Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune P Wednesday, May 20, …...2020/05/20  · Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune Public...

Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune Public Notices Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Gravel Bids Needed Tioga Township is taking bids to gravel 20 miles, plus or minus of Township roads with 300 yards per mile with class 5 gravel. Bid includes material and trucking. Specify gravel pit being used. Deadline for bids, June 15, 2020. Send all bids to: Tioga Township 10272 69th St. NW Tioga, N.D. ATTENTION WILLIAMS COUNTY VOTERS When you cast your ballot in the June primary election, you need to consider this. The measure purposed by Williams County Commissioners to update the Home Rule Charter, the measure if approved, will give the commissioners the power to appoint the county auditor, and treasurer- recorder. These offices have been elected by you the voters, willing to have this power taken from you? Do you realize that three of five commissioners can remove these officials and replace them with someone of their chose? If you are not willing to give up this power then VOTE NO. If the voters can elect these people as commissioners, who are they to think they should take this power away from you-the voters. It’s up to you. VOTE NO! Paid for by Martin Hanson ~ Former District 1 County Commissioner e City of Tioga Now Accepting Applications and Resumes for a Part-time Landfill/Lawn Maintenance Worker Please contact Tioga City Auditor Abby Salinas by phone at 701-664-2807 or by email at auditor@ cityoſ for an application. Please return completed application, cover letter, and resume to Abby Salinas by 4:30 pm on 05/08/2020. Requirements: Must be able to pass a drug test Must have valid North Dakota driver’s license or be able to obtain a North Dakota driver’s license upon a conditional offer of employment. requirement Hourly pay DOE Tioga City Commission Minutes CITY OF TIOGA City Commission Meeting Unofficial Minutes May 4, 2020 A meeting of the City Commis- sion of the City of Tioga was called to order at 7:00 pm on May 4, 2020, at the Tioga City Hall through Zoom, by the City Commissioner Drake McClelland. PRESENT: Drake Mc- Clelland, Tim Christianson, Natalie Bugbee, Tim Sundhagen, Heather Weflen, Elizabeth Pendlay and Abby Salinas ABSENT: None GUEST: Dan Larson, Jacob Orledge, Austin Rollag, Josh Reiner, Tyler Judkins, Monica Sundhagen, Sandy Clark. Christianson made a motion to ap- prove the Commission Minutes of April 20, 2020 Regular Meeting, second by Bugbee. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen Commissioners Reports: Chris- tianson: None Bugbee: Advised Commission Board that she would like to add offer of employment to the agenda. Sundhagen: Advised Commission Board that he would like to add Judge Monica Sundha- gen to the agenda. Weflen: Advised Commission that the Street Depart- ment will be starting dust control. Discussions held. Weflen made a motion to approve up to $7,000 for dust control supplies, second by Christianson. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Weflen also advised that the Street department needs a trailer to load and unload City mower. We- flen made a motion to approve the purchase of a trailer for the Street Department to use for mower in the amount up to $2,500, second by Bugbee. Roll Call: Ayes; Christian- son, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Weflen advised Commission Board that she would like to keep advertis- ing for the vacant position of Sea- sonal Part Time Landfill Worker. Discussions held on forming an assessment Committee to assess 67th street. Weflen made a motion to form an Assessment Committee, second by Sundhagen. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sund- hagen, Weflen. McClelland: None Modifications/Approval of Agenda: Weflen made a motion to add to the agenda under new business agenda item #5 Offer of Employment, #6 Judge, #7 Animal and Fowl, second by Bugbee. Call: Ayes; Christian- son, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Old Business: 1. Legal – Elizabeth Pendlay – Advised the People of Tioga and Commission Board the Governor has started to allow some areas of private and public sectors of business to open, however its important to follow the guidelines as indicated on the website and proceed at a slower pace. Pendlay is currently working on reviewing the contract for Simons and should have it ready for McClelland to sign mid-week. 2. Moore Engineering: Josh Reiner – Advised Commission Board the contracts were sent to BEK for review and signature of the North East Reconstruction that will be taking place. Reiner also advised the Commission Board that the con- tract for overseeing the construction of North East Reconstruction will be coming in the following weeks and CC Steele has started construction on Simons Addition. 