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Training Our Power of Reason JW Broadcasting February 2017

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Training Our Power of Reason JW Broadcasting February 2017

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1. Introduction ........................................................................... 1

2. Training our power of Reasoning .......................................... 1

2.1 Decisions ......................................................................... 1

2.2 Boundaries on free will .................................................... 2

2.3 Boundaries of choice ....................................................... 3

2.4 Review ............................................................................. 4

2.5 Young children ................................................................. 4

2.6 How to train reasoning ..................................................... 5

2.7 Guide dog comparison .................................................... 5

2.8 Three skills to train Reasoning ........................................ 6

2.8.1 Illustrating .................................................................. 6

2.8.2 Analysing ................................................................... 8

2.8.3 Balancing ................................................................ 10

2.8.4 Model bike illustration .............................................. 11

2.8.5 Review .................................................................... 12

2.9 Dramatization (3 videos) ................................................ 12

2.9.1 1 Corinthians 15:33 ................................................. 13

2.9.2 Family Man at Work: ............................................... 13

2.9.3 Sister on Social Media: ........................................... 14

2.9.4 Brother Playing Video Games: ................................ 14

2.9.5 Principle involved .................................................... 15

2.9.6 Family Man at Work: ............................................... 16

2.9.7 Sister on Social Media: ........................................... 16

2.9.8 Brother playing video games: ................................. 17

2.10 Review ......................................................................... 18

3. Truth Transforms Lives ........................................................ 19

3.1 Bethel ............................................................................ 21

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3.2 Coming back .................................................................. 22

3.3 Matthew 6:33 – seek 1st the kingdom ............................ 22

3.4 Review ........................................................................... 23

3.5 Proverbs 10:22 – blessing of Jehovah .......................... 23

4. How important is our Neutrality ........................................... 24

4.1 Micah 4:2 – go up to Jehovah’s mountain ..................... 24

4.2 Micah 4:5 – all will walk in Jehovah’s name .................. 25

4.3 Revelation 13:16, 17 – mark of the wild beast ............... 25

4.4 Neutrality Eroders .......................................................... 26

4.5 Propaganda ................................................................... 26

4.6 Sporting Events ............................................................. 27

4.7 Political Promises .......................................................... 28

5. Gertrud & Martin Pötzinger ................................................. 29

5.1 Solitary confinement ...................................................... 30

5.2 Gestapo Ultimatum ........................................................ 31

5.3 Humiliation ..................................................................... 31

5.4 Quarantine ..................................................................... 32

5.5 Husband ........................................................................ 33

5.6 Matthew 10:19 – do not become anxious ...................... 34

5.7 Sewing illustration .......................................................... 35

6. Stop, Think and Pray music video ....................................... 35

7. Greetings from Vesterålen islands in Norway. .................... 37

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1. Introduction

Welcome to JW Broadcasting! This month we’ll consider ways

we can get the most benefit from Bible principles.

Here are some highlights: How can Bible study and meditation

prepare us for trials? We’ll learn about the example of

Sister Gertrud Pötzinger through an archived interview.

What principles and Bible accounts enabled her and her

husband, Martin, to keep their integrity in Nazi Germany?

Jehovah urges us to seek first the Kingdom.

What can happen when a person seeks things in the world

instead of the Kingdom? We’ll listen to how this young sister

learned to trust Jehovah and lead a life that brings true


Have you ever thought that a familiar piece of Bible counsel

didn’t apply to your situation? Well, how can analyzing such

counsel lead to related principles that fit your specific

challenge? We’ll see in this encouraging dramatization.

You’re watching JW Broadcasting for February 2017.

2. Training our power of Reasoning

2.1 Decisions

Have you ever thought that a familiar piece of Bible counsel didn’t apply to your situation? Well, how can analysing such counsel lead to related principles that fit your specific challenge? We’ll see in this encouraging dramatization. You and I make a lot of decisions every day. Now, some have a little impact on our lives; others have a very big impact. And we can appreciate that we can make choices and decisions for ourselves.

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Think of how life would be if you made no decisions for yourself —someone tells you when to go to bed, they pick out your clothes, and they tell you what to do for work. Well, none of us would like that! Jehovah gave each of us free will, and that’s the precious gift of making choices for ourselves. Now, have you ever thought about why Jehovah gave us this gift? I mean, why trust us with free will when he knew that we could make bad choices or decisions? Well, one powerful reason is love. The only way to give us the gift of love is also to give us the gift of free will. The two are tied together. You really can’t have one without the other. For example, if I programmed my computer to give me a message every day at 2:00 p.m.: “John, I love you. I think you’re a wonderful guy,” I think there’d be a little something wrong with me if I thought: ‘Aw, isn’t that nice? My computer, it loves me.’ Yeah, love only exists if it comes truly from a free-will expression.

