Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-08-02 [p Page...

Mom.Tow quootloa will bo utw*n4 uN" la tbla column. For Pvtati lotT, food S9o tb> my now Astboloot Mmasm wcrr Day Ciau and rocolro by nIub i a*ll a eonlldontUl lottor ,ol boo aaiiN'uo I olyxlng throo (|) quootiona privately. llaa I you* fall BAao. address. and blnhdato to all lottors and ploaso include a ttH %d B draoa ad. rampd envelope for yon* reply. Writ* Tot.Abbs' Wmuci mm of Tte I FALKBTTO Lbadb. lilt Amity Bol, P COLVMblA. Ik ClbQItAi H. M. B.. 1 see new that 1 ueeo a job but I have never had tie opportunity to work out. I>o you think ~sTf lKItl it would be best for me'? I am called disohedient. unthankful and a story teller by my step-father and you know why Thanking you for any help, Ans: By all means get a job immediately. Go to Mis. T. and t I am sure that she will help you ^"gvrwofk^L'giste. at the S?gl S»- r.nd if possible run nds'inTthe pa-. pers. Try net te aeeept anv more help from your, step-father and do not argue with him. If it were pos sible for you to got work and re main on the job, it would be the best thing for you right now * Don't allow him the opportunity he is seeking. O..Mr.I.. My husband 1 is fr .young preaeher but he doesn't to preach enough to grow very strong and I want to change stales' and it seems like he doesn't. Tell us what to do? Ans: Remain with your husband and be patient. He is trying very hard to cet a small church of hi? own and realizes that he would be doing wrong to be moving about. Get a job and go to work and encourage him to do likevYisi until he can further his education and become better qualified in his profession. A. I..- .My boy friend i< in i-:imp . and ear!', linn we gel together he A acts like ho wants to ask me to n\arr\*' him He just don't know what to say and ho si re acts iik-. he likes me too. Tell me if he loves me and what aie his tio*ii.-*7 Ans: Help lue boy oui a hit Wl.ltril lie* >«.» HI a': Y IK' C»»Ji I talk.. . encourage him a I/it. Ves. it seems to nit* that hi- is vorj much in [o\f wijth you ami is anxious to take you to his home meet his parents.. He will 'make you a pood mate. M. H 11..I'm a woman of 1 and iny husbaml hasn't ever been very much help to me and r.ow lie isn't at all for he takes his money and drinks it up. I have to support myself and want to know if I should leave him? Ans: No. a separation isn't advisable. You two have been together for 3-1 years and I am s ire f that you would pet more happi. than yotr would to separate; Give your husband a pood talking to and see if you can'? make him iTT more for the home. He's going to _:M. L. C..Please tell me if in> idea is night. I want to leave this man and 140 some othei1.4*lwe and open a business. Tell me why I can't hold a job? Ans: It takes money to open a business and you shouldn't try it until you get some money ahead. Get you a job and work hard . . you cean't hold down a job when you take *ifc«r.iMterest in the work ut all. If you were operating a business of your own you would have to work much harder than you ever have before in your life. D. L. B..--I am a young girl of 18 and have just gotten married. I love the boy I married and he . . . say?r he loves me but he stays out nights and tells me he has been .riding -with 4>oy». Tel! me whtrt.h . should do Ans:A man that would start steping out a few weeks after he3 is married, surely doesn't realize, the vows he took. Let him knoe right from the beginning that you won't tolerae his running around Go back home and go to work it necessary, but I don't think you . could be happy with a man who stays aw ay from home all nijht even though you do love him. M. H. . I have three boys. Till me if I will ever be able to give them a good borne and education, Ans: With your desire to get ahead . I am sure that you will ^ do well by these boys. Continue working ... in a few years lime" you 'will meet a nice man who will prove a father to these hoys of you rs. * ST. 17(71" IS A M. E. ( HI IW H Rev. T. II. Ringer, Pastor VI t 1 M opened at the- usual hour with thr Supt. and teachers at their posts ~ .The hour arrived for preaching. Rev.. Ringer lined the first hytnn. Bio. William Carter led in prayer, after \Vhich Rev. A." T,.' Diggs of West Columbia, read the first 1.1 verses of the 17th Psalms. The second hymn was then sung Rev Diggs refused to preach and Rev Ringer arose and took his text from Joshua 24:15, "As for nie and my house we will serve the Lord." He preached n good sermon. Rev. Diggs sung a hymn and opened the. doors of the Church for joiners. Afterwards the stew ar<ds_camn. Torward .and.-lifted thacollection. "Together let us sweetly live,etc," was sung. Dismission by Rev. A. I,. Diggs. We are always glad to have Rev. Diggs < with us. i fr- a .: -f ^RiENi)sim» \. y\. r. CHURCH Rev. 11. W. Walker. I'astor <" in'on. S.'C. I hv thin quarterly oo; foreneo of Friendship A. M. K. ehuroh was held Monday night,'Jul*- 11 Wo hid h very mi.' n wart or. lonorts showed ar iuci oil so. Wo fool very grateful twavaid Presiuing Elder Gary. The. chluvh continues to movo n'.oiig tun. . r gro-'t loader. S. s hool \va.< wi'll atti'iulod. At .ho usual hour for seivico. Rev. Walker opened in I is usual way TIh- pastor-pleached an inspiring nermon. His text was t; ken fror St. Matt. 14 Two outstand tr oharaotei s. ".losus Christ ami 4aint Peter". Two young person 'mi i ted themselves with the church 'inking a I t '1 of seven in loss Iran a month. At the evening sei ice Uwr.tT.T Shelttm---delivered -Pm.oiei-i-ao 14+s subject was The Greatest Faith In Israel. Tex' ak. n from St. Matt. S-10. Tli isitors were acknowledged ; n<' nude wolcom.' bv the pastor. Sumlav. .Jlv 27. S. school onen d at the regular hour b«" *' ustant Supt.. Mr. G. T. Honrv Th e TV ssdll Wlls discussed By ol.lsS At the reemhrt.horn- service Kgan with a largo number ores m* and a full choir. After the «h>vo Hons Rev. Walk r "ihtrodticcrt "a'tnT presented Rev. X. R. Sett of Port Mid. Maine, A. M. E. Zjo.n. Rev. Scott preached front the sil'Bioe' "Tiio" Tiling' that's "Xeded"/ Tlie ,....n i.. li enjoyed by all. Wo were hapy to have so many isitors. local and out of town Xnioity them were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Tivy)or, Philadelphia. Pa.: Mrs, KstolTa Davin. Clearwater, ' "la.; Mrs. Celestino Williams. Washington. P. C.: Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson Scott and children vife of lie v. N. R. Scott. Mrs Scott and Mr. Willie Taylor mad' hert interestiny. and conn fimentary remarks. All of i1 m otet ("lit toni<-ns but Mr. Tav'.or's wife and Rev. Scott. Mrs', ('destine Williams of Wash nyton. 