Organized to Do God’s Will JW Broadcasting July 2017

Organized to Do God’s Will JW Broadcasting July 2017

Transcript of Organized to Do God’s Will JW Broadcasting July 2017

Organized to Do God’s Will

JW Broadcasting July 2017

Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. Need for a religious organization .......................................... 1

2.1 Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will ...................................... 3

2.2 Jesus is chief of earthly organization ............................... 4

2.3 Essential books to study .................................................. 6

2.4 Children ........................................................................... 7

3. Training young brothers ...................................................... 10

4. Audio/Video Services Department ...................................... 12

4.1 Regional Video Teams ................................................... 15

5. Worldwide Design/Construction Department ...................... 19

5.1 Seat utilisation ............................................................... 21

5.2 Focus on Spiritual Needs .............................................. 23

6. Thomas Kalimeris - Greece ................................................ 24

6.1 Britain Branch ................................................................ 25

6.2 Haiti Branch ................................................................... 26

7. Preparing for Disaster ......................................................... 27

7.1 Maintain close relationship with Jehovah ...................... 28

7.2 Emergency kit ................................................................ 28

7.3 Help others .................................................................... 29

7.4 Bram Siegel – Coordinators Committee Office .............. 29

8. We Marvel at Your Work – Music Video .............................. 31

9. Public witnessing with Carts ................................................ 32

9.1 Mi Jung You ................................................................... 33

9.2 Jacob Salomé ................................................................ 34

9.3 Sudharshan ................................................................... 35

10. Summary ........................................................................... 36

11. Postcard from Iceland........................................................ 36

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1. Introduction

Welcome to the program! Our theme this month is “Organized to Do God’s Will.” Among other things, we will look at how our young brothers can be encouraged to reach out so as to take the lead in the congregation. You will also enjoy this report on the blessings around the world from using carts in our ministry, and we’ll find out how the organization makes sure our meeting places are properly utilized. This is the July program of JW Broadcasting!

2. Need for a religious organization

There are people who believe there is no need for a religious organization. They feel they have their own personal relationship with God and that is good enough. They see no need to be associated with a specific organization. However, what does God’s own inspired Word suggest? That he would use an organization, or channel, through which spiritual food would be dispensed from his Word, the Bible. For example, to “have love for the whole association of brothers.” One dictionary definition for “association” is “an organization of persons having a common interest.” We have a very interesting, insightful look at the organization in the first century.

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If we glance down through chapter 15 of the book of Acts, we can gain some insight. Verse 1 indicates there was an issue that caused a disagreement between some of the members of the congregation. Then verse 2 says: “But after quite a bit of dissension and disputing “by Paul and Barnabas with them, “it was arranged for Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others “to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem regarding this issue.” It sounds like an organization to me. And after considerable discussion and with the help of God’s holy spirit, what transpired? Verses 22 and 23 say: “Then the apostles and the elders, together with the whole congregation, “decided to send chosen men from among them to Antioch, “along with Paul and Barnabas; “they sent Judas who was called Barsabbas and Silas, “who were leading men among the brothers. They wrote this and sent it through them.” Then in verses 23-29 is the letter of direction that was delivered to Antioch and other congregations as well. In fact, in verse 41, it says Paul and Silas “went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the congregations.” Chapter 16, verse 5 says: “Then, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day.” So it was not a matter of isolated Christians sitting at home claiming to have a personal relationship with God.

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No, the work was organized, and congregations kept being added “day by day.” That is very similar to what we see in Jehovah’s organization today. In fact, the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is patterned after the first-century Christian congregation as set forth in the Scriptures.

2.1 Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will

I would like to remind all of Jehovah’s Witnesses —whether already baptized or working toward baptism— of this book, Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will. It provides an overall view of how the Christian congregation is organized for getting God’s work done. The book also offers counsel and direction to help us maintain unity with our brothers worldwide. New ones need to become familiar with the operation of Jehovah’s organization and learn how they can have a share in the modern-day preaching work. In fact, when a Bible student progresses and desires to join us in the ministry as an unbaptized publisher, the elders direct him to make a study of this book, including the “Questions for Those Desiring to Get Baptized” in the appendix. Even for those of us who have been baptized many years, it may be good to schedule the reading of one chapter of the book each week during our personal study or family worship. It contains general information concerning the duties of elders and ministerial servants, judicial procedures, and various other features of congregation organization.

