Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on...

32 Padbury in the Past Inglewood Coage, Main Street If you have a photo of Padbury in days gone by which you would like to share with Pump readers, please email it to the editor. The Padbury Parish Pump Editor: Cassie Rigg Contribuons to the Editor: 1 Mount Pleasant, Main Street, Padbury MK18 2AP Tel: 01280 309368 Email: [email protected] Please note next copy deadline is 29 March 2019 Adversing: John Wrigley Tel: 01280 814199 Email: [email protected] Distribuon: Vicky Murray (and a team of volunteers — as ever, thank you for your me and energies) Also available online: The Padbury Parish Pump February/March 2019 Volume 19 Issue 1 Published by Padbury Parish Council Welcome to a new year The snowdrops are out, the daffodils are on their way—and, we are told, so is the snow. Look inside for lots of informaon on how to make the most of village life during these chilly months. Our diaries are generally calmer aſter the pre-Christmas frenzy but there is plenty waing in the wings.

Transcript of Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on...

Page 1: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Padbury in the Past

Inglewood Cottage, Main Street

If you have a photo of Padbury in days gone by which you would like to share with Pump readers, please email it to the editor.

The Padbury Parish Pump Editor: Cassie Rigg

Contributions to the Editor: 1 Mount Pleasant, Main Street, Padbury MK18 2AP Tel: 01280 309368 │ Email: [email protected]

Please note next copy deadline is 29 March 2019

Advertising: John Wrigley Tel: 01280 814199 │ Email: [email protected]

Distribution: Vicky Murray

(and a team of volunteers — as ever, thank you for your time and energies)

Also available online:

The Padbury

Parish Pump

February/March 2019

Volume 19 Issue 1 Published by Padbury Parish Council

Welcome to a new year

The snowdrops are out, the daffodils are on their way—and, we are told, so is the snow. Look inside for lots of information on how to make the most of village life during these chilly months. Our diaries are generally calmer after

the pre-Christmas frenzy but there is plenty waiting in the wings.

Page 2: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Allotments Kate Harper 817855

Benefice Newsletter Kay Bradley 812965

Bessie Potter Charity (hire of wheelchairs) Tony Picketts 816063

Bingo Carol Bloxham 308311

Busy Fingers Toddler group Lindsey Howard 815158

Camera Club John Credland 813641

Church Revd. Ros Roberts 813162

Do you need a lift? Sue Wrigley 814199

Friendly Afternoon Sylvia Nutt 812333

Padbury Benefit Society Barry Picketts 824038

Padbury C of E School Head: Lucy McFarlane 813070

Parish Council, Chairman Mike Long 823931

Parish Council, Clerk (Rosie Geddes) [email protected]

Padbury Pre-School [email protected] 815158

Padbury Football Club Peter McHenry 816495

Padbury Produce Show Jean Stuchbury 822109

Padbury PFA Lynne McLuckie 07850 216930

Padbury Table Tennis Club John Osborne 817019

Padbury Website Jack Nutine: [email protected]

Tennis Club Lindsey Sanders 824845

Village Hall Bookings (Shirley Hemes) [email protected] 812617

Women’s Institute Sue Chadbund 01296 711626

Youth Club Debbie Gibbs 815044

Padbury Village Organisations and Contacts


The Village Calendar

8 Feb Bingo Village Hall, 8pm p.9

12 Feb Parish Council Meeting Springfields Pavilion, 7.30pm p.5

13 Feb Friendly Afternoon: Games Village Hall, 2pm p.22

14 Feb WI: Drama, Music and Life Village Hall, 7.30pm p.9

22 Feb Bingo Village Hall, 8pm p.9

1 Mar Coffee Morning Village Hall, 10.30-12pm p.7

2 Mar Heart and Music concert Village Hall, 7.30pm p.15

8 Mar Bingo Village Hall, 8pm p.9

12 Mar Parish Council Meeting Springfields Pavilion, 7.30pm p.5

13 Mar Friendly Afternoon Village Hall, 2pm p.13

14 Mar WI: Wildlife Photography Village Hall, 7.30pm p.9

14 Mar Lent study course begins St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm p.20

22 Mar Bingo Village Hall, 8pm p.9

23 Mar Cheese and Wine Village Hall p.7

5 Apri Coffee Morning Village Hall, 10.30-12pm p.7

14 Apr APCM Meeting St Mary’s Church, 12 noon -

20 Apr Jazz Evening Village Hall p.7

21 Apr Tea and cake St Mary’s Church, 2.30-5pm -

22 Apr Tea and cake St Mary’s Church, 2.30-5pm -

27 Apr PFA Quiz Night Village Hall, 7.30pm p.19

19 May Lamb Lunch Lenborough Vicarage, 12pm -

6 July PFA Summer Fete Padbury CE School -

27 Sep St Mary’s Safari Supper - -

If you would like to add an event to the village calendar, please email the editor

who will, space permitting, include them: [email protected]

Page 3: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there






Tues 12 Feb green bin

Tues 19 Feb blue recycling

Tues 26 Feb green bin

Tues 5 Mar blue recycling

Tues 12 Mar green bin

Tues 19 Mar blue recycling

Tues 26 Mar green bin

Tues 2 Apr blue recycling

Tues 9 Apr green bin

Tues 16 Apr blue recycling

Sunday 3rd February 10.30am Morning Worship │ 4.30pm Messy Church

Sunday 10th February No Service

Sunday 17th February 9.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 24th February 10.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 3rd March 10.30am Morning Worship │ 4.30pm Messy Church

