Palma Blonda , CNR-ISSIA, Bari- Ital [email protected]

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Biodiversity Multi-Source Monitoring System: From Space To Species (BIO_SOS ) FP7-SPA-2010-1-263435. Palma Blonda , CNR-ISSIA, Bari- Ital [email protected]. On behalf of the BIO_SOS Consortium. Main achievement: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Palma Blonda , CNR-ISSIA, Bari- Ital [email protected]

  • Palma Blonda, CNR-ISSIA, Bari-Ital [email protected]

    Main achievement: The development of a pre-operational multi-modular system, based on ecological modelling, suitable for multi-annual monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and surroundsto support decisions relating to biodiversity conservation.Biodiversity Multi-Source Monitoring System: From Space To Species (BIO_SOS) FP7-SPA-2010-1-263435On behalf of the BIO_SOS

  • Three years projectDec 2010-Nov. 2013Contribution: 2 417 363,71 Left on Sept 2011

  • Study sites in different bio-geographical areasSites in Brazil and India for system generalization

  • The problem: biodiversity lossUsers (i.e. management authorities ) need:

    Standardized method Scale 1:5000 or finer;Long-time data series for monitoring changesScientific support to evaluate the impact of existing policies.

    The conservation status report required by Art. 17 of the Habitats (92/43/EEC) directive is based on the new Standard Data Form (2011)

    Range of habitatArea covered by habitat type within rangeStructure and functionsFuture prospectsReason for changesPressures/threats

  • Issues for habitat monitoring from space Selection of a taxonomy for LCLU and habitat classes LCLU: CORINE, FAO-LCCS, IGBP, etc. Habitats: Eunis, CORINE Biotope, GHC, Annex I.

    How to train an automatic classification system for LCLU and habitats mapping: data driven or knowledge-driven? Pixel based or object based?

    Habitats diversity is considered as proxy of biodiversity:

    How to translate LCLU to Habitats? Ecological modeling at habitat level

    How to define the habitat conservation status? Ecological modeling at landscape level

  • EODHaM peculiarities: taxonomiesLCLU: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) as it was proved very useful for subsequent translation to Annex I habitats (Tomaselli et al., 2013):It offers a framework to integrate EO with env. attributesIt is based on Life-Forms It better describes (semi)-natural classes than CLCIt is based on LC diagnostic criteria rather than on a pre-defined set of LC classesHabitats: General Habitat Categories (GHCs) are used to map habitats also outside Europe. They are based on Life Forms and include ecological concepts . Rules to Annex I are available (EBONE, Bunce et al., 2005, 2008, 2012)

  • 1) LCCS Dichotomous phase: A dichotomous key is used to define eight major LC types Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

  • 2) LCCS Modular-Hierarchical phaseFor any major LC category, a set of diagnostic criteria, based on vegetation structure and physiognomy is appliedenvironmental attributes

    i.e., set of classifiers for the major land cover type A12(natural and semi-natural terrestrial vegetation) pure land cover classifiers

    specific technical attributes

  • A24A1.A4.A12.B3.C2.D3./B10Aphyllous closed dwarf shrubs on temporarily flooded land Annex I 1420

    ANNEX I Lithology-Parent materialSoil - subsurface aspectWater qualityFloristicattribute1410Unconsolid- Clastic sedimentary rock - SandSolonchaks Brakish/Saline waterJuncus spp.; Carex spp7210Calcareous rock - CalcareniteHistosolsFresh/Brakish waterCladium mariscus


    Change codes for LCCS codes for change detection (EODHaM last stage)

    ToT2 FromA11A12A24B15B16B28NAT1A110123456A1278910111213A2414151617181920B1521222324252627B1628293031323334B2835363738394041NA42434445464748

  • Brussels, 18-19 November 2013B15A12 B28B16 B15B28 PEAK image 2009POST image 2010PEAK image 2012POST image 2012

  • Wageningen, 22-23 May 2013Expert Knowledge ElicitationPhenologyAgricultural Practices