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I would like to take a few minutes and review some of the information in chapter 1 of the publication. Though there are thousands of national and international organizations around the world, they are organized according to human viewpoints and philosophies. But our organization is different; it is theocratic. That means it is ruled by Jehovah as Head over all. Isaiah 33:22 says that he is our Judge, Lawgiver, and King. Many large organizations appoint a chief executive officer, or CEO. He is the executive with the chief decision-making authority in a business or corporation.

2.2 Jesus is chief of earthly organization

In a similar way, Jehovah has appointed his Son, Jesus, to be the one with chief decision-making authority over the congregation of God. Ephesians 1:22 is speaking of Jehovah’s actions in connection with Jesus. It says: “He also subjected all things under his feet “and made him head over all things with regard to the congregation.” We see the structure of the organization taking shape. Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign, the King, directing the millions of angels making up his heavenly organization. But when it comes to directing the visible earthly part of God’s organization, he has delegated that responsibility to Jesus, the head of the congregation of God.

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Chapter 2 of the Organized book explains this Scriptural position of Jesus. And how does Jesus direct the organization here on earth? Matthew 24:45 says that Jesus has appointed a “faithful and discreet slave” to serve spiritual “food at the proper time.” Today, seven anointed men make up the faithful slave, and collectively, they are known as the Governing Body. And Jesus uses the holy spirit to direct these men in harmony with the Scriptures. The Scriptural basis for this layer of organization is set forth in chapter 3 of the book. Chapter 4 is entitled “How the Congregation Is Organized and Governed.” The organizational structure incorporates Branch Committees, circuit overseers, elders, and ministerial servants. The subject index in the back of the book can be useful to quickly gain access to information on various aspects of the organization. Suppose you’re a young person, maybe even a relatively young married couple. The circuit overseer is visiting, and he asks you what spiritual goals you have. How would you answer? Would your mind start racing, trying to think of various avenues of service available?

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How about now, before you are asked such a question, you look in the subject index under “Goals”? There are 11 references to paragraphs in the book on that subject. After reading about all of the possibilities and different categories, you would be in a better position to plan your life for a great future in the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. At this time, I would like to draw your attention to a very important factor in a new one’s making progress and attaining spiritual stability.

2.3 Essential books to study

On page 213 of the Organized book, it discusses a person interested in being baptized. After the elders go over the questions in part 3 of the book, it says this: “If he has not completed his study of the Bible Teach and ‘God’s Love’ books, the elders should make arrangements for someone to help him do so.” The two books complement each other so well. When someone becomes a dedicated and baptized servant of Jehovah, we want them to stay closely attached to the organization. Yet every year, there are a number who stop attending meetings and become inactive. At times, it has been found that they did not finish studying the two books.

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You see, the Bible Teach book helps new ones to have an accurate knowledge of the Bible, and they often learn to love Jehovah. The “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” book helps us to learn to apply the Bible and live in harmony with Jehovah’s standards. Notice what Jesus told his faithful apostles at John 15:10: “If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, “just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.” Did you notice that Jesus remained in God’s love by observing his Father’s commandments? The same is true of us today. To remain in God’s love, we need to apply the truth in our everyday life. And what is the result if we keep ourselves in God’s love? It is so clearly stated in Jude 21: “In order to keep yourselves in God’s love, “while you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.” Staying in God’s love results in everlasting life. It is so important to make sure our Bible students complete a study of both books, and that applies to our children too.

2.4 Children

Sometimes as parents, we can assume that our children are developing a trusting relationship with Jehovah because they have been going to meetings since they were very small.

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A relationship with Jehovah does not happen by means of osmosis. A child does not simply absorb and assimilate truth and a love for God just by being in the presence of others who have a close relationship with Jehovah. We very much appreciate all of the videos we have, including Become Jehovah’s Friend and JW Broadcasting. But new ones and young ones need to be able to go through the process of deep study to get to the Bible’s truth and get it etched into their minds and lodged deep in their hearts. Therefore, if you parents realize that you have not studied both books with your young ones, it would be good to see that a schedule is established to do so. The Governing Body gives all credit for the success of this organization to Jehovah and the appointed head of the congregation, Jesus Christ. We are just imperfect men trying to follow the lead of Christ and the holy spirit. At 1 Corinthians 1:26, Paul says: “For you see his calling of you, brothers, that there are not many wise in a fleshly way.” Verse 27 says: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame.” Then verse 30 says that Christ Jesus “has become to us wisdom from God.” That is where the direction and wisdom of the organization come from, not from mere man.

