Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)

download Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)

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Transcript of Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Migrate Oracle Apps DBA (EBS)Migrate Oracle Apps DBA (EBS) - -VerVer 12.2.0, Oracle12.2.0, Oracle DataBaseDataBase Ver’sVer’s Fro OS !i"#$%.& Fro OS !i"#$%.& $'% $'%- -%%to Solaristo Solaris 11.1 (% it)11.1 (% it)

    Migrate Oracle Applications (EBS) Version 12.2.0 is Database Version11.2.0.3 From Lin ! !"# to Solaris 11.1$ Oracle %ri&ate 'lo

    contact go*rain+os,

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)



    - o* to Migrate Oracle Applications 12.2.0 Database nstance &er to Solaris 11.1

    - is oc ment escribes t e process o+ re creating an e!isting Applications 4elease 12.2

    atabase instance sing t e atap mp tilities

    - Datap mp is t e onl, Met o certi+ie as o+ no* +or migration EBS &er12.2.0 Oracle atabase


    - e Datap mp tilities allo* ,o to mo&e e!isting ata in Oracle +ormat to an +rom Oracle


    elco e a"/ "tro/#ctio"elco e a"/ "tro/#ctio"co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    - Datap mp e!port i es can arc i&e ata ase ata$ or mo&e ata among i erent Orac e

    atabases t at r n on t e same or i++erent operating s,stems.

    - is oc ment ass mes t at ,o are alrea , +amiliar *it atap mp.

    - ro ble s ooting Error5s$ 6arning an 7no* ss es.

    - Don5t +orget to a&e + n * ile migration.

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    is Doc ment a ress migration o+ Oracle Database &er +rom Lin ! to Solaris

    So rce Oracle EBS &ersion 12.2.0 *it Oracle Database &ersion on a Lin !".8 !"#

    arget Oracle EBS &ersion 12.2.0 on Lin !".8 !"#. Database &ersion on Solaris 11.1 !"#.

    is oc ment ass mes t at t e instance 412.2.! is stable an no errors an *arnings +rom OS orDatabase or Applications (components)$ atabase nit parameters or set +or t e Migration.

    Lin ! OS ".8 is r nning on Oracle VM an VM ser&er Version 3.2.9 :38 ;sing iS'S to accessStorage$ *it 820MB

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    EBS Arc itect#re DiagraEBS Arc itect#re Diagraco"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    So rce Virt al Mac ine con+ig ration (EBS an DB)

    Virt al Mac ine Dis?s

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    Virt al Mac ine >et*or?s

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    arget Virt al Mac ine con+ig ration (DB onl,)

    Virt al Mac ine Dis?s

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    Virt al Mac ine >et*or?s

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Section 1 %repare t e so rce s,stemis section escribes o* to ens re t at ,o a&e t e re ire patc es$ create ,o r atap mp

    e!port +ile$ an capt re important in+ormation t at is re ire to import ,o r atabase.

    1. Appl* t e Applicatio"s co"soli/ate/ e$p/p4i p/p #tilit* patcAppl, %atc 1"8#1 8" to t e so rce a ministration ser&er no e. is patc pro&i es se&eral S Lscripts t at +acilitate e!porting an importing an Applications atabase instance.

    a op p aseGprepare

    a op p aseGappl, patc esG1"8#1 8"HHHHHHHHHHHHH Start o+ A to%atc session HHHHHHHHHHHHH

    A to%atc &ersion 12.2.0A to%atc starte at Ma, 01 201# 1# 8: 8A%%LI O% is set to < 01

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    2. 5reate a or6i"g or < ome

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    . 8ecor/ A/ a"ce/ 9#e#e setti"gs'op, t e a e1.s l script +rom t e A;I O%

