Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-04-26 [p Page...

Saturday, April 26, 1941. EBENEZER A. M. E. CHURCH ^ Rev. I). N. Wilson, Pastor On last Sunday morning1 which was Men's day, the Rev. I. Wash ington, local preacher of Ebenezer preached. His subject -was "Whoso ever will let him come." Sunday school was conducted by Mr. F. M. Branch and the lesson was reviewed by Mr. Manuel '..of adult class No. one. The League was conducted Hby Bro A. Pyatt. ^ At 1:30 a special program was W rendered by the men. First a_pa»= per by Bro. F. M. Branch; sec-, ond baritone solos by Mr.- "t)eveaux, Mr. Frasier and Mr. A. Pyatf; and a duett by Mr: FrecT Brown and Mr. Julius Grant. Special music was rendered by the men's choir, The services were largely attended and maiiy visitors were present. The collection for the was very good. t johnstdTTnews Bethel cme Sunday school met at 3:15 p.m. with the-Supt., Mr. L. W. Mitchell and teachers at -ttreiTHPOst of duty. Inspiring remarks were made by the Pastor Rev. W. e. Wilson. " Mrs. A M. Spann and Mrs. Ethel Mae Lattimore school has closed after a successful school term. Missse Mamie Peterson and T. A. Spigner spent the week end at their homes Greenwood and Orangeburg. Miss L. T. __R<»wp11 spent the week-end in Aiken guest of Miss Alma Walker. Miss Eleanor Veale was the dinner guest of Miss Hattie Miles on Sunday. Mrs. Luella \fyles and 'little grands, Olester and Sarah Cor ley spent the week-end in Columbia guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Fox. Rev. Robert Read and Mrs. Mary Ella TVIyles of Aiken were dinner guests of Mrs. Luella Myles on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Pope have gone to Washington,-!). C. te live. Mrs. Rosa Jay, president of the Willing Workers board is asking all members to meet on Sunday at Bethel at 4:45 p.m. Springs revival meeting will be- g"VAt. Bethel_CME church. April 28 The meeting will be conducted by the Rev. Mc Adams of Lees; ville. The public" is invited to attend. SHILOH PRKSBYTERIAN ' CHURCH By L'tker Davis Winnsboro, S. C..Shiloh Presbyterian Sunday -school -opened at the usual hour conducted by the Asstr Supt. wit}) officers and stu dents present Rev: C. W. .Talley. took-hia-textand brought a wonderful message. Mrs. C. W. Talley and Mrs Alj|^Liaurt Grant; Mine Mnttie Lti(j 0Iff 171' served as secretary. Mrs Grant MYs. Talley and Utker Davis taught classes 1, 2 and 3. A col-1 lection of. $7.50 was raised. On the 5tjy, Sunday in March Rev. AH. Prince and Rev. L. L. Blakeney of Fort Mill Presbyterian church were witn us. rcev. rnnce oruugni the message. F?eV BlaTteney gave remarks concerning how people live and do. We were glad to have them both in our midst. Mrs. Rosie Davis, is indisposed ^P®t this writing. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Come to the church, join the church. ridgewood baft, church news Ridgewood Baptist and ltidgewood Methodist had a joint meet ing Sunday night, the crowd was large and the sermon was preached by our pastor, Rev. Z. Dennis. Zion Chapel furnished the music led bv J. E. Jones and Richard Spann ^^The singing by these choirs will ^^never be forgotten by this con gregation.. The people are proud of Rev. Dennis and W. R.. Bowman, both I churches are working like two Rood sisters. Bishop Flipper sent twenty-five dollars, the people are happy and singing his praises. The Methodist church is covered now and the mem hers are planning to paint the ^^church in the near future.. * The following persons paid 2f> cents Sunday night in the raHy: Rev. Z. Dennis, Rev. W. R. Bow_ D«aee» -©avts, ~oT SumterT Misg Dorothy Harper, Mrs. Mary Green, Bro. Frahkk I>awhas, Bro, Mica Taylor, Bro. Walter, Hills, Ernest Coleman. (^SUBSCRIBE FOR { THE PALMETTO LEADER | I ivi , . t e- ** li . .'v.- DOUBLE BRANCH A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. B. C. Cunnlngham. Pastor Sunday was a typical Sunday marking another enjoyable day in and around West Columbia. All of our services were well attended. The S. S. opened at the usual hour with Supt. and teachers at their post of duty. The Sunday school was indeed delighted Uo have Elder and Mrs. W. B. L, Clarke. Each made interesting re marks. At 11:30 Elder Clarke broughi to us an inspiring message taker ;<yut of the Old Testament the Book of Job 29:2, subject Spirit^trat.Fluxuation. This sermon fel in our hearts like water on a dSs"ert and we departed stirred ant grateful,. .Rev. -W.-B. L. Clarke presiding elder of th» Pf>lnmhi.n.-ilija trict AM"E church held the secofTd quarter at Double Branch church. The reports from the West Colum om circuit were lavorable. Six-thirty .thti ACE League beran with the President, Miss Dorothy Davis in charge. A wonderful program was rendered which was enjoyed by all. At 7:30 Dr. Clarke brought us another message for the evening service taken 'rom the seventeenth Psalm am he fifteenth verse, As for me, 1 vill behold thy face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied, when 1 uvake, with thy likeness. I'hest vere the words of his text. Mt. Pisgah and Double TJrahch has ust closed their spring rally. Mt Cisgah hundred ant! .wo dollars; Double Branch twc hundred and forty dollars. The presiding elder was very pleasec with the progress of.the -circtril irider the leadership of our loving Pastor, Rev. B. C. Cunningham To our visitors, eonie again you are always welcome" at Double Branch church. Cora Colenmn. reportei COTRl/INE CIRCUIT NEWS (Mrs.) Allen A. Barr, Reporter Sunday was » beautiful day and nany found themselves out to the louse of worship. Sunday school opened at 10 o'clock with Supt A'- -Mv Brown and officers at their >ost of duty. Class No4 1 -war aught by Mr. N. McDonal; review >y Supt. A few remarks by Rev John Sabb, after which a splendid rowd took part in the Easter proram which was really enjoyed. A.t 12:110 o'clock the Rev. J. R. \VLo ;ind lii associate ascended the rostrum. Devotions were fit' ingly carried out. Rev. J. R. Nebo used as his sub lect; He is Risen, He is not here come see the place^ZA large crowd witnessed the sermon. We were pleased too have Rev. John ant irts wife Mrs. Mary Sabb, Rev Wilson also several miniate On-Sunday morning Rev. Nebt preached the .4 o'clock servici sermon at St. James AME church Both the early morning and mid <lay sermons were splendid. Snn. day night at 7:30 we were faroved with another wonderful sermor at Jerusalem by the Rev. jJohr Kelly pho preached too a packer house. The spirit dwell through out the day. We are proud tc have such preachers with us. We are always glad to havt visitors. Come again. The Rev. Columbus Buford anr wife, Mrs. Hester Buford had a: their dinner guests Sunday Rev J. R. Nebo .and