2.2 Boundaries on free will

Now, did Jehovah place any boundaries on free will? Yes. They were stated in the Law to the nation of Israel. And Jesus later repeated them at Matthew 22:37-40: “He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ On

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these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” So our use of free will has love of God and love of neighbor as its boundaries.

2.3 Boundaries of choice

Notice, for example, what people are doing in this picture, both inside the circle boundary and outside.

See, free will allows us to do any of the things we see in the picture. But love of God and love of neighbour move us to reject what’s outside the circle and choose to do the kinds of things that we see inside the circle. Now, to stay within those boundaries, Jehovah gave us a marvellous brain and a built-in conscience, but he also knows we need more help. And that’s why he also gave us Bible principles—basic truths from the Bible that can help us to make good decisions. And it can safely be said that any decision we face can be guided by Bible principles. Now, our Creator, Jehovah, knows what’s best for us. And he also trusts us to make decisions based on Bible principles because he knows that when we do that, then we’re really, truly going to be happy, content, and at peace with him and with others.

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2.4 Review

So in review so far: Jehovah gave us free will—that’s the privilege to make choices for ourselves—and he also gave us Bible principles as the boundaries to our choices. But making difficult decisions requires that we train ourselves to recognize Bible principles and apply them. Now let’s read Romans 12:1, and let’s see how this verse describes the decision-making process. “Therefore, I appeal to you “by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.” So are we using our “power of reason” to understand Bible principles?

2.5 Young children

For example, young children ask lots of questions. But has a child ever asked you: “What happens when I drop a ball? A pencil? A book?” No, they don’t ask that. They know what happens to anything they drop. It falls down! See, the child doesn’t need rules for every object but has quickly grasped the principle. Anything he drops falls down. Now, what if an 18-year-old asked you, “What’s going to happen when I drop this pen?” Well, it’s obvious he’s not been paying attention to basic principles of life. So by us paying attention to Bible principles, we can very quickly see the pattern of love of God and love of neighbor and

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know the right thing to do without a long list of rules for every situation.

2.6 How to train reasoning

Well, how can we train our “power of reason”? We train it by paying attention as we read and study the Bible. Now, we don’t need rules for which movies to watch, which songs to listen to, or what clothes we can wear. If we’re paying attention when we’re reading the Bible, we train our conscience with Bible principles so we can make such decisions without needing a long list of rules.

2.7 Guide dog comparison

You know, we could compare our training of our “power of reason” to a blind person using a guide dog. Now, an untrained dog would be very helpful to a blind person. It would bark when others were around, for example. However, a dog trained in specific skills is amazingly helpful. The dog knows when to stop at curbs and walk around obstacles that the person might run their head into. A guide dog is also taught a skill called “intelligent disobedience.” And even if the blind person encourages the dog forward, it won’t obey, but it’ll pull the person back from danger.

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Now, it can take a year or more of training for the dog to learn the amazing skills that are so helpful to a blind person. Likewise, our raw, untrained “power of reason” can help us to a degree. However, it can be amazing if we take the time to train it.

2.8 Three skills to train Reasoning

Now, here are three skills that we can use to train our “power of reason.” They are:


analysing, and;


2.8.1 Illustrating

Now, to consider our first skill, illustrating, let’s use the general topic of forgiveness. What Bible principles could help with forgiveness? Please think

of as many principles

and scriptures as you can. Now, if it helps, you can pause the program now and write down the principles that come to mind. Now, your list may include principles like these: Matthew 18:22 says to forgive “up to 77 times”; Proverbs 12:18 says: “The tongue of the wise is a healing”; and Colossians 3:13 tells us to ‘forgive one another freely.’

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Now, the skill we want to learn is illustrating—creating a mental picture of an idea or principle to see its real meaning and impact. Now, even if we are not skilled artists, all of us can and do create pictures in our minds. When illustrating, pay attention to things that are similar or like the thing you are trying to visualize. For example, if sin is like debt, then forgiveness is like someone cancelling the debt. If a hurtful remark is like a cut, then forgiveness is like seeing it heal. If sin is like a mark on a blackboard, forgiveness is like erasing it. Proverbs 12:18

Proverbs 12:18 is a great example of using the “like” technique. “Thoughtless speech is like the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is a healing.” Imagine what your skin would look like if you still had every open cut, bruise, or bleeding scratch since childhood. See, Jehovah wonderfully designed our body to heal such minor cuts and bruises. And we can now visualize how the forgiveness of others helps us to heal emotionally. Now, learning to illustrate, or visualize, takes time and practice. However, it can be one of the most powerful skills we use to train our “power of reason,” and it can also be quite enjoyable. You know, try at your family worship to take the principles for a topic and see how many similarities, or “likes,” you can come up with.

