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Page 1: PASSOVER SERVICE · 2019-06-30 · march – april 2015 vol. 66 no. 4 adar – iyar 5775 2015 passover service schedule

March – April 2015 Vol. 66 No. 4 Adar – Iyar 5775






7:00 AM

















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The Bulletin of Temple Emanuel 87 Overlook Drive

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey

Rabbi Benjamin J. Shull Rabbi Emeritus Dr. Andre Ungar Cantor Mark Biddelman Director of Cong. Ed. Rabbi Shelley Kniaz Early Childhood Director Amy Fingeret Executive Director Richard Tannenbaum President Mark Tanchel Sisterhood President Dina Madonick Men’s Club President Brian Friedman/Jason Gross Advertising Marlene Denker

TEMPLE TELEPHONE: 201-391-0801-02 Death & Shiva Information: 201-391-0801 - #8

FAX: 201-391-1719 E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Visit our web page Published 5 times per year

Stained Glass design by Nancy Katz

Shull to Shul

Passover and Telling Our Story

There are many ways to tell a

story. Take for example, Hayim

Yankel the kvetcher. All morning

he would tell his wife, “Oy, do my

feet hurt”, He would go to his work

as a tailor, return home, take a nice

bath, soak his feet in soothing water

and feel much better. His wife

would come home and all evening Hayim Yankel would

say to his wife “Oy, did my feet hurt”. Hayim Yankel was

an expert at accentuating the negative

Yes, there are many ways to tell our personal story and

many ways to tell our communal story. You may have

heard of the “Lachrymose Theory of Jewish history.” First

there was this tragedy, then that expulsion, then that

disaster. Surely, the Jewish people have experienced many

difficulties but pain and suffering is not the sum total of

our time here on earth.

This issue of storytelling is raised in Mishna Pesachim

10, the rabbinic source for the Passover haggadah. There

we are instructed, “…begin with shame and end with

praise.” That is all we are told about the content of the

telling. It’s pretty bare bones and rather odd. Why this

terse instruction?

In my opinion, the ancient Rabbis gave this terse

instruction because they knew very well the Jewish people

and our propensity for seeing a dark cloud behind every

silver lining. They knew that we might tell the Passover

as the characters Reuven and Shimon might have told it.

Reuven and Shimon were two Israelites from a

rabbinic tale about the crossing of the sea. Instead of

seeing the miracle around them, all they could see was

mud on their sandals. Instead of looking up, all they could

do was look down. Instead of seeing miracles, they saw


“Begin with degradation and end with praise.” There

are many ways to tell a story, many ways to see our lives.

The Rabbis encourage us to look forward and not

backward, upward and not downward. They frame our

time with God as moving from darkness to light, from

slavery to freedom.

Telling the story this way reframes our world. We

may be enslaved, but next year we will be free. We may

be here, but next year we will be in Jerusalem. God did

not take us out of Egypt just once. God is always

liberating us from Egypt.

Wishing you and yours a joyous season of our

freedom! B’Shalom,




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Cantor’s Corner

Continuing in the path of my life’s

journey as Cantor of Temple Emanuel,

this month, I will share with you an

article that I wrote in 2001, outlining

my first 35 years.

The year 2001, (a year that used

to sound so futuristic) marks my

35th anniversary as a certified

cantor and as Cantor of Temple

Emanuel. I graduated from the School of Sacred Music of

the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in

June of 1967 and I officiated at High Holy Day services in

Westwood the following September. It was the beginning

of a fruitful and fulfilling career that has spanned over

three decades and one that I hope will continue years into

the future.

I came to this community during the turbulent sixties

of Vietnam and the Israeli six-day war and it was an

exciting if not troubling time to begin a professional

career. Temple Emanuel, the Jewish Community of

Westwood occupied two buildings on Washington

Avenue. The congregation numbered approximately 300

families of traditionally oriented Jews in a sleepy

suburban community. Six years earlier the temple had

engaged a dynamic young man from Hungary, via

England, South Africa, Canada and Newark, as their rabbi

and he was speaking his mind on topics ranging from

integration to the Vietnam war to Israeli politics. He was

and still is a controversial speaker who used the college

campus, radio and TV as well as the pulpit to voice his

somewhat controversial views. In Rabbi Ungar, the

temple had found a respected and talented man to guide

them spiritually and intellectually.

What the congregation needed now was someone

to represent the congregation in the community side by

side with the rabbi to reach their souls in worship, to

enrich their lives with Jewish music, to stimulate and

educate vis a vis Jewish worship, and to teach their

children the skills needed to become B'nai Mitzvah.

Somehow, this awesome responsibility fell to me, 24 years

old and wet behind the ears. I was young and full of ideas,

having just completed five years of intensive training in

the cantorate. I was ready for the responsibilities with

which the congregation had charged me. My first year

was a year of settling in. In November, Rabbi Ungar

presided over my marriage to Bette. I wasn't engaged

when I accepted the position the previous spring, and I

have been told, that this was a disappointment to many of

the mothers of eligible daughters in the congregation. I

began learning the customs and music of the congregation

so that there would be a smooth transition and the

worshipers would feel comfortable. I taught in the

Hebrew school and made many new friends among the

children and their parents. We were beginning a

relationship that has lasted all these years.

The next few years were years of change. When I

arrived on the scene, I was a clean cut college boy, and

under the influence of the Woodstock generation, I began

to let my hair grow. Many of you from that era may

remember my "Afro" hairstyle. The comments and raised

eyebrows when I came to synagogue on my motorcycle

are legendary. What kind of an influence and role model

for the children was this young "hippie" cantor? I was

"doing my thing" and I had a great rapport with the

students in the Hebrew school.

