Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of...

er EENBELT aW'IheW .,._ ... ;. ,...., copy wsReview Oft Mooldaya .......... .,. 110010 on .,.,..,., Wt .. UyinJIOI to .. , ....... ,. Tueoday nipu. Volume 63, Number 2 15 Crescent Rd .• Suill ioo. Grec:nbeh. MD 20770-1887 Bas· Stop Vena• Parldag · Ce-ftlet Bacia in Staleaaate ..... ..w ......... '*:nictbe· tw- ,_... aiMI bus stops. parking won, 11 leur for the lime being. As Y<lle neared, Mayor Judilh O.Yia' frustration wu clear. .. ll's interesting how we change;· she said. "Council members say. let's make sure people can ha11e access 10 public uansportation." By taking no actKln at that night's meetins. she said, council had mainlained a situation where dis- abled people "cannot get to the bus without pndically crawling." The isaue, II 1111: November 22 rqulu meeting of the Greenbell City Council. wu how 10 balance lhe competing ._ts of moiOrisls, raicleQIS and bUs riders regarding the bus stop located on Jouth- bound Soulbwoy (holding IOWuds Ridae Rood) 11 Crescent Rood oppooitc lhe Mdllicipol Building. Currenlly lhree patina ploca ..., lowed in ,_ of lhe bus stop. Wilen lllled. thele """"" preYenl bouel flom pullina 10 the curb. Their Jtandina away from the curb blocu ""*>riib -.nphna 10 tun - ........ y 10 ,._h _, ... O.......ll.oOd. Bua riclen -- .. .... _ .. ll!llbd Clll to ... to 1111: bua. which can be porlicularly difficull (or people with mobility limito- tiono. It lllo ijmits 1111: uoefulness of the .. feature of Metrobuleo, which is fully effec- tivc only when the bus ii right nexr to the curb. To gel feedback on the prob- lem, the city sent a survey to residt.nts of the 1 and 2 Couns of Southway. Only three rai- denls returned !be survey, lwo of whom opposed eliminatina port- ing at the bus stop. City stair noted lhat parking near lhe c:or.. of Soulhway and Rood is "at a premium;· that no denls have occurred there and thai s1milar siruations exist at other bus slops in the city. In the absence Of CortlieOSUS amon& lhe city staff regarding what, if any, action should be taken, Crty Monager Michoel Mclaughlin proposed prohibiting parkina 11 the bus slop between 8 1.m. lnd 6 p.m. for a six month trill pe- riod. In the end, council olso reached no ._,... lbout what ICiion lbouJd be liken. 0n I 4- J Y<lle with o.Yia oppooed. COIIft- cil scnt tbc iuue baclt 10 starr widl direc:tiono to look or other approocbea. Couacilmembera '"'- w ............ ,_, Rodney . Roberu and .llaa Turnbull opposed eliminotiDJ parking in lhat ...,. witboul con- aideration o( other pouible lp- proochea. O.via favored giving Mclaughlin's proposal a try. Turnbull proposed taking out one space and "bump[inal out (See COUNCIL, J1110 13) J_,er Tract Developllaeat Project Ia State of naz .,. r.w.. SbiDJk The Jaeaer lrlcl .. ,. is cur- rently addins aiiDCher chapter to ita long and compljcated history. SiiUiled eut of Kenilworth Av- enue ond juttina into the 1.100 acre Greenbelt Park like two IIIMiive horns of 1 bull, lhe Joe- ger 1r1c1 returns 10 lhe spotlight becauseADandCManogement Company (ADC), a New York- hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi- bility of clevelopina the two re- mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger property. Already hou.!ed on almost 56 acres of lhe property are !be two hiah-rise apartment towers of Park - one with 308 condominium units; the other with 303 rental unios - and 226 'two and lhtee·level condomiruum townhousclapartmenl unils. Since September, ADC h .. pracnted several visions for the remaining 17.4 and 3.7 acre properties. The company hu not yet purchased the two sites from the seller, Chevy Chase Bank. ldminislratora for lhe Jaeger Eo- tate. In I I-. to lbeir anomey. Rtwall Shipley. of tao law finn of Shipley· II. Home, ADC part- ners said, ..We have informed them (the sellen) that we are willins to nmeaoti• lhe oomract baaed on 1 new propooed devel- opmenl plan. In order to come 10 a final commitment with lhe sell- en and have an immediate clos- ing as lhe sellen ue requestina. we would .-1 1 gesture of sop- port from the Civic Groups of Westchester PaJk for lhe new pro- posed development plan." The lotelt pion calls for single funily detached homes on the 17 .4-acre parcel. which is zoned Rural Residential (RR: two uniu an acre). According to ADC, "These: homes will be more of !be larger custom type homes." An earlier proposal that was .. ter taken off lhe drawing board called for 17 lownhomes and 46 de- tached single family dwellings under lhe Comprehensive Design ·Zone/Residential Medium. Al- though this zone is allowed under the 1990 College Park, lanaley Park. Greenbelt Muter Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, a lengthy proceu of rezoning the traer from the nistina RR zone to the Comprehensive Design Zone would be required. AOC also requesled "a gesture of supporl'' for ·!be 3.7-acre parcel located between lhe condominium lownhomelapartment development and the 6100 Towers condo- minium buildlna. ·The compony proposeo !be development of two adult buildings totaling 60 unita. (See JAEGER, pep 10) EfiHS ! Gets .... _Recognition BJ.nor Roosevelt High School (BRHS) ond its pnncipal, Dr. Gerald L. Boarman. received more ...,..,... at I Whne House ....... , ceremony on Novem- ber 19. ERHS is one of 13 scllooll dtloianated as 1999 New Schools by lbe 'U.S. of E4toclliaa (DOl!) tllot!.peut ·tile this year. Seventeen other ochools hove been previously ·honored in 1996 and 1998 . ERHs adds this recognilion to two previous national recognitions as a Blue Ribbon School. The New American High School initiative identifies lead- ing-edge hogh schoola from across !be nation that have dnmatically improved the quality of education for all students and assists other schools in that endeavor. "These New Amencan HiJh Schools are setting a new. standard of eJI.cel- lence for all stuclenta;' said U. S. Secretary of Education Richard Rile)'. "The1r extraordinary re- form c fforts are grounded in classroom 1nnovation, break- through methods, imasinati\IC technoloay uae, and wich colleges and <SceERHS,puplt) by hal .......... children'• eraft - · . . Those who hoven'! olreldy Borbon Simoa, wtll lie' . made plans for bringina in the once 11ttn for · new yur, and lbo 1111: new con- creativity. For · W rury. c111 join lhonds and noip- like Bt · . Wilt bon ot Oreeabelt New Year play dlelr _...,..., .... ,..,. 2000, onc:e-in-1-lifetime oel- l'eet-DIOYini iluic:, ..,... elnlion. Many volomteen have ing with 1 dl- leaon. Jollll been invoh<ed in planniaa this HiD will pnwidc Jlle J*CY ..,.. very speciol, expondocl eveat, with 1 filii RiJ)II of llllllic 1'1wn which beains at 6 p.m. on· hia .... ,..,. ...... , .... Broden Field with a fireworks voiCII. '1W ...... .t diapt.y. Gill Sllap ...... lllill'l ...... The evenina's activities will will lho be open rut ,..... lllap- lhen move indoors 11 five .differ- pina pleuure. DC mocon will ent locations. The Community beain the finol celebrilioll 1811 Center win hoot lhe peat rhythm rinJ ia die N- Y- in llu and sounds of Trinidad and To- style with their .,.., _.., boao - weu your isiiDd op- sounds dtol ..., tllti ........ pan: I! Kayclee Puppeta will de- .• _. •• · liahl lhe aud'-e- _.,. .. ... "let your im11iltation tate you The Youell c- will haw away" puppet lhows. Briel ... to lots of "aet itrvolwd" ICIMiiel Bliss will entertlin the oatire for._,_ - - ......... f1mily with their fun. wbiiMical (can yw pt up- you f811 son1•· Dove Schulman will . dowD'I), oblt.cle- (lry clemonatnta hia -t juuJina. 10-- - ...... , ... 1 how-does-he-keep-oll-tbosc karolla DJ wllo wiH (IIOYI* things-up-ia-tlle-oir skills; The (8oe ..... te) ..... _;· .... Ia CowlJ 8aotr ..... by...,..._. The Greenbelt Public .Works Deportment co.apnftaored 1 snow rodeo It Rodskins Stadium with lhe county'• Public Works De- plrlment on October 27. The .... ,twulho..,._.... ,. .. _ Coun<:il of Clovemnau (COO). Local Government Insurance Fund (LOm. and lnjwed Wert- en lnsunonce Fund (1-WIF). The city of Onoonbek initilled lhe idea of this re-'s snow ro- deo as corly as lost Jllliuat")', which pitllld i- fmD tile county. The Jut •- rtldeo look place throe or four yeon aao 'because interest lapsed. Next re-. lhe city would like to have a smaller rodeo in Grembelt. "It iJ aootl rut the _. of . city workera,• Bill Phelaa. The throe ditrere.· CCDpeli- tions c:omprisinl· tile rodeo In-: eluded a cin:le of saflt1 wbicll wu a safety check of 1 ..... brake _.,..._. .. sylroil; ... ; ........... i!fi' .. .... , ..... - ... _ltfw;-.. , ;.': an obatode- ........ drive lhroup oo:ltll beml• ... 'borric:adoL 1bul ..... for - 15 jurltdictlons ........... ....... ina- Nllioul AirpDn were ....... ........ _... _. .......... liillit attd s1111ll ,ltlriadlc:liaM otllllllllld in dilf- ....... a...tllok .,._ (Ollftb or seven ..... in the ........ jurildiclloa Wayor Judith Davia L to. r. Coaale lbnio, G ....... H- a-OftiC.r; lAIIIe M-. ....... 0...W., P.G. Coaaty hllllc Worb; M.,. Jlllltlat o..t.; "--lllbi,A ........ w.t11 A a I I 1 • tor; Kay Gra-, pertller, c_,- ...... a , ... C11J C1 ' ...... , ..._ em. Ia tbe an dtJ · . . ..... _.,,... .. ,_. __ ..,...,_.._.,ClOG . ..

Transcript of Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of...

Page 1: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger


EENBELT aW'IheW .,._ ... ;. ,...., copy

wsReview Oft Mooldaya .......... .,. 110010 on .,.,..,., Wt .. UyinJIOI to .. ,.......,. Tueoday nipu.

Volume 63, Number 2 15 Crescent Rd .• Suill ioo. Grec:nbeh. MD 20770-1887

Bas· Stop Vena• Parldag · Ce-ftlet Bacia in Staleaaate .....

..w ......... '*:nictbe· tw- ,_... aiMI bus stops. parking won, 11 leur for the lime being. As ~ Y<lle neared, Mayor Judilh O.Yia' frustration wu clear. .. ll's interesting how we change;· she said. "Council members say. let's make sure people can ha11e access 10 public uansportation." By taking no actKln at that night's meetins. she said, council had mainlained a situation where dis­abled people "cannot get to the bus without pndically crawling."

The isaue, II 1111: November 22 rqulu meeting of the Greenbell City Council. wu how 10 balance lhe competing ._ts of moiOrisls, raicleQIS and bUs riders regarding the bus stop located on Jouth­bound Soulbwoy (holding IOWuds Ridae Rood) 11 Crescent Rood oppooitc lhe Mdllicipol Building. Currenlly lhree patina ploca ..., lowed in ,_ of lhe bus stop.

Wilen lllled. thele """"" preYenl bouel flom pullina 10 the curb. Their Jtandina away from the curb blocu ""*>riib -.nphna 10 tun - ........ y 10 ,._h dle~~-Plrt­_, ... O.......ll.oOd.

Bua riclen --.. ~k ...._ .. ll!llbd Clll to ... to 1111: bua. which can be porlicularly difficull (or people with mobility limito­tiono. It lllo ijmits 1111: uoefulness of the .. ~neeliaa'' feature of Metrobuleo, which is fully effec-

tivc only when the bus ii right nexr to the curb.

To gel feedback on the prob­lem, the city sent a survey to residt.nts of the 1 and 2 Couns of Southway. Only three rai­denls returned !be survey, lwo of whom opposed eliminatina port­ing at the bus stop. City stair noted lhat parking near lhe c:or.. of Soulhway and Cresccn~ Rood is "at a premium;· that no acci~ denls have occurred there and thai s1milar siruations exist at other bus slops in the city. In the absence Of CortlieOSUS amon& lhe city staff regarding what, if any, action should be taken, Crty Monager Michoel Mclaughlin proposed prohibiting parkina 11 the bus slop between 8 1.m. lnd 6 p.m. for a six month trill pe­riod.

In the end, council olso reached no ._,... lbout what ICiion lbouJd be liken. 0n I 4-J Y<lle with o.Yia oppooed. COIIft­

cil scnt tbc iuue baclt 10 starr widl direc:tiono to look or other approocbea. Couacilmembera '"'- w ............ ,_, Rodney . Roberu and .llaa Turnbull opposed eliminotiDJ parking in lhat ...,. witboul con­aideration o( other pouible lp­proochea. O.via favored giving Mclaughlin's proposal a try.

Turnbull proposed taking out one space and "bump[inal out

(See COUNCIL, J1110 13)

J_,er Tract Developllaeat Project Ia State of naz

.,. r.w.. SbiDJk The Jaeaer lrlcl .. ,. is cur­

rently addins aiiDCher chapter to ita long and compljcated history. SiiUiled eut of Kenilworth Av­enue ond juttina into the 1.100 acre Greenbelt Park like two IIIMiive horns of 1 bull, lhe Joe­ger 1r1c1 returns 10 lhe spotlight becauseADandCManogement Company (ADC), a New York­hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi­bility of clevelopina the two re­mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger property.

Already hou.!ed on almost 56 acres of lhe property are !be two hiah-rise apartment towers of West~hesler Park - one with 308 condominium units; the other with 303 rental unios - and 226 'two and lhtee·level condomiruum townhousclapartmenl unils.

Since September, ADC h .. pracnted several visions for the remaining 17.4 and 3.7 acre properties. The company hu not yet purchased the two sites from the seller, Chevy Chase Bank. ldminislratora for lhe Jaeger Eo­tate. In I I-. to lbeir anomey. Rtwall Shipley. of tao law finn of Shipley· II. Home, ADC part­ners said, .. We have informed them (the sellen) that we are willins to nmeaoti• lhe oomract baaed on 1 new propooed devel-

opmenl plan. In order to come 10 a final commitment with lhe sell­en and have an immediate clos­ing as lhe sellen ue requestina. we would .-1 1 gesture of sop­port from the Civic Groups of Westchester PaJk for lhe new pro­posed development plan."

The lotelt pion calls for 3~ single funily detached homes on the 17 .4-acre parcel. which is zoned Rural Residential (RR: two uniu an acre). According to ADC, "These: homes will be more of !be larger custom type homes." An earlier proposal that was .. ter taken off lhe drawing board called for 17 lownhomes and 46 de­tached single family dwellings under lhe Comprehensive Design

·Zone/Residential Medium. Al­though this zone is allowed under the 1990 College Park, lanaley Park. Greenbelt Muter Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, a lengthy proceu of rezoning the traer from the nistina RR zone to the Comprehensive Design Zone would be required.

AOC also requesled "a gesture of supporl'' for ·!be 3.7-acre parcel located between lhe condominium lownhomelapartment development and the 6100 Towers condo­minium buildlna. ·The compony proposeo !be development of two adult buildings totaling 60 unita.

(See JAEGER, pep 10)

EfiHS ! Gets ...._Recognition

BJ.nor Roosevelt High School (BRHS) ond its pnncipal, Dr. Gerald L. Boarman. received more ...,..,... at I Whne House ......., ceremony on Novem­ber 19. ERHS is one of 13 scllooll dtloianated as 1999 New ~High Schools by lbe

'U.S. ~ut of E4toclliaa (DOl!) tllot!.peut ·tile ~ountry this year. Seventeen other ochools hove been previously

·honored in 1996 and 1998 . ERHs adds this recognilion to two previous national recognitions as a Blue Ribbon School.

The New American High School initiative identifies lead­ing-edge hogh schoola from across !be nation that have dnmatically improved the quality of education for all students and assists other schools in that endeavor. "These New Amencan HiJh Schools are setting a new. standard of eJI.cel­lence for all stuclenta;' said U. S. Secretary of Education Richard Rile)'. "The1r extraordinary re­form c fforts are grounded in classroom 1nnovation, break­through m~tructional methods, imasinati\IC technoloay uae, and partnership~ wich colleges and commun1tie~:·


by hal.......... children'• eraft - -~· · . . Those who hoven'! olreldy Borbon Simoa, wtll lie' .

made plans for bringina in the once 11ttn for ~ • · new yur, and lbo 1111: new con- creativity. For · W rury. c111 join lhonds and noip- like de~~eina. Bt · . Wilt ~ bon ot Oreeabelt New Year play dlelr _...,..., .... ,..,. 2000, • onc:e-in-1-lifetime oel- l'eet-DIOYini ~ iluic:, ..,... elnlion. Many volomteen have ing with 1 dl- leaon. Jollll been invoh<ed in planniaa this HiD will pnwidc Jlle J*CY ..,.. very speciol, expondocl eveat, with 1 filii RiJ)II of llllllic 1'1wn which beains at 6 p.m. on· hia ~ ....,..,. ......,.... Broden Field with a fireworks voiCII. '1W ...... .t ~ diapt.y. Gill Sllap ...... lllill'l ......