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The words of Jehovah to the prophet Zechariah fit today when we see the amazing advances in the organization. Zechariah 4:6 says: “‘Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,’ says Jehovah of armies.” While there are some well-educated and prominent men who have accepted the truth and are now our fellow brothers, the majority in the organization come from a more humble background. For example, among the first of Jehovah’s modern-day servants to introduce the Kingdom message to people in Denmark was a shoemaker. In Switzerland and France, it was a gardener. In many parts of Africa, the message was carried by itinerant workers. In Brazil, sailors had a share. Quite a few of the Polish Witnesses in northern France were coal miners. Jehovah and Jesus use all of us to get a remarkable work accomplished. We are proud to be a part of this spirit-directed organization. As one older circuit overseer was heard to say, “This is the best imperfect organization on earth!” There are no perfect organizations on earth. However, this is the best of them all.

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And we appreciate the contribution all of you make to the success of the preaching work worldwide.

3. Training young brothers

With that contribution in mind, consider for a moment the huge load elders carry in caring for our congregations. Some of them are now advanced in age. So how can young brothers be trained to qualify for increased responsibilities? In this dramatization, a congregation faces a change on its elder body that brought that question to the fore. We’re very happy for Daniel. He’s going to be a blessing in his new assignment. But we are going to miss him and everything he was doing for the congregation. This will change things for us. We really want to be there for our brothers and sisters. And it’s true: Having plenty to do in the Lord’s work is good. But where will we get more help? We do have good ministerial servants like Richie. But after Daniel left, our elder body is one fewer now. That prompted a good question: Are we doing all we can to train our brothers?

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Richie, do you have some time for me? I have some calls you can help me with. Sure, I’d like that. I realized it had been a while since we talked about him qualifying to do more. He explained that he wanted to help but didn’t want to appear presumptuous. He’d been praying about it, and he wanted to know what else he could do to keep reaching out. Talking to Richie made me think of Jesus’ example. His disciples offered themselves willingly, and he trained them. They were eager but needed his direction. Jesus’ training gave them confidence to do the assignments he gave them. They were happy, not just to follow Jesus, but to work alongside him. And Jesus was happy to share his work. Up to his final evening with them, he prepared them for the work ahead. “Most truly I say to you, “whoever exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do; “and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father.” I now remember how much training I had received from the brothers.

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It was easy to forget that I didn’t always get things right at first. Soon, Richie was taking on more responsibility. And he told me something that I too once felt. He just didn’t realize how much work went into caring for Jehovah’s sheep. But once he knew, he was glad he offered himself willingly. We commend all our hard-working elders for their fine work and also those of you who support them, whether you are a ministerial servant or perhaps the wife of an elder. Without your help and support, it would be very difficult for our dear elders to carry out their weighty responsibilities. While there is a lot of work to be done on a local level, there is an unprecedented global effort to provide spiritual food to all of God’s people.

4. Audio/Video Services Department

Under the direction of the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body, the Audio/Video Services Department, or AVS, takes the lead in producing audio and video publications. Timothy Figlinski – Audio/Video Services It’s been said that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million! Videos stir our emotions, don’t they? And they can be very powerful teaching tools. Brother Russell recognized this fact.

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Back in 1914, the small group of Bible Students presented the “Photo-Drama of Creation” to over nine million people worldwide, and the response was overwhelming. It was clear that Jehovah blessed their efforts at spreading the Bible’s message in a visual way. Well, over a hundred years later, “the faithful and discreet slave” is producing videos. And for many years, basically, one large public-release video was being released, or produced, each year. For example, back in 2011, the video Faith in Action, Part 2 was released. And it required a tremendous effort to produce the video master, the audio tracks, the graphics, the music, the on-screen text for one video. However, just five years later, the work has grown from producing an average of one video per year to one video per day. This is because videos are now a regular part of our website, the broadcasts, our ministry, the conventions, meetings, and other special events. In 2016, more than 350 videos were produced. Under the direction of the Teaching Committee, Audio/Video Services (AVS) has been entrusted with this work. But with this rapid increase in the amount of videos produced, how is all this accomplished?

