PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project -€¦ · PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project Prepared by Mira...

Asian Development Bank Environment and Social Monitoring Report Annual Environment and Social Monitoring Report Project Number: 47929-001 January to December 2016 PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project Prepared by Mira Power Limited for the Asian Development Bank. This environmental and/or social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Transcript of PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project -€¦ · PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project Prepared by Mira...

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Asian Development Bank

Environment and Social Monitoring Report Annual Environment and Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 47929-001 January to December 2016

PAK: Gulpur Hydropower Project

Prepared by Mira Power Limited for the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental and/or social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Gulpur Hydropower Project

Pakistan #32874

Reporting Period: (January/2016) through (December/2016)


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Table of Contents


(i) INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3

(ii) Client’s Representation Statement by Sponsor authorized representative ....................................... 4

(iii) Summary of Key E&S Aspects during the Reporting Period .......................................................... 5

a) Environmental and Social Achievements ........................................................................................ 5

b) Environmental and Social Challenges and issues ............................................................................ 8

c) Stakeholders engagement activities ................................................................................................. 8

d) Project Status ................................................................................................................................... 8

EXHIBIT-1 SOCIAL COMPLAINT REGISTER...................................................................................... 84

EXHIBIT-2 Workers Grievances Log ........................................................................................................ 93

EXIBIT-3: TRAINING RECORDS ......................................................................................................... 106

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The 102 megawatt (MW) Gulpur Hydropower Project (GHPP or the “Project”) is under construction in Kotli district of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), about 8 kilometers (km) south of Kotli Town on Poonch River, a tributary of Jhelum River. Mira Power Limited (MPL) as the project developer is required to implement all of the standards and procedures set out in the project’s Common Terms Agreement (CTA) executed with project lenders including IFC and ADB. The CTA requires Mira Power Limited (“The Company”) to prepare a comprehensive Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) on the environmental and social (E&S) performance of its facilities and operations. This AMR comprises IFC’s preferred format for E&S performance reporting. Project Summary Information

Location of Project: Village Barali, Tehsil and District Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Nature: Run-of-River Hydropower Project.

Size: 102MW with average annual generation capability of 460GWh.

Date of Construction Commencement: Pre-construction activities commencement: February 2015

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I Min Byeong Soo in my role of Chief Executive Officer and representing Mira Power Limited certify that:

a) The Project is in compliance with all applicable Environmental and Social Requirements as described in the Common Terms Agreement, applicable local E&S Law, E&S Standards, and all actions required to be undertaken pursuant to the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and any subsequent supplemental action plans.

b) In relation to the Project there are no

• Circumstances or occurrences that have given or would give rise to violations of E&S and labor Laws or E &S and labor claims;

• Social unrest, local population disruption or negative NGO attention due to the project

• Material social or environmental risks or issues in relation to the Project other than those identified by the ESIA, Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) and the Environmental and Social Review Summary.

• Existing or, to the best of the Company's knowledge, threatened complaint, order, directive, claim, citation or notice from any Authority.

• Any written communication from any Person, in either case, concerning the Project's failure to comply with any matter covered by the Performance Standards;

• Ongoing or, to the best knowledge of the Company, threatened, strikes, slowdowns or work stoppages by employees of the Company any contractor or subcontractor with respect to the Project;

c) All information contained in this AMR is true, complete and accurate in all respects at the time of

submission and no such document or material omitted any information the omission of which would have made such document or material misleading.

d) There have not been any new company activities (eg. expansions) that could generate new adverse environmental effects. And there have been no new ESIA studies, audits, or E&S action plans conducted by or on behalf of the Company, with respect to any Environmental or Social standards/regulation/ applicable to the Project that IFC has not been notified of

Signature Date

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Key environmental and social milestones of the Project are as follows:

01 Agreement for Preparation and Development of ESIA & RAP 04/30/2013

02 Finalization of ESIA & RAP 10/30/2015

03 Recognition of Project Location in National Park 05/03/2013

04 Agreement for Carrying out Studies of CHA & BAP 09/13/2013

05 Peer Review Meeting with ADB in Manila 09/30/2013

06 Additional Agreement with Hagler Bailly for Climate Change Assessment Report and Updating the ESIA


07 Reviews and Objection of ESIA by EPA 02/28/2014

08 Submission of Revised ESIA 03/31/2014

09 Acceptance of ESIA by EPA 04/09/2014

10 Public Hearing 05/15/2014

11 Approval for Construction in National Park 05/21/2014

12 Issuance of Environmental NOC 06/18/2014

13 Baseline Biodiversity Assessment 09/23/2014

14 Biodiversity Action Plan Draft Report 09/23/2014

15 Ecohydraulics Specialist Report 09/23/2014

16 Environmental Flow Assessment 09/23/2014

17 Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Framework 09/23/2014

18 Frameworks for Management Plans 09/23/2014

19 Geomorphology Specialist Report 09/23/2014

20 Mitigation Strategies with Respect to the Impact of Sand and Gravel Mining in the Poonch Basin


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21 Physical Baseline 09/23/2014

22 Finalization of Road Map for National Park Management Plan 09/25/2014

23 Finalization of ESIA 09/25/2014

24 Cumulative Impact Assessment 11/01/2014

25 Approval of Wildlife & Fisheries Department, GoAJK for BAP 01/02/2015

26 Agreement for Carrying out Additional Studies for Updating BAP 01/13/2015

27 Agreement for Carrying out Security Risk Assessment, Developing a Security Management Plan and Related Procedures


28 Security Risk Assessment 02/15/2015

29 ESIA Submission to EPA 02/20/2014

30 Approval of Wildlife & Fisheries Department, GoAJK for updated BAP 03/11/2015

31 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) 06/15/2015

32 Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan 09/15/2015

33 Emergency Response and Contingency Plan 09/15/2015

34 Biodiversity Action Plan 10/01/2015

35 Stakeholders Engagement Plan 10/06/2015

36 Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) 10/06/2015

37 EHS Plan for Diversion Tunnels 10/15/2015

38 Fire Emergency Response Plan 10/15/2015

39 Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Program 10/15/2015

40 Muck Disposal Plan 10/15/2015

41 Malaria Management Plan 10/15/2015

42 Spill Contingency Plan 10/15/2015

43 Traffic Management Plan 10/15/2015

44 Waste Management Plan 10/15/2015

45 Agreement for Development of Detailed Livelihood Restoration Plan (DLRP) 11/17/2015

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46 Stakeholders Consultation Ongoing

47 Finalization of Site Specific Plans Ongoing

48 CSR Plan In Progress

49 Finalization of Climate Change Assessment Report 10/30/2015

50 Finalization of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) Assessment 10/30/2015

51 Approval of Wildlife & Fisheries Department for Execution of BAP Implementation Agreement


52 Execution of BAP Implementation Agreement 02/22/2016

The other activities achieved at the site:

Grievance redressal mechanism has been developed and implemented

Muck Disposal Plan has been revised

Traffic Management Plan has been revised and implemented

Emergency Response and Preparedness Plan has been made and implemented

New spoil disposal site has been identified

Minimum water usage strategy has been implemented

Human Resource Policy has been developed and implemented

A dedicated HR Manager has been recruited

Material Handling and Storage Plan (MHSP) has been developed and implemented

Security contract with police has been finalized and 24 police personals have been deputed at project site other than project’s own security.

License for walky talky/ radio communication has been received.

Two ESMS audits have been conducted by third party

Land acquisition and resettlement audit has been conducted by third party

Labor audit has been completed

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A total of 2669 unsafe acts/unsafe conditions/noncompliance were recorded during the reporting period, including all incidents, accidents, environmental incompliances, social complaints, fires, spills and catastrophic events. All of those have been reported to lenders.


A basin wide study approach has been used for the project therefore communities are regularly consulted along the Poonch River. In addition to the potentially affected communities, local government and local NGO officials are also consulted. The Company did several meetings with the government and civil society including the local community and publicized through different channels regarding the scope, nature and details of the project. Series of events occurred in order to engage different types of stakeholders. The reports from EMA and M&E consultants complete cover the status of event s of the stakeholder’s consultations.


Select the current status of the project and provide a brief description of the developments in relation to the project over the reporting period.

Design Construction Expansion Operation Closure Other (specify)

• Diversion scheme has been completed

• Cofferdam has been built

• Waterway tunnels are completed

• E & M sub-contractor has been mobilized

• Powerhouse is under construction

• Weir and Stilling basin is under construction

• Three construction roads have been completed and two are under construction

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PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts

Please provide details on the status of the following Management systems certification schemes:

Not being considered

Future consideration

Planning to implement

Currently implementing

Successfully implemented

Date of certification/


ISO 9001 - Quality

ISO 14001 - Environment

OHSAS 18001 - OHS

Other NA

The Gulpur hydropower project has been designed on IFC’s sustainability framework using Revision 2.2 June 4, 2014 of ESMS Implementation Handbook – Construction. The system is based on ISO’s PDCA cycle.

Please, provide details in the table below as applicable in the reporting period, or put N/A if not applicable:

Describe any changes in the organizational structure to manage environment, health and safety, labor and social aspects. Describe number of personnel in charge of E&S issues:

• EPCC has hired HR Manager

• EPCC has Labor Relation Officer

• EPCC has 10 HSE Officers

• EPCC has 01 Environmental Specialist

• Client has on E & S Specialist

• Joint Venture 2 is having on Jr. Environmental Engineer

Did the Company or an external party conduct an E&S Audit? Provide summary of key results:

Company has conducted two third party E & S audits during the reporting period; summary of key recommendations is as under:

First Audit Recommendations

• Awareness/ communication regarding Environment/ Social/OHS needs to be imparted among the staff of the Andritz Project at Site. It is highly recommended that MPL ESMS Policy (for OHS, EMS, CSR) to be followed by all Subcontractors working now or in future. ( MPL-policies for OHS, EMS, CSR are specific and appropriate to the nature, size, operation and business at the Project)

• Dates of Risk Assessment actually conducted and the timelines to implement effective controls needs to be given for each Risk Assessment activity

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• Mechanism to identify Hazards/ Aspects in various activities including their Severity and Probability of a needs to be clearly defined in a separate Procedure of Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment instead of documenting in each activity plan

• Quantitative or measurable calculation to rate significance of a risk needs to be properly conducted for most of the risk assessments with respect to one defined criteria.

• ESIA refers Impacts but those impacts needs to be translated in Risk Assessment Procedure

• Effective planning & mechanism to perform timely Risk Assessment for all potential activities needs to be done

• Suitable methods including responsibility& controls (both physical & administrative) needs to be defined, documented and communicated to all through restricted entry or access control procedure

• One complete Hazard Identification & Risk assessment Procedure needs to be developed including security Risks as well to control all these redundancies & confusions. One complete Hazard Identification & Risk assessment Procedure needs to be developed including security Risks as well to control all these redundancies & confusions

• Timelines of Controls to be adopted against significant each risk needs to be documented and followed till its complete implementation and reduction of Risk

• There is a strong need of developing complete documentation system hierarchy

• Considering best International best practices, Construction Manual CSEMP can be taken as a leading document or Manual, separate SOPs against each activity to be documented and only referred in construction management plan

• A complete Procedure of document & record control needs to be established including issuance, approval, change, distribution, maintenance, retention and retrieval requirements of entire documentation

• Single procedure to cater all requirements of Incident Reporting & Investigation needs to be developed instead of having incident reporting in each plan and that will be applicable for all incidents.

• The Procedure shall include incident Reporting communication channels both immediate & formal with reporting timelines.

• All applicable legal/ regulatory requirements to be documented in a register with their current update version reference

• Box talk records to be maintained and no activity to be carried out without conducted TBT

• Location/ Owner wise list of currently available and required PPEs needs to be developed.

• A proper method of evaluation of PPEs including its frequency of assessment to be maintained

• Effective implementation of waste management procedure needs to be performed including the responsibilities of admin & housekeeping department in waste management process

• Record of quantity of solid waste disposed to be maintained

• Reliable waste Disposition means / resources to be selected

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Second Audit Recommendations:

• Harmonize the HSE management program i.e. HSE plans and SOP’s with client and lenders requirements

• Tool Box talk records to be maintained and no activity shall be started without conducting TBT

• Effective implementation of training Procedure needs to be performed

• Training need Analysis for all staff to be developed

• Annual training Plan to be developed for core areas like ESMS policy, waste management, incident reporting, hazard identification &Risk Assessment, Emergency response & contingency

• Job descriptions of all staff needs to be reviewed and their ESMS or EHS responsibilities to be addressed.

• DAELIM Management & EHS team must impart a clear message at all levels including subcontractors that Implementing EHS is everybody’s responsibility and they will be held accountable for not following the EHS policies & procedures and EHS team instructions

• Safety induction through a video is preferred to be conducted near entrance gate for all visitors including subcontractors and workers & issue a card applicable for 1 month or so

• Competent and experienced HSE team members should be selected to lead HSE team. Contractual requirement must be ensured for selection of Human Resource)

• One Procedure of Incident Reporting & Investigation for all incident/ Emergency reporting will be sufficient to avoid confusion

• One ERP & Contingency Procedure will be sufficient to address all actual and potential emergency situations in the form of their references. Individual plans against each emergency situation to be developed

• It is required to review all documents at a defined frequency, however in case of any unforeseen or incident it’s become mandatory to review and amend the related procedure accordingly

• A procedure to develop & records of meetings to be maintained. Smooth flow of communication with labor to be maintained to build a mutually beneficial relationship with them. This can be done by assuring safeguard of their interest ( rewards/ incentives) & communicating them the importance of meeting organizations procedures & policies as well as consequences of the departure from given policies & procedures

• Dedicated social issues expert / Specialist need to be appointed to identify, communicate and handle Social issues/ grievances efficiently.

• Effective communication & implementation of Stake holder engagement procedure and grievance mechanism procedure needs to be established

• Social & labor aspects needs more clarity and elaboration with respect to their communication & documentation, at all levels

• A simplified document to avoid redundancy among Site Social complaint register of MPL & Grievance log book to be used and address in Internal Grievance Mechanism SOP.

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• A procedure of conducting ESMS Internal Audit to developed including methodology of conducting audits/ frequency of audits/ planning of audits / Auditor’s Team selection/ Audit reporting & follow-up

• Understanding of the importance of EHS requirement & vigilance required while authorizing and work permit.

• DAELIM needs to establish more control and enforce implementation of HSE Procedures & policies on subcontractors as well considering the interest of all stake holders and Plant safety. Adherence to all clauses of work permit must be made mandatory and work must not proceed unless all safety points are ensured.

• Clear accountability instructions & consequences in case of departure from submitting reports by subcontractors needs to be addressed in agreement

• Undertaking to follow HSE rules to be signed from all subcontractors with no exception to be made as a pre requisite of any agreement

• Environment Monitoring plan needs to be updated & followed

• SOP needs to be developed for Preventive maintenance activity and PM plan for all earth moving equipment & General vehicles and their records needs to be maintained as per their running hours/ mileage

• Procedure for Evaluation of vendor including testing services providers (including inspection, testing, and calibration) needs to be properly established and vendors to be evaluated with respect to their credibility prior to assigning the job

• Any reference to national or international standard against which the test has been performed, safe working load to be provided in the certificate of load testing. In this specific case any standard ref that clearly indicates that 80MT mobile crane on rough & uneven sure can be tested against 12 or 13 MT test weights

• Understanding of the importance of EHS requirement & system’s integrity, vigilance required while authorizing and work permit. The same need to be translated and delegated to Andritz

• Andritz HSE Plan needs to be revised prior to start of critical works and mandatory procedures need to be aligned with DLJV documentations. Clear accountability instructions & consequences in case of departure from submitting reports by subcontractors needs to be addressed in agreement. Undertaking to follow HSE rules to be signed from all subcontractors with no exception to be made as a pre requisite of any agreement

Note: All the above mentioned recommendations have already been inculcated in systems of Company.

Describe any ongoing public consultation and disclosure, liaison with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society, local communities or public relations efforts on E&S aspects:

• A community liaison officer (CLO) is in direct communication with the community stakeholders in case of any social issue. Apart from that Mira Power Limited is having a senior officer E & S at site who is responsible for record and document the social issues inside and outside the project. He is also responsible for monitoring of environmental and social compliance by EPC Contractor.

Describe the level of environmental, social and health and safety training provided to staff. Provide annex with list of topics, hours of training and number of participants:

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A total of 201 short trainings have been delivered to all staff on different topics. Duration of training ranges from 25 minutes to 40 minutes each.

Record of trainings is presented in Exhibit-3.

Are you aware of any events that may have caused damage; brought about injuries or fatalities or other health problems; attracted the attention of outside parties; affected project labor or adjacent populations; or created liabilities for the Company? Yes No

Please, explain: NA

Briefly describe new initiatives implemented during the reporting period or additional managerial efforts on E&S aspects, including public reporting on the overall E&S Performance (e.g. energy/water savings, sustainability report, waste minimization initiatives, etc):

• Water saving strategy has been adopted

• Meters were installed to quantify consumption of water

• Community wells were monitored

• Waste is being recycled at site

• Certified waste management company has been contracted

List the number and type of comments and/or grievances received by the Company in relation to E&S issues? How many have been resolved and how many are pending?

There are two types of grievance logs are maintained, one is for community grievances and other is for workers grievances.

A total of 19 community grievances/complaints were received during the reporting period. Nine were closed and ten are still opened.