The evenina's activities will will lho be open rut ,..... lllap­lhen move indoors 11 five .differ- pina pleuure. DC mocon will ent locations. The Community beain the finol celebrilioll 1811 Center win hoot lhe peat rhythm rinJ ia die N- Y- in llu and sounds of Trinidad and To- style with their .,.., _.., boao - weu your isiiDd op- sounds dtol ..., tllti ........ pan: I! Kayclee Puppeta will de- c~ ~ .• _. •• · liahl lhe aud'-e- _.,. .. ... ~ "let your im11iltation tate you The Youell c- will haw away" puppet lhows. Briel ... to lots of "aet itrvolwd" ICIMiiel Bliss will entertlin the oatire for._,_ - - ......... f1mily with their fun. wbiiMical (can yw pt up- you f811 son1•· Dove Schulman will . dowD'I), • oblt.cle- (lry clemonatnta hia -t juuJina. 10-- -......, ... 1 how-does-he-keep-oll-tbosc karolla DJ wllo wiH (IIOYI* things-up-ia-tlle-oir skills; The (8oe ~~ ..... te)

or....,•-llsri:••._~,; ..... _;· .... Ia CowlJ 8aotr ..... by...,..._.

The Greenbelt Public .Works Deportment co.apnftaored 1 snow rodeo It Rodskins Stadium with lhe county'• Public Works De­plrlment on October 27. The ....,twulho..,._....,. .. _ Coun<:il of Clovemnau (COO). Local Government Insurance Fund (LOm. and lnjwed Wert­en lnsunonce Fund (1-WIF).

The city of Onoonbek initilled lhe idea of this re-'s snow ro­deo as corly as lost Jllliuat")', which pitllld i- fmD tile county. The Jut •- rtldeo look place throe or four yeon aao 'because interest lapsed. Next re-. lhe city would like to have a smaller rodeo in Grembelt.

"It iJ aootl rut the _. of .

city workera,• Bill Phelaa. Greenbelt~lllid.

The throe ditrere.· CCDpeli-tions c:omprisinl· tile rodeo In-: eluded a cin:le of saflt1 wbicll wu a safety check of 1 ..... tr~k'a brake _.,..._. liltltM<~; .. sylroil; ... ; ........... i!fi' .. ....,..... - ... _ltfw;-.. , ;.': an obatode- ........ Wlil'lfc·~ drive lhroup oo:ltll beml• ... 'borric:adoL 1bul ..... for -15 jurltdictlons ........... ....... ina- Nllioul AirpDn were ....... ........ _... _. .......... liillit attd s1111ll ,ltlriadlc:liaM otllllllllld in dilf- ....... a...tllok .,._ (Ollftb or seven ..... in the

........ jurildiclloa -· Wayor Judith Davia


L to. r. Coaale lbnio, G ....... H-a-OftiC.r; lAIIIe M-. ....... 0...W., P.G. Coaaty hllllc Worb; M.,. Jlllltlat o..t.; "--lllbi,A ........ w.t11 A a I I 1 • tor; Kay Gra-, pertller, c_,-~ ...... a , ... C11J C1 ' ......, ..._ em. Ia tbe boc~ an dtJ .....,._~lll)f, · . . ..... _.,,... .. ,_. __ ..,...,_.._.,ClOG

. ..

Page 2: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

Our congrandations to the Greenbelt Metro station Sector Plannins Group for producing a preferred concept plan for the land at and next to the Metro stauon.

For over rwo years these CitiZens and commun1ty leaders from Berw~n Heights. College Park and Greenbelt Y())untanly gave up a number of Saturdays and many evcn1ngs to put to· gether the concept plan. The Maryland-Nuional Capital Park and Plannmg Commw;ion plan­nmg staff who worke4 wllb them were very pleased with the1r work. Considering rttc di­verse pmnts of v1ew of those pan1c1paung, achiev1ng consen-

sus is a true accomplt~hment. We hope that the plan w1ll be­come a useful gUidC' to both the deVelopers and the l'ounty offi­cials.

We also commend two uf rhi!. paper's dedu:ared reporter!!., Virgmta Beauchamp and Elame Sknln1k, who !!lave up much of theu time to cover and report on the doing~ of the: Sector Planntng Group. We: bc:hevc that this paper 1.0. the on I y area newspaper to have prov1dcd comprehensive coverage of th1s i.mportan& plann1ng eJLcrcrsc. Virginia"s and Elamc:\ w•lling­ncs.o. to' attend thc.o.e many lung meeungs made th1-. outcome posstble.

We Need to .K1101e Jlore Although we ha\le !l.eriou!.

reservattOn!!. aboul bu1tding a full tnterchange of the Capital Beltway af che Greenbelt Metro Stallon, we think that the Greenbeh C'1ty Coum:il acted prematurely 1n oppos1n& H

The proposed Interchange would also !ilerve the pmposed Metroland Dcveklpmcnt and the U S Department of Agncuhure ~USDA) admtRI!.trali..-e ccnler lJoud land u.o.e around the sta· tum ~~ dctcrmuted, lhe need for lhe Interchange cannot be as­sessed. Before we say no lo an tnterchanse. we want to know the effect on ~evelopment and on traffic 1n Greenbelt. Those who th1nk that denying· an in­terchange wll I prevent develop­ment m th1s area are burytng their heads tn the sand.

~: At I he; . ..a ate. .t1A'\e, .we do que~11on the mertiS of bu1lding a full interchaniJC: i.e., an Inter· change with ramps to provide

• * City NQies

I, The srrcets crew apphed crack scaler on Southway. We!.tway, Breezewood Drive. and Hano~er Parkway. and patched Mandan Road. They cleaned ~.:atc+t basins and under­pas!.~~~ and patched potholes around the cHy.

leaves were hauled to lhc counly facility (or dispoul.

The special operations crew decoraled rhe roof of rhe city offoce buildins and set up stases. barricades and trash can& lor the tree li&btinc ~ny.

The ports c- bqaa instal­lation of an iniption syscem on Brad<D Fteld and .,_;,aed leaf collection aoinc the leaf vacuum and polled the area for nex.1 week.

The horticlllt""' crew deco­rated Rooae.velt Ccacer and IIIOUIId the city offlce buildiac for the Feotivd of Lichto. They planted additional panaia at Schrom Hollo l'lrlt.

Gray Panlh.s The Go-*11 Gray l'latdlen

wiH be iacluiled i• lbe _, Fellin! at Li ............... ...

. wiU I!)OniOr a pot-M:It ........ • · · the Community c- ... S..-day, December 18 from 5 - 7 p.m. All 1n: ~ to lllalll Bring a fa~te food itclll and anecdote or meaaory 10 ahare with othen. Coli 301-474-61190 cr 301-474-66611 tllr flordior ilolor­-_

access to the Metro ~1te from and to the east, as well as full Behway a.c:cess to !he USDA. We arc nm uti~fied w11h the answers tbafhave been g1..-en to many Important quesrmn~:

How wiU envmmmentally sensitive lands 1n the area be prorected'!

What are the v1~ual and physical tmpa(.'h ot a des1gn lhat hH ramp~ cro~~1ng the Metro Yud and CSX tracb whtle ...:ormcct1ng I(J a road that runs besuic the railroad rrach, that IS to go under the Beltway?

Woll building a full 1nter· change pur more traft'u .. · on an already overcrowded Beltway. Instead of promutmg mas-. tran­sit?

La:.tly, ihou.ld Maryland taJL· payers beat lhc: cost of 1h1~ ex. pensave structure when 11 ap­pears to prilllanly benefit a pn· vale developer·~

** Ad¥isory Planning Bel. Sets Public Hearing

The Greenbelt Advt~ory Planntng Board "'Ill hold a pubhc hearia& on December 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Greenbelt Community Center (Senior ClassrOom), 15 Cre~cent Rotd. OD an application f1led by the Cicy of Greettbch for consider­ation of 1 request for a Depar­ture from Sian Des1gn Stan­dards for premises located at 129 Crose- Road. The appll· caal is rcquaring permission to .. ceed the. allowable building lip uea for the purpose of in· stallins a ...,.aeable leucr t>.nd at the PolO- Old Greenbelt The· I!Je.

J ; Letter I Please Help/

On November 21. Sunday, at atxxt S:30, we were walking DID'

dog. Zany, behind !he GHI oftkes in the woods. Zany wa:. chasing deer and ha\ling a great 11me, like

>he has many other "'""' Excep< thi!!. t1me she ran deep 1010 the wood!!. and mu~t have gouen tUf'TII!d uowtd in lhe dark.

We >ean:hed and .earched for her. We talked to many resideniS that l>ock to the MXXl•. Some te­porl4d seelns her. We put up sigrw oft'er1ng a reward of SlOO.

We still hne nol found our dog. Zany is port of our family. We ltliss her. we love her and we

. dnpCrarely want her bock. Pkase. of you have her. return

ber. Zany's kid Nock 1 age 9) os very .ad. Zany is a black Lab, I 112 year• old, very friendly, 82 lb•. She had a purple collar. 301-414-3SS3.

Thaalo. you. n.. ud John Morris

South way

Matyland Boy Choir Christmas Concert

On Saturday, December 18. •• 7:30 p.m., the Maryland Buy ( will pre~ent 11~ 17th Annual C'hnsrmu Concert a1 University Umcod Methodisl Church on the campus of the Un1versi1y of Maryland in College Park. The chotr, under the leader~hip of Joan M~..·Farland. will prc:!l.ent .a .o.lagcd production of G1an Carlo MenoUJ 's one-act Chn~tmas op· era, Amahl and the N1ght VIsi­tors, teaturing choir alumni as so­lo•~~ alons wich rradt~ songs {)f the season and an audience !>tnl!!·tlvng. There trr. a fee. Tick· e~ may be pun:hased at the door 30 mmutes before ooncen lime; no rcser ... auon.o. will be taken in advaal:e. For mforma­tJon tat! the Maryland Boy Ch01r at 301-559-3-156.

AGATE Board Meeting Is Cancelled

Greenbell A"cess Television !GATE! w11l ,.,. be holding the prevaou\ly ~l'hedu(&d board meet­Ing l)n Tuc:,day. December 21 due " the hohda ys. The board will oontmue the current schedule on the thtrd Tuesday of the mont~. January 18 al 7:30 p.m. m the Stud1o. ~ond floor of rhe Community Center.

GATE woll be holding its monthly Introductory camera class un Wednesday. January 5 from 7-10 p.m. on the Studio.

F<r fuother information please cootact Malia Murray a1 the Stu­dio 301·507-6581 or at bome 301-li27-3082.

'I'HUTRE ..... OI' ........ tO .......................

. Fri. (5:00 0 M.OO)

7:30,9:45 s.t. (5:00 0 M.OO)

7:30,9:45 Sun. (5:00 0 M.OO)

7:30 Mon.· Thuno. 7:30

. Tbunday, Doc:.mber 9, 1999

The Old Cunnudgeon

"I'm d,.....,ln& oro white bttp:l/ Cbriltmaoo ... "

AMJ Support Groups Meet

A free support group for familie5 who deal wrth mental illness will be held on Tuesday, December 14 l>econd Tuesday) at 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose room of the New Carrollton Municipal Center, 6016 Pnn· cess Garden Pa.rkway. The group is sponsored by the AM I of Pnnce George's County, IrK:. iAihan~e for· the Mentally Ill).

Thursday, December 16 at 7 p.m. AMI will also hold a worksllop at Landover Mall. John Allen, director of con· sumcr affairs, mental health di­~lsion, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, will speak on dealing with changes in entitlement~ for

. people with di~ab1lltie~.

Pre-Solstice Walk At Greenbelt Park

Join a Park Ranger on an easy three mile or le.o.s trail walk to celebrate the com1ng change of season. Walkers will discuss the a51roi10my of the Winter solstice and enjoy lhe last of the fall lighh and weather. Ores!. appropriately and wear comfortable shoes. They'll al>o hunt for the Y2K bug. Meet at the Ranscr sta­tion un Saturday, December 18, I p.m. For more informa­tion call 301-344-3944.

The workshop will be held in the Community Policing Station located inside the entrance to Promenade 3 of Landover }!all. at Landover Road and Brigltseat Road. ,, .. ,,.,,


1s c..-t Aoed, Sulte1oo, GNMibelt, IWyl8nd 20771).1887 -lewOgNMbe!Lcom

301-474-4131 • FAX 301-474-51110 Altrld M. Skc*lill, PNiidltnt, 1958·1177 ~ stotnik, Pre.ldltlil, ten-tHS