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Perhaps you’ve heard the expression “it takes a village.” In this case, it takes an entire globe. Please enjoy the following video for a close-up look at how audio and video work is accomplished worldwide. To assist with the growing workload in Audio/Video Services, the Governing Body has approved in branches around the world. But it doesn’t stop there. Bethelites, commuters, and remote workers in many other branches also provide valuable assistance. How do we work with all these teams? After receiving direction from the Governing Body committees for upcoming videos, AVS then assigns each video to a capable team. Once the team accepts the assignment, we provide them with the necessary direction as well as answer any questions they may have. Then the team goes to work. Because of being a small group, each team member may have to wear multiple hats to get the job done. From start to finish, they all work very hard to deliver a completed, edited video to us by the designated time. Later, you may see these videos on JW Broadcasting,, or other places.

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4.1 Regional Video Teams

Would you like to meet some of our RVT family? It’s a privilege. We meet friends who have suffered some hardships and trials, but because of their trust in Jehovah, they were able to overcome them, and we see the results of their loyalty. I think it strengthens our determination to also stay loyal. We are a joyful team with a lot of humor, and we work together very harmoniously. You could say that we are like a little family. We look forward to the next day when we go to work again. It’s unbelievable how many dear brothers and sisters we’ve gotten to know through these projects. Close ties can develop, and it is not uncommon that tears flow when the project is over and it is time to say good-bye. Sometimes we would film on private or state property, and I would have to approach the manager and let them know what we were planning to shoot at the location. This wasn’t easy for me because I’m not very good with words. And many people in Korea tend to have a biased view of Jehovah’s Witnesses, so this made it even harder for me. So I prayed to Jehovah, asking for his guidance and wisdom. I was surprised to find that many were more than willing to help us.

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These experiences help me to realize that Jehovah always answers our prayers for strength and courage. You have to balance your time around work, around being the head of a family, being an elder, or other responsibilities that you have in the congregation. That’s when you really see Jehovah’s hand —when you see the mountain of challenge, but you overcome it. And you know it wasn’t you. It was impossible for you to do it yourself. When I put even half the amount of energy and effort that I do into working for Jehovah into something secular, I’m wiped out; I need a vacation. But the more I put into working for Jehovah, the more I want to work. To know that you are offering your skills to Jehovah —that is a blessing. But, really, the blessing is seeing your relationship with Jehovah thrive and become stronger, and you can see that he does keep his promises and that he supports you more than you’re supporting him. Many of us aren’t able to be full-time Bethelites, but commuting really helps us get that small snippet of what it’s like to be a Bethelite and realize what a privilege it is. And if you’ve got a specific talent, use it. One day in Paradise, someone is going to come to you and say, “How did you use your talent?”

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Maybe you’re a brilliant artist, and you’re going to proudly turn around and say: “You know what? I used it for Jehovah.” Even if you’re young, you can learn skills and you can really assist Jehovah’s organization now and in the future. And there is no better boss to work for than Jehovah. My advice to young ones: Go for it! And during this past year, we were excited to add a new team to our AVS family —located in Mira Loma, California. All in this group have made themselves available for video needs out there. You’re able to take a person— You’re able to take an individual that has dedicated their life to Jehovah, and maybe they didn’t know at the time that they were going to inspire somebody else and have somebody somewhere across the planet say: “Wow! That’s exactly my life too. “I’m so glad that this person “was selected to be on here because that’s my life. And that has triggered me to want to do more for Jehovah.” You know it’s Jehovah’s holy spirit; he’s putting together a team; he’s the Great Producer. And what he really wants is he wants people who have the talent, but he wants people who have the holy spirit more and are willing to work for it. But he gives you the ability, like Oholiab and Bezalel, to be able to put your talents that you’ve learned to work for him. As you can see, we’re part of a beautiful, hardworking global team.

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With so many hands helping the load in so many time zones, we’re literally working on videos 24/7. It’s a great privilege to work alongside our extended family. We learn from each other. Their willing spirit, humble attitude, and contagious joy inspire all of us here in AVS. Additionally, we receive incredible support right at home too. Virtually every department at Bethel supports the audio/video work in some way, and we are very, very thankful. With everyone’s help, the Bible’s message is being spread visually throughout the earth at unprecedented levels. But how is any of this possible? Brother Russell said it best: ‘This is not man’s work. It’s God’s.’ Jehovah is certainly at the helm. As he foretold at Haggai 2:7: “I will shake all the nations, “and the precious things of all the nations will come in; and I will fill this house with glory.” There is certainly a great shaking taking place worldwide. And many of these precious ones are offering themselves willingly to help Audio/Video Services accomplish this great work, thanks to Jehovah God, our Grand and Visual Instructor. Our videos are a fantastic provision from Jehovah, and what a teaching tool they have become.