A total of 34 grievances of labor at project have been received during the reporting period. All 34 complaints/ grievances have been closed. Community grievance register is attached as annex-2 and labor grievances are attached as Exhibit-2

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Please, provides the amount(s), US$, and resources allocated by the Company during the reporting period for E&S management and activities, using the table below:

Investment Made Operating Cost incurred

Total Investment/Cost

Investment/Cost relevant to environmental management (pollution prevention and control, environmental enhancement measures, environmental mitigation measures, compensation, training)

US$ or Rupees 20,000,000 Rupees

US$ or Rupees 5,000,000 Rupees

Investment/Cost relevant to social management (social development, social enhancement measures, social mitigation measures, compensation, training, etc.)

US$ or Rupees 4,500,000 Rupees

US$ or Rupees (**%) 2,000,000

Submit ESAP related information in Section IV below.

PS2. Labor and Working Conditions

Has Mira Power Limited changed its Human Resources (HR) policy, procedures or working conditions during the reporting period, including non-discrimination conditions, worker’s age, grievance mechanisms, migrant workers, etc? Yes No Provide details/copy of new policies, if relevant

Summarize any workers complaints (received via grievance or other mechanisms), particularly with respect to issues of labor, working hours, working conditions, freedom of association, non-discrimination, involuntary retrenchment, OHS, etc. Specify the # of closed and pending grievances. Indicate how the Company addressed them. Summary of complaints is attached as Exhibit-2.

Did the Company /contractors conduct a labor audit during the reporting period? Summarize key findings; provide a cope, if relevant. Labor audit has been conducted in June 2017, report is still awaited.

Workforce Monitoring

Please, indicate all areas related to the Project where workplace monitoring is undertaken. Present the results as an annex as needed

Site # of direct employees # employees

terminated # employees

hired # Contractor employees1

# Labor Camp accommodated


Project 1232 06 240 1078 886

Indicate the % of the workforce hired from the nearby communities


Please, report the following workplace monitoring activities and other measured parameters

1 Contractors performing core functions for the Company in the premises of the Company or in the name of the Company

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Workplace Monitoring Parameter

IFC’s Maximum Threshold Limit

Value (TLV)

Local Regulatory Limits and Units

Performance in IFC Units

Area 1 Area 2

Workplace Noise 85 dB(A) Upon Request No request

received yet

Particulate (Inert or Nuisance Dust)

10 mg/m3 Upon Request No request

received yet

Add monitoring parameters as required

Occupational Health and Safety

Please, describe the main changes implemented in terms of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) during the reporting period, e.g. identification of hazards, substitution of chemicals, new controls, new procedures, etc.

• New controls for waterway tunnels have been introduced

• New controls for powerhouse construction has been introduced

• New controls for scaffolding and farm work has been introduced

• Riggers have been hired

• Scaffolding inspector has been hired

Occupational Health and Safety Indicators

Report Total numbers for each parameter

This reporting period Reporting period - Previous year

Direct employees

Contractor employees

Direct employees

Contractor employees

Total number of Workers 1074 158 338 370

Total man-hours worked – Annual 2184000 575120

1230320 1346800

Total number of lost time occupational injuries

7 2 0 1

Total number of lost workdays due to injuries

102 24 0 14

Number of fatalities NIL NIL NIL 01

Vehicle accidents 5 12 2 08

Incidence, or Frequency (occupational


90 31 14 20

2 Incidence should be reported as non-fatal injuries per million hours worked. Can be calculated as” # of non-fatal injuries*1,000,000/total man-

hours worked.

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Provide details for the non-fatal injuries during this reporting period

Company or contractor employees

Total workd

ays lost

Description of injury(s)

Causes of Accident Corrective measures to prevent


Contractor 0 A workers finger was minor injured where initial medical treatment was done. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Unsafe act by worker. Improper manual handling.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper manual handling.

Company 0 A worker finger was injured during fall of platform After complete medical checkup, the patient was declared to be clear of serious injuries. He had bruises and lacerations on the fingers and on shoulder. Patient was stable and conscious during and after treatment. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Unsafe act by worker. Improper manual handling. Lack of good supervision.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper supervision. Proper manual handling.

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Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic where his foot was bruised by using faulty safety shoes. He was given first aid and shoes were declared as not good quality in addition as cause of injury. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Poor selection of PPE by Administration. Poor ergonomics.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on ergonomics and manual handling.

Contractor 0 A patient received first aid after a pipe hit his foot. He had swelling on foot for which first aid was given in clinic. He was referred to DHQ Hospital For X Ray. After examination worker was declared fit to work.

Improper manual handling.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness.Safe manual handling enforcement.

Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic. According to patients statement they were doing Routine work at Gulpur Hydro power project .His finger was injured. Medical officer washed his finger with spirit and provided him first aid.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Safe manual handling.

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Contractor 0 A shotcrete helper at diversion tunnels after turning off the compressor opened the joint between rubber hose and steel pipeline without release of stored air pressure with which the rubber hose hit his upper lip and chin. He was provided emergency rescue in ambulance at site and rushed to District Hospital at Kotli for Medical treatment.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness. Lack of skill. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Contractor 0 On 12th December 2016, during a violence/puddle between workers on issue of using bed. One of the worker was injured who was rushed to the project clinic for first aid and then to DHQ for medical treatment further. Luckily the patient recovered to normal condition & started working when returned back to site.

Poor administrative controls.Code of conduct.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness.Workers code of conduct.Grievance mechanism.

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Contractor 0 On 13 December 2016 three labors manually tried to pick up diesel fuel drums while loading them onto dozer. During the manual loading activity one of the labor finger came under the fuel drum which injured his finger. He was given first aid on the spot using the first aid kit of one of the vehicles there. The injured was quickly shifted to the project clinic. The Paramedic Mr. Hannan Rasheed attended the patient. He gave him basic first aid & referred him to the District Head Quarter Hospital, Kotli, for getting his hand examined with X-rays & further treatment.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness. Lack of skill. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic with minor hand injury. His fingers were bruised and swell. He was given medical treatment. Later he was referred to District headquarter hospital for X-ray and Surgical consultation.

Improper manual handling.Lack of awareness. Lack of skill.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper manual handling.

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Contractor 0 A worker from Subcontractor (Driver) was asked to lift the broken suspension part of heavy vehicle, due to which he received minor cut on his hand.

Unsafe instructions. Poor supervision. Undefined roles and responsibilities.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision.

Contractor 0 At 2310 hrs on 5th January 2015, Mr. Waheed (Employee of Sambu Construction Company at GHPP) came to the Project Clinic. The patient reported that he was feeling pain in his hip joint. The patient's vitals & his blood pressure was checked. On examining the patient, it was found that there was no swelling but pain in left hip joint. He was injected with Dicloran & same Tablets (50 mg).

Poor ergonomics. Fatigue.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Contractor 14 During construction of metallic shelter at batching plant, one of the workers of sub-contractor company, injured his foot when he tried to walk through the heavy metallic H-beams in the way.

Unsafe action. Not following safe access. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure safe access. Good supervision.

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Contractor 0 On 9th Jan 2016 at 05.30 pm a patient Named Mr. Hasnain Ali (Employee of TTC) came to project clinic with fever. He was in semiconscious condition. According to the patient he suffered from fever since 10 o’clock and he told his foreman about his Disease. Forman gave him some tablets but he did not recover. His vitals & blood pressure were found normal in the clinic. He was given Tab Novidate 500mg and Tab Panadol 500 mg. Later he was referred to DHQ for detailed checkup.

Fatigue. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Fatigue prevention TBTs.

Company 0 The shotcrete pump pipe (chemical pipe) got ruptured inside water way tunnel during shotrcreting, as a result workers was minor exposed to chemical splashes. He was provided with medical care immediately by medical teams.

Lack of good inspections and proper resource usage at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Monitoring of chemical safety at site. Provision of proepr resources.

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Company 0 Shot Crete pump pipe got ruptured due to poor condition and lack of periodic inspection by the concern supervisor, due to which near by workers were exposed by the splashes and received exposure. They were provided with medical care immediately by medical teams.

Lack of good inspections and proper resource usage at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Regular inspections. Provision of good quality piping/machinery.

Contractor 0 On 17th January, at 03.25 pm a patient named Mr. Niaz Muhammad employee of TTC Came to project clinic with pain in his left Arm. According to patient’s statement he was pulling a nozzle pipe at coffer dam. Suddenly his left arm strikes with Scaffolding Pipe. On examination, the paramedic saw that there was no external injury or skin rapture but the patient was unable to move his arm. He was given a Pain killer injection, provide Massage with pain reliever cream and covered the

Unsafe action.Carelessness.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Good supervision.

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elbow with crape bandage. Later, he was referred to DHQ Hospital for X-Ray and further treatment.

Company 0 A first aid was recorded when a Site Engineer during site visit slipped on inclined surface. First Aid Case e that was slippery due to rain. There was sprain in his left foot.

Unsafe access. Slippery roads.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Contractor 0 A surveyor helper of the sub-contractor Pir & Company was hit by a rock on his helmet when he was performing survey at the diversion tunnel 1 outlet. The rock fell from the loose material at height right at the First Aid Case e of the inlet. The person survived severe injuries because of wearing hard hat on his head.

Weak geology of site. Sluggish execution of slope protection. Unsafe action by injured. Lack of good supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Good supervision. Inspections.

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24 AMR - 2016 102 MW Gulpur Hydropower Project

Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic check their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle.No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them.Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

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Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic checks their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle. No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them. Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talks on lessons learnt and general awareness. Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

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Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic check their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle.No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them.Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

Contractor 0 A patient name Mohammad Rashid driver of a tractor was brought to clinic for medical checkup and treatment. Left index finger of patient was injured which was treated as per medical protocols in the project clinic. He was provided first aid

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle. No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them. Old machinery at site. Unsafe roads. Untrained local driver of supplier.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Inspection of rebtal machinery. Replacement of old machinery with new one.

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and given pain reliever. The wound was washed. The patient was referred to District Headquarter hospital Kotli for further inspection where he was declared clear.

Contractor 0 A generator operator was taken to clinic for first aid after contact with moving exhaust fan. He was checked by medical officer and provided first aid for small abrasions occurred due to contact with exhaust.

Unsafe action.Lack of skill and experience.Unguarded fan.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Provision of guards.Good supervision.

Contractor 0 An emptied diesel fuel tank was being welded without any Permit to work at Pir & Co workshop by a mechanic who was instructed & forced by the Deputy Project Manager of the Subcontractor Pir & Co. The tank blew up leaving behind two mechanics receiving second degree burns. Both of them were provided medical treatment on the day.

PTW violation. Unsafe action by PM & Welder. Poor commitment towards safe practices.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of PTW. Termination of the Subcontractor PM. Conducting detailed training sessions.

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Contractor F An emptied diesel fuel tank was being welded without any Permit to work at Pir & Co workshop by a mechanic who was instructed & forced by the Deputy Project Manager of the Subcontractor Pir & Co. The tank blew up leaving behind two mechanics receiving second degree burns. Mr. Banaras of them passed away on 2nd of March 2016.

PTW violation. Unsafe action by PM & Welder. Poor commitment towards safe practices.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of PTW. Termination of the Subcontractor PM. Conducting detailed training sessions.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a labor working at Weir access road (WAR) got hit by a falling stone on his hand. His left hand little figures got injured. Paramedic conducted medical treatment on the patient and performed two stiches on it and gave pain killer to the patient.

Unprotected slopes.No slope protection done by contractor.Poor geology.Unsafe action by worker.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Slope protection.Inspections.Safe distance.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a Daelim employee was coming out of his room in the camp. He was walking in haste to reach an outstation meeting. In hurry,

Unsafe condition. Haste by injured. Carelessness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision.

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he knocked his head against a wall mounted stand beside the electrical panel box. He got two stitches on his head.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker (carpenter) at cofferdam was manually aligning the girder to attach slings. The girder slipped from his hand and his left hand’s little finger came underneath the girder. He was given pain killer and the x-ray results later showed that there was no fracture.

Unauthorized working. Unavailability of enough number of riggers. Poor planning. Poor supervision. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good planning. Provision of riggers. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mechanic-helper of Daelim, was checking coolant water in a generator, in the absence of technical supervision. The radiator was hot. When he opened the radiator, hot water splashed at hit him. He was given anti dirt cream to apply on his red body parts.

Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Unsafe action.Unauthorized working.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Strict supervision..Following roles and responsibilities.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred at upstream cofferdam when a worker fell from a 2 meter height as a result of jumping from one plank to another. He got abrasions on his left elbow and abdomen. He was given first aid at the project clinic.

Unsafe platform. Lack of scaffold resources. Negligence of construction department towards HSE recommendations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Scaffolds inspections. Following recommendations by HSE department.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a signalman of subcontractor Pir & Co jumped down from the cabin of a dumper which was lifted up by a heavy stone which was trapped in the trolley’s back door. The dumper was unloading the excavated muck near powerhouse at midnight. The worker was feeling pain in his back, so was provided massage by the paramedic. The X-ray results were clear.

Improper loading. Poor planning. Conflict of interest between production and safety.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training of construction management. Meeting with construction.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a laborer ingested minor amount of shuttering oil when he was trying to get some oil from the oil-container. Due to wrong instructions and lack of appropriate resources, Mr. Shavaiz (worker) sucked the chemical towards himself, which accidently went into his mouth. The medical officer immediately treated the patient with medical care as per operated instructions.

Unsafe action.Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Lack of proper resources.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper resource allocation.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a generator helper was standing on a truck in the middle of a small fuel tank and the cabin’s frame. The tank slipped forwards and compressed the hip bone of the helper against the cabin. The bone was fine in X-ray results.

Improper design. Unsafe action. Usage of inappropriate resources.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Appropriate resource usage. Strict supervision.

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32 AMR - 2016 102 MW Gulpur Hydropower Project

Company 0 Nine (09) first aid cases were reported as a result of falling rock from height at DT-01 outlet portal. They were Daelim laborers who were working in steel fixing at outlet portal structure. All of nine had received falling rocks fragments by an overhead steel mesh, on their arms, legs, back and shoulders. The medical examination at project clinic and DHQ hospital Kotli confirmed that all were only first aid cases.

Low priority towards slope protection. Unsafe geology. Poor planning.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Strict supervision.

Company 0 Finger of a worker was slightly compressed when he was working with rebar. The worker was wearing cotton gloves which could not protected his fingers. He was given first aid at the project clinic.

Unsafe action.Carelessness.Unavailability of tough gloves.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper PPE compliance.Good supervision at site.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when mechanic at Subcontractor Pir & Co worker was repairing a dozer. He fixing a metallic plate under the dozer which slightly

Unsafe action. Carelessness. Unavailability of tough gloves.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good PPE compliance. Supervision.

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compressed his wing finger causing swelling on the finger. The worker was provided First Aid treatment at the site.

Contractor 0 On 1st July 2016 two ZKA workers were fixing the steel in DT-1. They were assigned to complete the steel fixing for shotcrete at that area. Steel bars were drilled in the crown for the erection of steel formwork which were not visible due to low intensity of light. At 0230 hours when the workers were fixing the steel at crown area of the tunnel, Mr Shakeel (Steel Fixer) stood up and his head got struck with the invisible protruding steel bar from the crown which was nailed to hold the steel bars for the whole structure and received a cut on his head .The worker received injury but on his head as result of not wearing helmets. He was transferred to the site clinic

Poor illumination.Unsafe workplace.Poor planning.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Strict monitopring.Good supervision.Resource allocation.

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immediately in project ambulance.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred at the outlet of diversion Tunnels when slides materials hit the helmet of worker and one of worker received injury on head without breaking of helmet. The worker was provided first aid medical care and was released to work after temporary rest.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions. Unprotected slopes.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Protection of slopes. Strict supervision.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred in the tunnels where workers drilling with a hand drill got injured on the fingers of right hand. The tool for drilling slipped from the hands of the worker which resulted in the injury on finder.

Lack of skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Good supervision.

Company 14 A scaffold supervisor who was not an authorized rigger for mobile crane attempted to do rigging during formwork removal at cofferdam left bank area. He was not wearing hard gloves. During his attempt he got his left hand index

Unavailability of enough number of riggers. Unsafe actions. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good planning. Provision of riggers. Strict supervision.

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finger cut in a pinch point. He was sent to DHQ hospital Kotli for treatment.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mechanic's feet with safety shoes came under the wheels of forklift. The forklift was operated by an unauthorized worker.

Unauthorized operation. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensuring authorized operations.

Contractor 0 On CR-03 during maintenance of excavator a sharp object hit shoulder of helper and received scratch and cut. The person was rushed to the clinic in nearby ambulance for medical checkup.

Lack of experience and skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred as a worker fell into a 2 feet deep drain along the main access road. His leg was wounded.

Negligence of management towards HSE findings and recommendations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of inspection recommendations.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker in passenger truck was hit by side mirror of Pir & Co dumper

Poor traffic management.Site varying conditions.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper implementation of traffic management plan.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a subcontractor Pir & Co dumper tipped over at upstream cofferdam during muck disposal. The driver got

Poor preventive maintenance. Lack of inspections.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan. Replacement of machinery/resources.

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minor abrasions on his body.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at powerhouse when a stone in falling muck hit signalman on his left foot ankle. There was poor communication between the signalmen.

Lack of training and awareness. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness for signalmen. Training of drivers & signalmen.

Company 14 An LTI occurred as a worker, working at power house, got head injury when he got hit by a falling stone. Medical treatment was provided to worker in nearby clinic and then patient was sent to Islamabad for further treatment.

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Poor geology. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Net installation. Regular inspection of slopes.