P.......,.. Emerttua, 1985-

Edltor, Matyl.ou Wlllllnon. {301) 441·2882 AMIIIant Edllor. e.t.ra.L.llrowMI (301) 474-8483 ---· .,_ __ (3111)082·07511


~~~-~ .... v:.:..~-:~ ...... ·~:\: FMNm,Tm Fanta, lhoMa F~ c.b1tne F,...,.,...l(dfeen ~.Sob a.t. ... ~.- ..... .-..... --..-.,.,-.POIIy -., ----.-.-~--- ..... .,...... ----.Suo--'--' .............. -.-.... McCoy.llmmo-.--..... - ............. --..... OO.V.-O'Doo. --.1 J - ............ _,_ __ Can>I_.Jano ---Boii-....... -.--·-~---Oololly-.--.-T ...... -TuntUI,-=-..,oa:z.:::::.."'::!:"'· ..._-.,.- .....,., v--.. _, ..__..._....,_c-_--.,..,T -~~~~--··_....-~- ·-DEADI.JIIEs· ~ al'llc*MCI d-10p m. T....ay. ....._ torp&blcalon maybt ,......_,..._...,.., dilpollldlncubOxnhCbopf!JRDfYibWCbY 7 p m ,......,., :... -= Conwnl.nly c.. 15 Rold durfng cac. houri

~ Comnully C.. M15 O.C..Ad. CFfiCE...::U.S: ........ 2·4p.M.,I·10p.m., ........._ •• 10p.m.

. ·':i·~?\1

Tlwnd.oy,Doc:embor9,1999 __ ,__ .... j . J ~~==~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~ Greenbelt Post Office Christmas Hours

Th.e Christmas extended hours for the Greenbelt Post Office begiMing December II arc as follows:

Saturday: Dec. II & Dec. 18, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Monday - Friday: Dec. 13 thru Dec. 17, 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.

Sunday: Dec. 19, ONLY 9:30 a.m. · 2 p.m.

Monday · Thursday: Dec. 20 thru Dec. 23. 8 a.m .. 6 p.m.

Friday: Dec. 24. Normal Hours 8 a.m. · S p.m.

GHI Noles The newsletter comminee will

meet Monday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boord Room.

The Marketing Committee meets Tuesday, December 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boord Room.

The Member & Community Relations Committee meets Wednesday, December IS at 7:30 p.m. in the BoarcfRoom.

The next 1qU1ar meeting of the Board of Directors is Thursday, December 16 starting a1 7:30 p.m.

Members - encoonp:d to allend.

The Combined Choir Concert Is Dec. 19

The Greenbelt Combined Ch<m's free conccr1 wtil be Sun· day. Doccmber 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Church. Jean Cook is once again direcung lhe choir. Mary Shipley is pianist and <qanist.

The proaram includes a tradi­tionll English carol, as well as the spiritual -what You Gonna Call Your P..,tty Linle Baby?," a ca· lypso carol "Who's Gonna Tell the Story?," and "An American Carol Sampler;' whid! is folk carols all compooed and popular during the 18001. Soloists will be Rena Hull, Mary Hillstrom, lim Tilton, Ralph Webb, Ginny Wells and Ginny Williams.

The combined choir will also giw: a ooncer1 for the residents of ar- Ridge House Thursday, De­cember 16 at 7:30 p.m.

Star Gazing Party At Northway Field

The ar-bek Astronomy Club will be holding a star gazing ses­sion on Saturday, December II a1 the Thomas N. Wolfe ball field (Northway Fields) at the end of Northway. The event begins at dusk and is acheduled to last until a1 leas! 10:30 p.m.

l..oool IIIJiateUr and professional astronomen will be on hand with a vllriety at telescopes and binocu­lars to share views or the spectocu­lar nova In the constellation Aquila. Jupiter with its moons, Saturn with il5 rings, globular star clusta5. consteilalions, double stars and nebulae. The event is rr... and open to the public. Since star par­ties arc dedicaled to obocrving the night sky, theY wiD only be hdd if !be sky is clear enough to permit observins. Star ponies will not be hdd if skieo are """"""' or .-Jy cloudy. If in doubt cali 301-2n-4041 and leave • mesuge .

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Greenbelt As­tronomy Clob will be Thursday, December 16. 7:30 p.m. a1 the H. B. <>weno Scoence c..-. Special guesl will be lan Durfoam with a short planetarium show on the Winter soiJiice at Stoneioenge. The

public~· i ... ~ ~ attend~ - ·- - .

( 'mnn1unit \ I· \ ents Y2K Committee Needs Citizens Help

The Greenbek Y2K Community Preparedness Group will bave a meeting open to all residents at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. December 16 in !he dining hall a1 the Com­munity Cenl:er. 1be group will be preparing to help Greenbelt re­spond to any disruptioiwl that may occur due to Y2K. Those who have Citizens Band radio or -'<! like to volunteer to be on call a1 the beginning of the new year lR encouraJCd to attend. Call 301-441-3809 for infonnalion.

Greens Will Meet The Greenbelt Greens will

ITftl on Monday, December I l Ill 7:30 p.m. in the Police Stalioo, at the corner of Ridge and Crescent Roods.

Thero will be a discussion of the recent Greenbelt election and future plans for Greenbelt. Thero will abo be a report on the World Trade Organization protest in Se­a!lle. Refreshments will be served. For further information phone 301-474-1998.

Ranger Slation Host Needed

Greenbelt Park. a unit of the National Park Service, is seeking ..-oluntccrs to help answer phones, and greet campground visitors in a warm and friendly environment. This position is available on each day of the week in four-hour shifls; 8 a.m.-noon and noon-4 p.m.

Contact Park R.angerl\blu.._ Coordanator Kevin P. Barry al 301-344-3944.

Reading Aloud Tips Available at Library

*'Tips for Reading Aloud to Young Cbildten," a l!"ide for par­ents. grandparents, child care work£n and anyone who speftds lcisun: time with children, is avail­able a1 the Plince George's ColOity Memorial Library System.

According to the librarians' lip sheet, reading aloud to children helps prepare them to learn to read. Suggestions on the list in­clude: make a special time for reading aloud and read about people, places and thing> seen on television.

Co-op Vouchers List Wrong Rate

Jim CasaeJs, chairman of the Greenbelt Co·op, reports that some of the informational state· ments included with the recent mailing of patronage refund vouchers showed an inconoct pa­tronage refund rate. The correcl rale is 0.01160. which was cor­rectly staled in tbe article about the patronage refunds in last week's News Review.

The C<>-Op regrets tbe error .

Greenbelt E'ast Tree Lighting

A.t the library 'Tuesday. Dec. 14. 7 p.m .. P.J.

Storytime. Ages 4 · 6. Thursday. Dec. 16. 10:15 a.m ..

Drop-in Storytime. Ages 3 -5. 'tl:lS a.m., Toddler Time.

Two-year-olds and parent Or caregiver.

~nlendent Meets To An.ncl Reception

Superintendent of Schools Dr. lri1 T. Meth ha!> accepted a~ invitation by lhc: City Coun­ctl and rhe Advisory Comm1ttee on Education to attend a public reception al the Munic1pal Building on Monday, December 13. at 7:30 p.m. Meus will de­liver a brief talk at the C•ty Council meeting that follows at 8 p.m. The mCcung will be cablecast live on munictpal ac­cess channel B-10, and re­broadcast on Tuc!.day and Thur>day.

Rec. Dept. Sponsors Santa, P"ldures, Ride ~ The Recreation Departmcnt•s celebration of the Fe~ttval of Lights will l:ont•nuc th1s week ~hen Santa l'ome-. to the Youth CJenter on SaiUrday, De(.'ember 11. from 10 a.m. - noon. Greenbelt children who want to let him know what they are wish­lng for should bnng their list~. Pimicipants will rece1ve a picture with Santa and can have the visit recorded on VIdeo if they bring a VHS tape. This event is free.

On Thursday, December 16. !be Greenbelt Park rangers will escort Orcenbelt residents to 1he lights at Watkins Regional Park. Panicipantl will ride through a holiday display featunng lhou· sands of li&hts and then return for light refreshments. This pro­gram is free~ however, interested ,participants must pre-register. Call 301-397-2200 for more de· tails.

!Officer lnslallation .At Democratic Oub

lnst<tllation of the club"s offic­ers for 1999· 2000 will take place at the Annual Holiday Social of the Eleanor & Franklin R001evelt Democratu: Club of Greenbelt to be held on Friday, December 17 at 8 p.m. m the Terrace Room of the Greenbnar Community Build­ing at the corner .of Grec:nbell Road and Hanover Parkway.

Pnn(.'e George's County Counctlmember M. K. (Jim) Estepp ID-lJpper Marlboro) will conduct the swearing-in cer­emony. Officers elected at the: November meeting art: President lim lnzeo; Vlce-preoidenll Konrad Herling of precinct 21-03, Emory Harman of precinct 21..()6. Kun Walter of precinct 21-08, and Tim Tilghman of precinct 21-13; Trea­surer. Syh11a Lewis~ RecordinJ Secretary. Mary Vondrak; Corre-· sponding Se~..·retary, Par Unger; and Sergeant-at·ll'ml, 8cD Bunes.

Estepp will also Jive a shon :.lidc pre~entalion on the recent report '"A Region Divided: The Sute of Grnwth ln Greater Wash· ington. DC." prepared by the Brookins!. Institution on Urban and Metropolitan Policy.

Photo Club MNia ~--~_"!::--. -•· The G!eenbeh Photo e!"ub ,,. biir~ihp.

woll meet Tuesday, December Off, CO·I~ willl die 14, at 7:30 p.m. in tbe AlllCricaa Reocuil ~.'lrill Greenbelt Community Center. be loeld lhia ~ ~ Members will show and cri- II ...,.. die ..................... tique photos taken on the No- '- II a.m. 1111111 -· .,_. vember field shoot at Greenbelt cleaa, lllable clotbiaa..,-11 Lake. All are welcome to at- IICIIIIIIold ~ ......,,.....,., tend and briaa ra~te abou of boddiotl. ....... ..,._ .......__. Greenbelt taR. For more in- boob. llotllticJqJ ....... .... formation, call 301-779-6576. lry ~y people ... ,.,._

• * Oeoqe'a Count)' aad- _...



I. CalltoOrder

2. RollCall

dualtlle. Renaallor - o...lon Drop-Off il the -- of ._,. mondt.

3. Moohtaloon and f'ledae of Allqi_, 10 the l'lai

4. con..,.Aaenda·API"'V'l orswrR~

('l'hl cotu'"' apndtJ cMUI.Jts oftltoM linn~~ lll!w an,nw ( '1 plaud twsiM 1/w ... 1Nbj#cf ro sd . 1 ,

"'·is ions a.r may bt' trttUM "'·'"' CDW~Cil prior~~ IIP,f/f"ffi~: J

Approval of AJtnda and AddUKM'Is


6. Prescntauons

- Dr Iris T. Mens. Superintendent of Schools · Police Youth Academy l'roinm

7. Pttttions and Requests

(Pt'fitiOttJ r«'iwdattlw tndtilf1 will fiOt'IJt adldtlptll(':' ' 1 •

by rlw Ciry COffftt'il Gl riW _,... """" rlw lklrldlrrf rwl" arr waiwd by tM CoNttCil.)

8. Minutes of Mectines

9. Admimstrative Reports

• 10 Commillee Reports

• Community Relllions AdviiOr'y Boerd Report - Park and Rea<aloon AdviiOf)' lloon:l Rq><>n 11199-5' - Art AdviiOf)' lloon:l Rq><>n 1199-3 •. > rfl


I I An OnlnwocetoAmend Chapter 12, "Parks And Reaallon." by Addlfll a New An•c~ VII, '1'rees'" ·I~ Reodo01

12 A JleooiiiCIOII 10 lilubloth a Task Force on Mdlennioan c--· nities ·I~Relllfinl


13 Seleclion of Pite Deport.- Contrlctor

14. AwardofConlrllel- DesopService• forth< PublicWorU· · Adcbuon

15. Award of Bod · Greenbelt l.alte Waror Quality lmprovem<111 Phase IV

16. Award ofC-..ct · Vucna Architecll- G..enloeh C~ ·, Center Window Project

17. Cornpe-onluuc

18. SIM< L.qoJiaion

• 19. API"'V'l of 0... APJilications · Gr.enbeh CARES


NOTE: Thi1 11 a preliminary ........ subjee110 -... lteplar Council moetinp .,. open 10 doe public and all ---.. - .. attend. For inf- pleaoe eall301-474-3170.1f,.,-iaa ...._.,. ........ ~10-lloio ....... -.Mble .. ., .......... pi,_ CIIIJOJ-.47+1000 or 301-47+2016 (11)0) 10,.,..... _.,­modanon befon JQOO•oo doe day of doe....,_

Check outlheOreenbettCitylink wd>littlll ~

David E. Mara CMC City~

Greenbriar will host lhe Greenbelt East Tree Lighting Ceremony on Sunday, December 12. at 7 p.m. in the Community Building. located at 7600 Hanover Parkway. Choir mcm· bers from Eleanor Roosevelt High School will sing song• of the season. A reception .,_ill fol­low in lhe Greenbriar Terrace Room. Everyone is welcome. For further details call Tina Murphy at 301-441-1096.

. . ~. ~ ... -- -- ~- ... -- ---. -- ..

The public is welcome to at~ tend. Members will provide des-.K'Il fqr,tbe ~ IK!IIr. ....... - •.• -~~~·iiii;;;ii!-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;&;1~--~~~

. .i

Page 3: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

~--;: ;=- r-~ -:. ;--;·,- -

... - --- -- - ....

HowardKash Howard Kaah died suddenly

on Sunday, December 3 in his home in Gtaftbell. He w• 73 years old.

Mr. Kash lived an Greenbeh since 1957 because. as he often .. id. it was the only place h,'d want to .has chiklten. His re­spect and atrection for the town. Its beauty, its active dUz:enry, and lis endunng principles. were founcilhoD stones of' his hfe for over 40 years ..

He was happy. oplim1stic, and klrd. ard woRed -a<tically in the local real est.llle buaineM lhll he lxult, nunured. and loved -til the day he died.

A Wurtd War II decorated ve<­eran, he was a grlduace of the Umverstly of Kentucky ..

He t) survi\led by Fann~bell

~!th, ~-··~ w1fc ~f 52 years; u,hi<'l-!•lesl!:y Kash. who v<'!llillnlolcltn tilt< Forctgn Ser·

vice walh her husband Hank Meyer, ard Knn Kash who lives m Greenbelt With her husband Michael Cooney; and his siscer. Mary Jane Anhur of San DiCJO. CA.

Servtecs arc pnvate. Donations may he sent to the University of Kentucky Alumni AssociatioA. Stuqpii Devt~11g, tuliiji&i. tC~ ~~.


Childrwt's Cafe lenefib Yachad

Mishkan Torah Synagogue l!io

hostins the Thtrd Annual ChikRn'> Cafe Tzedaloih to bcrt­cfit Yachad. die Jew1!>h r~pon....e 10 homelessne.s. at 7 p m .. Saturday. Dec. II. The Eleanor Ron~ell Hi&Jt School Chi&drcn \ Theater Group. the Glenarden Wmd> El­ementary Schooi lmpruv Group and many other young po.lple will per(orm. COOl fur adtmS>IOil "' ,.,. nonperishable food 1tem or <t cold­ clolhing item. A donation also will be taken. The ~ynagoguc ,. at 10 Ridge Rd. For more mf<r­DIIIion. call JOJ-474-4223.

Haliday Lights Concert Program

The Greenbelt Concen Band, wtth Tom Charix condocung. will pmen! a free ~y L<~l> Con­cert If che Commun1ty Cen1er au­diiOrium on Sanday. Dc<ember 19 at 3 p.m.

The program w1ll feature Chri11mas throueh lhe by Susu Christ.._n, A Carnbean Cl!ritplaos by - H. Burden, A CanOdlllt IJ,_ .Cbnstmas Suite atld A Chanukah Celebration by David Bobrowitz and Kenneth Sopor. There will al"'' be >pec•ol selections by Holy Trmlly G1rl Seoul Junior Tmop 112~08. Bowte.

hiDt Brad! Unitarian Universalist Church

3215 Powder Mill Ruad.

llelts¥111e1Addphi 1301-9)7.)6661 WfoiCOffti'J )'ON lo vur O{tf'n.

IIMrfllf'inl COMmuni/\

nr.n.ller ll. ......... & 11:1~ •• m. ·~ C._o{Cuol>" lal.,~-tM ... ~r ---. .. ., .. _

1«o If. tett How, c..-

~a, ••ao, 11 • .-.• 121ao P·•· .... .., ....... Daily Moss: As anoounced

Sacrament of Reconciliation; Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m Rev Thomas F. Crowley. Pastor •In Residence: Rev. Walter J Tappe

nwft:'IIUOH•s CAI'.uC CHURCH 135 CftKellt Jta.d, Gl'ftllbelt, Md.

FAITB mNJSTIU£S 40 Ridge Rd .. Greenbelt (301) 441-4935

Saturdav 7:30- 9:00P.M.: Prayer M.,..llng Sunday. 4:00 · 7:00P.M.: Worship S..rvln·



Wonlolp Sonbs 1:31- II :15om. Cldldna'a c..ldl ( .... 2 - 6 1 I:Je. 9:30

F........,IMr9:30 Sdooelli:OO

YlK_. ............. .._.w.. Tbe Wonltlp Lillo; _. Lillo • Wenllip

. l'lslorBimer


'"5.tna~li;& -~"-,a...MII, ..,.,.,


--~ Roo Sll!thon H. -- -1301) 345-6111

Thursday, De<ember 9, 1999

Our Neighbors Genetic Disorder Group Needs Help Our srmpadly 10 Fannabell K.1sh

ard famtly on the dealh of her hus­bard ard the1r father. Howard Kash.

\bl..-.m:.-todiOassislin preparing mat<rials for mailings in the u.m.m office of -.,._

disorder that causes ~ ttl gn 1\\

oo the coYeling of the nerVe. an). whm: in the body M any time. Th: tlisooler alfa:IS I in 3,(XX) male> ani females of all races and ethnl( ~- At this time. lhere 1~ nu known cure and the symptom~ an: _.Jiy treaiOd with surgery.

Our Sympalhy to Mary Moicn and fam1ly on the death of her mo<hc:r

"""" loc. for a few Inn each wed<. Lunch IS provtdod. Call Mary Ann Wtbon a! 301-577-8984 b tn!Orma-

Get well wishe~ to Sharon t1on <.r to voiiJrlleer. LefchKk of Ridge Rnad, who IS NeurofibromatOSIS is a genetic

home recvvering from )w-gery. r-liiimiiiiii;"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiirriift~t;::jij"'-j .lonalhan Slc:phen Longe wa> born UNIITW:D CHURCH

on Tuesday, Dec. 7 Ill Kathy and ~-......~ ........... CIIurch Joo Lange. He weighed m at 6 lb... 14 uz. Proud grandparents are Dav1d and Sandra Lange of New CarrolltQn and Larry and Maria Whtte of Greenbelt ard Vera Beach. FL. The young family lives in GaithersbUrg.

.... _ 11:1111-

t-!sJ))(·nt"d tce<.te Rev. GuHiermo Chayez Pastor

Mun•t•pal Bu•ldrng \unaays lOAM

