel uplifted. His text was taken from St. Matt, :3f>-30, subject Dealing Fair With Clod; On last Sunday the Trustees rally was a success They raised $30.15 for the insurance of the church. SacrBffiT^nf was taken by a very large number -hesr.Sunday.'. Those on the sick list are doing line. Stewardess Hoard No, 5 held a lovely feast at sister Ada Oree. The Brown brothers will sing at St. Philip Sunday night, dome one and all. and cousins. Outstanding amonv; his re-'ltives is Miss 3ane Huntei also o<" Pendleton and Cleveland Mr. Milner wa, a retired railroad [TTTFTV. SPARTANBURG NEWS < The local Medical Society of this city was host to the Piedmont Me dical Association here Thursday night. They had a very large at tendance. .. Revs. G. H. Tl»omas, S. Jackson have been returned for anothor year at Silver Hill and Smith Me. _ mortal churches of this city. The- Kev. H. B. Jackson, pastoof the C. M. E. church, left uyring the week for his conference which is in session at Anderson. TTie members and friends of tlrs city regret very much that the Kev. A. Means has resigned his pastorage at Macedonia Baptist church. He has accepted work >n Florida. Messrs. T3T G. Cureton. H. T. Pearson and W. W. Nichols repre. sentatives of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Co. left Friday morning for Durh&tn where-They" will attend a reception given i'i their honor by President C. CX Sp^ulding. Messrs.- Cureton and Per.rson were the winners and the entire district sent Mr. Nichols, { one of the retired men of the dis. f trict, as a special guest. r Mr. Edward G. Graham, USO « director of the local USO of Camp Croft, has arrived in the city and c is now arrangine for the dedica. ^ tion. The following local citizen. t have been named on the boai: I Profs. C. C. Wardlow, M. L. TIar c ris. E A. Rivers, Drs. J. C. Bull G JW. Glymph, Mesrs. W. C. Bunch f John Woodward, G. W. Baldwin c The member* of the 70th f.. (AA), made quite a record while in camp here guarding^ the. Spar v - -lunburg uirport. Lieut! A. D. Wil hams and the band appeared in concerts at several of the loca1 churches. Chaplain Willi; ms. for churches. Chaplain Williams. (/f Centjenai^.Mc»thotHst"rtni) ('h "Columbus Ohio, wa* the monnnr _ "loikit rt B'K'er lliTT w~, ence in Florence. Th<> v v, were carried away and made to re.. I joice whjle Lieut. William spoke. 1 Pi' find-Mr^ TJ .IIII'1 1 Mf*.. GeOTT r>J' f4>'« >< JXiv^it4ul Mi'!'. R. (V-TUuUm of I,rm \\'or.~ Hpmnf fh»> mUKV visi t(/rs here Thursday night attending fh-> Piedmont Medical meet!"v. There is unite a rush at the re g T':'l " ion. Our group en I listing dailv. ready to help defer mr country. The ma.nv friend® ,,f Mr. \V-«I Robinson are sail to hear of his «udd» n passing. II was ., very |J popular young man in the city and opeiated a taxi line. TRINITY A. M. K. CHl'ltCH Rev. A. I). Hawkins, Pastor Snartanburir. S. C..Sunday wr.( a beautiful day for all church __ workers. A group of voung and adult scholars"were found making their Way to the Sunday Seh< >) The school opened ft the usual hour. The Sunt, and his group of efficient teachers were at their posts of duty. The lesson was w"l taught "»nl .discussed try classes. A splendid review follow, ed. At 11 r.'irt o»i" morning servi.e bevan. Rev. Hawkins in hi* own way. ascended the rostrum and delivered a sc/ul reviving messrge to his hearers. The message was * inspiring and f !1 of information the spiritual tide ran high an hi eharers rejoiced fn the y soul's I salvation. I 4:.'10 the l.ivewiie Club met ai I the home of Mrs. Anetse Craig or Chase St. The president, Mrs. Su kn. ' ' in im* usuui whv ()' account of the l'unerul of Mr. Wal ter Robinson, o number of th members were absent. After the busines. nart iff th< meeting, the hostess, Mrs. thai" served . delicious repast whirl was enjoyed by r 11 present. 7:30. the pastor. Rev. Dawk itbrought to us another wonderfu' message from 1st Cor. 12:21 theme, "The members of oh. body." The services were grand throughout the day. Mrs. Agnes Sims a'fd daughte; of Carlisle, S. C., were the hotis_ guests of Rev and.Mis. A.U -Dawkins last week. We enioved hi ving thein^in, our city. Corn.' again, you are welcome. On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs James Blackman. Mt's.A. D. Daw kins. Mr. Isiah Johnson motored t(, Williamston, S. (\ and spent t lovely (lay with relatives and friends. They returned repot tine an enjoyable trip. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Laura Pearson is now confined to ' bed in the hospital. She is one of the faithful members 0f Trinity church. We are asking our mem bers and friendj to please visit hei and give her a word of encourage ment. - IHinMIlBHIl A. W. P.. I 111 R( H "" Rev. D. N.' Wilson, Pastor ] On last Sunday morning th< pastor preached a very inspiring sermon. The scripture text was taken from the 46th Psalm, 6th verse. His subject was "The firm 1 neas of the ability of Clod." The Sunday School wi s conduct ed by the Supt., Mr. Joseph Kin. loch and the lesson was reviewed - by the" pastor. The A. C. E. league held its leg ttlar meeting at 6 o'clock. At 7:30 a visiting pastor preach ed. The scripture text was taken from Isiah. IIi«j subject wis divid ed into the two parts, firit. "types. of men God wa: t;" and second, "why God wants * man." The ser vices were largely attended and manv visitors were present. The first quarterly conference since the annual conference a'nd the last for the year 1941, in scheduled for Fiiday night, Eh1 cember 19. o J CHESTERFIELD COUNTY rEACHEKE SPEAK The Chesterfield County Teach, jrs' Association is being successfully guided in its activities of the year 1941.42, under the efficient eadership of Mr. C. C. Cole of Cheraw who served very effective j y as its president for the past rear a4Hl -re~*4*H4«i fer- -thr-frtsuing ^ear. Mr. G. C. Wilson of Jeffer. ton, was elected as vice president; diss George ^Gillespie of Cheraw, »s recording secretary; Mr. Wiliam Robinson of Pageland as cor. esponding secretary; Mr. B. J. ilcQueen of Choraw as treasurer; lev. Davis of Cheraw as chaplain; lev. Toatley of Chesterfield as ihairman of the program com. nittee to be assisted by presidents )f each of the districts in the :ounty; and lames A. Croker of M?Bce as reporter These officers have pledged .heir whole hearted support to the Vssociation in itk. effort to make his a history breaking year. The county has accepted the ilogan, "Teach niore effectively tubjeet of reading," and already nuch has been done toward the ittrarment of this goal. Wednesday, December 10th, the :crunty wide, association came to fether, at which time a (lenionstra_ ion class was taught by Mrs. Sam 'resson of Shiloh school (white) >f Chesterfield. Mrs. Bresson in ler demonstration, stressed the ret that \vr> should teach the use if sound., in reading Sh^ordec tiiut Th" teachers arc lm hii tr f'<r card to ftTTFif demonstrations and i^iTi I BtHM. W-WMtHWI lift i fin hot mian MA, flj^K. OOMfOltilu One way from Columbia Richmond. 3 5.10 Wasnington 7.35 Philadelphia .1 10.03 New York 11.85 ; Boston (via Hell bate Bridge 17.35 Pittsburgh ^ 13.40 Buffalo 16.J0 St. Petersburg"-".'-ri_ 8.85 Tampa 8.30 Miomi.: j~ W Palm Beach 9.60 Jacksonville 5.10 J. L. Carter, DP A Columbia, S. C. Room No. 1 Arcade Bldg. Telephone *821.9987 PH ifO O v ENUF ^LOUR tK I us goo a . HONESTLY LJ '^"TiNa^NEy^n^ UNDERTAKER AND I. OF SOUTH CAROL!! lMffi WASHINGTON ST ^ Saturday, December 2ft, 1941. boliovin? bv the- end. of-this ywtr -nHiel*-wtff-hav?' bc-elT accompanied. K Everyone-- 11-ft this meeting V hmti spiiit exiifi-l'inr Ln. mi^D M .Ianit;\'\ 2 V.» 12. \<r PROVESSIONAL UAKDS -I 'ill. II. H. COOPER DENTIST Special Attention Given to Diseases of the Gums (.old Crown and HridKe Work A Specialty f'\\ )H'tcc Phone 6420 Hes. 826r* 1125 Washington Str^Cofa., S C. I Office Hours: Telephones: 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Office 6033 I Residence 8873 Tie TV IT 1V1, I/. IX. JClllVIIliS DENTIST X-RAY SERVICE BLOCK ANESTHESIA H07'/2 Washington St. Columbia B - 2%, j DR. J. G. STUART j Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Accurately | Office Hours: Telephones: 10:00 A.M. to 2 1\M. Res. 4692 1:00 P.M. to (i 1\.M. Office 3796 .uQffite " " Hpalrian/g .'O.JO Taylor St. 1317 Pine St. REVTJ. H JOHNSON * NOTARY PUBLIC Office 2029 Marion Street Dealer in Real Estate, performs , Marriage Ceremonies, writes Wills ' Deeds, Mortgages, Claimsr-ete; Call to See ffiffi Counts Drug Store PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AS WRITTEN .BY-YOUR DOCTOR A Full Line of Toilet.Article* -M05 WASH IN G I ON sTREK'l PHONE 2-1967 David G Ellison ». General Insurance Honest and efficient attention given to ail business placed with roe - PIIONE 5717 15 YOUR.-iyJ~~ f -ZLTHROAT ON W .-Inflamed Irom constant1 ^ n coughing due to a cold? ' ' Sra h"U' oile <ln*r "of MENl'HO-MULSION works to soothe Irritated throat membranes. expel phlegm, and bring you quiet Satisfaction or money back. 00c aiiil $1.00 sizes. Try it. ©MEMTHD^tSIDN Relieve stuffy note due-to cold with Mcntho* Mult ion note end throat drops and breathe more easily. AsK your druggist Mr-IIANIRIN nWIir: " store * MADAM DETERS m HAIR GROWER For Diseased Scalp . Gives Life and Beauty. BEST GROWER. Apply once a week.Price 35c. 1906 Blanding St. Columbia, S. C. Counts Drug Store, Washington St.; Thomas Drug Store, Taylor and Harden Street ONE WAY lii_cents per mile m ® ROUND TRIP 10% less than double I , the one way fares * Air Conditioned CoachoM ON THROUGH TRAINS J. T. COBB ru.,:..r a » wvmuni i u»iten*er rtgem Columbia, S. C. lilln'liTinr * pnaaDMnwamaaa^ ;neral home ICENSED KM BALM ER SA AND GEORGIA Funeral Cars and Funeral AS GOOD AS THE BEST And Retter Than the Rest - A And Fricea Lean Office Plume 2 :I3."»7 Residence Phone 776& COURTESY AND SERVICE i: i COLUMBIA, 9 «J.