1>. ('.. is here visitiny her tlis T Ano-i nill:iiit M's- Catherine Mims is here < ith M i s. Williams .Mm' Frank W. Younp: of Philide'phia IV.. 's here at the b d-. -ide of icr sister, who continues rtl. Marty < !' our member* a n d tiend.s are on their vacation. Mr-. Mary L. l.indsey left twi. reeks ay,, for Philadelphia. Pa.. here s: e will visit her seir Mr. ana - A lite»;t Kennedy. Mts. Hail-dab WTrity and he. tuyl-.ter lett Saturdav niylit ''or Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Wh.\e's day is indefinite. ,Mr. Mrs. Hubert T. Thotup tm have as yuosfrs their (iauyner. son-ill law and childr n Rev. mi Mis. N. R. Scott, Your reporter Miss Rubve Mae 'ohnson is back in town and a* t in service, (let your tujjvs '»« tie not later than ft a.m. w Mon. iays See Carrie I'»ill Rook and Rid'v, D Pitls tm h week am! pu' "has.- a. copy of lYic jPalnutt' Reader PROVIDENCE M E. CHI KCH IU \ L. * I uwn mail, a I,a~t Sunday was a high day t'oi church goers. After three weeks »f rain which caused, many of them ti> he awjiy from their posts ot duty they were very anxious :.tu happy to come out and play theii parts in the church prograpt. The Sun. school opened on time and the Masses were beautifully taught by the teachers. The lesson was reviewed by the pastor who always' brines out some vital ooints on the lesson. The Supt., Mr. K. M. Howers, made somen?:. At the close of the Sunday sermon in the superlative degree Many souls were made happy and many visitors thought it was revival metting. About thirty or no re poisons including old and young, huh and women, came"for ward and askj^d to be remembered to a throne of grace. ti 1; with the pastui ami is working as never before. All are praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the many hearts who are now seeking it;~ 'i' I 01 llwtiv ktHl g'e. .»11. i ( ki and A. M., met last Sautrday night and raised three candidates. The aniiM' I sermon was held on the third Sunday and was preached hy the Rev. K, M. Royd. The women came out in large numbers nd served free (linnet'. It goes without saying that Mr. Rowers is a great man. He is Supt., pastor. steward, class leader of class NTo. 1. chairman of steward board. No. 1 choir me'mber, trustee of AlTr^-r^ffni^?TTTT ,TrHT!!Tn7Tnff"^TTnTeJ'' of Lodge No. 2-1.1, running a large farm, saw mill, etc The church will make no mistake in electing him as one of their representatives to the next forth coming genial conference. He is with the church 100 percent. The revival meeting will begin Tt the above named church August 10th, conducted by the Rev. G. R. Tillman, of Camden, S. C. The Revs. W. G. Owens, If. T. L' T Af.. l XXT . nniinn i i\ u. i>HIUIC cllld VV . tV| McDonald will he Rev. Bowman's honored quests for Sunday service. All choirs and congregation are hereby asked to accompany their pastor Provudbnee~"l8* two miles north of f'hapicr and rhr extends lo you a most hearty welcome in fill religious services. Come to Providence, go to Provilence. (Miss) Lula Boyd, Jieportur THjjf M S wL»» S V&&Ef Zm^^kST ; ^SsL H «*: . ABBEVILLE NEWS "7 C ;i'HI Mrs. (Jura-go .Miliar and -y^. mullier. Mis. Sarah Miller of l^h 1 lii rj..|, delphfa. Pa., were the dinner ' juests of Mi. and Mrs. William p ( Reed Fi ie.'\ of last week. ,. Mrs.1 Mr rv Olinkscnlos (and ,,.j daughter n' Philadelfthin, Pa., p( were the dinner quests of Mrs I.. T\ Rhodes Wednesday of last week. VVt, Mrs. Onie Ixe Burton and little a, son, Boboie, are visiting her sis- ^ ter, Mrs. Mary N". Foster of °v Kvanston, Til. ST. JAMKS A M. K. ( HI KCH A'I. Rev. F. I). Dreher. Pastor Abbeville- Sunday school began Thai at the usual hour with the Supt. fan .nd teachers- present. The lesson was' beautifully taup'ht by each rpj teacher and timely reviewed by Mrs. Eliza Reed. At 11:30 ovtr pastor brought us £an a timely message taken from Matt /.« . uinnr. a iif 11»i£it 11 mi 111.f |ni.MS- tion." Many hearts were made to -j-js burn as the servant talked by the T1 W e had a number of visitors to worship with" us in our morning Will service. Among them were: Mr. "iid Mrs. Wilson D. Marshall of fl Phila.. Pa., Mrs. Julia Heath. Mr. Walter Marshall also of philat jt j. Theyexpressed themselves as. being f( happy and enjoying our service. At 11 o'clock the pastor and \*,)V choir motored to Mulberry to wo»-. <hip with Rev. Boyd and his good o members. They reported having i swell time and trip. At 8 o'clock the Union Fellowship meeting was hold with Wash- T linuton St. Presbyterian church. The sermon was preached bv Rev. im Mathis of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Qp church. The speaker held his au»L ienee .spellbound as he delivered ,Ti the_inessagts from Rev. 1:11, t | The ILark Wedding given by he night jvas a success and quite a \ S nice collection was taken. son; We regret very much that Mr. Mis Scott, our League president, is 'u' moving to Atlanta, Ou, for he ,/'!H will btw greatly missed. We pray for him muc'h success. Let us pray for our sick memhers, namely: Mrs. Emma Burton, Mrs Ninella McClaren; Mr. Rich- T 'J ard Hagen. ()"1' Srr long. Will-sec vuu next week m. w. h. .v|,i, rrai g keen ridge news ^:nj St. Paul A. M. K. Church :,g11 Rev. J 1). Bovd, Past»r 'ai( ill? The 20th of July being our third quarterly conference of Mulberry and St. Paul, our presiding older, j . Dr. W. S. Mains! delivered a heart yv'oi felt sermon from St. Luke 15:18. host Theme, "Going back home." Oh, AViti how our hearts rejoiced while the I The servant preached the word. The M reports were good and all the Svv wiil'U fler's compliments. He was well T pleased. '*a|i On the 13th of July the Unity 1 Group of Churches Union or the I'McI. T. D. N. Union met at St. Paul under the leadership of Bro. J. E. ^ ^ Pressley.This was an affair worthy ; of being mentioned and wirs ir sue- *T cess. The sum of $5.00 was left to be used as most need. If the n T A-.i ...Jii! - ' i,<nci is willing, come ami go wit/ i.n|j us to Shady Grove August 10th. We help that we will be helped. ^,K.] Welcome one and all. Tom Now if you missed the Sunday r> ( school institute which was hold at ' Shady Grove the 23rd and 24th, Whi you really missed a treat. W. IMrs.f J. Jenkins, Reporter nam T1 Rev, ^uhcnriho For ^.r;a The Palmetto Trader *tt0 was ^AtMtTtO LEADEK jfcta | H£*v r ^Pj£V;:x:-lL a H 'A* ..;; ON SID EH COD'S WORKS OrigrnaV.Poem by Inez^ Tred k Washington, Seneca. S. C. >ve ever stop to think, 3out this wide and