Contractor 14 An LTI occurred when a worker working with steel rebar on weir fell down and got injury on his ankle. He was given first aid at project clinic and then send to DHQ Kotli for further treatment.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe access.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Cleaning of roads after rains.

Company 0 A first aid was reported when a person visited project clinic with eye trauma. He was given the requested first aid and send to room for two hours rest.

Poor PPE compliance. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure PPE compliance and strict supervision.

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Contractor 14 A loss time injury occurred at powerhouse when a worker fell down from charging car bucket and received fracture on his foot.

Unsafe operation.Poor condition of machinery.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Ensure authorized operation.Replace old machinery with new.

Contractor 0 A medical treatment case occurred to a worker who was getting onto an operational crawl drill machine. His safety shoe was compressed on the toe due to which his fingers were injured.

Unsafe operation. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure Authorized operation.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker walking on road side was hit by a stone which was shot by a passing by transit mixer from its tires. The patient was found okay in ultrasound tests.

Unsafe roads due to site limitations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at intake when a drill operator in an attempt to survive a rolling down boulder, injured and received wounds on his foot. He was saved by the anchored harness belt.

Loose rocks at height. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Inspection of slopes by geologsts.

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Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker at weir right bank near intake area was cleaning boulders and mud stones from slops. After completion of his job, he preferred to climb through the slope and take a shortcut to reach intake area suddenly his foot was slip and fall downside.

Following unsafe access. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at outlet area when an electrician fell off a cargo crane man basket when the operator had not extended the outriggers.

Unsafe operation of cargo crane.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning before jobs.Following SOPs.Following safe work procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was hit on his hips by falling rock from over break inside water way tunnel. He received wounds on his hips.

Unprotected rocks. Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Shotcrete and rockbolts installation. Strict supervision.

Company 14 A loss time injury was reported when a worker was checking the water pump that was not working. Unfortunately worker hand came in the water pump belt and minor fracture occured in the middle finger of right hand.

Absence of guards. Lack of knowledge. Lack of experience. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provide guards on rotating parts. Strict supervision.

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Contractor 14 A loss time injury was reported when a Pir & Co driver injured in dumper accident in night shift. During first aid treatment It was found that his collar bone was fractured.

Lack of preventive maintenance. Poor old machinery and heavy vehicles at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provision of new machinery. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker slipped and fell on ground at intake area while he was coming down from maintenance road.

Slippery surface -First Aid Case e. Unsafe access.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred at Power house area, when the Driver of Alkhalid Engineer was moving at worksite carelessly collided with the standing Crawl machine near by, the person got received minor injury on forehead and nose

Carelessness.Fatigue. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 14 Dewatering helper was instructed in rain to fold the dewatering pipe present underneath the loose boulders upside at left side of stilling basin, the loose material slipped down and a dewatering pump operator

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Poor geology. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Regular inspection of slopes.

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was injured with sliding material. The injured person was provided first aid and medical treatment as required.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker received a stone flying from truck tire on his hand. His index finger was injured.

Unsafe roads due to site limitations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Company 0 A worker while removing boulders from slope area manually, his fingers came underneath and compressed.

Unsafe actions. Poor supervision. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A worker during manual handling felt pain in his back. The team was lifting a metallic plate with improper posture.

Poor ergonomics. Fatigue.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Administrative controls. Manual handling.

Company 0 A worker hurt his legs with slight abrasions during working to clean boulders from slope at weir excavation.

No slope protection. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper planning before jobs. Following safe work procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.

No slope protection.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning before jobs.Following safe work procedures.

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Contractor 0 A road traffic incident with medical treatment case occurred when a dumper hit CR-02 bridge abutment as its brake was failed. Maintenance and inspection was not part of the contract with rental machinery suppliers.

Lack of preventive maintenance. Poor old machinery and heavy vehicles at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provision of new machinery. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker wounded his First Aid Case e as a chocked concrete pipe opened with pressure.

Absence of clamps. Poor quality piping. Lack of inspections.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Regular inspections. Provision of good quality piping/machinery.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when an excavator due to mis-operation moved freely down the inclined slope at intake and the helper was hurt with bruises on his arm.

Lack of experience and skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker while escaping a rolling stone at power house excavated area, jumped and hurt his index finger. He was not site inducted.

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Protection of slopes. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at Batching plant when a worker hit sharp metallic sheets on his

Poor housekeeping. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good housekeeping.

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head. He received minor cut on his forehead. Good housekeeping was required.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a falling boulder during material pushing hit a worker on his thigh. Material was being pushed from intake to weir area without making appropriate arrangements in place.

Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Unsafe action.Absence of barricades.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning and management of risky jobs.Coordination between working parties.

Company 14 A lost time injury occurred at powerhouse due to improper procedure being followed for unloading concrete from a transit mixer.

Violation of SSW. Unsafe action. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of safe procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mason at powerhouse injured his finger hand with a plank during handling.

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision. Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a dewatering helper while handling a pipe injured his finger.

Poor PPE compliance. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house area when a heavy eqpt. worker received a minor cut on his arm from a sharp pipe in the way.

Poor PPE compliance. Sharp objects.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Covering sharp objects.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house area when a mason finger injured while handling a plank from a labor.

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker at power house injured in index finger during manual handling.

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker finger was injured during manual handling.

Poor manual handling.Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Training on manual handling.PPE compliance.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred during chemical blasting/cracking when a premature cracking resulted into smoke and splashes which entered into eyes of a worker and caused irritation.

Not following JSA. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Follow JSA and good supervision at site.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred in Joint Restaurant when a waiter injured his foot with a block.

Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker while working in night shift injured his left leg in the drain. He rubbed in leg along the edge of the drain and got abrasions on the leg.

Uncovered drains. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Drains to be covered.

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Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred at power house when a carpenter was hit by a flying board piece during wind storm.

Flying objects. Loose material at height.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Weather/wind monitoring.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house in night shift when a worker leg was hit by a falling screw jack.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a driller slightly hurt his foot when the pneumatic drill went out of his control.

Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at weir when finger of a foreman injured while falling on a horizontal rebar.

Unsafe action. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker was hit by a bouncing pressure pipe He was harmed on his head and shoulder from back side.

Absence of whip checks on pressure pipes.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Install whip checks.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a foreman during steel spacing at vertical tunnel 2 lower bend slipped down. He was arrested by safety harness. He got minor

Lack of skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

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bruises on his body.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was working in tunnel 2. An electrical light fell from height hit a worker on his head.

Loose material at height. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper site preparation.

Contractor 14 A loss time injury occurred in E&M Subcontractor Andritz Hydro fabrication yard when a worker standing under a platform against a steel pipe being fabricated, was hit on his First Aid Case e by a falling Jack (10 kg). The platform was at a height of 112 inches above floor where a worker Mr. Shahid (AH Mechanical Fabricator) was standing.

Negligence of site manager of subcontractor towards installation of safe platforms. Poor commitment. Unavailability of scaffolds inspector.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Hiring a scaffold inspector. Provide toe boards. Training.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was working at weir slope and suddenly a stone slipped from slope and stacked in excavator chain. When he was trying to remove the stone from excavator chain slightly injured his finger.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision. PPE compliance.

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Describe in detail fatalities and vehicle accidents, including corrective measures (provide copies of investigation and respective corrective plan)

No fatality occurred during the reporting period, all the accidents and corrective action are mentioned in corrective action plan (Exhibit-5) and sample reports are attached as –Exhibit-6

No fatality occurred during the reporting period, all the accidents and corrective action are mentioned in corrective action plan (Exhibit-5) and sample reports are attached as –Exhibit-6

Significant Incidents

Date of Incident

Type of Incident (drop down list)

Brief Description of Incident Fatalities? (Y/N)

# of Fatalities

Preventive measures taken after the incident


First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when mechanic at Subcontractor Pir & Co worker was repairing a dozer. He is fixing a metallic plate under the dozer which slightly compressed his ring finger causing swelling on the finger. The worker was provided First Aid treatment at the site.



Near Miss Incidence

A near-miss occurred when some loose rocks fell down after a rockslide at outlet portal of DT-01. No injury was reported.



Near Miss Incidence

A near-miss occurred when a concrete pump without hose cap produced a concrete splash during concrete pouring at inlet portal. Workers of subcontractor HRL survived the splash.



Security Incidence Unrest was created at the project restaurant where fight between two groups (restaurant persons and EPC Contractor) was initiated at 1900hrs approx. The fight lead to mob gathering. During the incident few workers and employee received small cuts due to throwing objects, whereas the restaurant received minor damages. The issue was resolved with interference of Police at site. An agreement was done between two parties for further cooperation and maintaining peace at work.


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Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred with one of the sub-contractor workers who arrived at the site 20 minutes earlier to work. Another sub-contractor HRL was working at height. A piece of Rebar fell from height according to statements and hit the helmet of workers. The helmet back knob was damaged while worker received no injuries. Safety nets were installed at risk areas to reduce any future falling hazard.



Near Miss Incidence

On 25th June 2016 night time at Inlet areas when the workers of HRL arrived at site at their official vehicle, and dropped staff in front of diversion tunnel 01 at 08: 45 PM. Meanwhile one of the mobile crane was reversing, a banks man was also assisting crane operator and reversing alarm was working properly, and despite of informing the crane operator it hit the vehicle standing at back side of crane and in front of diversion tunnel 01. Minor damages to light vehicle were observed.



Security Incidence On 25th June 2016 at about 02:30 am Habib Rafique construction co workers during “SAHRI” initiated a fight. During Shari one group of Ghulam Nabi were taking their sahri meal and other group of Mohammed Ismaeel came and tried to take water cooler for water drinking. Ghulam Nabi group stopped them and said that they will take water after Sahri meal but Mr. Mohammed Ismaeel group insisted that they also want to drink water. Initially this issue involved two persons and then complete group. No senior present person was present and did not report the matter also. PM Subcontractor Mr. Khteeb, Habib Rafique Construction Co was informed about the incident who came at site resolve the issue and settled the dispute.


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First Aid Case On 1st July 2016 two ZKA workers were fixing the steel in DT-1. They were assigned to complete the steel fixing for shotcrete at that area. Steel bars were drilled in the crown for the erection of steel formwork which were not visible due to low intensity of light. At 0230 hours when the workers were fixing the steel at crown area of the tunnel, Mr Shakeel (Steel Fixer) stood up and his head got struck with the invisible protruding steel bar from the crown which was nailed to hold the steel bars for the whole structure and received a cut on his head .The worker received injury but on his head as result of not wearing helmets. He was transferred to the site clinic immediately in project ambulance.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred when a Daelim worker slipped from outlet area point while coming to down area. The working area was slippery after heavy rainfall. The height of area was above 2.5 m ground surFirst Aid Case e. The worker adopted unauthorized way to access the work area. Access to the working area was unavailable which resulted in the incident. The workers received no physical injuries.



Fire Incidence Three multiple minor fire incident occurred at the Inlet area during unauthorized welding activity. The area was not clear from the combustible materials during the welding activity which instigated in the fire. The fire was put off with the fire extinguisher.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at the outlet of diversion Tunnels when slides materials hit the helmet of worker and one of worker received injury on head without breaking of helmet. The worker was provided first aid medical care and was released to work after temporary rest.


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Near Miss Incidence

An incident occurred when workers working on Elevated platform jumped from height in order to save from falling. At the inlet worker were working in conjunction with activity of removal for formwork.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred in the tunnels where a workers drilling with a hand drill got injured on the fingers of right hand. The tool for drilling slipped from the hands of the worker which resulted in the injury on finder.



Fire Incidence A fire incident was reported when an electric power cable lying in open area along CR-01 produced sparking with flames. It was immediately stopped by cutting off power supply from the mains.



Security Incidence It was noted that the subcontractor HRL workers had a scuffle on unavailability of transportation at the end of night shift. The issue was resolved on the spot by Health Safety Officers and Security staff. A meeting was conducted with subcontractor Administrator on the matter for prevention of the incident in future.



Environmental Incidence

An environmental non-compliance was reported when subcontractor Pir & Co workers during diesel oil transportation spilled some oil on the ground. The oil was collected into impermeable bags, area was cleaned using spill kits and the contaminated soil was collected.



Fire Incidence A small flame of fire was produced which was noted when welding spark fell down from inlet structure top to the base, where a combustible jute bag caught fire. It was quickly put out using a fire extinguisher.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a mechanic's feet with safety shoes came under the wheels of forklift. The forklift was operated by an unauthorized worker.


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Near Miss Incidence

A near-miss occurred on CR-02 in night when a dozer during pushing the muck slipped down. No damages were reported.



First Aid Case

On CR-03 during maintenance of excavator a sharp object hit shoulder of helper and received scratch and cut. The person was rushed to the clinic in nearby ambulance for medical checkup.



Near Miss Incidence

During material disposal form CR-03, Pir and Co excavator were dropping materials without proper signalmen in place and resulted in near miss for workers and vehicles. No one was injured though the materials were quite away. Pir and Co were advised to improve the communication among signalmen and excavators.



Fire Incidence A fire incident occurred inside accommodation block “C” when the On-Off button of washing machine due to overheating reshaped the plastic switchboard and set on fire.



Fire Incidence A fire incident occurred inside EPCC main office when the overheated choke of the tube-light reshaped and set on fire the plastic secondary cover. Fore was quickly extinguished with a fire extinguisher.



Near Miss Incidence

A near-miss occurred when a light vehicle slipped slightly on the slippery construction road at cofferdam during rainfall.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred as a worker fell into a 2 feet deep drain along the main access road. His leg was wounded.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when the steel pipe of concrete pump burst with an explosion during concrete pouring activity at cofferdam. Nobody was hurt. Mechanical inspection was never done for the integrity of peristaltic pump and its auxiliaries


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Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred in Pir and Co workshop as a dumper of the said company due to inadequate friction, slippery floor, undefined routes and unsafe driving, skid on the floor with its front wheels up in the air. It was recovered to its normal position with a loader. No damage or loss was reported.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker in passenger truck was hit by side mirror of Pir & Co dumper



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred on 11th September when a breakdown dumper truck start moving freely to enter from outside of project. The driver managed to stop it near joint restaurant. No damage was reported.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident at the upstream cofferdam was occurred. The issue was that the mobile crane with the capacity of 50 Tons was doing lifting of the water pumps. The weight was stuck in the mud due to which the extra mechanical force was applied and a result of which small hoist was broken down from the pulley. No personal injury was reported.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred hewn a dumper while dumping muck at preliminary cofferdam near Cuss Gujra’n, tipped over after its jack broke. No other damage was reported.



Near Miss Incidence

A dumper tip over near miss incident occurred while dumping at preliminary cofferdam. It was found that the surFirst Aid Case e was uneven and there was no helper with the driver.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a subcontractor Pir & Co dumper tipped over at upstream cofferdam during muck disposal. The driver got minor abrasions on his body.


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Environmental Incident

An environmental incident occurred when a subcontractor Pir & Co dumper truck tipped over as it was moving freely after the shaft broke. As a result, the lube oil spilled from the truck.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at powerhouse when a stone in falling muck hit signalman on his left foot ankle. There was poor communication between the signalmen.



Near Miss Incidence

A Pir and Co dumper truck nearly missed other vehicles in the way from Cuss Gujra’n as its brakes failed. No other damage was reported.



First Aid Case A first aid was reported when a person visited project clinic with eye trauma. He was given the requested first aid and send to room for two hours rest.



Fire Incident A fire incident occurred when rubber pipe inside in an excavator engine was reshaped sue to heat produced by short-circuit inside. The fire was extinguished with no significant damage.



Medical Treatment Case

A medical treatment case occurred to a worker who was getting onto an operational crawl drill machine. His safety shoe was compressed on the toe due to which his fingers were injured.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker walking on road side was hit by a stone which was shot by a passing by transit mixer from its tires. The patient was found okay in ultrasound tests.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at intake when a drill operator in an attempt to survive a rolling down boulder, injured and received wounds on his foot. He was saved by the anchored harness belt.


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Medical Treatment Case

A medical treatment case occurred when a worker at weir right bank near intake area was cleaning boulders and mud stones from slops. After completion of his job, he preferred to climb through the slope and take a shortcut to reach intake area suddenly his foot was slip and fall downside.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at outlet area when an electrician fell off a cargo crane man basket when the operator had not extended the outriggers.



Environmental Incident

Man basket of cargo crane was broken when a cargo crane operator had not extended the outriggers before taking a radial movement while working at outlet area.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker was hit on his hips by falling rock from over break inside water way tunnel. He received wounds on his hips.



Medical Treatment case

A medical treatment case occurred when a worker slipped and fell on ground at intake area while he was coming down from maintenance road.



Near Miss Incidence

A Pir & Co dump truck was transporting muck at Cuss Gujra’n area. While reversing a worker closely escaped from the approaching dump truck. The reverse signal alarm of vehicle did not work by the time. There was no loss or damage.



Fire Incident A tube light caught fire in Pir & Company office as its choke heated up reshaping the plastic casing and setting it on flame fire. Fire was extinguished by timekeeper with a fire extinguisher.



Fire Incident A tube light caught fire in QC lab as its choke heated up reshaping the plastic casing and setting it on flame fire which was extinguished by lab assistant with a fire extinguisher.


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Fire Incident A tube light caught fire in QC lab as its choke heated up reshaping the plastic casing and setting it on flame fire which was extinguished by QC Inspector with a fire extinguisher.