During the second half of that first year, I began

introducing new melodies into the Friday and Saturday

worship services to educate the congregants and make

them aware of the vast repertoire of Jewish music. It was

about this time that I began to experiment with writing

my own music to the ancient texts. In 1970, I began

composing my folk-rock service. I will be presenting its’

30th Anniversary performance this April and I will write

an article explaining the circumstances which motivated

me to begin this project, so I won't go into details now. I

felt that a new format had to be tried to reach our young

people as well as their parents who didn't quite

understand or relate to the traditional service. With the

introduction of musical instruments, I was able to broaden

the scope of music used in services and to shed some of

the nineteenth century European based music. I

introduced settings of contemporary composers such as

Ernest Bloch, Leonard Bernstein, Isadore Freed, and Lazar


Our congregation was rapidly growing and we had to

rent the Westwood High School for our overflow service. I

conducted the services in Washington Township. Rabbi

Ungar conducted services at our Westwood facility,

assisted by Cantor David Lieberman z”l. Rabbi Ungar

shuttled back and forth to deliver the sermon. My

responsibilities increased as the congregation added

members. continued on page 4. . .

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Cantor’s Corner continued from page 3. . .

In August of 1971, just two months after the premier of

my folk-rock service, Bette gave birth to our daughter

Tara (now Terra). We had her baby naming in the small

schul in Westwood, one of the fond memories that

location has for me and my family as well as friends and

congregants who were present. As new younger families

moved into the area, Temple Emanuel was their

synagogue of choice. It seems that the combination of

Rabbi Ungar and me as spiritual leaders along with Rabbi

Kanig as Educational Director and a dynamic lay

leadership appealed to the arriving Jewish families.

During the seventies, our membership expanded to

approximately 500 families and we outgrew our facilities

in Westwood.

The move, twenty years ago, up to the hill in Woodcliff

Lake was a soul stirring experience for everyone involved.

The procession with the torahs began as I sounded the

shofar. The congregation marched through Washington

Township, Hillsdale and Woodcliff Lake. I was aboard a

flatbed truck at the head of the huge crowd and led the

singing accompanied by an Israeli band.

As an inaugural service in our new facility, our leaders

asked me to perform the folk-rock service and it was

presented on the Friday evening prior to our march up the

hill. The main sanctuary was not completed; it would take

several months to complete that goal. We held the service

downstairs in the social hall, which was a gymnasium at

that time. The gym was filled to capacity.

During the twenty years that we have been on the hill,

we have grown and expanded our building. We have

added a young family service each month on Friday eve

and a family service on each of the High Holy Days. We

have engaged an associate rabbi, Rabbi Andrew Bloom, to

address the needs of our young families, assist in life cycle

events and work with our adults and youngsters in the

Hebrew school and continuing education.

Innovation has always been a priority in my

responsibilities and when the opportunity arose in the

80’s and 90’s, I helped promote our egalitarian mission by

training many of our woman members in conducting

services for the High Holy Days, daily minyan and

Shabbat. In 1989, I formed a volunteer choir that performs

regularly during the year at services and represents the

community at the Thanksgiving interfaith service in the

area. Through my Continuing Education classes, I have

taught many men and women to chant from torah,

haftarah, and megillath Esther on Purim as well as music

history and prayer skills. It has been my privilege to

educate those who dedicate themselves to the

perpetuation of our Jewish heritage.

The pleasures and rewards of working in a

community for over three decades are great. I have taught

the children of past students, married them and named

their babies. The family of Temple Emanuel is truly a part

of my family as I am a part of theirs. Births and deaths,

bar and bat mitzvahs and weddings are some of the

events I have shared with this larger family and hope to

continue to do so for many years to come. I thank the

entire community for allowing me the privilege of serving

in the manner in which God has chosen me to contribute.

B'manginot Alizot



Vav students from Temple Emanuel participated in the

Kehillah program held on January 25th. They learned

what it is like to be a part of a Kehillah (community)

when they worked with 6th grade students from other

participating Bergen County synagogues. Students first

discussed some prayers and then created an individual

piece of art that was inspired by one of the prayers,

including the Shema, MaTovu and others. Then our

students came together to place their individual works of

art onto a canvas. They worked together by painting the

canvas and used various materials for their collage

creating a beautiful work of judaica art!

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President’s Message We are in the midst of winter:

the days are short, the temperature

is cold, and snow abounds. And

yet, as I write my submission for

The Bulletin, today is Tu B’Shevat, a

day on which we both celebrate

nature and in doing so anticipate

the coming Spring with the promise

of longer days, a warming sun and

the blossoming of color with the

renewal of plant life. It is exciting to anticipate the change

of seasons yet to come.

For us as a Congregation, this is a year of great change.

As we continue to celebrate Cantor Biddelman, we

anticipate the change that will occur with his retirement.

Our committed search committee has worked diligently to

narrow the candidate field, and we anticipate presenting

the finalists to the congregation in late February and

March. I encourage as many of you as possible to attend

Friday night or Shabbat morning services of the audition

weekends in order to be able to add your voice to the final

decision of the selection process.

I am looking forward to an extremely successful gala

dinner May 9th, as a climax to our Year of Song and

Celebration. I hope that our Tribute Journal to the Cantor

will surpass all expectations. Of course it is a fundraiser

for the synagogue, but it is also a very special opportunity

to express warmth and gratitude to Cantor Biddelman

who has devoted his professional life to us as a

community, and to our individual families at times of

sorrow and simcha over the years. One of the many

important lessons we have learned from Rabbi Shull is the

importance of expressing gratitude.