wonderfu n thirst conies how we drini f lG o d' » everlasting a n < precious love? are faced with many triads 5 we walk the King's highwaj >ve pray to Him for hours, 8 we journey on our way ? you grateful of the air lat is enjoyed hv good an bad ? us rest more upon God's car we may see him over there you see beauty in trees, us rest more upon God's car laft we may see him over there. you see beauty in trees, hen we behold the irentl the work of mir HV-avenl; King: " uit he promised us to bring. you.vuluti.the. little -r»i <h ops, hat give life to our ' ,guo crops - sent from heaven '>bove > prove to \w< of His great lov< f to the ones who a r ungratful f the works of God's lovin hands, t you will promise to !j faithful 0 our laud's great command: : GI.K.WKKS ci.rn HAl'liENS, _s. G. he Gleaners dub met July l auiie of .Mi>s Elel Watts wit president in her chair, onene hnging Ho \iiu ThTrTR I'll Mak oldier. led bv Mrs. Sadie Joh c.. *?vi i|>iui;i' teson was read b .Innit- Brockman after whie president asked that the clti at the- - twenty-third Psalre d A way A\*a> suntr afteT whic r \Vatts nave us a very wan tune. Mrs. F. Golden rospon 0 Mrs. Watts welcome, mute- i,f previous meet in* inished business. Report o mittees... New-business. Offei with scripture verses afte :'h we had a very good pre n. TTi <>se taking part on pre n: Mesdames Marv Cannot tr brot'l'ina>T Kiel \Vatts, S' land. Carrie Workman. Mai t Yourg. Francis Golden, Sy! 1 lliggins, Sadie Johnson, Re Garrett, L'lah Byrd. After th tram the hostess served punc cake.. Interesting remark the nresident. Mrs. Carri kman -extended thanks to tr, ess then we adjourned to met i Mrs. Myra Hoiiond July 21 in17.pah was used for closir.j rs. C. 0. Hijdgens. president ilia "in'ir'""!" 5. Moon.' pastor, hose who went from St. Pan tist church to Benedict col to attend the program of th r-racial institute Friday Jul i: Mesdames Jessie McCulloir ). Iludgens, Mary C. Whitenei tie I.. Mathis. Rev. J. W. Ma pastor- <>f the Ztott Bnptis other churches, also nrincinr ndn- rs hiirh school; Mrs. Lil; dath is.Rev. Mathis carried th cs. Those who attended th e S. R. and BTU moetiner i < TTill: Miss J. ITieks. Mr. Dav s. Rev. Hicks, Mrs. T. Hick; \ Ifudgens. Mr. Jno. Mills. V, Meadows. Sunt.; Mrs. M ( tenor. Rev. \V'. L. Wilson. .1 PooAlv others-wa-4i4«'t get th ies. ^ no wont to l Olumbi.'i E. W. Wright, Rov. Wnlkei Daniel Wearincr, Mr. I,. I irinpr, Mr. Fred Hudprens wh ndcd the pratno. A nice tri reported by all. _i ' 1 fi^rHi\ - m& -V- V^§jl HV A&OV-. M J OMC^ JWCLd^ ^| ' ^1 ' FLORENCE DISTRICT HOLDS ' FIFTH (.HOIT* JV|Vw r'v': 4 The lifth jrroup meeting of the Florence District Conference of tile Methodist dcnoniHiatnion met in Hethesda M. church, about six " ' riles fit 111 Cades. S. July 23. b Tr.e Rev. G. H. Tillnii 11 is the. ' aggressive pastor of this workijiy Mo.k, who had made elaborate ar- ' angements. and extensive prepara ions to accommodate, ard enterain this big body of youths, wo- e>i and ministers. Tlie meeting ws.p started by the praise service led by Rev. G. li. Tillman. The D. S. Rev. C. C. d Reynolds gave : 11 inspiring devo onal address entitled "God can e tse any kind of ,man if lie is will , fig to be used"; to the tdivication of all. i ne ron can truicateu tnat Kev. ri.'C. Jiicks'iti was absent on ac- 1 ount of sickness. Rev. .J. A. Pogue and J. M. Stokes hindered f '>v uncontrollable reasons. The reports wern made <n Pen- « ^-smns and Relief: The Church PC ^ Thv House: Women's Society . of Y Christian Service: Youth C'ouitc' " Contest. All niiide strorg ant' e most favorable records of the' > work and results. d n The--Dr "S called attention t * Bishop King's plan for an area f d Council at Atlanta. Ga.. Sept. 2-' c and delegates to be composed of pastors, one lav leader. C. S. Supt V'outh Representative, \V. C. S e district. The District 'Conference convening at iSt. Prul church. ScV . temhev 10 14. and the Yout' Council at .Orangeburg, S, C: It was repotted that over 22." t vorttg people were at this meeting President II. Durant of the -Dis- s* trict Youth Council: Sirs. H. T . Muggins, R.N.. and Miss Maggie c |Ji»nkins. nrusisrient Con.f«» once f J Youth Council and Mrs. P. M. Gib! ^ es, president W. S. C. S. made ( >. impiyfing addresses 1). S. Rev : 0 C. C. Reynolds fed each one of d.U+es-.yout s to.rf must delicious ~( v and palatable renast. n | All of the ministers were eeper V t,, conlpleti their benevolences by \ h the District conference. The nun ~i b sic for the entire service was f?iv- 1 i n principally W-the vounp peopb i b Jed bv Prof. J. A. Greene. 11 The Rev. G. B. Tillmann. his d mcmb.-rs and friends, were thank ( e<l heartily for the hip dinner, anil ( ' mapnificent ei tertainment piver ^ ''(the proup patherinp of over two »] hundred fifty people of adult ape r r John C. Gibbes. t - smi.oii presbytkrian '< ^ -CPHP-Rf^H ' liy 1'topi a Davis j 1- S. S. at the usual hour with the . p officer* and teachers at their post e of duty. Rev. C. W. Talley delivn ered a wonderful sermon at the . s worship hour. The text was < < taken from Job: Know Thyself. e The Sunday School convention t which met at Coulter. Che raw it J Z. was a splendid convention. Rev. r. C. W. Tallev stated they was a- ' bout 11(5 delepates and 128 serv*- in tin1 dining, mum. Tlllti WHU reported the best convention in d years. Amount received was a|- bout $21:5.00 and expenses rmount 0 ed to around $270.00. Little Miss v Alice Mae Harris represented Sri i, loh church and hroupht back a ni r. report. A nice time was enjoyed by all. T She broupht back much infor1 mation. She was not a delegate a but just, went alonp to attend the ( melftinp. Her report was inspir Ing. n The Rev. Talley invites his o friends and members to stop in ; find VI AW t H n nflVJOnof»n .mA y: ,.,,,1 S,M the changes and improvements !. have been made, f. We are proud of Prof. L. P. e ByTAFm and Mr. Eddie Mcflrav and are sorry that they will return in Cheraw ,S. C. r. Attend some rhurch Sunday. > The Rev.C ,W. Tallev was dean o J at thee Sundr y school convention p and he brought hack a splendid report. U * \ ' 6 ST. PHILIP A. M. E. CHURCH gn hi; R«iy, T. H. Weathers, Pastor ly. Mil The fourth quarterly confer- lotte, erce was held at St. Philip July of J 27. At 10 o'clock a.m. Sun. school Rosa took place conducted by the Supt._ Mr Mamie E. Hinton after the open- son. ing ceremonies the teachers took of Ni charge of their various clwses, sister explaining- the lesson to the best Eliza >f their ability. A review of the law, lesson by Rev. Sister Term Lovette \ second review by the Presiding Mir Elder Dr. Robinson which every- cene me gain a thought from the les- C., w son. We also had twn visitors Mary >vho made some timely remarks. Mrs llrs. Marie Nelson of Sumter, S. Ma L; Miss Katherine Jones of Brook «olo yn, N. Y. hem ! A warm prayer service was ren ioytd lered by the prayer committees. 