Wednesday 6th March 12 noon Ash Wednesday service followed by lunch

Sunday 10th March No Service

Sunday 17th March 9.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 24th March 10.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 31st March 10.30am Mothering Sunday Service

Sunday 7th April 10.30am Morning Worship │ 4.30pm Messy Church

Sunday 14th April 10.30am Holy Communion Benefice Service

Thursday 18th April 7/7.30pm Agape Supper—tickets: Sue Paxton (815289)

St Mary’s Church Services

Recycle, Reduce, Re-use…

One million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute. Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there are four in Buckingham alone.

Download the REFILL app for free.


Welcome to the February 2019 issue

Thank you for all the positive feedback about the Pump’s new format and for the suggestions of what you would find interesting—and what you would find useful.

The Kids Korner has already won itself many fans, and there were some fantastic designs submitted for the logo competition making it a very difficult decision for the young editors. Turn to page 26 to see the winning logo!

There really is a lot going on in Padbury, with all sorts of enterprises that contribute to the local economy and make this a viable, and vibrant, com-munity—and the Pump would like to celebrate this in a future issue. If you have a Padbury-based business, no matter how small, I would love to hear from you—just drop me an email and I’ll send you some questions.

If you’re looking for new members for your club, drumming up support for an event, advertising

your business, or have information/news to share that will be useful to oth-ers in the village, this is your platform. I’ll look forward to receiving more contributions and, in the meantime, enjoy the read.

Editor: Cassie Rigg

[email protected]

Tel: 01280 309368

COPY DATE: Items for the Pump should be sent to the editor no later than Friday 29th March 2019 for distribution w/c Mon-day 8th April.

4 Parish Council 13 Table Tennis 22 Football Club

5 Village Hall 13 Friendly Afternoon 23 Youth Club

9 WI 16 Padbury Pre-School 26 Kids Korner

9 Bingo 17 Padbury CE School 29 Notice Board

10 A Greener Padbury? 21 Padbury PFA 30 Church Services

12 Painting Mornings 20 St Mary’s Church 31 Village Calendar

Page 4: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Padbury Parish Council News

CHRISTMAS TREE: Thank you to Cllrs. Dickens and Morris for erecting the Padbury Christmas Tree on the green near the New Inn in December and to Philip Webb of Folly Farm for donating the tree.

STREET LIGHTING: Padbury Parish Council has responsibility for the street lighting in the village so please do let us know if your streetlight is not work-ing. We organise and follow up on the repair of each streetlight with E-on with some repairs costing in excess of £1000.

FIX MY STREET.COM: Do make a note of the “Fix My Street” website. This is a simple and effective online method of reporting potholes, fly tipping, pavement damage etc. Please visit for details.

DOG WASTE BINS: For the convenience of dog owners, Padbury Parish Council has had an additional dog waste bin installed in the village. There are now four bins: 1. Springfields (adjacent to the Winslow Road) 2. Lower Way (towards the top on the green) 3. Main Street (near the War Memorial/ Vine Cottage) 4. Main Street (on the bottom green near Station Road and Old End) Please be advised that these are the only suitable public access bins to be used for the disposal of bagged dog waste. Open litter bins in the play area and next to benches are NOT considered appropriate due to the health and hygiene risk. Thank you for your co-operation.

SPEEDING IN THE VILLAGE: If you would like to make a difference by volun-teering for the Community Speedwatch or to find out more, please e-mail Vernon ([email protected]).

PLANNING: Decisions made by AVDC / PLANNING INSPECTORATE • 18/03284/ATP | Restore shape and reduce crown by 75% on weeping

willow tree subject to a TPO located in garden land owned by All Souls College, Oxford. | Chicele Cottage, Main Street, Padbury – APPROVED

• 17/03324/APP | Construction of new dwelling (retrospective) Old Oak House 23B Old End, Padbury Appeal ref: 18/00050/REF Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/J0405/W/18/3208655 – APPEAL DISMISSED

• 18/00067/REF | Demolition of bungalow and erection of a new dwell-ing Fairhaven Main Street, Padbury, Buckinghamshire MK18 2BJ – APPEAL ALLOWED


The Padbury Parish Pump

Notice Board

Post a FREE message on the Padbury Parish Pump Notice Board!

Lost/found, Wanted, For Sale, Thank Yous, Babysitting services, New Baby Announce-

ments, Engagements, In Memory, Good Luck, Congratulations, etc.

Post to Padbury Pump, 1 Mount Pleasant or email: [email protected]

Page 5: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Do you need a lift?

Do you need help with transport for hospital or any other

appointments, or perhaps collecting shopping or


If so, we know many people in the

village who are happy and willing to

help, so please contact initially

either John or Sue Wrigley on 01280

814199 and although they may not

necessarily be able to help you

themselves, they should know a

man or woman who can!