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Now, granted, they all won’t be amazing, but you may be surprised by the insights that come from seeing something from a new perspective.

2.8.2 Analysing

Well, let’s consider now our second skill: analysing. Now, analysing something means “examining it carefully in detail.” And let’s use the topic of wrong desires. Colossians 3:5

Now, in this case, let’s say that we’ve already found the principle at Colossians 3:5: “Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry.” Now, what can we learn from analysing Colossians 3:5 to help when we struggle with wrong desires? Again, feel free to pause the program if you want some time to think about it. Look carefully at each step outlined. Did you notice, for example, what appears to be a reverse order of the steps leading to sin? This verse works its way from sexual immorality back to the very roots of the problem. Now, let’s take each phrase starting with the last, “greediness, which is idolatry.”

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So, sexual immorality starts with selfishness, greedily putting our needs ahead of anything else. Next is “hurtful desire.” Greediness leads to “hurtful desire.” It’s like a person hanging around a bakery, smelling the bread and cakes when he can’t pay for it. Likewise, hanging around immoral entertainment or bad associates can feed “hurtful desire” for what is not ours. Next is listed “uncontrolled sexual passion.” So “hurtful desire” has now turned from an idea into a strong emotion of passion, causing one to look for an opportunity to fulfil the desire. Next, “uncleanness.” The previous steps have now led to inappropriate physical conduct with another person. Finally, “sexual immorality”—serious sin. Sexual immorality has occurred between persons that are not married to one another. So analysing Colossians 3:5 can really help us to eliminate, not stimulate, wrong desires. And we can see how important it is to get rid of wrong desires immediately. It’s easier to walk away from sin when we’re still in the early stages, rather than later. So we need to practice the skill of not simply just reading scriptures but analysing them until we’ve learned all that we can. And we can use the many research tools we have to find valuable comments and application.

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2.8.3 Balancing

Now, let’s consider our third and final skill: balancing. And to do that, let’s use a question on the topic of alcohol. What Bible principles could help a couple to decide whether to serve alcohol at their wedding? What principles and scriptures do you think would help them make a balanced decision? Again, you’re welcome to pause the program if you’d like to write down what comes to mind or to research something. Now, your list probably has some of these principles. John 2:9

At John 2:9, Jesus made wine for a wedding. However, 1 Corinthians 6:10 says that ‘drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom.’ And 1 Corinthians 10:31, 32 says: “Whether you are eating or drinking . . . , do all things for God’s glory” and to “keep from becoming causes for stumbling.” Now, it doesn’t seem that any one principle provides the answer. The couple could simply say: “Well, Jesus served wine at a wedding, so we can too.” However, there’s really more to it than that, isn’t there? It’s clear that a balance of all these Bible principles is needed. Will relatives or others be there who might be prone to over drinking? Would serving alcohol bother the conscience of many present because of local customs and feelings about alcohol? It’s often the case when making decisions that we need to balance several Bible principles, not taking any one principle solely on its own merit.

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Jehovah expects us to use our “power of reason” to balance Bible principles and make good decisions. Ecclesiastes 7:16-18

Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 gives us good advice about being balanced. “Do not be overly righteous, nor show yourself excessively wise. Why should you bring ruin to yourself? Do not be excessively wicked, nor be foolish. Why should you die before your time? It is best to grasp one warning without letting go of the other; for the one who fears God will heed them both.” How true. Such balance between extremes is often necessary when we apply Bible principles. We need to heed them both, so to speak. We need to balance all the Bible principles so we can come to the decision that would show love of God and love of neighbor.

2.8.4 Model bike illustration

We could illustrate the balance between different Bible principles and applying them with this model bike.

It was a gift from a brother in Malawi. Now, a bicycle has three basic principles of operation: the brakes, the pedals, and the steering.

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Now, the brakes are really like principles that slow us down or stop us from doing the wrong thing. And the pedals are really like the principles that move us forward in showing love for Jehovah and our brothers and sisters. And the steering is like our free will to choose a direction in life that pleases Jehovah. So making decisions is like riding a bicycle. We have to balance several Bible principles.

2.8.5 Review

So in review, Jehovah gave us free will to use within the boundaries of love of God and love of neighbour and many other fine Bible principles. Making difficult decisions requires that we train our “power of reason” to recognize Bible principles and apply them. And we discussed how to train our power of reason with the three skills: illustrating, analysing, and balancing. So no matter what decisions you are faced with, we encourage you: “Let Bible principles guide you.”