Stay safe and warm through the remaining weeks of

winter. As Spring approaches, remember that change

promises great opportunity for us to move forward as a

congregation. I look forward, with you, to harness every

chance presented to me to act to strengthen our


Religious School News

Pray (and Sing) for Good


It's official: cited a

recent study (published in this

January’s Journal of Religion and

Health) which found that Jews who

are affiliated with a synagogue and

attend services report better health

than unaffiliated Jews -- regardless

of denomination.(1)

“People with a strong sense of religious identity and

who participate in their faith seem to do better, on

average, than people without an active spiritual life,”

wrote Dr. Jeff Levin, director of the Baylor Institute’s

Program on Religion and Population Health and professor

of epidemiology and population health, who conducted

the study.

A comprehensive review in 2013 of 200 studies

conducted by major universities and research institutions

may help explain this fact: regular singing, especially in

groups, can elevate mood, increase immunity and provide

an excellent workout for your brain, among other


Listening to enjoyable music stimulates the release of

dopamine (the "happiness" brain neurochemical) while

singing can: increase levels of Immunoglobulin A,

decrease levels of stress, increase levels of oxytocin and

regulate heart and respiration rate. reports that "the benefits of singing

regularly seem to be cumulative. In one study, singers

were found to have lower levels of cortisol, indicating

lower stress. A very preliminary investigation suggesting

that our heart rates may sync up during group singing

could also explain why singing together sometimes feels

like a guided group meditation. Study after study has

found that singing relieves anxiety and contributes to

quality of life."(3)

You don’t even have to be a good singer! According to

a 2005 study, group singing “can produce satisfying and

therapeutic sensations even when the sound produced by

the vocal instrument is of mediocre quality.”(5)

But I don't know the words, the tune, how to read

Hebrew or what the words mean.

So what to do? You can certainly enjoy listening to

Cantor Biddelman; take advantage of our last few months

with him as our Hazzan! Cantor Biddelman and Susan continued on page 6. . .

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Religious School News continued from page 5. . .

Liebeskind have transliterated our Friday night prayers;

their booklet is always available in a basket in the back of

the sanctuary. The English translation is in the Siddur for

your perusal. With frequent repetition, singing also

allows you to learn the words by ear, but humming or

singing "La La La" works, too! If you want more, join my

beginning Hebrew reading class for adults on Tuesdays at

11 am at the Jewish Home in River Vale or request one at

another time. We have also held classes in the meaning

and development of our prayers and the organization of

the prayerbook. Let us know if you are interested and we

will find a time to teach. But most of all, Come! Be

together and sing out! ---------------------------------------------------------------

1 2 “The neurochemistry of music” (A meta study) Mona Lisa Chanda

and Daniel J. Levitin, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Trends in Cognitive Science, April 2013

3 4 "Effects of group singing and performance for marginalized and

middle-class singers," Betty A. Bailey, and Jane W. Davidson, both of the Department of Music, University of Sheffield, UK

Religious School Rosh Chodesh Service led by students

will be called to the Torah. . .

March 7, 2015

Robert Ellis Lives in Upper Saddle River with mother,

Lisa, father, David, sisters, Lauren, 14 and

Amanda, 10…is a seventh grader at

Cavallini Middle School…interests include

skiing, football, swimming, running, music

…Ambition: to be a doctor… Community

Service Projects: soup kitchen in New York

City, packaging food for under privileged

Jewish families. “My Bar Mitzvah is the

beginning of my independence and making good decisions in

my life.”

March 28, 2015

Audrey Haber Lives in Upper Saddle River with mother,

Adine, father, Jeff, brothers, Jacob, 18, Benny,

16, and Matthew, 14…interests include singing,

writing, tennis, swimming…Ambition: move to

Los Angeles and pursue a career in

singing…Youth Group: girl scouts…School

Activities: newspaper. “I am looking forward

to family and friends from near and far to come

and celebrate this special day with me.”

April 18, 2015

Max Runyon Lives in Saddle River with mother,

Laurie and father, Guy…brothers are

Michael, Adam, Todd, David and

Brandon…is a seventh grader at

Cavallini Middle School…interests

include sports, sneakers,

entrepreneurship…Ambition: to be a

good son, friend, father, and make a

positive difference in the world…School

Activities: Pop Warner football,

Wolverines basketball. “Becoming a Bar Mitzvah is the

culmination of my years of Jewish education at Temple Emanuel

and feels very gratifying. Having never missed religious school

for more than eight years straight was hard but worth it. Being

Jewish makes me feel special and responsible for preserving

Jewish traditions.” “If you are not a better person tomorrow than

you are today, what need have you for a tomorrow?” – Rebbe Nachman

of Breslov

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Yahrzeit List – March & April

Edna Freedman 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Jerold Granatoor 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Stanley Horowitz 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Fannie Ticho 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Leo Rosen 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Al Harris 3/1/2015 Adar 10

Emanuel Barth 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Edith Brotman 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Emanuel Hohauser 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Michael Soussa 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Isaac Troy 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Rose Rubenstein 3/2/2015 Adar 11

Shota Elson 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Marjorye Ruth Goldstein 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Irving Golub 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Pauline Gubman 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Alex Kaufman 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Irving Levinson 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Rose Ofsowitz 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Lena Kaplan 3/3/2015 Adar 12

Irwin Gerstenfeld 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Selma Liebeskind 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Carole Mayer 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Pearl Messinger 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Robert Nathan 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Eveline Neumann-Adler 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Helen Pollack 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Bertha Sussmann 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Edith Tunick 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Paul Levy 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Max Schnitzer 3/4/2015 Adar 13

