Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar · 09.01.2013  · Human Factors in Medical Device...

Human factors and ergonomics as a patient safety practice Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Correspondence to Dr Pascale Carayon, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3126 Engineering Centers Building, 1550 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53705, USA; [email protected] Received 9 January 2013 Revised 25 March 2013 Accepted 5 June 2013 Published Online First 28 June 2013 To cite: Carayon P, Xie A, Kianfar S. BMJ Qual Saf 2014;23:196205. ABSTRACT Background Human factors and ergonomics (HFE) approaches to patient safety have addressed five different domains: usability of technology; human error and its role in patient safety; the role of healthcare worker performance in patient safety; system resilience; and HFE systems approaches to patient safety. Methods A review of various HFE approaches to patient safety and studies on HFE interventions was conducted. Results This paper describes specific examples of HFE-based interventions for patient safety. Studies show that HFE can be used in a variety of domains. Conclusions HFE is a core element of patient safety improvement. Therefore, every effort should be made to support HFE applications in patient safety. INTRODUCTION Many patient safety incidents are related to lack of attention to human factors and ergonomics (HFE) in the design and implementation of technologies, pro- cesses, workflows, jobs, teams and socio- technical systems. HFE is now recognised as a key discipline to help reduce or miti- gate medication errors, 12 to improve the design and implementation of health IT, 3 and to eliminate hazards that contribute to patient falls. 4 According to the International Ergonomics Association, 5 Ergonomics (or human factors) i is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theoretical principles, data and methods to design in order to optimise human well-being and overall system performance.The object- ive of HFE-based system design is to improve wellbeing (eg, clinician and patient satisfaction) and overall system performance that includes patient safety. 6 From an HFE viewpoint, patient safety activities should not only reduce and mitigate medical errors and improve patient safety, but also improve human wellbeing, such as job satisfaction, motiv- ation and technology acceptance. For instance, patient safety programmes that increase the workload of already busy clinicians would not be considered well designed from the HFE perspective. In this paper we described various HFE approaches and contributions to patient safety, and then provide details on a few illustrative examples of HFE applications in patient safety. HFE APPROACHES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO PATIENT SAFETY In this section, we describe a few selected contributions of HFE to various patient safety domains. Other contributions of HFE to patient safety such as teamwork training are reviewed in other papers of this special issue 7 and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality report on patient safety strategies. 8 We also highlight mechanisms that link HFE to patient safety. Various HFE approaches to patient safety A significant focus of HFE in healthcare and patient safety has been the design of usable and safe medical devices and health IT, 9 such as the redesign of code cart medi- cation drawer. 10 Health IT can contribute to patient safety by eliminating hazards, 11 but can also create new hazards. 12 Usability is one HFE design characteristic that can influence health ITs patient safety benefits, or lack thereof. 3 Another major focus of HFE in patient safety has been understanding the nature Open Access Scan to access more free content i Human factorsand ergonomicsare synonymous names for the discipline; the discipline is often referred to as Human factors and ergonomicsor HFE. Most human factors professionals receive their HFE education in departments of industrial engineering or psychology. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 196 Carayon P, et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2014;23:196205. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2013-001812 on March 28, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2013-001812 on 28 June 2013. Downloaded from

Transcript of Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar · 09.01.2013  · Human Factors in Medical Device...

Page 1: Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar · 09.01.2013  · Human Factors in Medical Device Design36 provides a comprehensive set of principles for medical device design. Usability

Human factors and ergonomics as apatient safety practice

Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar

Department of Industrial andSystems Engineering, Center forQuality and ProductivityImprovement, University ofWisconsin-Madison, Madison,Wisconsin, USA

Correspondence toDr Pascale Carayon, Departmentof Industrial and SystemsEngineering, Center for Qualityand Productivity Improvement,University of Wisconsin-Madison,3126 Engineering CentersBuilding, 1550 EngineeringDrive, Madison, WI 53705, USA;[email protected]

Received 9 January 2013Revised 25 March 2013Accepted 5 June 2013Published Online First28 June 2013

To cite: Carayon P, Xie A,Kianfar S. BMJ Qual Saf2014;23:196–205.