Police Contact Details

Winslow and District Neighbourhood Team

Winslow Police Office, 81 High Street, Winslow, Bucks,

MK18 3DG, Tel: 101, Tel: 999 in an emergency


Join us on

to receive local crime and safety messages

MK Women’s Refuge


St Mary’s are collecting for the

Women’s Refuge again this year.

Items can be left in church in the box

by the main door. The toiletries

donations are much appreciated by

the women who usually arrive at the

refuge with very little.

For more information on the refuge’s

work and its needs please contact

Grace Tearle (01280 813600)


Padbury Parish Council News

PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS: Tuesdays at 7.30pm, Springfields Pavilion 12th February, 12th March, 9th April 2019 Your attendance at, and participation in the public session at the beginning of these meetings is most welcome. Full copies of the minutes from meetings can be viewed on the Parish Council website.

CONTACT DETAILS Website: Parish Clerk (Rosie Geddes): 07905 457784 │ [email protected] Mike Long (Chairman): 01280 823931 │ [email protected] Stephen Dickens (Vice-Chair): 01280 815304 Ken Roberts: 01280 813162 │ 07794 127943 │ [email protected] Fred Morris: 01280 816059 │ 07803 623343 Vicky Murray: 01280 822827 │ 07905 317282 │ [email protected] Michael Williamson: [email protected] │ 01280 815351 │ 07973 388229 Peter Burton: 01280 308625 │ [email protected]

Singing For The Brain® 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.15 – 4pm Buckingham Community Centre

Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. Feb 12 & 26 Mar 12 & 26

Coffee Morning Thursday 21st Feb 10.30 – 11.30am (and every third Thursday of the month). Reminiscence Coffee Morning Buckingham Library, Verney Close, Buckingham, MK18 1 JP. Telephone 01296 387855/6 for further information.

Aylesbury & Buckingham, Ardenham Court, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8HT │ Tel: 01296 331722 │[email protected]

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We are now well into 2019 and the com-mittee would like to wish all of you a very happy, healthy New Year. Thank you for your support for local events at the hall. Theatre in the Village in early December was so popular that an additional matinee per-formance was arranged and was a sell out. The Defibrillator Awareness Event was very well attended and it was good to see so many people interested in how to use this potentially lifesaving equipment. We are now busy planning the events that will take place during 2019, so see below and keep an eye on future editions of the Pump and the Village News in The Advertiser for details of these. Building work at the Hall. We need to alert all Village Hall users that the building work to improve and extend the toilet facilities will begin during the half-term break in February (18th to 22nd). This will effectively mean no activ-ities in the hall during the day but we are hoping evening activities can go ahead as normal. It is anticipated that the bulk of the work will take place during the Easter break (8th to 22nd April) when the hall is comparatively quiet and we hope it will cause minimal disruption. It may mean more dust and general upheaval and we ask that while the work is taking place users are tolerant of the dis-ruption. It will be worth your patience, as when the work is complete will have modern toilets and, importantly, more of them – fewer queues ladies!! This is just the beginning of what promises to be a busy year of painting, decorating and upgrading. The hall is looking a bit tired and needs some TLC so there may be some disruption but, naturally, this will be kept to a mini-mum.

NEXT EVENT: On 23rd March we will be holding this year’s Grand Draw for the 100+ Club at a Cheese and Wine night with local entertainer Paul French singing some of your favourite songs from yesteryear. Maybe you will be the lucky winner of the £250 first prize or one of the other three cash prizes. The 100+ is a very important source of funding for the hall, it helps us to main-tain and improve the hall and ensure it is a pleasant venue for village events. This

Village Hall News

January’s 100+ winners: 151 Rita Plumridge £100 72 Mark Bloxham £50


Valentines Jokes

Are you a beaver ‘cause….. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!

Are you French ‘cause…. Eiffel for you!

If you were a triangle you would be acute one!

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you!

You must be Jamaican ‘cause…… Jamaican me crazy!

Bethan Makes…..A Love-Heart Photo Frame

What do I need?

6 large craft foam hearts or cut outs

6 small craft foam hearts or cut outs

a photo of your choice, card, glue, ribbons or magnet (optional)

Method: Arrange the large hearts in a circle so that the inside edges touch

and the points are turned outwards. Glue a small heart to each join.

Cut the photo so that it will fit and glue it to the back of the heat frame.

Cover the back of the photo with a piece of card (to protect it)

You could hang the picture up by gluing a ribbon loop to the back OR dis-

play it on the fridge by sticking a magnet on the back.

A lurverly maze for you to try!!!

Page 7: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Hi Guys, it’s Freya, Bethan, and Lily! Thanks for all the support for the Christmas

edition. Here at the Kidz Korner we have some Valen-

tines tips, crafts, and jokes we all love and even a com-petition with a great prize!

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you all so much for all the entries for the logo competition. We thought they were all great but we decided that the winner of the logo competition is Clemmie Orledge! Congratulations Clemmie!

Top 10 tips for keeping your family happy on Valentines Day: 1. Get your parents in a good mood with a breakfast in bed with a cup of their favourite morning drink. 2. MAKE THEM A CARD 3. Keep them laughing with our hilarious jokes 4. Go for a family walk in the millennium woods 5. Pick some totally wild flowers! (not from your neighbour’s garden!) 6. Find a family film to watch together: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Princess Bride, Enchanted, High School Musical, Gnomeo and Juliet or The Parent Trap (don’t get any ideas) 7. Do all your homework (and we mean all of it!) 8. Tidy your room 9. Bake some delicious tarts with BBC Good Food’s simple recipe: Don’t eat them all at once! 10. And don’t forget your pets! Help out by feeding them and keep them happy too!