Devotional Gathering Saturdlly ~ 11 at8PM

Solocliona """'tho Boho'l Holy Wrltings.prayoro,ondmuoic­by fefreftnentlllnd • IOCI8I period.

-Tile pultlle II W8lcome -0feenbelt ComrnurNty Center"


No donotiono """""'""· Baha'I Faith

GrMnbett Baha'i Community 301·345·2918 301·220-31fl0

formel/01'1 aboullhiiBarl•·, Falftl •S on m. 'M::<rld Wdl Wl9b 8r l'lrtp 11w- b.fl'la• (YrJ'

frnm ,111 r<1(C\ dnd cultural backgrounds are

we learn to serve (hrr~t

Q Is Christmas coming too ~ fast for you? Slow down

with Advent! The Chri>tmas season seems to start sooner every year. Many stores put up Christmas d~orations the day after Halloween! We are pressured to engage in a two-month spending frenzy. The anxiety builds as the shopping days dwindle. So many gifts that still need to be bought! So many parties to attend! So many family gatherings to plan! No wonder we often feel deflated when Christmas Day finally arrives1

There is an alternative. For thousands of years Christian people have observed the four weeks before Christmas as the season of Advent. This is a time of quiet, spiritual reflection-during which we prepare for the coming of God into the world as a human being named jesus.

We im·ite vou to experience Advent at your local Episcopal (Anglican) Church ..

St. Gr.orge's, Glenn Dale La •lham-Sevem Road at Glenn Dale Road

301-262-3285 [email protected]

www Sundays: 9:00 &: 11:00 a.m. Wed~esdays: 6:30 p.m.

St. Barnabas', Upper Marlboro 14111 Oak Grove Road

301-249-9671 [email protected]

www SWtdays: 7:30 & I 0:00a.m., o:OOp.m.

Holy Trinity, Bowie 13106 Annapolis Road

301-262-5353 [email protected]

Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays: I 0:00a.m .

St. James', Bowie 13010 8th Street at Chapel Avenue

301-262-4442 [email protected]

Sundays: 9:00 & II :00 a.m.

'VIrtual Gfeenbelf" Now on lhe Internet

by llllny lle1wtela

Asaisted LIYID. Concept E•plend~11f-•\l' Greenbelt can now be visited

instantly anywhere around the world with the help of "Virtual Greenbelt. ... an Internet site con­_taining images, interviews and other materials related to the city.

byllllny-"People have had Ia leave

Greenbelt for reuons of inad· equate care. I see our charp: as enabling people to live in Greenbelt," Alexander Barnes, Sr., Assisted Living Task Force member. said.

The Anisted Living Task Force met on December 6 1n

existence to Professor Jo the Greenbelt Community Paoletti's frustration with lhe Center to discuss several. op­limils of lhe traditional class- tions for assisted living for se­room. Paoletti, as American nior citizeris of Oreenbell. Studies faculty member of the The task force waa establiohed University of Maryland, was by 1he Greenbelt City Council teaching a course in •·material to determine the feasibility, in­culture: the use of objects to eluding need for establishing interpret the human expencnce." an assisted living facility in The final project for her stu· Greenbelt. If the task force dents was to prepare an exhibll recommends suc;:h a facility it - a display. actually. The stu~ is also charged with recom­dcnts had no ·advance lime to mending a range of options set up exhibits. and 25 or 30 for providing it, including con­

, displays O'lerflowed the space sideration of city sponsorship. and were difficult to visit and The November 1997 election evaluate. Paoletti expressed her questionnaire showed that 68% fruttration to a colleague, out- of respondents foresaw a need linina her dream: a computer- for assisted living and 6S'I! rc­ized exhibit 8,111try. where II~- , sponded that I task force dents create and d1splay their should be established to sludy projects over the span of an en- the feasibilily of establishing· tire semester, with time for usisted living options in feedback and rcviaion. Greenbelt.

Virtual Greenbelt owes its

Webllte Bon . During the meeting, voting The website she created ts members of the commiuee,

an ongoing ·project developed by the Deponment of American S1udiea at the University of Maryland, ColiCJc Park. It is also a collaboration with the Greenbeh Museum, which houses many or the historical items noted on the site.

Visually. the 5ite is pleasing. It offers p"ictures from Greenbelt's pur. including the buildins of the Baltimore-Wuh­ington Parkway throuah Greenbelt in 1954, pictures of Greenbelt munidpal employees, and an array of other notable pictures related to the city.

'"The site· offers a rich body of primary resources for classes studying 20th century domestic life and progressive urban plan­ning ideaa, and provides public· ity and education outreach for the real Greenbelt community," said Mary Sie~. an associate professor of American Studies, as reported in a publication by the Arts and Humanities De­panment at the University of Maryland. Virtual Greenbelt also offers the chance for stu­dents to have hands-on experi­ence in ·research and methods to give presentations lO the public. The site houses many student projects from the University of Maryland, some of them con­taining' a wealth of information about daily life in Greenbelt, accessible to a wide audience.

Flnt Stqe The website is currently in

its first stage of a two-tiered project. The first stage houses the pedagogical platform that the Department of American Studies uses to teach web-based courses involving students in primary research projects focus­ing on "hisloric" Greenbelt. The second stage will provide a virtual Greenbelt Museum.

"I think that Virtual

Greenbelt, known as one of three ••green towns·· built dur. ing President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, and present Greenbelt which is at­tempting to control urban sprawl and an overabundance of traffic. .The site can be vis­ited on the Internet at http://


staff liaisons and advisory members (-non-voung) gave their input on the future of as­sisted living care and what should be done for the growina elderty population m the city.

The committee had mixed emotions about whether assisted living should be maintained at individual homes or at facilities thai provide the care or both. Currently Avery Gardens. an assisted living care facility, is being built on Greenbelt Road. just east of the city.

Committee members were anxious to move forward but were reluctant to do so be..:ause of the comP,Icxlly of the 1ssue. "It is slepping-~lnne progress," said Christal Batey. Adult Care Center of Washington adminis­trator and c;:ommittee adv&sory member. "Even the experts of both profit and non-profit care are struggling to get the perfect assisted-living :-.tructure."

CommiUec member Helen Geller said. "I feel lhat we should try a modest approoch. When I was tnlerviewed by city council to he a commiuee member, we were lalkmg. about making (Cill~llng) stru~o.·ture!l into aSsisted living facilities." "Home care 1s based on an hourly rate and is not that much less expens1ve than an assisted-living center that has a contract with a professional care agency," Cassie Triplelt Avery Gardens· advisory liaison said.

Gathorln1 lnformatloa The idea of us1ng a mailing

list company to gather demo­graphic information from

Greenbelt citlzeas includio& aae and iiiCOIIIC . wu diocuued by tbe members.

In March 1998, Triploa &aiel 1o the comminoe. --w'e sene out a feuibility atudy to a number or reaidenta 111 PriMe a-p·a County. which told 111

!here wu a need for usiated care in the ilea." .

Members of the committee discuued the pooaibility of recommandina that a city care


GREENBELT NEW YEAR 2000 Frldly,.,...... 31 • 6p.m.to1.un.. ·., Q,..,..



f-U,.U fri#Nbl

'The CityoiG--!he rig11110chengelhe-.ettn<t timeo of_., 10 IIUil operat.,.t ~ anciiO cenoellhe -In


Greenbelt compares favorably to the 50ih anniversary book on Greenbelt, for anyone who is curious about the town's origins and early years. And for learn· ing about daily life m a modest town in the 1930s and l940s. I'm not sure it has much com­petition. at least onhne," sa1d Paoleui.

Visi10rs to the website w&ll get a clear picture of pa~t

& Arti!ll S1Udio ... Guests of all ages are inviled 10 viSit the aecond floor Artiot's ard take pan in ··Forwatd Thinking" collahonlive art IC1ivities. Meet the ani .. in per­purchaae cUllom made trasura 10 groce your home or u a gJft for !hat special friend.

houn...., from 610 8PM on the second floor oflhe Greenbelt Community Cenl<r.

For More laforlllatloa Visit Oar Web Site

' .,

o-1 I i

Page 4: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger


Any- who had a chance to dri~c ~ St. Hush·~ Catholic School !lear !he begtnning of Qc. tober nt.ty have not1ced some early prq>aration for Halloween. The sc.ool celebrated '' Week'' .and tbc entire student body hod a great lime. The Slu· dent G::wemment As~tauon de~ vel~d: the project combining service ·1o othcn and fun. Each day of lite week had a !heme and money was raised fur "Yarlous charit~

Fro•t row left to r!PC: Rookln: R•ellel Spip•e, Mochaa Job._ E•llla l'wdooll

The ,.eek began V11th ··career day." F\.,r a donation, the chil· drcn coald come dre~sed 1n the ature of the career of their chmce. wuh the money g1ven to the Amcr-1~:an Red Crms. SeaM row rro..leflle rtpl: VaniiJ: 'Muul!l4wards, Br .. no

Raplaanll, E .. C-.s, Stepluo•lo Hellud Tues41ay wa$ "pajama day," wilh all children in flannels and balhroheJ. The money rai>ed w., sent to Ch11dren's Hmpual.

T~lnl row rroeloft to ril~t: Vanity: Kelooy Hall, Karon Garcia, AIIWida Wlar..,y, ltrllte• Taylor,~ w-.,. llad<rewrro..loftlertpl: Rookln:KrystnDiu,JasmiDOGuy, Doria F...U.y, A-lida Doney, SlepMIIIt T ...... Sonya Pracht "Tw115o day" wa~ the theme

for Wednesday, in wh1ch every~ one cho$: a buddy 10 dres£ alike. The Buys and Girl> Cltlb of Amcr1ca was the bencf1c1ary of this day, Blue and white were the predominant co&oo. un Thurs­day. "School colon day" raised money for lhc K1ko Fund (Steve "Kiko" Gingell).

Cheerleaders Bring Home CYO hphies ., .............. At the annual CYO

Cheerleadma: Competll1on. held at largo H1gh SL:hool on No­vember 20. the St. Hugh's CheeTiead1ng Squads made quue

r shaw. T~e Ruotie Squad, 'onsist­

ng uf nillc ftrst and second grader!._. tmprc!lised both the crnwd and the judges wllh their outstand!ng performance. They broughr home a fir~t pla'e tro­phy for rhe•r efforts. The cap­latn. Oe\lin Fcndlay, was awarded a tirst place medal for her leadcr!>hap abilities.

TM Varsity Squad is made up or RIDC tltird through SCV·

cnth grade 1irl1. Their perfor-. mance. 1111rt1t lOugh competi­tion, earned them a thHd place trophy. Stephan•c Holland, captain of the Vars1ty Squad. look home 1 lhird place medal for her ability to lead her squad.

The squad pral.:llce~ 1wu. sometimes three. ume~ a week, working very hard to perfec1 the1r rouunes. They are to be: commended for their ablltly to balance of borh theu :u.:adem11.:~ a~ chis strenuous sport.

Finally. Friday arrived for !he: most spinted event. "crazy hair day." Everyone was amazed to ~ lhe d1ffcrcnt hair ~lyle!!.. col~ ors. afld adornmenh worn lhrough<"OJI che day.

The Susan G. Komcn Breast Cancer foundalion was the: real wmner <I th1s day.

ialfro1al filMs$ SeekS Toys fari»ts Bally Tolal Fitncu h11 aa· ....,..,; IIIII --..,;p:; to 1nner

nounced that an,.,... clollari111 a city oc:bools, ,-h-al-risk pr<>­ncw toy IO the Toys for Tots arama. boys uxl eirl~ clubs, po­campaien at any of its des.ignaled lice athletic leaaue~ and other fitncsi cemen will receive a »- OOII'U'IIUnicy senK:e orp:anuauuns. day guesl pass to work out at

Pnnc1pal Liz Whelan pro­claimed the project a great ~uc­cess. T•e children wcrC able to show M.:'ool spirit .ind help oth­ers at the Yme time.

The American Red Cross came out 10 !he school during !he foltowi11g week and was pre­sented· "ilh an oversized check representmg the ... chool's dona~ lion. ~ children enjoyed hear­ing how thc1r donation would help m~ny people around the country. More ... en'ice-oriented acuvitJe:S are .bctng planned for the: studcn1~ of ~~ Hugh's.

Bally Tool Filnc:sa. Bally's fit· ness cenlcn will serve as colkc-tion paiota for lha W.U. ear,.·

t-1 T")'S for Toes pmsmn. In Oreenbett. """'· unwrappod

ttlys for !he Toys for Toes <OIIec:­lion •hould be brouJin to Bally Toul Ficnesa 11 741S Gftenbelt Road, tn Greenway Cenler. Toys should be brouJin to lha facilicy by Tuesday, December 21 an~ puc tn the Tnys for T- box in .the recepcion area.

Bally's SUfliiOI1 of lhe Toys for Tots proaram is one of the oomputy's "Scronger Commuai­rics~· initiatives, a proaram lbroup whieh .Jally ..,_ rr. conditio~d . Jitueu oqljipmcnt, ~a~used liii.tb~opporetllld ....... ceniCt tDotllbonhipo to orpniu­tiona servina the cOIItmuaittes where Bally operates clubs. Since lhe ,.....,.... laopoo Belly hu .......... Sl&lllil· lion -'It M fil1aa equipment.

Civil Wor Yulelide

~~.9ua Brandywine Road, Clinton. wiU celebrate a· Civil War yuletide w11h candlehgllt axn oa the ...,. ninp of.~. Doainher II, 5-9 p.m .• Sunday Deee.ilber 12, 3·9 p.&. and ......, O.:.,her 13. ~9 p.m. Tho hillaric house w11l lie ~ 0011 with period g- IIIII Wiolay ullibill IMa will iM:IIIdo a .. iqtie doll• alld •<>YO * 191~ ·-ry sreec;,;1 c .. a! - FU l'wOicr I~ qll'llli-1161-1121~

,;;;;._ Gauk Folk DANciNG PARTY lf!!!iJ!1 1·1 o.,. Dtc••h•• l2 Open ""'-0... loll< dance party lmlad by lhe Greek DIII1Cefl of ~: ~-irMI8dtojojn In lite IIC1ton. No experience or '*'* ~ simple lnetructlon provtdad Adm1SS10n l1ee but ::;:rn- ia -raged lo bring a snac1< ••m to share during the

ea .. o..c. "-.,c ....... " 0.....-lo

. c. • .-., e-n, c ..... foafwlltu WD,CAII JOI·Jf7·2201e»O.oi><t JOI-927-6211

GruUd MlllllcipaiiPubUc Access TJI rJu,,.,. .. , B-10 &"AJ. . .loof.

M,.,, ~ 13 ""' ,_. City COIIIIcil Meeting • Live

n.-lttJt, ~ u & 771""""',/NcmWr /6 ~ ...... 1'<11111111 ciJ..iPts, T""' Licbtiag A Coacert r·-...-. I'IMII:Ifcariqoa Y2K il:ll - ,..-., Scott Show with Cbarlc:s Rhodes of !he Radio A

T ....... Museum · Plt1n a viSI/ with Santa' Bmrg a blank VHS /Qpe

, lr> 1M Youth Cerller on CHcember II~ betwun /Oam-12 noon and have .vour vtsll recordld.

PliBUC ..t«'ElY PROGRAMM/NG-JOI-507-6561 j1:tt...-. Triptltl'ltislan jl:ll...-. Nlic: Sarety

~-·•.•.--..... -.-:..-::--....... .

"Ca..,.r Day" (loft to ~t) Mils Mary Fooctler, Ellie Lomax, AmaDCia Crismaa, aDCI Alsll.l ADtoltle (ruurtb lrHo).

Crazy Ill* Day" (loft to r!Pt) B........, Harren, C~rla Beaver. Mareoo Seprra, Kyle Armstroq, Kerry Malla110y, aad Rita Wade.

C lts­O Greenbelt. 00

then&Now Greenbelt. Calendar

of Greenbel't Histor.f . Mother & Child

0 Mugs 0 loys

lilt tal Gti1lar a..... ,... is-....,. lilt lolowiog lotMtgs ... -.. ..._ .. Wllk rA~~ec~at~.r u• lhrolah o-tMt 1111t.

• lilntlgh 12..n " ...... ..... • 9 """' 22 mur1s fllllsWt ... . •1 .... 90Misfl~laall • 65, 69, 71& 730Mis fllidp bad • 1 ihrolah 15 IU15 tl t.nllllload • 1, 2& 4 IIMI5 tl Seulltwy • 15,17,18,l9,ond21 ilw-310Misofltldgeload • 7 CM1 tl Gardenway

AI~ it lite 1-.uaity .. bt dlncllhis lal. W. llope to .......... propnbylheendol .............. pl!lllllotg.

llolills .. btpcMhdahMiolhelllwstMwMiyuntilaltriisare ........... "-lot ... that -un .. loa pladog ...... your"" end

lpplllilg 011!iM your 'llinolow!.at lintel. h is oar illlntien 111 _.litis pnjld in on nrty .,. prolouioool-.

Hlhara 1ft ""Y quosfiaos or <011111111, ploa con1ad lite lllllil-. offics at (301) 474-6011 or (3011474-4161 1111. 129.

Dr. Bll-r Wldte Naaed Sclaool Rettoa II Director

bJ'Ma-JMalooo New Prince Clears• 's County

Schools Superintendent Iris T. Mens has initialed a number of f:hanaes aince ber appointment 1111 summer. One of these has been the conaolidation of school elUSIOn within the county. Until recently. Dr. Gerald Boarman. principal, Eleanor RoooeVelt Hip School (ERHS), was the Chief Educalional Administrator (CEA) for che ERHS communily of schools. All of the Greenbell schools were in this cluster. as well as a small number of other facilities. The ERHS cluster no longer ex1sts and Dr. Boarman has returned full-time as princi­pal.

Dr. Mens has I'COI'ganized !he clusters of schools into five much larger groupings with a regional director for each. Greenbelt schools are in Region II and Or. Eleanor White wa& named the Region II Director. The other high school clusters her region includes are Bladensburg, DuVal and Fairmonr Heights. Frve middle schools and 25 elemencary schools are pon of !he region.