ABSTRACTBackground Human factors and ergonomics(HFE) approaches to patient safety haveaddressed five different domains: usability oftechnology; human error and its role in patientsafety; the role of healthcare workerperformance in patient safety; system resilience;and HFE systems approaches to patient safety.Methods A review of various HFE approaches topatient safety and studies on HFE interventionswas conducted.Results This paper describes specific examplesof HFE-based interventions for patient safety.Studies show that HFE can be used in a variety ofdomains.Conclusions HFE is a core element of patientsafety improvement. Therefore, every effortshould be made to support HFE applications inpatient safety.

INTRODUCTIONMany patient safety incidents are relatedto lack of attention to human factors andergonomics (HFE) in the design andimplementation of technologies, pro-cesses, workflows, jobs, teams and socio-technical systems. HFE is now recognisedas a key discipline to help reduce or miti-gate medication errors,1 2 to improve thedesign and implementation of health IT,3

and to eliminate hazards that contributeto patient falls.4 According to theInternational Ergonomics Association,5

‘Ergonomics (or human factors)i is thescientific discipline concerned with theunderstanding of the interactions amonghumans and other elements of a system,and the profession that applies theoreticalprinciples, data and methods to design inorder to optimise human well-being and

overall system performance.’ The object-ive of HFE-based system design is toimprove wellbeing (eg, clinician andpatient satisfaction) and overall systemperformance that includes patient safety.6

From an HFE viewpoint, patient safetyactivities should not only reduce andmitigate medical errors and improvepatient safety, but also improve humanwellbeing, such as job satisfaction, motiv-ation and technology acceptance. Forinstance, patient safety programmes thatincrease the workload of already busyclinicians would not be considered welldesigned from the HFE perspective. Inthis paper we described various HFEapproaches and contributions to patientsafety, and then provide details on a fewillustrative examples of HFE applicationsin patient safety.

HFE APPROACHES ANDCONTRIBUTIONS TO PATIENT SAFETYIn this section, we describe a few selectedcontributions of HFE to various patientsafety domains. Other contributions ofHFE to patient safety such as teamworktraining are reviewed in other papers ofthis special issue7 and the Agency forHealthcare Research and Quality reporton patient safety strategies.8 We alsohighlight mechanisms that link HFE topatient safety.

Various HFE approaches to patient safetyA significant focus of HFE in healthcareand patient safety has been the design ofusable and safe medical devices and healthIT,9 such as the redesign of code cart medi-cation drawer.10 Health IT can contributeto patient safety by eliminating hazards,11

but can also create new hazards.12

Usability is one HFE design characteristicthat can influence health IT’s patientsafety benefits, or lack thereof.3

Another major focus of HFE in patientsafety has been understanding the nature

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free content i‘Human factors’ and ‘ergonomics’ are synonymousnames for the discipline; the discipline is oftenreferred to as ‘Human factors and ergonomics’ orHFE. Most human factors professionals receivetheir HFE education in departments of industrialengineering or psychology.


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of human error and identifying the mechanisms ofhuman error involved in patient safety.13 14 The SwissCheese model of Reason15 describes the alignment ofhazards (or ‘holes’) that can lead to an accident (eg, apatient safety event) and distinguishes between latentfailures and active failures. Vincent and colleagues14

adapted Reason’s Swiss Cheese model to patientsafety, and described management decisions and latentfailures that can influence error and create conditionsthat produce safety violations. In turn, these condi-tions create problems for care delivery and may leadto unsafe acts (ie, errors and violations), which maythen produce an incident if the defences and barriersare not appropriate. The frameworks of Vincent andcolleagues14 and Bogner16 can be used by healthcareorganisations to investigate patient safety incidents.Performance obstacles may endanger patients by

making it difficult for clinicians to perform tasks andprocedures safely.17 A range of physical (eg, lifting,injecting, charting), cognitive (eg, perceiving, atten-tion, communicating, awareness) and social/behav-ioural (eg, motivation, decision-making) performanceprocesses can influence patient safety.18 Performanceobstacles have been identified for intensive care unitnurses,19 20 staff in outpatient surgery centers,21 andhospital nurses.22