Rev. John Kelly. Mr. Gene Brunson wh0 is attenc ing school in Florence spent thi Easter holidays home with mothei and brother. Two of our young men were cal! ed to the camp last Friday foi service in the army; in he persor of Charlie Harvin and George Mc Donal in Richmond, Va. Let u. pray that this war may 3000 ceast Those J>n_the sick list are doinn better, let us pray that they rnaj continue. PBEE HOPE A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. J. B. Finklea, Pastor Sunday school opened at the us. ual hour. Rev, Finklea preaehec a good sermon. St. John 20:13 Theme, and they say unto her why weepestt thou? she said unto ihem because they have taken* way my Lord and I know no where they laid him. At 1 o'clock, our Easter pro gram began 'with lovely Easte: songs and solos. Welcome address was by Miss Pearl Wages. A pape relating Christa resurrection by f seph Arthur, Jr., serveral select ions by the Willing Workers qua I Ut. -Jm. CENTER RABUN NEWS 1 Rev. P. J Barton, Pastor Sunday school opened at tht> us- ual hour with the Supt. and teaL chers at their posts. The lessor. was beautifully discussed and re--.. .< viewed by Mrs. Mary McCoy. Rev L. B. Moon preached at Lit tie River church in Ware Shoalr the past week. Center Rabun church and Junior choir rendered music there Wednesday night. Ev eryone present expressed himself as having felt the soul stirring mes ^ sage. Rev.' W. D. Coker of this Mrr and Mrs. Lomas Shaw was royally.entertained with a recepI tion at the home of Mr, and Mrs, L. W, Shaw Thursday night. The I evening-was spent- in chatting, r games and music. Those present -gititia Shall, Mr. and Mrs. Collie Shaw, Messrs Allen Sullivan, Robert B., Oliver Jr., Aimer and Tal mer Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. MeDan iels, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shaw, pa rents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shumate, Misses Rubye Lois _ and Elsie- Shaw.and.Lillie.Mae_ I - Kilgo. w ~ Out of town guests were Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Barber, parents of r the bride; Misses j-lomzie Evelyn and Flede Barber, the bride's sisters, Mr. Ike Goodgines, Pink Lit_ tle and Mr. DeTance Shaw of Saluda. The reception was sponsor- ^ ! ed by Misses L. M. Kilgo, I. B. Phelps and Mrs. Geneva Shiimata^ ' Rev. and Mrs, W. D. Coker spent 5 Sunday in Ware' Shoals attending phnrcli nna visitinc frionHs ' Miss R. M. Kilgo spent the week ^ end in Laurens visiting friends. ' Misses Nellie V., Dollie V., and -Zeller -Mae-Shaw, students of- the Chapman Grove sfhnnl arp home for the summer. The Junior choir rendered music at New Prospect' Baptist church Ttunday night. Everyone wish«es to thank Mrs. Geneva Shumate for the wonderful teaching she has done for the choir. We aTre'very sorry that Miss i Zenobia James has been sick, we hope for her a very speedy recov- _ er>'Th students and teachers of Cen ' Ler Rabun school have begun rehearsing for their school closing;» 1 wliich will be sometime in the nea fiTt.nh'e. ; Mr. Booker I. Shaw gave a ! short coll 011 the McDial family Sunday. The annual sermon of Gray Court high school WJfs preached Sunday by Rev. P. J. Barton. A number of his members were present;- .T I r~T ABBBVIfcLE NwWS Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 1 I The-Missionary socit ty _ the home of Mr«;.P. V. Raad...«»n-. ) Harristyurg street Friday. April ? 18th. The house was called to order by the president. Opening selection, Come ye that Love the JLord. .The 23rd Psalm and the Lord's Prayer were repeated. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The roll was called for dues. Amount raised $5.00. There was a discussion of > jld arid new business. The meetv irrg adjourned to meet at tht; home of Mrs. Bennie L.CTBrown on Harrisburg ^street May 16th. The hostess served a salad course 5 and punch. The interdenominational missionary meeting met at the home 1 of Mrs. Mary L. Pope Sunday, > April 20 at 4 o'clock. This meet* ing was for the interest of Mt. Canaan Baptist church. Mrs. JoL sephine. Qoraer served as hostess r Amount raised $7.35. The next i meeting will be at the hornet o _ meeting will he at the homp nf . i Mrs. E. V. Reid on Harrisburg street for the benefit of Mt. Pleasant Baptist church, the 3rJ Sunday in May. Please don't forset this date. Mrs. Ella Devlin of Secession St., spent last week in Atlanta, with her daughter, Miss Ruby 'Devlin. St. James A. M. E. Church ' Rev. P. Dreher, Pastor Service for the day started at "> 10 a.m. In Sunday school the at* tendance was 76. The lfesson was ^ carefully TSTT^Flinfr afterwards e * review was given by Miss Sybil Nance, teacher of the Int. class. The pastor delivered an inspirr ing sermon morning and evening ' The church seemed to be filled T with the spirit. A number of vistr ttors Wi preiSbt for The morning - service along with a group o f * teachers f*pm the public school. Rev. Underwood pastor n{ the in i T ir* THE PALMETTO LEADE CALVARY PRESENTS COLORFUL EASTER PROGRAM The old, yet ever new and ever beautiful story of the Resurrection was presented at Calvary Presbyterian Church, here in Winnsboro The program under the direction of Mrs. Darthula A. Talley, with Miss L. L. Smith and Mrs. Rosa assisting, was divided into three partsr Part I, Recitations by the primary and junior departments; Part II, two dialogues by the intermediates and part III, a reljg ious play, "The Way of-the Cross" with J)]ayei:s_from the Senior and intermediate dtasses. Th entire pro gram was most colorful, bespeak mg the bursting forth: of life^thaV is characteristic the Easter season^ The play depjgted ^vividly and with pathos the story of a young .minis Leu, who.beemtstro-f the sin, conflicted and .selfish greed around about him, feels that he has lost his faith. He appeals to Melisande n vniino o>irl vi/Vw, Kolw.imo there is nothing to look forward to -1 in the hereafter, but that only the pleasures of today are worth while. The fallacies in her theory are seen and the minister's faith is restored with realism and beauty when a pilgrim of the past, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdltne and the "Other Mary" come to life before them ind retell the story of the crucifixion ami resurrection. Mellsande is converted- and the young minis- 1, Ler is strengthened by the potent portrayal. Characters of the play were s follows: Melisande, Arwilda Baxter; Pilgrim of today, Lanty Baxter; First Messenger,, Phyon cia Henry; Second Messenger, Ro~ r.ina Heath; The Pilgrim Of Yester day, John Roseborough; Mary, the motherTrf James. WiTTetteTHoLL roes; The angel Gabrrl, Charles Heath. Jr. I ?sosusthuiait x ~i s ianeircespla\ui'fti The stage, depicting an outdooi scene near