Dr. White was recently pro· filed in the school syscem's Em· ployee News. She ha:, a career Wirh coun~y schools that spans more dian lwo decades. She was the CEA for the Gwynn Park communily of schools and also has served u principal. vice prin­cipal and leacher al Gwynn Park High School. Dr. Wh1te al~o served as Acting Human Re-

SHL School News The children al Springhill

Lake (SHL) School had many in­teresting experience• during the tint quaner of the school year. The kindersarten classes used apples to perform many math tasks such as sorting. graphmg. counrins. as well L'i tasting! A field lrip to Darrow Berry Farm was both a fun and learning ex-perience.

Owens Science Center pro­vided drird graders with scientific experiments in "Water, Water Ev­erywhere" so they could u&e a slina psych~ 10 find lhe hu­midity in the air. They also ex­

. plored the trailS of solids, liquids, and gases as they made clouds in a bubble .

F1fth gradero auended Camp Schmidt in October for two days and one night for a great outdoor environment program emphasiz­ing (JI'Oblem-solving skills. Tnp:; to lhc Baltimore Museum of In­dustry and Walkins Nacurc Cencer have also provided the children with hands-on activities.

The computer lab ts open Ia all lludents from firS! grade to fiftll grade. Children are worlting with writing processing, graphics program>, printing projeeiS. and analylical skills and effteiency.

'.r ·. ·:·~··· . .• . , .. ,,

•'"'-~.~ -...


Eleanor Wltlte, Director or School Rocloa 11.

--<GUmsyl'ria<c~'· Coaaty SdloeL S)'lllnl.

sources Director in the school system. She has a doctorale of education in educational leader­ship.

The school system has scaled lhat the regional directors were selected for their administrative leaderohip, financial prowess. and team 5pirit. Among her many re­~ponsibilities, Dr. White is re­sponsible for serving as an initial conlacl to parents and lhe com~ munity for the superintendent.

Dr. White h11 developed a !heme for her reaion • ''The New Millennium: Rigor and Rel­evance." She has scaled, "I be· licve our instructional program has to be relevant and rigorous in order to improve student achieve· ment." Her office is at Robert Goddard Middle School. She can be reached at 301-429-8900.

Hoyer Announces New Teachers Funds

Congressman Sceny H. Hoyer has announced Prince George's County Schools will receive $2.37 million in federal fund· ing to pay for new teachers. in order to reduce class sizes. The money for the Class Size Reduction Initiative is included m the Fiscal Year 2000 Omni­bu:. Appropriations Act, which was recently signed by Presi­dent Clinton.

The Class Size Reduction lnitiauvc is designed to help public schools hiz:e new. well­prepared teachers to reduce the average class size in the early grades to 18 students per class­room. Srudies have shown that smaller classes raise the level of student achievemenl, im­prove classroom discipline. and ensure that children are receiv­ing the personal attention they need. Maryland 5chools need this funding because it is esti· mated that over the past len years enrollment 10 Maryland public schooh increased by 22.8 percent.

*********** * _, .. ·~~~· * ~ * * Z~e ... _,.., etJ *

ADIIWII Holiday Social * and

Congratulations to Vance Fykea, Kevin Jackson. Steven Savavong, and Sleven Chatman who anended the Science Trek al Prince Oeorae's C<!lnmunily Col· * lege on October 16 for a fun, in· * cen:sting, and infomMive day. * lnstallacion of Officers

Parenti were treated to a * by special program called "Pastries * Coual)' Calllldl CbairDIIII' for Parents" with special speaker Darren Swain. State Delegate. Many ,.,00 ideas for helping children succeed in sc:hool were diacuued. Parents wetc also provided with "Sec· and Seep Parent Program" to help !hair cbildren know how 10 handle conflicts.

* Jim Eolopp. Speaker * Fri .. Dec. 17 · g p.m. ,

* Terrace Room. Greenbriar 1l * Members: Bring desserts! * * Info: 301-474-6668 * ***********

AnaSeboola ..,. Nelda v.....,.

At the Advisory Comminee on Education'• (ACE) principal recepcion on December 6. ElcuOr White, director of Re­gion II. aavc an upbeat five­nti- k.,.- address. ~ aentatives from Eleanor Rooaevdl Hiah School (ERHS), Greenbelt Elementary School, Sprinshill Lake Elemencary, Magnolia Elemenlary. and Sc. Hush'• Parochial School liscened before sharing the1r wish lists and succe.u srorie~.

Durins her first 90 days m of­fice White has mued 30 of che 39 schools in Reg1un II in an at­tempt to get to know the schools and people in her regmn. White told the ACE members rhe Prince George\ County schoob, need volunteers. lutor~. and mcn­cors.

White said the flX:U~ during this initial pcnod for Dr. Iris T. Metts. superintendent uf M.:hools, is mathematics and reading. two of the original three R ·~- Their goal is to use teams a!l a bridge to success for the students of to­day in grade!~ K-16. reaching into their adulthood

do not ..... -..:· They ,... pan that e.., .....,. inch of space ia 111111 all day -r day. Vice Principal Johe Elllciri of ERHS says dteJ c:Wns.dy have 22 tanpOrary bui!ditop. and llill

'-'-· a.. ....... _...,.._.. d_.,..... ...... _Clfl -.ld -'t-...... dents in a - opace. l'lihapa schoolrooms could be ••de available at ....... - a ..,..... cion she offered. A voluDteer coonlinator could rnatdt lhe -dents alld menton to ctea11 a workable schedule. As she """' linued to think out loud. she sugaestcd older students ®Uid panicipato in the proarsm and earn community &ervice houn for !heir etforts.

Olloor OptlaM What else can· the communitY

do? Wire !he oc:hools for;­service. Crate a plan 10 wire the unwired schools, sucb as Springhill Lake. and implement lhe plan. Greenbelt residents, Universicy of Maryland Sludenll or even classes. and ERHS atu-­dcnts were ~~ouggcsted as possible sources for manasers and work­ers.

Principal Phyllis Gillens of Magnolia told of cuttin& deals and creatina: pannersh1p1 with businesses in an attempt to help her school. Home Deput has donated seven laser jet printers lo Magnolia and the school is lryins to locate a storage facilily for them. Gillens says she cur­rently has ftve businene1 that are her M:hools' working pan­ners.

Principal Liz Whelan relayed

•,·' ;,1.: I

.. /_.,:,.,·,,;

_, ............... . --~~~- --­__ ,_,... .......

- r-. .... .,...._8

- ..... ""' I..., - - .

The school rc:pre~ntalive~ !!.ay they are excited about thclr p1lot program$, granls, and dynamic teachers. Local ~l·hools arc us­ing grant money lu htre reachers, bul they see a dark doud on !he horizon. They hear calk chat Prince George·~ County budgets may move backward from school-based to formula-ba!ted calculations. They fear thai sw:h formulas wd I !~teal their .. pur­chased~' teacheh and reassign them to schnol~ with fewer teachers. If this happens. the lo­cal teacher-lo-sludenl raliOi, which are currently lnw, would skyrocket

Sl. Hush's 5UQ:ell ~CI--1:.;~,1~!~~~~~~=~ says !hey an: usinc 1 buddy syl-tem with older students tutorinJ the younger one5. Also 1hcy an: raising money through booster clubs. alumni. and the commu-

Space is aoothcr topic of con­cern for 1he local schools. They


GHI is loot;11gjor t'Oirull"n to)oin iiJ ntwl1forrwd Ad Hot l:lldrit Vrilil1 o.,,.llllw, COMMiltN

Key Committee Goals:

Edlll"ate'mcmbers aboul what deregulation means for them

Lohhy the Md. Legislature on i~sues affet:ting housing


E~plorc: ways members and the community can participate Explore master metering and bulk purchasing of electricity about potential new products and services

lnt<ml<d? !Mnd 10ru klur of illl•, allll '""'"'for urrV!r tr~ GHI t11 HaMillo11 Plac•, or tllll M•"""' Somter til

30t-474-4tet, ext-eon ta

Greenbelt Aquatic • ntaeu ·eeater

101Centerway December Membership Rates

Wlalor. npifts 5/Wit

Resident Family $174 Aaallll-nplmtf4111

$282 Resident Adult $85 $136 Resident Youth $38 $64

Resident Senior $42 $69


They make excellent holiday gifts!!! January rales also available.

Proof of residency required when purchasing

. a membenhip.

~--, --....... ----~ _ ............. _,_

~------­-----­~---------..... 1 -LIIgl--·- .... 1110

~--·-­·-"""""·--­-----·-... 1110 ..... Till '111111 ....... .,... Wlllllllferllrlcll andlllell..,_,

. .. : .. ; ...




Page 5: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

--~---------- ---------------

Top Ramen :: ,,,. All Variedes

,......Angus--.; BaniiiJJ .,. Chuck . Rust

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SIC 10.5 oz.

c-:<···~)G(l1~·: " I I

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Honey •r Ham lb. ·-......... __ ,: = ., B

,.. . "" lb. s=-•z.n BologiNI lb.


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... Vr/' r -~·.-.·--• •• 11!1 ..... -.


•2,, I . Cove Frozen :=.r ~ L--------.:."~01:1. ~fillets •r.. =-

.... ,,.·.

Nmurelr Finest Idaho Russet Potatoes

1 lb. bag

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W•shlngton State Jumbo .· IIMi Reel Delklous 17 ... Apples lb.

Fruit Cub For Kids FREEMNANA

See Store For Deblls

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. ,:.b. I

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.3-3 oz. I. I ..,,.._.,~ ,_.-; ~: ~

~I'ICIII _ .. ,... '1f • L-.------------m.;;.;uw;,."lr111lluM'.'me-- :1 1- Clll.ur-co.GP . . I I EwRMDY lkw ' tniH I I ENIIIIGIZD ~ ""r. 1 A·A BATn•s £Ill I I 4 PACK . I I --~'"!.-:"-.:-=..-..-.- I L ~:::;".:;.""_!11!:':-:.m.:.-.. .J r-cc:;;.;-;-~~~,.ft- -~ . • -GIIl'IIT~--- I

: c:.:~ lfC: I SAua I I J~UmD- Wttou 16 01. I . I ·---'"!.-:"-.:-=..-..-.- I L

..___1'00_1'0 ___ .. _ _j ,. -----------,.,,. ,;-----------.., .. l=tm~':'....,IHHf • I : ~=-·-~--1 FLOUit I I Otnuw.·IIN-.aACHD 5 lb. !Mig I I --~'"!.-:"-:=...-..-.- I L ===~===~'=:. .J iw;:;:-..;;,:;,n;M).;;--~ 1-GIIl' I I llatYIT ~--1 I GRAM A Wttrft' ....... I I I..Aits EGGS I I Dozen I I ---.'"!.-:"-:::....,...._.- . I L -~::'~'=.~=~:.~ ~ r:cU;.r..r.a.~ .. aiW:' .. ':;e- ,_ ~ 1 .. ..,. '"""' . I

a...y .at 'I : sOuD PACK IT I I Puwo1aN · .I I / 29...__1. -· I ·--.•.,:_-,:=;.,-..~- I L -~:::~".:-.:::.-:::...1


•. "·'>L· J'·: .• d:..:&~~ -~~

Page 6: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger


JMGB •. (~rt- ... ~)

Thia would requ.ire·!a special exccplion since the existin& R· 30 zonin& or the tract (multi­family low denaity - I 0 unill per acre), woald permit oily """»unit~ buildin&.

ADC cootenda .. Ill " ... tbc trafllc duaity or 60 a&e-re­strictad •ita will be leaa -. chat or R-30 (aardea llyle units) becaue of the aae-re­stricted ....p• and "Tbc i11110 ol acbool copKity will not be a factor~~ Tile propoul providel "10 ,.n:laa apaeea" for the ..!uhlioliNillp.

C I fiJ ..,_ In hi1 November I 0 letter to

R.ober1 Crecco. prestdcnt of the Weicchcster Park Civ1c Asso· dllioll. Shipley said, "Wich che deJdlltoe iapoaod by lhe >eller, II would be awecialed of lhe ~:ommunlly cnuld re~pnnd to thl!l propu~~l a~ qUidly a-.. JX''. ~•hie."

To addn:~!. th.: devel­opment propuul. an ad hoc ~ommincc of ..:ommun11y resi­dent!. wa!l formed w1th ('recco at the helm After dn~ ... :usloomg the l:!l.SUC at two mcct•ng!l, Crccco rc!.J}unded to Shtpley. In ht~ leucr ot NoYcmbcr 23 Crecco p01ntcd nut rhat ( I) the fl\IIJ')rll)' nf re,pondcnts tu a L-intmunuy 'urvey .. opposed all development - fndudmg de­\'Clopment allowed by l.:'urrent .wn1ng" for both thf .1 7 and 17.4-al.:'re parcels at\d (2) '"if developmenr were to occur nn the 3.7 acre~. the maJonty of re~pondents would find most ar.:ccpcable 30 un.ts" as permit­ted by the e:usting R-30 zoning ''f o;pc:~·•al exception). Fnr the I 4-al.:'rc pan;el, respondenrs found "most acceptable 35 umh of !!Ingle family detached hou~e~ per current RR lomng."

"We have every right to ex­rc~·t the~e land!-. to remam un­developed.'' argued Ceal Franz. pres1dent of We~tchester Park's mulfl-fam1ly townhouse/apart­ment condomann.&m. She clrcs thp brochures g1veo co purchas­ers wh1ch promtl!ed the devel­opment would be .. surrounded on three s1de~ by permanent P;ukland prntccted forever from turther rcsadenual develop­ment."

Grcc•bek'a Paol&. The C'ocy or Greenbcll " al­

ready on record as opposing all development on the two par­cels. Over the years. past and present councils have con•is­tently requested lhe Federal government to purchase the p•cels '"to protect the park's bou.ndar1es and eliminate the threat of developnlent."

In response to a letter by Mayor Judith Davis daled Oc­tober I. 1999, U.S. Senator Barbara Mikul1ki reponed chat ~he had requested the Narional Park Serv1ce to respond to lhe City. U.S. Scnalor Paul Sarbanes. respondin& to the city. noled that, while he shared Grcenbelt"s view, there was "extremely limited .. federal fundmg. Sarbanes said he is pressing for leaislatioa that would expand fundin& for both federal and slate P.,.kland ac­quisition. He encouraged the cny to explore potential sources of fundmg offered by the State of Maryland.

In a statement to the News Rev1ew. Consreaman Saeny H. Hoyer said: "As you may know, I am a strona supporter of sman, controlled arowth ud I

Reviled PROPOSAL adapted from orlgi,.l AD&C Proposal for Wnkbester hrk.

share the C'ity of Cire~nbell'~ concern regarding pos~1ble fu­ture development nl th~ Jaeg~r tract I w1ll conhnut: 10 v.ork. with city orficaals tu ~~d.

workable· lllllutton-.. ""'hcthcr that mean~~o slate. local l'r kd­cral fundmg for tha~ prn~n ~

The statement l.:'imUnued. "A member of my stafl m~:t v.1th the C'aty Councal. the C1ty Manager and the C1ty Clerl.. on March 31 of las.t vcar to dl~­

l.:'uss th1~ ir.suc. At thai t1mc. we expres~d our wll hngne~~ to work wtth the City on the po­lenlial purchase of the Jaeger Tract and we sugge~ted thai the City pursue several avenue!-. for funding for the land. I look forward ro continuang tn work with lhe Cily In mo\'e th1s pmje(.'t forward."

In support or Grecnhelt':-. position, Chairman J1lhn Schaffer of 11le Neow Carrollh'n

1 Bd, Vinyl .,...,... Block 7E Ridge 562,000. Garage

lAundry room addition

Brick- 2 Bel w/SCT<aoed-in porch

4 cl of Soulhway near libnry & centu

C1ty Co.unt.·tl ~ent letters to M1kul~kl. Sarbane' and Con­gressman Albert Wynn oppos­Ing development of the parcels and calhng for "~ub~cqucnt conver:-.lon of the: rand to parkl.an4" Baw~n Heaght~ Mayor Wtlham Arm•~Ecad'~ let­ter tn ('nn~rc, Hnyer ~tatcd· 'lhe T11wn beheve., the Federal tovcrnment should pur­cha~c thlll property lo protect !he park'~ houndaries and ellm1natc the: pos~1bli11y that un~u1tahle Jr.:~elnpmcnt would oc\:ur pla ... ·1ng mcreased prc!rl­sures un thr.: area·~ traffic con­gc~t~.~n. :o.l'hl~tlh. and mfrastruc­lure

• (h<"T i(l m1lhon ~d • fuundn\ Club • l"r 1'\. Nationww.k • "-<"" llome Spec•ah~t o W-'t<"rlront S.ln o P<· Ann~ Arundel. Uow•rd.

Montgomery and Calven (.ounll~:t

I OHU '-.(Ill llll I 11tH 'I. I •

!(I '

ool I ,

NBWTBAR (CelodJoood rr- JIIIIOI)

music all niaht lOAf fur listcnins and/or for sinsong. Dave Schulman will sive up hia jug­gling skilla at the COmmunity Cenler and move 10 the Youth Center to conduct a swin& dance lesson, followed by a dance to gel those bodies mavins. The Youth Center will also hool kicb bingo. always a very popular ac· tivity.

The Ans Center will be pre­senlins a delightful children's play - "The Hippo Who Wante4 to Be a Ballerina" - 5tarring children but for audiences of all ages! The progressive rock band. Peroxide, will end the evcmng in the Ans Center with the1r hot, edgy )()Unds.

Theater, New Deal Cafe The Old Greenbelt Theatre

will host Eric Henning. mag1c1an cxtraordinarc. who Will dazzle the audience wllh h1~ wonderful 1llusinns and myst1cal mag~e in three great show~. The New Deal Cafe will provide entertain­ment and dclu:ious food. all ntght long. T1ckcts can be pur­~.:ha~ed at the ('ommumty Center nuw through Decemhcr 25. Children under fi'Ve are free. Fur mfnrmatmn call 301-397-2208. T ~ekeu; purchased later or at the door cost slightly more

Petition Drln Meanwhile the We~tl'he~ter