3. FCI Con- struction- Austin Rollag – Advised the Commission Board of the status for the completion of the Police Sta- tion and Museum construction. New Business: 4. Bills - Salinas handed exhibit to Commission Board of City of Tioga Bills for April 2020 for their review and consideration. TOTAL $298,503.31: 4IMPRINT $235.34; Ackerman $380.00; ADAPCO $10,230.00; Advance Business Methods $104.74; Ad- vance Protection $315.00; Ama- zon $165.54; Ameripride $325.15; Balco $6,046.97; Border Plains $2,950.44; Boss $279.07; Circle Sanitation $25,445.50; Computech $1,002.75; EAPC $3,874.34; Fargo Glass $400.68; FIRST Dis- trict Health Unit $150.00; Fron- tier Precision $10,115.65; Goose- neck Implement $552.25; Heck Built $20,656.00; Info Tech $144.50; Kotana $2,365.20; Me- nards $415.94; MDU $9,186.69; Moore $59,245.00; Mountrail Wil- liams Electric $1,394.55; National Pen $302.61; ND Flag Pole Guy $216.99; NDIRF $580.10; ND DOT $1,122.32; ND One Call $13.20; ND State Radio $780.00; NCC $1,714.97; Office Depot $1438.09; Pendlay Law $4,505.00; Pinnacle $2,454.36; Praxair $26.37; Postmas- ter $240.00; R & T $72,671.37; RDO $570.06; Riteway $901.03; Sani- tation Products $14,449.37; Share Corp $3,255.84; Steins $6,513.83; Tioga Hardware $2,080.47; Tioga Parts $1,165.39; Tioga Tire $550.62; Tioga Tribune $1,458.32; ULINE $129.76; US Bank $500.00; Veri- zon $952.55; VISA $1,907.25; Wil- liams County $21,712.14; Williams County Sheriff $300.00. Sundhagen made a motion to approve Bills for April 2020, second by Bugbee. Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sund- hagen, Weflen. 5. Offer of Employ- ment – Salinas advised Commission Board that interviews were complet- ed for an Activities coordinator at the Community Center and is seek- ing approval to send highest scoring interviewer to a drug, alcohol and background check before making an offer. Discussions held. Bugbee made a motion to approve drug, al- cohol and background check to the highest scoring interviewer, second by Sundhagen. Call: Ayes; Chris- tianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, We- flen. 6. Judge – Monica Sundhagen – Advised Commission Board that she plans on resigning from her po- sition of Tioga Municipal Judge, she also advised that this position re- quires someone with knowledge and training and recommends Taylor Ol- son from Forseth Law Firm. Discus- sions held, Pendlay advised that she will schedule a meeting with Mrs. Olson and review NDCC for Mu- nicipal Judge vacancy because it is a voted position. 7. Animal and Fowl Ordinance – Dan Larson (Com- munity Service Director) advised Commission Board that more home owners are purchasing and housing chickens in their yards but that is something that is not in the animal and fowl ordinance. Commission- ers agreed that since that subject has not been an issue just to leave it as it has been. Discussions held. With no further business, the meeting of the Tioga City Commission was ad- journed by unanimous vote moved by Weflen, second by Sundhagen at 8:41 p.m. call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen, Mc- Clelland. The next meeting of the City of Tioga Commission Meeting is scheduled for Monday May 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., to be held at the Tioga City Hall. Drake McClelland, City Com- mission President ATTEST: Abby Salinas, City Auditor Wildrose City Council Minutes Special Meeting April 27, 2020, 8:00 p.m. Wildrose Fire/ City Hall Call meeting to order at 8:00PM. Council members present; Mayor Marlyn Vatne, President Riley Re- isig, V.P. Karla Magnuson, Sarah Herland and Todd Kragness. There were no guests in atten- dance. Mayor Vatne opened this dis- cussion with Council regarding the Wildrose Sewer Replacement Proj- ect. Vatne reviewed the contractors bids and bid amounts (base & al- ternatives). Council expressed their thoughts and concerns about cost, timelines and project phases. Motioned by Reisig to request permission to award the bid to KLE, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Re- isig, Magnuson, Kragness and Her- land; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Reisig, Magnuson, Kragness