3ro. Isaac Jnhns'm- sister Katie Ion s and Rio John Herbert X soul searching sermon was delivifed by the Presiding Elder Dr. Robinson found II Samuel 18:32. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful nessage. , .-« After the public collection was a ken the quarterly cotitc/ence F)R vafT continued. The reports all vere fine. The P E. wac mado vith a satisfactory report. The reports since the last quarterly fiol onferem'e was as follows: P. E, S30.00; Trustees $74.85: Mission OITice >12.34; Pastor asessment $75.G4; 1125 Dollar Money $18.00; Stewardess Doard No. 1 $3.75; Stewardess 2 Office 53 PU; Stewardess Board No. 57 8:30 H.50; Sunday school $45.00; League.$3.10;.Contingent $2.05; "p dission $2.35; grand total $274.08. ^ The clubs reports were as fol- ovs: Golden Star S2.00; Eastovcr >3.05; Community $1.50; Sunshine 51,85; Willing Workers S 2.15- r 1107'/ 3usv Bee $1.55; Good Will $2.25; or the poor 3.15; wine $3.25. To- al $20.7?, T)1 The members of St. Philip are loing their best for success but lope to do better in the future. ( The officers and members also I Office tie in their report, asking the--"10:00 lishop for a retu rno£_thcrr"lT E. 4:fto >r. Robinson.''Pastor Rev T Qj I. Weathers. Th: t they are ful- 2030 v satisfied with the service they 'five been rendering these past fip] ears and want them back for a ouple or more years. Everybody round St. Philip and Eastovet f lave been made to love Elder Hob Deale nsen and ltev. Weathers, Two Marri oVtng and better gospel men can- Deedt tot be ft unci. At 3:30 o'3clock the Awe rah of dr. Sam Kihardson. Jr.. was con- m 'uetvd at St. Philip, a .veiling m:r hirty years old. Was sick oni" I ne week. We don't know much MM bout iiis 1 ifo living but we hope i' is at-rest in sweet heavenly and. lie lived in Columbia. S.C. 'Tie funeral was » srd one. He |»| eaves to mourn his lost a wife, nother. two brothers and f- ur si COO ers and a host of relatives an I 1^01 Her ds. Hollev and Soils funerii directors. One anions the b s or prompt and courteous s.rv' e »A fine League wn« conduct* :00 o'clock p.m. by the President *w~r Miss Rosie L. Weather* is -lo LMJL ng fine after a few weeks of fev- cr r. Mrs. Ma ret Nelson of S""*er, S. C., wp.t on S>»nay also Miss {Catherine Jones and Arssr "Pearlie t HTrrtroT^-of Rrokhvr [V* >1. Y., who are spending their vo at ion with relatives. '"muo to elior. h..ioin the ehivch. for I and A pp'.V -TH^N TV V. M. ! ;. I'lH RCII l»0(i Count Rev. J. E. Dixon, Pastor jSt.; I" Silver Street The Sunday [ ' ichool met at the erual horr with the Supt. in char""1 TV-e -d>«« M vfp taught hv Mrs. Rosa Toland. \s Mm. I.. Kr Jackson was not )n time, Mrs. M. F. C'leland yyas ! tsked to review Hie lesion wh'e.h vas beautifully reviewed and full 1 )f information. The Sunday school s yet alive if few in number. _At lhe_adiournmeiiL.uf Uu^ -Sun.-. lay school they went into praise ' || ifrviee led by Miss Annie H.ile At blarp. Quite a warm spiritual noetimr was had. Scripture reading, t- f Mark 7?th ehaptetr1 by lev. J. E. Dixon who i.. a man of 4 nuch ability an(| high christian jha rafter. The sermon, Romans :1G, "I am ti(w^ ashamed of the jospel." He sJpoke of Paul as a i>j ;repit writer. He wrote 14 episuls. This great man pleaded with the >eople to continue in the faith and flPI o keep His word, continuafh-.THilso told us to keep our hands in IEJ ^od'a hand. Mrs. Idiflla Boozer mil HH in accident and was unable l<> >e in the service. We hope fuller a speedv recoverv. Telen Mrs. Eliza Miller is also ill. P Visitor at the church wis, Mr. rv * Thomas Bobb. the 'Supt. of Bush *-*" Sunday school and agent of the \Torth Carolina Mutual He is a 2379 ,'pung man of outstanding eharaeer. We are asking you to please Invisi ncouragc him so that he may Work PINCKNEY'S FITNI i NDE.iTAKER AM) I.ICKNi OF SOUTH CAROLINA A Flir as And I --J 1006 WASHINGTON ST, ' s m laturday. 'August 2, 1911 ghcr spiritually and temperai' i >s Etlia Mt.f Loland of Char- . ) X. (J., la spending the month ^ lily and- August with Mrs % Toland of S'lver Street, S. C. s. Weston Wright and grand master Joseph C'alainesJ r . . ?w York, are visiting~Ker two s, M<s. L. K. Jackson, Mrs. beth Booker and bioPw:Mr. L. K. Jackson. Newberrj Alice Austin, -master Hi:Thurntan of Washi; glon, L). ere the guests of her aunt, F. Cleland. Ma'ik'a Johnson rnd ' oukin. ster Eugene Thurman ®ang a in the B. Y. P. I'. at Beth'oRaptist .eh. reh which was en- A. by all. M PROFESSIONAL CARDS . H. H. COOPER DENTIST tri.Attention (liven t.» lite. eases of the Cum* Id Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty ~~ 7 Phone 6120 Ilea: 8261 7I Washington St. Col'a., S. C. ' j Hours .Telephone: A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Office 6033 I!oci.lon»- OUT'J )r. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST j X-RAY-SERVICE i BLOCK ANESTHESIA -s 'i Washington St. Columljfra fit. J. G. STUART Sh ye, Ear, Nose and .Throat lasses Kitted '"Vccurately , Hours: Telephones: A.M. to 2 I'.M. Res. 4692 P.M. to 6 P.M. OHice 3796 Bee Residence Taylor St. 1317 Pine St. V. J. H. JOHNSON NOTARY Rl'HI.IC _ Iftice 2029 Marion Street r in Real Estate, performs isige Ceremonies writes Wills i. Mortgages, Claims, etc. Call to See Him « 11 SHS FR0MCO1.DS won t turn iooss yy^-g^^J JCI oni $i^ o# &z. {THO-MW.S>ON .WATT HV1 MWUTtl YOU FAL TO MT EXPECTED UUtf ASK K* YOUK MONEY EACK. lacwniiokl i )LD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ADAM PEll^KS HAIR (iKOWKK tiseased Seal ) . (Jives Life Reauty. BEST (JROWBR. once a week.Price 33 c. Rlandini; St. Columbia. S. ('. :s_.Drug Store. > Washington Fhoinns iJrusr Store, Taylor and Harden Street mmMii « ONE \7KT IVz cents per mile ROUND TRIP 0% less than double J the one way fares Mr Conditioned Coaches ON THROUGH TRAINS J. T. C()HH g vision I'asst'hgor Agent ® Columbia. S. C. hone 92.;I ^NTZLKik SHOE m;v J;ro|, *»«a. S. C rTTCPs R fisen.Mblr' b'r n,jlf frK":int' vl>' **ialt> (al'od For vfi,' Mulivereri | mm T-. SR Ah T'PMK SKI) KM 15A! M KB NI) RKOKOI \ era) Cars and Funeral J_ . Equipment ROOD AS Till-; IIKST R'tfer Than the Rest And Prices Less OtIU'o Phone ^ £rVdence I'hone 7765 i T-7.TV ~ \M> I*) ICE