Peter Berenson 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Richard Klein 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Sam Levin 3/5/2015 Adar 14

William Paul 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Monica Siegham Pestrong 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Ismar Pick 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Leona Richmond 3/5/2015 Adar 14

Sarah Berman 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Nathan Blecher 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Esther Funes 3/6/2015 Adar 15

James Geiger 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Rose Newman 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Dorothy Shapiro 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Sarah Slapack 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Marjorie Weissman 3/6/2015 Adar 15

Jack Antonoff 3/7/2015 Adar 16

Douglas Kessler 3/7/2015 Adar 16

Meyer Kessler 3/7/2015 Adar 16

Joan Millstein 3/7/2015 Adar 16

Clara Reiff 3/7/2015 Adar 16

Freda Ackerman 3/8/2015 Adar 17

Florence Gitkin 3/8/2015 Adar 17

Dorothy Sluter 3/8/2015 Adar 17

Sylvia Zane 3/8/2015 Adar 17

Sherwood Belford 3/8/2015 Adar 17

William Glunts 3/9/2015 Adar 18

Dorothy Perkel 3/9/2015 Adar 18

Martin Popowitz 3/9/2015 Adar 18

Murray Gold 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Harold LeVine 3/10/2015 Adar 19

George Luber 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Jack Oshinsky 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Leonard Port 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Julia Sacks 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Irma Wisnia 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Ronald Swenson 3/10/2015 Adar 19

Hyman Cohen 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Esther Frumer 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Bernard Kuropatkin 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Doris Lempert 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Walter Loria 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Mac Materetsky 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Paula Shiffman 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Julius Spirer 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Ella Strassheim 3/11/2015 Adar 20

Bessie Albert 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Carole Chapin 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Benjamin Cohn 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Stephen Goldberg 3/12/2015 Adar 21

David Jurdem 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Helene Postman 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Fay Potolsky 3/12/2015 Adar 21

Tsipora Ajiashvili 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Sonia Barnett 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Ida Freilich 3/13/2015 Adar 22

William Fultonberg 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Bertha Kerner 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Elizabeth Leonard 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Leila G. Simon 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Pearl Miller 3/13/2015 Adar 22

Jerome Greenbaum 3/14/2015 Adar 23

Eric Leiner 3/14/2015 Adar 23

Claire Rubenstein 3/14/2015 Adar 23

Helen Berger 3/15/2015 Adar 24

Alex Desatnik 3/15/2015 Adar 24

Irving Knoll 3/15/2015 Adar 24

Bernard Massarsky 3/15/2015 Adar 24

Emma Gladstone 3/16/2015 Adar 25

Harold Silverman 3/16/2015 Adar 25

Edythe Scharfstein 3/16/2015 Adar 25

Ethel Blumenthal 3/17/2015 Adar 26

Emma Cohen 3/17/2015 Adar 26

Morris Bushell 3/18/2015 Adar 27

Nettie Gross 3/18/2015 Adar 27

Eva Hasenfeld 3/18/2015 Adar 27

Ida Rosenkoff 3/18/2015 Adar 27

Anna Stein 3/18/2015 Adar 27

Kathy Blau 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Esther Blech 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Leo Breidenbach 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Ida Garelick 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Louis A. Kaplan 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Bernard Mills 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Albert A. Warren 3/19/2015 Adar 28

Winifred Hassan 3/20/2015 Adar 29

Frances Rostholder 3/20/2015 Adar 29

Herbert Silodor 3/20/2015 Adar 29

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Emily Sobin 3/20/2015 Adar 29

Fay Deutsch 3/20/2015 Adar 29

William Miller 3/20/2015 Adar 29

Erna Heyman 3/21/2015 Nisan 1

Celia Nussbaum 3/21/2015 Nisan 1

Irene Pestrong 3/21/2015 Nisan 1

Rabbi Kanig 3/21/2015 Nisan 1

Lena Bialkin 3/22/2015 Nisan 2

I. Lewis Cohen 3/22/2015 Nisan 2

Pauline Gold 3/22/2015 Nisan 2

Vicky Cohen 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Maxine Dubnick 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Jacob Gillman 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Evelyn Singer 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Samuel Sklover 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Elliot Soldano 3/23/2015 Nisan 3

Sidney Fischer 3/24/2015 Nisan 4

Henre Freeman 3/25/2015 Nisan 5

Isidor Levere 3/25/2015 Nisan 5

Jeanne White 3/25/2015 Nisan 5

Harold Berman 3/26/2015 Nisan 6

Frances Kleiner 3/26/2015 Nisan 6

Sadie Miller Kozinn 3/26/2015 Nisan 6

Omi Edith Vogel 3/26/2015 Nisan 6

Esther Kaplan 3/26/2015 Nisan 6

Lillian Ellis 3/27/2015 Nisan 7

Leonard Glick 3/27/2015 Nisan 7

Leonard Glick 3/27/2015 Nisan 7

Mary Botwin 3/28/2015 Nisan 8

Harold Hopp 3/28/2015 Nisan 8

Stanley Siegelman 3/28/2015 Nisan 8

Harry Cohen 3/28/2015 Nisan 8

Leon Benado 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Mary Flanzman 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Ada Josephy 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Bertha Meyrowitz 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Abraham Ruzinsky 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Marvin Rubenstein 3/29/2015 Nisan 9

Yetta Schwartz 3/30/2015 Nisan 10

Burton Shereck 3/30/2015 Nisan 10

Bessie Kaufman 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Eleanor Lichter Heyman 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Ethel Miller 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Robert Schilling 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Sasoun Soussa 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Lynda Camhi 3/31/2015 Nisan 11