2.9 Dramatization (3 videos)

Let’s use the following dramatization to practice the skills we’ve just discussed. In this video, three Witnesses all hear the same familiar Bible counsel at a Christian meeting. And at first, it doesn’t seem to apply to anything they’re currently experiencing, but it does.

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Maybe that’s happened to you. As you listen to their reasoning, what do you think they could do to let Bible principles guide them to making a good decision? Video Transcript:

At the Meeting: “We must know Jehovah well. That means knowing his thinking on matters. We should welcome such an examination and make any necessary changes.

2.9.1 1 Corinthians 15:33

For example, let’s read 1 Corinthians 15:33 together. Here we read: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” As familiar as that principle is, can you think of an area in your life where it’s difficult to apply?”

2.9.2 Family Man at Work:

Hey, John. Hey. I know it’s not your usual, but there’s no one to entertain those clients tonight. So can you do it? Thanks. But I have. . Great. Until then, it wasn’t my usual thing. But I need to support my family. And these aren’t really my friends. I can handle it. I think.

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At the Meeting: “we’re faced with bad associations in subtle ways. This may require us to ask additional questions of ourselves. Are we letting in bad association through social media? Perhaps we can think of another way bad association. ….. .”

2.9.3 Sister on Social Media:

I don’t think so—except for some friends from my old congregation. Wow! They’re not doing so well spiritually. But if I stay connected and see what they’re doing, maybe I can help them. At the Meeting: “. . . can affect us.” Maybe it’s something very specific. Or maybe bad association is coming from a place we never expected.

2.9.4 Brother Playing Video Games:

I only join games with Witness friends I know. But sometimes they connect with people I don’t know who pick games I’m not sure we should play. But maybe my friends know them, so they’re probably OK. At the Meeting: “It is vital that we avoid bad associations. Now, as we resume in Psalm 26. . .”

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2.9.5 Principle involved

The basic principle in this story is one we all know: “Bad associations spoil useful habits.” But do our three friends find themselves in the same situation, where they can simply apply 1 Corinthians 15:33 in exactly the same way? No. The family head is concerned about supporting his family. Our sister wants to stay in touch with her friends in hopes of helping them spiritually. And our young brother didn’t know exactly who his associates were. Are you already thinking of additional principles that would apply to each person’s problem? How would you illustrate, analyse, or balance those principles if you were in their position? If you want to, pause the program here. Take the time to write down what you’re thinking. Then watch how they each search for Bible principles and train their “power of reason.”

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Video Transcript:

2.9.6 Family Man at Work:

I thought that talk didn’t apply to me. But can I really handle bad association? If I take a stand, I may lose my job. But that’s being anxious about tomorrow. Jesus said: “So never be anxious and say, “‘What are we to eat?’ or, “‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to wear?’” Jehovah knows I need a job. And I need to set a good example for when my children face bad association.

2.9.7 Sister on Social Media:

1 Corinthians 15:33. My friends’ posts are getting worse—their pictures and comments. Hmm, 2 Timothy 2:16. “But reject empty speeches that violate what is holy, for they will lead to more and more ungodliness.” I’m letting them share “empty speeches” with me online. I will try to help them while I still can, but following their posts is not the way to do it.

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2.9.8 Brother playing video games:

I told Mom what’s been happening when I game with my friends. She gave me good ideas on what to look for in the Research Guide. “Christian Life.” “Association.” “Is Your Recreation Beneficial?” “Who Are My Companions?”

It says, “Who are the ones I want to share my leisure time with?” Does he have the same Bible-based values and morals that I have?” Good question. I don’t even know who they are sometimes.

Psalm 119:63 says: “I am a friend of all who fear you and of those who keep your orders.” But if I only know them online, I can’t know if they fear Jehovah. At the Meeting: “Let’s turn in our Bibles to the book of 1 Timothy 1:5 and notice how it reads: “Really, the objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.” We train our conscience with Bible principles that reveal Jehovah’s thinking. There may be several principles needed for our unique problem. But when we find and apply them, we’ll enjoy a clean heart and a good conscience.”

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How did their Bible principles and meditation compare to what you were thinking? Now, you may not have come up with the same scriptures and thoughts, but that’s OK.

2.10 Review

The important thing is that by training our “power of reason,” we’re aligning our thoughts with Jehovah’s thoughts. Did you see the three skills in use? The young brother was able to visualize his potential friends. He couldn’t see them literally, but knowing they didn’t fear Jehovah or keep His orders painted a picture of the kind of associates they might prove to be. When our sister analysed 2 Timothy 2:16, she saw the social media comments were similar to “empty speeches” that could weaken her faith. And the family head balanced his family responsibilities by applying the principle at Matthew 6:31, where Jesus said not to be anxious over material things. And we can imagine him trying to work the matter out with his boss while trusting Jehovah to care for him and his family, no matter what might happen to his job.