Competition Time!!! Family Valentine Photo!

This issue comes with a challenge with a chocolatey prize! We want

you to send in your best fun family Valentine selfie! We are looking

for photos full of fun and that fam-ily love. The best one gets the

prize! Please send your entries to [email protected] by the 1st of March. We will contact the winner by the end of March!

Best of luck!


promises to be a relaxed social evening of song and chat that I’m sure will be most enjoyable, so put the date in your diary. Tickets will be on sale shortly. Coffee Mornings: There is a coffee morning on the first Friday of every month. It is a chance to catch up with village news and discuss local issues with friends and neighbours, so do come along between 10.30am and 12 noon. You will be very welcome. We are planning a Jazz Evening with music provided by a well known Scottish jazz duo on 20th April, which is Easter Saturday. Further details in the next Pump.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about future events or the hall in general please contact Diane Long — tel: 01280 823931 or email: [email protected]

The village coffee morning on 1st March falls in Fairtrade Fortnight and Tina Mitchell will be bringing along her Traidcraft

stall. Items on the stall include Fairtrade tea, coffee, chocolate and other food produce as well as craft items, which would make lovely gifts. It is Traidcraft’s 40th birthday this year and Tina’s 30th anniversary of be-ing a Traidcraft rep. Buying Fairtrade means that producers who grow the things we love to eat and drink get a fair price for their crops, paid for at an agreed price in advance. Many farmers work on smallholdings and come together in cooperatives. They vote on how to use the small Fairtrade pre-mium, which can be used to improve their communities, or the farmers’ businesses and quality. Many Fairtrade producers have seen schools and clinics built, roads, housing and sanitation improved as well as projects to protect the environment. With the improvement in business practice and facilities, employment can grow, reducing migration to towns in search of work. Lent is coming up soon: why not try switching to Fairtrade for an every-day product. The small difference in price will not dent your pocket much but will make an enormous difference by helping people work their way out of poverty.

BOOKING THE HALL: If you wish to make enquiries about booking the hall then contact Shirley Hemes on [email protected] or if you don’t have email then ring her on 01280 812617

Page 8: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Tel: Padbury 814477 a traditional East Sussex seaside

town with its own micro climate

making it an ideal holiday destination

in an area steeped in history.

Well equipped holiday flat available

less than 100 yards from the seafront

• Sleeps 4/5

• Walk in shower

• Fully wheelchair accessible

• Free & unlimited WiFi

• Any number of nights’ stay

For further details contact:

Mrs Bradley:

[email protected]


01280 812965

F o r E s t i m a t e s T e l e p h o n e M A R K o n : P A D B U R Y 0 1 2 8 0 8 1 2 7 6 2 o r

0 7 8 8 5 8 2 2 5 5 2 ( M o b i l e )

M B l o x h a m

G a r d e n S e r v i c e s

P l u s F u l l L a n d s c a p e

S e r v i c e A v a i l a b l e

S l a b b i n g

B l o c k P a v i n g

W a t e r F e a t u r e s

P o n d s

P e r g o l a s

F e n c i n g

a n d

F u l l G a r d e n M a i n t e n a n c e


News has emerged that the future of Thrift Farm, the Whaddon-based cen-tre for adults with learning disabilities, is in doubt. Many in Padbury have enjoyed the centre, whether heading there for a day out with the children, eating in the café, or di-rectly benefiting from the services and support it has been offering adults with learning difficulties for more than forty years. A petition has been launched:

Photographs and news about Padbury can also be found on the Padbury Facebook page. Just search Facebook for ‘Padbury Village’.

Through your wonderful generosity we were able to send Christmas pre-sents for 53 children as well as 30 gifts for the children to give to their moth-ers. We have since had this letter from MK ACT Women’s Refuge:

Dear All

We just wanted to say the biggest thank you to all at Padbury and Buck-

ingham Inner Wheel for your kindness and generosity this Christmas. It

really was amazing. Your gifts made such a difference to the families in

the refuge.

Our best wishes to you all.

As you can see, whatever we send always means so much and so, once again, we will be sending presents for the children to give to their Mother’s on Mothering Sunday and also Eggs for each child who is living in the refuge at Easter. If you are able to donate to this in anyway please either leave the items in the collection box just inside the church or contact us: Brenda Nunn – 01280 824556 or Grace Tearle – 01280 813600

A Thank You from the Women’s Refuge

Thrift Farm under threat of closure

Padbury on Facebook

Page 9: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Luxury Shepherd Hut accommodation

available all year.