and Herland. Motion passed. Motioned by Reisig to accept the base bid and alternative two bid by KLE, second by Herland. Vote- Ayes: Kragness, Magnuson, Reisig and Herland; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Kragness, Magnuson, Reisig and Herland. Motion passed. Council member Magnuson mo- tioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m., second by Herland. Vote- Ayes: Herland, Magnuson, Reisig and Kragness; Nays: None. Motion passed. Regular Meeting May 4, 2020 8:00 p.m. Wildrose Fire/ City Hall Call meeting to order, for a regu- lar Council meeting of the City of Wildrose, was held in the Fire/City Hall, Wildrose, N.D. on May 4, 2020. The meeting convened at 8:00 p.m. Members of the City Coun- cil in attendance: Mayor, Marlyn Vatne, President, Riley Reisig, V.P., Karla Magnuson, Sarah Herland and Todd Kragness. Guests in attendance: Errol Evan- son, Donna Plank, Kelsey Daffin, Betty Burchett and Jess Homer. Council and Guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Vatne opened the agenda to the public. No new additions were added. Herland motioned to set the agenda as closed, second by Mag- nuson. Vote-Ayes: Magnuson, Her- land, Reisig and Kragness; Nays: None. Motion passed. Approval of the Wildrose City Council meeting minutes for March 2, 2020. Motioned by Herland to approve the Wildrose City Council meeting minutes on March 2, 2020, second by Magnuson. Vote-Ayes: Herland, Kragness, Magnuson and Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passed Approval of the Wildrose City Council Special meeting minutes for March 30, 2020. Motioned by Magnuson to approve the Wildrose City Council Special meeting min- utes for March 30, 2020, second by Herland. Vote: Ayes; Kragness, Her- land, Magnuson and Reisig. Vote: Nays; None. Motion Passed. Approval of the Wildrose City Council Special meeting minutes for April 27, 2020. Motioned by Mag- nuson to approve the Wildrose City Council special meeting minutes for April 27, 2020, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Reisig, Herland, Mangu- son and Kragness; Nays: None. Mo- tion passed. Guest: Kelsey Daffin addressed Council with concerns regarding an aggressive dog. Mayor Vatne and Council discussed with Ms. Daffin her concerns, Mayor Vatne will ad- dress the matter. Auditors Report: Accounts and Balances were reviewed along with Gross Production Tax. Review of Bills for the month of March. General Fund: Visa $237.28, Ackerman/Estvold $31,479.55, Ho- rizon Resources $2,435.08, Lund Construction $11,856.74, MDU $599.28, Journal $117.86, Hori- zon Resources $681.81, Ironhide Equipment $154.76, NCC $109.91, Interstate Billing $134.51, Quill $158.97, RDO $458.24, Tom Gen- zlock $3,312.50 and 2,8094.06. Review of bills for month of April: Journal $154.78, Ackerman/ Estvold $14,661.25, Horizon Re- sources $1,552.42, MDU $641.23, Trailbladers $3,362.50, Lund Con- struction $31,581.00, Sherwin Williams $93.38, Tom Genzlock 7,582.50, Menards $200.82 and NCC $109.29. Motioned by Magnuson to ap- prove the Review of Bills for the month of March and April, second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Magnu- son, Kragness, Herland and Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passed. Enterprise Fund for month of March;:APE $1,428.16, Astro Chem $25.00, Circle Sanation $1,835.25, MDU $527.01 and R&T Water $2,654.62. Enterprise Fund for the month of April; R&T Water $2,561.91, MDU $527.60, Astro Chem $1,835.25 and APE $714.08. Transfer from General Fund to Employee Reserve Fund in the amount of $6,666.88. Motioned by Magnuson to ap- prove the March and April payroll, second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Re- isig, Herland, Kragness and Magnu- son; Nays: None. Motion passed. The monthly water analysis was presented to Council with a satisfac- tory result. Auditor asked permission to at- tend a Virtual Budget Training Class held by the LOC. Motioned by Herland to grant permission to the Auditor to attend the Virtual Bud- get Training and the cost of $60.00, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Kragness, Herland, Magnuson and Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passed. New Business: City Clean up day will be held on June 9th through the 15th. Garbage Containers and Steel Containers will be delivered and set at the Old City Hall located at 104 1st Ave E in Wildrose. There will be a designated area for electrical items. Speed limit signs and truck route signs in the City of