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3. Truth Transforms Lives

In this “Truth Transforms Lives” segment, Sister Anneliese Zelina explains what led her to a similar choice and what drew her back to Jehovah. Growing up in the truth, I felt like I fit in more with my friends at school or people who weren’t Witnesses. I was living a double life and I knew it. I was not baptized. I had always tried to make the truth fit in with the world. And this time I decided that I just want to give the world a shot and see what that’s like. I came right to my parents, and I said, “I want to move to LA and pursue modeling.” I had my first job within the week. It looked so glamorous. There were a lot of parties —going to the coolest houses, getting to hang out with celebrities. There are no rules. You have the money to do whatever you want. That lifestyle was so far from what I was raised knowing as right that I basically had no relationship with Jehovah. Once all the smoke and mirrors are gone, you see these things for what they are. I remember I called my mom, and I told her: “It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah.

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I’m literally in the middle of it all.” And I thought, like, this is it; this is what everyone says is the best, and I’m not happy. And I just felt so dull —empty. And I actually thought to myself: ‘I wish— I wish I was never raised a Witness. I wish I never even knew Jehovah existed.’ There were certain nights where I needed him. I was thinking, ‘Just pray; just go to him.’ And I couldn’t. I thought I would never be able to come back to Jehovah. One of the jobs I got hired to do was to work for this young fashion company. In between different outfits and shoots, you would, you know, talk with the photographer. So, what are you guys going to be for Halloween? Matt doesn’t celebrate Halloween. He’s one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. So am I. It’s not a joke. No, I’m not kidding. I was raised as a Witness. Yeah, I was raised as one as well. Do you, um— do you go to meetings? No, I haven’t been in forever.

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What about you? No, no, I haven’t. I got a last-minute job to New York. I decided to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.

3.1 Bethel

I knew Bethel was there, and I’d never been to Bethel. This sister stopped me on my tour, and she invited me up to her office. There were different paintings of the resurrection. She asked me, “Do you know why the people are waiting on the balcony?” And I was like, “I—I don’t know. Why?” And she said, “Because they’re waiting for their loved ones to be resurrected.” It was as if something just went straight to my heart. I’ve never felt something like that. I had for the first time actually seen the resurrection and believed it. It wasn’t just this thing that might happen —it was for sure. I knew exactly what it was going to look like. I would be standing there on that balcony looking for my loved ones to come back, and I wanted to be there. The resurrection was so real to me.

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3.2 Coming back

And the second I got out of Bethel, I—I called my mom, and I told her, and I said: “Mom, Mom, I’m coming back. “I know exactly what I need to do. I’m coming back to Jehovah.” I had made up my mind, you know, I’m going to give Jehovah a chance. But, you know, I’m coming back to the truth. I’m going to do it right. There was an elder who was doing the Watchtower, and he just came off so kind that I thought, you know, when this meeting ends, I want to talk with him, and I’m going to explain to him why I’m here. I knew I had so many changes to make.

3.3 Matthew 6:33 – seek 1st the kingdom

Matthew 6:33 is so important to me, ‘Seek first the Kingdom.’ My entire life I sought everything else before Jehovah. I never put him first, and I for the first time was saying, “OK, Jehovah, I’m going to put you first.” The job I have right now isn’t necessarily my dream job, but it allows me to do exactly what I want to do for Jehovah —and that’s pioneer. I used to walk down Hollywood Boulevard going from casting to casting with my portfolio in hand, and now I walk down Hollywood Boulevard with the cart in my hand. Out in the ministry, I see models that I used to work with, and I love getting to show them that this is my new life, and this has changed my life.

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I am so happy. I know what it’s like to superficially feel good. But to literally have the joy, the happiness —I want to share that with everybody. Jehovah completely changed my life.

3.4 Review

We’re so happy that Sister Zelina returned and dedicated her life to Jehovah. Even though she wanted to forget what she knew about God, the things she had learned about him kept coming back to her mind. Finally, when she saw the picture of the resurrection, while touring Bethel, it was a powerful reminder of Jehovah’s love. Really, Sister Zelina’s Bible-trained conscience was at work the entire time. Young ones, please know that Jehovah does not want to hold you back from having fun, and he doesn’t want you to feel guilty for the desire to use your talents and to enjoy life. But he does want to protect you from spiritual dangers, and he asks you to seek first the Kingdom in these last days.