Transcript of pastoof Wiliam Diseases - University of South...




R. K. O..I'm fifteen but grow.i;.g up every day. I can't do muchwork but 1 do nut forth lota ofeffort. 1 want to become1 a big manand wunt your idea Sir. We don'ttake the paper, but they take it

* next door and I read it everychance I get.

Ans: Young rffan I know ofnothing for, a hoy your Bffftthan to make himself a littlemoney . . . you can do just thatby working up a paper route forthis paper. Call at the newspaper


office and talk to them . . . writethem-ifyou like. The more work

you do, the more effort andthought you put into your work

> . . . the quicker you are going; todevelop intQ manhood both and physically. Big men aremade ; . not born . . . it is up to



you to study and prepare yourselfthoroughly for success in .life. Ncrwis the time to start. j

R. W..Dear Sir: Would it besafe for me to return home now? jMother is so anxious to see me aruTshe says that everything should^be alright now. I want to" visit her


Christmas. jAns: Your mother is in a posi_

tion to know .... take her word 1for it and S° home for Christmas.The boy who gave you so muchtrouble has recently married andmoved away from your mcrther'scommunity. You should be able tovisit home without hia knowing a H

pure trip w'ould be most i*a. ijoyable. 1

G. D..J have friend in Nyty 1

York, and'he is planning tq sendmy Christmas gift from up thereas he isn't coming home. But hedoesn't know how to pick out the ithings a young girl would like. Hewants -to surprise- me. I hate towrite and tell him what to buy butif you say I should. I will. What"must I da? ;

Ans: N'o don't write the boy and |give him the Christmas list you

CLIP AND MAIL THliNotice To Readers! Let ProfessorIems "free" in this column . . . jusin your letter. For a "Private Rethis new ASTROLOGY READINGyou will receive "free" by return nand understanding.advice analyxtryour full name, birthdate, and cornplease restrict your questions to thesoning. Address Your Letter DlrecThe Palmetto Leader, 1310 Assemb!

(Give Birthdate and Explain Queof Pa

My Name : .

Address ;

City[.| I am a Leader subscribero^^o.oo^.aoo.o<Biace^o.oocrO0a


A choral group of one hundredvoices rendered one of the mostoutstanding prgrams ever to bepresented by local talent on Sunday.Dpppmhpr 1J of fV\« An/loi-

son theatre. This group composedof members of the variouschurch choirs and the Choral .So- iciety of the Palmetto high school.The program consisted of spirituals,gospel songs and Christmascarols.

