Paltalk Room Discussion

Source: PALTALK CHATROOM: Maple1958 the NEW Maples Café Reason: To challenge the heresy. Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted. Alert: Come let us PRAISE the Lord for He alone is WORTHY!! Make a JOYFUL NOISE unto the Lord!! Soldiers40: joe, all believers are called "saints" its not based onhow good we are, as none are good, but GOD only hosanna2him_1: i believe the uncouth angelofwealth: a stranger uncouth _: i do lol Nullgest7: All the Holy to do the Work for there lives... uncouth _: ty hossanna Ephor_25: badboy, I think the problem is many have a preconceived notion of what they think calvinism teaches... and they're blinded to anything else... only God can reveal the truth to them from what we show you from scripture Nullgest7: Allow* hosanna2him_1: yw the shadow100male: uncouth remember no non g rated text to this room ,ty angelofwealth: your description fo God jonny is not Almighty God badboy_612: NO Nullgest7: Satan is a god of Confussion. angelofwealth: God whois holy Marcy_777: jonny chill badboy_612: IF YOU STAY IN CALVANISM THATS YOUR CHOICE Soldiers40: Ephor how arrogant angelofwealth: spirit of religions badboy_612: SATAN IS INFLUENCING YOU RIGHT NOW angelofwealth: no wonder badboy_612: LOL Soldiers40: like you calvinists have the truth and we dont urggg FAiTHFUL777: jonny, easy does it brother Nullgest7: Paused the shadow100male: johnny donot scream Ephor_25: badboy, that's talking about becoming born again... we become a new creation and start living an new life repenting of our sins uncouth _: shadow ok man i will abide by the G ratig Soldiers40: pride big time uncouth _: rating the shadow100male: ty hosanna2him_1: why i should Ephor_25: badboy, you are just mixed up period about what calvinists teach Soldiers40: i see so thro that nonsence Soldiers40: and many years ago


A person going by the name of St Augustine of Hippo decided to chime in and challenge what people were saying. He left them little to nothing to stand on. Sadly, this is what happens when they are a bunch of unlearned people trying to say they are evangelists.Notice that he keeps his cool while the other side gets annoyed?

Transcript of Paltalk Room Discussion

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CHATROOM: Maple1958 the NEW Maples Café

Reason: To challenge the heresy. Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted. Alert: Come let us PRAISE the Lord for He alone is WORTHY!! Make a JOYFUL NOISE unto the Lord!!

Soldiers40: joe, all believers are called "saints" its not based onhow good we are, as none are good, but GOD only hosanna2him_1: i believe the uncouth angelofwealth: a stranger uncouth _: i do lol Nullgest7: All the Holy to do the Work for there lives... uncouth _: ty hossanna Ephor_25: badboy, I think the problem is many have a preconceived notion of what they think calvinism teaches... and they're blinded to anything else... only God can reveal the truth to

them from what we show you from scripture

Nullgest7: Allow* hosanna2him_1: yw the shadow100male: uncouth remember no non g rated text to this room ,ty angelofwealth: your description fo God jonny is not Almighty God badboy_612: NO

Nullgest7: Satan is a god of Confussion. angelofwealth: God whois holy Marcy_777: jonny chill badboy_612: IF YOU STAY IN CALVANISM THATS YOUR CHOICE Soldiers40: Ephor how arrogant angelofwealth: spirit of religions badboy_612: SATAN IS INFLUENCING YOU RIGHT NOW angelofwealth: no wonder badboy_612: LOL Soldiers40: like you calvinists have the truth and we dont urggg FAiTHFUL777: jonny, easy does it brother

Nullgest7: Paused the shadow100male: johnny donot scream Ephor_25: badboy, that's talking about becoming born again... we become a new creation and start living an new life repenting of our sins

uncouth _: shadow ok man i will abide by the G ratig Soldiers40: pride big time uncouth _: rating the shadow100male: ty hosanna2him_1: why i should Ephor_25: badboy, you are just mixed up period about what calvinists teach