Transcript of Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-08-02 [p Page...

Mom.Tow quootloa will bo utw*n4uN" la tbla column. For Pvtati lotT,food S9o tb> my now Astboloot Mmasmwcrr Day Ciau and rocolro by nIubi a*ll a eonlldontUl lottor ,ol boo aaiiN'uoI olyxlng throo (|) quootiona privately. llaaI you* fall BAao. address. and blnhdato toall lottors and ploaso include a ttH %dB draoaad. rampd envelope for yon* reply.Writ* Tot.Abbs' Wmuci mm of TteI FALKBTTO Lbadb. lilt Amity Bol,P COLVMblA. Ik ClbQItAi

H. M. B.. 1 see new that 1 ueeoa job but I have never had tie opportunityto work out. I>o youthink ~sTf lKItl it would be bestfor me'? I am called disohedient.unthankful and a story teller bymy step-father and you know whyThanking you for any help,

Ans: By all means get a jobimmediately. Go to Mis. T. and

t I am sure that she will help you^"gvrwofk^L'giste. at the S?glS»- r.nd if possible run nds'inTthe pa-.pers. Try net te aeeept anv more

help from your, step-father and donot argue with him. If it were possible for you to got work and remain on the job, it would be thebest thing for you right now

* Don't allow him the opportunityhe is seeking.O..Mr.I.. My husband 1 is fr

.young preaeher but he doesn'tto preach enough to grow verystrong and I want to change stales'and it seems like he doesn't. Tellus what to do?Ans: Remain with your husband

and be patient. He is trying veryhard to cet a small church of hi?own and realizes that he wouldbe doing wrong to be movingabout. Get a job and go to workand encourage him to do likevYisiuntil he can further his educationand become better qualified in hisprofession.

A. I..-.My boy friend i< in i-:imp .

and ear!', linn we gel together he A

acts like ho wants to ask me ton\arr\*' him He just don't knowwhat to say and ho si re acts iik-.he likes me too. Tell me if he lovesme and what aie his tio*ii.-*7

Ans: Help lue boy oui a hitWl.ltril lie* >«.» HI a': Y IK' C»»Ji I

talk.. . encourage him a I/it. seems to nit* that hi- is vorjmuch in [o\f wijth you ami is anxiousto take you to his home t»meet his parents.. He will 'makeyou a pood mate.

M. H 11..I'm a woman of 1and iny husbaml hasn't ever beenvery much help to me and r.ow lieisn't at all for he takes his moneyand drinks it up. I have to supportmyself and want to know if Ishould leave him?

Ans: No. a separation isn't advisable.You two have been togetherfor 3-1 years and I am s iref that you would pet more happi.

than yotr would to separate; Giveyour husband a pood talking toand see if you can'? make him iTTmore for the home. He's going to

_:M. L. C..Please tell me if in>idea is night. I want to leave thisman and 140 some othei1.4*lwe andopen a business. Tell me why Ican't hold a job?

Ans: It takes money to open abusiness and you shouldn't try ituntil you get some money ahead.Get you a job and work hard . .

you cean't hold down a job whenyou take *ifc«r.iMterest in the workut all. If you were operating abusiness of your own you wouldhave to work much harder thanyou ever have before in your life.

D. L. B..--I am a young girl of18 and have just gotten married.I love the boy I married and he

. . . say?r he loves me but he stays outnights and tells me he has been

.riding -with 4>oy». Tel! me whtrt.h.should doAns:A man that would start

steping out a few weeks after he3is married, surely doesn't realize,the vows he took. Let him knoeright from the beginning that youwon't tolerae his running aroundGo back home and go to work itnecessary, but I don't think you

. could be happy with a man whostays away from home all nijhteven though you do love him.

M. H. .I have three boys. Tillme if I will ever be able to givethem a good borne and education,Ans: With your desire to get

ahead . I am sure that you will^ do well by these boys. Continue

working ... in a few years lime"you 'will meet a nice man who willprove a father to these hoys ofyou rs.

* ST. 17(71" IS A M. E. ( HI IW HRev. T. II. Ringer, Pastor

VI t 1M

opened at the- usual hour with thrSupt. and teachers at their posts

~ .The hour arrived for preaching.Rev.. Ringer lined the first hytnn.Bio. William Carter led in prayer,after \Vhich Rev. A." T,.' Diggs ofWest Columbia, read the first 1.1verses of the 17th Psalms. Thesecond hymn was then sung RevDiggs refused to preach and RevRinger arose and took his textfrom Joshua 24:15, "As for nieand my house we will serve theLord." He preached n good sermon.

Rev. Diggs sung a hymn andopened the. doors of the Churchfor joiners. Afterwards the stewar<ds_camn. Torward .and.-lifted thacollection."Together let us sweetlylive,etc," was sung. Dismissionby Rev. A. I,. Diggs. We are alwaysglad to have Rev. Diggs <

with us.


a .:-f

^RiENi)sim» \. y\. r. CHURCHRev. 11. W. Walker. I'astor

<" in'on. S.'C. I hv thin quarterlyoo; foreneo of Friendship A.M. K. ehuroh was held Mondaynight,'Jul*- 11 Wo hid h verymi.' n wart or. lonorts showed ariuci oil so.Wo fool very grateful twavaid

Presiuing Elder Gary. The. chluvhcontinues to movo n'.oiig tun.

. r gro-'t loader.S. s hool \va.< wi'll atti'iulod. At

.ho usual hour for seivico. Rev.Walker opened in I is usual wayTIh- pastor-pleached an inspiringnermon. His text was t; ken frorSt. Matt. 14 Two outstand

tr oharaotei s. ".losus Christ ami4aint Peter". Two young person'mi i ted themselves with the church'inking a I t '1 of seven in lossIran a month. At the evening sei

ice Uwr.tT.T Shelttm---delivered-Pm.oiei-i-ao 14+s subject was

The Greatest Faith In Israel. Tex'ak. n from St. Matt. S-10. Tliisitors were acknowledged ; n<'

nude wolcom.' bv the pastor.Sumlav. .Jlv 27. S. school onen

dat the regular hour b«" *'

ustant Supt.. Mr. G. T. HonrvTh e TV ssdll Wlls discussed By ol.lsS

At the reemhrt.horn- service Kganwith a largo number ores m*and a full choir. After the «h>voHons Rev. Walk r "ihtrodticcrt "a'tnTpresented Rev. X. R. Sett of PortMid. Maine, A. M. E. Zjo.n. Rev.