This program was given for thebenefit of the Tubercular campaignwhich is a national project.Though the first time that such aprogram has been given we aresure that we are worthy of beingcalled upon for such services AsNegroes we are willing to do ourshare for such a worthy cause.The chorus was directed by A(G. Whitener,- with Mrs. A. B.Garcia as accompanist. The programwas as follows: .

God Bles9 America; Themesong, Over My Head T See In The

- - Ahv I "Ain't Gonna' Study WarNo More; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; Keep Me From Sinking IDown; Its Me; Give Me That OldTime Religion; Intermission.remarksby Mrs. Reeder (white)social and civic welfare worker;Solo, Mrs. Mack; Silent Night;Go Tell It On The Mountains;King's Highway; The Old Ship ofZion; Closer Walk With Thee;* Fare You Well.Our energetic Principal, Prof.K. Richardson did quite a bit

m tawaid.) mailing tnls program asuccess.

\r »»

inrs. nettie Robinson, countytubercular chairman was the sponsor of this program. Soloists forthe occasion were: MesdamesJannie Reaves, Safroniu Reaves,A. P. Garcia, Misses M. A. Harper,Beatrice Jamison and A. G.Whitener. Mrs. Mack was theguest soloist.Leola MeOleesp, reporter.

Oon't go through tho next 12month* unprepared. Let my newIs 1942 Astrology Reading* be yourr w Inspiration. Just of# the press.Confidential letter of free adviceon 3 Questions included with eachorder. Prof. Abbe' Wallace. |

have worked out ... it wouldscare him to death. Let him hf.r.dlethis matter in his own way. Surei,he isn't" so old fashioned that hewouldn't know' what tt) buy ayour-trype. My suggestion in youtcase is to let him choose the giftand regardless of what it isbe sure to write him a note , tthanks immediately -after Christ

N. B..I don't, ^know whatwould do ff.this frierd rf.nrshould find another girl. He writerme the .sweetest letters remindlnme of his lcrve but he hasn't heeiihere in two weeks. Tell me winto do as I am so unhappy and Iwant him so badly.^ns: His trouble is financial


doubt .... he can't be runninefifty milec each week end to vis:you. He's mighty thoughtful andwrites regularly, so don't doubt Uboy. He will try t^ find a job tin r 1in your city after Christmas apt (

I dare say he will be a daily gn s !

in your home. *

M. D..I'm 10 year: «»!«1 a u jdon't, know where..ui\u t; tt+^r 1never seen him. My uiutlivr treat/

lived with her. Huve lived with ni» '

aunt for 7 years. My grand motlu t Jraised me from a- six months nld >

t>aby. ftfy aunt is very mean to no*I am in the tHh grade. Do >ou Uii ![ should quit» school and go tc 1

work ? 1Ans: A girl with no parents to 1

help her needs all the education

you realtee that vu'ur mtiking a sacrifice to keep you w i- 1Ifir :und ill school ? Appreciut*what she is giving you regardl

fts you please. Follow yoiu aim'.' Jwishes and work hard afte- schoo 1ind try to help her t.--Hit" trcT""*know just how much it means toyou for her to be kind. Y u ivuThhave lots to be thankful for in thi:lunt of yours. Do not stop schooland go to work until' your aunt?ives her consent.

5 COUPON TODAY! \Abbe' Wallace analyze your prob- ,t Include a dipping of the column>ly" . . . send a quarter (25c) forAND LUCKY DAY CHART . . . |jtail a confidential letter of kindly |eg- (8) questions privately. Signect address to all letters, and . . .

ise within the scope of logical reatto: Prof. Abbe' Wiallace, care ofly Street, Columbia, S. C.nations Fully on Separate Sheet i

per) 1\


State -"J1 am a Newsstand buyer (


Rev. R. J. Jefferson, Pastor f

Orangeburg, S. C. Promptly a ([1:45 the Sunday School ope»nuwith the Supt. in charge. The us. Nsistance Supt., having undergone [a minor operation, wa,.. unable to jbe present. We missed him and ,pray for him a speedy recovery. jAfter a brief study period, the tlesson was: interestingly ruviuuni v

by Mr.~E. 71. Thompson, tlie samewas very much enjoyed. Mr. (Thompson recently i-ami* to us ,from Mt. Zion A. M. E. church in ^Jacksonville, Fla. He is a rep re. v

sentative of the North Carolina jMutual Insurance Company. I

The morning services were verymuch enjoyed and well attended.Tha.Pastor.selected his text front--;Rev. 3:21, subject, "Righteous \Living." The pastor delivered a iwonderful message and everyoneseemed* t<> have enjoyed it. The |Holy .Ghost was really in ourmidst. The members are lining upnow for great work in the nearfuture. A very successful official jbcrard was held last Monday nightand plans were made for a trustee's rally on the second Sundayin January at which time each 1member is urgently asked to pay$1.00. We are looking fur nothingbut success.