Soldiers40: i see so thro that nonsence Soldiers40: and many years ago

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jonnykzj: SEE THT GUYS SEE THR HOW U MANIPULATED ME? jonnykzj: UC THT Ephor_25: Soldiers, I think we have the same truth you have but you can't see it... so you

slander us

Ephor_25: or you really don't have the truth

jonnykzj: U JUST MANIPULATED ME BG TIME Soldiers40: your no different than a catholic ephor saying that jonnykzj: GIMME BACK MY MIC uncouth _: marcy,s in the room no messing when marcys here uncouth _: lol Soldiers40: oh i see it clearly angelofwealth: gbudctrine Soldiers40: many years ago jonnykzj: GIMME BACK THE MIC U MANIPULATORS Marcy_777: sorry jonn it was predestined jonnykzj: OH YRS U R jonnykzj: HAHAHAHA Soldiers40: and studied it all in great depth jonnykzj: LOLLLLLLLLLL Ephor_25: Soldiers, your doctrine is more closer to catholics and you don't see it

jonnykzj: AT LEAST BE HONEST jonnykzj: BE HONEST MAN Nullgest7: I just read that too BB jonnykzj: THTS A TOTALLY DIFF CONTROL Soldiers40: again thata arrogant ephor of you jonnykzj: THTS FORCING AGAINST THEIR WILL FAiTHFUL777: jonny, I think you should realise that , at times your tone is inappropiate , please go easy we enjoy listening to you

jonnykzj: NO Ephor_25: Soldiers, your semi-pelagian doctrine is just like the RCC

the shadow100male: to us calbinism doesnt teach nothing at all . we dont follow it and will never follow. its far from the truth. jonnykzj: ABS WRONG hosanna2him_1: oh johnny your done jonnykzj: ILL XAPLIN Soldiers40: extremely arrogant on you uncouth _: hey badboy i can control you jonnykzj: URE ABSOLUTELY WRONG Soldiers40: of Nullgest7: Spirit of Control... Powered by yhe Flesh -- sinful Nature uncouth _: i hit the mute button lol FAiTHFUL777: 2

Ephor_25: Soldiers it's a fact that goes back to Luther addressing it with Erasmus

the shadow100male: calvinism is not the truth FAiTHFUL777: bad,,,,,,,,were you done?

Nullgest7: 2 dropped out BB

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Ephor_25: not being arrogant... you're just in denial

Nullgest7: 1 FAiTHFUL777: 121212

Nullgest7: 2 badboy_612: IM DONE the shadow100male: so we know it Ephor_25: name calling doesn't make you right

Nullgest7: in and out.. jonnykzj: BAD: U DONT EVEN REALIZE URE CONTROLLING ME Nullgest7: sorry m8 BB angelofwealth: jonny it i snot about calvinisim it is about knowing who God is the one true GOD WHO IS HOLY SO HIS ATTRIBUTE NATURE god is not the devil jonny Soldiers40: difference between you and me, you have labels, yould rather be labelled a calvinist..and me, i stick to scripture without adding wods to it that are not there St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, I can say that semi-pelagianism is not the truth. This room teaches what they teach. badboy_612: IM NOT CONTROLLING YOU the shadow100male: if it hurt to hear the truth its whay you need to think angelofwealth: so if she choses to do so not a thing you can do Ephor_25: Soldiers, I don't give myself the label Calvinist... it wasn't the label in 1611 when

the 5 points of Calvinism were created against the 5 heretical doctrines of Arminius

Nullgest7: BB - may have a strong hold - Falling on deaf ears. St Augustine of Hippo: You didn't hurt me. I think you are hilarious.. angelofwealth: take it to God jonny angelofwealth: let go let God badboy_612: WAYNE I HAVE NO IDEA Soldiers40: i really dont care about your demonic teaching, keep it angelofwealth: pray for her if your her husband on your knees jonnykzj: WHO ALWAYS FULLY SUCCEEDS IN INFLEUCING PPL Ephor_25: Soldiers, you're saying orthodox Biblical doctrine is demonic... that's blasphemous

the shadow100male: “For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.’ But you were not willing.” angelofwealth: is where ahusband takes his wife Shefield: you're getting all high rate over something thats not so bad, wives can also influence their husbands to behave better too

Soldiers40: im saying calnist theory is demonic.. Ephor_25: all you can do is resord to name calling in the end

Soldiers40: calvinist badboy_612: YES Soldiers40: you personally Ephor i wont, your teaching you bet i will jonnykzj: WHO ALWAYS SUCCEDS IN INFLEUCING PPL TO THE PT THT THEYD CONFORM TO HIS WILL? badboy_612: I WILL ANSWER THAT ON THE MIC

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St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, I can use your same premise and say semi-pelagianism is demonic. You are teaching what they taught. Same validity. angelofwealth: what your saying describing jonny is what cults do St Augustine of Hippo: Thus your statement is reduced to absurdity. Nullgest7: He has a bad Keyboard.. lol Noisy. Ephor_25: Soldiers it was based on scripture alone and agreed upon by churches all over

Europe and England... you are in more agreement with Molinism and the RCC teaching of mans free will