Wildrose were also a topic up for discussing. Au- ditor will check Old City Hall for speed limits signs and hang truck route signs at assigned areas. Mayor Vatne discussed with Council the rumors of chickens in town. Mayor Vatne will talk with the residents. Jess Homer presented to Council and the Mayor the new Wildrose website. Thank you to Jess Homer for all the hard work and efforts put forth building a website for the City of Wildrose. Council asked Mr. Homer to move forward and launch the website. Old Business: Mayor addressed the building located at 118 Main St in Wildrose. With some discus- sion on the topic, Reisig motioned to have Trailblader demolish the building at 118 Main St in Wildrose, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Kragness, Herland, Reisig and Mag- nuson; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Kragness, Herland, Reisig and Mag- nuson. Motion passed City Maintenance & Works: Mayor and Council discussed with City maintenance the speed limit signs in town, meters at new café/ bar, replacement of the meter at the Wildrose apartments, and culverts that need attention. Motioned by Magnuson to ad- journ the Wildrose City Council meeting at 9:25 p.m., second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Herland, Mag- nuson, Kragness and Reisig; Nay: None. Motion passed. Next Council meeting will be held on June 1, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. in Wildrose Fire/ City Hall. Sophia Reisig Auditor NOTICE OF HEARING Craig E. Johnson (ND ID #03670) Johnson, Mottinger & Greenwood, PLLP Case No.12-2020-PR-00042 15 South 9th Street Fargo, North Dakota 58103 Telephone: (701) 235-7501 Attorneys for Petitioner IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DIVIDE COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Kenneth Nordman, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carol Nordman has filed herein a Petition For Formal Probate Of Will And Appointment Of A Personal Representative in the above-entitled estate. Hearing has been set upon said Peti- tion on the 19th day of June, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock A.M., in the above- named Court in the City of Crosby, County of Divide, State of North Dakota. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if you wish to be heard upon said Petition, you should appear in person or by counsel at the above-stated time and place on the date indicated. Dated this 6th day of May, 2020. Johnson, Mottinger & Greenwood, PLLP BY: /s/ Craig E. Johnson Craig E. Johnson, #03670 15 South Ninth Street Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 235-7501 Attorneys for Petitioner (5/13,20,27) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Peter H. Furuseth Furuseth Olson & Evert, PC PO Box 417 - 107 Main Street Williston ND 58802-0417 (701) 774-0005 ID No. 04160 [email protected] Attorneys for Personal Representative Probate No. 53-2020-PR-00157 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WILLIAMS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA In the Matter of the Estate of Neal H. Nelson, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication or mailing of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Elaine Nelson, Personal Represen- tative of the estate, at c/o Furuseth Olson & Evert, PC, PO Box 417, Williston, North Dakota 58802-0417, or filed with the Court. Dated this 4 day of May, 2020. /s/ Elaine Nelson Elaine Nelson Personal Representative c/o Furuseth Olson & Evert, PC PO Box 417 Williston ND 58802-0417 (5/13,20,27) NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Tioga Public School District #15 will hold its annual school election on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 for the purpose of electing one member to a three-year term. This election will be held by absentee ballot only. The Secretary of State’s office will be sending absentee ballot applications to all voters currently on record in the North Dakota central voter file. When completing this application be sure to select “School Election”. If you do not receive an application you may request one by contacting the school business manager. Absentee ballot applications are also available on the Tioga Schools’ website at www. or on the Secretary of State’s website at absentee. When mailing your completed ab- sentee ballot, it must be postmarked no later than Monday, June 8th, 2020, which is the day BEFORE the election. (5/13,20) [email protected] Need to place an ad? Send us an e-mail Tioga Tribune