Near Miss Incidence

A Near miss at Weir access road occurred, when the dumper truck was driven by a helper instead of competent operator, the dumper went to the drain, no material damage or personal injury reported



Fire Incident Fire incident at power house in water way tunnel, the charging car due to poor electrical wiring inside caught fire which was extinguished onsite by the workers, no serious damage to the equipment reported



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at Power house area, when the Driver of Alkhalid Engineer was moving at worksite carelessly collided with the standing Crawl machine near by, the person got received minor injury on forehead and nose



Medical Treatment Case

A medical treatment case occurred when a worker received a stone flying from truck tire on his hand. His index finger was injured.



First Aid Case A worker while removing boulders from slope area manually, his fingers came underneath and compressed.



First Aid Case A worker while removing boulders from slope area manually, his fingers came underneath and compressed.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when a worker at Pir & Co workshop was performing hot work near empty drums of flammable oil. There was lack of education.


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Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when a worker at Pir & Co workshop was performing hot work near empty drums of flammable oil. The workshop was not properly managed to segregate work areas for respective jobs.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when a worker at Pir & Co workshop was performing hot work near empty drums of flammable oil. There was lack of education.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when a worker at Pir & Co workshop was performing hot work near empty drums of flammable oil. The workshop was not properly managed to segregate work areas for respective jobs.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident was reported near M Block when smoke from a waste bin was noticed. The smoke was coming from a burning cigarette coming thrown into the bin by some worker.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident was reported near M Block when smoke from a waste bin was noticed. The smoke was coming from a burning cigarette coming thrown into the bin by some worker.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred during concrete pouring at tower crane foundation at weir when a worker slipped down from thin plank.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred during concrete pouring at tower crane foundation at weir when a worker slipped down from thin plank.



First Aid Case A worker during manual handling felt pain in his back. The team was lifting a metallic plate with improper posture.



Environmental Incident

It was reported that there is an oil spill from Pir and Co fuel station


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First Aid Case A worker during manual handling felt pain in his back. The team was lifting a metallic plate with improper posture.



Environmental Incident

It was reported that there is an oil spill from Pir and Co fuel station.



First Aid Case A worker hurt his legs with slight abrasions during working to clean boulders from slope at weir excavation.



First Aid Case A worker hurt his legs with slight abrasions during working to clean boulders from slope at weir excavation.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.



First Aid Case

A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.



Medical Treatment Case

A road traffic incident with medical treatment case occurred when a dumper hit CR-02 bridge abutment as its brake was failed. Maintenance and inspection was not part of the contract with rental machinery suppliers.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker wounded his First Aid Case e as a chocked concrete pipe opened with pressure.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a worker wounded his First Aid Case e as a chocked concrete pipe opened with pressure.


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First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when an excavator due to mis-operation moved freely down the inclined slope at intake and the helper was hurt with bruises on his arm.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker while escaping a rolling stone at power house excavated area, jumped and hurt his index finger. He was not site inducted.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occurred when the pressurized air pipe joint released due to un availability of clamp and additional whip check to hold the pipe in case of unfortunate release



Environmental Incident

An environmental incident occurred when a third party service staff emptied portable septic tank in the drain near C Block septic tank.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at Batching plant when a worker hit sharp metallic sheets on his head. He received minor cut on his forehead. Good housekeeping was required.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred on weir access road when a loaded dump truck side wheels got in to a drain.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a falling boulder during material pushing hit a worker on his thigh. Material was being pushed from intake to weir area without making appropriate arrangements in place.



Environmental Incident

An environmental incident occurred as a Jumbo drill spilled oil inside the waterway tunnels. The Jumbo drill was not properly inspected by a mechanic.



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occur when Labor Mazda went off the road near M block due to overloading of labor


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Near Miss Incidence

A near miss occur when a compressor pipe started moving in air as operator had started the compressor without checking the connections



Near Miss Incidence

A near miss incident occurred when a subcontractor Andritz Hydro worker was seen sitting on a loaded steel pipe on a moving trailer on CR1. He had no PPE at all



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a mason at powerhouse injured his finger hand with a plank during handling.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred when a dewatering helper while handling a pipe injured his finger.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at power house area when a heavy eqpt. worker received a minor cut on his arm from a sharp pipe in the way.



First Aid Case A first aid case occurred at power house area when a mason finger injured while handling a plank from a labor.



Near Miss Incident A near miss incident was reported as a worker from OE residence got electrocuted from a damaged geyser.



Near Miss Incident Daelim dumper slipped at CR-02 due to excessive water sprinkling using TM. Road got slippery due to water sprinkling.



Fire Incident Electricity tube light installed in the OE residence caught fire due to overheating.


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A near miss incident was reported when tower crane at power house was operated in absence of a competent rigger.




A near miss incident occurred inside vertical tunnel 1 when a worker was not standing on a firm ground, and due to water seepage inside the tunnel his foot slipped and he fell back and his hand drill fell onto him. He was slightly hurt by the weight but there was no visible injury.




A near miss incident occurred at weir when a worker during concrete placement slipped off the plank in an opening.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a worker at power house injured in index finger during manual handling.




A near miss incident occurred at entrance road of cuss gujran where a dump truck that was over-filled slipped on slippery road.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a worker finger was injured during manual handling.




A near miss incident occurred during concrete placement at weir when the platform oscillated due to thrust produced by stationary pump.




A medical treatment case occurred during chemical blasting/cracking when a premature cracking resulted into smoke and splashes which entered into eyes of a worker and caused irritation.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred in Joint Restaurant when a waiter injured his foot with a block.


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Security Incident A security incident was recorded when worker inside Gulpur accommodation behaved violently with EHS team during inspection.




A near miss incident was reported at Cuss Gujran where an excavator cut apart an overhead bare conductor transmission line. There was no damage to excavator as the wire was neutral.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a worker while working in night shift injured his left leg in the drain. He rubbed in leg along the edge of the drain and got abrasions on the leg.




A medical treatment case occurred at power house when a carpenter was hit by a flying board piece during wind storm.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred at power house in night shift when a worker leg was hit by a falling screw jack.



Environmental Incident

An oil spill occurred when hydraulic pipe of concrete pump ruptured.




Near miss incident Lifting heavy equipment with the help of cargo crane cause the backside outrigger to move off the ground due to load, such activity may lead to serious incident.




A near miss incident occurred when a concrete pump hose burst out during concrete pouring at power house.




A near miss occurred when a workers survived premature chemical cracking at power house.




A near miss occurred when a concrete pump chocked and burst the pipe. Workers survived.


16/Jun/17 FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred at power

house when a driller slightly hurt N N/A YES

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his foot when the pneumatic drill went out of his control.



A near miss occurred when a worker was nearly hit by an excavator with its bucket while it was rotating in radius.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred at weir when finger of a foreman injured while falling on a horizontal rebar.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker was hit by a bouncing pressure pipe He was harmed on his head and shoulder from back side.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a foreman during steel spacing at vertical tunnel 2 lower bend slipped down. He was arrested by safety harness. He got minor bruises on his body.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a worker was working in tunnel 2. An electrical light fell from height hit a worker on his head.



FIRST AID CASE A first aid case occurred when a worker was working at weir slope and suddenly a stone slipped from slope and stacked in excavator chain. When he was trying to remove the stone from excavator chain slightly injured his finger.


PS3. Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

Please, provide the following environmental monitoring data for the reporting period. If you already have all the data requested available in another format, please, submit it instead. Provide a scaled Facility map showing the precise locations of all monitoring points.

Was there any situation when any of emergency response system / plans was implemented? Summary their effectiveness. Provide any emergency / evacuation drill reports. In April 2017, cofferdam was overtopped by heavy flood and all the workers were evacuated using emergency response plan. Drills for using emergency response plan are being conducted and part of trainings calendar.

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Below is the report of an emergency drill:

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Please, list and briefly describe major resource conservation /improvement measures/ projects implemented during the reporting period. Include their cost and the annual savings, if known

N/A Reporting Period Project Description Cost Annual Savings



Please, complete the information below for hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation, recovery, reuse, treatment, and disposal. Summarize how the Company improves practices.

Type of Wastes Generation (kg/year)

Recovery and Reuse (kg/year)


Recycling Rate (%)


Disposal (kg/year)

Non-hazardous wastes

Food and organic waste (L)

33474 0.00

General domestic waste (Kgs) 7855 2855 5000 0.36

Glass (Kgs) 342.5 0.00

Juice Box (kgs) 262 0.00

Metal, scrap (Kgs) 1455.5 596 859.5 0.41

Paper and cardboard (Kgs) 1683 1000 683 0.59

Plastic bottles (Kgs) 442 0.00

Plastic Films (Kgs) 9 0.00

Plastic Recyclables (Kgs) 495 400 95 0.81

Other Plastics (Kgs) 174 0.00

Tyres and rubber (no) 13 0.00

Tin Cans 281.1 0.00

Uncontaminated wood (Kgs) 1 1 1.00

Concrete and rubble (Kgs) 0

Shoes (Kgs) 1139 0

Cloth 1008 0

Hazardous wastes

Absorbents, rags (Kgs) 2311

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Adhesives, sealants & filters (Kgs) 1

Aerosols (m3) 0

Batteries, large (lead-acid) (no) 0

Batteries, small (no) 0

Chemicals - various (Kgs) 255

Contaminated soils (Kgs) 2263

Drums, containing residues (Kgs) 0

Electrical & electronic waste (Kgs) 92.5

Fluorescent tubes (no) 18

Medical waste (Kgs) 31.7

Oil filters (no) 178

Did the Company use any chemicals or hazardous materials subject to international bans or

phase-outs? No, company is not using any banned or hazardous material.

Please, describe any initiatives that the Company has implemented to minimize, reuse or recycle wastes,

and to improve the management of hazardous materials.

Company has contracted with a certified waste treatment firm to deal with all

Ambient air quality Please provide a summary of air emissions (can be attached as a separate table), including GHG from the reservoir, following the GHG Protocol and other pollutant emissions performance of the Company. Include IFC maximum limits and local regulatory limits where applicable. N/A

Ambient noise

Using the table below, please, provide the ambient noise monitoring data for the reporting period Please, provide a noise monitoring report, if available

Receptor/Monitoring Area

Monitoring Result Local Standards World Bank Guidelines (1998 PPAH)

Compliance (Y/N)


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Residential receptor - Day Time


- Night Time


Closes receptor is 500 m away from the site boundary

116 dBA 45 dBA 55 dBA (or <3dB Δ)

96.13 dBA (Average)

Industrial receptor - Day Time - Night Time

Closest receptor is 100 m away from the site boundary

N/A 70 dBA 70dBA (or <3 dB Δ)


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Liquid effluent discharges

Using the table below, please, provide the liquid effluent and water quality data for the reporting period. Please, provide the same information for each discharge point.

Where relevant, please, provide the water quality data of the receiving body of water 100 m above and 100 m below the discharge

Please, provide water quality data taken as part of the environmental monitoring procedures Response

No waste water is being discharged in river body. EPCC is using septic tank and soakage pit system to treat its camp effluents.

A separate filtration pond with sand and gravel filter is being used to treat wash water of transit mixers.

Drinking water quality is being tested by a third party for its compliance with drinking water standards.

Parameter Monitoring Result Local Standards World Bank Guidelines (1998 PPAH)

Compliance (Y/N)

COD 250 mg/l

BOD 50mg/l

TSS 50 mg/l

Oil and Grease 10 mg/l

pH 6-9


Temperature increase <=3C at the edge of the mixing zone

Total residual chlorine

0.2 mg/l

Chromium (total) 0.5 mg/l

Copper 0.5 mg/l

Iron 1.0 mg/l

Zinc 1.0 mg/l

Data Interpretation and Corrective Actions – Environment If any of the IFC/WB or local guideline level in any of the above tables are exceeded, please, explain the cause and, if appropriate, describe the undertaken / planned corrective actions to present re-occurrence

Monitoring parameter that exceeds IFC guidelines / local regulations

Cause for monitoring parameter exceedance

Corrective action plan

Completion date

Cost % Complete / Status


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PS4 – Community Health, Safety and Security

Using the table below list and briefly describe any new initiatives implemented in relation to community health and safety during the reporting period (e.g., drinking water projects for communities, access of local communities to the health infra, etc). Include preventive measures, programs, risk assessments, new infrastructure and equipment; hazardous materials, noise and safety management, transportation and exposure to disease.

Mitigation Measure Expected or actual date of

Implementation Planned future

mitigation efforts?


Describe any changes in the Company’s engagement with private/public security forces during the reporting period and any corresponding agreements. Indicate any conflicts / issues with the currently employed armed security, if any EPC Contractor has done a security agreement with police to enhance protection of project. Dedicated 24 Policemen are at site.

Provide road traffic incident and accident statistics, also the number of incidents/fatalities involving general public for the reporting period and any preventive measure and corrective action (s) taken.

No such traffic accident happened during the reporting period which had an effect on general public.

Provide statistics on water borne and endemic diseases in the project’s area of influence, if available N/A

Describe any emergency response cases occurring during the reporting period (e.g., fires, social unrest, explosions, water contamination, spills, fall of people into water channels, etc). N/A

Have Early Warning System and Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan been prepared and practiced with the potentially affected communities? Were there any emergency preparedness drills or simulations involving affected communities or other third parties performed during the reporting period?

A single training of fire fighting has been delivered to students and teachers of government high school Barali.

PS5 – Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

Provide the following information regarding land acquisition (37.7 ha of private and shamilat land) and displacement (physical displacement of 4 households and economic displacement of 166 households) required for the project that has taken place during the reporting period (if none or fully completed, put N/A and skip this section). Include documents to show closure of the related land acquisition transactions.

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Please provide information on agreements forged with the government in relation to the use of 300 hectares of government land for the project and if conditions of the agreement have been met. (This can be submitted as an annex based on the LARP)

Please provide information on actions taken by MPL in relation to required corrective actions prepared by the external expert based on interim land acquisition, compensation and resettlement audit conducted and semi-annual monitoring activities (This can be submitted as an annex based on the LARP)

# Plots Hectares Status of Acquisition %

total area

Total area acquired during the reporting period

Total area of agricultural lands affected

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Total land (Ha)

Total Families/ Business

Total Individuals

Vulnerable individuals

Resettled/ Restored To-Date

Pending Comments

1. Physically displaced

Legal title holders

Without title Squatters



2. Economically displaced

3. Physically and Economically Displaced (Both)


Describe any measures to avoid impacts on livelihoods and residences during the reporting period.

Compensation to all affected and displaced people was paid in full prior to their displacement Y N Comments

Describe any changes in project design or location of project First Aid Case ilities, the land or right of way acquisition necessary for such changes; any involuntary resettlement impacts resulting from changes

Describe solutions provided for new physical displacement and economic displacement (not included in the LARP) including the preparation of an updated or new LARP to address these changes in accordance with IFC PS5 and ADB SPS SR2.

Describe any livelihood restoration measures for people potentially economically displaced because of actions associated with the BAP (e.g. illegal fishers or sand/gravel miners) including

the preparation of a livelihood restoration plan in accordance with IFC PS5 and ADB SPS SR2. Describe special measures particularly for vulnerable individuals Using the table below list any grievance or disputes (include court action) regarding land

acquisition or resettlement received during the reporting period, describe how they were addressed and current status.

S/No. Petitioners’ Name Defendants Claimed Amount


1. Gulzar s/o Sardar Muhammad & 11 others r/o Gulhar Sharif, Kotli

1-GoAJ&K, 2-CS AJ&K, 3-Commissioner, 4-DC, 5-CLA, 6-Tehsildar, 7-CEO MPL, 8-DG PPC, 9-HEB, 10-SE Electricity, 11-BOR, 12-SMBR


2. Muhammad Asghar & 4 Others r/o Gulhar Sharif, Kotli

1-CS AJ&K, 2-Commissioner, 3-DC, 4-CLA, 5-Tehsildar, 6-CEO MPL, 7-DG PPC, 8-HEB, 9-SE Electricity, 10-BOR.


3. Muhammad Akram Khan etc. & 4 Others r/o Barali, Kotli

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-DC, 4-CLA,, 5-Commissioner, 6-BOR, 7-GoAJ&K, 8-BOD MPL


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S/No. Petitioners’ Name Defendants Claimed Amount


4. Muhammad Sher & 25 Others r/o Hill Kalan, Kotli through Ch. Abdul Razzak, Adv

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-BOR, 4-Commissioner, 5-DC, 6-CLA, 7-Tehsildar, 8-Gardawar, 9-Patwari, 10-Patwari Dam, 11-Ramzan


5. Sajid Mahmood & 15 Others r/o Gulhar Sharif, Kotli

1-GoAJ&K, 2-Commissioner, 3-DC, 4-CLA, 5-Tehsildar, 6-CEO MPL, 7-DG PPC.


6. Muhammad Yaqoob & 10 Others r/o Gulhar Sharif, Kotli

1-GoAJ&K, 2-CS AJ&K, 3-Commissioner, 4-DC, 5-CLA, 6-Tehsildar, 7-CEO MPL, 8-DG PPC, 9-HEB, 10-SE Electricity, 11-BOR, 12-SMBR


7. Laal Din s/o Jeevan Khan r/o Mandi, Kotli

1-GoAJ&K, 2-BOR, 3-Commissioner, 4-DG PPC, 5-DC, 6-CLA, 7-MPL, 8-Tehsildar.