A very successful league \va»conducted by the president of theleague. A very nniipn-

was had. Mr. Walker an (I Mr".Myers sung solos, Miss EleaseJefferson recited a very nice andappropriate poem which shewrote. Miss Jefferson has provento be quite a writer.At the evening service the pas

tor selected his text from St.Matthew 14:JO. This wa« anotherone of the pastor's master pieces.The attendance wa, very good.The ckrb^ and boards are getting

lianipaSPd up Tor a great work,and with ^fc/d's help we are *oingthrough.

TTT 1 '

yye were nappy to nave hail so

many visitors worship with oAmonprthem was Mrs. Daisy Taylor. She spoke to us about theChristmas Seals, we enjoyed it somuch. To all of the visitf/rs, comeaprain. . vThe A. C. E. league is having ashoe rally Sunday. You are invitedto be present.Goldie McDuffie, reporter

' Ti

Actress Snpports Campa




Ethel Waters (left), star of Brbetween acts to purclias

TB.STILL KNK.MV OF VOl'THA ^laiinjr spotlight is thrown

tu the "mih'I.ii .* <ii tube!cufosis-Titimes like these. Not only has the,lisease always in past peiiods <>iitress flared up and spread, bathe I'Dinnnrsiiiii .if i;>: t ..

and tuberculosis show^ staitlin,'acts.

.'*\^L Lai tubeiTuIo^er'killAmericans than were killed in ac.ion, or died from wcAinds receivedn acti»n. d»i.liw.! 'ir?-t.Wui hi.

Beet available- figures on the.lufnber of America? s killed in aeioflt; or died from wounds received11 action, in all the wars theI'nilcd States- has- foueht since177(1 .shrrrte a I ill..] I..mi.Li-i-l.irUI.--in-.--.

uberculusis killed 'i'l-l.iICS.

En'/land durinz a te: nidtiTTi)eriod in IP 10 41 were anon >:i»u"ely .'10.QUO 1 )ui itur a con n- > Ion month period. tubrOtrk fiUO 000 ll V e> III .the I' liltedStates.We c: ? i' *. afford eompla.-eiuvy

rejfavdinir t. hcciilos } ill th'<out try. T> ae enou.'h. the fieri itlira in st the disease is b»-in<r won.Phe death rate has lieen force <1lown from first to seventh plruvis a cause of-death for the popilation is a whole. It has.been ci".hree. fourths' in the la-t thirtyidd years.

But. these fljrurcs, . ompurinjfhe fatalities <>f war and tubercu.osis. show that tuberculosis is far

. ine.ius4~-an.e-v_d.iHvnim-i--TIMS IS I'KNDI.KTON

Ity I.. I.. I .aster

With Christmas just a f< w daysiway i ml miljioiw «»f childrenloping in Hy't Santa wi!!'isit tlu-m and fill their st<» kirn'sind wishes. We. whn nrc a hip toealizei will divert mir primary.ho'Uffhts and attention.; ;« otlte-Kwvy.WA1! A iimrirn is a priceovin^ and thinking., democracy. L)ur boys and pirls have neverpent a Christmas when' theirountry was ;-t war. bit thishiislmas they will for the tirst

inie. No doubt some of us ar->

tointr to b a bit disappointed toatise our stoeki: t*s will not| beilled to the brim on Christmasiiorniuv* many will not have anv

'hristmav tree for the first time,un.. c..;

uii with "Merry Christmas."here is ir<»itivr to he hit t.f honen the sis teim-nt. We (In ->t mean

Cat there will l><.viihle sarcasm when nil f ives vimlie hi V e mentioned yreetinii' h'itv~hh-hfrye Tti t.yy iiii tTtrdTAiii tlte'La hie. Pur t'e msiioHt'v of lis.Christmas u not voinir to he as

iiei'iy as m; ny. nianv othe's that,V have v. itnm's'-d. NeVef the ll'SS.jlease accept m r sit cere wi-lies"or a ilerrv Christmas and a Hap_jy New Year,' in spite of all theaids 11, tile ont i a rv.(in Sendav. 1 teerniliiT llth.

