Oracle Retail Planning & Supply Chain User Group … Oracle Retail Planning & Supply Chain User...


Transcript of Oracle Retail Planning & Supply Chain User Group … Oracle Retail Planning & Supply Chain User...

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The  following  is  intended   to  outline   our  general  product  direction.   It  is  intended   for  information  purposes   only,  and  may  not  be   incorporated  into  any  contract.  It  is  not  a  commitment   to  deliver   any  material,  code,  or  functionality,  and  should  not  be  relied  upon  in  making  purchasing  decisions.   The  development,   release,   and  timing  of  any  features  or  functionality   described   for  Oracle’s  products  remains  at  the  sole  discretion   of  Oracle.

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Oracle  Retail  Planning  &  Supply  Chain  User  Group  MeetingsDay  3  – 9/17

SIG Leaders:   Bill  Bozinger (Walt  Disney  Company)  &  Chris  Hubbs (Best  Buy)

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AIP  ‘Open  Mic’

Experiences  &  Questions  on  AIP  – Led  by  Nick  Oswald  (Best  Buy)

Oracle  Special   Interest  Group  MeetingsSeptember   2015

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Best  Buy  AIP  Experience  Story

-­‐Nick  Oswald  (Best  Buy)

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Conversation  Topics

• What  is  your  ‘burning  question’  with  regards  to  AIP?

• For  those  using  AIP  – where  have  you  found  success  &  challenge?

• For  those  learning  about  AIP  – what  questions  do  you  have?• Open  questions  on  AIP  &  Replenishment

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Promotional  Forecasting

Oracle  Special   Interest  Group  MeetingsSeptember   2015

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Promotional  &  Event  Forecasting• What  does  the  planning  process   look  like?

o How  do  you  decide  what   items/locations  should  be  on  promotion?o How  long  before  the  promotion  to  you  finalize  the  decision?o What  role  does  the  forecaster  have  in  promotional  decisions?o What  tools  &  applications  do  you  use  to  make  the  decisions?o Do  you  use  the  same  tools  for  planning  &  execution  of  the  promotion?

• How  do  you  use  forecasting  tools?o What  information  do  you  enter  into  your  forecasting  tool?o What  integration  do  you  rely  on  for  promotional   information?o Do  you  have  sufficient  data  to  estimate  the  promotional   lifts?o What  challenges  do  you  face  when  forecasting  the  promotion?o What  level  of  forecast  accuracy/error  do  you  strive  for  with  promotions?

• What  else   should  we  be  doing  to  make  promo  &  event  forecasting  easier/better?

Oracle  Confidential   – Internal/Restricted/Hig hly   Restricted 8

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Replenishment  &  Allocation  

What’s  the  right  tool  for  the  job?

Oracle  Special   Interest  Group  MeetingsSeptember   2015

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Allocation  vs.  ReplenishmentTraditional  Differentiation

Allocation ReplenishmentManual  “push”  process:  as  needed,  on  demand Automated  “pull”:  batch  process

Initial  &  last  distribution Replenish  to  only  thoselocations  with  need

Highly  seasonal  items Long  &  Medium  shelf  life,  seasonal  basics

One  time  buys,  constrainedinventory  levels Unconstrained  availability

Prepare  for  upcoming  promotion Maintain  minimum  display/shelf  presentations

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Conversation  Topics

• How  do  you  determine  the  right  strategy  to  use?

• Which  factors  dictate  the  use  of  the  strategy?o Does   it  change  based   on  product,  location,  time   of  year?

• What  methodology  do  you  use  to  generate  allocation/replenishment  quantities?

• Is  the  user  different  for  managing  allocations/replenishment?

• What  does  success  look  like  in  distributing  inventory  (metrics,  etc.)?

• How  can  Oracle  allocation  &  replenishment  tools  improve?

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Forecasting,  Replenishment  &  Allocation

Roadmap,  Enhancement  Recommendations  &  Prioritization

Oracle  Special   Interest  Group  MeetingsSeptember   2015

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Conversation  Topic

• What  features  would  you  like  to  see  in  the  product?

• How  can  we  better  support  your  needs?o Implementing/upgrading

o Ongoing  ‘Live’  support

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Get  Involved!


Survey  to  capture  information/feedback   from• Existing  Members (feedback  and  updates)• New  Members (enrollment)

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What’s  NextProposed  Schedule


SIG Q2 Q3 Q4

Commerce May  12 Aug  6 Nov   5

Merchandising Jun   4 Sep   23 Dec  3

Planning  &  Optimization Apr  30 Oct  29

Stores May  21 Aug  20 Oct  22

Supply Chain Jun  25 Sep  24 Dec  8

Technology Jul    30 Dec  17

Functional Oct  15

Commerce        Merchandising        Planning   &  Optimization     Stores        Supply   Chain        Technology     Functional    

*Hyperlinks  embedded   to  pre-­‐register

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RACKRetail  Asset  and  Community  Knowledge


•• Post-­‐conference  materials