Recently, HFE research in patient safety has focusedon system resilience,23 or ‘the ability of systems toanticipate and adapt to the potential for surprise andfailure’.24 Because not all errors may be prevented,HFE researchers have developed models to under-stand how errors can be detected, corrected, miti-gated, and dealt with by operators.25 Strategies forerror detection and recovery have been exploredamong nurses,26 in particular critical care nurses,27

and among pharmacists.28 29 Resilience engineeringbuilds on and extends the work done by high-reliability organisation (HRO) researchers, in particu-lar the HRO concept of mindfulness, that is, the

ability to prepare for the unexpected and to be vigi-lant about hazards.30

The first four HFE approaches focus on specificaspects of HFE and patient safety: usability of technol-ogy, human error, clinician performance and resilience.A number of HFE approaches have been proposed todescribe more comprehensive systems of patient care,such as the systems approach proposed by Vincent andcolleagues14 31 and the SEIPS (Systems EngineeringInitiative for Patient Safety) model of work system andpatient safety proposed by Carayon and colleagues.32

Vincent and colleagues14 defined seven types of systemfactors that can influence clinical practice and lead topatient safety incidents, such as patient factors, taskand technology factors, and organisational and man-agement factors. The SEIPS model of work system andpatient safety32 identifies a slightly different set ofsystem factors: individual factors (which include char-acteristics of the staff and patient), tasks, tools andtechnologies, environment, and organisational factors(which include team factors). In addition to definingthe system and emphasising system interactions,33 theSEIPS model describes how system design can influ-ence care processes and other connected processes (eg,delivery of supplies, housekeeping, purchasing ofmedical equipment). Because the SEIPS model isanchored in HFE, employee and organisational out-comes are addressed along with patient safety, reflect-ing the fact that patient safety and worker safety andwellbeing are positively correlated and have commonsystem contributing factors.34

HFE in system design for patient safetyHFE contributes to patient safety via four mechanismsthat connect system variables to patient safety (seetable 1).35 The first mechanism emphasises the needto incorporate HFE design principles to optimise spe-cific work system elements. These principles can beused to design work systems to eliminate hazards and

Table 1 HFE mechanisms between system design and patient safety

HFE mechanisms Objectives of system design

1. A work system that is not designed according to HFE design principlescan create opportunities for errors and hazards (see table 2 for examplesof design principles)

The objective of HFE-informed system design is to identify and removesystem hazards from the design through maintenance phases.

2. Performance obstacles that exist in the work system can hinder clinicians’ability to perform their work and deliver safe care

If some obstacles cannot be removed, for instance, because they areintrinsic to the job, then strategies should be designed to mitigate theimpact of performance obstacles by enhancing other system elements(ie, balance theory of job design)41 42

3. A work system that does not support resilience can producecircumstances where system operators may not be able to detect, adaptto, and/or recover from errors, hazards, disruptions and disturbances

Work systems should be designed to enhance resilience and supportadaptability and flexibility in human work,43 such as allowing problem orvariance control at the source44

4. Because system components interact to influence care processes andpatient safety, HFE system design cannot focus on one element of workin isolation.32 35

Whenever there is a change in the work system, one needs to considerhow the change will affect the entire work system, and the entire systemneeds to be optimised or balanced41 42

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performance obstacles. For instance, the Handbook ofHuman Factors in Medical Device Design36 provides acomprehensive set of principles for medical devicedesign. Usability heuristics or rules of thumb for userinterface design have been developed for health ITand medical devices.37 The physical design of thework system should minimise perception time, deci-sion time, manipulation time, and the need for exces-sive physical exertion, and optimise opportunities forphysical movement.35 38 From an organisational HFEviewpoint, work systems should be designed so thattasks are reasonably demanding physically and cogni-tively. Workers should have opportunities to learn,adaptive levels of control over their work system, andaccess to social and instrumental support (eg, supportfrom coworkers in case of emergency) within thework environment.39 Table 2 provides some examplesof HFE design principles; additional information onHFE design for specific work system elements can befound in the Handbook of Human Factors andErgonomics.40

Given the systems focus of HFE, it is important notonly that each component of the system be designedappropriately, but also that system components bealigned44 and that system interactions be optimised.33

For example, when a new barcoding medicationadministration (BCMA) system is introduced, it isimportant to ensure that the technology is designedaccording to HFE principles (eg, usability heuristics).However, it is also important that the technology fitswith the rest of the work system. If there is not suffi-cient space in which to use the BCMA (interactionbetween the technology and the physical environ-ment) or if users are not provided with adequatetraining (interaction between the technology and theorganisation), then BCMA may contribute to dimin-ished rather than improved clinician performance andpatient safety.