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    . 8ecor/ A/ a"ce/ 9#e#e setti"gs - 24eb il Iin e! parameter remo&e

    s lpl s cs+D;SEI>1 reb il parameters (Us oIin !I imsG2

    s oIrtrIpct+reeG10 tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMIA4EAIO'EA>I>1 reb il parameters ( Us oIin !I imsG2 s oIrtrIpct+reeG10tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMIBO;>DA4JI'O;> 4JI>1 reb il parameters (Us oIin !I imsG2s oIrtrIpct+reeG10 tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMIBO;>DA4JIS A EI>1 reb il parameters ( Us oIin !I imsG2s o rtr ct+reeG10 tables aceGA%%S S R DRU

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    I I I I Ialter in e! 'SFI6OMI' JI'A% ALI>1 reb il parameters ( Us oIin !I imsG2s oIrtrIpct+reeG10 tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMI' JIME 4O%OL SI>1 reb il parameters (Us oIin !I imsG2s oIrtrIpct+reeG10 tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMI' JISMALLI>1 reb il parameters ( Us oIin !I imsG2 s oIrtrIpct+reeG10tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMI%O I>1 reb il parameters (Us oIin !I imsG2 s oIrtrIpct+reeG10tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) Walter in e! 'SFI6OMI4OADI = 6AJI>1 reb il parameters (Us oIin !I imsG2s oIrtrIpct+reeG10 tablespaceGA%%SI SI RI DRU) W

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    %. S*"c ro"i:e ;e$t i"/e$es;ns,nc roni e Oracle e!t in e!es slo* o*n t e e!port process. Ens re t at t e in e!es ares,nc roni e be+ore r nning t e e!port.

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    To synchronize the indexes, run the following command:

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    %. S*"c ro"i:e ;e$t i"/e$es - 2

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Section 2 %repare a target 4elease 12 atabase instance P Solaris 11.1is section escribes o* to create t e empt, target atabase an pop late it *it all o+ t e

    re ire s,stem obCects prior to r nning import .1. 5reate target Oracle 11g Oracle o e (co"/itio"al)

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    8e7#ire/ Data ase ote 4e+er to M, Oracle S pport 7no*le ge Doc ment 13880"9.1 $ Oracle E-Business Suite12.2 Patching Technology Components Guide +or g i ance *it t e application o+ Databasepatc es.

    - Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2 'onsoli ate List o+ %atc es an ec nolog, B g Fi!es(Doc D 18 #2:#.1)

    Solaris 11.1P For DB Pre ire patc n mbers1:"00:11:" 3::01:9:8 #91911"3:"1928 11

    co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    e EBS Technology Codelevel Chec er (E '') anal, es a Oracle Database Oracle ome an *arnso+ missing atabase b g +i!es re ire +or Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2. Oracle strongl,recommen s t e se o+ t is tilit, to ens re t at re ire atabase b g +i!es a&e been installe .E '' can be o*nloa e &ia %atc 1:83:11 .

    EBS ec nolog, 'o ele&el ' ec?er

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    5reate "ls4/ata4=i/ata /irector* * r#""i"g

    oracle gs!ebscrp1 b N perl < 01

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    2 . 5reate t e target i"itiali:atio" para eter ile a"/ 5BO para eter ilee initiali ation parameter +ile (init S D .ora) an cost base optimi er ('BO) parameter +ile

    (i+ilecbo.ora) are locate in t e O4A'LEI OME< bs irector, on t e so rce atabase ser&erno e. 'op, bot +iles to t e Oracle 11g O4A'LEI OME< bs irector, on t e target atabaseser&er no e.

    Copy Initialization parameter from source to target (Solaris 11.1), modify parameters


    3. 'reate a *or?ing irector,

    oracle g"ebscrp1 N m? ir < 01

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    8. 5op* /ata ase preparatio" scripts to target Oracle o e

    e e!port

    oracle gs!crp1 b s lpl s K< as s,s baK pr&t! bsc mig.plb

    oracle gs!crp1 b s lpl s K< as s,s baKS L[ e!ec ct!s,s.ct!Ia m.setIparameter(U+ileIaccessIroleU$ Up blicU)W