the cross on Calvary was beautifully decorated with" greens and foliage. In the back ground stood the white cross which from a certain point hi the play to the end was illurntnated. To this observer a most striking and memorial picture was presented when, at the end, there at the foot of the gleaming cross, all the cha racters, kneeling with arms out stretched toward it, sang the me ludiuus strains ot, "In the Cross of Christ I Glory.,, Mres Arwilda Baxter, whose clear, silvery voice is a joy to all who hear her, sang the solo parts while the chorus arid eonceled choir joined in on the (Croup parts. Observers assert that this presentation surpassed by "ho former production. will live long hi Lheir "memories. The program wai witnessed by a full house, and afte^ some remarks by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Tttlley ..all left feeiiiip, lliul LlldTr*" religious lives had been greatly enriched and that here after indeed was a soulful tribute to a risen Christ. On Easer Monday afternoon Miss es Arwilda Baxter nd Mrgaret Roseborough, together with Mes dames Rosa Heath and D. A. Tal ley were in charge of an Easier egg hunt given for the children ot Calvary by the Sunday school. ANTIOCH A. M. E. CHURCH Sunday school began at theusu sermon. Our hearts rejoiced within al hour with the supt. and teach ers at their post of duty. At 12:00 Rev. Curry delivered a soul stirring sermon, our hearts rejorced within us while the man of God talked to us by the way. On the afternoon the various clubs made their reports as follows: Mrs. Emma Young, 10.03; Mrs. Annie Preasley$6.07; Miss ; Minnie Jeter, 53.74; Mr. Arthur Young, $6.56; Mrs. Marie Young. $22rl4; Mrs. Lella Ode*, $13.00; Total amount, $84.82 We are very proud of our pas tor. He is doing a great work at Antioch this year and we hope he will stay here a long time. Among the the visitors o the day were the members of St. Mark's shoir. Our doors ar always open to visitors Baptist church delivered a sermon in honor of Mrs. Johnson's club. The organizations are still look Wig forward for greater conquests They are going forward as never before. The members and friends o f St. James are looking forward to the rally known a& tha "Biy Six" This rally will come to a close on the first Sunday of next month. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. .s.: i t. 'nte2li . R . ' ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. M. McDonald, Pastor Sunday being a beautiful day, at 10 a.m. S. S. opened with a large crowd. The supt., Mrs. Estelle John son and co-workers were at their Regular post of duties. After the class study of the lesson the school was interestingly reviewed by the psator. The beginners class is holding the banner. Sunday morning the pastor preacd wonderful sermoni from the subject. "2.Words,", namely, Come Tarry, and Go. Immediately after dismissal, the funeral of Mr. Gye, Phelps was held. Solo, Mrs. Flossie Smith, Obituary, Mrs. A. G Gaiui C^)n .ai~-.r.» w*»r-<-Tm^iTiin. a r I'CSHltfy J 1610 grains, Mrs. Estella Johnson. The pastor preached..a_touching sermOTT from Iaiah 64:6. the church was packed aniTtt Is «dl tlie city that we haye an able preacher. We loved Mr. Phelps but Jesus loves best. The remains were laid to rest in the Palmetto Cemetary. The under taker, Leevy. Sun. night the pastor preached from St. Luke 11:2, theme Christ Kingdom again we had a spritual t re at. Come tQ St. James, Visitors are always welcome. MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH 1 Rev. C. C. Mcllwain, Pastor _Siinda^t^ing^ Itmrday we had" a nice attendance. _Tfite_ Sunday: sctrooITesson was well taught and eviewed^by Supt. Class No. 3 is still holding the banner. After Sunday school our. choir left for New Hope AME church and put aver a wonderful program. We ilso had with us Sunday night tEtT Rev. J. W. Walker and he deliver2d a'wonderful message which all enjoyed. We are looking forward Sunday for a high day. We will have with us Rev. W R. BowmarT an<f Fafrview and Lbenezer choirs. Come and see how Mt. Zion is go-, ing to put the program over. A three nights meeting will be conducted beginning Wednesday" night 23 and continue through the week. Our big rally will be_held Sunday and Sunday night. Come »ut and see the members play their part. . The pastor and family were afternoon guests of Bro. Daniel Ken nedy Sunday. We -are always glad to, come in and see mr VOORHEESCALENDAR Demniark, S, G., April 20.Beginning with the regular Easter Services last Silnday, April p3, chfi. Voorhees-iamily has had^ «rrr tinuous round of activities, in what has turned out to be onr ef^Fbtg" gest weeks of the year. O Wednesday night the fashion show directed by Mrs. J. E. Blan ton, (the show being under the im Mediate direction of Miss B. B. O Brien," teacher of clothing), was an event of a great deal of interest to all who witnessed it. The prizes in sewing were won by Miss Martha Halyard, Miss Charolette Myers, and Miss Lila Crwford for the best made dresses. The prices were won in the order named. The f a s h i on show was- built a round" a play which tobk in house keeping an dthe proper dress for the prop eF"occasion. Thursday at Allendale, S. C. Prof. Ellis D. Dean had the agriculture stock judging team. Vdor Vioos trnvn a account of it self and its training ;in the fact that the. team took down most of the prizes, both first and second, for stocy judging and for crop judging. Mr. Dean returned with his face wreathed in smiles as a result of the activities of his class. Thursday night the Voorhees Debating Team appeared at Friend uegative of the proposition.' "Resolve t^at tfre United States Should enter the Ttesent World War." The team of Friendship was com posed of three young women students, and the three young men of Voorhees found their matches in these young women because Voor heeR lost the decision by a unani- mous vote °f the judges. A good time was had by all. Mi«R C. R. Booker was director of the Voorhees team. -President Goudlock, Dean Brown and members of the student body- antf faculty made It very pleasent for the jVoorhees team. On Friday Principal Blanton met In Oraneburg wffch the Aeadefhic r^frnntittee i>f the trustees. At which thne some very important decisiona were madp with regard" to the future of Voorhees. Annual Workers Conferehce Friday morning at^fl:15, young ' men and instructors began to ar 'rive on the Voorhees campus from, all over the state for the second annual Workers Conference, at which time contests in carpentry, mechanical drawing, masonary, painting, general shop and in other trades were held. Prizes for these varrotts contests were given as follows:- $100 schol arhip for the best in carpentry presented by. Prof. Pr- V. Jewell for President Whittaker of_State College; first_prize in masonary a scholarship of $46 was presented by Principal ,T. FL.Ehanton -for Voorhees. Other ^prizes__ .consisted of a complete set of dmwin tools, JT "complete kit of tools for carpentry. Second prizes consisted of 4«H»d fflWl, levels, set otL paint brushes.arwl-other-rnrplerrrchts. used mechanics in their various trades. These prizes were given Dy J. W. Smack Hardware Co. of Oraneburg; Jeffords Machine shop, Orangeburg; J. 2. Brooker Hard ware Co., and R. M." McCartha Hardware Co., both of Denmark. This workers conference rs an n"al nffmg and is trectfiruhg "very popular. It is directed by prof. W. V. Harper of the Voorhees faculty who is director of industrial edu [cation. The conference brought to gether a large number of visitors. Among therrr wece:Mr. J. B. Felton State Djrector in Negro rSehoolfr-in S.C.