In addition to principles for designing work systemsand processes, HFE has developed principles forchanging work systems. For instance, in the context ofhealth IT, HFE implementation principles, such asparticipation, communication and feedback, learningand training, top management commitment andproject management are critical to realising thepatient safety potential of health IT.45 46 These imple-mentation principles are essential and applicable tothe implementation of all kinds of work systemdesign.

HFE-BASED INTERVENTIONS FOR PATIENTSAFETYStudies have used HFE tools and methods to identifysystem factors that contribute to medical errors; basedon these data, researchers or system designers deviserecommendations for improving healthcare worksystems and processes. These studies are useful forhighlighting the importance of HFE to patient safety;however, they do not provide empirical evidence forthe value of HFE in improving patient safety.Empirical studies of how HFE-based interventionsaffect patient safety are few, those that are availablehave addressed usability of healthcare technologies,concomitant design of healthcare technologies andwork system, and design of healthcare processes. Thispaper is not intended to be a systematic review ofHFE-based interventions for patient safety, especiallygiven the broadly different clinical topics and thesmall number of studies in each clinical topic. Rather,our objective is to highlight the variety of HFE appli-cations and to describe the details of a small numberof HFE applications that produced patient safetyimprovements. Thus we review only six studies todemonstrate various HFE applications. These exam-ples also show that HFE applications for patientsafety do not have to wait for accidents to occur; HFEis primarily a proactive system design approach.

Example 1: HFE in the design of radiotherapy treatmentdelivery systemIn the first example, HFE methods were used in thedesign of a radiotherapy treatment deliverysystem.47 48

Step 1: HFE analysisThe researchers first evaluated the existing radiother-apy treatment delivery process. Over a 3-monthperiod, an HFE engineer conducted 30 h of fieldobservations of radiation therapists performing theirregular tasks. Workflows of radiation therapists, inparticular their interactions with the treatment-delivery system, were recorded. Based on theseobservations, the researchers compiled a list of tasksregularly performed by radiation therapists duringtreatment delivery.

Table 2 Examples of HFE design principles

Focus of HFE Examples of HFE design principles

Physical HFE To minimise perception time, decision time, andmanipulation timeTo reduce or mitigate need for excessive physicalexertionTo optimise opportunities for physical movement

Cognitive HFE To ensure consistency of interface designTo match between technology and the user’s mentalmodelTo minimise cognitive loadTo allow for error detection and recoveryTo provide feedback to users


To provide opportunities to workers to learn anddevelop new skillsTo allow worker control over work systemTo support worker access to social supportTo involve users in system design

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Step 2: heuristic usability evaluationOne experienced therapist and two HFE engineersperformed a heuristic evaluation of the usability of atreatment-delivery system. Since the two HFE expertswere not authorised to operate the system, the therap-ist performed the tasks and explained the workflow tothe engineers. The two HFE experts independentlyidentified HFE issues based on 14 usability heuris-tics,37 and evaluated the severity of each usabilityissue; they then compared their ratings and reachedconsensus on a final list of usability issues and theirseverity. A total of 75 usability issues were identified;of these, 18 were classified as having a high potentialimpact on patient safety (ie, high severity), 20 wereclassified as medium severity and 37 were classified aslow severity. For instance, when the therapist enterednotes into a patient’s file, the notes could be deletedwithout warning if the therapist selected anotherpatient’s file before saving the notes. This usabilityissue violated the heuristics of feedback, error recov-ery and ability to undo, and was rated with high sever-ity. The recommendation for technology redesign wasto warn therapists that their notes might be deleted ifthey have not saved them.

Step 3: system redesign and evaluationThe existing treatment delivery system was redesignedbased on HFE design principles. Two focus groupswith experienced radiation therapists provided feed-back on the redesigned treatment delivery system, andthe system was further refined. Finally, user testingwith 16 radiation therapy students was conducted tocompare the current and redesigned treatment deliv-ery systems. Using each of the two systems, studentswent through four scenarios related to typicaltreatment-delivery tasks. Three of the four scenarioswere designed with a high potential for certain useerrors to occur (overlooking an important note, shift-ing the treatment couch incorrectly, and overlooking achange of approval dates). The error rates and overalltime to complete each scenario were measured. At theend of the testing, participants were asked to fill out aquestionnaire to compare various attributes of the twosystems. Results showed that error rates for overlook-ing an important note and for overlooking changes inapproval dates decreased significantly with the rede-signed treatment-delivery system (from 73% to 33%and from 56% to 0% respectively). The redesignedtreatment delivery system led to efficiency gains (themean task completion time was reduced by 5.5%) andimprovement in user satisfaction.