8. Nadim Tahiri s/o Abdul Qayyum Tahiri r/o Barali,, Kotli

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-DC, 4-CLA,, 5-Commissioner, 6-BOR, 7-GoAJ&K, 8-BOD MPL


9. Muhammad Javed s/o Feroz Din r/o Hill Kalan, Kotli

1-GoAJ&K, 2-DG PPC, 3-HEB, 4-CEO MPL, 5-DC, 6-CLA


10. Syed Ibtisam Hussain Shah s/o Syed Aftab Hussain Shah r/o Hill Kalan

1-GoAJ&K, 2-DG PPC, 3-HEB, 4-CEO MPL, 5-DC, 6-CLA


11. Abdul Majeed, Abdul Hameed s/o Shan Muhammad r/o Hill Kalan

1-GoAJ&K, 2-DG PPC, 3-CEO, 4-DC, 5-CLA 112,125

12. Nasr ud Din s/o Muhammad Iqbal r/o Gulhar Sharif

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-BOD MPL, 4-DG PPC, 5-BOR, 6-Commissioner, 7-DC, 8-CLA.


13. Sabir Hussain s/o Saif Ali r/o Gulhar Sharif

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-BOD MPL, 4-DG PPC, 5-BOR, 6-Commissioner, 7-DC, 8-CLA.


14. Guldad s/o Allah Ditta r/o Gulhar Sharif

1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-BOD MPL, 4-DG PPC, 5-BOR, 6-Commissioner, 7-DC, 8-CLA.


15. Fazal-ur-Rehman r/o Barali 1-CEO MPL, 2-MPL, 3-DC, 4-CLA,, 5-Commissioner, 6-BOR, 7-GoAJ&K, 8-BOD MPL


16. Nasir Ahmad Rathore r/o Gulhar Sharif

1-GoAJ&K, 2-Commissioner, 3-DC, 4-CLA, 5-Tehsildar, 6-CEO MPL, 7-HEB, 8-SE Electricity, 9-BOR



(I used our table instead of they formed)

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Grievance/ Dispute date

Complainant Issue Resolved


Action taken Date closed

Additionally social complaints register is attached as Exhibit-1.

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PS6 – Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources

In the table below describe any new activities or expansions that have increased the Project footprint into new areas of habitat during the reporting period, or put N/A if not applicable

New activity/expansion Total area covered Habitat type

Report in detail on the implementation of Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) stipulated actions,

especially in part related to monitoring and activities to achieve net positive gain in ecological values related to Kashmir Catfish, Mahaseer and Poonch River Mahaseer (e.g., implementation of watch and ward system; increasing park staff, environmental workshops among communities, etc.). A separate reports reflecting status of the BMEP (Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation Program) is fine.

Update on the status of the construction and implementation of a hatchery for Mahaseer and the Kashmir Catfish on Poonch river

Report on the BAP’s implementation monitoring by an independent third party. Share related reports separately

In the table below provide details of deforestation and reforestation conducted during the reporting period, or put N/A if not applicable

Site Total area

deforested Type of species lost Total area

reforested Type of species

planted Reforestation for commercial use


Please, provide relevant information in the below table (this table is for reference only. Mira

Power Limited to provide their existing tables with multiple flow monitoring sites) – or attach the relevant monitoring data associated with the application / implementation of the Environmental Flow Management Plan

Summary of actual water flows in the river system in the Project area of influence

2015 2016 2017 2018

Average River Flow above Dam (m3/s): Annual: Wet season: Dry season:

Average River Flow at sampling site [A] below the Dams (m3/s): Annual: Wet season: Dry season:

Average River Flow at sampling site [B] below the Dams (m3/s): Annual: Wet season: Dry season:

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Please, provide any graphic data and any relevant monitoring information on the river system associated with compliance on minimum flow requirements, and species presence, abundance and diversity.


Action Plan Status and Update Please provide in the table below the current status of the E&S action plan, define the dates when pending actions will be implemented, provide brief explanations of the delays. Please refer to the initial ESAP for the indicators and deliverables.

Task Title/Description


Status as of


% Complete

1 The Company will present a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) consistent with Performance Standard 1 requirements.

Condition of first Disbursement

2 The Company will expand the Cumulative Impact Assessment section within the ESIA into a stand-alone Rapid Cumulative Impact Assessment (RCIA) document, outlining the expected cumulative impacts and risks at the Poonch / Jehlum watershed level, and proposed mitigation measures and necessary institutional arrangement to manage such impacts.

Prior to Financial Close

3 The Company will develop an overarching environmental and social management system (ESMS) to ensure compliance with E&S Plans and Environmental and Social Requirements.

This ESMS will build on the Company’s corporate ESHS policies and procedures and follow Prudent Industry Practices and be consistent with the requirements of IFC’s Performance Standard 1; as a minimum it shall include an ESHS Policy, proposed organizational structure, a procedure to identify of ESHS risks and impacts, management programs, an overarching monitoring, reporting and non-compliances tracking mechanism; an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan; and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

As part of this ESMS, the Company is required to:

(a) Have a dedicated ESHS & CSR Manager for the Project, in charge of customizing the corporate policies and procedure to the Project, and managing and supervising Project’s compliance with the EMMP, E&S Plans and

Condition of first Disbursement

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Task Title/Description


Status as of


% Complete

Environmental and Social Requirements, as well as delivering training and preparing Environmental and Social Monitoring Report.

(b) Ensure regular monitoring of construction and commissioning activities will be undertaken against the EMMP, other E&S Plans and Environmental and Social Requirements.

4 The Company will ensure that the EPC Contractor prepares a Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) demonstrating the manner in which it will comply with the requirements of the ESIA’s EMMP, other E&S Plans and Environmental and Social Requirements. The CESMP will include: a) Company’s ESHS policies, Environmental and Social Requirements; b) details of the existing E&S Plans; c) training plan; and d) a monitoring plan, including site inspections/audits, reporting, record keeping, accident/incident investigation and corrective action, and periodic reporting to management. The monitoring plan will also include details on how the Company will supervise and ensure EPC Contractor’s ESHS compliance, including PS2 issues.

Condition of first Disbursement

5 The Company will develop an Operations environmental and social management plan (OMP), conforming to Prudent Industry Practices such as those reflected in the Performance Standards applicable Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines. The Company must ensure that the Operator will be mobilized to the Project site ten months prior to Commercial Operations Date to ensure smooth transition/taking-over and plant commissioning.

Condition Precedent to Project Completion

6 The Company shall ensure that the EPC Contractor will implement worker camp standards and regulations, including provision of adequate accommodation First Aid Case ilities in all its camp sites in accordance with internationally recognized standards (i.e. space standards for dormitories, minimum quantities of sanitary installations, maximum distances to installations, resting area requirements at construction fronts, among other key issues) and defining the code of conduct for workers. The Company will adhere, and shall ensure that the EPC Contractor adheres, to IFC’s Worker’s Accommodation guidelines for construction to be outlined in the Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan.

Condition of first Disbursement

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Task Title/Description


Status as of


% Complete

_external_corporate_site/ifc+sustainability/publications/publications_gpn_workers accommodation.

7 The Company shall ensure that the EPC Contractor will develop an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Risks and Management Procedures – either as a stand-alone document or within the Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP). These procedures will identify task-specific OHS risks, define safety protocols to follow for each task, personnel qualification, limitations and equipment needs (e.g. personal protective equipment), training and supervision programs, corrective measures implementation mechanisms, and reporting.

Condition of first Disbursement

8 The Company will develop an OHS Risk and Management Procedure for operations. These procedures will identify task-specific OHS risks, define safety protocols to follow for each task, personnel qualification, limitations and equipment needs (e.g. personal protective equipment), training and supervision programs, corrective measures implementation mechanisms, and reporting.

Condition Precedent to Project Completion


The Company will develop a GHG protocol to calculate GHG emissions from the reservoir.

Condition Precedent to Project Completion

10 The Company will develop a detailed Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) including detailed emergency response in the cases of dam breaks, natural disasters, earthquakes, fire / explosion, severe traffic accidents, violence and/or social unrest, hazardous products spills, floods, landslides, fall of people into water channels, and forest fires.

Condition Precedent to Project Completion

11 The Company will perform a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) with a qualified security risks firm. The SRA will also identify any potential risks that its own and/or government-owned security arrangements may pose to those within and outside the Project Site, including the residents of the nearest towns.

Condition of first Disbursement

12 Based on the SRA, the Company will present a Security Management Plan (SMP) to assure that employees, sub-contractors, as well as physical assets are safe, under surveillance and in a controlled environment. The SMP will be (a) site specific and comprehensive (b) commensurate to the security risks, (c) describe security risks and detailed

Condition of first Disbursement

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Task Title/Description


Status as of


% Complete

response procedures, (d) aligned with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (, and (e) assure that all security personnel, but especially those who will bear arms, are trained and operate consistently with such principles. This plan will also include an initial awareness workshop and site briefing for all employees.

13 The Company will finalize an implementable Land Acquisition, Livelihood Restoration and Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) and upon obtaining approval from the Financiers and submit such LARP for disclosure on each relevant Financier’s website. This includes the implementation of the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Unit (LARU) and engagement of Resettlement Specialist for the LARU. The Company will prepare the terms of reference and commission a qualified independent social consultant/External Expert in consultation with the Financiers.

The independent social consultant/external expert among its functions will conduct a semi-annual review of LARP implementation and other social commitments, and an interim audit of land acquisition, compensation and resettlement activities for people affected by the project, and, in consultation with the Company prepare Corrective Action Plan as necessary, for approval by the Financiers.

Condition of first Disbursement

• External monitoring site visits and reports to be submitted periodically:

o on a semi-annual basis prior to the Commercial Operations Date; and

o on an annual basis thereafter

• Interim LARP audit to be undertaken 60 days after financial close

14 The independent social consultant/external expert to perform an ex-post Land Acquisition, Livelihood Restoration and Resettlement Completion Audit Report, reflecting full compliance with PS5 and with the LARP objectives, and identify corrective actions if necessary.

5 years after first Disbursement

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Task Title/Description


Status as of


% Complete

15 The Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), will be updated after further consultation with key stakeholders. The Government of AJK shall officially agree with the updated BAP before the Company submits it as a condition of the first Disbursement. The updated BAP shall include:

(a) Feasibility Assessment, reflecting the likelihood of the Pro2 scenario to occur, and including a sensitivity analysis (e.g. 50%, 40%, 30% reduction of 2013 non-flow related pressures)

(b) Metrics to measure and track abundance/population of Kashmir Catfish and Mahaseer fish in the project’s area of influence and to quantitatively evaluate if net gain is achieved for these two species over time.

(c) Biodiversity Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (BMEP) in order to validate the conditions set into SPS with respect to projects in critical habitat

(d) Ecological Flow Management Plan. (e) Detailed Mahaseer Hatchery rehabilitation and

restocking program. (f) Detailed time bound action plan to satisfy SPS

requirements with budget for the river biodiversity conservation with roles and responsibilities of the Company and the Government of AJK. The time bound action plan will constitute part of the Company’s legal commitments under this agreement.

(g) Proposed road-map for the government to develop a National Park Management Plan and the Company’s technical and financial supporting plan for the Government of AJK to develop the Plan.

Condition of first Disbursement

For the avoidance of doubt the Company shall submit first workable drafts of the documents (mentioned in Sr. (a) to Sr. (f) as Condition to first Disbursement. These documents shall be updated and finalized in consultation with Financiers as a condition to the Project Completion Date.

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Deviation/non-Compliances The following are the identified deviation/non-compliances identified in reference to the following: (I) IFC’s Performance Standards; (ii) Environmental and Social Action Plan; (iii) Non- compliance with local E&S regulations iv) Applicable EHS Guidelines. If there is any non-compliances/deviations please record and provide additional information if necessary. ESOHS Corrective Action Plan is attached as Exhibit-5.

Areas of Interests Non- Compliances

Identified Corrective Action Plan

Status of Completion

Completion Date

IFC’s Performance Standards (PS1-8)

Environmental and Social Action Plan

Local environmental and Social regulations

Applicable EHS Guidelines

Please explain the cause and, if appropriate, describe the planned corrective actions to prevent re-occurrence.

AMR SECTION VI Developmental Outcome Tracking (DOTs) Indicators

Employment Total Employment

Direct (#):

Indirect (including contractors) (#):

Taxes and Other Payments to the Government (US$):


Annual Power Generation (GWh):

Female Employment

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Direct (#):

Indirect (including contractors) (#):

Environmental & Social

Annual New Injury Cases (#):

Annual Number of Man-Hours Worked (#): E&S Management System Compliance with IFC E&S Standards (Y/N) (include comments on rationale):

Private Sector Development Demonstration Effect (Y/N) (please include brief comments on rationale):


Client’s Feedback

Please check the box that best represents your evaluation of the support received from IFC. On dealing with E&S aspects of the investment, how diligently in your opinion has IFC been able:

Areas of IFC Assistance:

No opinion

Excellent level of support

Above the expectations

As reasonably expected

Below what was



To help you in the interpretation and applicability of IFC’s Performance Standards

To provide you with guidance for the implementation of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP)

To share the outcomes of IFC supervision visits to the project and on agreeing in corrective actions

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To demonstrate flexibility and creativity to guide the Company’s management of project’s E&S issues.

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Social Complaint Register Gulpur Hydro Power Project

Complaint No. Name Location Date of Complaint

Detail of Complaint

Name of Receiver

Action Taken/ Required

Status (Opened /Closed )/ Remarks

Date of Closing

C00079 Walid Karim (AP)

Barali 19/07/2016 I am affected person and

lookig for job in project since last

one year.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO presented his CV to EPCC

for the job of helper and EPCC assured him that he will be given a job on periority basis when there will be a vacancy


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C00080 Shaukat Iqbal Barali 20/7/2016 I gave my dedicated support to project and

provided my dedicated

services for the credibility of project. I got

contract of joint restaurant from Daelim. Now

they are terminating my contract without

any genuine reason. I request

MPL to take innitiative.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO presented the issue to

higher management of


Closed Issue is settled by

mutual understanding of EPCC and Mr.

Sahukat Iqbal


C00081 Mustenser Hussain and


Kameli, Sehermendi

19/08/2016 We are waiting for our land

compensation and our land

compensation is not being given to us. There is a frustation in our community and

please provide us compensation.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO presented the issue to

higher management of



C00082 Rehmani Muhalla Community

through Muhammad


Rehmani Muhalla

Barali, SITE

27/08/16 Due to blasting our housed are

damaged, please compensate our


Tariq Baralvi CLO

Complaint is forwarded to

EPCC for necessary action.


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C00083 Sufi Abdu Razzaq

Kameli Sehermandi

27/08/2016 Due to blasting activity I my

house is damaged, I have built that house with support of

my family members . I am a wood cutter and hardly both ends

meet. Please compensate me

for my loss.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

EPCC is already working on the matter and will compensate the


C00085 M. Tufail Muhallah Fatemi Naruch

13/10/16 My house is badly damaged by blasting and

noise creates fear in my family

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO Informed the concerned department of

EPCC regarding blasting and they assured that all precaustionery measres will be taken to avoid

such complaints in future.

Furthermore it is assured that the damaged house will be visited

soon by EPCC to estimate the level

of damage.


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C00086 M. Younis Rehmani Muhallah


14/10/2016 I am effectee of project and my new house has been damaged due to blasting. Roof, walls and floor has been


Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO Informed the concerned department of

EPCC regarding blasting and they assured that all precaustionery measres will be taken to avoid

such complaints in future.

Furthermore it is assured that the damaged house will be visited

soon by EPCC to estimate the level

of damage.

Closed House is visited and it

was found that the cracks were not due to

blasting at project

C00087 M. Naeem Barali 30/10/16 Newly Constructed

house is badly damaged by blasting of project for

verification of cracks are very

clear on walls of my house please

consider and compensate my


Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO visited the house and

witnesed that cracks were there

at walls. He further

communicated the complaint to HSE Advisor of



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C00089 M. Anwar Mandi Kotli 11/11/2016 I belong to Mandi Kotli and

we have land there, when we

started construction of new house there then someone

from local community told me that my land

is awarded to Gulpur Hydro

Power Project. I am confued

whether I should start

construction. I have visited local

government office several times but they didn't First Aid Case ilitate me.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO consulted MPL land record keeper regarding

the issue. He assured to CLO tha said land is not awarded to project and it is confirmed that

this land will not be by project.

Closed 11/11/2016

C00091 Talib Hussain and Nazim


Barali Nashaki

20/12/2016 Disposal of excavated

material at Cuss Gujran Nala by

project will divert channel towards right

bank. That diversion of Nala will demage our land as well as

houses. Landslide can be

caused due to diversion.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO arranged a meeting of

complainers with EPCC's Manager

Contracts and Manager

Construction. Both the

Managers assured the

complainers that EPCC will take

proper protective measures and

community will be compensated

Closed 21/12/2016

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in case of any damage.

C00092 Salman, Mustansar

Hussain, M. Sajid, Mehran


Kamili Seher Mandi

20/12/2016 We are waiting for our land

compensation and our land

compensation is not being given to us. There is a frustration in our community and

please provide us compensation otherwise we

will not let the company work. We are giving a

deadline till January 05,


Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO Communicated

the issue to Managers Mira



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C00093 Talib Hussain, M.Fareed

Nashaki Barali

21/12/2016 During night time we are

prone to have noise when dump trucks

unload spoil at Cuss Gujran. During our

sleeping hours we can't have deep slumber due to noise. Furthermore activities of workers and drivers also

effect the privacy of neighbors. It is requested to minimize the

activities from project site in Cuss Gujran.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO arranged a meeting of

complainers with EPCC's Manager

Contracts and Manager

Construction. Both the

Managers assured the

complainers that EPCC will take

proper protective measures and

community will not be disturbed

again due to such activities.

Closed Complainers went



C00094 Shokat Ali Bialian Gulpur

5/1/2017 My house is damaged by blasting of

project. Due to blasting roof of

my house as well as floor has been damaged. Cracks are appeared on

walls. Need to be repaired by

project management.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

Issue has been communicated to EPCC and EPCC is inclined to do

survey of the area.