Soldiers40: St go for faith is stronger than anything you can throw at me..have at er jonnykzj: YES BUT NOT ALWAYS uncouth _: yes he does badboy hosanna2him_1: YOU ARE ANTI GOD Nullgest7: He can if we give our will over to him -- It is allowed. angelofwealth: God convicts no tus he won;t overdie your wife free will jonnykzj: SATAN IS SUCCEFUL MANY TIME BUT NOT ALWAYS Soldiers40: and thus your statemet is mute the shadow100male: we do not believe in mormonism or calvinism or jw's ,its all of a cult .and cult has changed the holy truth in vain. jonnykzj: N SATAN ISNT GOD uncouth _: not all tthats true jonnykzj: THE DIFF IS GOD IS ALWAYYYYYYYS jonnykzj: SUCCESSFUL jonnykzj: GOD IS ALLLLLLLLWAYS SUCCESFL jonnykzj: YES jonnykzj: ABS St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, can you given historical evidence of Calvinism being a cult? angelofwealth: she make a choice not be believe has you do nto a thing you can do Ephor_25: shadow I'm trying to figure out where you got that about calvinism.. was it from

jonnykzj: HE DOESNT WANT THEM TO jonnykzj: MAN jonnykzj: HE DOESNT WANT THEM TO BEELIVE AT THIS TIME jonnykzj: DONT U GET IT? Nullgest7: GOD will not interferre with our Free will.. Satan will jonnykzj: ITS NOT THT HES NOT SUCCESSFUL jonnykzj: GOS IS ALWYS SUCCESSFUL Starship slick22: ok...back...gee...i sure take breaks....sorry..... jonnykzj: IN WHTEVER HE INTENDS Marcy_777: wb star the shadow100male: how much evidence you need ,there is lot of evidence as its a cult

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Ephor_25: Shadow you keep saying calvinism was a cult but you don't show any orthodox

christian church that has ever said it was a cult

Nullgest7: Malkah Peace and Loves to you in Jesus Name.. uncouth _: hes going after guys like you badboy Marcy_777: hugsss you feeling? Starship slick22: ty sweetie uncouth _: i know that jonnykzj: SURE BUT HE WONT SUCCEED THERE Soldiers40: shadow, carefulnow ephor will follow you all around the net lol St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, using the Historical Method, prove it. Nullgest7: EPH 6 Nullgest7: amen Ephor_25: shadow, you aren't showing any proof from anything but a man's link on the

internet Malkah: (((((((Null)))))))) shalom dearheat

Malkah: dearheart

jonnykzj: WHOS SAYING THT HE WONT TRY Nullgest7: Hugs sister in the Lord. jonnykzj: THE PT IS SATAN FAILS MANY TIMES Starship slick22: Marcy...hows the weather there???...ok?? jonnykzj: GOD DOESNT Ephor_25: Soldiers, I like to see where people are getting their information from... including


Soldiers40: but what he misses is, the truth Malkah: hugggggssssssssss Marcy

Marcy_777: its good star but a bit chilly Malkah: DOn DOn

jonnykzj: THE ANSWER IS GOD uncouth _: the devils not going to go after someone hes allready got Soldiers40: malkah malkah jonnykzj: NOT ALL PPL THT HE WANTED TO Malkah: Marcy the fever is not letting me sleep

Nullgest7: Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD.. † jonnykzj: YES MANY TIMES Marcy_777: bless your heart malkah im sorry jonnykzj: BUT HAS FAIED TOO the shadow100male: st its proved a long time ago as its a cult but the problem is just the same as with mormons and jw's they disagree as its a cult. Starship slick22: was 56 at 2pm here and at 4pm it was it's

25.... Marcy_777: i know its like 30 now Ephor_25: shadow if you are going to use the internet for your information it can be used

against you

Malkah: Marcy its a comfort to see you here

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Starship slick22: wow...30???? Marcy_777: aww ty malkah Ephor_25: shadow who proved calvinism was a cult?

the shadow100male: so that 's the fact badboy_612: THEY ARE BOTH SUCCESSFULL JONNY Ephor_25: name the church... what creed or council or doctrinal statement of any church says

calvinism is a cult?

St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, making a claim without primary documentation and numerous sources thereof makes your claim invalid. jonnykzj: BADBOY: GOD IS ALWAYYYYYYYYYYS SUCCESSFUL N GETTING WHT HE WANTS Ephor_25: shadow, show the facts... don't just say something is a fact

Starship slick22: those dang canadian chills are a pain.... Nullgest7: long torn out topic lol Falconflier: MAN FAILS....GOD NEVER FAILS...!! the shadow100male: it doesnt matter what you disagree ,it doesnt change that truth. Soldiers40: we know by scripture GOD does not determine sin St Augustine of Hippo: Thus, your assertion so far has just been a paltalkian's idea of discussion. Ephor_25: shadow, you arne't showing the truth... it's like you're afraid of the truth

hosanna2him_1: DON DID YOU SEND COLD WEATHER Ephor_25: shadow you're afraid calvinism is true aren't you?