3.5 Proverbs 10:22 – blessing of Jehovah

Proverbs 10:22 puts it well: “It is the blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, and He adds no pain with it.” It is Satan’s system that adds any pain we may experience.

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Sister Zelina and so many others have found that scripture to be true.

4. How important is our Neutrality

So often, young ones who choose to give Jehovah their best are blessed with ways to use their talents and interests in sacred service.

4.1 Micah 4:2 – go up to Jehovah’s mountain

Jehovah wants you to be part of the exciting fulfillment of Micah 4:2, where nations are saying: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah.” Well, that verse was the daily text and part of a morning worship discussion by Brother Geoffrey Jackson. Micah’s prophecy is being fulfilled now, and it results in our worldwide brotherhood and highlights the need for Christian unity and neutrality. So Brother Jackson asked an interesting question, “How important is our neutrality?” It’s true, isn’t it? When we look at this prophecy in the book of Micah, it’s very exciting because it portrays to us what’s actually happening among God’s people today. We know that although in the new world there will be a tremendous unity displayed by God’s people, chapter 4 of Micah is actually portraying what’s happening now, and we’re involved with this.

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4.2 Micah 4:5 – all will walk in Jehovah’s name

We know that because in verse 5 it says that at the same time that this unity would be evident: “All the peoples will walk, each in the name of its god.” Well, that’s not talking about the new world, is it? It’s talking about the time we are living in now. Well, what is it that helps all of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide to be so united and not to be involved with the wars of this world? Well, one of the things that helps us is our Christian neutrality. What do we mean by neutrality? We mean not taking sides in political issues. Of course, we take sides with Jehovah and the Kingdom, but with regard to worldly political debates and issues that arise, we don’t take sides. Why is this so important? Well, let’s turn our Bibles to Revelation chapter 13.

4.3 Revelation 13:16, 17 – mark of the wild beast

Revelation 13:16, 17, and here it tells us: “It puts under compulsion all people —the small and the great, “the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves “—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, “and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name.” What’s the point of this verse? Well, of course, we will look forward to seeing how this may turn out in the future and what pressure is put on God’s people at that time. But even now, we see the principle here that the political system is wanting to put its mark on us, mentally as well as physically. So we see the forehead as well as the hand being involved.

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So we need to be absolutely certain that we remain neutral with regard to political issues in the world, not only by not being involved actively in the political issues but also mentally not allowing ourselves to take sides.

4.4 Neutrality Eroders

What are some of the things that perhaps could erode our neutrality? Well, maybe we could mention three things this morning.

4.5 Propaganda

One is the propaganda that the world puts forward. Now, we have seen what the media says about Jehovah’s Witnesses, haven’t we? How distorted some of their reports are and how they can paint a negative picture with regard to us. Well, should we expect that they are neutral with regard to other events that they report on, particularly when there are conflicts between two nations? The media in one particular nation may promote certain ideas about the other nation. We may be affected by that. We may be surprised perhaps to visit some other countries that have a different political ideology and be surprised to see how things perhaps are a little different in that country to how it’s portrayed by the media in our country. So we need to be careful not to be influenced by the propaganda of this world, particularly media reports and so on.

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4.6 Sporting Events

What’s another thing perhaps that could cause us to lose a measure of neutrality? Sporting events. Sometimes sporting events are able to achieve certain goals with regard to nationalism. We see the national anthem being played at many of these events. It reminds me many years ago when I was in a different country, a friend of mine asked me to record a certain sporting event. I wasn’t particularly interested in the event, but because he made this request, I recorded it. And, of course, I wanted to make sure that I got the last ten minutes of it. I thought our friendship may be strained if I didn’t get the actual last part of the game. When I watched it, it was absolutely exciting —nail-biting finish. Well, after the brother gave me back the videotape, I thought maybe some of the other brothers who would be interested in this sporting event may want to have it rather than just wipe the tape. So I offered it to several, and each one of them said to me: “No thanks. If we had won, perhaps it would be different.” Now, what was the problem? As I said to them, “Were you watching the game or were you taking sides?” An interesting concept, because here two different nations were involved.

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So we have to be careful that even sporting events don’t stir up within us certain nationalistic feelings, and perhaps we could take sides with regard to certain events.