Ida Davidoff 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Rebecca Friedman 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Daniel Gitkin 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Gladys Levin 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Eleanore Speck 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Sofie Widman 4/1/2015 Nisan 12

Janet Cohen 4/2/2015 Nisan 13

Edith Goldsmith 4/2/2015 Nisan 13

Deborah Botwin 4/3/2015 Nisan 14

Rubin Cohen 4/3/2015 Nisan 14

Charles Emanuel 4/3/2015 Nisan 14

Sarah Glicksman 4/4/2015 Nisan 15

Nathan J. Lustigman 4/4/2015 Nisan 15

Harry Rolfe 4/4/2015 Nisan 15

Sylvia Bloom 4/5/2015 Nisan 16

Sanford Cohen 4/5/2015 Nisan 16

Milton Levine 4/5/2015 Nisan 16

Charles Walter 4/5/2015 Nisan 16

Erna Cole 4/6/2015 Nisan 17

Hella Mendel 4/6/2015 Nisan 17

Michael Ofsowitz 4/6/2015 Nisan 17

Jerome Korn 4/7/2015 Nisan 18

Joseph Mintzies 4/7/2015 Nisan 18

Grace Schiff 4/7/2015 Nisan 18

Bobby Strigo 4/7/2015 Nisan 18

Sheldon Allison 4/8/2015 Nisan 19

Clara Fishman 4/8/2015 Nisan 19

Gary W. Gray 4/8/2015 Nisan 19

Sophie Lieberman 4/8/2015 Nisan 19

Robert Sharfstein 4/8/2015 Nisan 19

Kate Romanoff 4/9/2015 Nisan 20

Samuel Cimmet 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Alan Fingerman 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Lillie Perkal 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Jack Rapaport 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Jennie Sall 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Herbert Silberman 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

Mary Strycouski 4/10/2015 Nisan 21

David Alter 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Benjamin Goldring 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Samuel Leibowitz 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Bertha Mendeloff 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Irving Rosenfelt 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Morris Schwartz 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Naima Soussa 4/11/2015 Nisan 22

Mildred Paul 4/12/2015 Nisan 23

Harry Sternberg 4/12/2015 Nisan 23

Alfred Stewart 4/12/2015 Nisan 23

Henry Tandy 4/12/2015 Nisan 23

William Glazer 4/12/2015 Nisan 23

Hannah Mills 4/13/2015 Nisan 24

Lena Gordon 4/13/2015 Nisan 24

Gary Levant 4/13/2015 Nisan 24

Rose Gladstein 4/14/2015 Nisan 25

Issac Smith 4/14/2015 Nisan 25

Lou (Ludwig) Walter 4/14/2015 Nisan 25

Alice Bessen 4/14/2015 Nisan 25

Peter Wallach 4/14/2015 Nisan 25

Sadie Keller 4/15/2015 Nisan 26

Alexander Seigel 4/15/2015 Nisan 26

Ann Cutler 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Fischel Fischbein Fam. 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Renee Kissler 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Samuel Nevins 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Rubin Reicher 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Odille Ross 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Steven F Ticho 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Leonora Messer 4/16/2015 Nisan 27

Elliot Botwin 4/17/2015 Nisan 28

Sadie Ballinger 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Isadore Berger 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Irving Friedman 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Walter Heskins 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Hannah Heyman 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Margaret Sasson 4/18/2015 Nisan 29

Seymour Kazan 4/19/2015 Nisan 30

David K. Kleiner 4/19/2015 Nisan 30

Arnold Kopeloff 4/19/2015 Nisan 30

Daniel Grossmann 4/19/2015 Nisan 30

Ronald Albert 4/19/2015 Iyar 1

Robert Fingerman 4/20/2015 Iyar 1

Irene Yaker 4/20/2015 Iyar 1

Marcia Sitzer 4/21/2015 Iyar 2

Isabelle Allison 4/22/2015 Iyar 3

Herb Arginatar 4/22/2015 Iyar 3

Ruth R. Gottlieb 4/23/2015 Iyar 4

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Harry Kaufman 4/23/2015 Iyar 4

George Warshaw 4/23/2015 Iyar 4

Ben Hofstadter 4/24/2015 Iyar 5

Minnie Stern 4/24/2015 Iyar 5

Ida Kaufman 4/25/2015 Iyar 6

Jack Markman 4/25/2015 Iyar 6

Sam Perlman 4/26/2015 Iyar 7

Paul Robbins 4/26/2015 Iyar 7

Shirley Siegelman 4/26/2015 Iyar 7

David Keeperman 4/27/2015 Iyar 8

Paul LaPoff 4/27/2015 Iyar 8

Fanny Nestler 4/27/2015 Iyar 8

Julian Steinfeld 4/27/2015 Iyar 8

Abesalom Ajiashvili 4/28/2015 Iyar 9

Rebecca Carpenter 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Minnie Kempner 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Sadie Kolton 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

William Kurfist 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Edward Levey 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Ceilia Margolis 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Hildegard Marx 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Sara May 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Frances Scheer 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Irving M. Zorowitz 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Shigeru Inagaki 4/29/2015 Iyar 10

Freda Levere 4/30/2015 Iyar 11

Dorothy S. Meyerson 4/30/2015 Iyar 11

Irving Siegel 4/30/2015 Iyar 11

Mary Tandy 4/30/2015 Iyar 11

Seymour Markowitz 4/30/2015 Iyar 11

Permits for the opening of

graves at Cedar Park Cemetery

are available through the

Temple Office Monday – Friday.

On weekends, please contact:

Simone Wilker, 201-497-3215.