Marcy_777: hippo whats your other nic? St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, you can repeat the same thing again and again. It doesn't make your statement valid. Malkah: ((((((((((Hosanna)))))))

angelofwealth: no elect in regards to salvation jonny Soldiers40: not fromthe west coast hosanna Ephor_25: my neck just got sore... gnite and Gb

angelofwealth: no athiest elect jonny Starship slick22: Hippo...i am validity Malkah: (((((Ephor))))))))

angelofwealth: false St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, you doing what Hitler did: Ad Nauseum. Soldiers40: one down angelofwealth: no athiest elects FAiTHFUL777: marcy.....hippo is hippo, always had this nic

angelofwealth: no such thing jonny Nullgest7: Im little lost on this convo.. Marcy_777: nah hosanna2him_1: hi malkah sorry you dont feel well Lisa-3: satan had foul purposes in the holocaust. God used it for good

Marcy_777: hes got another one Lisa-3: The nation of Isreal was born in 1948

angelofwealth: sinners come to christ

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Lisa-3: directly a result of the holocaust

angelofwealth: nothing to do with athiest the shadow100male: ephor i say i do not believe in a calvinism ot in mormons or jw's -that's the truth . so now you know it . Lisa-3: but God did not create the holocaust Lisa-3: satan did

FAiTHFUL777: marcy, what do you mean nah , well im sure you do too, its paltalk and nics are for free , what nic you got? lol

Malkah: thank you all

Nullgest7: there both unbelievers. Soldiers40: Calvinists like Gnostics believed "the Elect" where those elite who comprehended the secret knowledge of God. Like the Gnostics, Calvinists also believe that the Elect are the only people who will accept and can comprehend Calvinism because only they are capable of understanding and accepting this knowledge. angelofwealth: god came for sinners jonny Falconflier: Everyone goes on about the Holocaust..but omitt the 60 million plus Chruistians Murdered by Stalin in ww2 !!!! St Augustine of Hippo: Okay Shadow100, so you have NO historical evidence of it being cult? angelofwealth: not ahtiest not muslims Marcy_777: faith do you know my nic? angelofwealth: he cam efor lost souls Marcy_777: faith and r u his wife? badboy_612: WHAT IS HE COMING FOR? Soldiers40: which is complete arrogance Nullgest7: Yes All Sinners.. Unsaved People. Lisa-3: Satan was obvioiusly trying to subvert the fullfillment of prophecy

Lisa-3: as he has done in the past

angelofwealth: man fails God jonny Lisa-3: but he only succeeded in fullfilling it

badboy_612: YOU ARE NOT GONNA GET ME TO GLORIFY THE DEVIL JONNY angelofwealth: man who fails Lisa-3: by the creation of the state of Isreal

Lisa-3: a nation born in a day

uncouth _: no chance badboy FAiTHFUL777: marcy, i dont think i know your other nic, and i dont want to either, i was

making a point with you ... i dont have to be his wife to respond to you, its public room , have you noticed all are responding to each others text'sß

FAiTHFUL777: ?

angelofwealth: jonny yoruplaying mind games Soldiers40: 5 points of calvinism is not Christianity 101 never has been never will be Marcy_777: i didnt say other i said this nic angelofwealth: your playing with word calle brain washed

Nullgest7: 5 mins up - yes

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Lisa-3: right Starship

Marcy_777: faith why would you respond/ Marcy_777: when i wasnt talking to you angelofwealth: go play your mind games in yoruplay ground FAiTHFUL777: marcy, this nic is well known to many of us who are around pt long enough, thats what i was trying to tell yuo

uncouth _: johnny i think your a nut angelofwealth: you rplaying min dgames with words Marcy_777: faith nobody has been here longer than me angelofwealth: yoru twisting Marcy_777: so try again angelofwealth: left right badboy_612: JOHNNY YOU STILL HAVE A PART TO PLAY HERE uncouth _: ok sorry no personal attacks Nullgest7: Next Topic lol FAiTHFUL777: marcy, like i said, have you noticed its a public room and all are

talking and responding to each other text without permission to respond ? lol

angelofwealth: jonny do you have strings ? Marcy_777: faith if there is a topic sure but i was talking to hippo not the whole room or about a topic FAiTHFUL777: marcy, then you donno him, doesnt mean his nic is new , to you maybe , so i