4.7 Political Promises

The third area that perhaps could erode our neutrality: the political promises being made, particularly at election time. Perhaps one of the candidates is from our ethnic background or perhaps is the same gender as we are. When we look at the political situation these days with many elections, it seems to be more in the form of entertainment than anything else, with music and very colourful characters. But if we were to say in our heart, ‘I hope that idiot doesn’t get into power,’ are we neutral? Or worse still, if we say, ‘I hope the other person gets into power,’ well, we need to be careful, don’t we? I remember many years ago as a young pioneer in Australia, I was facing the conscription issue —the national call-up for the military. At that time, the Vietnam War was being fought. And then there was an election in Australia. And at that time, the party that was trying to get into power said that if they got into power, they would abolish conscription. So now that affected me personally. I remember how hard it was sitting there watching the election results, not to say in my heart, ‘I hope they get in.’ And then, when they got in, not to say, ‘Yes!’ You see, if we personally are affected by some of these political promises, we may violate our neutrality.

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So brothers and sisters, let’s work hard at remembering that we’re no part of this world. We support the best government that could ever rule this earth. And by doing so, we will keep our neutrality, and we will keep our unity. When neutrality is mentioned, isn’t it true we often think of taking a stand during times of war? But Brother Jackson reminded us that neutrality is something we do every day in our thoughts and in our speech. What a good example of analysing a Bible principle to understand its full meaning and application for us.

5. Gertrud & Martin Pötzinger

Of course, there are times when governments do pressure God’s people to renounce their faith or take up arms. This happened to Sister Gertrud Pötzinger and her husband, Martin, in Nazi Germany during World War II. Now, later in life, Brother Pötzinger was a member of the Governing Body, and he finished his earthly course in 1988; but Sister Pötzinger continued faithful until her death in 2003. In an archived interview, Sister Pötzinger described her wartime experiences. How did Gertrud and Martin, like thousands of our spiritual brothers and sisters, keep their integrity through brutal persecution? I worked underground and traveled in Silesia, and at that time, I visited the families with copies of The Watchtower.

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They caught me and arrested me in Dresden. And there, there was the same strong interrogation, and Jehovah helped me in a wonderful way. I was surprised by myself —what kind of thoughts came in my mind when they asked me, “Did you know “that the organization of the Watchtower is forbidden by the government?” I was saying, “Sure, I know that.” “Why were you working underground against our command?” Then I was saying: “The German judgment, “they acknowledge the command: “‘You have not to steal, not to lie, not to murder.’ “And this came from the Mosaic Law; it’s from the Bible. “If you acknowledge this command, “then you have to acknowledge the other command too. “The Bible is saying: ‘You have to watch “to come together and to encourage one another.’ “How can I do it if I would be ashamed to meet them? “I want to do the will of God. This is a commandment.” The judge was saying nothing. He spoke with the side judge, but he gave no answer. I was sentenced at first for five years. And later on, they made it go down to three and a half years because I was so young; I was 25 years of age.

5.1 Solitary confinement

So I started my solitary confinement. But Jehovah’s spirit made me real joyful.

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Every day I was thinking: ‘Now I have to make every day ‘a special object to think about. ‘In fact, I want to think about the qualities of Jehovah. I’ll start with wisdom.’ And so I put my fingers in my ears and was running to and fro and to and fro. I wanted to hear nothing outside. So, wonderful thoughts and I was happy. Then when that was over, then I thought: ‘What is hope? What is faith?’ I started to think about the fruits of the spirit. You have a lot. Then I have so much to think, and the time runs.

5.2 Gestapo Ultimatum

After three and a half years, the Gestapo called me again and gave me a declaration. I have to sign that I never want to be in connection with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and that I refuse to learn more from the Bible. And I said: “No! Never!” Then he said, “You can think for overnight.” “No! I want not to think overnight.” And immediately I said: “Never will I do it! Never will I sign it!” And then he was saying: “Then you have to take the consequences.

5.3 Humiliation

“You will transfer to the concentration camp —to Ravensbruck.” And when I came, they ordered that I have to put all my dress out and to get them away.

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And then I have to stay with other prisoners several hours in a big bedroom. And we have to wait till the doctor will see us. And it was so humiliating. They wanted to humiliate, and they wanted to make us down. And the old women between the young girls, they were so strongly ashamed. You saw it —how they suffered. I never will forget this. And after, we got the new dress from the camp and we were assigned to go to the punishment barrack. And then that was a terrible night. So many prisoners, they were crying the night and others were vomiting —had to vomit. It was a terrible night. The next day, we had to go for working. We had so strong to work from morning —in summertime, from 5 o’clock we were on the roll call place till evening, 7 o’clock.

5.4 Quarantine

Then the quarantine came. We have to not go out.

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They closed the door. They gave us our meals through the window, and we had a fine time to have rest. We encouraged one another with spiritual interests. And the doctor came and knocked on the window. “Who died in your barrack?” “Nobody.” No one. Our old, weak sisters they overcame all. Never some became sick. So it was really a good witness for the others in the camp.