Scott preached front the sil'Bioe'"Tiio" Tiling' that's "Xeded"/ Tlie

,....n i.. li

enjoyed by all.Wo were hapy to have so manyisitors. local and out of townXnioity them were Mr. and Mrs.Willie Tivy)or, Philadelphia. Pa.:Mrs, KstolTa Davin. Clearwater,

' "la.; Mrs. Celestino Williams.Washington. P. C.: Mrs. ElizabethThompson Scott and childrenvife of lie v. N. R. Scott. MrsScott and Mr. Willie Taylor mad'hert interestiny. and conn fimentaryremarks. All of i1

m otet ("lit toni<-ns but Mr. Tav'.or'swife and Rev. Scott.Mrs', ('destine Williams of Wash

nyton. 1>. ('.. is here visitiny hertlis T Ano-i nill:iiit

M's- Catherine Mims is here< ith M i s. Williams.Mm' Frank W. Younp: of Philide'phiaIV.. 's here at the b d-.

-ide of icr sister, who continuesrtl.

Marty < !' our member* a n dtiend.s are on their vacation.Mr-. Mary L. l.indsey left twi.

reeks ay,, for Philadelphia. s: e will visit her seir Mr.ana - A lite»;t Kennedy.Mts. Hail-dab WTrity and he.tuyl-.ter lett Saturdav niylit ''or

Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Wh.\e'sday is indefinite.,Mr. Mrs. Hubert T. Thotup

tm have as yuosfrs their (iauyner.son-ill law and childr n Rev.mi Mis. N. R. Scott,Your reporter Miss Rubve Mae

'ohnson is back in town and a*t in service, (let your tujjvs '»«tie not later than ft a.m. w Mon.iays See Carrie I'»ill Rook andRid'v, D Pitls tm h week am! pu'

"has.- a. copy of lYic jPalnutt'Reader


IU \ L. * I uwn mail, a

I,a~t Sunday was a high day t'oichurch goers. After three weeks»f rain which caused, many of themti> he awjiy from their posts ot

duty they were very anxious :.tu

happy to come out and play theiiparts in the church prograpt.The Sun. school opened on time

and the Masses were beautifullytaught by the teachers. The lessonwas reviewed by the pastor whoalways' brines out some vitalooints on the lesson. The Supt.,Mr. K. M. Howers, made somen?:.

At the close of the Sunday

sermon in the superlative degreeMany souls were made happy andmany visitors thought it was revivalmetting. About thirty or

nore poisons including old andyoung, huh and women, came"forward and askj^d to be rememberedto a throne of grace.

ti 1;

with the pastui ami is working as

never before. All are praying forthe outpouring of the Holy Spiritin the many hearts who are now

seeking it;~'i' I 01 llwtiv ktHl g'e. .»11. i ( kiand A. M., met last Sautrdaynight and raised three candidates.The aniiM' I sermon was held on

the third Sunday and was preachedhy the Rev. K, M. Royd. Thewomen came out in large numbersnd served free (linnet'. It goes

without saying that Mr. Rowersis a great man. He is Supt., pastor.steward, class leader of classNTo. 1. chairman of steward board.No. 1 choir me'mber,trusteeofAlTr^-r^ffni^?TTTT ,TrHT!!Tn7Tnff"^TTnTeJ''of Lodge No. 2-1.1, running a largefarm, saw mill, etc The churchwill make no mistake in electinghim as one of their representativesto the next forth coming genialconference. He is with thechurch 100 percent.The revival meeting will begin

Tt the above named church August10th, conducted by the Rev.G. R. Tillman, of Camden, S. C.The Revs. W. G. Owens, If. T.

L' T Af.. l XXT. nniinn i i\ u. i>HIUIC cllld VV . tV|

McDonald will he Rev. Bowman'shonored quests for Sunday service.

All choirs and congregation arehereby asked to accompany theirpastor Provudbnee~"l8* two milesnorth of f'hapicr and rhr extendslo you a most hearty welcome infill religious services.Come to Providence, go to Provilence.(Miss) Lula Boyd, Jieportur


M SwL»»

SV&&Ef Zm^^kST ; ^SsL H «*:


M» ;i'HI Mrs. (Jura-go .Miliar and -y^.mullier. Mis. Sarah Miller of l^h 1 lii rj..|,delphfa. Pa., were the dinner '

juests of Mi. and Mrs. William p (Reed Fi ie.'\ of last week. ,.

Mrs.1 Mr rv Olinkscnlos (and ,,.jdaughter n' Philadelfthin, Pa., p(were the dinner quests of MrsI.. T\ Rhodes Wednesday of lastweek. VVt,Mrs. Onie Ixe Burton and little a,son, Boboie, are visiting her sis- ^ter, Mrs. Mary N". Foster of °vKvanston, Til.

ST. JAMKS A M. K. ( HI KCH A'I.Rev. F. I). Dreher. Pastor

Abbeville- Sunday school began Thaiat the usual hour with the Supt. fan.nd teachers- present. The lessonwas' beautifully taup'ht by each rpjteacher and timely reviewed byMrs. Eliza Reed.

At 11:30 ovtr pastor brought us £ana timely message taken from Matt/.« . uinnr. a iif 11»i£it 11 mi 111.f |ni.MS-tion." Many hearts were made to -j-jsburn as the servant talked by the

T1W e had a number of visitors toworship with" us in our morning Willservice. Among them were: Mr."iid Mrs. Wilson D. Marshall of flPhila.. Pa., Mrs. Julia Heath. Mr.Walter Marshall also of philat jt j.Theyexpressed themselves as. being f(happy and enjoying our service.

At 11 o'clock the pastor and \*,)Vchoir motored to Mulberry to wo»-.

<hip with Rev. Boyd and his good omembers. They reported havingi swell time and trip.At 8 o'clock the Union Fellowshipmeeting was hold with Wash- T

linuton St. Presbyterian church.The sermon was preached bv Rev. imMathis of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Qpchurch. The speaker held his au»Lienee .spellbound as he delivered ,Tithe_inessagts from Rev. 1:11, t |The ILark Wedding given by he

night jvas a success and quite a \ Snice collection was taken. son;We regret very much that Mr. Mis

Scott, our League president, is 'u'

moving to Atlanta, Ou, for he ,/'!Hwill btw greatly missed. We prayfor him muc'h success.

Let us pray for our sick memhers,namely: Mrs. Emma Burton,Mrs Ninella McClaren; Mr. Rich- T 'Jard Hagen. ()"1'Srr long. Will-sec vuu next week

m. w. h. .v|,i,rrai

g keen ridge news ^:njSt. Paul A. M. K. Church :,g11Rev. J 1). Bovd, Past»r 'ai(

ill?The 20th of July being our third

quarterly conference of Mulberryand St. Paul, our presiding older, j .