said, he is not new .. now make a big deal out of me telling you , he is not new

Malkah: my 16lb cat is sitting on my mouse pad

Marcy_777: so why would you answer? FAiTHFUL777: shesh

Marcy_777: and why has hippo stopped typing? FAiTHFUL777: i give up on you

FAiTHFUL777: listening in

Marcy_777: faith please do Marcy_777: i wasnt talking to yoiu to begoin with Marcy_777: duh jonnykzj: failure was not an option angelofwealth: JONNY TH ETHING IS YOU CAM EOUT ONE RELIGIONS DOCTRINE MANMADE JUMP WITH IT TO ANOTHER Soldiers40: Calvinism is a cult because those who adhere to its doctrines idolize Calvinism.

Nullgest7: If anyonbe calls upon the name of the Lord -- They Shall be Saved.

uncouth _: im with null the shadow100male:

jonnykzj: Romans 9:19 Nullgest7: Mic BB ??? Falconflier: Angel...which Man Made Doctrine do you follow..??? lol polar-david: time? angelofwealth: changing religions jonny doe snot make you born again Lisa-3: We define a "Cult" as a group of people polarized about the religious interpretations or

teachings of a specific individual or organization

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Nullgest7: Im Trying to listen to the holy SPirit -- Not to the Sspirit of error on the mic Soldiers40: The only message they will allow themselves to see is the message of Calvinism. All Biblical passages are first run through the Calvinist mill. uncouth _: starship i think you know Falconflier: Oh, you´re a "Burn Again" "Christian" angel...ok lol Marcy_777: ppl on here are so dang silly angelofwealth: falcon go play in jonny play ground Nullgest7: Oh Never.. the shadow100male: look at this web there is proof enough > St Augustine of Hippo: Lisa, so your definition when used toward the Romanstrants, which is your belief's ancestry, you call yourself part of a cult? Nullgest7: yes amen uncouth _: no worries man Soldiers40: they hunt down passages which seem to suit them best and either ignore or rework all other passages which do not uplift Calvinism St Augustine of Hippo: Shadow100, try real evidence. AKA PRIMARY SOURCES.

Nullgest7: Vistors -- Brbs AFK

Falconflier: Hit a Nerve..angel ? jonnykzj: yes they change as a result of GOD having transformed us angelofwealth: yes yours polar-david: Psa 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Falconflier: NOT !!! jeeepss: CONTROL ME! jonnykzj: BAD: its still control thts wht ure missing. Perhaps u dotn understand the term "control" then jeeepss: who blew? angelofwealth: i don;t fall to brain washing o fmen falcon safe your breath jonnykzj: BAD: Infleuce is also control Soldiers40: I agree shadow Calvinism is a very dangerous cult and falls into the same categories of cultism as the Watchtower and Mormons. jonnykzj: BAD: infleuce too jeeepss: influence is NOT control gag! jonnykzj: BAD: WRONG jonnykzj: BAD: thts wht u do uncouth _: if badboys controlling you dead easy to click out of the room jonnykzj: BAD: we say GOD transforms us NOT WE HIM Falconflier: You may believe that you don´t angel..but the chains are already

round your neck !!!! Marcy_777: this is why he doesnt have a girl... jeeepss: a girl? jeeepss: what gives?

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angelofwealth: yours falcon long been taken at sea polar-david: jonny > raising your voice and shouting is a form of control, a form of bullying actually jeeepss: who wants a girl? Soldiers40: who Marcy Soldiers40: i do Marcy_777: jonny Soldiers40: lol badboy_612: Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40 what historical evidence do you have to prove your assertion?

Falconflier: On the Contrary ..angel.. jeeepss: i have an assertion Soldiers40: 30 yrs of studying for bout you St? hosanna2him_1: jeeeps you came in to a hornet nest jeeepss: sucking? jonnykzj: BAD: ure again mixng up GOD'S revealed will with His declarative will St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, that such a claim doesn't make your assertion valid. the shadow100male: that web was a joke 100 percent Alert: (PS) Your text messages are currently disabled in this room.

jeeepss: oh no do i know this guy? jonnykzj: BAD: n He does the shadow100male: aka ???? jonnykzj: BAD: dont u agree He does? jonnykzj: BAD: k then badboy_612: Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. jonnykzj: BAD: so there we go jeeepss: i dated a girl named Sandy once jonnykzj: BAD: thts talking abt the revealed will n ppl go against it all the time jonnykzj: BAD: i agree jonnykzj: BAD: i agree jonnykzj: i agree with tht uncouth _: all you have to do is look at what jesus taught angelofwealth: jonny God's creation hisnature has no will uncouth _: true jeeepss: CONTROL ME BADBOY! Marcy_777: hippo try to quit talking down to everyone angelofwealth: it does God;s will has he so wills Falconflier: So many "Christians".. who LIMIT Gods Power and Authority to a Bible thats Incomplete, Mis Translated and Man...ipulated.. !!! My Heavenly does what He wants..not what I tell Him... !!!