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We get many letters of appreciation about the use of our videos in our midweek meetings. And I agree; the videos make the meetings so much more dynamic. For example, the week of July 17, we will be considering the part “Do You Forgive Yourself?” which includes a video that we first saw at the 2016 Regional Convention. Make it a habit to prepare for these video considerations just as thoroughly as you would any other part. Your well-prepared comments will benefit the whole congregation. And when we arrive at the Kingdom Hall for a meeting, don’t you agree that we all feel refreshed the moment we see the smiling faces of our brothers and sisters? That’s how I feel. Sometimes we can even take our beautiful meeting location for granted. But did you know that a lot of work goes into making sure that our Kingdom Halls are well utilized?

5. Worldwide Design/Construction Department

The Worldwide Design/Construction Department, or WDC, is tasked with analyzing our worldwide needs and providing direction to Local Design/Construction Departments on how best to use our dedicated funds. As we approach the end of the present system of things, Jehovah continues to speed up the work.

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We now have more than 62,000 Kingdom Halls worldwide, and the demand is still growing. Jehovah’s blessing on the Kingdom work is undeniable, as this could not have been accomplished otherwise. Many have been working for years in support of Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction projects, most recently as part of the Local Design/Construction, or LDC, program. This program was implemented during the 2014 service year and unifies the approach for construction of Kingdom Halls worldwide. What has been accomplished since the program started? At the end of the 2000 service year, half of the publishers worldwide met in suitable meeting places. However, the other half —approximately three million publishers— met in places that were overcrowded or otherwise unsuitable as Kingdom Halls. At that time, By 2014, the number of publishers meeting in unsuitable facilities had been reduced. But because of growth in the organization, this still meant that 1.6 million publishers did not have a suitable meeting place. Since 2014, that figure has been reduced by 25 percent. What accounts for this significant reduction in the backlog, allowing us to catch up faster than in the past? Part of the answer lies in making efficient use of the facilities we already have.

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When providing food for thousands, Jesus made it clear that nothing should be wasted. The LDC program applies that principle to the seats in our Kingdom Halls. As noted earlier, we have 62,000 Kingdom Halls worldwide.

5.1 Seat utilisation

On average, only 60 percent of the seats are filled for congregation meetings. That means that approximately three to four million seats are empty during congregation meetings each week. There are a number of options to help make better use of these seats, which will make the use of each Kingdom Hall more efficient. Consider, for example, a Kingdom Hall in an urban area. It has 200 seats and is used by four congregations sharing the facility. That means the Kingdom Hall will be in use for four weeknight meetings and four weekend meetings. It would definitely appear to be fully utilized and suggests the need for new construction for further growth. However, how many seats were in the Kingdom Hall? Two hundred. Multiplied by meetings for the four congregations, this facility has a total seating capacity of 800 people.

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Global records indicate that congregations using this size Kingdom Hall have an average attendance of 120 at their meeting. This could mean that only 480 seats are used by the four congregations in this Kingdom Hall and 320 seats remain empty —not very efficient. If the four congregations were redistributed into three congregations, average meeting attendance for each congregation would increase to about 160 per meeting, while still fitting comfortably in that Kingdom Hall. And this would now allow for an open slot in the schedule, which could be used to meet needs in the area without requiring new construction. In the first three years of the LDC program, fully utilizing our existing facilities played a part in reducing the backlog of Kingdom Hall projects from 14,000 to approximately 10,000. This saved millions of dollars. Of course, this does not meet every need, and there is still a significant need to construct new Kingdom Halls to provide suitable places of worship. How does the branch office make these decisions, and how are priorities set? All options are examined as the Branch Committees work with their Local Design/Construction and Service departments. Transportation needs —such as distance, opportunities for carpooling, and availability of public transportation— are taken into account.

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In many cases, congregations can be sized to make better use of available seats in Kingdom Halls that have already been built. However, when they are needed, new Kingdom Halls can be constructed using simple, standard designs that make wise use of donated funds.

5.2 Focus on Spiritual Needs

Of course, all of this must be done with the big picture in mind. It is the spiritual needs of the congregations that are of the utmost priority. The structures themselves are not the focus of these centers of pure worship, but rather it is the people who use the facilities. On one occasion, as they passed the temple, Mark 13:1 quotes one of Jesus’ disciples admiring the structure when he said: “Teacher, see! what wonderful stones and buildings!” However, Jesus’ reply simply indicated that the building itself would not last. It was people Jesus was concerned with. Likewise, the Kingdom Halls that we build today will not last forever. But these centers of pure worship bring people together so that we can serve Jehovah as a united group —and that will last forever. Whether we assist in the construction of the many Kingdom Halls that are still needed or help to renovate and maintain existing Kingdom Halls, it is our shared privilege to help provide suitable meeting places for our brothers and sisters.