Transcript of Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune P Wednesday, May 20, …...2020/05/20  · Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune Public...

Page 1: Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune P Wednesday, May 20, …...2020/05/20  · Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune Public Notices Wednesday, May 20, 2020Gravel Bids Needed Tioga Township is taking bids

Page 10 -- Tioga Tribune Public Notices Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gravel Bids Needed Tioga Township is taking bids to gravel 20 miles, plus or minus of Township roads with 300 yards per mile with class 5 gravel. Bid includes material and trucking. Specify gravel pit being used. Deadline for bids, June 15, 2020. Send all bids to: Tioga Township

10272 69th St. NWTioga, N.D.


When you cast your ballot in the June primary election, you need to consider this. The measure purposed by Williams County Commissioners to update the Home Rule Charter, the measure if approved, will give the commissioners the power to appoint the county auditor, and treasurer- recorder. These offices have been elected by you the voters, willing to have this power taken from you? Do you realize that three of five commissioners can remove

these officials and replace them with someone of their chose? If you are not willing to give up this power

then VOTE NO. If the voters can elect these people as commissioners, who are they to think they should take this

power away from you-the voters.It’s up to you. VOTE NO!Paid for by Martin Hanson ~ Former District 1 County Commissioner

The City of Tioga Now Accepting Applications and Resumes for a

Part-time Landfill/Lawn Maintenance Worker

Please contact Tioga City Auditor Abby Salinas by phone at 701-664-2807 or by email at [email protected] for an application. Please return completed application, cover letter, and resume to Abby Salinas by 4:30 pm on 05/08/2020.

Requirements: • Must be able to pass a drug test• Must have valid North Dakota driver’s license or be able to

obtain a North Dakota driver’s license upon a conditional offer of employment. requirement

• Hourly pay DOE

Tioga City Commission MinutesCITY OF TIOGA

City Commission Meeting Unofficial Minutes

May 4, 2020A meeting of the City Commis-

sion of the City of Tioga was called to order at 7:00 pm on May 4, 2020, at the Tioga City Hall through Zoom, by the City Commissioner Drake McClelland. PRESENT: Drake Mc-Clelland, Tim Christianson, Natalie Bugbee, Tim Sundhagen, Heather Weflen, Elizabeth Pendlay and Abby Salinas ABSENT: None GUEST: Dan Larson, Jacob Orledge, Austin Rollag, Josh Reiner, Tyler Judkins, Monica Sundhagen, Sandy Clark. Christianson made a motion to ap-prove the Commission Minutes of April 20, 2020 Regular Meeting, second by Bugbee. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen

Commissioners Reports: Chris-tianson: None Bugbee: Advised Commission Board that she would like to add offer of employment to the agenda. Sundhagen: Advised Commission Board that he would like to add Judge Monica Sundha-gen to the agenda. Weflen: Advised Commission that the Street Depart-

ment will be starting dust control. Discussions held. Weflen made a motion to approve up to $7,000 for dust control supplies, second by Christianson. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Weflen also advised that the Street department needs a trailer to load and unload City mower. We-flen made a motion to approve the purchase of a trailer for the Street Department to use for mower in the amount up to $2,500, second by Bugbee. Roll Call: Ayes; Christian-son, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Weflen advised Commission Board that she would like to keep advertis-ing for the vacant position of Sea-sonal Part Time Landfill Worker. Discussions held on forming an assessment Committee to assess 67th street. Weflen made a motion to form an Assessment Committee, second by Sundhagen. Roll Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sund-hagen, Weflen. McClelland: None Modifications/Approval of Agenda: Weflen made a motion to add to the agenda under new business agenda item #5 Offer of Employment, #6 Judge, #7 Animal and Fowl, second by Bugbee. Call: Ayes; Christian-

son, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen. Old Business: 1. Legal – Elizabeth Pendlay – Advised the People of Tioga and Commission Board the Governor has started to allow some areas of private and public sectors of business to open, however its important to follow the guidelines as indicated on the website and proceed at a slower pace. Pendlay is currently working on reviewing the contract for Simons and should have it ready for McClelland to sign mid-week. 2. Moore Engineering: Josh Reiner – Advised Commission Board the contracts were sent to BEK for review and signature of the North East Reconstruction that will be taking place. Reiner also advised the Commission Board that the con-tract for overseeing the construction of North East Reconstruction will be coming in the following weeks and CC Steele has started construction on Simons Addition. 3. FCI Con-struction- Austin Rollag – Advised the Commission Board of the status for the completion of the Police Sta-tion and Museum construction. New Business: 4. Bills - Salinas handed exhibit to Commission Board of City of Tioga Bills for April 2020