Park CIVIC AsMICiatiOn 1:-. orga­nizing a petition drive and let· tcr wnting campa1gn rcque~tmg Federal or State purcha!-.e of the property ror incorporation Into Greenbelt Park. In an effort to w1c:ld more conlrol over land usc within Westchester Park. Jue Ha!!.kell, board member of the assocration and the 6100 Tower!-. condominium. 1~ g.ather­mg Information deal1ng With the advantage~ and dl~advan­tages or the mcurporatwn of Wel!tchester Park as a muniCI­pality.' Currently. Westchester Park Ill an umncorporated com­munity.

TloundJy, D<dmller 9, 1999

BIUIS (~ rroioo ..... 1)

Overall, the dcsiJIUIIed New American Hi&h School• have achieved hiper colle&• allen­dana: ....., hip SAT and slate test scores. higher graduation races. and lower drop out rate~. The achoola have also fOiled ac­tiw J*lnCI'Ihips widl uniYersit1e~ and college~ to better prepare their llltldentl.

ERHS has six career palhway academies. '"The shared VlliiOn for the school's communily ha~ been that each student 1s unaque and lhat as a member of a canng community of lifelong learner~. each student will be able lo Iden­tify. prepare for. and realize hi!-. or her goals," Dr. Boarman !-.aid

Two Million Granted To Teach. Technology

The Maryland Higher Educa· t1on Comm•ssion has awarded $2 million m grants to college!-. and univer~ities to teach faculty to use lechnology in the classroom. The grant!!, part of a two-ye<:~r program. w11l prov1de traming to more than 6.000 fa..:ulty members at 37 colleges and un1verstt1es and two h1gher edocalion cent~r!-..

"Technology is creating new opportumtlcs for Marylanders to take advantage uf the state'~ ex­cellent colleges and universittes on their own schedule and wnh­out havmg to travel great dl~­

tances," the Secretary of Hagher Education. Patncia S. FloreMano, l!atd. "But to take full advantage of technology's promise. we have to g1ve faculty the trammg and tools they need to usc 1t.'"

FloreMano sa1d that l7 col­laborative propo~>als were submit­ted ror fundmg and nine selected to rece1ve funds begmning th1~ Amon8- the!.e wa~ Pnn<.:e George·~ Community College, wh1ch will work under a $700,CXX> grant a~ pan of <:~ \:on­~rtium under the University of Maryland Univmicy College. A Iota I of 3.10 I faculty partocopanl> will rece1ve trammg in thl!!. con­soniUm.

Stumped for a holiday gift? Hoo.A. about a Greenbelt Aquatic & i-=1tness Center Stocking Stuffer"!

A punchcard g110d for (51 five daily admissions to the building.

• Greenbelt Resident Adult $17.50 Greenbelt Residcnl Y1mth $7.50 Greenbelt Residenl Sen11lr $1125

Non-Resident Adult $22.50

.- - ~ Non-Resident Youth $12.50 Non-Resident Sc:mur $13.75

Stop by 101 Cenrerway or call 301-397-2204.



THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1999 7:30p.m.

GHI Board Room

Ktly Agendl hems • Woodands Committee Charter • Recommended Bylaws Changes • Resolution - Expendilure Aulhorizalion

•1 - 112 Reading

Discussion Action


Regular Board meetings are open to members.

~--"Operation Midnight" Combats JIMinile Crime SNOW

by BaiT)' lerutela Some time aao the City of

Greenbelt Police Department implemenl<d Opmlion Midnipt, a program focused on juvenile crime and victimization that helps parents prevent their chil­dren from coming tnlo contact with crime as a suspeCt or a vic­tim.

The llfO&TIID models a similar curfew enacted by the city of Laurel in 1996 which requires chat all minors under the age or 17 should not reniain in any pub­he place or any "establishmenf' between the houn of midnight and 6 a.m. without the presenc<: of a parent or guardian. accord­ing co the City of Laurel Ordi­nance N. 1189.

Also, the program is an exten­sion of the Prince George's County Curfew Code which re· stricts the t1me lhat people under the age of 17 can be in a public area during week nights, Sunday to Thursday. 10 p.m. loS a.m . ..., well as weekend nights. Friday and Saturday, midnight to 5 a.m.

Greenbelt's Operation Mid­nighl allows police officers to slop children under lhe age of seventeen, contact their parents and take them home if they arc round to be walking the streets andlor the parking lois of Greenbell hetween midnighl and 6 a.m. seven days a week. The parents give wriuen permission to do so prior lo any action taken by the police. This is not a curfew law and therefore is not subjec~ to the Constitutional questions or challenges wh1ch pertain to curfew laws. according to a memo written by Greenbelt Police Chief James R. Craze.

"Most parents are cooperative to the program. especially when dealing with older children who lend to be more adventurous about ~laying outside after mid­night. People see the kids. com­plain. and officers respond to those complaints," Greenbelt Pu­lice Officer Master Patrol Offkcr (MPO-Public Information or. ficer) George Mathews saod.

There arc several procedures lhat police officers follow when carrymg out Operation Midnight. according to Mathews.

Firsl lhe officer will call out on their police radio whenever contacling a juvenile. giving the locatmn. race, and sex of the JU· venilc being slopped. The of­ficer must always treat lhc child With dignity and in a friendly manner, according 10 Mathews. Also, lhe officer must check with police dispatch to see if the child's parent/guardian has an "Operation MidniJht" agreement with the police depanmcnl. Fol· lowing the routine check, the of­ficer contacls lhe parents al}d must comply with whalever deci­sion the parenl makes for the child, accordin& to Mathews.

Many cilizcns arc aware of the progr&m and its impact on the community.

"If 1 person thai is outside laic al nighl has a certain look about them. then the police arc more likely to apprehend that person.'' Jason Aanagan, Green­belt resident, said.

"I feel parents should be more responsible taking care~ of their children. The curfew should be from II p.m. to 7 a.m; 12 mid· night is nol enough.'" Palrick Whelan, Greenbelt res1den1, said

Students at Eleanor Roose\'eh High School fERHSJ do nut lend to be in favor nf Operation Mid-

night. "It isn'l falr ... why should

adults be able to go oul after midnight. yet some of them act like children," Rosa Salazar. ERHS student, said. "We should be able to lake walks when we want," she said.

"I don't think it is fair because police shouldn't be the ones to tell you when Ia go home; it should be up to your parents," Audrey Brlansky. ERHS scudent, said.

Parenls in Greenbelt can regis­ler lheir children with the Greenbell Police Depar1men1 by picking up an Operation Midnighl form available at the Greenbelt Police Headquarters, 550 C=cent Road and at the City Administra­tion Building, 25 Crescent Road. Individual!!. wath queslions about the program can call Officer George Mathews. at 301-507-6515.


Cooncilmembcr Rodney Robcns also participated in the event. Davis was Roberts' spotter in 1

dump truck equipped with 1

snow plow that was laraer than any of Grecnbell's trucks.

"I fell !here was excellenl op­position and an opportunity for the various snow removal teams to get to know each olher and have fun while in a friendly com­petition;· Mayor Davi~ said. ·•t· think this wa& a very positive competition. It was a very good way to meel people from differ. ent jurisdictions who are inwlwd with snow removal and it is a peat way to stan out the winter seuon," said Ken Hall, acting di­rector of Greenbelt\ Public Works Department.

All of the compeutums look place at the Redskm~ Stadium parking lor. A trutlt .. ,.. tlo-ptfle ollot8de ... ,...,

.,....~,_,.J, ~--, ....... ~COG



The New Standard In Senior Uving Avery Gardens, Prince George's County's premier senlot living community, will open for residents in JanuarY 2000. Offering supportive Independent IMng, assisted IMng and Alzheimer's care, Avery Gardens features spacious, graciously-appointed apart­ments and common areas. We offer the highest levels of hospitality and personal care services anywhere.

• Home cooked and heart· healthy dining 3 times per day

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loloriuadon center 9811 Qreeobelt Rd, Salle 208 • l.aDbaa, MD 21'708

301-486-1590 or toll free 888-77&.4725

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Page 7: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

..... 11

P< H. i < I B !.( J. rER Based on infonnation releBsed by the Gi-lbelt Police De­

partment. Dares and times are lhose when pol1ce were '"sl contacted about incidents.

A ..... ll.lloiiMy Greenway Shopping Cenrcr.

Clcc. 2. ~:09 p.m .. a w0111111 was puning gr<nries into her vehicle when she was approached from behind by a man who di~ a handgun and demanded money. Aher oblainina ca>h aoo jewelry. he ftod lhe - "" fOOl. The ..... pect is described • b!ll<k and in his 20., 6'0" and 220 lb .. with black hair 1n Ions dreadlocks. He Wli unshaven and wu wearing a green army-type Jacket. a white shll1, and bosgy blue P""· ~

7 -II SIOr< in lhe 7900 block of Goodluck Road. Nov. 2~. II :0 I p.m .. two people were sundlng m the porltmg lot when they _, '!'" proachcd by a group of people, Ali the group was walkmg O>ward the store entrance. one of the memben verbally taunccd the 1wo and !hen kickal .,.., of lhem m the face. The same as.satlant along wtth .t so.:ond person abo punched both Ytctims several umcs. The assailants then fled the ~enc m a vchacle.

. ' Drup Elea111w R<x-..c:w:k Higfl Scllool. Nov 24. 9:30 a.m .. two 17-year­old oo=>ldenrs and a 11>-year-old nonresident were charged on peti· tion with trespass1ng afler they were Slopped on lhe school prop­erty. The 16-year-old was also charged on petition with poucs­ston of mariJuana and aiv1ng a false stiltement to a poli1."e officer

Ala of Soudlway and the Bal­lilnc«/Waollinp>n Parkway. Clcc. 3. ) a.m .. a 21-year-old restden1 wu arrested and charged wnh pcaes.s100 ('/'man Juana after of­ficen rapondod to d1e area for a report of a nffic acc1dent in which a traffic ~1gn had been scruck. Tbc drivcr was localcd m a >dli<le ...t>y whiCh had recent body dafnaF. Abo m the veh1de was a quantity of !oUSpo.:ted man­JUina. The dnver wa!l. abo charged un citallon ,.1th drtYing w1th a suspended I u.:en~e and leaving the scene. of an ;u;~.:1dent

w.pon Area of Cherrywood Terrace

and Cherrywood \ourt, NoY 28, 1:04 a.m., a 15-year-old youth stopped for SUSpiCIUU~ aCtiVIty was found to be m P'~~~•on of a bunerfly-atyle kmfe. He was rcleaed lo a parenl penchng ac­uon by the juV<IIIIe J'-""<:e >y>tem after bemg charged on pelluon

~Cblldrm 9100 block of Spnnghill Lane.

Nov. 27, 11:23 a.m .. a 44-year-old resident was lUTC!oled and ~.:harged on citatton with lealfmg L'hlldren UAaUended after otlu.:er!'l re· sponded ., a 911 hangup <all at the ta1dence. The ofticer~ di~· <.'Overed three un!!.uper-.ned chil­dren, ages 10, 6. and 3. m the resadent.."C. Their mother returned home appmJ.imately JO mmutes later and was re~ on Clt.allon pending trial. The d1ldren were not mjuted.

BouwlorY - Thdl 6100 block of Spnnghlll Ter· race, Nov. 24, II 37 p m., two

pear tbt enb)' was gamed. Greenway Shopping Center.

Nov. 29. Jl:42 a.m., a wallet wa.'i taken f'rum a pur!!e while me vic­nm w~ shoppmg.

6300 block ul' Ivy Lane. Clcc. 2. 8:40 a.m., a lapcop computer Wib

taken f"rxxn under a ~k m an of. ftce ~"ate cubtde.

VellldoCrlmos The followmg veh1clc was re­

ported ~tolen: a while four-door 1991 N•~~n Maxama wuh Mary­laoo llg> FNE 919. Nov. 23, from the 6000 blod of Chcrrywood Court

Greenway Shoppang Center. [)o.;_ 2. a 21-year-Hid rc~ident wa." anatod and t:harged walh theft af-

"For auto, home. business and life Insurance,

my door is open."

Belnfln ....... hanclsll the only place to be~

ter requesting help because he locked hunsdf OUI of h1s vehicle. A compucer check revealed that the tags on the vehicle had been reported Molen to the Pnnce George's County Police Dcpan~ mcnt. Tile man was released on CltatiOil pending lrial.

lbct'tri from vehicles were re­ported in lhe followilll! areas: 7200 block of Hanover Drive, 7600 block of Hanover Parkway. Greenway Shoppmg Center. 9200 block of Edmonston Road, 9100 block of Edmonston Court, 5900 block of Cherrywmd Lane. 6100

Thanday, Dotloalber 9, 1999

block of Springhill Terrace, and 6400 block of Golden Tnangle Drive.

Activities Planning Volunteers Needed

The Holiday Project is seeking additional volunteers to jom hun­dreds of Wash'"gton merropoliun area volunteers visiting people who reside in nursmg homes. hospital& and other institutions on holidays throughout the year. Call Bobby Anderson at 703-370-1156 co get in on the 1999 Holi­day Season.

Greenbelt Police Criminal Justice Youth Academy

Attention: High School Students 14-18 yrs old

Have you ever wanted to know wlull it is like lfl be 11

police o.ffieer? Are you interested in other tlrells of the criminllljustice system?


Learn about traf1k laws, DWI, K-9 oftkers, narrotlc:s lnvestlpdon, search and seizure, foreDiiks and more...

Partidpate In tnmc stops, mTest situaUons, . self defense tactics and btdkHng seardJes.

Apply now to the Greenbelt Police Department's tlrstCriminaiJUitice YoudaAademy. O..Swllse.t

JIIIIUIII'Y 19, ~ from 4:30pm - 6:30pm ud will run every Wednesday for 16 weeks.

APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 13 :one: of the 17-year-ulds and the

16-year-nld were taken in1o cw.­tody pendllll! 3CIIOO by the JUVerule JU~IIL'C l>ystem. The remamm~ 17-year-old was re~ to a parent pendmg tnal.

=>man:·~~:e::s~~~:;~ '--_,-:_,:::-.. :-: .. :::. ::: ... -;.-:· .. -.. .:,.-;· ,':-=:-=~---~.~-~~:-:.~:-"-.. -,L~", _--.J

out at a rcs*nce. It dtd noc ap- :.~!·:~·!~.,·:~;~":;,"''ow-,.,.,..,(~

Appllcadoas am be picked up at the Groeabelt Pollee Statloo or 1M mala oftlce

of Eleuor Roctlle\'elt HIJib School.

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ...

and we're in your neighborhood!

Our family ha• been .erving your community lor 61 year. and we iu•t keep growing.

Our main concern is to give you safe

and complete quality care which is why we've taken hundrech ol hours of continuing educa­tion. We utilize •tate-af-the-ort equipment and •Jerilizatian techniques Ia create beautiful, healthy teeth far a lifetime.

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DRS. MCCARL 301·474-4144

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Quintessence Award lor Excellence in Clinical -------- Wednesday 9-8:30

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COUNCIL (COIIIiaued ,_, pqe 1)

the curb like a choker." He noted that the proposed parking rcstnc­tions would not cover all the hours during which there are con­flicts between motorists, parked cars and bus riders. Putens sug­gested a curb cut-in, and Davis. as a compromise, suggested re­stricting parking al just two uf the spaces.

But the hour was getting late. there were concerns aboul whether the proposed approache!<!. were too difficult for the buses (in whiCh case the drivers were likely to continue stopping in the street}, and council decided to toss the hot potato back into the lap of clly staff.

Peasloa Shill Council unanimously approved

converting employees hired since 1980 from the state pcns1on plan to a new state contributory pro­gram. The new program will pro­vide 30~year employees with 42 percent of current earnings. Un­der lhe old program such eroploy · ees would rece1ve '24 to 36 per­cent of current earnings. How­ever, employees will have to mn· tribute· two percent of their ~ala­rie!!. to the state program To mimmize the 1mpact, employee~ haYe the option of reducmg their contribution to thc1t deferred com­pensation accounb by two pen:enl of salary without affecung 1he amounc of the city's match.

State employees converted to thi!!. new program in July, 1998. but mumctpalities were given time .en decide whether to Join or !'.tay with the old program. (C'tly ex­pen!oes under the plan wdl al!'.n increa~e b) 0.4 percem \If em­ployee~· !oalanes.)

Employee!!. ~.:an mcrea!'le 1he1r fufure benetits by pay1ng a one­lime fee to be crcdtted wilh :-oct­vice under th1~ new pmgram a~ uf July 1998. The dry will uffer employee~ the option of cit her making thi!!. payment m a ~mgle lump !!.Urn or through payroll de­ductions over the next year wh1ch. a~ Turnbull pointed nut, am11Unh to an intere\1-free loan to employ·