Example 2: HFE in the design of ED telemetry systemIn the second example, a phased HFE approach withsignificant end user participation is combined with insitu simulation to assess an existing emergency depart-ment (ED) telemetry system and redesign it to

improve performance of cardiac arrhythmiadetection.49

Step 1: HFE system analysisThe researchers used multiple methods to assess theexisting telemetry system and its design deficiencies.Several hardware problems were identified by con-ducting a hardware inventory and function diagnostic.Field observations and web-based surveys revealedseveral HFE problems related to the use of the telem-etry system, such as limited accessibility, poor usabilityand utility and alarm fatigue. Informal discussionswith clinical staff (eg, physicians, nurses, ED techni-cians) held during shift change and impromptuon-shift meetings provided additional information onall work-system elements related to the telemetrysystem (see figure 1). The researchers also gatheredinput from ED clinical practice and administrativeleadership councils and patient safety and simulationworkgroups.

Step 2: HFE system design and implementationBased on the initial analysis phase, work system con-straints and HFE specifications for redesigning the tel-emetry system were determined by researchers andstakeholders (eg, institutional biomedical engineers,the device manufacturer, clinical staff ). Through aniterative process, a multifarious intervention wasdeveloped to address the three categories of HFEissues: physical HFE issues—hardware repair andrepositioning to enhance alarm audibility and visibil-ity, replacement of traditional keyboard and mousewith touchpad input devices to compensate limitedworkspace; cognitive HFE issues—adjustment ofalarm parameter to reduce false alarms, integration ofthe telemetry system into nurse charting informationalworkflow to improve general utility; and organisa-tional HFE issues—coordination of institutional infra-structure for routine maintenance, announcement ofstudy conduct and intervention at ED personnel meet-ings to increase user awareness, group in-servicing andon-shift in-servicing of ED personnel to tackle knowl-edge deficit of system operation. The intervention wasimplemented incrementally over a period of17 months.

Step 3: evaluation of telemetry system redesignTwenty pre-intervention, 10 interim and 20 post-intervention arrhythmia simulation sessions were con-ducted over three separate 2-week periods to evaluatethe initial telemetry system and compare it with theredesigned telemetry system. Performance data (eg,time between initiation and detection of simulatedarrhythmia, detection method, role of the firstresponder) were collected in each period. The overallarrhythmia detection rate was 5% at baseline, 40%during the interim period and 55% with the fullyredesigned telemetry system. Results of post-intervention user surveys indicated that the redesigned

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telemetry system empowered clinical providers duringpatient care duties and had the potential to improvepatient care. However, a review of alarm log recordshowed frequent false-positive alarms with the rede-signed telemetry system; this indicates the need forfurther system redesign efforts to continue to supportand improve clinicians’ ability to detect cardiacarrhythmia.

Example 3: HFE in the design and implementation ofhealth ITVarious work system factors can affect the acceptanceand effective use of healthcare technologies.45

Inadequate planning for implementation and lack ofintegration of healthcare technologies in existing worksystems are associated with work-arounds and tech-nologies falling short of achieving their patient safetygoal.50 HFE approaches, which emphasise simultan-eous design of the healthcare technology and thework system, are recommended for achieving abalanced work systemii41 42 and fulfilling the fullpotential of healthcare technology in improvingpatient safety.Beuscart-Zéphir and colleagues52 developed an

HFE framework for healthcare technology and worksystem design, along with a set of structured methods

to optimise the work system. The HFE frameworkincludes four stages: analysis of the sociotechnicalsystem and the demands of stakeholders; cooperativedesign of the healthcare technology and the worksystem with the institution, designers and developers;iterative evaluation and redesign; and assessment ofthe new work system and its impact on patient safetyand overall performance of the sociotechnical system.The HFE framework was used to improve the designand implementation of computerized physician orderentry (CPOE).53

Step 1: analysis of medication use process and recommendations forsystem redesignResearchers conducted a systematic qualitative analysisof the medication ordering–dispensing–administrationprocess. Field observations and semi-structured inter-views were performed with nurses to identify nursingtasks in the medication administration process, to char-acterise physician–nurse and nurse–nurse communica-tion about medications, and to assess nurses’interactions with paper patient records. Then more than7000 paper medication orders written by physiciansand the corresponding paper medication-administrationrecords from nurses were reviewed.