5.5 Husband

My husband was in the concentration camp, at first in Dachau and later on in Mauthausen. They worked in the stone quarry. And in that group, a brother had the bad shoes; they were too tight for him, and he took them off. And he had forgotten to take them from the stone quarry to the camp. And my husband wanted to help him, and he was running to pick up the shoes. And the watchman observed that he ran away from the lawn, from the group. His punishment was to hang for one hour on the pole.

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When I asked my husband, “How did you overcome such a torture?” Then he said: “I was thinking: “‘How was the situation “‘when Abraham had to kill his son? “And this was a long way.’ “I was always thinking: “‘What were his thoughts? “‘How had he overcome his feeling and what Jehovah wants for him?’” And in this way, he didn’t feel anymore. After one hour, when he came down, the other brothers were saying, “You don’t look as you have been on the torture stake.” So Jehovah can help us in all such situations. Every situation we had some of what was not so easy. But in every situation, we have a touch of wonderful help —Jehovah’s spirit. And we could pray. Jehovah’s name is the most important part in our life. Nothing is so important like Jehovah’s name.

5.6 Matthew 10:19 – do not become anxious

Did you see the ways Jehovah blessed Sister Pötzinger’s determination to stay loyal under pressure? At Matthew 10:19, Jesus told his apostles: “When they hand you over, do not become anxious “about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour.” She may have felt that same assurance when arrested and interrogated. Then, when tested in the camps, she and Martin meditated on Christian qualities and the faith of Bible characters. And finally they, like so many Witnesses, were helped to survive because of the love and care of their spiritual brothers and sisters.

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Sister Pötzinger used her experience to encourage others in her later assignments.

5.7 Sewing illustration

For example, in the interview with William and Sandra Malenfant, Sister Malenfant remembered working with Sister Pötzinger in the Bethel Sewing Department, and Sister Pötzinger had given her a memorable sewing illustration. She likened each prayer to adding another thread to a strong cord that unites us with Jehovah. You might enjoy watching that interview again in the “Interviews and Experiences” section, under “Blessings of Sacred Service.” Later this month, you’ll also want to watch a new original song under the “Music” section.

6. Stop, Think and Pray music video

In the April 2016 program, a group of young ones explained why they visited Bethel and what they enjoyed seeing. While there, they also sang a song about their experience, with the help of Bethelites, at the branches they visited. And we have a music video to enjoy in this month’s program. It’s called Stop, Think, and Pray. No matter what the problem is, we should always take time to think about Bible principles and pray for Jehovah’s holy spirit. Life’s not easy when trouble’s around And the whole situation is getting you down. So-called friends, they just want a reaction.

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Turn to Jehovah and pray— Silently pray. Don’t give up; don’t give in. Put your trust in Jehovah. Keep it calm; we can win If we stop, think, and pray. When there seems no way out, He’ll be there, always by our side. He will be our guide, never doubt; No, just stop, think, and pray. Make Jehovah smile. Let him show the way. Ev’ry day will have troubles to share. There are bills to be paid with no money to spare. Even so, we’ll be happy in giving If we can make someone smile— Make someone smile. Never doubt; never fear. Put your trust in Jehovah. And our road will be clear If we stop, think, and pray. When we’re weak, we are strong. And we’ll see he was by our side. He has been our guide all along. Always stop, think, and pray.

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Make Jehovah smile. Let him show the way. Put your trust in Jehovah. And our road will be clear If we stop, think, and pray. When we’re weak, we are strong. And we’ll see he was by our side. He has been our guide all along. Always stop, think, and pray. Make Jehovah smile. Thank him ev’ry day. Jehovah will always bless us when we go to him in prayer with our concerns. Whatever the situation, he can give us “the power beyond what is normal.” And as we learned and practiced in this program, we do our part by training our “power of reason” with the principles from his written Word.

7. Greetings from Vesterålen islands in Norway.

Finally, we have greetings from the Vesterålen islands, in Norway. These islands are home to 30,000 people who enjoy the beautiful fjords, mountains, and calm beaches.

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The 53 publishers in the Sortland Norwegian Congregation preach in a territory that covers or 695 square miles. Their thorough witnessing takes them into the beautiful countryside, as well as to the city of Sortland for metropolitan public witnessing. Each year, they organize trips to unassigned territory, where they often meet people who show deep respect for the Bible. One Saturday each month, after the ministry, they gather to watch the JW Broadcasting program and enjoy spending time together. Progressive Bible studies and a Russian group join them each week at their meetings. We send our love and greetings and thank them for their Christian love and example of faith. Thank you for watching. From the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is JW Broadcasting!