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C00096 Hafiz Qadeer Nashaki Barali

25/1/2017 We have concern about filling of

Cuss Gujran Nalla, when there will be

flooding water will damage our

private land.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

Issue has been discussed in

weekly meeting and complainer

has been satisfied with response of


Closed 28/1/2017

C00097 M. Rasheed Muhallah Kawali Barali

5/2/2017 We have water supply which is

coming from right bank of

river while we are living on left

bank of river Poonch at

Kawali Barali. According to

marked boundary of reservoir our

water supply will be affected. Please make

necessary arrangements for

protection of water supply.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

Assurance given to complainer

that all necessary arrangements for

protection of water reservoir will be made before raising water level.

Complaint has been forwarded

to higher management of



C00099 Mr. Malik Rehmani Muhallah


6/4/2017 From start of the project my

family's privacy was being

affected due to frequent

movement of workers. Please provide masking

for my house.

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO discussed issue with EPCC

and EPCC assured for



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C00101 M. Arshad Rehmani Muhallah


17/4/2017 My house room, floor and walls

are damaged due to blasting, continuous

blasting will damage my

house. Need to repair damages and permanent solution should

be provided

Tariq Baralvi CLO

CLO raised the complaint to

higher management of EPCC and MPL and they assured for remedy after

blasting work will be



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Type of Problem

Name Date Phone Number

Description of the


Responsible of Department

Action to be done

Due Date

Result of the


closing date of issue

Outcomes of 1st Review

Outcomes of 2nd Review

CV for appointment

Ashfaq Aziz 6/15/2016 0343-6170056

Mr. Ashfaq Aziz Claimed that following

the issue between me and security manager, the CV of person who came to

meet me is not proceeded to

Admin department. CV is kept

with security manager and other people

are being employeed on

the post.

Administration CV should be taken and considered for the

post being applied



CV was taken from

security room and handed

over to HR department for further procedure.

8/16/2016 N/A Not Required

Misbehave of Foreman

Kabir Latif 6/16/2016 A daily wage labor cliamed

that his foreman

misbehaves with labor and often abuses


Construction Foreman should be called for the issue



issue was resolved after the

intervention and both

parties get agreed to

each other.

6/18/2016 After the meeting with both parties,

issue was resolved and a

letter was presented dualy


Not Required

Termination Hassan Khan 6/20/2016 0346-1181816

An employee of DLJV,

cliamed that he is

terminated without

evidences and HR

mechanism is not followed.

Administration Application should

be considered and a

fair investigati

on of issue

should be carried



The grievance has been

closed after the internal

GRC meeting on the issue.

Complainer was also

informed of the


6/29/2016 After the meeting,

compliner was informed about the descion that termination is done on solid

basis and company has kept all the


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salary Shehzad Ali 6/23/2016 Worker complained

that after increasing my

salary upto 16,000, now company has

deducted 5600 rupees for

mess First Aid Case ility and

paid me 10,000 only.

Administration Pir & Co mangement should be called

for meeting to

resolve the


7/3/2016 Pir & Company was called

for the issue and company

told that we just

deducting 1000

rupees for mess

charges. Rest will be

payed to complainer with salary.

6/29/2016 After the meeting,

complainer was called but he

didn’t responded.

Not Required

Misbehave Anwer Ghani

7/4/2016 Worker complained that as I am here on Eid

day for work, Company engineer

misbehaved with me.

Construction Concerned person should be called and issue must

be resolved



The grievance has been

closed after the internal

GRC meeting on the issue.

Complainer told

verbally that he has

no issue with

concerned engieneer.

7/6/2016 After the meeting, the management instructed the engineer to

excuse with the labore.

Complainer verbally told that the issue

has been resolved.

Not Required

Termination Ashfaq Aziz 8/3/2016 Mr. Ashfaq complianed

that, compnay has issued a termination

letter on false reasons which

I denied to accept.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


N/A Internal Grievance Committee

denied to accept the grievance due to non-complinaces

and misbehaviour of compaliner with internal

HR polices and company rules and regulation.

Reference document is available from JV-2

dated 10-Aug-2016

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Termination Nazim Hussain

8/12/2016 Mr. Nazim Hussain

complained that company has terminated

him for no reason.

Company has not given any warning letter. I am working with Daelim

for last 5 months as an

auto electrician.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


The grievance was closed

after the analysis of documentat

ion. The complainer was called and told about the decision.

He showed satisFirst Aid Case tion about

the decision.

8/24/2016 EPCC decision was retained after detailed

investigation of documents.

Results were communicated to complainers

and they showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with


Not Required

Termination Jannat Hussain

8/12/2016 0343-8853537

Mr. Jannat Hussain

complained that company has terminated

him for no reason.

Company has not given any warning letter. I am working with Daelim

as a welder for last 5 months.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


The grievance was closed

after the analysis of documentat

ion. The complainer was called and told about the decision.

He showed satisFirst Aid Case tion about

the decision.

8/24/2016 EPCC decision was retained after detailed

investigation of documents.

Results were communicated to complainers

and they showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with


Not Required

Termination Pir & Co drivers

8/17/2016 A complaint was logded by

Pir & Co driver that

they are going to leeave the company but company is not paying

their arrears.

Administration Pir & Co mangement should be called

for meeting to

resolve the



Issue was closed as

the remaining

arrears were paid

to drivers in next month


9/10/2016 Decision was communicated

to drivers regarding their arrears and they

showed satisFirst Aid Case tion with the decision.

Not Required

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Discrimination Rowaid Ullah

8/25/2016 A Delim worker

complained that the

grading for mess First Aid

Case ility is not based on fair criteria.

Administration Mess management should be called for the issue.

9/4/2016 Manager HSE had a

meeting with mess

management on the isse

and issue has been closed before

going to the grievance


8/27/2016 N/A Not Required

Termination Wasit Nisar 9/18/2016 A driver from EPCC

complained that he is

being terminated from work

after a small accident near CR-02 bridge.

Heavy Equipment Mechanical


Heavy Equipmen

t management should be called for the issue.


issue was commuicat

ed to incharge of

heavy equipment verbally.

He promised to look back into the matter.

9/30/2016 EPCC reviewd the decision and

driver was allowed to

continue its job with EPCC.

Not Required

Misbehave Zill-e-Imran 10/8/2016 Mr. Imran (Foreman) complained that today at lunch time,

when I came to restaurant for labours

lunch, working at cofferdam,

mess incharge Mr. Ijaz

fought with me and tried

to beat me wth smoking


Administration Mess management should be called for the issue.


Internal GRC sit

together for the issue

and called Mr. Imran also for his

issue. Decision was made

and communicated to Mr.



Both persons were called by IGRC and they

met together and resolved

the issue.

Not Required

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Misbehave Usman Iftikhar

10/20/2016 Mr. Usman (HSO)

complained that EPCC engineer

misbehaved with him in

daily internal meeting while handing over

activities from day shift to night shift incharge.

Construction Both persons

should be called and

issue should be resolved.


Issue was discussed at departmental level in

the presence of

higher managemen

t. Responsible persons

were instructed

to not misbehave in future.


Issue was resolved at

departmental level and

complainer showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with the decision.

Not Required

Salary Muhammad Arshad and Co-workers

11/7/2016 It was complained by 5 steel fixers

that their basic salary is less

than other daily wage

workers. Our salary should be adjusted accordingly.

Administration HR departmen

t should look into the issue

and resolve it.


Issue was communicated to HR

department and salaries

were adjusted


11/7/2016 HR department called the

complainers and adjusted their salaries accordingly.

Workers showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with the decision.

Not Required

Termination Babar Sharif 11/17/2016 It was complained by

a Daelim engineer that he is being

terminated for wrong reason. The mistake was made by

sub-contractor engineer but

as a punishment, company is terminating me which is against the


Construction and Administration

Meeting should be called for resolving the issue.


Issue was discussed at departmental level and a detailed

investigation was

carried out including managers and sub-



After detailed investigation, EPCC revised

the decision and suspended the engineer for three months from work for his negligence. Results were

communicated to the

complainer which he accepted.

Not Required

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Provision of winter jackets.

Liaqat Azam and co-workers

11/20/2016 0346-5014003

Green team members

complained that they are

not given winter jackets as company

has given it to all permanent employees.

Being permanent

employees, we should also be

given the winter stuff.

Administration Meeting should be called for resolving the issue.


Meeting was carried

out with administrati

on department

on issue. But the

administration denied

to give winter stuff

to green team.

2/23/2017 After detailed meeting

management decided to not give the winter jackets because of not including

in supervisor and higher staff


Not Required

Arrears Tahir Zaman and Team

11/20/2016 0345-1557944

It was complianed by 5 workers that

we were working here as shortcrete team but now

we are terminated by management. We are from chitral which

is far from here. We are not given our

arrears. Kindly give us

our arrears because it is very difficult to come again here to collect


Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Joint meeting of

HR department

and workers

was called for the issue.

12/3/2016 It was jointly agreed that one

person will come on 3rd of december and

collect the arrears of all five persons.

Not Required

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Accomodation Farhan Basharat

12/15/2016 0341-9091194

It was complained by a labor that I am working with Daelim

for 10 months and living

outside project on his own expense. I

work in night shift so I have to take lunch on my own

expense also. Kindly

provide me with


Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Meeting was carried

out with administrati

on on the issue and it

was purposed to

give residence to

the complainer.


Complainer has provided with the residence.

Not Required

Accomodation Waseem Iqbal

12/17/2016 0348-7972965

It was complained by a labor that he

is working with Daelim

for two months and

living outside project at my own expense. I am working in night shift so I have to

take lunch on my own

expense also. Kindly

provide me with


Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Meeting was carried

out with administrati

on on the issue and it

was purposed to

give residence to

the complainer.


Curently there was no space in

the accomodations

but it was agreed that as soon as there will be some

space, the complainer will

be awarded. Result was

communicated to complainer

and he is agreed.

Not Required

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Misbehave Muhammad Naeem

12/30/2016 0303-9433185

It was complained by

a Daelim Engineer that in night shift,

some of labors misbehaved

with him and tried to beat him. There should be

disciplinary action against the labors and


Administration Workers and

foreman should be called and a detailed investigation should be carried



A detailed investigatio

n was carried out

for the incident. Workers

and engineer

were called and sit

together and

statements were taken from both


1/1/2017 After detailed investigation,

Internal grievance committee found that

workers are on mistake and

under company rules and

regulations, they should be


Not Required

Termination Zill-e-Imran 12/31/2016 0300-4780347

It was complained by

Mr. Zill-e-imran that

decision made by

administration is not correct

and no worker has

misbehaved with engineer. Kindly review the decision.

Administration Administration

should review the termination of labors

and foreman.


Issue was placed in front of

committee and

management but they retained

their decision of termination


1/3/2017 EPCC retained the decision of

termination under company

rules and regulations.

JV-2 reviewed all the documents and

proceedings of IGRC-1 and retained the decision of EPCC.

Misbehave. Musa Ansar 1/24/2017 0348-8883449

It was complained by

a generator helper that one

of his roommate

misbehaved with him and abused me.

Heavy Equipment Mechanical


Both persons

should be called and

issue should be resolved.

2/3/2017 Grievance committee discussed the issue

with heavy equipment department

incharge and

resolved the issue.

1/25/2017 Issue was resolved at

departmental level and

complainer showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with the decision.

Not Required

Residence Amjad Iqbal 2/7/2017 0344-5165434

A daily wage labor

requested that he cannot afford the

room rent. So kindly


Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


After meeting

with administration, IGRC requested to provide


2/25/2017 Issue was resolved at

departmental level and

complainer showed

satisFirst Aid

Not Required

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provide me with


tion to requester.

Case tion with the decision.

Vehicle Muhammad Arshad and Co-workers

2/9/2017 0344-6533113

It was requested by the foreman intake area

that the vehicle

provided for pick and drop

is not sufficient for staff and also sometimes it

is late. Kindly provide us

with one extra vehicle.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Grievance committee discussed the issue

with administrati

on and requested

to take approperiat

e action.

In progress

All vehicles at site had been terminated

Work permission.

Ahmad Subhani

2/11/2017 It was requested by a worker that I was hired in powerhouse team with Khaista

Rehman. One day while working I

slipped and fell down. Mr. Lee asked me

to take rest and on the

next day, after toolbox, they asked me that you are free from us and

go home. Kindly look into matter.

Construction Construction

department should be called

and communic

ated for the issue


Grievance committee discussed the issue

with administrati

on and requested

to take approperiat

e action.

2/26/2017 The complainer was rejoined

the job in power huse team and he

showed satisFirst Aid Case tion with


Not Required

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Misbehave Yasir Saeed 2/23/2017 It was complained by geologist that

one of the survey team

member misbehaved

with me when I was on duty

at powerhouse.

Survey and Construction

Both persons

should be called and

issue should be resolved.

3/5/2017 Grievance committee discussed the issue with both

departments and

requested to resolve the issue.

2/24/2017 IGRC met with both persons

and sought out the problem.

After that issue was resolved

and complainer showed

satisFirst Aid Case tion with


Not Required

Mess First Aid Case ility

Workers 3/1/2017 It was compalined by workers that

the mess manu is not

adequate and there is not

proper handwashing

First Aid Case ility for

workers at powerhouse.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Grievance committee discussed the issue

with administrati

on and requested

to take approperiat

e action.

3/10/2017 Mess manue of the mess was revised and a satisFirst Aid

Case tory reply recived from

wokers later on

Not Required

Misbehave Shahzaib Khan

3/2/2017 0347-5767677

It was compailned by

document controller

HSE that his roommate

misbehaves with him and distrubes me.

Kindly resolve the isse

between us.

Administration Both persons

should be called and

issue should be resolved.


Grievance committee discussed

the issue at departmental level and

resolved the issue.

3/10/2017 Both persons were called by IGRC and they

met together and resolved

the issue.

Not Required

Termination Akash Nazir 3/2/2017 0347-3348797

It was compalined by batching plant helper that I have given a

warning letter and terminated from my job. Kindly look

into the matter and make me rejoin he job.

Administration Administration

should be called on the issue to look into the matter.


Grievance committee discussed

the issue at departmental level and

resolved the issue.

3/3/2017 Issue was resolved after meeting with

administration and the person rejoined the job

at batching plant.

Not Required

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Designation Amjad Iqbal 3/15/2017 0344-5165434

It was compalined by

the worker that he is

working as a labor in

company but he is meson by his profession. Kindly change

my designation.

Construction Construction

department should be called

and communic

ated for the issue


Grievance committee discussed the issue

with constructio

n department

and requested

to take appropriate


25-3-2017 A test was conducted by construction

department but Mt. Amjad could not

satisfy and prove his ability

as per the requirement of

the project construction requirement

Not Required

Misbehave Abdul Basit and Danish

Ayoub (Waiter)

4/9/2017 6455647559 Mr. Danish complained about Abdul Basit that he

took one food tray and after taking food put it aside and took

another for having another round. When waiter refused

to do so an exchange of commints

started coming

Heavy Equipment and EPCC resturant

Both persons

should be called and

issue should be resolved.


Grievance committee discussed the issue with both

departments and

requested to resolve the issue.

4/10/2017 Both persons were called by IGRC and they

met together and resolved

the issue.

Not Required

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Termination Amjad Iqbal 4/21/2017 3445165434 it was complained by

the worker that when I

was working at power

house ,at that time I wanted

to go to washroom and got absence from site for some time.

When I return back Mr. Han (Construction

Manager) asked me reason for

absence from site without permission

and then took a strict action

for termination.

Construction A proper investigati

on was conducted

in the presence

of Mr.Amjad

Iqbal ,dated 01

May 2017.Mr

Han (Construct

ion Manager)

saw Mr.Amjad

absent from his

workplace where he

didn't supposed

to be Mr.Amjad was with another friend near

Mosque area

during duty time resting,wh

ich is against

the daily labour policy ,that is why

,Mr.Han terminated


5/1/2017 Grievance commeitte took views

of both parties but could not find Mr. Amjad

Iqbal was telling the


01/52017 Decision was communicated to the worker regarding his dissatisFirst

Aid Case tory reply and he

was quite then.

Not Required

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Termination Amir Ahmad 5/6/2017 3445207097 it was complained by

the worker that when he was working

at power house at Pump Car Machine

and tried to fix the wooden

botton underneath the machine and

suddenly water came

out which Mr. Han saw and said to go out

Construction During investigati

on Mr. Safdar

(Foreman) explained

that in actual he refused to follow the order of Mr. Han

instead of going on



Grievance commeitte took views

of both parties but could not find Mr.

Amir was telling the


12/5/2017 Decision was communicated to the worker regarding his dissatisFirst

Aid Case tory reply and he

was quite then.

Not Required

Food and Transportation inside project

Abdul Haameed

and workers

5/25/2017 3435042774 A grievance was lodged by unidentified

workers at the powerhouse dated 25th May 2017 about food

quality (spices)and

inside transport First Aid Case ility.

Construction The grievance committee

hereby after

consultation the

workforce and

getting their

written acknowledgment

close the grievance.