A Welcoming Ceremony for new members was held

during the December 19th Shabbat/Chanukah service. It

was a special night as we welcomed the new member

families into our community. TEPV Executive Board

Members and Trustees wrapped tallit around them as

Rabbi Shull led an interactive ceremony that was both

participatory and heartwarming.

Early Childhood Program

With spring here we are

very excited to finally get to

plant in our greenhouse, built

this summer with funds raised

from our Parent’s Night Out.

This year’s event will finance

renovations and we are very

excited and appreciative.

Our “Two Without You”

class started in January and they are all settled in and

have separated from their

caregivers. This is such a

big step not only for the

children but for the adults

as well. With the

guidance of our caring,

nurturing staff this has

been a positive experience

for everyone.

Our Third Annual Tu

b’ Shevat Daddy and Me

Brunch was again a big success. This has become such a

wonderful event and we look forward to having the dads

enjoy the time together with their children.. We planted

parsley in the preschool in biodegradable containers

which we decorated. This goes along with our theme of

Tikun Olam which we carried over from last year as it is

one the children can really relate to. The children have

also been baking and we

have been donating it to the

Center for Hope and Safety.

We stress the importance

ofdoing things for others who

are less fortunate than

ourselves, as this is

something the children can

also understand. In keeping

with that, parents donated a

ton of toys to the Bergen

County toy drive. We feel

fortunate to have such caring, generous families.

Our new FREE story time which is held twice a month

on Thursdays from 11:15-12 continues to be a huge

success. We have had up to 12 children on some days.

These children come from all over and we are happy to continued on page 10. . .

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Early Childhood Program continued from page 9. . .

welcome them into our community. Playgroup for

infants continues on every other Friday from 10:15-11:15

and is also FREE! Check website for dates.

Purim is a favorite time of year in the preschool, it is a

happy holiday filled with fun! Each class makes

groggers and costumes some complete with masks. We

march around shaking our groggers so that evil Haman

goes away.

We are now enrolling for SUMMER CAMP for

children ages 2 and up. We will have parent-child

programs as well. This summer we are planning new

theme weeks and YOGA with Miss Wendy.

Registration for our EARLY CHILDHOOD

PROGRAM is also open. We accept children ages 2-5.

Please call Amy Fingeret at (201)391-8329 for information

on these programs.


Amy Fingeret

Sisterhood Chai I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief now that

January and February are over. Not that it hasn’t snowed

many times in the month of March, but at least I know

there is light at the end of the tunnel with April’s arrival

and the coming of spring. Despite some crazy winter

storms and much too much snow, Sisterhood had a

wonderful winter!

Among the highlights are Sisterhood Shabbat, our

Rosh Hodesh series, and our Purim Basket fundraiser.

We enjoyed a lovely and meaningful service at

Sisterhood Shabbat the morning after a huge snowstorm.

Attendance might have been down due to the snow, but

we had a great group of participants and attendees. We

hosted a Rosh Hodesh lunch and learned with the

Sisterhood from Temple Beth Or from their Cantor, Sarah

Silverberg, as she spoke about women's influence on

music and ritual in American Judaism. Finally, we all

came together for our biggest annual undertaking, our

Purim Basket fundraiser, and assembled and delivered

about 800 Purim Baskets!

I look forward to an equally busy and fulfilling

spring with events that include our final installment of

this year’s Rosh Hodesh series and our second annual

Sisterhood Tea, both scheduled for March, our Yom

Ha’Shoah Commemoration, a clothing drive, and our

spring book club all scheduled for April, closely

followed by our GrandPals program and a Mother’s

Day programming event in early May. I look forward

to seeing many of our ‘regulars’ at these events and I

also invite anyone who hasn’t participated to please

come out and join us. If you would like to get involved

but don’t know anyone or are not comfortable

attending alone, please reach out to me and I will be

happy to make some introductions in advance.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to

thank all of the people who have made our recent events


Michele Loskant and Lauren Gross for

organizing a wonderful Ladies Night Out Dinner at

Da Vinci’s Restaurant.

Ronnie Silver for organizing and hosting

our second of three Rosh Hodesh women’s study

groups. Thank you to Cantor Sarah Silverberg for

being our speaker and to the Sisterhood at Temple

Beth Or for joining us. Thanks also to Ronnie’s

committee that helped set up and clean up: Jordana

Engler, Berta Fromme, Michele Loskant and Diana


Lisa Lonschein and Renee Friedman for

the wonderful job they did coordinating Sisterhood

Shabbat. Thank you to all of our participants,

whether you were able to be there physically or just

with us in spirit due to the weather conditions:

Rachel Baskin, Cari Brandon, Lisa Cohen, Melanie

Cohen, Rob Cohen, Debra Feiler, Diane Fond, Sandra

Forman, Cindy Fox, Heather Kaplin, Barbara

Kurman, Jen Levison, Susan Liebeskind, Michele

Loskant, Michelle Mandelman, Anita Nussbaum,

Elaine Padva, Robyn and Melissa Reifman, Rachel

Rimland, Jen Romanoff, Sue Romanoff, Diana continued on page 11. . .

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Sisterhood Chai continued from page 10. . .

Rosner, Debbie Rubenstein, Traci Sachs,

Michelle Sicklick, Ronnie Silver, Alicia Simpson, Saige

Soskin, and Helen and Mark Tanchel

Wendy Zuckerberg for the excellent job

she did organizing the One Book, One Community

showing of “Snow in August”

Michele Loskant and Lauren Gross for

organizing our first ever painting party at Pinot’s


Debra Feiler, Diane Fond, Susan

Liebeskind, Michelle Mandelman, Karen Steinfeld,

our amazing Purim Basket Committee, as well as

everyone who donated their time and helped to

assemble and deliver baskets for another outstanding


As always, I encourage you to reach out to anyone on

the Sisterhood Board with ideas, feedback, or comments

on how we can make Sisterhood even better.