Contact Philip Webb

Phone: 07843 727868/ 01296 712413

Email: [email protected]


A.P Electrical Installations

For all your electrical needs including: -

Fuse board upgrades

Kitchen/bathroom electrics

Rewires (full or part)

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Security lighting & more

Call Tony Picketts

07751 717080 OR 01280 473278


Hello and a Very Happy New Year from all at WI. Well, everyone enjoyed a really lovely fun and friendly WI Christmas Party in December. In January our meeting was about the resolu-tions. Seeing six ladies very passionate about the resolution that they were talking about and all vot-ed and one resolution was sent through to County. In February we will be having Nick Andrews come and talk to us about Drama and Music for Life. So even if you are not a WI member you are most welcome to come along Thursday 14th February, 7.30pm at the Village Hall. In March we have Tom Way talking to us about Wildlife Photography. This is an open evening and anyone in the village that interested can come along. This is on Thursday 14th March at the village hall at 7.30 pm. In April we have Colin Oakes, talking about Pepys, Plague and Fire. All visitors are welcome to come to any meeting which is always on the second Thursday of the Month at the village hall starting at 7.30 pm.

Sue Paxton, President

New dates for bingo in Padbury Village Hall at 8pm

February 8th February 22nd March 8th March 22nd April 5th April 26th

Many thanks to all that helped me have another very successful Christmas Bingo. It was a great evening and yet again a big raffle with 70+ prizes. It would be so nice to see some new faces join us especially anyone from the village as besides myself plus my three helpers all our other supporters come from Buckingham, Winslow, Thornborough, Claydon and as far as Bicester. We are a very friendly lot and everyone is made welcome. Carol Bloxham

Padbury WI

For further details of any of the above please contact Sue Paxton at [email protected] 01280815289 or

Sue at [email protected] 01296711626

Padbury Bingo

Page 10: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


In response to residents’ feedback on the last issue’s recycling tips and their desire to start a conversation about how we can all up our game environ-mentally, the Pump invites contributions to a ‘green forum’: what are you doing to recycle more? If you are attempting a plastic-free life, what are the challenges and how are you overcoming them? What could we be doing to look after the natural habitats on our doorstep? Should we, as a community, be thinking big? Could conversation lead to collection action? Together, can we make Padbury the ‘Best Kept GREEN Village’?

Ox Lane—by Sarah Morris Many of you know this road as a way out of Padbury if you are heading to Bucking-ham. Or maybe you just use the road to go towards Gaw-cott and other villages in that direction. Some will know of it as the '3 mile', a loop to take if you are doing some serious exercise or just want a circular walk. Lots of people in the village head out that way on foot if they want to walk their dogs in beautiful, peaceful countryside, perhaps heading to Kingsbridge along the river or maybe up the bridle paths to Hillesden. You probably won't notice the problem if you drive but you certainly will if you walk. The area before the bridge, often used as a parking place for walkers and fishermen is filling up with beer cans and other rubbish. The hedges, ditches and verges of this peaceful country road are strewn with rubbish of all descriptions but in the main it is beer cans. Many of these are of the same make, so it would seem that it isn't just people hurling the odd can out of the window as they drive along. It is clear-ly the same people drinking a lot of beer. These are people who couldn't care less about what our countryside looks like. And they just keep on doing it! The question has to be asked, why are these people using Ox Lane to dump their cans. It’s bad along other rural roads in this area but not this bad. Is the lane being used for dodgy activity at night? Why is the rubbish

A Greener Padbury?

What is Padbury PFA doing? “The PFA runs several ’re-use or recycle’ schemes. Each term

we arrange a clothing collection, where clothes are either passed onto charity or recy-

cled for textiles. We collect second-hand shoes for Padbury-based KidsKickz who smart-

en them up and sell them on Facebook (especially good for football/rugby boots). We also run a printer cartridge recycling scheme

and are hoping to become a pen recycling collection point.” Let us know what green

measures your organisation is taking.


Padbury Youth Club

I have to start by saying a huge thank you to Deb-bie for all her hard work with the Youth Club over the years. As she said in the last edition she will still be running things behind the scenes and I know she will be popping up to see the kids from time to time. Pete and I are now manning the Fri-day evenings along with the wonderful teenage helpers. Well, two weeks in and so far so good! The first week back after Christmas saw the members painting each other’s faces – some more successfully than others! Last week was bacon butty night which was very well received and thank you to Debbie for cooking up all the bacon for us! Coming up we will be spray painting our own canvases and enjoying chicken and chips. There is always plenty to do with the regu-

lar indoor activities of table football, air hockey, the hoop shooter and colouring available every week, so hopefully something for everyone! Emma Tebbutt


Feb 1st Normal club night

Feb 8th Chicken and chips

Feb 15th Valentine choco-late dare night—who will win the

most chocs??

Feb 22nd HALF TERM

Mar 1st Chocolate fondue

Mar 8th Blindfolded basket-ball competition

Mar 15th Pin the glasses on

Mar 22 Jumbo Buzzer

Mar 29th Mothers’ Day gift/card making

Apr 5th Easter Egg Hunt

Apr 12/19th

Easter holidays

Please see the rota up to April 2019. We are always looking for new members

aged 8+ so if your child would like to join us then come for a free trial, we would

love to see you.

Club now runs from 7-8.30pm every Fri-day night except school holidays and is

held at Springfields sports pavilion.

Please note other activities are always available if members want to do some-

thing other than what is on the pro-gramme.