~, Mr. AT J. Richards, Supt1_of_tha Denmark District, Mr. R. B. Turner, Director of Indust rial Education for the State of S. C., Mr. J. P. Reynolds. State WPA Director, Mr.C. W. Lombard, Aaat, _State Director of Industrial Education,_Prof. P. V. Jewell of State College, and a Jarge number of teachers and instructors from all over the state. afternoon session .-Mr. W. H. ArkenT President- of the National Build ers was presented and made the main address. His theme was. "Em ployment of Negro Craftsmen on National-Defense Jobs." He said tnat we only want our share of the work and jobs. If men are pre pared, no matter what color they are they should get the job. He told the young men that they need ed to 'be better prepared than their "fatHers. We are not willing to pay the_ price to succeed. \Vhat is the part that the colored man is going to take in this new pro gram? I hope that in-another year there wrll be 30 schools represented instead of ten schools in the con- Terence. We have got to be good, we have got to moet'Teiruirements etc. The ten schools represented were: .AVi 1 kins on Higbr-Qra ngebbrg; Wil son High, Florence; Mather Acade my. Caniden; Lincoln High, Sum- ter; Marion High, Mariorr; Voor hees N. & I., Denmark; Marlboro 'Ou. Tr;.SCtldOT,"' Bennettsville; A1 lendale Co. "Tr. School, Allendale; Bell Street High, Clinton; Booker T. Washington, Columbia. The prrze winners were: Gqd__ erald- sliup, 1st"prize Jarnes-Cole man, Voorhees, 2nd prize Eugeni Brown, Mather Academy; Drawing 1st prize Esau Simmons, Voorhees 2nd pnze William Smith, Voorhees; Painting, 1st prize Charles Houston, Voorhees, 2nd prize Her. ry McFadden, Sumter High School Sumter. Carpentry, 1st prize Henry Curry, Wilkinson Hrgh: 2nd prize James Cook, Mather Academy, Camdenl * The theme of the conference was "The Negro's place in National Defense program". An enjoyabl* time was had by all and the conference adjourned to meet again in 1942 the third Friday in April at Voorhees This dntewn<r adopt ed as the annual conference date for the future. . LKbSVlLDE NEWS Rufus Drofts ^rble to be out again after being confined to his bed for seven wecks.sxJ^jJ are glad to see him out again. Mrs Ida Coleman, her three children, grandaughter, and neice were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ru fus Droft last Sunday. The visi tors are from Saluda, S. C. CROUP MEETING DIST.6 The last teachers group rmeting "oT~district fi met at Coal Springs School. Lykesland S. C., Mrs. Ber tha Davis teacher. The discussion was centered aound the annual Fiel<f Day whrch was held two weeks ago. After the meeting the group was served an enjoyable re^ "past "consisting of irish potato, salad, crackers, cocoa, and vanilla wafers. All members present reported themselves iHf having a plea sent time. Patre F1t» CARVER PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION The . Parent-Teacher Association of Carver Junior Hi school was held last Thursday night, April 17, in the school auditorium This month's program was ren dered by the classes of Misses Helen Burley and Ix»uise Cotton, Miss Burley is instructor of English and Social Studies. The music department > headed by Miss Cotton. The theme of the program was Contributions of the_Ncgro in Verse and Music. Several Negro Spirituals were -the chorus; after which informationgiven concern- mg the Negro hi the two above mentioned fields, i (Jur president, Mr. Thompson, prodded do ring the business part of the meeting. Minutes of the ta»i mt-'Ptiii); V"*',' youi] and ..approved. Mrs. Oliza Mickels maj, a very interesting" and TuTT-report of the Parent-Teacher Convention which was held a I Benedict College on April 2nd. The class of Miss Fannie Lee Pope ri.reiveiT ft|e ;>ttfrnlaw^dwrr.neir for having the largest numbr of parents present. After the meeting refreshments were sowed to the parents and friends in the, Home Kcohoniicc room..O.L.B. TIIHUTCH H ATTFRS SAVTNC A ND SOCIA L iXUHrThp rluh's last mf-Ptrnfr was held* at thet home of the president Mr. Low man 2230 Hampton Avenue, April_2_L_Ih*r house was called to order, and Mrs. Lucile Samuels ^ conducted the devotionals. _ . .Tbl'.--Utlhute« -o! the last meting were read, received and adopted! After the roll was called each bewTTcpondtcL "next old and new" K..-: vuoiiics.s »as discussed ortelly. We completed plans for the chicken supper which will be given at the home of Mr, Lowmar, Saturday nite April 26. We are inviting the various clubs and friends to come i<ver and be with ns. Please (,lon't forget this date, we are hoping to have u grand time. The meeting Then adjourned , to meet at the home of Mr. and ^ Mrs. Willie Battle. 2424 Green St. April 28. PC V hP it s Tinning to do aamirea i So if your hair is dull, faded, flfay-streaked, us-e Gad^froy** Larieuse Hair Coloring today The ,6rst rule for holding your man is lovely, well kept hair. And when used as directed, Godefroy's Larieuse wilj bring rich, alluring color (black, brown, blonde) to your hair. Won't rub off or waslTSuf: Permits curling, marcels, permanent waves. Known and usedfor over 45 yean. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. If your dealer doesn't have Larieuse (LARRY- USE) send il.25 direct to . . . Godcfroy Mfg. Co., 3 510 Oliv* St., Sf, Louis, Mo. CAUTION. Uu only at diractad on label OODIIOOI I hah coloi ih6 h Waverly ftsso Station ONE STOP STATION R^tharge and RenUli lubrication, Washing and Polishing Tire Repair- Service . Telephone 9308 ( orner PINK and TAYLOR ST8. Carpenter and Caldwell. Operator JUST OUT HOWARDS New Sepia Edition STYLE BOOK Of real human hair, WIGS, PAGE BOYS. Send for your couv to-. dAy. The biggest variety of hair goods ever seen. Open a Custom- , ~ er's Deposit Account. HOWARD WIG CO. Dept. BA, 143 W. 125th St. New York City New Yer* Beauty Parlor Agente Wanted