for their review and consideration. TOTAL $298,503.31: 4IMPRINT $235.34; Ackerman $380.00; ADAPCO $10,230.00; Advance Business Methods $104.74; Ad-vance Protection $315.00; Ama-zon $165.54; Ameripride $325.15; Balco $6,046.97; Border Plains $2,950.44; Boss $279.07; Circle Sanitation $25,445.50; Computech $1,002.75; EAPC $3,874.34; Fargo Glass $400.68; FIRST Dis-trict Health Unit $150.00; Fron-tier Precision $10,115.65; Goose-neck Implement $552.25; Heck Built $20,656.00; Info Tech $144.50; Kotana $2,365.20; Me-nards $415.94; MDU $9,186.69; Moore $59,245.00; Mountrail Wil-liams Electric $1,394.55; National Pen $302.61; ND Flag Pole Guy $216.99; NDIRF $580.10; ND DOT $1,122.32; ND One Call $13.20; ND State Radio $780.00; NCC $1,714.97; Office Depot $1438.09; Pendlay Law $4,505.00; Pinnacle $2,454.36; Praxair $26.37; Postmas-ter $240.00; R & T $72,671.37; RDO $570.06; Riteway $901.03; Sani-tation Products $14,449.37; Share Corp $3,255.84; Steins $6,513.83; Tioga Hardware $2,080.47; Tioga

Parts $1,165.39; Tioga Tire $550.62; Tioga Tribune $1,458.32; ULINE $129.76; US Bank $500.00; Veri-zon $952.55; VISA $1,907.25; Wil-liams County $21,712.14; Williams County Sheriff $300.00. Sundhagen made a motion to approve Bills for April 2020, second by Bugbee. Call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sund-hagen, Weflen. 5. Offer of Employ-ment – Salinas advised Commission Board that interviews were complet-ed for an Activities coordinator at the Community Center and is seek-ing approval to send highest scoring interviewer to a drug, alcohol and background check before making an offer. Discussions held. Bugbee made a motion to approve drug, al-cohol and background check to the highest scoring interviewer, second by Sundhagen. Call: Ayes; Chris-tianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, We-flen. 6. Judge – Monica Sundhagen – Advised Commission Board that she plans on resigning from her po-sition of Tioga Municipal Judge, she also advised that this position re-quires someone with knowledge and training and recommends Taylor Ol-son from Forseth Law Firm. Discus-sions held, Pendlay advised that she

will schedule a meeting with Mrs. Olson and review NDCC for Mu-nicipal Judge vacancy because it is a voted position. 7. Animal and Fowl Ordinance – Dan Larson (Com-munity Service Director) advised Commission Board that more home owners are purchasing and housing chickens in their yards but that is something that is not in the animal and fowl ordinance. Commission-ers agreed that since that subject has not been an issue just to leave it as it has been. Discussions held. With no further business, the meeting of the Tioga City Commission was ad-journed by unanimous vote moved by Weflen, second by Sundhagen at 8:41 p.m. call: Ayes; Christianson, Bugbee, Sundhagen, Weflen, Mc-Clelland. The next meeting of the City of Tioga Commission Meeting is scheduled for Monday May 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., to be held at the Tioga City Hall.

Drake McClelland, City Com-mission President ATTEST: Abby Salinas, City Auditor

Wildrose City Council MinutesSpecial Meeting

April 27, 2020, 8:00 p.m.Wildrose Fire/ City Hall

Call meeting to order at 8:00PM.Council members present; Mayor

Marlyn Vatne, President Riley Re-isig, V.P. Karla Magnuson, Sarah Herland and Todd Kragness.

There were no guests in atten-dance.

Mayor Vatne opened this dis-cussion with Council regarding the Wildrose Sewer Replacement Proj-ect. Vatne reviewed the contractors bids and bid amounts (base & al-ternatives). Council expressed their thoughts and concerns about cost, timelines and project phases.