    LCCS/DICLCCS/HIERJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAGOSEPOCTNOVDECA11Cultivated and managed terrestrial areasA3.A4Herbaceous.GraminoidsA3Herbaceous ForbsA2.A7.A10.W8Shrubs.Broadleaved.Deciduous.OrchardsA1.A7.A10.W8Trees.Broadleaved.Deciduous.OrchardsA1.A7.A9.W8Trees.Broadleaved.Evergreen.OrchardsA12Natural terrestrial vegetationA2.A10.B12.E6Herbaceous.Closed.0.8-0.3m.PerennialA1.A3.A10.D1.E2.B7Woody.Trees.Closed.Broadleaved.Deciduous.3-7mA1.A4.A10.D1.E2.B9Woody.Shrubs.Closed.Broadleaved.Deciduous.0.5-3mA1.A3.D2.E1Trees.Needleleaved.Evergreen.PlantationsA1.A4.A10.D1.E1.B9Woody.Shrubs.Closed.Broadleaved.Evergreen.0.5-3m

    LCCS/DICLCCS/HIERJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAGOSEPOCTNOVDECA11Cultivated and managed terrestrial areasA3.A4Herbaceous.GraminoidsA3HerbaceousA2.A7.A10.W8Shrubs.Broadleaved.Deciduous.OrchardsA1.A7.A10.W8Trees.Broadleaved.Deciduous.OrchardsA1.A7.A9.W8Trees.Broadleaved.Evergreen.Orchards


    Dense vegetation and/or peak of biomassSparse (youg) vegetation or minor green biomassMinor biomass with withered/dry plants (or part of plants)Bare soil with remnants of wuthered/dry plants


    LCLU and Habitat classes: water coverage for (semi) natural aquatic vegetated classes Le Cesine site (IT9150032), Italy

  • Similar classes can be discriminated by spatial (topological) relationships1310 (in S) and 3170 (in L) belong to A24/A2.A5.E7 category, but 1310 is adjacent to the lagoon (i.e., 1150 in D)1210 (in A) and E1.6 (in N), but 1210 is adjacent to the sea

    Spatial topological relations

    LCCS A24/A2.A5.E7 = aquatic vegetation, herbaceous forbs, annualLCCS A12/A2.A5.E7 = terrestrial vegetation, herbaceus forbs,

  • BIO_SOS achievementsThe development of pre-operational automatic VHR EO data processing techniques for: LCLU maps and LCLU change maps at VHR as an improvement of Copernicus core services. (BIO_SOS poster_n1 at the GEO Italian corner)

    The development of an ecological modelling framework at both habitat and landscape level to combine EO and in-situ data for:Habitat (as GHC and Annex I) and habitat change mapping Biodiversity indicator extraction for scenario analysis as an extension of GMES/Copernicus downstreamservices(BIO_SOS poster_n2 at the GEO Italian corner)

  • Annex 1 Landscape indicators*Preliminary spectral mapsSpectral indexesLC mapsLCC mapsGHC mapsChange maps

    Expert knowledge:Prior spectral class properties ;LCCS and habitats class description (ontologies);Landscape modellingLCCS environmental attributes/qualifiersEODHaM pre-operational systemCalibrated images Open source softwareObject oriented Scenario analysis

  • Earth Observation Data for Habitat Monitoring (EODHaM) sthrength The EODHaM system is particularly indicated for the automatic classification of LCLU and habitat classes in Natura 2000 sites and surrounds, where in-field campaigns for providing ground truth training data are not feasible: large or not accessible areas

  • Images Dataset: IT3_Murgia Alta sitePeak of Biomass (April-May)PoBPost peak(October)PostPoBPre Peak(January)PrePoBDry Season(July)DS

  • Wageningen, 22-23 May 2013Ancillary DataIT3DTMEODHaMhas the option of including existing ancillary data

  • Small Objects (SO) vs Large Objects (LO)SOLO

  • Validation

    LCCS MAPOA%error%SO classification84.0%0.07%LO classification84.4%0.08%SO classification (with OTB cultivated_trees strata, no DTM )78.5%0.11%LO classification (with OTB cultivated_trees strata, no DTM )77.6%0.13%