Transcript of Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-04-26 [p Page...

Saturday, April 26, 1941.


^ Rev. I). N. Wilson, Pastor

On last Sunday morning1 whichwas Men's day, the Rev. I. Washington, local preacher of Ebenezerpreached. His subject -was "Whosoever will let him come."Sunday school was conducted

by Mr. F. M. Branch and the lessonwas reviewed by Mr. Manuel'..of adult class No. one.

The League was conducted HbyBro A. Pyatt.

^ At 1:30 a special program wasW rendered by the men. First a_pa»=

per by Bro. F. M. Branch; sec-,ond baritone solos by Mr.- "t)eveaux,Mr. Frasier and Mr. A.Pyatf; and a duett by Mr: FrecTBrown and Mr. Julius Grant.Special music was rendered by themen's choir,The services were largely attendedand maiiy visitors were

present. The collection for was very good.

t johnstdTTnewsBethel cme Sunday school met

at 3:15 p.m. with the-Supt., Mr.L. W. Mitchell and teachers at-ttreiTHPOst of duty. Inspiring remarkswere made by the PastorRev. W. e. Wilson." Mrs. A M. Spann and Mrs. EthelMae Lattimore school has closedafter a successful school term.

Missse Mamie Peterson and T.A. Spigner spent the week end attheir homes Greenwood and Orangeburg.

Miss L. T. __R<»wp11 spent theweek-end in Aiken guest of MissAlma Walker.

Miss Eleanor Veale was thedinner guest of Miss Hattie Mileson Sunday.

Mrs. Luella \fyles and 'littlegrands, Olester and Sarah Corleyspent the week-end in Columbiaguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Fox.

Rev. Robert Read and Mrs. MaryElla TVIyles of Aiken were dinnerguests of Mrs. Luella Myles on

Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Pope have

gone to Washington,-!). C. te live.Mrs. Rosa Jay, president of the

Willing Workers board is askingall members to meet on Sundayat Bethel at 4:45 p.m.

Springs revival meeting will be-g"VAt. Bethel_CME church. April28 The meeting will be conductedby the Rev. McAdams of Lees;ville. The public" is invited to attend.SHILOH PRKSBYTERIAN


CHURCHBy L'tker Davis

Winnsboro, S. C..Shiloh PresbyterianSunday -school -opened at

the usual hour conducted by theAsstr Supt. wit}) officers and students present

Rev: C. W. .Talley. took-hia-textandbrought a wonderful message.Mrs. C. W. Talley and Mrs Alj|^LiaurtGrant; Mine Mnttie Lti(j 0Iff 171'served as secretary. Mrs GrantMYs. Talley and Utker Davistaught classes 1, 2 and 3. A col-1lection of. $7.50 was raised. Onthe 5tjy, Sunday in March Rev. AH.Prince and Rev. L. L. Blakeneyof Fort Mill Presbyterian churchwere witn us. rcev. rnnce oruugnithe message. F?eV BlaTteney gaveremarks concerning how peoplelive and do. We were glad tohave them both in our midst.

Mrs. Rosie Davis, is indisposed^P®t this writing. We wish for her

a speedy recovery. Come to thechurch, join the church.

ridgewood baft, churchnews

Ridgewood Baptist and ltidgewoodMethodist had a joint meeting Sunday night, the crowd was

large and the sermon was preachedby our pastor, Rev. Z. Dennis. ZionChapel furnished the music led bvJ. E. Jones and Richard Spann

^^The singing by these choirs will^^never be forgotten by this con

gregation..The people are proud of Rev.

Dennis and W. R.. Bowman, bothI churches are working like two

Rood sisters.Bishop Flipper sent twenty-five

dollars, the people are happy andsinging his praises. The Methodistchurch is covered now and the memhers are planning to paint the

^^church in the near future..* The following persons paid 2f>

cents Sunday night in the raHy:Rev. Z. Dennis, Rev. W. R. Bow_D«aee» -©avts, ~oT SumterTMisg Dorothy Harper, Mrs. MaryGreen, Bro. Frahkk I>awhas, Bro,Mica Taylor, Bro. Walter, Hills,Ernest Coleman.



|I ivi , .

t e- **li . .'v.-


Rev. B. C. Cunnlngham. Pastor

Sunday was a typical Sundaymarking another enjoyable day inand around West Columbia. Allof our services were well attended.The S. S. opened at the usualhour with Supt. and teachersat their post of duty. The Sundayschool was indeed delightedUo have Elder and Mrs. W. B. L,Clarke. Each made interesting re

marks.At 11:30 Elder Clarke broughi

to us an inspiring message taker;<yut of the Old Testament theBook of Job 29:2, subjectSpirit^trat.Fluxuation.This sermon felin our hearts like water on a dSs"ertand we departed stirred ant

grateful,. .Rev. -W.-B. L. Clarkepresiding elder of th» Pf>lnmhi.n.-ilijatrict AM"E church held the secofTdquarter at Double Branch church.The reports from the West Columom circuit were lavorable.

Six-thirty .thti ACE League beranwith the President, Miss DorothyDavis in charge. A wonderfulprogram was rendered whichwas enjoyed by all. At 7:30 Dr.Clarke brought us another messagefor the evening service taken'rom the seventeenth Psalm am

he fifteenth verse, As for me, 1vill behold thy face in righteousness.I shall be satisfied, when 1uvake, with thy likeness. I'hestvere the words of his text. Mt.Pisgah and Double TJrahch hasust closed their spring rally. MtCisgah hundred ant!.wo dollars; Double Branch twchundred and forty dollars. Thepresiding elder was very pleasecwith the progress of.the -circtrilirider the leadership of our lovingPastor, Rev. B. C. Cunningham

To our visitors, eonie again youare always welcome" at DoubleBranch church.

Cora Colenmn. reportei


(Mrs.) Allen A. Barr, Reporter

Sunday was » beautiful day andnany found themselves out to thelouse of worship. Sunday schoolopened at 10 o'clock with SuptA'- -Mv Brown and officers at their>ost of duty. Class No4 1 -war

aught by Mr. N. McDonal; review>y Supt. A few remarks by RevJohn Sabb, after which a splendidrowd took part in the Easter proramwhich was really enjoyed.A.t 12:110 o'clock the Rev. J. R.