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jeeepss: Black Friday? uncouth _: theyre not jeeepss: Rebecca Black? jeeepss: Its Friday? the shadow100male: hi dear marcy be blessed and its a green friday badboy_612: Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. jonnykzj: BAD: did GOD not use the Assyrians to punish Israel? St Augustine of Hippo: Marcy_777, asking for evidence for a bold assertion is "talking down" to someone? What happened to actually bringing evidence? Marcy_777: blessings shadow..i see that jonnykzj: BAD: so tht right there is not correct victory in 1: He takes what was ment for bad and makes it good. People were saved even

during those times

Marcy_777: hippo stop playing dumb jonnykzj: BAD: uc again ure mixng up GODs rev will Marcy_777: you heard me jeeepss: you defeated hippo? jonnykzj: with His dec one Marcy_777: or saw my type rather Soldiers40: thats why Falcon has to rely on the book of mormon as he says the

bible is incomplete----PUKE - -VOMIT St Augustine of Hippo: That isn't playing dumb. The burden of proof is on the person that makes the assertion. jeeepss: in arm wrestling? angelofwealth: don;t entertain demons badboy_612: Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. the shadow100male: to digg on grave is of foolishness angelofwealth: JESU SDIDN;T jeeepss: this guy sounds like Kato from Green Hornet St Augustine of Hippo: Is this what Maples Cafe is about? It is about dishonesty? It is about assertions without data? jonnykzj: DID HERD COMPLY WITT HE WILL OF THE AFTHER BY CRUCIFYING CHRIST? badboy_612: DID HAROD AND PONTIOUS PILAT HAVE FREEWILL? badboy_612: HERROD Marcy_777: jonny plz dont type angelofwealth: THEY PLAY IN CIRCLES MIND GAMES PLAYING WITH WORDS THAT SI NOT GOD SPIRIT angelofwealth: KNWO WHO YOUR DEALING ENTERTAINING Marcy_777: i feel the need to correct every word Soldiers40: St you dont accept the truth anyways without calvinist glasssses why doesit matter?

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jeeepss: badboy we still dealing with mr parodox? jeeepss: calvinist glasses? angelofwealth: you forget Jesus is God badboy_612: NO, HIS OFFSPRING St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, I can say you don't accept truth without arminian glasses on. So why does it matter? jeeepss: i got bifocals Soldiers40: conditioned under the 5 points of TULIP St Augustine of Hippo: Say dumb assertion.

Falconflier: Have you even read it soldier..?? Most likely NOT PUKE.. -

VOMIT.. ..

the shadow100male: all cult 's will make us to look aws > <it means it taste so bad as we will spit it out angelofwealth: not a stranger anothe rgod who came to die on the cross jonny jeeepss: i got Medicaid glasses Soldiers40: St, I do believe the bible uncouth _: yep angel jesus is God angelofwealth: though you try to make i tso angelofwealth: JESUS IS gOD NOT ANOTHER gOD JONNY Soldiers40: and i dont classify myself as an arminian as you say i am jeeepss: what does squat mean? Soldiers40: but you love the label..calvinist St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, your beliefs are equivalent to them. hosanna2him_1: jeeeps lol St Augustine of Hippo: So that is what you are. Falconflier: Angel... you have no idea what you´re talking about...Jesus is !!!! Chrissy01: The prtesstant reformer John Calvin (1509 - 1564) developed the contrasting notion that the Lord, beore time began. angelofwealth: HE CAME TO DO HIS WILL TO RECONCILLE MANKIND TO HIMSELF JONNY H EHIMSELF GOD TOOK FORM PUT ON FLESH Marcy_777: jeeps squat bend stoop roll Chrissy01: Protestant*** Chrissy01: before*** Soldiers40: ny beliefs are equivalent to the bible St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, you can say that all you want. Falconflier: ROFL...Angell jeeepss: The Holy Spirit is God angelofwealth: ONE TRUE GOD JONNY HE IS SPIRIT AN DHOLY Soldiers40: St, and yours doesnt change that. angelofwealth: NOT TEN GODS Street-Called-Straight: whats the topic angelofwealth: FALSE