For more information on the club or to offer to help please contact Debbie Gibbs at email: [email protected] or

call 01280 815044 /07967 657077

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Padbury Village Football Club

PVFC Sunday team played a hard fought County Cup Quarter final in January versus opposition from Wycombe and were unfortunate to lose on penal-ties after a tight 1 – 1 draw. PVFC Saturday hosted a fundraising game in January for long serving player coach, Paul Cooper, who suffered a broken leg in the side’s fixture versus Westbury, which was abandoned with the team leading Westbury 2 – 1. PVFC youth section resumes fixtures in February and continues to train on Thursday evenings. More players for all teams and volunteers to help run the Club are sought. PVFC scheduled home fixtures for February & March 2019: 2/2 – Cougars u7s, Raptors u9s & Rovers u13

(all 9.30 kick-offs)*; 2/2 – PVFC Saturday, (2pm kick-off); 10/2 – PVFC Sunday, (10.30 kick-off); 16/2 – Cougars u7s, Raptors u9s & Rovers u13

(all 9.30 kick-offs)*; 9/3 – Cougars u7s, Raptors u9s & Rovers u13

(all 9.30 kick-offs)*; 16/3 – Cougars u7s, (9.30 kick-off)*; and 23/3 – Raptors u9s, (9.30 kick-off)*. *Kick-off times estimated For further details of the Adult or Youth teams, please contact the Chair-man, Peter, [email protected], 07740930913 or Mike, [email protected]; PVFC Junior Football Director.


A Greener Padbury?

building up in certain areas, for example gateways to fields? The people who are littering are probably in cars which of course leads to another question: why are they drinking in their cars? The area by the bridge was cleared last Spring by some people in the vil-lage around the time of the village litter pick. About 10 big bags of rubbish were cleared from one small area. If the whole road had been cleared it would have been many more. It's hard to know what the answer to this problem is. There is a theory that if an area looks well kept and maintained people will keep it that way. If it is allowed to deteriorate it will quickly get worse and worse. It was hoped that having cleared it once the problem might not come back. Wishful thinking - because it certainly has. And if any-thing, it's even worse! It would be interesting to hear people's thought on this. There probably isn't enough money for regular litter picking by AVDC and it's outside the parish boundary so it almost certainly isn't the parish council's responsibil-ity. Should community minded villagers be doing a more regular litter pick and just accept that it's going to happen? Or perhaps CCTV cameras would help? It would be lovely to think that litter bins would be the answer but again this seems a bit hopeful. If you can think of an answer to this please do email the Padbury Parish Pump.

Love coffee but worry about the waste? TerraCycle has partnered with Tassimo and L'OR to create a

free recycling programme for Tassi-mo T DISCs, outer packaging, L'OR

capsules, Kenco Eco Refill packs and coffee jar lids. They have already

been able to recycle more than 25 million pieces of Tassimo waste and L'OR capsules and raise more than £308,000 for schools, charities and Non-Profits in the UK. There is now a collection box outside the Willen

Hospice shop in Meadow Walk, Buckingham.

Disposable lenses are so convenient – but create yet more waste! The good news is that Boots the Opti-cians in Buckingham will now col-

lect and recycle used contact lenses, and the pods and film lids they come in. They cannot accept solution


Thanks to Lucy Read for sharing this information. Email your eco tips to

[email protected]

Page 12: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


Are you looking for a new interest in 2019? Something that will encourage you to be more active, to learn something new, to meet new people, or to volunteer your skills and experience to make a difference to the communi-ty? There are plenty of opportunities on your doorstep: Padbury boasts a football club (see p.22), tennis and table tennis (right). Yoga and Pilates are also on offer in the village, and Jazzercise in Winslow (see our advertisers on p.18). If you’ve ever fancied trying out bell ringing, the bell ringers practise in the church every Friday 7-8.30pm. In the village hall, we have monthly coffee mornings, the WI meets (p.9), as does the Friendly Afternoon (p.13) and there are two bingo sessions each month (p.9). If you are caring for a baby or toddler on a Monday afternoon during term-time, pop along to the pre-school for Busy Fingers, a friendly ‘stay and play’ group (p.16). If you are looking for a new challenge, or to reactivate skills you feel are starting to rust, how about joining a committee? The village hall, for exam-ple, is a brilliant venue from which many of us benefit, but it relies on a team of volunteers to keep it running and in such good nick (contact: [email protected]). Or the pre-school: again, an asset to the community offering fantastic childcare—and supported by a friendly committee of vol-unteers who would gladly welcome new members (contact: [email protected]). If you are involved in a club or organisation not listed in the Pump, please do get in touch and tell us about it.

The Padbury painting sessions on Tuesday mornings have started again and the New Year finds us all enthusiastic with ideas for painting projects. A huge range of subjects are covered and we use a variety of painting materi-als from oils, watercolour, pastels and acrylic. Coffee break allows us to chat and see everyone’s efforts and ask for help if needed! The WADAS art society monthly meetings in Winslow continue with demonstrations such as Alan Chown with Line & Wash on 28th February and Mark Fennell Pet Portraits in acrylic on 28th March. Please contact Alicia for more information about the Tuesday painting sessions: 01280 813733

New Year, New Plans?