Kiint's Ch: pel A M K elmreh(poiisol^Tl Y "I Iar\ est It 'Th " fortspa-t v. Ilev M C. Williaois.Many useful yifts were presentedto Rev. \\ ilhanis h*. t e wood)shim 1l_ v.learned thai tlwradvwill re"i;ii|| in nroeesy for anotherWeek. This is ilist ; reminder ofthe Christutis nayea-t at Kind'sChanel mi Sunday af(ei n<>uiii Ihd-mber 'J 1st.

fin Christ hp's Dav j'hverSpnn -s Maptist hutch will he

1*1 till- *11111*' nMIIIIHIIIIiy, I

P(/ll!lt\ illl'l »'V> -n v<- !,. >11 !.t| Iht*v. m (t wtntnftrr

will im-sirh the-l'liYistnias senium.'

As nhovi- stated, this \v an animalocea ** 71. K'. eh vi-ar all of tve |churches' <>f Pendleton conn- t |HH'tlli'l' «MUp C Mill liinf Mllll U'||' '

brute tl>'* birth nf (> '» Lord. It great orrnsiMi. The tfpirit isstimulating. invigorate g. ,,r what Ihave you? .Yes. folks, come to '

Pendleton. Christmas Day andtV<"'vh n vvf' » <. you ; Ce net a jMethodist, a Kantist. Catholic orany special denomination, but a |h"!i<ve>- and follower of Jesus.Christ. You are weleome.

^nnitiv, ftrc ruber 1 1th, MissViolji Grove* hart as her "house I"uest. Prof. Wvins Auston ofStr te l ollege. Orangeburg. ProCA'stin u-j»s once pritvinal and inst'ucter of the Helton pnbl'?

o' M «. C roves w h instrurtor in t h Honea Path public i^ntrno-t .jMr P I Mil-. .r r-.||,.t

and Cleveland Ohio, will be fu |n"i»ili/.ed f»t Krrrt^i.Chanel A. M.R. church, December 17th it 2:30p. m. Mr. Milner is one c/f Pendleton'st)l lest pior eers lie is surv.-ed by several brothers, sigters

IK-.:'- y-rr- r ~ I..


iga/Agaiad Tuberculosis

jjj^l} ]' Mr

oadway show*, takes time oute her Christmas Seals.

i\ this country. Tuberculosis still».ilis nsoie American between thev s til 15 ; nil 4 5 thun.« »*i»j vwiaci

.an e of death.Tuberculosis authorities assure

us that we can look forward withttrH confidence to the eventual era_dilution of disease. They alsowt rn Us that unless every effort

made during LijUics like Xhese tolimit tain prom-ess in the fitrht. we,rtand to lose nardlwoii ground.This is the only time during th

year when the tuberc'dos's Kg***.rTs make an appeal for financiasupport to carry on a campaignthat saves our lives, uur health andout- hat>>piiu\s*. Ohristmas Sealslong agu. wrote their value in thevictories tl ey have supported overthe disease.

Number of K:iltwl"tn AttrWurrParticipated in by I'nited StatesWar Duration of war. No. killedRevoTuTTonui y War 8" yrs. 4 00-1War u,f 4jP2 2 yrc, 5nios..1.877War with Mex. 1 yrn 5 mo^ t,7tM~t'ivil War 4_years.

.Union = liu^Z°i ollleilei ales 74,.r»Xl

W->- wiili Spain 4 mos. 700Philipine InsurVton 2 vis 1 mo.

1.004World War "I 1 vr., "inns, 56.5 1r

19 yrs., 10 mos. 244,450Number of People Killed in United^tafes bv Tuberculosis

1937 093241938 03.7351939 61,6091940 60,000

.Total 254 .G3R


Ws. Shirley Taylor of N. Y. C.and Miss Uorrina Samuel of Philadelphia.Pa., were called home onaccount of the death of their brotherMr. Clenunons.

Miss Cora Gregg the daughterof Mr. Robert Greg -died-at.herhome ill ^ ul'I.O- »

long illness. She was funeralizLtlTuesday at Mt. Zron Methodist"clinch. A brief program wasrendered and eulogy by the past<»Surviving are a father, sisu-rs, brother, other relatives anda host of friends.

Miss Gregg is a recent graduateof Wilson high school.The Lincoln cafe n.iov*.,i j j ii, j.

lew location 248 N. buigan St.,opposite Grant's I)ru ». >re.The Nurses club o! Fioreiic,

held its iccular »*i .»*i it» Tin. is.t!ay afternoon, in H n lie, ille atlie home of Miss McKay. Tilemeeting had its rig lai de.tional execises. The V < "ug''nave us the 'hiuhl s. is .of ll»tNTTises'convention wlr h' nie-. in

( harleslon. At'lei g.* n :1 bu-iless discussion the roM. vas culled, everybody respond d withu.s. The club clonal d d .50 foi

Christinas Seal l)iive. \V wenlad to have Rev-. W. J. "mpplewith us. The club was ; veil alelieioi s repast. Wv adjourned'o meet at the Mcl eod's Colored.Xiiraes.' homo, Junumy.ft:.I'.' 'J..