Dr. W. S. Mains! delivered a heart yv'oifelt sermon from St. Luke 15:18. hostTheme, "Going back home." Oh, AVitihow our hearts rejoiced while the I Theservant preached the word. The Mreports were good and all the Svvwiil'Ufler's compliments. He was well Tpleased. '*a|iOn the 13th of July the Unity 1

Group of Churches Union or the I'McI.T. D. N. Union met at St. Paulunder the leadership of Bro. J. E. ^ ^Pressley.This was an affair worthy ;of being mentioned and wirs ir sue- *Tcess. The sum of $5.00 was leftto be used as most need. If the nT A-.i ...Jii! - 'i,<nci is willing, come ami go wit/ i.n|jus to Shady Grove August 10th.We help that we will be helped. ^,K.]Welcome one and all. TomNow if you missed the Sunday r> (school institute which was hold at '

Shady Grove the 23rd and 24th, Whiyou really missed a treat. W.IMrs.f J. Jenkins, Reporter nam


^uhcnriho For ^.r;aThe Palmetto Trader *tt0




|H£*v r ^Pj£V;:x:-lLa

H'A* ..;;


OrigrnaV.Poem by Inez^ Tredk Washington, Seneca. S. C.

>ve ever stop to think,3out this wide and wonderfun thirst conies how we drinif lG o d' » everlasting a n <precious love?

are faced with many triads5 we walk the King's highwaj>ve pray to Him for hours,8 we journey on our way ?

you grateful of the airlat is enjoyed hv good anbad ?us rest more upon God's carwe may see him over thereyou see beauty in trees,us rest more upon God's carlaft we may see him overthere.

you see beauty in trees,hen we behold the irentl

the work of mir HV-avenl;King: "

uit he promised us to little -r»i

<h ops,hat give life to our


,guocrops- sent from heaven '>bove> prove to \w< of His great lov<f to the ones who a rungratfulf the works of God's lovinhands,t you will promise to !jfaithful0 our laud's great command:

: GI.K.WKKS ci.rnHAl'liENS, _s. G.he Gleaners dub met July lauiie of .Mi>s Elel Watts witpresident in her chair, onenehnging Ho \iiu ThTrTR I'll Makoldier. led bv Mrs. Sadie Johc..*?vi i|>iui;i' teson was read b.Innit- Brockman after whie

president asked that the cltiat the- - twenty-third Psalred A way A\*a> suntr afteT whicr \Vatts nave us a very wantune. Mrs. F. Golden rospon0 Mrs. Watts welcome,mute- i,f previous meet in*inished business. Report omittees... New-business. Offeiwith scripture verses afte:'h we had a very good pren. TTi <>se taking part on pren: Mesdames Marv Cannottr brot'l'ina>T Kiel \Vatts, S'land. Carrie Workman. Mait Yourg. Francis Golden, Sy!

1 lliggins, Sadie Johnson, ReGarrett, L'lah Byrd. After thtram the hostess served punccake.. Interesting remarkthe nresident. Mrs. Carrikman -extended thanks to tr,ess then we adjourned to meti Mrs. Myra Hoiiond July 21in17.pah was used for closir.j

rs. C. 0. Hijdgens. presidentilia "in'ir'""!"5. Moon.' pastor,hose who went from St. Pantist church to Benedict colto attend the program of thr-racial institute Friday Juli: Mesdames Jessie McCulloir). Iludgens, Mary C. Whiteneitie I.. Mathis. Rev. J. W. Mapastor- <>f the Ztott Bnptisother churches, also nrincinrndn- rs hiirh school; Mrs. Lil;dath is.Rev. Mathis carried th

cs. Those who attended the S. R. and BTU moetiner i< TTill: Miss J. ITieks. Mr. Davs. Rev. Hicks, Mrs. T. Hick;\ Ifudgens. Mr. Jno. Mills. V,Meadows. Sunt.; Mrs. M (tenor. Rev. \V'. L. Wilson. .1PooAlv others-wa-4i4«'t get thies.

^ no wont to l Olumbi.'iE. W. Wright, Rov. WnlkeiDaniel Wearincr, Mr. I,. I

irinpr, Mr. Fred Hudprens whndcd the pratno. A nice trireported by all.

_i '

1fi^rHi\ -

m&-V- V^§jlHV A&OV-. M J

OMC^ JWCLd^ ^| '

^1 '


FIFTH (.HOIT* JV|Vw r'v': 4The lifth jrroup meeting of theFlorence District Conference of

tile Methodist dcnoniHiatnion metin Hethesda M. church, about six "

' riles fit 111 Cades. S. July 23.b Tr.e Rev. G. H. Tillnii 11 is the.' aggressive pastor of this workijiyMo.k, who had made elaborate ar- '

angements. and extensive preparaions to accommodate, ard enterainthis big body of youths, wo-e>i and ministers.Tlie meeting ws.p started by the

praise service led by Rev. G. li.Tillman. The D. S. Rev. C. C.

d Reynolds gave : 11 inspiring devoonaladdress entitled "God can

e tse any kind of ,man if lie is will, fig to be used"; to the tdivicationof all.

i ne ron can truicateu tnat Kev.ri.'C. Jiicks'iti was absent on ac- 1

ount of sickness. Rev. .J. A.Pogue and J. M. Stokes hindered f'>v uncontrollable reasons.The reports wern made <n Pen- «

^-smns and Relief: The Church PC ^Thv House: Women's Society . ofY Christian Service: Youth C'ouitc' "Contest. All niiide strorg ant' emost favorable records of the' >work and results. d

n The--Dr "S called attention t *Bishop King's plan for an area f

d Council at Atlanta. Ga.. Sept. 2-' cand delegates to be composed ofpastors, one lav leader. C. S. SuptV'outh Representative, \V. C. S

e district. The District 'Conferenceconvening at iSt. Prul church. ScV

. temhev 10 14. and the Yout'Council at .Orangeburg, S, C:

It was repotted that over 22." t

vorttg people were at this meetingPresident II. Durant of the -Dis-s* trict Youth Council: Sirs. H. T

.Muggins, R.N.. and Miss Maggie c|Ji»nkins. nrusisrient Con.f«» once fJ Youth Council and Mrs. P. M. Gib! ^es, president W. S. C. S. made (

>. impiyfing addresses 1). S. Rev :0 C. C. Reynolds fed each one ofd.U+es-.yout s to.rf must delicious ~(v and palatable renast.n | All of the ministers were eeperV t,, conlpleti their benevolences by \h the District conference. The nun ~ib sic for the entire service was f?iv- 1

i n principally W-the vounp peopb ib Jed bv Prof. J. A. Greene.11 The Rev. G. B. Tillmann. hisd mcmb.-rs and friends, were thank (e<l heartily for the hip dinner, anil (' mapnificent ei tertainment piver ^''(the proup patherinp of over two »]hundred fifty people of adult ape rr John C. Gibbes. t- smi.oii presbytkrian '<^ -CPHP-Rf^H

' liy 1'topia Davis j

1- S. S. at the usual hour with the .

p officer* and teachers at their poste of duty. Rev. C. W. Talley delivnered a wonderful sermon at the .

s worship hour. The text was << taken from Job: Know Thyself.e The Sunday School conventiont which met at Coulter. Cheraw it JZ. was a splendid convention. Rev.r. C. W. Tallev stated they was a- '

bout 11(5 delepates and 128 serv*-in tin1 dining, mum. Tlllti WHUreported the best convention ind years. Amount received was a|-bout $21:5.00 and expenses rmount

0 ed to around $270.00. Little Missv Alice Mae Harris represented Srii, loh church and hroupht back a nir. report. A nice time was enjoyedby all.T She broupht back much infor1mation. She was not a delegatea but just, went alonp to attend the( melftinp. Her report was inspirIng.n The Rev. Talley invites hiso friends and members to stop in; find VIAW t Hn nflVJOnof»n .mA

y: ,.,,,1 S,Mthe changes and improvements!. have been made,f. We are proud of Prof. L. P.e ByTAFm and Mr. Eddie Mcflrav

and are sorry that they will returnin Cheraw ,S. C.r. Attend some rhurch Sunday.> The Rev.C ,W. Tallev was deano J at thee Sundr y school conventionp and he brought hack a splendid

report. U


\ ' 6

ST. PHILIP A. M. E. CHURCH gn hi;R«iy, T. H. Weathers, Pastor ly.