Step 2: cooperative system designThe results of observations, interviews and documentreview were presented to nurses for feedback; soft-ware engineering models (eg, UML and Petri Nets)were created to model the distribution of tasksobserved. Factors contributing to the safety of medica-tion process were identified at three levels: individual

Figure 1 Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model of work system and patient safety. Reproduced fromCarayon et al32 with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

iiA work system can be balanced through either compensatorybalance when positive work system elements compensate fornegative work system elements, or overall system balance when thecombination of positive and negative work system elementsproduces benefits with regard to outcomes.42 The concept ofbalanced work system is further discussed by Carayon et al51.

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(eg, interactions between nurses and the technologywhen administering medications), collective (eg,verbal communications supporting cooperation duringthe medication management process) and organisa-tional (eg, distribution of tasks across different health-care professionals). Recommendations for worksystem redesign were proposed, such as the need toprovide nurses with specific information at each stepof the preparation and administration of medications,and the need for regular physician–nurse communica-tions about patient treatment and changes to the planof care (eg, daily briefing either before or aftermedical rounds).

Step 3: usability evaluation of CPOE technologyThe researchers also evaluated the usability of the pro-posed CPOE technology. Five independent HFEexperts evaluated the user interface of the softwareapplication, using a set of HFE criteria.54 A total of35 issues related to workload, compatibility, control,homogeneity, guidance and error prevention wereidentified and rated on a four-point scale for severity.In a laboratory user testing, eight nurses used the

think-aloud method in a simulation of the preparationof medication dispensers and the validation and docu-mentation of medication administration. The labora-tory test was designed to reproduce the nurses’ typicalwork environment. Scenarios were created based onthe results of the initial work system analysis. Nurseparticipants identified a total of 28 usability issuesduring the test.

Step 4: iterative HFE redesignIn the next phase of CPOE technology redesign, pos-sible solutions for each of the identified usabilityissues were proposed and evaluated with respect tocosts and benefits. Mock-ups and prototypes weredeveloped for those solutions. Iterative usability eva-luations and technology redesigns were done until allcritical usability issues were addressed. To evaluate theimpact of the HFE-based design of healthcare worksystem on patient safety, the researchers proposed tolink the system redesign to the actual identification ofadverse events.In a recent project, the researchers used statistical

data mining methods to semi-automatically identifyadverse drug events and to link the identified adversedrug events to the analysis and modelling of the worksystems. The HFE framework of Beuscart-Zéphir andcolleagues is now routinely integrated in IT projectmanagement of the Centre Hospitalier Universitairede Lille, France.

Example 4: HFE in the physical design of operating roomsIn the fourth example, HFE is used to addressinfection-control problems in the operating room(OR).55 To minimise infection risk, surgical deviceswere suggested to be positioned within the clean

airflow in the OR according to HFE designprinciples.56 57

Step 1: benchmarking of systemA multidisciplinary team of hospital surgical stafflearned from the experience of runway operators atan international airport regarding marking, positionof materials, traffic flows, safety rules and regulations,and incident management. They applied this knowl-edge to OR traffic flows, position of surgical tablesand materials, safety management and the process ofincident reporting.

Step 2: HFE system designThe multidisciplinary team designed and implementedfloor marking to support consistently correct position-ing of surgical devices. The implementation wascarried out in three steps:1. temporary marking was implemented in two of four

ORs in February 2009;2. temporary marking was implemented in all four ORs by

June 2009;3. permanent floor marking was implemented in all ORs in

December 2009.