Other Actions A..., part uf the consent agenda,

counc1l granted c1ty employee!'. an e.lltra per~onal day to be used h) June 30, 2(0}. Some form of C\· Ira holtday has heen granled to employees !oince December 1969.

Council reappointed Sheldon Goldberg and Joyce CheMnut 1t1

the Adv1sory Planmng Board and Jo!!.eph Griffith to the Employc:e RelatiOn!'!. Advisory Bl)ard, ap· pointed Andy Levm to the Advi­sory Commmee on Education and accepted the re~ignallon of Judith Holland from the Ans Adv1~orv Board. .

As requ1red ~ a condiuon nf $925,000 tn state granls rece•ved by the city, council authonzed Davis to sign a preservation case­men! on the Community Ccn1er that gives the Maryland Hi!<.toncal Trust a perpetual easement on the exterior shell of the buildin! and on the interior of the first floor of the onginal 1937 building.

Volunteer Center Seeks Volunteers

The Prince George·~ County Volunteer Center. a volunteer re­cruitment and referral scrv1ce for the county, i~ sc:ckmg oftiL·e atde.., to help with a variety of proJCL'I!'. around the nffice Fnr more 10-

formalton,.call Dan ac ~01-6lJ9-


Public Input Sought On School Enrollment·

The Pnnce George·~ Coun1y Planning Board of the Mary­land-NatiOnal Cap11al Park and Planning Comm1ssion fM­NCPPCJ ha~ scheduled lhree public hcanngs to solicit pubhL' comment lln !I.L'houl enrollment proJectilln:o. developed by M­NCPPC' planners for 2000 2005 The hcarinp will be held at II a.m., during the Planning Board's regularly s~heduled Thursday meetings. on Decemberl6 and January 6 and will take place in the Fourth Floor Hearing Room of the County Admtnislfation Building in Upper Marlboro. Publi~.: te!'.llmony will be heard at the December 16 mee1mg; final analysH. and recommenda­tiOns will be pre~ented on January 6 Written comment!!. will be a~.:cepted unlil Decem­ber 23

The purpose of the hearings ts to prov1de the pubhc wilh an understanding of the methodol­ogy u~ed 1<1 arrive at school enrollment prtlJeCiions; hl re­vtew 1he five-year pruJeCilonllo to be u~ed in 2000 for each _!'.chool; and tu obtam publiC in­put before the prnjectHJn:o. arc tinahzed

A d1~cu~sion paper prepared hy M-NCPPC planners, "Ad­equate Public Fac.:tlille!<. for Schooh in Pnnce George'!!. CHunty.'' which de~cribes tke L'Urrenl methodology used in calculating enrollment proJeC­tiOn!'., ·~ aYailable to the publu.:. The M-NCPPC draft enrollment proJCCCums for 2000 · 2005 be­came ava1\able DeL'ember I. For copu!!'. of the di!!.CU:o.!'.IOn paper ur drafl proJet:lwn:-., or for add111onal 1nforma1wn on the puhlu: heanng~. call the M­NCPPC Pnnce George':-. County Plannmg Dcpanmc:nl at 301-952-~712: TTY 301-952-379~.

State Offers Help On Medicare Choices

More than 15.000 Man l:ind­cr!'l are dealing w11h que.!'.llon~ regardmg 10!-aUrancc coverage in the wake of MediL"are HMO withdrawal!-. and I0!-.!'1 of pre­scnption drug coverage. The Maryland Depanment of Agtng ha!oa lnlll.tted a ~talew1dc. tnll­trec l'all L'enter. uperatm~ Mon· da) thrmq!h Fnda). from 9 J m to ~ p.m. Medicare hen­cfil'lane'> are encouraged 10 l·all 1-SOO-MiE-OIAI. II-81Xl·c-l1-34~5), 10 ob1a1n 1nformat1on and refcrrah to tra1 ned coume­Jor~ The ('all Center will con· 1muc lo opcrale until De~:ember 31. t99'J.

Anyone currently enrolled 10 an HMO whtch ha~ withdrawn from M~dicare i!oo advi~ed not to drop uut of cheir current plan before December ~1.1999, or they may lose the ngh1 to purcha:-.e "Medicare supplemen­tal in!'luranc~ without submit­ting to a med1cal examinalton. They should also continue to usc 1he covered health care ser­VICes provided through theH current plan.

The Maryland ln!oauranL·e Ad­mml!!.tratlon ( 1-800-492-6116) and the MedtL'are hotlme f 1-K00·6~fi.-68.HJ can abo prmide information on 1rad1t1tlnal medtL'are. Mcdll.'are HM<h. Mc:dt~ap. and bcnefll'lary nghh lnlernet u!'.cr:-. L'an v1~11

lhe MediL'are wch ... rle v. v. v. medtcarc gll\


~GRlENBE.LT AQ.UAOC &. mNESS CE.N'd.lf'< ll!i!il!!t 2000 WINTER SESSION .

In-person reglstrafton. first-come. first-setVed basis. All classes" have a limit on enroli­ment. Early reglstrafton Improves your chances of getting the class you wantll All registrants must sign up at the Greenbelt Aquat1c & Fitness Center for aquatic & fitness classes.

CLASS FEES: All class fees are noted in the coune list. A 10% discount w11 b8 given to all senior citizens. tiJ years old and over, for non-senior classes.

REFUNDS: The Greenbelt Aquoftc & Fitness Center reserves the rtght to cancel closle6 due to Insufficient registrants or causes beyond II$ control. Refunds wt1 be mode It classes are canceled by the Center. Other refunds will be mode according to the provisions In the City or Greenbelt Resolution No. 65. which olio require~ that refund requests. for valid reasons. ore to be submitted Immediately In IAIIIIIng 10 the GAFC.

CITY RESIDENCY: Greenbelt residents are those INhO pav taxes to the City of . Greenbelt AND ore e6glble to vole In City elections. That Is os It should be, os our residents pay taxes to support the Recreat1on Centers and the Aquoltc & RIMa Center In our community. However. just becal$ someone has o Greenbelt addtass.

• does net necessarily mean they pay taxes lo the City of Greenbelt and ore able to vote In City elections. We. wont to be fair to the people whose tax money supports our programs. If you are not sure that you hove a Greenbelt addles!, are able to vote In City elecftons. and pay City taxes. coll301-397·2204.

All registrants registering as a resident l'l()l1-fXlS1ho must show proof of oddrets 10 receive Greenbelt resident status. Acc.plable Ploof: VOid llceNe or curNnt ...._

MAINSTREAMING: Anyone who Is ph~oWy. mentally. and/or emotionally chal­lenged Is encouraged to participate In any or the Aquollc & Fitness Center's pro­grams. If you need any special assistance. please coll301-397-2208 or nv 301-474-1811 and ask for Karen Haseley.

GAll'(: f::laN A 8etl•1ra11aa 8a&N Winter Salton: January 3, 2000- Febnwy 26. 2000

Pas!<!.hlllder .. & Residents regisler: Mondly, December 13 & Tuesday. December 14 Non-Re'>ldenls register: Wednesday, Dec_ember 15- Friday, December 17

Regi,tcr m per>un at the GAFC between 6:00am ilnd I O:OOpm for all dates noted above. Cla!oa!o rate!> do not include use of fitness wmg or pool, before or after class tirnCs.

Cla. ... s rates have been pro-rated for Martin Luther King and Praidenl'S Day.

... ''"''"·" .. .,,, lu :'KI\

A<tlvlty Doymmo hM ... ~ Holden - -Holden . H-

Land Acontbks Cia.~ f 16 yean+) Rt..,c & Stunt' wwno 6.JOo~m-7:15am $61 $65 $70 Slep I wwno 6t10pm-7tl5pm 61 M 70 S!ep It l"r TrTH 7:.10pm-StiS~m so 55 60 Tighlc:n & Tone WWIF 9:00am-9:45am 61 6S 70 Tighlen & Tone TrTII 6:.~0pm-7·1Spm so 55 60

~ Wakr Aerobics Cl~ (16 yran+) Aquacm· wwn' 8:00am-8:45am $61 $65 S70 Aquadtt· wwn·· lO:tXiam-10:45am 61 65 70 Aquac1u ww 7:fXlpm-7:45pm 46 so S4 Aquik.:llt' Trfll 6:00pm-6:45pm so ~~ 60 Aqu&:ll~- 1drnp-in) F 6:00pm-6:45~m 2 5 5 Anhnu' A4ua111:!'. M/W/F 2:00pm-2:45pm 61 65 70 I>eep WJit'r Aeruhll'' M/W 7:00pm-7:45pm 46 50 S4 Deep W Jlt'r AerohiL"' TrTH 6:00pm-6:45pm 50 55 60 Deep W.lll't Anhnll!'!. WWIF 3:00pm-J:45pm 61 65 70 Senmrn1e TrTH 10:00am-10:45om 46 so " Wa1cr In len al Trammg ww 6:00pm-6:45pm 46 so 54 Water lnlcnal Trammg TrTH 8:00pm-8:45pm 50 55 60

Adult Swim a~ (16 yean+) Adult Bet!mnc=r rn 7:00pm· 7:45pm S40 s4s sso Adult AdY. Beginner l1J 7:00pm-7:45pm 40 45 so L1feguard Tr.unmg Call 301-197-2204 for tnfo. 125 125 125

O.lldrrn'c,; Swim IAssoM (6 Mo.+) Water Bahle'> - A SAT JI:ISam-11:4Sam Si7.SO $20 $21-'0 Water Bah1e\ · B SAT II: I Sam- II :4~am J7.SO 20 21-'0 Aqua Tub I SAT JO,JOam.JI :IJOam 35 40 411 Aqua Toh II SAT 9:4Sam-10:15am 35 40 45 Beginner for 4's SAT 9:00am-9:30am 35 40 45 Beginner I SAT 9:00am-9:30am 35 40 4.s

SAT 9:4~am-IO: I Sam 35 40 -u . SAT 10: 30am-11 :IJOam :IS 40 45 SAT II: I Sam- II :45am 35 40 45

Begmner II SAT 9:00am-9:30am 35 40 "45 SAT 9:45am-10:15am 35 40 45 SAT I 0: 30am-ll :OOam 35 40 45 SAT 35 40 411

Advan~.:ed Begtn~r SAT 9:00am-9:300lm 35 40 45 SAT I 0:30am· II :OOam 35 .40 45

lntcrmedtatr: SAT 9:4.5am-10:1Sam 35 40 45 Swtmmer SAT II: 1Sam-11:4Sam 35 40 45

. . .. . . . . ; ·.: .. ; .~ ~ ··'• ·:'I" •r~ •:-~

.-., -

Page 8: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

hp14 ~-- Thunday, DecaBber 9, 1999

Home $choolers Bring Top for Tots Concerto: Exhibit Can Skalll Fridays To Coldwell Banker At Montpelier

Throush<Jul Ill< monlh of IJ<:. To help g;..c undcrpr1V!Icg<d chrl· Monrpclier Residenl ArtiS! CLASSIFIED cember, home scboolers are in~ dial of chc: Washmgtonl83ltnnore Sahc.HTI Naka will be featured in viled to joiri fellow home-school rnelmpOiitlll area a ~ha01.:e to ex- the Retmknt Arw .. t~ • Gallery dur­fnends for Katilll every Friday periencc JOY tha5 hohday lloea.\on. mg the month of December in from 9 · II a.m. at Hc:rbcr1 Well! Coklwdl Banker Sle\'en~. Realtor\. an exh.bnion of unique prints Ice Rink. S21l Pli~ Branch Park- is .,.uciparinB ill t~ Manne Corp!-' that e1plore the essence of na­way, Coliege P:ut.. Call MNCPPC Toys for TOIS program. Cokiwcll ture. ·• 301-2TI-3719: TrY 301-249- 8anbr wrll oeoe "' a Toy> for Naka'> pnnt> capture the tleel-4252 for information. Tots sponsor and a drop off pomr mg momenb cll.pcrlenccd in

!J>leasant 'Touch ~~

.,.,... .......... Dn'r ··-·--14J~· JOI-J45-184' ~ . .-. .. .....

~,..,...,_,....,. ........ . ,,... s..udiiJ ....... tD ... ..


I Place your J

Holiday ~ Greeting


j The J.

for donations untal Do.;ember 21. nature by cx"pre!o!oln@ the ability The public is encnuraged to of naiUrc to msp1re the human

portiapal£ by donaong new. un- spirit. The knowledge 1ha1 emo­wnpped toys • Ill< Greenbeh of- lions are bod! Stmulated by and ficc of Coldwell Banker at 7213 umtied with naiUre 1s the "con­HaooYer Parkway. Rtx•m :! 10. tcle- certo" at the heart. of these prints. phone 301-474-5700 Saiv.>mr Naka was born in Ill< ............

•su••• WISUI ce.m~uao•

Drywall • Painling • Carpentr; •llcou5tJC3l Ceiling •Tile • Etc

l.ia!noed • llootled • Insured

MHIC~7'i 301·345-1261

ARany1noua Cltriotian support for hwting people Ques.uoning personal !llg.m· ticai'K.""C.! Corne and meet \o\olth other Christians who combu1c prayer, scripture, prai!IC and nfll ,.,.imulrips. Thundays - 7:00 1o 8:30 PM M Greenbelt 8apt1st ( 'hun:h for lofonulioa.

ancienf ~ap11al ~.:uy of Kyoto, Japan, where she stiJc:hcd music and Jlpanese calligraphy. She :,t1.xhed printrn.ak1ng at the Uni­versity nf Maryland, College Park. She ha~ shown exten­sively and locally has exhibited at t~ American MWteum of Women's An. Corcoran Gallery of Art and 0\Jmbarton Gallery.

For more mtormat1un call 301-953-1993 nr TTY 301-490-2329

UPHOLSTERY Many FUries to Cltoost From. Frrt Pick Up artd /HUrt,. Fnt Eslilnalrs.

Q•;ck Rtturn.

I!W' 301-262-4135


AFFORDABLE HOUSE CLEANING - lromnJ. cooking &. pet !lilting by mature & responsible woman. Call Penha, 301-474-9578. •

HOME MOVIES Slides. Pictures oransfened lo VHS. Tape Repau HLM Productaots.lnc:. JOI-474-6748.

NEED A HOUSE SmER'• Marure. refs .. care for pets. plants 301~474-


COMPUTER- Repau>. upgrades and software arul&llation. Tom. 301-474-1401.

ENGLISH TEACHER. maoure. refer­ences. seeks studenu. Sl ~/hour 301· 474-2192.

TOM McANDREW • GREENBELT WINOOWS A PAINTING· Replace· menr. Windows and doon and vmyl sKI­ing. Phone 3011474-9434. MHIC 26087.

PETSIITING for the Hohdays- Vet· ennary asa1stanl w1ll care for pets m your home. Mary. 301-345-4589.

LEAVES - Raked and removed Most GHI units only S3S D1scount for semors 1 301-213·3273

DECKS - Power washed and sealed. $75. Satisfacuon guaranteed Pat. 301-213-3273

RATES CLASSIAED. $2 50 mmunum for

left words. 15c eadloddloonal wont No cfwJe for hams 11ems thai are found. Subrrut ad Wllh payMent IOchc Nfon Reo­... oK~et by 10 p.m Tuesday. or 10 the News Rn~• drop box 1n the Gftcnbdt CCK~p grOccf)' ttore before 7 p.m. Tuesday. or !hall 10 IS Cresccnl Road. SUite 100. Greenbelt, Maryland 20770.

BOXED· $6.25 column incb. Mmi· mum I 112 anches ($9.38). De..:Jhnc 10 p.m. Monday.

Include name.~ no. and addrn5 with ad copy. Ads OOl considered ac­cqxed ullbl publ1sbcd.

EMMANUEL CONSULTING. PRO· FESSIONAL RESUME WRITING SERVICE ~Hsve you consadcrtd k>okin£ for another JOb? Do you ha\le an updated resurDe? Emmanuel Con· sultmg offen FREE resume assess· mtnts and competitive rates for resume wntmg. cover letteB. intervacw prepa· rat1on. etc. Conl.:t 301·615·0~14 or

WANTED- Mature. re\pons1ble day care prov1der for Milgnol1a kmdc:rgar­ten student and 1nt"ant Your hou~ or mme 301-3-4~-5;';60

HOUSECLEANING - SJ5 and up Euellent reterenl'e'i All supplies pro· v1ded. Free C!\llmatcs Angel, JOI· 262-4607


t. News J l Review J it 301~474-4131 J h~~~~

RUGS- GHI umts deep deanc."d. cJe. odorw::d. all rooms and ~tep~. \40. Sa11sfact10n guarantc:"ed: Impeccable references. Real deal. 301-213-3273

BOOKS WANTED -All l)'pC"'>. l'll\h

HOUSE CLEANING- Weekly. h•· pard. 101-596-6156

You lmow us • JOnrla· • hou5dlold .....e In Qaeenbelt lor ower 14 :r-n- We are tbe experts Ill cleeoolag your IMJale and glv­lag :J'OU - tlllle. n.e lor .-ctchUd~n. children's recrat1on. 8lld eiiCII other. catl. let a famll._ 8lld trusted -lllelp you ouL

-Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly service <prtng cleulng any time of the year

Iindow cleaning ' ;.,Jp for special occasions fREE estimates

~ wfCII ,_ r~ Touch l'boae 301·:162-5151


=~~~p?~;:~~~~S:~~~ CARPOOL DRIVER/RIDER -Greenbelt to Fcdtral Tnangle. work

zas EIACTAIC Custom Qualley 'l'orlt Dono w/ Pride!

No job IOO!mall SerYi<r wort. and new home<

All. •"'*-by·- iiJednacm


<·~,..,-...... .......... ,_,,..,.u.cb.M:

Ice skating at Wells Rink:_. Ctlebratlq New v .. n;. othtr ' parts or llac world as tht Clock strlka U mldai&ht.

Arts & c .. fts projects ror the mllle .. i•m. ·

Eli1.abeth Morilette aiKI Chris Cben-y return to direct

• week or holid•y run! J>eccmber 21'* -3t•ar the (m:tnbclt (ommuml} ("euler

9MI·3:30pm (Fri 9-lltJOif}

R.cstdc:nts: $100. Son·n:suienb: Sl20 Before..('aft>: Sl~. -\llcr-t"arc: Sl7.~o

Tltn~ will 6tt 110 Aflrr-C•u on Frl4a)'• IHr~MHr .l/tt.' For more informalion. call301·397-2201

houn. 7 · 4·30 Call JoAnne. 202·482· 2487 tWl. 301-474-7212 (Hl


• portraits

• portfolios

• advertising

commercial photography

J.HeMon photographer



\\ t \ ' 11

\ ' " I I •


Bicycle Repain

We promise a fasl and pleasant purchase rvcry

limt you visit.


(301) 474-8348


n.ndlly, .,.._.... '· 1999

AoVEKDSING FOR SALE - Couch. love seat and chalrandbedfrlmewnhfuton. IKEA rum and KUba dive computer. CaJI 301-474-4220.


2BR CONDOwlnew W/W carpel. en­closed sunroom, cozy fi~place, spa­cious kitchen with washer and dryer. dinins room and more. Call Ralph. 301-474-7364. .

FOR SALE BY OWNER - GHI 2 bedroom frame eoduftll. $49.900. and a GHJ 2 bedroom frame. updated kitchen. $.49,900. Call any11mc. JOI· 651-9194

NICE GHI 2BR block wuh gllfa8e. S51,400. 4CCreocent. 301"182-2077.

GREENBELT. 3 BR. 2 BA homes from $143,000 to SI90.000. Quret Streets. Zero Down Payment Free" re· corded message. 800-892· 7230 .11t 92018.

DON'T BUY THAT HOUSE unul you ha\le reque!ted your free home purchaser's handbook. Free recorded message 800-892· 7230. xt 92008

GREENBRIAR CONDO- Tenms & pool. back to the woods $86,:'i00 OBO 301-982-1724 pi> lim

BRICK 2·3 bedroom GHI home. movc-mcondniOn.$67.000. 301-474-2219


DINING SET- 6 cha1rs, 72" tahle. china set. and buffet all made ofhrown wood. Good condillon. S400 080 Mus1 sell. 301-982-1724

REFRIGERATOR with ICC maker. S2~. Call301·345-7984.

BaJhtubs-Ctramic Tile

REG LAZED Quality Reglazing makes Your Tub & Tile

Shine likeNe~!

Located in

Greenbelt .• -. • • :

Callloday for

a free brochure & estimate

AMAZIN' REGLAZIN' The Bathtub Resurfacing

Specialists (301) 345-5~

Give good company

Our quality bini produru tum C\'CI'Y 11C05011 lniO

areuon to gather. Who says you can't

I<==~.:;..::.J buy friends?

WUd Bird Center Old Towa Bowie

8700A Chestnut Avenue Bowie, MD

301-80s-48S8 Mon. - Sat. 10-6

Sun- 12-5 Not to br combined with

other o&n or oales

ESTATE SALE - Anliqoc drcs~r. desk and table. sofa and cha1rs. 301· 513-SOSO. FOR SALE- AKC female mmaaturc