Wishing you all a wonderful Purim, Passover, and a

very happy spring,

Dina Madonick

Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Program with Cantor Silverberg

Sisterhood Donations

Community of Caring In honor of Patti Goldman, for the birth of her granddaughter,

by Susan & Pete Liebeskind

In honor of Elaine and Michael Padva’s 50th wedding

anniversary. Here’s to the next 50 - by Barry Blecher

In honor of Leta and Stan Sabin’s 50th wedding anniversary.

Here’s to the next 50 by Barry Blecher

In honor of Audrey and Steve Kurtz’s 50th wedding

anniversary. Here’s to the next 50 – by Barry Blecher

In memory of Iris Seligson, mother of Eileen Janowsky, by Irwin

& Sybil Grace

In memory of Lisa Lonschein’s dear father and aunt.

May their good names live on – by Barry Blecher.

TORAH FUND The Jewish Theological Seminary is more

than just a school of higher Jewish learning. As

information from the JTS itself says, their vision

is to “Join faith with inquiry, the covenant of

our ancestors with the creative insights of

today; intense involvement in the society and State of Israel

with devotion to the flowering of Judaism throughout the

world; service to the Jewish community, as well as to all of the

communities of which Jews are a part…”

In order to realize this great task, the original branch in New

York City is divided into a number of schools. The Rabbinical

School fully prepares its students to be Jewish leaders,

including spending a year in Jerusalem at the Schecter Institute

of Jewish Studies. The Albert A. List College of Jewish Studies

(with its dual-degree programs with Columbia and Barnard)

gives a rigorous education in the liberal arts and Jewish studies

in preparation for community leadership.

The Graduate School with the most extensive academic

program in advanced Judaica in North America awards

graduate degrees in 15 specialties. This gives graduates skills to

become leaders in various fields.

The William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education

is this country’s largest school of Jewish education. It confers

both Masters and Doctoral degrees on students in various

aspects of Jewish education. The H.L. Miller Cantorial School

and College of Jewish Music trains people for all forms of

Jewish musical positions.

Keeping the JTS vital as it continues well into its second

century depends in part on us and all others who believe in the

importance of its mission. Thank you to the many additional

Temple Emanuel members who have contributed recently to

the Torah Fund of the Jewish Theological Seminary, and thanks,

again, to those who have previously donated.

Everyone who contributes to this year’s campaign insures

our Jewish future. A gift of $180 entitles the giver to a beautiful

Tree of Life pin. Every gift in any amount is gratefully received.

You can also choose to have your contribution be in honor of or

in memory of a loved one. We’ll be looking forward to hearing

from you.

Shalom from your Torah Fund co-chairs,

Debby Barcan (201) 666-1387 [email protected]

Eileen Mandel (845) 735-9582 [email protected]

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Torah Fund


Deborah Barcan

Arlene Beckman

Cantor Mark Biddelman

Harold Borten

Melanie Cohen

Sybil Grace

Barbara Grossman

Barbara Kurman

Audrey Kurtz

Susan Maier

Eileen Mandel

Ilene Pakett

Susan Prince

Enid Ruzinsky

Sue Romanoff

Leta Sabin

David Seidenberg

Rabbi Benjamin Shull

Dolores Spirer

Jill Strassberg

Rona Weinberg

Harriet Zuckerman


Lyn Birenbaum

Joyce Blumenthal

Selma Dubnick

Rita Elias

Helene Fishman

Diane Fond

Lyn Frankel

Berta Fromme

Linda Ganz

Leta Gordon

Florence Gosdin

Sara Heskins

Jodi Kestenbaum

Sylvia LeVine

Susan Liebeskind

Dina Madonick

Dan Mitnick

Elaine Padva

Harvey Peck

Robyn Reifman

Diana Rosner

Naomi Samkoff

Lois Shuman

Michelle Sicklick

Ronnie Silver

Alicia Simpson

Sachiko Soskin

Karen Steinfeld

Eileen Steinvurzel

Loretta Weinberg


Jewish Historical Society of North Jersey

Are you from Paterson, Wayne, Clifton, Passaic,

Fair Lawn, Teaneck, Leonia, Elmwood Park, Paramus?

Are you a member of Hadassah?

Are you interested in the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry?

Are you an historian interested in the development of the Jewish community of North Jersey?

Did you ever attend Camp Veritans, Camp PineCrest?

A “yes” to one or more of these questions, is your invitation to visit our extensive archive which includes all of the

above and much more in photos and in newspaper clipping.

The Jewish Historical Society of North Jersey is currently located in the basement of the Barnert Hospital in Paterson.

Hopefully we will move to a more commodious location in Fair Lawn in the near future. Our move is contingent on

raising sufficient funds to purchase our prospective “new home”. Donations to the society are appreciated.

Our annual gala honoring Moe Liss will be held on May12th at the YJCC in Washington Township. Please check our

website for more information. The gala is a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones as well as create

new memories.

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Keruv Corner

The Keruv Initiative is about

welcoming and accepting.

It is about welcoming people as they


It is not about conversion. It is not about preventing


By us, intermarriage may have already happened.

People will make their own choices.

The question is about engulfing, loving, and welcoming.

It is about the children and the grandchildren.

It is not about "What did I do wrong? " You didn't .

It is about where we are as Jews in the 21st century.

We are the boots on the ground. We are men and we are


We care- about Judaism and our family

We exist in some extent in most of our families or

extended families.