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Henry_Winter_1: yes

St Augustine of Hippo: Paltalk is just another place where you are free to pretend what you want to be. angelofwealth: YOU MAKE HIM DISNCTINC YOUR FALSE DOCTRINE MANMADE St Augustine of Hippo: So your assertion doesn't have any weight. angelofwealth: GOD IS ONE Falconflier: So,Jesus was God (The Father) in the Flesh that what you are saying ??? Marcy_777: hippo nthats what you do? Soldiers40: St I guess your a bot then, a pretender angelofwealth: NOT DIVIDED NOT SPEPRATE badboy_612: JONNY I KNOW WHY YOU CALL YOURSELF A REFORMER AND NOT A CALVANIST Street-Called-Straight: has anyone given calvinism yet? uncouth _: jeeeps will change the topic to some sort of recipe of a soup tin lol angelofwealth: GOD IS SPIRIT JONNY Marcy_777: hi street the shadow100male: its so simple as this. as mormons and calvinist and jw's all says the same our truth iss correct .even its not the truth at all. Soldiers40: and also a jerk that loves to condescend jeeepss: Father, son, and Spirit Street-Called-Straight: has anyone given up calvinism yeT? angelofwealth: THE WORD IS GOD WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT jeeepss: hey street angelofwealth: GOD IS SPIRIT JONNY Marcy_777: street i did years ago St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, you made claims such as "30 years of research" without providing any serious source citation. badboy_612: NO STREET, BEEN DEALING WITH THE OFFSPRING ALL NIGHT Falconflier: Rofl Angel....You Just said God was Jesus in the Flesh...Make your Mind up !!! angelofwealth: IN TH EBEGGINING WAS THE WORD Soldiers40: and im about fed up with your games St Street-Called-Straight: hey marcy have they seen the error of there ways/ angelofwealth: THE WORD IS SPIRIT jeeepss: offspring? angelofwealth: IS GOD jeeepss: a spawn? angelofwealth: ALL HE MADE H ESPOK EINTO BEING Marcy_777: no street they still follow him badboy_612: YES JEEPS angelofwealth: HE SPOK EINTO BEING badboy_612: THE OFFSPRING badboy_612: YES A SPAWN

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angelofwealth: A SPIRIT IS SPIRIT Street-Called-Straight: marcy where is john calvin? badboy_612: LOL St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, this is not a game. You are either dishonest with the historical data or don't know the Historical Method for it. angelofwealth: FALSE Marcy_777: dead as a door knob St Augustine of Hippo: Either way, you are unqualified. Street-Called-Straight: marcy nuff said angelofwealth: YOUR AGAIN DIVIDNG SEPERATING GOD Falconflier: Angel..Does Jesus have a Spirit ??? jeeepss: historical method? Soldiers40: either way your being a total jerk jonnykzj: ANGEL: IS JESUS AND THE FATHER THE SAME PERSON? Chrissy01: In his divine foreknowledge selected some persons to go to heaven and others to go to hell. The concept of "double predestination" argues that one chosen to go to hell is entirely incapable of altering the fate that God has assigned to him because of a "positive determinaation" to sin under which he is burdened and which he cannot suppress. IndigoMontoya: JONNY SOUNDS LIKE HE'S FROM CALCUTTA OR SOMETHING

angelofwealth: YOU CANNTO SEPERATE GOD angelofwealth: YES angelofwealth: ONE TRU EGOD DIVINE NATURE angelofwealth: DIVINE NATURE the shadow100male: 2we do not be feeded with lies .we will be feeded by holy spirit ,who teaching the only one holy truth. Marcy_777: no Marcy_777: \no Marcy_777: no Marcy_777: next Soldiers40: no uncouth _: yes angelofwealth: THE FATHER IS IN THE SON angelofwealth: IS GOD Chrissy01: The stance championed by Calvin is heretical because it denies God's desire that we be saved. Henry_Winter_1: jesus said i and the father ARE ONE

Falconflier: Yes ??? ROFL Shefield: lol @ yes

St Augustine of Hippo: Soldiers40, if stating a fact makes me a jerk, all well. I am not here to be popular. uncouth _: father son holy spirit Street-Called-Straight: Marcy >>>2Co_11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

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angelofwealth: ONE TRU EGOD IN SPIRIT Soldiers40: angel denys the personage uncouth _: get it right angelofwealth: GOD IS SPIRIT hosanna2him_1: i and my father are one uncouth _: yes angelofwealth: SURE ARE Henry_Winter_1: God in THREE PERSONS

