P1 helaina t

A Whole New Era Of Things Created by: The Hero Twins Company Helaina T. World cultures Period 1 Monday October 24, 2011

Transcript of P1 helaina t

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A Whole New Era Of Things

Created by:The Hero Twins Company

Helaina T.World cultures

Period 1Monday October 24, 2011

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Quetzal Feather Hair Extensions

Girls with all of your accessories, do you really think its enough? I now I don’t, the very intelligent people of The Hero Twins have provided us with a new way to show our emotions.

How does it work? All you need to do is take the quetzal feather and place it on your head wherever you wish it to be in your hair. Just hold for 30 seconds and then rinse your head with cenote water. You will feel and look like a goddess in no time.

All quetzal feathers can be trade for different bird feathers, feathers are sold in many colors to match your every day jewelry. If you have any questions you can probably find the answer on our website www.theherotwincompany.com you

may also call the number, 927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Uayeb charm bracelet

Are you afraid of the five unlucky days of Uayeb? Well, no need anymore. Due to The Hero Twins Company you can go threw those days with no harm.

All this is, is a bracelet with lucky charms so they aren’t unlucky, just put it on and do the things you wish, Without being skittish, because the death lords cant get you when you are wearing this. Oh and don’t worry they will go will all your jewels and piercings.

The charm bracelets with many different charms, so you may choose the ones you wish to wear. If you have any questions or

comments please go to www.theherotwincompany.com or call 927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Tzolkin Day Planner

Don’t now how to manage your schedule? No more, there has been an outbreak in new ideas from The Hero Twins Company were they have come up with a planner to write down everything you need to do during the 260-day sacred round.

All it is, is a book with the number of the day and a bunch of lines under it. You can fill in what your plans are in those spaces with things such as, blood sacrifice this day or farming season begins. It is that easy!

The day planner comes in black and gray. If you have any questions about the product go to www.theherotwincompany.com or call

this number, 927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Pok A Tok Board GamesDon’t you hate it when you want to an outside game, but you cant

because its raining? You don’t need to have that problem, because The Hero Twins have made Pok a Tok into a board game so you may play it whenever you want. I know it sounds crazy since there is a ball included, but to make it isn’t impossible.

It obviously a board and a court drawn on it and what you need to do is keep the ball in the air. To be able to do this there are little plastic men attached to the board, they are holding baskets. You must pass the ball, but in stead of hitting it, you catch it in the basket. When it lands, there is a trigger that you pull that jolts the ball out of the basket into the air. It’s very simple, other than the slight changes has the same rules and privileges. You will love it, you will forget you are even inside.

The board game also has a travel addition and allows up to 4 people to play. If have questions about anything then visit 927-

356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Ix Chel Telescope

Ever heard that you can see the face of Ix Chel holding a rabbit in on the moon? Well, now you can be certain, from the creators at The Hero Twins, there has been a new and improved invention.

It’s an oval shaped, red painted tube that automatically finds the moon and zooms in to where Ix Chel is, it does not have to be used for this purpose. In the middle there is a small lever which you pull and it turns into just a star-seeing machine. You will be like the Halach Uinic of all night seeing.

The telescopes are sold separately between trade. Have questions? Go to our website at www.theherotwincompany.com or call

927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Hunahpu and Xbalanque sandals and Pok A Tok wear

Don’t have the right wear for playing your favorite game, Pok A Tok? You can now with the great sports wear from, The Hero Twins. This attire includes of upgraded sandals with rubber bottoms, a shirt made of threaded cotton, and pants also threaded cotton with long cuffs, laced around the edges of jade gems. The whole outfit is colored beige from fine dirt. Now that you’ve learned about it, it’s time to get your self the playing wardrobe and rise to victory.

This wear does not include any jewelry or accessories. Questions? Please go to www.theherotwincompany.com or call 927-356-

twin (927-356-8946)

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Haab watch

Don’t know what day it is, cause you don’t have time to go home and look at a gigantic Haab calendar? Well, no more sprinting home and back, thanks to The Hero Twins. Now there is a portable way to tell what day it is on your wrist.

How does it work? All you do is put this on your wrist then set it to the right day, the first time you receive it. After this doing, it will keep track of what day it is until the end of the cycle. So get yours today and be the Ahua of time-telling.

The watch comes in many different shapes and sizes. Have more questions? Visit www.theherotwincompany.com or call 927-356-

twin (927-356-8946)

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Balam Scarecrows

Tired of crows and other birds destroying your milpa? Well, you don’t need to fret any longer because of the life looking scarecrow made by The Hero Twins. They have sculpted a figure that vermin are afraid of and wont want to come near.

How does it work? It is made to look like Balam the jaguar spirit; guardian of corn fields, therefor it will protect the milpa from ruthless vermin. Just place it upon a post near the field you would like it to guard, then let it be. You’ll be able to have full harvest without the naughty pests so buy one, it will be your crop’s best friend!

Still have more questions? Visit www.theherotwincompany.com or contact us at 927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Chac The Rain God BandagesHave a minor open wound or cut? Close it up with a new kind of

protector, brought to you by The Hero Twins. Keep your wound from getting infected by putting something over it like the Chac the rain god bandage.

Just wrap the bandage on the cut and secure it with the provided glue. On the beige cloth bandage is a picture of Chac the rain god. So get yours today and have nor more pain.

Still more questions? Visit our site at www.theherotwincompany.com or call us at 927-356-twin (927-356-8946)

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Cenote Gatherers

Is there a heap load of water spilling over in your cenote? Well, now you can gather it and save it for later, thanks to The Hero Twins. Now you can save it for any time.

All it is, is a kettle-like bucket with a handle and spout, yet the spout comes out only when you open the top to drink. Just fill, close, reopen, and sip. It’s that easy.

Questions? Contact 927-356-twin (927-356-8946) or visit us at www.theherotwincompany.com