Motioned by Reisig to request permission to award the bid to KLE, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Re-isig, Magnuson, Kragness and Her-land; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Reisig, Magnuson, Kragness and Herland. Motion passed.

Motioned by Reisig to accept the base bid and alternative two bid by KLE, second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Kragness, Magnuson, Reisig and Herland; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Kragness, Magnuson, Reisig and Herland. Motion passed.

Council member Magnuson mo-tioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m., second by Herland. Vote-

Ayes: Herland, Magnuson, Reisig and Kragness; Nays: None. Motion passed.

Regular MeetingMay 4, 2020 8:00 p.m.

Wildrose Fire/ City HallCall meeting to order, for a regu-

lar Council meeting of the City of Wildrose, was held in the Fire/City Hall, Wildrose, N.D. on May 4, 2020. The meeting convened at 8:00 p.m. Members of the City Coun-cil in attendance: Mayor, Marlyn Vatne, President, Riley Reisig, V.P., Karla Magnuson, Sarah Herland and Todd Kragness.

Guests in attendance: Errol Evan-son, Donna Plank, Kelsey Daffin, Betty Burchett and Jess Homer.

Council and Guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Vatne opened the agenda to the public. No new additions were added. Herland motioned to set the agenda as closed, second by Mag-nuson. Vote-Ayes: Magnuson, Her-land, Reisig and Kragness; Nays: None. Motion passed.

Approval of the Wildrose City Council meeting minutes for March 2, 2020. Motioned by Herland to approve the Wildrose City Council meeting minutes on March 2, 2020, second by Magnuson. Vote-Ayes: Herland, Kragness, Magnuson and

Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passedApproval of the Wildrose City

Council Special meeting minutes for March 30, 2020. Motioned by Magnuson to approve the Wildrose City Council Special meeting min-utes for March 30, 2020, second by Herland. Vote: Ayes; Kragness, Her-land, Magnuson and Reisig. Vote: Nays; None. Motion Passed.

Approval of the Wildrose City Council Special meeting minutes for April 27, 2020. Motioned by Mag-nuson to approve the Wildrose City Council special meeting minutes for April 27, 2020, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Reisig, Herland, Mangu-son and Kragness; Nays: None. Mo-tion passed.

Guest: Kelsey Daffin addressed Council with concerns regarding an aggressive dog. Mayor Vatne and Council discussed with Ms. Daffin her concerns, Mayor Vatne will ad-dress the matter.

Auditors Report: Accounts and Balances were reviewed along with Gross Production Tax.

Review of Bills for the month of March. General Fund: Visa $237.28, Ackerman/Estvold $31,479.55, Ho-rizon Resources $2,435.08, Lund Construction $11,856.74, MDU $599.28, Journal $117.86, Hori-zon Resources $681.81, Ironhide

Equipment $154.76, NCC $109.91, Interstate Billing $134.51, Quill $158.97, RDO $458.24, Tom Gen-zlock $3,312.50 and 2,8094.06.

Review of bills for month of April: Journal $154.78, Ackerman/Estvold $14,661.25, Horizon Re-sources $1,552.42, MDU $641.23, Trailbladers $3,362.50, Lund Con-struction $31,581.00, Sherwin Williams $93.38, Tom Genzlock 7,582.50, Menards $200.82 and NCC $109.29.

Motioned by Magnuson to ap-prove the Review of Bills for the month of March and April, second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Magnu-son, Kragness, Herland and Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passed.

Enterprise Fund for month of March;:APE $1,428.16, Astro Chem $25.00, Circle Sanation $1,835.25, MDU $527.01 and R&T Water $2,654.62.

Enterprise Fund for the month of April; R&T Water $2,561.91, MDU $527.60, Astro Chem $1,835.25 and APE $714.08.

Transfer from General Fund to Employee Reserve Fund in the amount of $6,666.88.

Motioned by Magnuson to ap-prove the March and April payroll, second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Re-isig, Herland, Kragness and Magnu-

son; Nays: None. Motion passed. The monthly water analysis was

presented to Council with a satisfac-tory result.

Auditor asked permission to at-tend a Virtual Budget Training Class held by the LOC. Motioned by Herland to grant permission to the Auditor to attend the Virtual Bud-get Training and the cost of $60.00, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Kragness, Herland, Magnuson and Reisig; Nays: None. Motion passed.