Nurse \V. 1.. McC 'ii

Sumlay in Sumter wi.ii ulutivesmil friends.

VT I'HII.IP AT M. K. ( HlKtHUev. T. H. Weathers, Pastor

Has.over, S. ('. () i Sundayschool opened with the S pt. M,E. Hinton in charge. A largenumber were present. The lessonv. as taught by the teacheis :.n«lleview by iRev. T. II. Weathers oiwhivb we all enjoyed a wonderfullesson anil a good review. IWewere very glad to have MrsJ EEee"with us.A warm prayer service was con

ducted by t'he Prayer committee,A leW announcements were madeafter which the presentation ofRev. J. A. Taylor who delivered asoul sirring message from thefullness of his heart. Everybodywas made to feel uplifted. Histext was taken from St. Matt,

:3f>-30, subject Dealing FairWith Clod; On last Sunday theTrustees rally was a successThey raised $30.15 for the insuranceof the church. SacrBffiT^nfwas taken by a very large number-hesr.Sunday.'.

Those on the sick list are doingline.Stewardess Hoard No, 5 held a

lovely feast at sister Ada Oree.The Brown brothers will sing

at St. Philip Sunday night, domeone and all.and cousins. Outstanding amonv;his re-'ltives is Miss 3ane Hunteialso o<" Pendleton and ClevelandMr. Milner wa, a retired railroad



The local Medical Society of thiscity was host to the Piedmont Medical Association here Thursdaynight. They had a very large attendance. ..

Revs. G. H. Tl»omas, S. Jacksonhave been returned for anothoryear at Silver Hill and Smith Me.

_mortal churches of this city.The- Kev. H. B. Jackson, pastoofthe C. M. E. church, left uyring

the week for his conference whichis in session at Anderson.

TTie members and friends of tlrscity regret very much that theKev. A. Means has resigned hispastorage at Macedonia Baptistchurch. He has accepted work >nFlorida.

Messrs. T3T G. Cureton. H. T.Pearson and W. W. Nichols repre.sentatives of the N. C. MutualLife Insurance Co. left Fridaymorning for Durh&tn where-They"will attend a reception given i'itheir honor by President C. CXSp^ulding. Messrs.- Cureton andPer.rson were the winners and theentire district sent Mr. Nichols, {one of the retired men of the dis. ftrict, as a special guest. rMr. Edward G. Graham, USO «

director of the local USO of CampCroft, has arrived in the city and cis now arrangine for the dedica. ^tion. The following local citizen. thave been named on the boai: IProfs. C. C. Wardlow, M. L. TIar cris. E A. Rivers, Drs. J. C. Bull G JW.Glymph, Mesrs. W. C. Bunch fJohn Woodward, G. W. Baldwin c

The member* of the 70th f..(AA),made quite a record while

in camp here guarding^ the. Spar v- -lunburg uirport. Lieut! A. D. Wilhams and the band appeared in

concertsat several of the loca1churches. Chaplain Willi; ms. forchurches.

Chaplain Williams.(/f Centjenai^.Mc»thotHst"rtni) ('h"Columbus Ohio, wa* the monnnr

_"loikit rt B'K'er lliTT w~,ence in Florence. Th<> v v,

werecarried away and made to re.. Ijoice whjle Lieut. William spoke. 1

Pi' find-Mr^ TJ .IIII'1 1Mf*.. GeOTT r>J' f4>'« ><

JXiv^it4ul Mi'!'. R. (V-TUuUm of I,rm\\'or.~ Hpmnf fh»> mUKV visi

t(/rs here Thursday night attendingfh-> Piedmont Medical meet!"v.There is unite a rush at the re gT':'l " ion. Our group i« en I

listing dailv. ready to help defermr country.The ma.nv friend® ,,f Mr. \V-«I

Robinson are sail to hear of his«udd» n passing. II was ., very |Jpopular young man in the city andopeiated a taxi line.

TRINITY A. M. K. CHl'ltCHRev. A. I). Hawkins, Pastor

Snartanburir. S. C..Sunday wr.(a beautiful day for all church __workers. A group of voung andadult scholars"were found makingtheir Way to the Sunday Seh< >)The school opened ft the usualhour. The Sunt, and his group ofefficient teachers were at theirposts of duty. The lesson was w"ltaught "»nl .discussed tryclasses. A splendid review follow,ed.