~~~s~~a~h~! :nE:e~c!L2!~~~ =tsS~.:w~~- S3SO. 301·

25•38. 30•36, 40•l6. SO.IIO. Below cost! Great workshops/earaa:es. S41\'e thousands. Call 1-800-341-7007

STEEL BUILDINGS, 40•34 was $7()6(), now S3890. S0.60 will hqur· dale a1 $6490. 1-800-292-0111.

ONE SIZE CHAIR. love seal. large cockuul table. 2 end tables. rug. two lamps. TV stand. Please cal1301·5~2· 0090

FOR SALE - Twm M1ckey Mouse ~:omforter. p1llows. lamp. wallhangmJs. rug, $70: while chauandottoman. SSO. 301·345·5560

FOR SALE- Beaut1fulglw.s dmmg room table, 36" • 60."' glass hase.llkt new. $125 Call 301-474-7634

TRIPLE DRESSER and two m[[ht !abies. modem N.rlwood dcs1gn. $200; onental style wood bookca.\e hold!, TV. $75. elcctnc rcchner/hft i,:hour. S200. modem :-.lyle full lllle C\leep !tUfa. $200 301-34~·5487


MOVINGSALE-SIUurday.Dec II, 9- 2. l...akes1dc North apartmcnts.430 Rid&e Rd. 110. Fum1ture. household irems and appliancr11.

INDOOR YARD SALE- Sun .. Dec 12, 10 a.m. · S p.m. Nll'e gifts. No lOy•. 3-F PlatOIII Place.


FOUND - SCHWINN mo. brcycle near center. ldent1fy. Call 301-345· ~844.

LOST DOG - Black lab (mi•l "Zany" I 1/2 yr old female lui seen mwoodsncarGHI Reward. 301-614-)553

FOUND· Black t:<~t. whue unde-rneath Gardenway Vll'IRII). Call JOI-220· 1965

THIS COVLD he )nur da)I!~Jfied ad Ten words for $2.50 Ea~..:h add1t1onal word IS IS ccnh.

r---.------•t;!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~ 1 All AIIMII'Ic8n Arborlet 1· Holbert's I ,..... Service I Home Imp. 1 Allpt.a ... o~r ... -& 1

II·R~~:~-=-~ 11 Carpentry Painting ___ ..., _..., Remodeling Repairs I (301)927·24-W I M.H.I.C. 25916

I (la•w•11) 1 Call Jack 301-345-8262 . _________ ..


Consu~tmJts Ginny and Michael Hurney

Tho Experien<ed, Llcenstd Prorosslonals (301) 595-5135

coauauakatloa- Rddndlt

~ Old Greenbelt Citgo ~ J ._ Dave Meadows Wf ..

Service Manager

Maryland State Inspections

Oil Changes, Batteries Bra/res, Shocb, Tiru Exh11usts It TuM-Ups MD State Lottery

301-4 7 4-0046 20Southwag

Greenbelt, MD 20770

• Open 24 Houn for Gas and Snaclla •

GASai'S ftJNDw.llolm FUiily Oned fllltj fudly VaiHS

Slaee 1858 For HOMily, Caring, tllld

QwUlly, AlforUbl~ Smlke

Fuenl ArruaelllflDb Me..WServkeo

Cre..tloa • Pre-Need AvaiWIIe 24 boun Vba a MasterCard

301-921-8100 47Sta.-Aoeae fiJoltnllle, MD 21'1111

GGM:h~ Ia nor11 on th,.lnt,.,.,.,.,twww.~

Seniors Christmas Party Is Dec. 21

o-nbriar and Olen Oab se­nior - and their ..- ... invited to a Christmao pony in Ill< Terrace Room oo Tuesday, De­cember 21. al noon. Seni<n will betJeMedtoahocbull'ltaad

""'""' of Ill< - AdQtillion is free but RSVI's m.., be .-lo Tina at 301-441-1096 by Fri­day, December 17.

5cMt the Green Belt Displays Light Show

o. Docember 1s. rrom 6 - 9 p.m. (rain dale December 19), Ill< public is invited to walk or dritle along Northway and "be dazzled by an array of colored llllll<ml." reports the Comminee to Sa'tle the Green Belt. The sea59""l display. from 6 - 9 p.m. only, is Ill< work of Ill< Committee. For more infonnation call 301-474-6708.

Missy'S Decorating

301-345-7273 Md. Home Imp. Lie. 1126409

Bonded · Insured

••••••••••• +Crescent Square + + Old Greenbelt + • • • •

one bedroom apartments

From $555.00

+ Vista MgmL Co. 301-982-4636

• •

.... , Gr.-... CAllES . Wendy. Wexiar .... dlot the Onenboft Advioooy c-ic­..,. 011 l!duo:alion (ACI!) .......

their 111111111 . meotina willl the PTA pn&idoalt or - ldlaolo. A1lllldeel ....... I wide. \llrieCy of,_ .. poiOttlill ........

s..m..lad!Yidwolo­,..,......,.,.._ror ...... c. ..... ntaadpn..~.'!~

return. · Alldlt Sei'Yiee R._. .. .._ ..... N~




Special Loan Rates

6.9o/o APR up to 5 years lor New Car Loant

7 .So/o APR up io 5 years lor Used Car Loanl

For more information ·· '

Call301-474-5900 A credit union for pemons Who live 'or wort In GrHnoett

APR:AnnUIJI Rille .


Stare of Maryland Vc:hiclc: Emissions Inspection Program

Certified Emissions Repair Facility

Greenbelt Auto & Truck Repair Inc. Fadlll}' -s459

• A complete service facility equipped to per­form all service requirements that your manufacturer recommends to comply with Preventive Maintenance service 8Chedules & extended warranty programs! Also, rdU­tine repairs that keep your vehicl8s oper­ating safely & reliably.

Page 9: Parldag in Staleaaate - Greenbelt News Review · hued finn. is studyiq lhe feasi bility of clevelopina the two re mainirig tracts (17 .4 and 3. 7 acres) of the 76.57 aci"O Jaeger

by NeW• v..... mas, lhe will be tift wrapping The Greenbell Fesuval of at Beltway Piau.

L1ghb •s truly a fam1ly affa.r. Bubara Molyneux. a trans­At the Fnday night tree·liJhllng planted retired bigll school math outside the Munic1pal Buildins. 1eacher from Albany. New York. .all ages came 10 s1ng carola, came to the event because she .dfiM, cqlfcc or cocoa. oat cook· lhoogllt it woold be Jun. She " l~a. lee the decurauons. a.Dd an outaoing penon who likes ro meet Santa. . get involved in the community.

Greenbelrer Angela Miouo Dyrins her three years in brouahr the family. Her daugh- Grecnbeh she hu volunteered to ter G1nina Mid. 'There's no tree work at the housing cooperative liabuna as mce as this in and with the finance comminee. Rodtville." Ginino broiiJht· her Why did she choose to move four-year-old son, Zacbary, to here? Her son lives 1n Wa~h­mect Santa. That ni1ht she in1ton. Even if he -moves away. called her 11011 Rudolph bee..... •he said she will stay •n ht 'filii lli04 .. 1 bstrn• an~ OrMabelt because she likes it. knew the words to Rlldolph the The only petiOli th1s reporter Red-Nooed Reindeer. Unfortu· could find who adnutled he hed nately. "Rudolph" wu oot JiV· .alkeol to Saata was Mike Yang. tna tnterviews. Ginina said. He utd, "Initially I w:ts afraid "Zachary knows Sanra is com- of Santa. But when I ulked ro in1... Zach's Aunt Diana and him, I' found out he's a ntce, ei&bHnonth·old cousin Garrett rqular guy." Mike is 28 years came to see Santa, too. old.

Z.Ch's reindeer horns were a Sophia Keen, ll·year-uld JJ,\ft fr1>m P. ,J. SiqJOI. wiK> oieec of Mary Lou Williamson, ~h,U· .~FOCnbelt.- M her hfe- did oot talk to Santa. Howcller. kwl& re&icknce. nceJM for time whea opponuaity knocked, she served tn the military. Her reached out her hand and ac­dauahrer Shatne. LUlie Miss cepted one of Sant&'!t large red­Gre-enbeh, came on official and-white-striped candy canes. bus1ness.. She &nd lhe o1bcr wh~eh she pl...ed to cat v.hlie Mines Greenbelt helped Santa -g ber ...,.._.,, On Satur· hand out candy canes. Christ- day she planned ro ~pe01.k to .,.. I" I .... 7. _..., U....·f --~·ollhe tlrehouse ~y they uaioted Santa at brealtfut and tell him she wants his Fire House breakfast. Bath and Body Works .. stuff"' Shaine will perform in the for Christma-s. For the un•n· Greenbelt Arta Ceatcr~s "The formed·. ••stuff" means lotion, Hippopotaaus Who Wanted To hair ael. nail polish. and things .... ~~"AM,Jill:edw. ,_.,..,..,......t!trtst- Adults in the crowd rem1-

nisced about Christmases past-they spoke of a hemlock tree tn Nunh Carolma that was well received and a Norfolk pine that was not. Santa seemed flexible on the subject of trees but made it clear that the children had better be good or they ...,ould not get presents this year.

photos by

lelQh catterton

Free Maryland Opera Stuct10 at UMIKP

The Maryland Opera Studio will present "A Tale of Two Cit· •cs. Berlin and Pans m the lWen-­t~e>" on Pnday. December 10 and Sunday, De.:ember 12 at 8 p.m. in the DorudiV Madden Daro:e The· atcr m the . Dance Building of dte Un•ver~•IY 11f Maryland. The work t!'l a cabaret written by Kathleen l'ah1ll, din:cted by 4cot Majtw. ared Robert McCoy. Per­former.. ••dude James Jones, Me· lis~a Unk.el. Gretchen McNeil, Keith Wplfe. James Hall, and Ellen Khman Admission is free and the p11biK: " invited to attend. For additamal information call 301-405-5556 or- e-mail

by 0...11 Jelallaa The craft fair held in the

Community Center December 4 and S offered a smorgasbord of wonderful Soodicl. To prevent confusion. I've interviwed lhree of the vendors.

Phyllis G. Hall, of the Dis­trict. makes. quilts that fold mto pillows. She had them in a wide vancty of fabrics. Hall said that the design goes beck to J9n. S!l.e is the third in the tradition of making the quilts. She said it takes her aboul five hours to make one.

Ron Edmundson's business card says r•at be makes canes. incense holders, and necklaces. Ron goes into the woods look­ing for incere5ting shape• in wood. He takc1 them home and seasons them for four to five months. Then he soaks them in linseed oil for two days. He may sand or carve the wood before or after stain­ing the wood. He's very free form about his work. He says. ''See _what you want to see."

He lets the work suueat how he treata it "Lines look good."

Mike and Sheilah Worrell have a one-two punch. Sheilah makes h.;ndknit items and one of a kind jewelry. They have separate business cards. Hers says "a di\lision of Ou1back Bee Products."

Mike 1s the bee keeper. Be­Sides SC\Ieral types of honey, he offers bee·s wax, bee's wax hand cream, bee'i wu candlei. and perhapa; mosl surprising, pollination. When asked how many hives he kept. he said about 50, but they are scattered over a wide area up Route 83 near Pennsylvania. We don't often think how important pol­lination may be. Mike has made a busineu selling pollina­tion services to farmers.

Mike's elderberry honey has won two first pritos. One from the Moryland State Fair at Timonium, and the other from 1he Maryland Stale Beekeepers 63rd annual honey show in 1999.

SANTA'S VISIT Saturday, December 11, 10:00 am · 12:00 noon

Greenbelt Youth Center At«" pre-school and up. HlliE Comr And tell S.Ntll :rour wuhts. Bri'tlf" blank FHS tapr 11nd htur tht visit rrcordrd on vzdro · Hosted lly· Gnncbtll Rurratum Drp11rtMrnt

LIGHT AT WATKINS REGIONAL PAllK Thursday, December 16, 7:00 pm

All ages welcomed. FR:EE (pre-registration) Ritk • holidAJ tlispi4,Y ft•rwrin,ll tho,.otli of light> ontl rftMnJ to tht Tovtb Crnur for gtHJtilts. H1111uJ b:r: City I>[Gmnbtlr Porlr R•"8m