Part 5_ Changes needed to address Greater Victoria poverty - Local - Times Colonist.pdf

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  • 8/9/2019 Part 5_ Changes needed to address Greater Victoria poverty - Local - Times Colonist.pdf


    Part 5: Changes needed to address Greater Victoria poverty

    Sarah Petrescu/ Times Colonist

    January 1, 2015 09:17 PM

    More struggling families, such as single mom Kathryn and daughter Addison, 2, are turning to food banks like the one at the

    Quadra Village Co mmunity Centre. Advocates say restrictive public poli cy and regiona l issues including low assistance

    rates, child-support clawbacks and the costly housing market make it difficult for people to dig themselves out of poverty.

    Photograph By ADRIAN LAM, Times Colonist

    Two significant changes are needed to help solve poverty in the region and across the country, says Andrew Wynn-

    Williams, executive director of the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness.

    First, income assistance rates need to be increased to somewhat match the cost of living, he said, noting a

    subsidized housing allowance of $375 a month in a city where a bachelor apartment rents for no less than $700 isinadequate.

    Also, there is a major lack of federal government investment in social housing in this country. This is an election

    year coming up and it should be a major issue that is pushed, Wynn-Williams said.

    Restrictive public policy and regional issues including low assistance rates, child-support clawbacks and the

    costly housing market help drive people into homelessness, advocates said. But they also pointed to a few

    examples of progress.
  • 8/9/2019 Part 5_ Changes needed to address Greater Victoria poverty - Local - Times Colonist.pdf


    Read the Hidden Poverty series

    Introduction: The growing problem of hidden poverty in Greater Victoria



    Part 1: How domestic violence is driving homelessness in Greater Victoria



    Part 2: Childhood poverty and the single-parent trap (


    Part 3: The growing concern of the citys underemployed and underpaid


    Part 4: An aging population in financial limbo and a housing crisis


    Part 5: Small changes coming and big changes needed to address local poverty


    One program continually lauded by advocates and struggling families is the Burnside Gorge family self-sufficiency

    program. For up to two years, parents learn financial skills and planning and how to cope if their income or family

    situation has changed.

    I was not only able to dig myself out of debt but to truly learn how live within my means, said Pamela Mae, a

    single mother who said the program was key to helping her thrive after a divorce.

    Wynn-Williams noted the provincial Homeless Prevention Program, announced in October, was a positive step. The

    program invests $62.5 million over five years to bring rent supplements and support services to at-risk groups,

    including youth transitioning out of foster care and women who have experienced violence or are at risk of violence.It allows Victoria to add 100 more spaces of affordable housing in the city.

    Theyre focusing on people at-risk, which is what weve been saying needs to be done, he said.

    Advocacy organizations like the Victoria Womens Transition House can offer emergency shelter and support for

    short periods of time.

    But one of the challenges the organization faces is how to help women and their children transition into a new, bette

    life after the crisis. In a city with a 1.5 per cent rental vacancy rate and few affordable options, that is a constant

    battle. Women fleeing domestic violence say the struggle to survive financially and find housing was as hard as

    leaving the abusive relationship.

    In the new year, the Transition House will receive a provincial grant of $81,000 a year for at least three years to help

    women move from their services to independence.

    Well be able to target women in that in-between stage, which is so important, said executive director Makenna

    Reilly. She said the money will help give at least 15 women $400 a month to help find affordable housing and

    become financially stable. The added bonus will be maintaining relationships with clients beyond their allotted one-

    month stay at shelters, she said.

    Other new provincial programs will see increases to child tax benefits for families and how much those on disability
  • 8/9/2019 Part 5_ Changes needed to address Greater Victoria poverty - Local - Times Colonist.pdf


    assistance can earn to supplement their income as well as a freeze on rent increases at 2.5 per cent annually for


    At the regional level, dozens of projects to combat poverty and homelessness are underway, supported by

    municipalities, organizations and citizens groups. Among them are three major housing projects. Wilsons Walk

    (Pacifica Housing Society) in Vic West will provide 84 affordable housing units for families and working poor, along

    with 24 market rentals. In Saanich, Rosalies Village (St. Vincent de Paul Society) will help homeless women and

    children with 41 housing units and child care supports and Cottage Grove (Cool Aid Society) will house homeless

    seniors with 45 units.

    A whos who of Victoria fundraisers has banded together to support Cool Aid housing projects, with the goal of

    raising $5 million over the next five years.

    A lot of us know each other and have worked together, said business owner Rob Reid, chairman of the new

    Capital Campaign Cabinet.

    The groups roster includes Helen and Ted Hughes, who Reid called Victoria royalty when it comes to helping

    people, World Partnership Walk pioneer and pharmacy owner Naz Rayani, Victoria Police Chief Frank Elsner, real

    estate agent Tony Joe, business consultant Frank Bouree and hotelier Ian Powell.

    We plan to be an action group, not one that just goes to meetings, Reid said.

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