Tuesday Morning Painting


Church Roof Update: Excellent news for the end of 2018 and the New Year: repairs to the roof of St. Mary’s Church Padbury were completed shortly before Christmas. Because of the tendency for lead sheeting to go missing (there were two thefts, one in April 2016 and the second in June 2017), the new work has used a material called Terne Plate, in this case stainless steel coated with a thin layer of lead. Visitors to the church may have noticed an un-naturally bright finish to the roof. This will dull down over the coming months and by later this year, should be almost indistinguishable from gen-uine lead. Lead thefts are still rife in the area, so it seemed only sensible to use a material less attractive to metal thieves. The value of the lead re-moved was only about £4,000 but the cost of the repair work was close to £50,000. The insurance payout was limited to £5,000 so this has left a big gap to cover. The decision was taken to press ahead with the repairs late last year, for reasons linked to the life of the Diocese permission, even though there was inadequate money to cover the cost of repairs. The difference was made up by taking out interest-free loans. Completion of the work has released some grants and other funding, but there is still a funding gap. St. Mary’s PCC needs to raise about £15,000 to pay back the loans. Efforts to raise money and other contributions will be most welcome. Ange Nottage with her Christmas Music Quiz raised almost £250, which is gratefully received. A big “Thank You” to Ange for this wonderful effort, which also provided much fun and puzzlement over the Christmas period. Matt Vincent

News from St Mary’s

St Mary’s Church Roof Quiz

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year's Quiz – and a special thank you to all those who sold quizzes. There were 36 entries returned by the deadline and 19 with all correct answers. We made a total of £330—so after prize money that makes £235 towards the Church Roof.

1st: Sue Vincent * 2nd: Matt Vincent * 3rd (all entered) Jenny Street

I am really appreciative of all the work that goes into these quizzes by my aunt in Thornborough each year and she always kindly donates one to Pad-bury for us to fundraise with. Next year it’s films! I won't be publishing the answers but for those who have asked I will send the answers through (it just means that the quiz can be used again locally for other fundraising events if necessary): [email protected]

Page 13: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


News from St Mary’s

It was lovely to see so many people from the village at the Christmas ser-vices and making them part of their Christmas celebrations. Thank you to everyone involved in helping in any way with the services and making the church warm and welcoming. Roof Update: It’s Done. Thank you to John Wrigley and Matt Vincent for all the work and time they have spent on the project and thank you to everyone for your support, pa-tience and fundraising. The St Mary’s Christmas quiz raised £235 and we have also had a grant of £5000 from the Francis Coles trust towards the final cost—although we do still need your support. Prayer Group: The prayer group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at 9am in St Mary’s.

For more information about any of the activities please contact: Rev Ros Roberts: 01280 813162 │ [email protected]



Sunday 3rd February 4.30pm Celebrating Candlemass

Sunday 3rd March 4.30pm Pancakes – learning about Lent

Sunday 7th April 4.30pm Palm Sunday - here comes Easter

Everyone is welcome, come and join in

Finding A Voice: King's Speech Lent Study

This year the benefice Lent study is Based on ‘Finding a Voice’ the Lent study by Hila-

ry Brand. Starting with scenes from the multi Oscar- and BAFTA-winning movie, The King's Speech, ‘Finding a Voice’ ex-

plores the ways in which, like Colin Firth’s Bertie, we can too.

Starting on Thursday 14th March, at St Mary’s Padbury at 7.30pm

Then 21st March, 28th March, 4th April and 11th April

Don’t be put off if you can’t make them all – come to as many as you can.

You can read further details about the course in the Lenborough Lantern


Meeting in the Village Hall from about 2.00—4.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. The February meeting is on the 13th, when we shall have a variety of board or card games, and on March 13th we have a time of 'reminiscences' — a good conversation together about all sorts of things! April 10th we have our Easter bingo meeting, even though Easter will be later. All are welcome. Contact me if you need a lift or any infor-mation. Sylvia Nutt, 812333

Padbury Table Tennis club was formed in 1980 and for several years played at the pavilion at the playing field until circa 1997. Arthur Cox originally initi-ated the formation of the club and we played non competitively from a group of original players with some names which may be familiar being Ar-thur, David Lafford, John Osborn, Paul Stanger, Tony Picketts to name but a few. There are three of the originals still playing!! With the popularity of the club and looking for some competitive ele-ment we played in the now defunct Buckingham League, joining that in 1982 and with the introduction of additional players also played in the Mil-ton Keynes League at the same time from circa 1988 until now, with the Buckingham League disbanding some 20 years ago. As we outgrew the pavilion (literally) we moved to the village hall where we play our home matches every Monday from September through to end of March. We field two sides competing in Division 4 (Padbury Night Owls) and Division 6 (Padbury Otters) of the MKTTL and currently have 10 players playing. We have had success over the years with the highest point we played in Division 2 of the league and two years ago won the challenge cup which was an achievement. Unfortunately, we only play competitively in the league and don’t offer practice nights apart from a couple of Mondays before the league starts in September. With the season two thirds of the way through we will be look-ing towards next season. We have had a couple of long term injuries and a player move away so we could be looking for new players for next season to allow us to continue to field two sides. If you feel you may like to play competitive table tennis from September for next season please get in touch with me on [email protected] for details. We may be able to squeeze in a practice night session at the end of the season in March. John Osborn