Join us.

Thursday March 19, 2015

A cooking/preparing session in the kitchen making

easy Haroseth recipes from around the world

Bonus: Recipe Swap. Bring copies of your favorite Passover

recipe to share.

7:30 - 9:30PM, Host home needed

Monday, April 27, 2015

Parenting...Grandparenting continued: There is always

more to share and learn with our children and


7:30 - 9:30 PM, home of Susan and Carl Chaiken

Questions? RSVP please

Alayne Pick [email protected]

Congregational Trips

We have had an amazing year so far with bonding and

engaging the community on sold out trips.

On November 9, 2014, 62 congregants and friends

went to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum , out to

lunch,and saw It's Only a Play on Broadway.

On December 7,2014 , 73 congregants and friends

with their young children went to see Freckleface

Strawberry: the Musical at the Bergen Count Players

Theater in Oradell.

On Sunday March 22, 2015, 60 congregants will go to

see Larry David's performance of Fish in the Dark on

Broadway, a show about death in the family. Preceding

the theater , we will have a guided tour of Old Jewish

Harlem, including the Old Broadway Synagogue, Apollo

Theater, drive past homes of Harry Houdini, Shalom

Aleichem, Oscar Hammerstein, and Astor Row, and

lunch together. With our tour guidea Leslie and Rabbi

Leana Moritt on the bus, we will be able to have time for

in depth discussion about the Jewish perspective .

Watch for our next Congregational trip to the Lower

East side on May 3, 2015.


Contact Alayne Pick or Gary Hirschberg

Rabbi André Ungar Scholarship Award

Applications for the Rabbi Ungar Scholarship Award

are accepted throughout the year. The committee

requires a statement of the goal of your project and the

relevancy of your project to perpetuating Jewish learning,

Israel affairs, or Jewish community services. We also

request a projected budget. The endowment stipulates

that recipients be either college or graduate students

whose project will impact the future of Jewish

scholarship, Jewish communal needs, Jewish education,

Israel advocacy or Israel studies. Applicants must be

members of our synagogue or the children of members.

Please email your application information to:

[email protected]

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Temple Emanuel, Sisterhood, and Men’s Club wish a life full of simchas to: Elisa Haberman and Bradley Hirsch on Noah becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

Abby and Alan Leipsner on Emma becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

Erica and Howard Haber on Julia becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

Marcy and Michael Squadron on Harrison becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

Irene and Mark Rosen on the birth of their granddaughter, Phoebe Kate.

Linda and Harris Levy on the birth of their granddaughter.

Dolly and Andy Cooper on the upcoming marriage of their son, David.

Ilene and Howard Pakett on the upcoming marriage of their son, Jason to Anna Lee.

Shoshana and Abe Elson on their daughter’s engagement.

Patty Goldman and Steven Goldman on the birth of their granddaughter, Elle Rose.


Temple Emanuel, Sisterhood, and Men’s Club extend sincere condolences to:

The family of Dr. Robert Pearson.

Debra Uribe on the loss of her father.

Ava Silverstein on the loss of her mother.

The family of Bob Kaplan.

Wayne Weinzoff on the loss of his mother.

Lori Rosen on the loss of her mother.

The family of Harriet Ross.

Eileen Janowsky on the loss of her mother.

Richard Wilkes on the loss of his father.

Robert Walsky on the loss of his mother.

Dear Fellow Congregants:

Thank you is not enough for the love and support that I received from our community during my recent illness-in our

synagogue I found such strength and warmth from both those I knew for years, and many I barely knew at all. The

phone calls, food, rides home from rehab, and visits helped me through something that came out of nowhere-although I

have grown children, my husband and family were broadsided by something we never saw coming. How unbelievably

lucky I am to be part of Temple Emanuel.

With much gratitude, Cindy Fox

Interested in sponsoring a Minyan Breakfast?

Are you interested in sponsoring a Sunday Minyan Breakfast? With a donation of $75, you can

sponsor a breakfast on a Sunday of your choice. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a

certificate. Please call the main office to schedule your date.

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THE TZEDAKAH CHARITY FUND OF TEMPLE EMANUEL helps meet urgent human needs and emergencies

within our congregation…and beyond. It is administered by Rabbi Shull at his sole discretion. In accordance

with classical Jewish principle, the identities of both contributors and recipients are kept in complete

confidence. All gifts are personally acknowledged and are tax-deductible. Checks should be made payable to

TZEDAKAH FUND OF TEMPLE EMANUEL and sent to the Temple, c/o Rabbi Benjamin Shull.

David Shore Memorial Fund

Barbara & Steven Green

General Fund

Ilene & Howard Pakett

Karen & Martin Kent

Leah & Len Mactas

Melanie & Jeff Cohen

The Rauch Family

Leah Mactas Fund of Temple Emanuel

Leah & Len Mactas

Lisa & Bruce Mactas

Rabbi Ungar Scholarship Fund

Sheila Sasson

Religious School Fund

Leah & Len Mactas

Shabbat Yachad Fund

Susan & Mark Bromberg

Yahrzeit Fund

Alan Cornell

Arlene Fultonberg

Barbara Grossman

Barry Schneck

Berthold Salz

Dan Mitnick

Dolly Cooper

Dolores Spirer

Frances Walter

Gary Mendeloff

Jeffrey Bader

Judith Paul

Lillian Kessler

Marc Bushell

Marcia Kaplan

Melanie Cohen

Morris Gordon

Murray Weinstock

Nancy Baer

Ronald Kessler

Sara Heskins

Shirley Walcoff

Susan Maier

Susan Rosen

Terri Griggs