6/1/2017 All the members of

this committee

hereby confirm the resolution of workers grievance pertaining to food and transportation. Some interview

of workers were

conducted which

presented their

opinion about

project food


15/6/2017 Food quality is now improved and all workers are satified.The transportation afcility inside project arae is not allowed as

per administration's decision due to safety point of


Not Required

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Date Training Name No of Attendances


2-Jun-16 First Aid (Andritz) 8 35 mint

5-Jun-16 Unsafe act and unsafe condition 14 45 mint

6-Jun-16 Hot work precaution 2 25 mint

10-Jun-16 Induction 4 35 mint

10-Jun-16 DDC and fire safety 1 45 mint

12-Jun-16 Hot Work, work at height, fire extinguisher 7 25 mint

13-Jun-16 First Aid 2 45 mint

13-Jun-16 How to use double hook safety belt during work at height 8 35 mint

15-Jun-16 First Aid 8 45 mint

15-Jun-16 First Aid 6 35 mint

19-Jun-16 Fire Fighting ( Pir & Co) 31 45 mint

23-Jun-16 Fire Fighting ( HRL) 16 35 mint

23-Jun-16 Confined space Entry (Global Team) 6 25 mint

25-Jun-16 PTW, Hot work training in confined space (Global Team) 10 45 mint

27-Jun-16 Blast safety ( Pir&Co) 14 45 mint

27-Jun-16 PTW, Confined space ( Daelim) 5 25 mint

27-Jun-16 Grievance Procedure ( Daelim) 4 30 mint

18-Jul-16 First Aid 2 35 mint

20-Jul-16 Proper use of Fire Extinguisher in case of fire incident at work place ( HRL )

150 45 mint

21-Jul-16 Fire Drill ( Dailm Security Staff ) 6 35 mint

22-Jul-16 Use of Fire Extinguisher ( Pir & Co ) 33 35 mint

22-Jul-16 Use of Fire Extinguisher 35 45 mint

23-Jul-16 Use of Oil Spill kit ( Pir & Co ) 32 35 mint

23-Jul-16 Use of Oil Spill kit 40 45 mint

24-Jul-16 Manual handling ( Pir & Co ) 17 30 mint

24-Jul-16 Grievance Procedure 35 35 mint

26-Jul-16 LOTO 12 35 mint

26-Jul-16 Use of Safety Harness HRL 50 45 mint

28-Jul-16 Crane safety Aribia 3 35 mint

30-Jul-16 Crane safety Aribia 2 25 mint

30-Jul-16 Behavior Safety HRL 40 35 mint

1-Aug-16 Defensive Driving 10 45 mint

1-Aug-16 Oil spill and chemical spill kit HRL 56 55 mint

2-Aug-16 Safe usage of chemical on site HRL 48 35 mint

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3-Aug-16 PTW HRL 56 35 mint

4-Aug-16 First aid HRL 52 45 mint

4-Aug-16 First aid and Spinal injury 40 35 mint

8-Aug-16 Construction Manual ISO System 20 45 mint

9-Aug-16 First aid 3 25 mint

9-Aug-16 Manual handling 3 35 mint

9-Aug-16 Fire Extinguisher 3 35 mint

9-Aug-16 Oil Change Procedure 10 25 mint

10-Aug-16 Spill Kit Uses and Parts 15 35 mint

10-Aug-16 Refueling Procedure 1 25 mint

12-Aug-16 EMS, CPR, grievance mechanism 8 35 mint

13-Aug-16 Crane Lifting 11 45 mint

17-Aug-16 Defensive Driving 9 55 mint

19-Aug-16 Work at height Daelim Staff 6 35 mint

19-Aug-16 ERP 20 35 mint

20-Aug-16 Work at height Daelim Staff 39 40 mint

20-Aug-16 Emergency Response plan 34 35 mint

21-Aug-16 Emergency Response plan and type of emergencies 26 45 mint

21-Aug-16 Work at height Daelim Staff 6 25 mint

23-Aug-16 HSE Internal 12 45 mint

23-Aug-16 Work at height and Oil spillage 17 35 mint

26-Aug-16 Induction 7 25 mint

26-Aug-16 Induction Drivers 22 45 mint

26-Aug-16 Climbing 16 35 mint

27-Aug-16 Kitchen and Food Management 4 30 mint

28-Aug-16 Oil Spill and Drill 11 40 mint

29-Aug-16 Health and Hygiene 18 35 mint

2-Sep-16 EHS site Re Induction 10 45 mint

6-Sep-16 Grievance Mechanism 33 30 mint

6-Sep-16 Grievance Mechanism and Stop card writing procedure 27 25 mint

6-Sep-16 MSDS, Use of PPE 25 45 mint

6-Sep-16 Work at Height, Unsafe act and Unsafe condition 25 55 mint

7-Sep-16 Advanced First aid, CPR 12 30 mint

18-Sep-16 Firs aid and CPR 33 35 mint

18-Sep-16 Hazard associated with work at height, proper use of full body harness

30 45 mint

20-Sep-16 Defensive Driving ( Pir & Co ) 15 30 mint

22-Sep-16 First aid , CPR ( Pir & Co) 25 45 mint

22-Sep-16 Fire Fighting and Use of Fire Extinguisher 23 55 mint

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29-Sep-16 Blasting Training 16 40 mint

29-Sep-16 Hot Work Training 31 45 mint

3-Oct-16 PPE's 39 55 mint

4-Oct-16 PTW Training (Pir & Co) 6 35 mint

8-Oct-16 Work at height 45 25 mint

11-Oct-16 Manual Handling 20 45 mint

13-Oct-16 Fire Fighting 20 40 mint

14-Oct-16 Manual Handling 68 35 mint

14-Oct-16 Material Handling and Storage 15 45 mint

14-Oct-16 Work at height 16 35 mint

14-Oct-16 Work at height 11 45 mint

15-Oct-16 Grievance Mechanism 21 25 mint

15-Oct-16 Manual Handling 14 35 mint

15-Oct-16 Manual Handling 30 45 mint

16-Oct-16 Manual Handling 5 25 mint

16-Oct-16 Engine Oil 4 35 mint

16-Oct-16 Use of Fire Extinguisher 19 55 mint

16-Oct-16 Use of Fire Extinguisher 20 45 mint

17-Oct-16 PTW 15 30 mint

22-Oct-16 Material Handling and Storage 17 25 mint

23-Oct-16 Waste Management Pir and Co 13 45 mint

23-Oct-16 Oil spill Control and how to use oil spill kit Pir and Co 45 35 mint

23-Oct-16 Waste Management and Housekeeping 5 25 mint

26-Oct-16 DDC Training 4 35 mint

26-Oct-16 Grievance Mechanism and Hazard Associated at work site 3 40 mint

30-Oct-16 First Aid 48 55 mint

30-Oct-16 ERP and Spinal Injury 49 35 mint

2-Nov-16 ERP and Spinal Injury 21 25 mint

3-Nov-16 First aid 34 55 mint

4-Nov-16 Oil Spill and it's Prevention 33 35 mint

5-Nov-16 CPR and Advanced first aid 18 40 mint

5-Nov-16 Grievance Mechanism 45 55 mint

5-Nov-16 First aid and ERP 29 35 mint

6-Nov-16 Hazard awareness and preventive measured 18 45 mint

8-Nov-16 ERP 25 45 mint

8-Nov-16 Fire Fighting and Hazard Reporting 8 35 mint

9-Nov-16 ERP 33 45 mint

10-Nov-16 Charging and Blasting 16 25 mint

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10-Nov-16 ERP 6 25 mint

24-Nov-16 Basic First Aid 12 45 mint

24-Nov-16 Hazard Related to hot work and their control measures 11 25 mint

27-Nov-16 Hazard Related to Lifting operation work and their control measures

16 35 mint

28-Nov-16 Proper Stacking of Material and House keeping 33 30 mint

29-Nov-16 DDC 12 45 mint

29-Nov-16 Fire emergency and proper use of fire extinguisher 117 40 mint

2-Dec-16 Drilling Safety, Manual Handling Techniques 6 35 mint

13-Dec-16 Hazard related to working in cold environment and their control measures

24 25 mint

14-Dec-16 Significance of PPE’s on a construction site 21 45 mint

14-Dec-16 Hazard Related to Lifting operation work and their control measures

17 45 mint

15-Dec-16 Hazard related to working in mobile elevated working platform and control measure

16 30 mint

18-Dec-16 Importance of PPE's 12 25 mint

21-Dec-16 First aid to Andritz 11 45 mint

21-Dec-16 Material Handling Stacking 19 45 mint

23-Dec-16 Scaffolding work related Hazard 11 30 mint

24-Dec-16 Waste Management 10 55 mint

27-Dec-16 DDC to Pir & CO 9 45 mint

29-Dec-16 Incident and Accident reporting procedure 17 30 mint

30-Dec-16 Proper use Earmuff 17 25 mint

4-Jan-17 DDC to Pir & CO 12 45 mint

13-Jan-17 Oil Change Procedure 5 35 mint

13-Jan-17 ERP 17 45 mint

14-Jan-17 Chemical Handling 132 55 mint

14-Jan-17 ERP 59 45 mint

14-Jan-17 Fire Fighting 11 25 mint

15-Jan-17 Fire Fighting 9 35 mint

15-Jan-17 ERP 11 45 mint

15-Jan-17 First aid 42 35 mint

24-Jan-17 Manual Handling 12 45 mint

24-Jan-17 Manual Handling 12 40 mint

25-Jan-17 PPE's 23 35 mint

28-Jan-17 Engine Oil Change procedure 5 45 mint

28-Jan-17 Oil Refueling procedure 3 25 mint

9-Feb-17 Oil Spill Contingency and use of Oil Spill Kit 8 30 mint

9-Feb-17 Reporting System 17 35 mint

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9-Feb-17 Reporting System 13 40 mint

10-Feb-17 Work at Height 140 35 mint

10-Feb-17 Fire fighting 16 25 mint

10-Feb-17 Near miss reporting 16 35 mint

10-Feb-17 Work at height 70 40 mint

11-Feb-17 Portable Fire extinguisher 59 25 mint

13-Feb-17 Hot Work 20 35 mint

14-Feb-17 Fire Prevention and Type of Fire extinguisher 142 40 mint

14-Feb-17 Work at Height 21 25 mint

19-Feb-17 Near miss reporting 35 30 mint

20-Feb-17 Near miss reporting 149 45 mint

26-Feb-17 Waste Collection Procedure 4 30 mint

26-Feb-17 DDC for Dumper Driver 7 25 mint

26-Feb-17 Work at height and use of safety harness 16 35 mint

26-Feb-17 Environment Compliance 41 45 mint

27-Feb-17 Waste management practices and it's impacts 5 45 mint

28-Feb-17 Work at height and use of safety harness 13 35 mint

2-Mar-17 Oil spill prevention and response procedure 9 30 mint

2-Mar-17 Prevention maintenance 6 45 mint

8-Mar-17 Fire Fighting 21 25 mint

19-Mar-17 DDC for Dumper Driver 12 35 mint

21-Mar-17 Fire Fighting 21 45 mint

29-Mar-17 Work at Height 30 25 mint

13-Apr-17 Electrical Safety 32 25 mint

19-Apr-17 Work at Height 7 35 mint

20-Apr-17 PTW 6 40 mint

22-Apr-17 Mobile phone policy & Fuel safety 35 30 mint

22-Apr-17 Work at height and use of safety harness 7 35 mint

23-Apr-17 LOTO 35 25 mint

23-Apr-17 Work at height and use of safety harness 46 35 mint

25-Apr-17 Work at height and use of safety harness 31 25 mint

25-Apr-17 Daelim staff work at height, fall protection, Electrical safety 30 30 mint

26-Apr-17 Construction Basic Safety 17 35 mint

28-Apr-17 PTW 22 45 mint

3-May-17 Re-arrangement of employees date according the their skill level and locality

2 55 mint

7-May-17 PTW 25 40 mint

7-May-17 Heat Illness ( Heat Stroke/Stress ) 35 30 mint

7-May-17 Role and Responsibilities Green team 5 30 mint

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12-May-17 Safe Work Practices 48 35 mint

14-May-17 Reporting System 20 35 mint

14-May-17 EHS Policy and Program 26 30 mint

15-May-17 Safe Work Practices 26 25 mint

17-May-17 Types of Stretchers & their uses 18 35 mint

20-May-17 Hearing Protection 28 30 mint

20-May-17 ERP 13 25 mint

22-May-17 ERP and use of Basket Stretchers 184 45 mint

25-May-17 PTW 8 25 mint

25-May-17 Scaffolding work related Hazard 7 35 mint

26-May-17 Chemical blasting with cracker powder 6 20 mint

26-May-17 Work shop Management 21 25 mint

8-Jun-17 Heat Illness ( Heat Stroke/Stress ) 15 35 mint

11-Jun-17 PTW 39 30 mint

17-Jun-17 Hot Work 12 35 mint

21-Jun-17 JSA 20 45 mint

7-Jul-17 ERP 15 35 mint

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Annexure-IV Company

or contractor employees

Total workdays


Description of injury(s)

Causes of Accident Corrective measures to prevent reoccurrence

Contractor 0 A workers finger was minor injured where initial medical treatment was done. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Unsafe act by woker. Improepr manual handling.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper manual handling.

Company 0 A worker finger was injured during fall of platform After complete medical checkup, the patient was declared to be clear of serious injuries. He had bruises and lacerations on the fingers and on shoulder. Patient was stable and conscious during and after treatment. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Unsafe act by woker. Improepr manual handling. Lack of good supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper supervision. Proper manual handling.

Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic where his foot was bruised by using faulty safety shoes. He was given first aid and shoes were declared as not good quality

Poor selection of PPE by Administration. Poor ergonomics.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on ergonomics and manual handling.

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in addition as cause of injury. The worker continued worker was declared fit to work after first aid by Medical Officer

Contractor 0 A patient received first aid after a pipe hit his foot. He had swelling on foot for which first aid was given in clinic. He was referred to DHQ Hospital For X Ray. After examination worker was declared fit to work.

Improper manual handling.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Safe manual handling enforcement.

Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic. According to patients statement they were doing Routine work at Gulpur Hydro power project .His finger was injured. Medical officer washed his finger with spirit and provided him first aid.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Safe manual handling.

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Contractor 0 A shotcrete helper at diversion tunnels after turning off the compressor opened the joint between rubber hose and steel pipeline without release of stored air pressure with which the rubber hose hit his upper lip and chin. He was provided emergency rescue in ambulance at site and rushed to District Hospital at Kotli for Medical treatment.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness. Lack of skill. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Contractor 0 On 12th December 2016, during a violence/puddle between workers on issue of using bed. One of the worker was injured who was rushed to the project clinic for first aid and then to DHQ for medical treatment further. Luckily the patient recovered to normal condition & started working when returned back to site.

Poor administrative controls.Code of conduct.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Workers code of conduct.Grievance mechanism.

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Contractor 0 On 13 December 2016 three labors manually tried to pick up diesel fuel drums while loading them onto dozer. During the manual loading activity one of the labor finger came under the fuel drum which injured his finger. He was given first aid on the spot using the first aid kit of one of the vehicles there. The injured was quickly shifted to the project clinic. The Paramedic Mr. Hannan Rasheed attended the patient. He gave him basic first aid & referred him to the District Head Quarter Hospital, Kotli, for getting his hand examined with X-rays & further treatment.

Improper manual handling. Lack of awareness. Lack of skill. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Contractor 0 A patient was brought to project clinic with minor hand injury. His fingers were bruised and swell. He was given medical treatment. Later he was referred to District headquarter hospital for X-ray

Improper manual handling.Lack of awareness.Lack of skill.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper manual handling.

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and Surgical consultation.

Contractor 0 A workers from Subcontractor (Driver) was asked to lift the broken suspension part of heavy vehicle, due to which he received minor cut on his hand.

Unsafe instructions. Poor supervision. Undefined roles and responsibilities.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision.

Contractor 0 At 2310 hrs on 5th January 2015, Mr. Waheed (Employee of Sambu Construction Company at GHPP) came to the Project Clinic. The patient reported that he was feeling pain in his hip joint. The patient's vitals & his blood pressure was checked. On examining the patient, it was found that there was no swelling but pain in left hip joint. He was injected with Dicloran & same Tablets (50 mg).

Poor ergonomics. Fatigue.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Contractor 14 During construction of metallic shelter at batching plant, one of the workers of sub-contractor company, injured his foot when he tried to walk through the heavy metallic H-

Unsafe action. Not following safe access. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure safe access. Good supervision.

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beams in the way.

Contractor 0 On 9th Jan 2016 at 05.30 pm a patient Named Mr. Hasnain Ali (Employee of TTC) came to project clinic with fever. He was in semiconscious condition. According to the patient he suffered from fever since 10 o’clock and he told his foreman about his Disease. Forman gave him some tablets but he did not recover. His vitals & blood pressure were found normal in the clinic. He was given Tab Novidate 500mg and Tab Panadol 500 mg. Later he was referred to DHQ for detailed checkup.

Fatigue. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Fatigue prevention TBTs.

Company 0 The shotcrete pump pipe (chemical pipe) got ruptured inside water way tunnel during shotrcreting, as a result workers was minor exposed to chemical splashes. He was provided with medical care immediately by medical teams.

Lack of good inspections and proper resource usage at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Monitoring of chemical safety at site. Provision of proepr resources.

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Company 0 Shotcrete pump pipe got ruptured due to poor condition and lack of periodic inspection by the concern supervisor, due to which near by workers were exposed by the splashes and received exposure. They were provided with medical care immediately by medical teams.

Lack of good inspections and proper resource usage at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Regular inspections. Provision of good quality piping/machinery.