Padbury Table Tennis Club

Padbury Friendly Afternoon

Page 14: Parish Pump › 2019 › 02 › padbur… · Reduce plastic pollution by refilling your bottle on the go. Thousands of businesses nation-wide have signed up as willing refill stations—there


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£43 a year

The Pump is published six times

a year and is delivered to every

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For information about advertis-

ing in the Pump please contact

John Wrigley on 01280 814199

or [email protected]


Our Christmas fundraising was a real team effort, with many lending a hand

to achieve some great results. The children really look forward to the pop-

up gift shop where they can buy presents for their parents, siblings and

grandparents which are then wrapped—this means that there are some

genuine surprises on Christmas Day! This is a non-profit making event, but

only made possible thanks to the efforts of our shoppers, Jo, Mel and Ra-

chel; they seek out bargains all year round and there is a fantastic range of

quality gifts to choose from. Kate and Michelle produced four beautiful lux-

ury hampers to be raffled at the various Christmas performances at school

and pre-school, raising a whopping £694; thank you for all the donations.

And, finally, thank you to everyone who left their warm hearth to accompa-

ny the Rotary’s Santa Claus float around the village—and to all you who so

generously supported us, helping us to raise £400.

This year, our fundraising plans include a film night at school (Fri 15 Febru-

ary), an end-of-term cake sale (Fri 5 April), Quiz & Pizza Night (Sat 27 April—

see below), Annual Raffle and a Summer Fete (Sat 6 July). More details to


Padbury School & Preschool PFA

Quiz & Pizza


Saturday 27th April, Padbury Village Hall

Bar opens 7pm, Quiz starts 7.30pm

Choose your team (up to 6 people) or leave it to us!

Register your team with Alaina Cornish: [email protected]

Tickets £10 per person and includes “The Direct Pizza Company” Pizza

Padbury Parents & Friends Association (PFA)

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News from Padbury Pre-School

We had a triumphant end to the Christmas term when pre-school’s ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ entry in the Buckingham Parade won

second prize! The children looked fantastic, and the judges were really impressed with their input. Thank you to everyone involved in making this such an eye-catching and enjoyable day. This term our themes are festivals, different cul-tures and healthy eating, starting with Chinese New Year, the year of the pig. We will be making vegeta-ble spring rolls, changing our home corner into a Chi-nese restaurant and looking at some traditional Chi-nese writing too! We will then be looking at poetry for Burns night, talking about who we love and wear-ing red for Valentines day, making pancakes for

Shrove Tuesday and learning about the Hindu festival of Holi. We also have Sports4All coming in to pre-school helping the chil-dren develop essential physical skills such as co-ordination and core strength. These sessions are funded by the PFA which is a great help. Busy Fingers: our stay and play ses-sion for 0-5s and their parents/carers occurs every term-time Mon-day, 1.30-2.45pm. £2 per family. Come and join us! Registrations: it’s lovely to see pre-school looking so busy but this does mean if you would like your child to attend in the future, sessions must be reserved well in advance. We are now full for the academic year September 2019—July 2020. We are taking regis-trations for September 2020 and beyond. If you would like more infor-mation or to reserve a space please contact Claire McHenry [email protected]

STOP PRESS! Padbury Pre-school is very

excited to announce that we have been selected as one of Waitrose’s charities for February! This means that we will receive

a share of £1000 based on how many green tokens we receive in the in-store

voting boxes. Voting runs from 1st Febru-ary until the end of the month. We would

love to install waterproof sides on the decking area so that we can use the space

in all weather, so the money we receive will be put to great use. If you’re shopping in Waitrose in February please do ask for a

token and support our cause! Many thanks, the Pre-school Committee.

Miss Krissie, the ward-robe, and our 2nd prize!


Christmas now seems like a distant memory and we are all facing the next few months wondering if the elusive snow day situation will occur. As I write

this, we have been lucky to avoid any. Long may that continue… The best news the school received shortly after the Christmas break was that Mrs Falcon, our year 5/6 teacher, gave birth to her baby boy George Matthew Falcon. Mum, Dad and baby are doing well and will be visiting school to see the children and staff as soon as jabs are clear. At the end of term, we also launched our new website for the school with some brilliant pictures of the children as well as up to date information. Please take a moment to look through the site. Our new website address is You may remember that last term the Staff, Governors and Children were involved in writing and agreeing the new vision for the school. Part of our vision is that we all try to be the best we can be. Here are just a few ways children are demonstrating doing just that: - Ottoline in Foundation Stage used courage to canter on a horse for the first time. - Sophia M, Holly, Tamsin and Katrin all achieved ‘distinction’ in their tap exam before Christmas. - Matthew completed half a marathon as part of his on-going participation in weekly Park Runs. - Carson was awarded most improved dancer in his Street Dance sessions. - Joshua B managed to score high enough in the first round of the Primary Maths Challenge that he is now preparing for the second round of the na-tional competition. We believe being the best we can be in a Christian community helps to build successful learners ready to take on whatever comes their way. I hope when you come across children and adults from the school, you feel that sense of community and desire to improve and succeed. If there is anyone in the village with time to spare to come in and help us continue building this community whether it is working with the children, having a tour of the school or just generally wanting to get involved in the life of the school, please do contact the school office on [email protected]. Lucy McFarlane, Headteacher

Aspire, Achieve and Grow Together