\VLo ;ind lii associate ascendedthe rostrum. Devotions were fit'

ingly carried out.Rev. J. R. Nebo used as his sub

lect; He is Risen, He is not herecome see the place^ZA large crowdwitnessed the sermon. We were

pleased too have Rev. John ant

irts wife Mrs. Mary Sabb, RevWilson also several miniate

On-Sunday morning Rev. Nebtpreached the .4 o'clock servicisermon at St. James AME churchBoth the early morning and mid<lay sermons were splendid. Snn.

day night at 7:30 we were farovedwith another wonderful sermor

at Jerusalem by the Rev. jJohrKelly pho preached too a packerhouse. The spirit dwell throughout the day. We are proud tc

have such preachers with us.

We are always glad to havtvisitors. Come again.The Rev. Columbus Buford anr

wife, Mrs. Hester Buford had a:

their dinner guests Sunday RevJ. R. Nebo .and Rev. John Kelly.

Mr. Gene Brunson wh0 is attencing school in Florence spent thiEaster holidays home with motheiand brother.Two of our young men were cal!

ed to the camp last Friday foiservice in the army; in he persorof Charlie Harvin and George McDonal in Richmond, Va. Let u.

pray that this war may 3000 ceast

Those J>n_the sick list are doinnbetter, let us pray that they rnajcontinue.


Rev. J. B. Finklea, Pastor

Sunday school opened at the us.

ual hour. Rev, Finklea preaeheca good sermon. St. John 20:13Theme, and they say unto her

why weepestt thou? she said untoihem because they have taken*way my Lord and I know no

where they laid him.At 1 o'clock, our Easter pro

gram began 'with lovely Easte:songs and solos. Welcome addresswas by Miss Pearl Wages. A paperelating Christa resurrection by fseph Arthur, Jr., serveral selections by the Willing Workers qua

I Ut.-Jm.


Rev. P. J Barton, Pastor

Sunday school opened at tht> us-

ual hour with the Supt. and teaLchers at their posts. The lessor.was beautifully discussed and re--.. .<

viewed by Mrs. Mary McCoy.Rev L. B. Moon preached at Lit

tie River church in Ware Shoalrthe past week. Center Rabunchurch and Junior choir renderedmusic there Wednesday night. Everyone present expressed himselfas having felt the soul stirring mes

^ sage. Rev.' W. D. Coker of this

Mrr and Mrs. Lomas Shaw was

royally.entertained with a recepItion at the home of Mr, and Mrs,L. W, Shaw Thursday night. The

I evening-was spent- in chatting,r games and music. Those present

-gititia Shall, Mr. and Mrs. CollieShaw, Messrs Allen Sullivan, RobertB., Oliver Jr., Aimer and Talmer Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. MeDaniels, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shaw, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Shumate, Misses Rubye Lois

_ and Elsie- Shaw.and.Lillie.Mae_ I- Kilgo.

w ~

Out of town guests were Rev.and Mrs. L. R. Barber, parents of

r the bride; Misses j-lomzie Evelynand Flede Barber, the bride's sisters,Mr. Ike Goodgines, Pink Lit_tle and Mr. DeTance Shaw of Saluda.The reception was sponsor- ^

! ed by Misses L. M. Kilgo, I. B.Phelps and Mrs. Geneva Shiimata^

'Rev. and Mrs, W. D. Coker spent5 Sunday in Ware' Shoals attending

phnrcli nna visitinc frionHs' Miss R. M. Kilgo spent the week^ end in Laurens visiting friends.' Misses Nellie V., Dollie V., and-Zeller -Mae-Shaw, students of- theChapman Grove sfhnnl arp homefor the summer.

The Junior choir rendered musicat New Prospect' Baptist churchTtunday night. Everyone wish«esto thank Mrs. Geneva Shumate forthe wonderful teaching she hasdone for the choir.We aTre'very sorry that Miss

i Zenobia James has been sick, we

hope for her a very speedy recov-_

er>'Th students and teachers of Cen'

Ler Rabun school have begun rehearsingfor their school closing;»1 wliich will be sometime in the nea

fiTt.nh'e. ;

Mr. Booker I. Shaw gave a !

short coll 011 the McDial familySunday.The annual sermon of Gray

Court high school WJfs preachedSunday by Rev. P. J. Barton. Anumber of his members were present;-.T


r~T ABBBVIfcLE NwWSMt. Pleasant Baptist Church

1I The-Missionary socit ty met.at_

the home of Mr«;.P. V. Raad...«»n-.) Harristyurg street Friday. April? 18th. The house was called to

order by the president. Openingselection, Come ye that Love theJLord. .The 23rd Psalm and theLord's Prayer were repeated. Theminutes of last meeting were

read and adopted. The roll was

called for dues. Amount raised$5.00. There was a discussion of

> jld arid new business. The meetvirrg adjourned to meet at tht;home of Mrs. Bennie L.CTBrownon Harrisburg ^street May 16th.The hostess served a salad course

5 and punch.The interdenominational missionarymeeting met at the home

1 of Mrs. Mary L. Pope Sunday,> April 20 at 4 o'clock. This meet*ing was for the interest of Mt.Canaan Baptist church. Mrs. JoLsephine. Qoraer served as hostess

r Amount raised $7.35. The nexti meeting will be at the hornet o

_meeting will he at the homp nf


i Mrs. E. V. Reid on Harrisburgstreet for the benefit of Mt.Pleasant Baptist church, the 3rJSunday in May. Please don't forsetthis date.

Mrs. Ella Devlin of SecessionSt., spent last week in Atlanta,with her daughter, Miss Ruby'Devlin.

St. James A. M. E. Church' Rev. P. Dreher, Pastor

Service for the day started at"> 10 a.m. In Sunday school the at*tendance was 76. The lfesson was^ carefully TSTT^Flinfr afterwards e* review was given by Miss Sybil

Nance, teacher of the Int. class.The pastor delivered an inspirring sermon morning and evening

' The church seemed to be filledT with the spirit. A number of vistrttors Wi preiSbt for The morning- service along with a group o f* teachers f*pm the public school.

