Part III: Reserves North Central Texas College Libraries NCTC Instructors often place materials on...

iLink Basics Part III: Reserves North Central Texas College Libraries NCTC Instructors often place materials “on reserve” at the library for their students to use for their coursework. By using iLink’s “Reserve Desk” feature, you can see what materials have been placed on reserve for a specific instructor or for a specific course.

Transcript of Part III: Reserves North Central Texas College Libraries NCTC Instructors often place materials on...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Part III: Reserves North Central Texas College Libraries NCTC Instructors often place materials on reserve at the library for their students to use for their coursework. By using iLinks Reserve Desk feature, you can see what materials have been placed on reserve for a specific instructor or for a specific course. Slide 3 Reserve Desk To find information on items placed on reserve, click on the link labeled Reserve Desk Slide 4 Look Up Items on Reserve For any item on reserve, you can search by the course instructor, the course name, or by the course number. For our example, we will search for an item placed on reserve by an instructor named Shears Slide 5 Look Up Items on Reserve You should now be presented with a list of instructors. Your instructor should be at the top of this list. If not, use the Previous and Next links to navigate the list. Click on your instructors name. Slide 6 Reserve Item List Now you should see a list of items being held on reserve for your instructor.You can also see the name of the course for which the items are being held. You can also see at what campus the item is on reserve. In this example, the items are held at the reserve desk in Gainesville (Reserve-G). Items in Corinth are designated with a C and items in Bowie are designated with a B. You can also see for how long the item can be checked out. In this case, the checkout time is two hours. You can see more details about the item by clicking the Details button. Slide 7 Reserve Details Here you can see, once again, the location of the reserve item, and the length of time the item can be borrowed. You can also see the title and author information, as well as a description of the item, such as when the item was published or produced and how many pages an item has or how long a video plays. Slide 8 Search Options In our example, we searched for reserves by the name of the instructor. Remember: If you do not have the name of your instructor, you can also find reserve items by the name of the course or the course number. Slide 9 Need more help? Contact YOUR NCTC Library staff Thank you for participating in this tutorial. You should now be able to use iLinks Reserve Desk feature to find reserve materials for a specific course using your instructors name, the name of the course, or the courses number. For more information, such as how to place holds on unavailable materials or advanced searching, contact NCTC library staff on your campus.