TraceyLovesJesus-: no

angelofwealth: ONLY ONE GOD Marcy_777: hippo and im not here to help ur big fat ego angelofwealth: BESIDES HIM THER EIS NO OTHER Falconflier: I AND MY WIFE ARE ONE...THAT DOESN`T MAKE US ONE !!! ROFL !!! angelofwealth: HE PRAYED FOR US NOT HIMSELF Henry_Winter_1: GOG IN THREE PERSONS

Chrissy01: further... Calvin's erroneous understanding of predestination contradicts the justice and holiness of God and neglects the freedom of the human person to decide where he will spend eternity. Marcy_777: amen street Soldiers40: you have stated no facts since youve been inthe room..and on it goes. uncouth _: tracey jesus is the father the son and the holy ghost uncouth _: 3 in 1 angelofwealth: O FCOURSE HE DID HAS A MAN jeeepss: mic please? angelofwealth: HAS A MAN WE SUBJECT TO THE FATEHR TraceyLovesJesus-: no joe


Marcy_777: time jon Soldiers40: GOD is a person angelofwealth: HE EMPTIED HIMSELF uncouth _: yes tracey angelofwealth: MAN IS SUBJECT TO THE FATEHR TraceyLovesJesus-: no joe

angelofwealth: JONNY jeeepss: lay claim? uncouth _: haha yes TraceyLovesJesus-: 1 God who reveals Himself as 3 persons

angelofwealth: YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING Falconflier: ROFL ANGEL...MAKE YOUR MIND UP..WAS JESUS GOD IN THE FLESH OR NOT ??? uncouth _: not arguing with you angelofwealth: THE WORD BECAME FLESH Marcy_777: helloj onnyyyyyyyyyyy angelofwealth: TOOK FORM Marcy_777: time TraceyLovesJesus-: not 1 person who reveals Himself as 3 persons

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angelofwealth: SO IS MUSLIMS jeeepss: what about claim jumpers? Soldiers40: the Son of GOD angel, is GOD the SON Marcy_777: go jeeps angelofwealth: JONNY GO STUDY YOURSELF APPROVE badboy_612: GREAT RESTAURANT JEEEPSS Soldiers40: There is only One GOD, And there are 3 persons, The Father, and He is called GOD, the SON and He is called GOD, and the Holy Spirit and He is called GOD! Therefore the 3 persons are the ONE GOD uncouth _: ok tracey but you wont convince me Street-Called-Straight: marcy your name should be mercy badboy_612: YES badboy_612: CLAIM JUMPER angelofwealth: fals esoldier

uncouth _: angelofwealth: jesu sis fully god TraceyLovesJesus-: jo the the Bible is clear

jonnykzj: ANGEL: GOD IS NOT ONE PERSON. GOD IS COMPLEX angelofwealth: fully man Marcy_777: street im too tired too have mercy Chrissy01: amen soldiers!~ Soldiers40: that is true angel

the shadow100male: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< angelofwealth: not naothe rgod uncouth _: k IndigoMontoya: YEAH...WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT FOOD NOW

jonnykzj: ANGEL: N YES THERE IS NO OTHER GOD BESIDES GOD angelofwealth: JESUS IS GOD Street-Called-Straight: marcy you just did on my ears badboy_612: YOU HUNGRY angelofwealth: FULLY GOD FULLY MAN badboy_612: ? angelofwealth: A DIVINE NATURE Marcy_777: aww Soldiers40: the Son of GOD angel is indeed GOD the SON Marcy_777: lol jeeepss: CReformed jonnykzj: ANGEL: THTS RIGHT N THE AFTHER IS ALSO FULLY GOD uncouth _: jeeeps read us a recipe angelofwealth: YOU CANNTO SEPERATE GOD badboy_612: JEEPSS THE REFORMED THEOLOGY ROOM WAS CLOSED TONIGHT TraceyLovesJesus-: paradox always makes the room good

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Marcy_777: tracey i love you hunny but i sooo disagree jonnykzj: ANGEL: NOBODY IS SEPRATING GOD. GOD IS ONE YET THREE PERSONS St Augustine of Hippo: This is hilarious. Alert: (PS) Your text messages are currently disabled in this room.

IndigoMontoya: ANYBODY HAVE SWEET POTATES WITH MARSHMALLOWS TODAY? TraceyLovesJesus-: i love you too Marcy


jonnykzj: ANGEL THE FATHER IS FULLY GOD TOO RIGHT? uncouth _: tracey i love you badboy_612: SHAPESHIFT? uncouth _: ok i shut up TraceyLovesJesus-: but seriously paradox is a very intelligent and well read individual.

IndigoMontoya: PUMPKIN PIE


Marcy_777: i like para too but he like changes from day to day angelofwealth: GO ARGUE WITH GOD SOLDIER Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I Got Back On: why are we all green?