Step 3: evaluation of system redesignCompliance with positioning of surgical deviceswithin the clean airflow was evaluated by observing atotal of 182 surgeries before implementation of thefloor marking. One month after the implementationof the temporary floor marking in two ORs, compli-ance data were collected by observing 195 surgeries inORs with floor markings and 86 surgeries in ORswithout floor markings. Four months after implemen-tation of the temporary floor markings in all fourORs, 167 surgeries were observed to collect compli-ance data. Finally, 199 surgeries were observed1 month after the implementation of permanent floormarkings. Floor marking resulted in significantlyincreased compliance with recommended positioningsof surgical devices in the clean airflow. In addition,post-implementation interviews with three ophthalmicsurgeons, three surgical and anaesthesia nurses, andtwo managers showed enhanced safety awarenessamong surgical staff. Although the researchers did notuse the term ‘HFE’ to describe their study, theirapproach used a systematic work system analysis andled to a solution firmly rooted in the HFE systemsapproach.58

Example 5: HFE to identify patient safety hazards insurgeryIn the fifth example,59 an HFE approach was used toidentify and categorise patient safety hazards in car-diovascular ORs.

Step 1: identification of work system hazards in cardiovascular ORsA multidisciplinary team of researchers from clinicalmedicine, health services research, human factorsengineering, industrial psychology and organisational

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sociology identified patient safety hazards in five hos-pitals through observations, contextual inquiries 60

and pictures of the environment and tools and tech-nologies in cardiovascular ORs. Four team members(a health services researcher, a cardiac anaesthesiolo-gist, a nurse and a human factors engineer) conductedthe observations; two of them were present for eachsurgery. A total of 20 cardiac surgeries were observedover about 160 h, and 84 contextual inquiries wererecorded. The four team members reviewed all of thedata, including observation notes, contextual inquiriesand the pictures, and identified patient safety hazards.

Step 2: categorising the work system hazardsThe researchers used deductive and inductiveapproaches to analyse the qualitative data and cate-gorised the work system hazards in cardiovascular sur-geries. The SEIPS model32 (see figure 1) was used in adeductive manner to create high-level categories ofpatient safety hazards, which were further developedin subcategories based on emerging themes from thedata (inductive process). A total of 59 patient safetyhazard categories were identified:1. care provider: variations in performing procedures,

inappropriate professional conduct;2. task: increased workload, interruptions in the workflow;3. tools and technologies: usability issues, tools and tech-

nologies not available in a timely manner;4. physical environment: limited physical space in the ORs,

poor arrangement of equipment;5. organisation: lack of a culture to report patient safety

incidents, poor communication;6. processes: evidence-based practices not followed, poor

supply chain management.

Step 3: proposing solutions for system redesignBased on the patient safety hazards identified in thestudy, the researchers propose solutions for systemredesign, such as standardisation of care across anorganisation, teamwork training for care providers,further analysis with methods such as proactive riskassessment (see next example), use of simulation toevaluate the physical layout of ORs before buildingthem, and use of recommended communication prac-tices such as repeat back.

Example 6: HFE in the design of care processesHFE can help to improve the design of care pro-cesses.61 Proactive risk assessment methods, such asfailure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), are HFEmethods that can be used to evaluate high-risk pro-cesses in healthcare and provide input for healthcareprocess design.62 63 A number of publications provideguidance for conducting proactive risk assessmentsuch as FMEA62 64 and discuss challenges in perform-ing such analysis.65 66 The sixth study describes anFMEA of the intravenous medication administrationprocess conducted to assess the potential HFE andsafety issues of a new intravenous pump.67

Step 1: formation and training of FMEA teamA multidisciplinary team consisting of representativesfrom anaesthesiology, biomedical engineering centralsupply, human factors engineering, internal medicine,nursing, pharmacy and quality improvement per-formed a healthcare Healthcare Failure Modes andEffects Analysis (HFMEA)68 to evaluate the intraven-ous medication administration process using currentintravenous pump and Smart intravenous pump tech-nology. The team members were trained for 1–2 h inthe Veteran Affairs’ HFMEA method.68

Step 2: FMEA analysis processThe FMEA process consisted of 46 h of meetings over4½ months and unfolded in three steps:1. process identification and mapping;2. failure mode identification and scoring;3. determination of interventions and outcome measures.Multiple data sources were used to develop the

intravenous medication administration process map.Two HFE experts conducted a total of 52 observa-tions of nurses administering medications with thecurrent intravenous pump.69 Medication administra-tion and intravenous pump events reported with thecurrent pump were retrieved from the hospital’s eventreporting system. The FMEA team mapped the medi-cation administration process with the current intra-venous pump and then repeated the mapping processwith the Smart intravenous pump. In the process mapwith the current intravenous pump, the team identi-fied 10 steps for retrieving the medication and tubing,and 24 steps for pump programming were identified.For the Smart intravenous pump, the team identified14 unique pump programming steps and new tubingsetup and insertion steps.Following process mapping, the team analysed

failure modes potentially associated with intravenouspump use. About 200 failure modes were identifiedand scored with respect to severity and probability ofoccurrence. A hazard score was calculated by usingthe product of the severity and probability of occur-rence ratings. Failure modes with low or low–moder-ate hazard scores were assessed for detectability, andonly non-detectable failure modes were consideredfor further action. All failure modes with moderate tohigh hazard scores were considered further.