At 11 r.'irt o»i" morning servi.ebevan. Rev. Hawkins in hi* ownway. ascended the rostrum anddelivered a sc/ul reviving messrgeto his hearers. The message was *

inspiring and f !1 of informationthe spiritual tide ran high an hieharers rejoiced fn the y soul's Isalvation. I

4:.'10 the l.ivewiie Club met ai Ithe home of Mrs. Anetse Craig orChase St. The president, Mrs. Sukn. ' '

in im* usuui whv ()'account of the l'unerul of Mr. Walter Robinson, o number of thmembers were absent.

After the busines. nart iff th<meeting, the hostess, Mrs. thai"served . delicious repast whirlwas enjoyed by r 11 present.

7:30. the pastor. Rev. Dawk itbroughtto us another wonderfu'message from 1st Cor. 12:21theme, "The members of oh.body." The services were grandthroughout the day.

Mrs. Agnes Sims a'fd daughte;of Carlisle, S. C., were the hotis_guests of Rev and.Mis. A.U-Dawkinslast week. We eniovedhi ving thein^in, our city. Corn.'again, you are welcome.On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs

James Blackman. Mt's.A. D. Dawkins. Mr. Isiah Johnson motored t(,Williamston, S. (\ and spent t

lovely (lay with relatives andfriends. They returned repot tinean enjoyable trip.We were sorry to hear that Mrs.

Laura Pearson is now confined to 'bed in the hospital. She is one ofthe faithful members 0f Trinitychurch. We are asking our members and friendj to please visit heiand give her a word of encouragement.

- IHinMIlBHIl A. W. P.. I 111 R( H ""

Rev. D. N.' Wilson, Pastor ]On last Sunday morning th<

pastor preached a very inspiringsermon. The scripture text wastaken from the 46th Psalm, 6thverse. His subject was "The firm

1 neas of the ability of Clod."The Sunday School wi s conduct

ed by the Supt., Mr. Joseph Kin.loch and the lesson was reviewed

- by the" pastor.The A. C. E. league held its leg

ttlar meeting at 6 o'clock.At 7:30 a visiting pastor preached. The scripture text was taken

from Isiah. IIi«j subject wis divided into the two parts, firit. "types.of men God wa: t;" and second,"why God wants * man." The services were largely attended andmanv visitors were present.The first quarterly conferencesince the annual conference a'ndthe last for the year 1941, inscheduled for Fiiday night, Eh1cember 19.




jrs' Association is being successfullyguided in its activities of theyear 1941.42, under the efficienteadership of Mr. C. C. Cole ofCheraw who served very effective jy as its president for the pastrear a4Hl -re~*4*H4«i fer- -thr-frtsuing^ear. Mr. G. C. Wilson of Jeffer.ton, was elected as vice president;diss George ^Gillespie of Cheraw,»s recording secretary; Mr. WiliamRobinson of Pageland as cor.esponding secretary; Mr. B. J.ilcQueen of Choraw as treasurer;lev. Davis of Cheraw as chaplain;lev. Toatley of Chesterfield asihairman of the program com.nittee to be assisted by presidents)f each of the districts in the:ounty; and lames A. Croker ofM?Bce as reporterThese officers have pledged

.heir whole hearted support to theVssociation in itk. effort to makehis a history breaking year.The county has accepted theilogan, "Teach niore effectivelytubjeet of reading," and alreadynuch has been done toward theittrarment of this goal.Wednesday, December 10th, the

:crunty wide, association came tofether, at which time a (lenionstra_ion class was taught by Mrs. Sam'resson of Shiloh school (white)>f Chesterfield. Mrs. Bresson inler demonstration, stressed theret that \vr> should teach the useif sound., in reading Sh^ordec tiiut

Th" teachers arc lm hii tr f'<rcard to ftTTFif demonstrations and


I BtHM. W-WMtHWIlift ifin hot mian

MA, flj^K. OOMfOltilu

One way from ColumbiaRichmond. 3 5.10Wasnington 7.35Philadelphia .1 10.03New York 11.85 ;Boston (via Hell bate

Bridge 17.35Pittsburgh ^ 13.40Buffalo 16.J0St. Petersburg"-".'-ri_ 8.85Tampa 8.30Miomi.: j~W Palm Beach 9.60Jacksonville 5.10

J. L. Carter, DPAColumbia, S. C.

Room No. 1 Arcade Bldg.Telephone *821.9987


tK Ius gooa .HONESTLY






Saturday, December 2ft, 1941.

boliovin? bv the- end. of-this ywtr-nHiel*-wtff-hav?' bc-elT accompanied. K

Everyone-- 11-ft this meeting Vhmti spiiit exiifi-l'inr Ln. mi^D M.Ianit;\'\ 2 V.» 12. \<r



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