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In this way, we each support “the faithful and discreet slave” as they provide what is needed so that each congregation can praise Jehovah in a suitable place of worship.

6. Thomas Kalimeris - Greece

Brother Thomas Kalimeris, who serves at the United States branch, together with his wife, has spent close to four decades supporting various aspects of the organization’s construction projects. What has that experience taught him? That the work is not run by us. Throughout history, men have built many beautiful and impressive buildings. These structures have usually brought glory to men, not to God. But those men are long gone, and even many of the structures no longer exist. How true is the scripture at Psalm 127:1: “Unless Jehovah builds the house, it is in vain that its builders work hard on it.” In our time too, Jehovah is using his people to build. We’re working hard to build spirituality in interested ones, and also we build structures in order to help individuals to learn about Jehovah and serve him. In this type of construction —both spiritual and physical construction— I’ve been involved for most of my life. I was born in Greece.

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Our family came into contact with the truth in the early sixties. I was baptized when I was in high school. I left school to get some practical training in architecture, but I made pioneering my career. In 1973, I married my dear wife, Margaret, and together we enjoyed many assignments. We pioneered —special pioneering. We went to Gilead. We were invited to Bethel in 1979 to work in the Engineering Department. We worked on designing new branches, Assembly Halls, Kingdom Halls, renovation of existing branches and remote translation offices. Before we came to Bethel, we had seen how Jehovah provided for us individually. But now we had the opportunity to see how Jehovah provided for the needs of his organization globally.

6.1 Britain Branch

By the year 2000, it became apparent that the present facility of the Britain branch was not meeting their needs. So a site was located to relocate the branch there. However, the Governing Body decided to cancel the project. So in 2008, the Governing Body wrote that now is the time —Jehovah’s time— to find property closer to London.

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So a project team was formed, and a few years went by, and a number of properties were searched, and one was located closer to London. If something we plan falls through, it could mean that Jehovah has something else —or better— in mind to meet the needs of his organization.

6.2 Haiti Branch

While working in the Haiti branch, we learned a lesson: not to compromise on safety. The Brooklyn Engineering Department did the drawings for the branch, and a local contractor was hired to build the structural work. Now, the contractor, when he reviewed the drawings, told the Branch Committee: “Really, this is overdesigned. You’re wasting a lot of money by putting all the steel in the building.” So we wrote back and said: “No, the drawings are OK. “The branch is designed according to the seismic zone that it’s in. And the contractor is to go ahead with the plans as drawn.” In 2010, when the earthquake came to Haiti, hundreds of thousands of people died because of inferior materials and methods of construction. However, the branch did not suffer any damage, and many people went there to find refuge. We’re so glad that Jehovah did not allow us to be swayed in this case.

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Jehovah continues to direct a great physical building work and a spiritual work. Jehovah trains his people how to work together for the work just ahead of us —the beautification of this earth to a paradise. It is so important that we ‘trust in Jehovah and not to lean upon our own understanding.’ A life of building with Jehovah has shown me the wisdom of Psalm 127:1. If we keep building our lives with Jehovah, our building work will never be in vain. The more responsibility a brother is given in the organization, the less he feels he is in control. Instead, he will clearly see how Jehovah takes the lead in the organization. And Brother Kalimeris’ experience confirms that. The account about how the branch in Haiti was protected from earthquake damage sent chills down my spine. While some buildings looked like this, our branch looked like this.

7. Preparing for Disaster

And it wasn’t the ingenuity of the brothers that protected the branch, but wisdom that only Jehovah can provide. But how can we apply that same wisdom in our lives? Let’s consider three ways we can do so. Jehovah has warned us that we’re living in “critical times hard to deal with.”

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And Jesus foretold that in the last days there would be great “earthquakes in one place after another” and other “fearful sights.” Many of us either have or will be affected by some form of natural disaster. If this happens, how can we be prepared?

7.1 Maintain close relationship with Jehovah

First, we can prepare spiritually by maintaining a close relationship with Jehovah. He is “the God of all comfort,” and he can comfort us in times of tribulation. How does he do this? We do not expect divine intervention. But if we pray during times of distress, his powerful holy spirit can bring Bible passages back to mind to comfort us.