Contractor 0 On 17th January, at 03.25 pm a patient named Mr. Niaz Muhammad employee of TTC Came to project clinic with pain in his left Arm. According to patient’s statement he was pulling a nozzle pipe at coffer dam. Suddenly his left arm strikes with Scaffolding Pipe. On examination, the paramedic saw that there was no external injury or skin rapture but the patient was unable to move his arm. He was given a Pain killer injection, provide Massage with pain reliever cream and covered the

Unsafe action.Carelessness.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Good supervision.

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elbow with crape bandage. Later, he was referred to DHQ Hospital for X-Ray and further treatment.

Company 0 A first aid was recorded when a Site Engineer during site visit slipped on inclined surFirst Aid Case e that was slippery due to rain. There was sprain in his left foot.

Unsafe access. Slippery roads.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Contractor 0 A surveyor helper of the sub-contractor Pir & Company was hit by a rock on his helmet when he was performing survey at the diversion tunnel 1 outlet. The rock fell from the loose material at height right at the First Aid Case e of the inlet. The person survived severe injuries because of wearing hard hat on his head.

Weak geology of site. Sluggish eecution of sllope protection. Unsafe action by injured. Lack of good supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Good supervision. Inspections.

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Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic check their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle.No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them.Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

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Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic check their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle. No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them. Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

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Contractor 0 In the afternoon, first aid was given to three workers when a road traffic incident occurred on the weir access road. A pickup car carrying three workers of sub-contractor company Sambu, overturned due to brakes failure. Three workers who were inside the vehicles received minor injuries and had luckily survived serious wounds. All the three workers were shifted to the clinic where the paramedic check their vitals and general condition. They were found alright, however, the wanted to get their selves checked at the DHQ Kotli.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle.No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them.Old machinery at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Replacement of rental machinery with new one.

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Contractor 0 A patient name Mohammad Rashid driver of a tractor was brought to clinic for medical checkup and treatment. Left index finger of patient was injured which was treated as per medical protocols in the project clinic. He was provided first aid and given pain reliever. The wound was washed. The patient was referred to District Headquarter hospital Kotli for further inspection where he was declared clear.

Poor maintenance of rental vehicle. No procedure for inspection of rental machinery prior to contract with them. Old machinery at site. Unsafe roads. Untrained local driver of supplier.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Inspection of rebtal machinery. Replacement of old machinery with new one.

Contractor 0 A generator operator was taken to clinic for first aid after contact with moving exhaust fan. He was checked by medical officer and provided first aid for small abrasions occurred due to contact with exhaust.

Unsafe action.Lack of skill and experience.Unguarded fan.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Provision of guards.Good supervision.

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Contractor 0 An emptied diesel fuel tank was being welded without any Permit to work at Pir & Co workshop by a mechanic who was instructed & forced by the Deputy Project Manager of the Subcontractor Pir & Co. The tank blew up leaving behind two mechanics receiving second degree burns. Both of them were provided medical treatment on the day.

PTW violation. Unsafe action by PM & Welder. Poor commitment towards safe practices.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of PTW. Termination of the Subcontractor PM. Conducting detailed training sessions.

Contractor F An emptied diesel fuel tank was being welded without any Permit to work at Pir & Co workshop by a mechanic who was instructed & forced by the Deputy Project Manager of the Subcontractor Pir & Co. The tank blew up leaving behind two mechanics receiving second degree burns. Mr. Banaras of them passed away on 2nd of March 2016.

PTW violation. Unsafe action by PM & Welder. Poor commitment towards safe practices.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of PTW. Termination of the Subcontractor PM. Conducting detailed training sessions.

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Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a labor working at Weir access road (WAR) got hit by a falling stone on his hand. His left hand little figure got injured. Paramedic conducted medical treatment on the patient and performed two stiches on it and gave pain killer to the patient.

Unprotected slopes.No slope protection done by contractor.Poor geology.Unsafe action by worker.Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Slope protection.Inspections.Safe distance.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a Daelim employee was coming out of his room in the camp. He was walking in haste to reach an outstation meeting. In hurry, he knocked his head against a wall mounted stand beside the electrical panel box. He got two stitches on his head.

Unsafe condition. Haste by injured. Carelessness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker (carpenter) at cofferdam was manually aligning the girder to attach slings. The girder slipped from his hand and his left hand’s little finger came underneath the

Unauthorized working. Unavailability of enough number of riggers. Poor planning. Poor supervision. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good planning. Provision of riggers. Strict supervision.

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girder. He was given pain killer and the x-ray results later showed that there was no fracture.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mechanic-helper of Daelim, was checking coolant water in a generator, in the absence of technical supervision. The radiator was hot. When he opened the radiator, hot water splashed at hit him. He was given anti dirt cream to apply on his red body parts.

Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Unsafe action.Unauthorized working.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Strict supervision..Following roles and responsibilities.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at upstream cofferdam when a worker fell from a 2 meter height as a result of jumping from one plank to another. He got abrasions on his left elbow and abdomen. He was given first aid at the project clinic.

Unsafe platform. Lack of scaffold resources. Negligence of construction department towards HSE recommendations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Scaffolds inspections. Following recommendations by HSE department.

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Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a signalman of subcontractor Pir & Co jumped down from the cabin of a dumper which was lifted up by a heavy stone which was trapped in the trolley’s back door. The dumper was unloading the excavated muck near powerhouse at midnight. The worker was feeling pain in his back, so was provided massage by the paramedic. The X-ray results were clear.

Improper loading. Poor planning. Conflict of interest between production and safety.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training of construction management. Meeting with construction.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a laborer ingested minor amount of shuttering oil when he was trying to get some oil from the oil-container. Due to wrong instructions and lack of appropriate resources, Mr. Shavaiz (worker) sucked the chemical towards himself, which accidently went into his mouth. The medical officer immediately treated the patient with medical care

Unsafe action.Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Lack of proper resources.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper resource allocation.

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as per operated instructions.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a generator helper was standing on a truck in the middle of a small fuel tank and the cabin’s frame. The tank slipped forwards and compressed the hip bone of the helper against the cabin. The bone was fine in X-ray results.

Improper design. Unsafe action. Usage of inappropriate resources.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Appropriate resource usage. Strict supervision.

Company 0 Nine (09) first aid cases were reported as a result of falling rock from height at DT-01 outlet portal. They were Daelim laborers who were working in steel fixing at outlet portal structure. All of nine had received falling rocks fragments by an overhead steel mesh, on their arms, legs, back and shoulders. The medical examination at project clinic and DHQ hospital Kotli confirmed that all were only first aid cases.

Low priority towards slope protection. Unsafe geology. Poor planning.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Strict supervision.

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Company 0 Finger of a worker was slightly compressed when he was working with rebar. The worker was wearing cotton gloves which could not protected his fingers. He was given first aid at the project clinic.

Unsafe action.Carelessness.Unavailability of tough gloves.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper PPE compliance.Good supervision at site.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when mechanic at Subcontractor Pir & Co worker was repairing a dozer. He fixing a metallic plate under the dozer which slightly compressed his wing finger causing swelling on the finger. The worker was provided First Aid treatment at the site.

Unsafe action. Carelessness. Unavailability of tough gloves.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good PPE compliance. Supervision.

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Contractor 0 On 1st July 2016 two ZKA workers were fixing the steel in DT-1. They were assigned to complete the steel fixing for shotcrete at that area. Steel bars were drilled in the crown for the erection of steel formwork which were not visible due to low intensity of light. At 0230 hours when the workers were fixing the steel at crown area of the tunnel, Mr Shakeel (Steel Fixer) stood up and his head got struck with the invisible protruding steel bar from the crown which was nailed to hold the steel bars for the whole structure and received a cut on his head .The worker received injury but on his head as result of not wearing helmets. He was transferred to the site clinic immediately in project ambulance.

Poor illumination.Unsafe workplace.Poor planning.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Strict monitopring.Good supervision.Resource allocation.

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Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred at the outlet of diversion Tunnels when slides materials hit the helmet of worker and one of worker received injury on head without breaking of helmet. The worker was provided first aid medical care and was released to work after temporary rest.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions. Unprotected slopes.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Protection of slopes. Strict supervision.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred in the tunnels where a workers drilling with a hand drill got injured on the fingers of right hand. The tool for drilling slipped from the hands of the worker which resulted in the injury on finder.

Lack of skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Good supervision.

Company 14 A scaffold supervisor who was not an authorized rigger for mobile crane attempted to do rigging during formwork removal at cofferdam left bank area. He was not wearing hard gloves. During his attempt he got his left hand index finger cut in a pinch point. He was sent to DHQ

Unavailability of enough numbder of riggers. Unsafe actions. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good planning. Provision of riggers. Strict supervision.

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hospital Kotli for treatment.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mechanic's feet with safety shoes came under the wheels of forklift. The forklift was operated by an unauthorized worker.

Unauthorized operation. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensuring authorized operations.

Contractor 0 On CR-03 during maintenance of excavator a sharp object hit shoulder of helper and received scratch and cut. The person was rushed to the clinic in nearby ambulance for medical checkup.

Lack of experience and skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred as a worker fell into a 2 feet deep drain along the main access road. His leg was wounded.

Negligence of management towards HSE findings and recommendations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of inspection recommendations.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker in passenger truck was hit by side mirror of Pir & Co dumper

Poor traffic management.Site varrying conditions.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper implementation of traffic management plan.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred when a subcontractor Pir & Co dumper tipped over at upstream cofferdam during muck disposal. The driver got minor abrasions on his body.

Poor prevetive maintenance. Lack of inspections.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan. Replacement of machinery/resources.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred at powerhouse when a stone in falling muck hit signalman on his left foot ankle. There was poor communication between the signalmen.

Lack of traning and awareness. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness for signalmen. Training of drivers & signalmen.

Company 14 An LTI occurred as a worker, working at power house, got head injury when he got hit by a falling stone. Medical treatment was provided to worker in nearby clinic and then patient was sent to Islamabad for further treatment.

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Poor geology. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Net installation. Regular inspection of slopes.

Contractor 14 An LTI occurred when a worker working with steel rebar on weir fell down and got injury on his ankle. He was given first aid at project clinic and then send to DHQ Kotli for further treatment.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe access.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Cleaning of roads after rains.

Company 0 A first aid was reported when a person visited project clinic with eye trauma. He was given the requested first aid and send to room for two hours rest.

Poor PPE compliance. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure PPE compliance and stricy supervision.

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Contractor 14 A loss time injury occurred at powerhouse when a worker fell down from charging car bucket and received fracture on his foot.

Unsafe operation.Poor condition of machinery.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Ensure authorized operation.Replace old machinery with new.

Contractor 0 A medical treatment case occurred to a worker who was getting onto an operational crawl drill machine. His safety shoe was compressed on the toe due to which his fingers were injured.

Unsafe operation. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Ensure Authorized operation.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker walking on road side was hit by a stone which was shot by a passing by transit mixer from its tires. The patient was found okay in ultrasound tests.

Unsafe roads due to site limitations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at intake when a drill operator in an attempt to survive a rolling down boulder, injured and received wounds on his foot. He was saved by the anchored harness belt.

Loose rocks at height. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Inspection of slopes by geologsts.

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Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker at weir right bank near intake area was cleaning boulders and mud stones from slops. After completion of his job, he preferred to climb through the slope and take a shortcut to reach intake area suddenly his foot was slip and fall downside.

Following unsafe access. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at outlet area when an electrician fell off a cargo crane man basket when the operator had not extended the outriggers.

Unsafe operation of cargo crane.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning before jobs.Following SOPs.Following safe work procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was hit on his hips by falling rock from over break inside water way tunnel. He received wounds on his hips.

Unprotected rocks. Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Shotcrete and rockbolts installation. Strict supervision.

Company 14 A loss time injury was reported when a worker was checking the water pump that was not working. Unfortunately worker hand came in the water pump belt and minor fracture occured in the middle finger of right hand.

Absence of guards. Lack of knowledge. Lack of experience. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provide guards on rotating parts. Strict supervision.

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Contractor 14 A loss time injury was reported when a Pir & Co driver injured in dumper accident in night shift. During first aid treatment It was found that his collar bone was fractured.

Lack of preventive maintenance. Poor old machinery and heavy vehicles at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provision of new machinery. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker slipped and fell on ground at intake area while he was coming down from maintenance road.

Slippery surFirst Aid Case e. Unsafe access.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred at Power house area, when the Driver of Alkhalid Engineer was moving at worksite carelessly collided with the standing Crawl machine near by, the person got received minor injury on forehead and nose

Carelessness.Fatigue. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

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Company 14 Dewatering helper was instructed in rain to fold the dewatering pipe present underneath the loose boulders upside at left side of stilling basin, the loose material slipped down and a dewatering pump operator was injured with sliding material. The injured person was provided first aid and medical treatment as required.

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Poor geology. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Slope protection. Regular inspection of slopes.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred when a worker received a stone flying from truck tire on his hand. His index finger was injured.

Unsafe roads due to site limitations.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Concreting of roads.

Company 0 A worker while removing boulders from slope area manually, his fingers came underneath and compressed.

Unsafe actions. Poor supervision. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A worker during manual handling felt pain in his back. The team was lifting a metallic plate with improper posture.

Poor ergonomics. Fatigue.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Administrative controls. Manual handling.

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Company 0 A worker hurt his legs with slight abrasions during working to clean boulders from slope at weir excavation.

No slope protection. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper planning before jobs. Following safe work procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker during slope cleaning was hurt by rolling boulders at Andritz fabrication yard.

No slope protection.Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning before jobs.Following safe work procedures.

Contractor 0 A road traffic incident with medical treatment case occurred when a dumper hit CR-02 bridge abutment as its brake was failed. Maintenance and inspection was not part of the contract with rental machinery suppliers.

Lack of preventive maintenance. Poor old machinery and heavy vehicles at site.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Provision of new machinery. Implementation of preventive maintenance plan.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker wounded his First Aid Case e as a chocked concrete pipe opened with pressure.

Absence of clamps. Poor quality piping. Lack of inspections.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Regular inspections. Provision of good quality piping/machinery.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when an excavator due to mis-operation moved freely down the inclined slope at intake and the helper was hurt with bruises on his arm.

Lack of experience and skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker while escaping a rolling stone at power house excavated area, jumped and hurt his index finger. He was not site inducted.

Unprotected slopes. No slope protection done by contractor. Unsafe action by worker. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proetction of slopes. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at Batching plant when a worker hit sharp metallic sheets on his head. He received minor cut on his forehead. Good housekeeping was required.

Poor housekeeping. Lack of awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good housekeeping.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a falling boulder during material pushing hit a worker on his thigh. Material was being pushed from intake to weir area without making appropriate arrangements in place.

Poor supervision.Lack of awareness.Unsafe action.Absence of barricades.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Proper planning and management of risky jobs.Coordination between working parties.

Company 14 A lost time injury occurred at powerhouse due to improper procedure being followed for unloading concrete from a transit mixer.

Violation of SSW. Unsafe action. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Implementation of safe procedures.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a mason at powerhouse

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

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injured his finger hand with a plank during handling.

Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a dewatering helper while handling a pipe injured his finger.

Poor PPE compliance. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Good supervision. Following JSAs.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house area when a heavy eqpt. worker received a minor cut on his arm from a sharp pipe in the way.

Poor PPE compliance. Sharp objects.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Covering sharp objects.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house area when a mason finger injured while handling a plank from a labor.

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker at power house injured in index finger during manual handling.

Poor manual handling. Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Training on manual handling.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker finger was injured during manual handling.

Poor manual handling.Lack of knowledge.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Training on manual handling.PPE compliance.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred during chemical blasting/cracking when a premature cracking resulted into smoke and splashes which entered into eyes

Not following JSA. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Follow JSA and goos supervision at site.

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of a worker and caused irritation.

Contractor 0 A first aid case occurred in Joint Restaurant when a waiter injured his foot with a block.

Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker while working in night shift injured his left leg in the drain. He rubbed in leg along the edge of the drain and got abrasions on the leg.

Uncovered drains. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Drains to be covered.

Company 0 A medical treatment case occurred at power house when a carpenter was hit by a flying board piece during wind storm.

Flying objects. Loose material at height.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Weather/wind monitoring.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house in night shift when a worker leg was hit by a falling screw jack.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a driller slightly hurt his foot when the pneumatic drill went out of his control.

Lack of experience and awareness.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred at weir when finger of a foreman injured while falling on a horizontal rebar.

Unsafe action. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

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Company 0 A first aid case occurred at power house when a worker was hit by a bouncing pressure pipe He was harmed on his head and shoulder from back side.

Absence of whip checks on pressure pipes.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.Install whip checks.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a foreman during steel spacing at vertical tunnel 2 lower bend slipped down. He was arrested by safety harness. He got minor bruises on his body.

Lack of skill. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was working in tunnel 2. An electrical light fell from height hit a worker on his head.

Loose material at height. Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Proper site preparation.

Contractor 14 A loss time injury occurred in E&M Subcontractor Andritz Hydro fabrication yard when a worker standing under a platform against a steel pipe being fabricated, was hit on his First Aid Case e by a falling Jack (10 kg). The platform was at a height of 112 inches above floor where a worker Mr. Shahid (AH

Negligence of site manager of subcontractor towards installation of safe platforms. Poor commitment. Unavailability of scaffolds inspector.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Hiring a scaffold inspector. Provide toe boards. Training.

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Mechanical Fabricator) was standing.

Company 0 A first aid case occurred when a worker was working at weir slope and suddenly a stone slipped from slope and stacked in excavator chain. When he was trying to remove the stone from excavator chain slightly injured his finger.

Lack of awareness. Unsafe actions. Poor supervision.

Toolbox talk on lessons learnt and general awareness. Strict supervision. PPE compliance.