Passageway of Education

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  • 7/28/2019 Passageway of Education



    Passageway of Education

    Ashley Jordan

    Ivy Tech Community-College

  • 7/28/2019 Passageway of Education



    INTASC Standards for Beginning Teachers

    Standard #1: Learner Development

    The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning

    and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,

    and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging

    learning experiences.

    Name of Artifact: Educational Autobiography

    Date: January 22, 2013

    Course: Education 101

    Brief Description: For this assignment, I will describe my educational upbringing from

    elementary school to middle school to my high school years and gain a better understanding of

    how I develop and grew as a learner throughout my secondary school years. In this lesson plan, I

    discussed my major events for my schooling. Given this standard I examined cognitive,

    linguistic, social, emotional and even physical areas where I grew from my experiences.

    Rationale: To document my Standard #1, learner development, I included specific inspirations

    to be as I grew, develop and learned from my schooling. This assignment allowed me to recollect

    through my schooling to find my initial want to become a teacher while learning from my

    educational years. My personal insight of myself is expressed clearly in this paper in order to

    appeal to standard number one.

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    Some students may dread going to school and may just want to attend class to get to see

    their friends, but for me school was an outlet; I have always attempted to do well in school to

    make myself happy. My name is Ashley Jordan and even though I was born in Indianapolis I

    have not always stayed in one school district or community, actually the exact opposite happened

    to me I tended to move around from school to school throughout my first thirteen years of

    schooling. My pathway through my elementary, middle school, and high school years of being a

    student was a challenging journey for me but, I learned from my journey.

    Major Event 1

    I went from school to school all throughout my elementary years. In kindergarten, I

    attended at least five different elementary schools before I finally ended up at Pleasant Run

    Elementary School on the eastside of Indianapolis; I attended this school the rest of kindergarten

    while I lived at my grandparents house. In first grade my mother had us move in with the person

    she was dating which meant another change for me; I went to IPS number ninety-three. Then, in

    second grade I had to attend a school that was closer to where I lived, this was school IPS ninety-

    four. From second grade up until fifth grade a stayed at school ninety- four, this was the first

    school that I finally felt as if I was welcome and that I didnt have to make new friends out every

    year. School ninety- four was where I experienced meeting my first influential teacher, Mrs.

    Hordge, which made me believe that maybe one day I too wanted to be an elementary school

    educator. From then on my dream was to become an elementary school teacher just as my third

    grade teacher inspired me to be. As elementary school was coming to an end I experienced

    anxiety about having to which schools again, since I had grown so comfortable in staying in one

    school for a while.

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    Major Event 2

    Middle school was another obstacle I had to face to realize that I needed to learn more

    about myself and I did just that during middle school. For about three quarters of my sixth grade

    year I attended Creston Middle School where I met another teacher that I admired. My sixth

    grade English teacher, Mrs. Grady, not only became a friend to me outside of class but she

    showed back up later on in my life, she taught me that if you really want something just go for it

    and I wanted to help children. The last quarter of my sixth grade year I went back to an IPS

    school which was John Marshall Middle School, there at first I felt singled out because I was one

    of two white kids in the entire school. At John Marshall I learned that even though I was one of

    the two white kids that attended that school that didnt mean that people that were African-

    American or Hispanic were terrible people; in fact, I learned that I actually got along with others

    of color more than with others of the same race.

    When seventh grade came along my entire schooling as I knew it would change. I went

    from being the only white kid in school to only seeing five African- Americans or people of

    colors at Custer Baker Middle School. I would have to say this was probably the largest culture

    shock I have went through I went from going to school with people of all colors and people that

    were from the same area as me to a school were all the students lived in the country and

    predominantly had no idea what Indianapolis was comparable to. I continue on in my eighth

    grade year at Custer Baker and still had to learn how to adjust to an environment I was severely

    uncomforted in; as I came to realize I did no enjoy going to a school that had absolutely no

    diversity I actually quite hated the whole idea of being in that town. Once again as middle school

    drew to a close I found that same anxiety that I had just before starting middle school but this

    time it was worse I was going to start high school.

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    Major Event 3

    Freshman year hit me as if time had just flown by and before I knew it I was again in the

    lowest grade level in a school again. I attended Franklin Community High School from my

    freshman year up until my junior year of high school. Even though my hatred for Franklin

    schools grew some good did come from me attending the high school. A familiar face reappeared

    in my life; Mrs. Grady my sixth grade teacher was now a librarian at the high school I

    automatically became involved in helping with the errands or being an assistant for the library.

    Freshman year I also met probably my all-time most adored teacher, Mrs. Ferris, she was the

    person that related to me the most you understood how hard my personal life at home was and

    she would always encourage me to finish high school and go on to college not just so I could

    better myself but so I could get myself out of the situation at home that I hated so much. My

    sophomore year of high school came and I found another teacher that I could lean on for advice,

    Mrs. Keyser, she was similar to Mrs. Ferris in the sense that she listened and tried to help me but

    she also offered something to me that no other teacher had per say.

    I finally had a chance to teacher in front of a class; Mrs. Keyser was gone for a few days

    and the substitute teacher did not know how to do algebra so it was up to me to teach a group of

    freshman a lesson or two. From this experience I learned that even though I was scared to get up

    in front of the class I got over it and I really enjoyed teaching a class something new. I decided

    once I was done with school my junior year of high school it was time for me to go back to my

    roots and return to my side of town to attend my senior year of high school at Warren Central

    High School. Mostly, sticking to my books at Warren I tended to excel in all of my class and

    several teachers were surprised at my work ethic, they often asked me what I wanted to do or

    what my major would be and I told them either I want to be a pediatrician or an elementary

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    school teacher; I just wanted a career that dealt with helping children. I finished my high school

    career and graduated from Warren Central High School in the top seven percent of my class;

    even though I was not the smartest person in school I still held my personal standards for doing

    well in school very high.


    Throughout, the course of elementary, middle, and high school I met some significant

    educators while also learning about myself. In elementary school Mrs. Hordge my third grade

    teacher was the first passion to show me her passion for teaching I in turn from then on wanted a

    career where I would work with children everyday so I too wanted to become a teacher. The

    diversity in elementary school was very common they were children of all different backgrounds

    and cultures and it was there that I found that it was alright to be from a unlike upbringing. When

    it came time for sixth grade I attended Creston Middle School at first meeting Mrs. Grady whom

    taught me that it is best to follow your dream. I experienced a major culture shock when it came

    to middle school; I ended up going to John Marshall Middle School where I was the only white

    female in the school but learned that I was surprisingly comfortable or at home if you will with

    my environment. When seventh grade came I moved to a school that was the complete opposite

    everyone was not of color they were all the same race as me and as time went on I realized that I

    missed the diversity that I had grew up in. My first two years of high school was an adjustment

    for me but I once again met some wonderful educators, Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Keyser taught me

    that teachers really do care about their students and that if I needed someone to talk to they were

    both there they also renounced my love for teaching. Not wanting to graduate in a community I

    was uncomfortable in I returned to warren township again in an environment where I was

    entirely at home, I went on to finish well in my class ranking and I graduated from Warren

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    Central High School with classmates that were from diverse backgrounds. Hopefully, one day I

    too will become a teacher just as the several educators have encouraged me to become.