Step 3: recommendations for process redesignRecommendations for prioritised failure modes wereproposed and categorised into the five elements of thework system32 (see figure 1): policies and procedures;training or education; physical environment; people;and technology software or hardware change. Theevaluation of the impact of the FMEA on patientsafety was based on: audits of programming of pumpsfor errors; monitoring of end-user training for time toachieve competency; and monitoring and recording ofintravenous medication administration event reportsand informal and formal complaints about pump

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Page 8: Pascale Carayon, Anping Xie, Sarah Kianfar · 09.01.2013  · Human Factors in Medical Device Design36 provides a comprehensive set of principles for medical device design. Usability

functioning. Post-implementation results suggestedthat the goal of mitigating risk to patients from poten-tial or known failure modes was achieved.

CONCLUSIONSA study conducted by an HFE leader, Al Chapanis,and his colleague in the early 1960s provided infor-mation on medication administration errors and thesystem factors that contributed to these errors.70–72

Since then, awareness of the importance of HFE inmedication safety and other patient safety domainshas significantly increased. Patient safety leaders havecalled for increasing involvement of HFE in helpingto characterise system factors that contribute topatient safety and to inform system design interven-tions.3 73 74 This paper has described examples ofHFE contributions to specific patient safety problems.Further research is necessary to document and dem-onstrate the value of HFE-based interventions andtheir impact on patient safety. Evidence for the effect-iveness of HFE-based interventions should includedata on changes in the work system, changes in theprocess and changes in outcomes (including patientsafety and employee outcomes). In general, this evi-dence is provided through the use of multiple quanti-tative and qualitative methods.Numerous patient safety practices can benefit from

HFE input. Patient safety practices target some aspectof the work system (see figure 1) and should bedesigned and implemented according to HFE princi-ples to produce patient safety benefits. For instance,checklists have been shown to improve patientsafety.75 76 Checklists can be considered as a tool inthe work system (see figure 1), and their patient safetybenefits are enhanced when they are designed andimplemented to fit the rest of the work system.77 Anintervention study at the VA included teamwork train-ing, ongoing coaching, and tools such as a checklistthat supported teamwork.78 The checklist acted as atool to trigger OR communication rather than as asimple memory aid. The checklist is a tool thatrequires changes in other elements of the work system(see figure 1).HFE is a core element of patient safety strategies.8

Therefore, every effort should be made to supportHFE applications in patient safety. Healthcare leaders,executives, administrators and vendors should ensurethat HFE is included in any patient safety improve-ment. This can be accomplished through the use ofHFE tools and methods (eg, usability evaluation ofhealth IT), HFE training in healthcare organisationsand vendors, or hiring of HFE engineers.79

Acknowledgements Partial funding was provided by AHRQthrough a contract to RAND (HHSA-290-2007-10062I) and bythe Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)programme, previously through the National Center forResearch Resources (NCRR) grant 1UL1RR025011, and nowby the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences(NCATS), grant 9U54TR000021. The content is solely the

responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily representthe official views of the NIH.

Contributors PC: major contribution in the conception anddesign of the paper, major contribution in drafting and revisingthe paper, major contribution in final approval of the version tobe published. AX and SK: some contribution in the conceptionand design of the paper, some contribution in drafting andrevising the paper, some contribution in final approval of theversion to be published.

Funding Partial funding was provided by AHRQ through acontract to RAND (HHSA-290-2007-10062I) and by theClinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) programme,previously through the National Center for Research Resources(NCRR) grant 1UL1RR025011, and now by the NationalCenter for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), grant9U54TR000021. The content is solely the responsibility of theauthors and does not necessarily represent the official views ofthe NIH.

Competing interests None.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externallypeer reviewed.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed inaccordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which permits others todistribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on differentterms, provided the original work is properly cited and the useis non-commercial. See:

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