  • 2nd stage: Output ProductsTarget classesLCCS map is the input to:LCCS to GHC translation (PM8)LCCS to Annex I translation (PM10)Landscape Indicators Extraction (PM14)

  • Natura 2000, IT9120007Murgia Alta site (IT):

    fragmented natural grassland area

    WorldView2 , RBG:572October 2011 January 2012July 2012Classified image in FAO-LCCS taxonomya) b)c)d)

  • 3rd stage: LCCs to GHC translation

  • Diagram of rules for Woody GHC classes

  • LCCS, Annex I and GHC habitat map: Le Cesine site (IT)

  • EODHaM system EODHaM 2nd stage EODHaM 1ststage ContextSensitive knowledge 1221Spectral / phenological knowledge

  • Service Portfolio at VHR

    S1_LC/LU maps in FAO-LCCS taxonomy at VHRS2_GHC mapsS3_Annex I maps S4_Spectral Indices to be used for landscape modelling, such as: NDVI; WBI (species richness and abundance) S5_ Context features to be used for landscape modelling, such as: entropy, texture featuresS6_LCCS change mapS7_GHC change mapS8_ Annex I change mapS9_Landscape Indicators for scenario analysis

  • Service Portfolio for Murgia Alta (IT3)

    Site /Serv.IT3Murgia AltaCoverageTemp. res.Spatial coverageSensor2m. Res.Input for FormatGeotiffS4NDVI/GI/WBIPSRIREP2009-2010;

    2011-2012Yearly,per each monthconsideredLocalQB or WV2

    WV2WV2LandscapeModellingS5Texturefrom green bandYearly,Pre-PostPeak imagesLocalQB or WV2Landscape modellingS1_1Permanent natural grasslands A12/A2.A6.E6Yearly,LocalQB and WV2LandscapeModellingBinaryS1_2Broadleaved deciduous A12/A3.D1.E2Yearly,LocalQB and WV2Landscape modellingBinaryS1_3Broadleaved evergreen A12/A3.D1.E1Yearly,LocalQB and WV2LandscapeModellingBinaryS1_5Extraction sites B15/A2.A6Yearly,LocalQB and WV2Landscape modellingBinary

  • Veluwe: GHC Classification

  • EODHaM Site Service DefinitionSite specific customization of the service:Definition of the product set and delivery formats wantedSite specific configuration of the processing chain

    (Repeated) execution of the chain with (new) sets of input data:Selection/order of suitable input dataExecution of the processing chainProduct Delivery

  • Domain specific workflow composition

  • But when to use?

  • Remember: its about monitoringEODHaM: EO Data for Habitat MonitoringIdeally:Setup onceUse annuallyNot just every 6 years for the reporting towards EU If you want to steer against changes, you need a higher frequency!

  • Cost componentsEO Data Cost may vary (from 0 to 20 / sqkm) due to different satellites, access policies,

    Site specific customizationInvolvement of experts (rulesets)

    Execution and Quality controlInfrastructure provision and supervision 10-15 Euros / sqkm (minimum 200 sqkm)

  • Recommendations for biodiversity monitoringRegular acquisition of VHR EO data (pre-flush, peak-flush, post-flush) on Natura 2000 sites as hotspots of biodiversity to detect changes (archive data!!!) Clouded areas: SAR-optical data integration Sentinel constellation data acquired at high frequency to guarantee coverage in the most appropriate seasons in homogenous Northern Europe and in tropical areasAccurate pre-processing including atmospheric corrections is requiredLIDAR or stereo optical acquisitions for vegetation height measurement (CHM) and DTM.

  • Recommendations for biodiversity monitoring To link the spatial and in-situ components based on modelling expertise for LCLU to Habitats conversion.

    To produce validated LCLU maps in FAO-LCCS taxonomy or at least ground reference data in FAO-LCCS (not only in CORINE)

    To train terrain managers more in the use and interpretation of EO derived products.

  • Last version:Benedetto Biagi (P1)Stefano Carito (P1),Previous version:Marion Borger (P4).


    High complementary with MsMONINA within GEO:Data driven approach (Supervised Classifiers)CORINE Taxonomy

    Continuity with EBONE project (closed in 2012):GHC mapping never provided from VHR data before