Rev. Underwood pastor n{ the

in i T ir*



The old, yet ever new and ever

beautiful story of the Resurrectionwas presented at Calvary PresbyterianChurch, here in WinnsboroThe program under the directionof Mrs. Darthula A. Talley, withMiss L. L. Smith and Mrs. Rosaassisting, was divided into threepartsr Part I, Recitations by theprimary and junior departments;Part II, two dialogues by the intermediatesand part III, a reljgious play, "The Way of-the Cross"with J)]ayei:s_from the Senior andintermediate dtasses. Th entire program was most colorful, bespeakmg the bursting forth: of life^thaVis characteristic the Easter season^The play depjgted ^vividly

andwith pathos the story of a

young .minisLeu, who.beemtstro-f thesin,conflicted and .selfish greed

around about him, feels that he haslost his faith. He appeals to Melisanden vniino o>irl vi/Vw, Kolw.imo

there is nothing to look forward to -1

in the hereafter, but that onlythe pleasures of today are worthwhile. The fallacies in her theoryare seen and the minister's faithis restored with realism andbeauty when a pilgrim of thepast, Mary the mother of Jesus,Mary Magdltne and the "OtherMary" come to life before themind retell the story of the crucifixionami resurrection. Mellsandeis converted- and the young minis- 1,Ler is strengthened by the potentportrayal. Characters of the playwere s follows: Melisande, ArwildaBaxter; Pilgrim of today, LantyBaxter; First Messenger,, Phyoncia Henry; Second Messenger, Ro~r.ina Heath; The Pilgrim Of Yesterday, John Roseborough; Mary,the motherTrf James. WiTTetteTHoLLroes; The angel Gabrrl, CharlesHeath. Jr. I?sosusthuiait x ~isianeircespla\ui'ftiThe stage, depicting an outdooi

scene near the cross on Calvarywas beautifully decorated with"greens and foliage. In the background stood the white cross whichfrom a certain point hi the playto the end was illurntnated. Tothis observer a most striking andmemorial picture was presentedwhen, at the end, there at the footof the gleaming cross, all the characters, kneeling with arms outstretched toward it, sang the meludiuus strains ot, "In the Crossof Christ I Glory.,, Mres ArwildaBaxter, whose clear, silvery voiceis a joy to all who hear her, sangthe solo parts while the chorus arideonceled choir joined in on the(Croup parts. Observers assert thatthis presentation surpassed by "hoformer production. will live longhi Lheir "memories.

The program wai witnessed bya full house, and afte^ some remarksby the pastor, Rev. C. W.Tttlley ..all left feeiiiip, lliul LlldTr*"religious lives had been greatlyenriched and that here after indeedwas a soulful tribute to a risenChrist.On Easer Monday afternoon Miss

es Arwilda Baxter nd MrgaretRoseborough, together with Mesdames Rosa Heath and D. A. Talley were in charge of an Easieregg hunt given for the children otCalvary by the Sunday school.


Sunday school began at theususermon. Our hearts rejoiced withinal hour with the supt. and teachers at their post of duty. At 12:00Rev. Curry delivered a soul stirringsermon, our hearts rejorced withinus while the man of God talkedto us by the way.On the afternoon the various

clubs made their reports as follows:Mrs. Emma Young, 10.03;Mrs. Annie Preasley$6.07; Miss ;Minnie Jeter, 53.74; Mr. ArthurYoung, $6.56; Mrs. Marie Young.$22rl4; Mrs. Lella Ode*, $13.00;Total amount, $84.82We are very proud of our pas

tor. He is doing a great work atAntioch this year and we hope hewill stay here a long time. Amongthe the visitors o the day were themembers of St. Mark's shoir. Ourdoors ar always open to visitors

Baptist church delivered a sermonin honor of Mrs. Johnson'sclub.

The organizations are still lookWig forward for greater conquestsThey are going forward as never

before.The members and friends o f

St. James are looking forward tothe rally known a& tha "Biy Six"This rally will come to a close on

the first Sunday of next month.Everybody is cordially invited toattend.

.s.:i t. 'nte2li .

R .'

ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCHRev. W. M. McDonald, Pastor

Sunday being a beautiful day, at10 a.m. S. S. opened with a largecrowd. The supt., Mrs. Estelle Johnson and co-workers were at theirRegular post of duties. After theclass study of the lesson the schoolwas interestingly reviewed by thepsator. The beginners class is holdingthe banner.Sunday morning the pastor preacdwonderful sermoni from the subject."2.Words,", namely, ComeTarry, and Go. Immediately afterdismissal, the funeral of Mr. Gye,Phelps was held. Solo, Mrs. FlossieSmith, Obituary, Mrs. A. G Gaiui

C^)n .ai~-.r.»w*»r-<-Tm^iTiin. a r I'CSHltfy J 1610

grains, Mrs. Estella Johnson. Thepastor preached..a_touching sermOTTfrom Iaiah 64:6. the church waspacked aniTtt Is «dl tlie city thatwe haye an able preacher. We lovedMr. Phelps but Jesus loves best.The remains were laid to rest inthe Palmetto Cemetary. The undertaker, Leevy.

Sun. night the pastor preachedfrom St. Luke 11:2, theme ChristKingdom again we had a spritualtreat. Come tQ St. James, Visitorsare always welcome.

MT. ZION A. M. E. CHURCH1Rev. C. C. Mcllwain, Pastor

_Siinda^t^ing^ Itmrday we had"a nice attendance. _Tfite_ Sunday:sctrooITesson was well taught andeviewed^by Supt. Class No. 3 isstill holding the banner. AfterSunday school our. choir left forNew Hope AME church and putaver a wonderful program. Weilso had with us Sunday night tEtTRev. J. W. Walker and he deliver2da'wonderful message which allenjoyed. We are looking forwardSunday for a high day. We willhave with us Rev. W R. BowmarTan<f Fafrview and Lbenezer choirs.Come and see how Mt. Zion is go-,ing to put the program over.A three nights meeting will be

conducted beginning Wednesday"night 23 and continue through theweek. Our big rally will be_heldSunday and Sunday night. Come»ut and see the members play theirpart. .

The pastor and family were afternoonguests of Bro. Daniel Kennedy Sunday. We -are alwaysglad to, come in and see



Demniark, S, G., April 20.Beginningwith the regular EasterServices last Silnday, April p3,chfi. Voorhees-iamily has had^ «rrr

tinuous round of activities, in whathas turned out to be onr ef^Fbtg"gest weeks of the year.O Wednesday night the fashion

show directed by Mrs. J. E. Blanton, (the show being under the imMediate direction of Miss B. B. OBrien," teacher of clothing), was

an event of a great deal of interestto all who witnessed it. Theprizes in sewing were won by MissMartha Halyard, Miss CharoletteMyers, and Miss Lila Crwford forthe best made dresses. The priceswere won in the order named. Thefa s h ion show was- built around" a

play which tobk in house keepingan dthe proper dress for the propeF"occasion.Thursday at Allendale, S. C.