7.2 Emergency kit

Second, we can take practical steps, perhaps preparing an emergency kit. Our kit could contain the following items if possible: first-aid supplies, bottled water, and nonperishable food. Also, we shouldn’t forget to update the elders with our latest contact information. If we don’t do so, valuable time could be lost in a disaster. Additionally, during a Family Worship evening, our family could review the types of disasters that might happen and what could

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be done in each situation —such as where we meet, how we contact the elders, and so forth.

7.3 Help others

And third, we can help others when they’re experiencing a disaster, knowing they’d do the same for us. How can we do this? By offering prayers in their behalf, by volunteering to assist with disaster relief efforts, and by contributing donations to the worldwide work. No, we can’t avoid all natural disasters. But if we prepare spiritually, practically, and help others currently affected, we can take comfort in knowing that in Jehovah’s eyes we are prepared. That was great, practical advice for all of us to take to heart. But there are some things we can do to help our local congregation.

7.4 Bram Siegel – Coordinators Committee Office

Let’s turn briefly to interview Brother Bram Siegel, who’s with the Coordinators’ Committee Office. Bram, how can all of us cooperate with the congregation arrangement when a disaster hits? Immediately after a disaster occurs, each field service group overseer will contact everyone in his group to make sure that all are accounted for and to see if anyone needs assistance.

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So each of us should make sure to give the elders our up-to-date contact information. That way they can reach us when something happens. That’s a very important reminder —good point! But what if my area was not hit by the disaster but an adjacent town or city was? Can I just travel there on my own to help, or what should I do? We really appreciate the beautiful spirit the brotherhood shows when it comes to providing disaster relief. Really, the best time to make yourself available to help is right now, before a disaster occurs. Just ask your local elders for an application. Later, when there’s a need to provide disaster relief, the branch office will know that you’re willing and ready to assist. Thank you very much, Bram, for those important reminders. Thank you. When large disasters occur, our brothers and sisters may have to relocate —perhaps even to another country. As refugees, they face unique challenges. You will notice that the Watchtower study for the week of July 3 provides practical suggestions on how we can support such brothers and sisters. And I’m sure you agree that the guidance Jehovah’s organization provides, the love and care that we experience

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every day as a people for his name, the spiritual paradise that we dwell in —all of that makes us want to praise our heavenly Father.

8. We Marvel at Your Work – Music Video

This brings us to this month’s music video which is entitled We Marvel at Your Work. The work of the Kingdom, in my lifetime and before, Provides me with your written Word, the truth, and so much more. Your faithful slave, discreet and wise, provides increasing light And sends out men who shepherd me with loving oversight. I know expectations at conventions will be met. And afterward, I always say, “Now that’s the best one yet!” At weekly meetings, I can feel your thoughtful, loving care And learn how best to preach and teach and have a fuller share. We marvel at your work And what the Kingdom’s done so far. We cherish Kingdom rule. We grow in faith to realize the kind of God you are. We look ahead to blessings that your Kingdom soon will bring. You give us the honor to be workers on your side, Our ministry that lets us show the love we feel inside. The depth of understanding and the peace of mind you give, They teach us what is pure and true; they show the way to live. The songs that express what’s in my heart so very well And Fam’ly Worship ev’nings give your spirit room to dwell.

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Our unity, despite whatever language we might speak, Proves that our loving brotherhood in this world is unique. We marvel at your work And what the Kingdom’s done so far. We cherish Kingdom rule. We grow in faith to realize the kind of God you are. We look ahead to blessings that your Kingdom soon will bring. That’s beautiful.

9. Public witnessing with Carts

And how can we show our appreciation for Jehovah’s provisions in a practical way? By taking seriously our God-given assignment to preach. And we have seen developments in our preaching methods in the past few years. For example, in 2001, with the Governing Body’s approval, our brothers in France started using a variety of methods to carry out our public witnessing, including the use of carts. The trial resulted in many good experiences. As a result, in 2011, a pilot project with cart witnessing in New York City, U.S.A., was approved. Since Manhattan, in New York City, had a ratio of 1 Jehovah’s Witness to 657 inhabitants, this was a perfect choice. That was the beginning of a pilot program in Manhattan.