New Business: City Clean up day will be held on June 9th through the 15th. Garbage Containers and Steel Containers will be delivered and set at the Old City Hall located at 104 1st Ave E in Wildrose. There will be a designated area for electrical items.

Speed limit signs and truck route signs in the City of Wildrose were also a topic up for discussing. Au-ditor will check Old City Hall for speed limits signs and hang truck route signs at assigned areas.

Mayor Vatne discussed with Council the rumors of chickens in town. Mayor Vatne will talk with the residents.

Jess Homer presented to Council and the Mayor the new Wildrose website. Thank you to Jess Homer for all the hard work and efforts

put forth building a website for the City of Wildrose. Council asked Mr. Homer to move forward and launch the website.

Old Business: Mayor addressed the building located at 118 Main St in Wildrose. With some discus-sion on the topic, Reisig motioned to have Trailblader demolish the building at 118 Main St in Wildrose, second by Kragness. Vote-Ayes: Kragness, Herland, Reisig and Mag-nuson; Nays: None. Roll Call Vote: Kragness, Herland, Reisig and Mag-nuson. Motion passed

City Maintenance & Works: Mayor and Council discussed with City maintenance the speed limit signs in town, meters at new café/bar, replacement of the meter at the Wildrose apartments, and culverts that need attention.

Motioned by Magnuson to ad-journ the Wildrose City Council meeting at 9:25 p.m., second by Herland. Vote-Ayes: Herland, Mag-nuson, Kragness and Reisig; Nay: None. Motion passed.

Next Council meeting will be held on June 1, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. in Wildrose Fire/ City Hall.

Sophia ReisigAuditor

NOTICE OF HEARINGCraig E. Johnson (ND ID #03670)Johnson, Mottinger

& Greenwood, PLLPCase No.12-2020-PR-00042 15 South 9th Street Fargo, North Dakota 58103Telephone: (701) [email protected] for Petitioner


STATE OF NORTH DAKOTAIn the Matter of the Estate of

Kenneth Nordman, Deceased.NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION


OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carol Nordman has filed herein a Petition For Formal Probate Of Will And Appointment Of A Personal Representative in the above-entitled estate.Hearing has been set upon said Peti-

tion on the 19th day of June, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock A.M., in the above-named Court in the City of Crosby, County of Divide, State of North Dakota.YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if you wish to be heard upon said Petition, you should appear in person or by counsel at the above-stated time and place on the date indicated.Dated this 6th day of May, 2020.

Johnson, Mottinger& Greenwood, PLLP

BY: /s/ Craig E. Johnson Craig E. Johnson, #[email protected] South Ninth StreetFargo, ND 58103(701) 235-7501Attorneys for Petitioner


NOTICE TO CREDITORSPeter H. FurusethFuruseth Olson & Evert, PCPO Box 417 - 107 Main StreetWilliston ND 58802-0417(701) 774-0005ID No. [email protected] for Personal Representative Probate No. 53-2020-PR-00157


STATE OF NORTH DAKOTAIn the Matter of the Estate ofNeal H. Nelson, DeceasedNOTICE TO CREDITORS

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication or mailing of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Elaine Nelson, Personal Represen-tative of the estate, at c/o Furuseth Olson & Evert, PC, PO Box 417, Williston, North Dakota 58802-0417, or filed with the Court.Dated this 4 day of May, 2020.

/s/ Elaine NelsonElaine NelsonPersonal Representative c/o Furuseth Olson & Evert, PCPO Box 417Williston ND 58802-0417


NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTIONTioga Public School District #15

will hold its annual school election on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 for the purpose of electing one member to a three-year term.

This election will be held by absentee ballot only. The Secretary of State’s office will be sending absentee ballot applications to all voters currently on record in the North Dakota central voter file. When completing this application be sure to select “School Election”. If you do not receive an application you may

request one by contacting the school business manager. Absentee ballot applications are also available on the Tioga Schools’ website at or on the Secretary of State’s website at

When mailing your completed ab-sentee ballot, it must be postmarked no later than Monday, June 8th, 2020, which is the day BEFORE the election.


[email protected]

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