Prof. Ellis D. Dean had the agriculturestock judging team. VdorVioos trnvn a account of it

self and its training ;in the factthat the. team took down most ofthe prizes, both first and second,for stocy judging and for cropjudging. Mr. Dean returned withhis face wreathed in smiles as a

result of the activities of his class.Thursday night the Voorhees

Debating Team appeared at Friend

uegative of the proposition.' "Resolvet^at tfre United States Shouldenter the Ttesent World War."The team of Friendship was com

posed of three young women students,and the three young men ofVoorhees found their matches inthese young women because VoorheeR lost the decision by a unani-mous vote °f the judges. A goodtime was had by all. Mi«R C. R.Booker was director of the Voorheesteam. -President Goudlock,Dean Brown and members of thestudent body- antf faculty made Itvery pleasent for the jVoorheesteam.On Friday Principal Blanton met

In Oraneburg wffch the Aeadefhicr^frnntittee i>f the trustees. Atwhich thne some very importantdecisiona were madp with regard"to the future of Voorhees.

Annual Workers ConferehceFriday morning at^fl:15, young

' men and instructors began to ar

'rive on the Voorhees campus from,all over the state for the secondannual Workers Conference, atwhich time contests in carpentry,mechanical drawing, masonary,painting, general shop and in othertrades were held.

Prizes for these varrotts contestswere given as follows:- $100 scholarhip for the best in carpentrypresented by. Prof. Pr- V. Jewellfor President Whittaker of_StateCollege; first_prize in masonarya scholarship of $46 was presentedby Principal ,T. FL.Ehanton -forVoorhees. Other ^prizes__ .consistedof a complete set of dmwin tools,JT "complete kit of tools for carpentry.Second prizes consisted of4«H»d fflWl, levels, set otL paintbrushes.arwl-other-rnrplerrrchts. used

mechanics in their varioustrades. These prizes were given DyJ. W. Smack Hardware Co. ofOraneburg; Jeffords Machine shop,Orangeburg; J. 2. Brooker Hardware Co., and R. M." McCarthaHardware Co., both of Denmark.This workers conference rs an

n"al nffmg and is trectfiruhg "verypopular. It is directed by prof. W.V. Harper of the Voorhees facultywho is director of industrial edu[cation. The conference brought together a large number of visitors.Among therrr wece:Mr. J. B. FeltonState Djrector in NegrorSehoolfr-in S.C.~, Mr. AT J. Richards,Supt1_of_tha Denmark District, Mr.R. B. Turner, Director of Industrial Education for the State of S.C., Mr. J. P. Reynolds. State WPADirector, Mr.C. W. Lombard, Aaat,_State Director of Industrial Education,_Prof.P. V. Jewell of StateCollege, and a Jarge number ofteachers and instructors from allover the state.afternoon session .-Mr. W. H. ArkenTPresident- of the National Builders was presented and made themain address. His theme was. "Employment of Negro Craftsmen on

National-Defense Jobs." He saidtnat we only want our share of thework and jobs. If men are prepared, no matter what color theyare they should get the job. Hetold the young men that they needed to 'be better prepared thantheir "fatHers. We are not willingto pay the_ price to succeed. \Vhatis the part that the colored manis going to take in this new program? I hope that in-another yearthere wrll be 30 schools representedinstead of ten schools in the con-Terence. We have got to be good,we have got to moet'Teiruirementsetc.

The ten schools represented were:.AVi 1kinson Higbr-Qrangebbrg; Wilson High, Florence; Mather Academy. Caniden; Lincoln High, Sum-

ter;Marion High, Mariorr; Voorhees N. & I., Denmark; Marlboro'Ou. Tr;.SCtldOT,"' Bennettsville; A1lendale Co. "Tr. School, Allendale;Bell Street High, Clinton; BookerT. Washington, Columbia.The prrze winners were: Gqd__

erald- sliup, 1st"prize Jarnes-Coleman, Voorhees, 2nd prize EugeniBrown, Mather Academy; Drawing1st prize Esau Simmons, Voorhees2nd pnze William Smith, Voorhees;Painting, 1st prize CharlesHouston, Voorhees, 2nd prize Her.ry McFadden, Sumter High SchoolSumter. Carpentry, 1st prize HenryCurry, Wilkinson Hrgh: 2nd prizeJames Cook, Mather Academy,Camdenl *

The theme of the conference was

"The Negro's place in NationalDefense program". An enjoyabl*time was had by all and the conferenceadjourned to meet againin 1942 the third Friday in Aprilat Voorhees This dntewn<r adopted as the annual conference datefor the future.


Rufus Drofts ^rble tobe out again after being confinedto his bed for seven wecks.sxJ^jJare glad to see him out again.Mrs Ida Coleman, her three

children, grandaughter, and neicewere visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Droft last Sunday. The visitors are from Saluda, S. C.


The last teachers group rmeting"oT~district fi met at Coal SpringsSchool. Lykesland S. C., Mrs. Bertha Davis teacher. The discussionwas centered aound the annualFiel<f Day whrch was held twoweeks ago. After the meeting thegroup was served an enjoyable re^"past "consisting of irish potato,salad, crackers, cocoa, and vanillawafers. All members present reportedthemselves iHf having a pleasent time.

Patre F1t»


The . Parent-Teacher Associationof Carver Junior Hi schoolwas held last Thursday night,April 17, in the school auditoriumThis month's program was ren

dered by the classes of MissesHelen Burley and Ix»uise Cotton,Miss Burley is instructor of Englishand Social Studies. Themusic department > headed byMiss Cotton. The theme of theprogram was Contributions ofthe_Ncgro in Verse and Music.Several Negro Spirituals were -the chorus; after whichinformationgiven concern-mg the Negro hi the two abovementioned fields, i

(Jur president, Mr. Thompson,prodded doring the business partof the meeting. Minutes of theta»i mt-'Ptiii); V"*',' youi] and ..approved.Mrs. Oliza Mickels maj,a very interesting" and TuTT-reportof the Parent-Teacher Conventionwhich was held a I BenedictCollege on April 2nd.The class of Miss Fannie Lee

Pope ri.reiveiT ft|e ;>ttfrnlaw^dwrr.neirfor having the largest numbrof parents present.After the meeting refreshments

were sowed to the parents andfriends in the, Home Kcohoniiccroom..O.L.B.

TIIHUTCH H ATTFRS SAVTNCAND SOCIAL iXUHrThprluh's last mf-Ptrnfr was held*

at thet home of the president Mr.Lowman 2230 Hampton Avenue,April_2_L_Ih*r house was called toorder, and Mrs. Lucile Samuels ^conducted the devotionals.


.Tbl'.--Utlhute« -o! the last metingwere read, received and adopted!After the roll was called eachbewTTcpondtcL "next old and new"K..-:vuoiiics.s »as discussed ortelly. Wecompleted plans for the chickensupper which will be given at thehome of Mr, Lowmar, Saturday niteApril 26. We are inviting thevarious clubs and friends to comei<ver and be with ns.

Please (,lon't forget this date,we are hoping to have u grandtime. The meeting Then adjourned ,

to meet at the home of Mr. and^

Mrs. Willie Battle. 2424 Green St.April 28.


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