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The program lasted one year, using many graduates from what was then the Bible School for Christian Couples. Although different tables were used at the time, it was evident that a mobile cart had many advantages. As a result, today, Jehovah’s Witnesses are well-known for their public witnessing using carts designed to display their literature. By means of this method, good news from the Bible can be taken to many places and easily becomes available to countless people. These carts include different posters that: call attention to our well-known publications, invite people to accept free home Bible studies, and direct passersby to our official website. Here are just a few examples of how this method has had many good results.

9.1 Mi Jung You

My name is Mi Jung You. The first time I met Jehovah’s Witnesses was more than 20 years ago. I started studying in the You Can Live Forever book, but about a month later, I had to stop studying. After that, I would accept the magazines, but I never ended up studying the Bible again. In June of 2014, though, I saw the public witnessing stand. I realized that it belonged to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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So many of the different publications they had caught my eye. So I asked if it would be OK if I took a copy of each one. We ended up exchanging numbers, and a few weeks later the brother contacted me. I began studying the Bible again with the couple and one month later started attending meetings regularly. I was baptized in October of 2015 and started auxiliary pioneering right away for ten months. Now I’m serving as a regular pioneer. Public witnessing helped me find the truth, and it’s a way for me to meet people that are interested like I was. I have really come to cherish the public witnessing work.

9.2 Jacob Salomé

My name is Jacob Salomé. I work as a driver and spent most of my life traveling all over Peru. Because of this, I had problems with the woman I was living with. I never spent time at home and practically lived in the truck. I would see Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching on the streets near the buses. But since I was always driving, I couldn’t park or even talk to them. But once, I saw some Witnesses preaching in a public square.

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So I went up to them to ask them what the Bible says about family matters. This marked a change in my life. My girlfriend and I began attending meetings, and then we got married and got baptized. Now we are Jehovah’s Witnesses.

9.3 Sudharshan

As Annies and I were standing by our cart, we met young Sudharshan. Annies showed him our tract Can the Dead Really Live Again? He was surprised and said, “How is it possible?” When she explained to him Acts 24:15, he exclaimed: “I am a Christian. I never knew this!” I asked him, “Would you like to learn more about such wonderful things from the Bible?” He asked, “Can you tell me right now?” There and then, I discussed the first chapter of the Bible Teach book. That’s how it started. Sudharshan brought his friend, Sagar. Sagar, in turn, brought Shiva and Srikanth along. Three of them are attending our meetings regularly. Sagar even turned down a job offer that conflicted with Bible principles.

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One tract resulted in many Bible studies. We can really see Jehovah’s blessing on this form of public witnessing. Without a doubt, cart witnessing is being used to help preach the good news of God’s Kingdom “in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations.” The examples we’ve seen in this program truly highlight how Jehovah and Jesus use all of us to get an unprecedented work accomplished.

10. Summary

We’ve seen how young brothers are trained to take the lead in the congregations, how videos are produced around the world for our spiritual benefit, the work that goes into better utilizing our Kingdom Halls, how wisdom from Jehovah benefits our construction work, and how appropriate it is to praise our heavenly Father for all his works. And last, we were encouraged to continue in our public witnessing efforts as we clearly see Jehovah’s blessing. Yes, we are proud to be Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is the best organization on earth.

11. Postcard from Iceland

To conclude, we’d like to share this postcard from Iceland. Almost 335,000 people live on this North Atlantic island nation, of which about 380 are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Iceland is known for being the land of ice and fire, as it has both a lot of volcanic activity and Europe’s largest glacier.

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In their free time, the Witnesses in Iceland enjoy hiking in the beautiful nature or riding on horseback on Icelandic horses. The preaching work in Iceland began in 1929. Brother Lindal was the only publisher on the island for nearly 18 years. Today, the 380 publishers conduct approximately 270 Bible studies, and almost 700 people attended the Memorial of Christ’s death last year. In the winter, the sun is up for only a few hours. While the Witnesses use the limited sunlight wisely —going from door to door or business witnessing— they are not scared by the darkness. Some congregations use tiny lights on their public witnessing carts so that the passersby will see the carts. Also, the weather in Iceland can change quickly. To prevent literature from being damaged by rain or other weather elements, some congregations use plastic covers on the literature. In 2011, a Polish group was established in the capital city of Reykjavik, and in 2016, a congregation with over 40 publishers was formed. Today, they conduct over 20 Bible studies. All the brothers and sisters in Iceland send their warm Christian love.

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We pray that Jehovah will continue to bless their efforts in praising his name. This is JW Broadcasting from the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.