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    ". Disable a tomatic gat ering o+ statistics

    applmgr g"ebscrp1 N scp A%%LI O%

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Section 3 E!port t e so rce 4elease 12 atabase instance So rce

    as?s t at m st be per+orme to pro ce a &ali e!port o+ an Applications 4elease 12 atabaseinstance

    applmgr g"ebscrp1 N scp A;I O%

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Section # mport t e 4elease 12 atabase instanceas?s +or r nning t e atap mp import tilit,

    applmgr g"ebscrp1 N scp A;I O%

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    • Error "ot relate/ to Oracle Apps

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Section 8 ;p ate t e importe 4elease 12 atabase instanceas?s t at m st be per+orme to restore t e importe Applications 4elease 12 atabase instance to a + ll,

    + nctional state

    oracle g"ebscrp1 N c N

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    oracle gs!crp1 b N

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    applmgr g"ebscrp1 N c < 01

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    applmgr g"ebscrp1 N S;C;O

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    1". 'reate D M in e!es

    'reate D M in e!es b, +ollo*ing t ese steps

    a. Log on to Oracle Applications *it t e K ra ing 'omm nit, ManagerK responsibilit,

    b. 'lic? 'ontrol [ 4e est [ 4 n

    c. Select KSingle 4e estK option

    . Enter KD M Staging %rogramK name

    e. Enter t e +ollo*ing parameters

    • > mber o+ %arallel Staging 6or?ers #

    • Staging 'omman '4EA EI >DERES

    • 'ontin e %re&io s E!ec tion >O

    • n e! 'reation SE4 AL

    +. 'lic? KS bmitK

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Database Version (Solaris 11.1) Oracle Applications 12.2.0 (Lin ! !9" "#)

    8es#lt8es#ltco"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    Database Version (Solaris 11.1) Oracle Applications 12.2.0 (Lin ! !9" "#)

    8es#lt8es#ltco"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    E!port< mport %rocess +or Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2 Database nstances ;sing Oracle

    Database 11.2 (Doc D 1"13:1".1)

    Oracle ata$ase /tilities 11g 0elease 2 11.2 . Doc mentation

    Database nitiali ation %arameters +or Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12 (Doc D 3 "00 .1)

    Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2 'onsoli ate List o+ %atc es an ec nolog, B g Fi!es (Doc

    D 18 #2:#.1)

    ;sing Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2 *it a Database ier Onl, %lat+orm on Oracle 11.2

    (Doc D 1"13:0:.1)

    8e re"ces8e re"cesco"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    Migrating OLA% From 32 Bits to "# Bits or Across % at orms Doc D 38230".1

    Oracle ata$ase 3et Services 4dministrator5s Guide6 11g 0elease 2 11.2 - ocumentation

    Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide 0elease 12.2 - ocumentation

    Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2 'onsoli ate List o+ %atc es an ec nolog, B g Fi!es (Doc

    D 18 #2:#.1)ADO% p aseGprepare s Failing At a con+ig On e a genC?,.s Script (Doc D

    1"39# 1.1)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)


    - o* to pgra e Oracle Applications 12.2.2 to 12.2.3

    - Database an Application ser&er r nning on Single >o e

    - OS &ersion Lin ! ".8 &eri+, an appl, patc es.

    - Oracle Database &ersion appl, re ire patc es.

    - Forms an 4eports appl, re ire %atc es.

    - 6eb ier an ;tilities (O S) 11.1.1." re ire %atc es.

    - 6eblogic ser&er &ersion 10.3.".0 re ire patc es.

    S# ar*S# ar*co"tact go rai" os*s.coco"tact go rai" os*

    - Appl,ing 412.AD.'.Delta.# an 412. R7.'.Delta.# 4elease ;p ate %ac?s.

    - Appl, Oracle E B siness S ite 12.2.3 4elease ;p ate %ac?

    - 4 =lobal %atc $ Data nstall an rglobal. r&

    - Appl, Oracle E B siness S ite 4elease 12.2.3 elp

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle EBS 12.2.0 DB Migrate to Solaris 11.1 (64 Bit)
