Originality and creativity

Originality & Creativity Major Project: Website

Transcript of Originality and creativity

Page 1: Originality and creativity

Originality & Creativity Major Project: Website

Page 2: Originality and creativity

Why did you use “Wix” I used the site Wix to create my website. I

originally created a googledoc site, however I found it extremely hard to customise the template. I couldn’t work out how to add pictures or add sub headings.

I set up a Wix account, and immediately found it a lot easier.

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Why did I choose the layout for my web

pages: I chose the idea of subheadings at the top of the website, with

each linking to different pages related to the unit, as I noticed in my planning and research that it was commonly done amongst educational websites. I thought that it made the website easy to navigate and was aesthetically pleasing

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Why did you create subheadings?

I created subheadings under each header so that the website didn’t become clutter and hard to navigate.

It makes it very clear as to were everything is and it is clear how to access what you want, whether it be revision notes, syllabus statements or revision tests.

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Why did you draw and then scan your

diagrams? I decided to draw out my diagrams and then scan then

to my laptop because I felt that I would be able to create better diagrams by hand, and more accurate than on a computer

I learnt a new skill of scanning and then converting a pdf file into a jpg, importing to iPhoto and editing them ready to go onto the website

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Why did you link the revision tests the way you did?

I decided to create a hyperlink on a picture of test within a sub heading, rather then import to the website as a picture, (as the original file was a pdf) because in order to do that, I would have to snapshot the test, which would decrease the image quality, and then upload each individual test, would create confusion and would make the website messy.

The hyperlinked picture opens a new tab to the pdf, or if the file is a word document, downloads it to the users desktop. This also varies the layout of the website.