MilThe fourth quarterly confer- lotte,

erce was held at St. Philip July of J27. At 10 o'clock a.m. Sun. school Rosatook place conducted by the Supt._ MrMamie E. Hinton after the open- ceremonies the teachers took of Nicharge of their various clwses, sisterexplaining- the lesson to the best Eliza>f their ability. A review of the law,lesson by Rev. Sister Term Lovette\ second review by the Presiding MirElder Dr. Robinson which every- ceneme gain a thought from the les- C., wson. We also had twn visitors Mary>vho made some timely remarks. Mrsllrs. Marie Nelson of Sumter, S. MaL; Miss Katherine Jones of Brook «oloyn, N. Y. hem !A warm prayer service was ren ioytd

lered by the prayer committees.3ro. Isaac Jnhns'm- sister KatieIon s and Rio John Herbert Xsoul searching sermon was delivifedby the Presiding Elder Dr.Robinson found II Samuel 18:32.Everyone enjoyed a wonderfulnessage. ,


After the public collection wasaken the quarterly cotitc/ence F)RvafT continued. The reports allvere fine. The P E. wac mado

vith a satisfactory report. Thereportssince the last quarterly fiol

onferem'e was as follows: P. E,S30.00; Trustees $74.85: Mission OITice>12.34; Pastor asessment $75.G4; 1125Dollar Money $18.00; StewardessDoard No. 1 $3.75; Stewardess 2 Office53 PU; Stewardess Board No. 57 8:30H.50; Sunday school $45.00;League.$3.10;.Contingent $2.05; "pdission $2.35; grand total $274.08. ^The clubs reports were as fol-

ovs: Golden Star S2.00; Eastovcr>3.05; Community $1.50; Sunshine51,85; Willing Workers S 2.15- r 1107'/3usv Bee $1.55; Good Will $2.25;or the poor 3.15; wine $3.25. To-al $20.7?, T)1The members of St. Philip areloing their best for success butlope to do better in the future. (The officers and members also I Office

tie in their report, asking the--"10:00lishop for a retu rno£_thcrr"lT E. 4:fto>r. Robinson.''Pastor Rev T QjI. Weathers. Th: t they are ful- 2030v satisfied with the service they'five been rendering these past fip]ears and want them back for a

ouple or more years. Everybodyround St. Philip and Eastovet flave been made to love Elder Hob Dealensen and ltev. Weathers, Two MarrioVtng and better gospel men can- Deedttot be ft unci.At 3:30 o'3clock the Awe rah of

dr. Sam Kihardson. Jr.. was con-m

'uetvd at St. Philip, a .veiling m:r

hirty years old. Was sick oni" Ine week. We don't know much MMbout iiis 1 ifo living but we hopei' is at-rest in sweet heavenlyand. lie lived in Columbia. S.C.'Tie funeral was » srd one. He |»|eaves to mourn his lost a wife,nother. two brothers and f- ur si COOers and a host of relatives an I 1^01Her ds. Hollev and Soils funeriidirectors. One anions the b s

or prompt and courteous s.rv' e

»A fine League wn« conduct*:00 o'clock p.m. by the President *w~r

Miss Rosie L. Weather* is -lo LMJLng fine after a few weeks of fev- crr. Mrs. Ma ret Nelson of S""*er,S. C., wp.t on S>»nayalso Miss {Catherine Jones andArssr "Pearlie t HTrrtroT^-of Rrokhvr [V*>1. Y., who are spending their vo

at ion with relatives.'"muo to elior. h..ioin the ehivch. for I

andA pp'.V

-TH^N TV V. M. ! ;. I'lH RCII l»0(iCount

Rev. J. E. Dixon, Pastor jSt.;I"

Silver Street The Sunday [ '

ichool met at the erual horr withthe Supt. in char""1 TV-e -d>«« Mvfp taught hv Mrs. Rosa Toland.\s Mm. I.. Kr Jackson was not)n time, Mrs. M. F. C'leland yyas !tsked to review Hie lesion wh'e.hvas beautifully reviewed and full 1)f information. The Sunday schools yet alive if few in number._At lhe_adiournmeiiL.uf Uu^-Sun.-.lay school they went into praise ' ||ifrviee led by Miss Annie H.ile Atblarp. Quite a warm spiritualnoetimr was had. Scripture reading,t- f Mark 7?th ehaptetr1 bylev. J. E. Dixon who i.. a man of 4nuch ability an(| high christianjha rafter. The sermon, Romans:1G, "I am ti(w^ ashamed of the

jospel." He sJpoke of Paul as a i>j;repit writer. He wrote 14 episuls.This great man pleaded with the>eople to continue in the faith and flPIo keep His word, continuafh-.THilsotold us to keep our hands in IEJ^od'a hand.Mrs. Idiflla Boozer mil HH

in accident and was unable l<>>e in the service. We hope fullera speedv recoverv. TelenMrs. Eliza Miller is also ill. P

Visitor at the church wis, Mr. rv *Thomas Bobb. the 'Supt. of Bush *-*"Sunday school and agent of the\Torth Carolina Mutual He is a 2379,'pung man of outstanding eharaeer.We are asking you to please Invisincouragc him so that he may Work






I --J




mlaturday. 'August 2, 1911

ghcr spiritually and temperai' i>s Etlia Mt.f Loland of Char- . )X. (J., la spending the month ^lily and- August with Mrs %Toland of S'lver Street, S. C.s. Weston Wright and grandmaster Joseph C'alainesJ r . .

?w York, are visiting~Ker twos, M<s. L. K. Jackson, Mrs.beth Booker and bioPw:Mr.L. K. Jackson.

NewberrjAlice Austin, -master Hi:Thurntanof Washi; glon, L).

ere the guests of her aunt,F. Cleland.

Ma'ik'a Johnson rnd ' oukin.ster Eugene Thurman ®ang ain the B. Y. P. I'. at Beth' reh which was en- all. M



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*»«a. S. CrTTCPs R fisen.Mblr'b'r n,jlf frK":int' vl>' **ialt>(al'od For vfi,' Mulivereri |mm T-.SRAh T'PMKSKI) KM 15A! M KBNI) RKOKOI \

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