Oracle AP AR Netting


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AP AR Netting in Oracle

Transcript of Oracle AP AR Netting

Page 1: Oracle AP AR Netting

AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight







Contributor: Shanmuga Senapathy, AP Support

Page 2: Oracle AP AR Netting

AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight



Introduction 3

Objective 3

Scope 3

Background 2

What is AP/AR Netting? 4

How it worked before R12? 5

How does it work in R12? 6

What are the Setup Steps involved? 7

How Netting batches are created? 9

What happens when we submit a Netting Batch? 12

How Netting Batches are settled? 13

What are various Netting Batch Statuses? 15

What are the tables involved? 16

How these tables are linked? 17

Summary 18

Information Source 18

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight




To provide a technical insight into Oracle AP/AR Netting

with hopes of giving the reader a good understanding of the

different setups involved.


Even though this paper is written to cover the technical

aspects of Netting, it will also provide a functional insight of

this functionality. This paper is written with the intention of

helping implementers and those supporting the application to

under how Netting works.


The Oracle AP/AR Netting is a feature that provides a

foundation to create netting agreements with flexible

definition of business rules and association of trading

partners. It executes an automated netting process so that

customers can reduce their debt obligations without incurring

bank charges by creating unnecessary payments and receipts.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


What is AP/AR Netting?

Oracle AP/AR Netting allows you to net your Payables

invoice balances against your Receivables invoice balances

for those Customers who are also your Suppliers. For

example, If you have a customer who is also your supplier,

then rather than him paying you and then you paying him,

AP/AR netting allows you to pay the net difference between

how much you owe the supplier and how much he owes you.

After establishing a netting agreement with such trading

partners, you set up the agreement and the rules associated

with it in eBusiness Suite and you can then start to net AP and

AR transactions.

Below is a conceptual diagram of how this works.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


How it worked before R12?

Prior to Release 12, there were several netting solutions in the

eBusiness Suite:


This Globalization feature was originally a solution for

Germany in Release 11, but then it became a Regional

Globalization feature in Release 11i.

US Federal Financials Netting

This solution specifically addresses the needs of US


In Release 12, AP/AP Netting has become "core"

functionality and is the only netting solution available, which

means Contra-Charging and US Federal Financials Netting

are all replaced by this solution. Each of those features has a

migration path to the Release 12 Netting feature.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


How does it work in R12?

Here is the conceptual diagram behind the Netting Engine.

We will be discussing in depth as you scroll down. I also

recommend that you walk through the additional simulation

sheet, which is attached to this white paper.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


What are the Setup Steps involved?

In Brief

• Netting Bank Account

• Receivables System Options

• Netting batch approver

• Chargeable Subcontracting

• Netting Agreement

In Detail

• Netting Bank Account

Create a Bank Account, which can be used by the

netting process. Set the Netting Account flag to yes.

Assign this bank account to the seeded Receivables

receipt class “AP/AR Netting”

• Receivables System Options

Check the “Allow payment of unrelated transactions”

checkbox under the Receivables system options, if you

want to create netting agreements across multiple

unrelated customers.

• Netting batch approver

If approval is required for a netting agreement, the

approver must be set up as a contact for the trading

partner (Customer / Supplier). The contact must be

setup with an email address.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


• Chargeable Subcontracting

When the Profile option “Chargeable Subcontracting

Enabled” is set to:

Yes – This will select invoices that were matched to

purchase orders with outsourced assemblies by the

netting process.

No – This will select invoices that were matched to

purchase orders without outsourced assemblies by the

netting process.

D (disregard) – This means all eligible invoices will be

selected for netting irrespective of whether or not they

are matched to purchase orders.

• Netting Agreement

Create netting agreement to setup the rules that will

decide which transactions are selected for netting and

how they are ordered and processed once selected.

Note: -

The complete setup steps, including screenshots can be found

in the attached simulation sheet.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


How Netting batches are created?

Let’s have a look at how Netting batches are created. The

following diagram will depict how invoices are ordered and

selected for creating a netting batch.

In the following sections, we will discuss what criteria are

used for selecting AP Invoices and AR Transactions, and how

they are ordered for netting.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


Criteria used for Selecting AP Invoices:

• Transaction due date must be less than or equal to AP

scheduled payment due date.

• AP scheduled payment due date must be between the

Netting Agreement Start Date and End Date.

• Only invoices for the Supplier and supplier sites (if

specified) in the agreement are selected.

• Only invoices with the selected invoice types in the

agreement are included.

• Operating unit of the invoices must be the same as the

operating unit of the batch.

• Invoices must be approved

• Invoices must not be on Hold

• Invoices that have already been included in a batch that is

not yet in status ‘Complete’ are not included.

• Locking AP invoices:

o Selected AP invoices are locked by populating


for the selected invoices

o The same Checkrun_id value is populated in

FUN_NET_BATCHES.Checkrun_Id for the given


Criteria used for Selecting AR Transactions:

• AR Payment Schedule due date must be less than or equal

to transaction date mentioned in Netting.

• AR payment schedule date should be between the

Agreement Start Date and end date.

• Transactions must be complete

• Only Transactions for customer and customer sites (if

specified) in the agreement are selected.

• Only transactions with the selected transaction types in the

agreement are included.

• Operating unit of the transactions must be the same as the

operating unit of the batch.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


• Transactions that have already been included in a batch

that is not yet in status complete will not be included in the

new batch.

• The Receipt method associated with the transaction should

not have a Payment_type_code = ‘CREDIT_CARD’

• Transaction must not be in dispute

• Payment schedule status must be open

• Transaction must not be a prepayment


Criteria used for ordering the transactions:

• Invoices and transactions are first ordered by Supplier and

Customer priority associated in the agreement.

• They are then ordered by Netting order rule selected in the


• The priority is important as this determines which

transaction/invoice will be netted first.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


What happens when we submit a Netting Batch?

The following validations are performed when a netting batch

is submitted, as there might be a time lag between when the

batch is created and when the batch is submitted. It is also

possible that the batch may have been modified.

• If the current date has passed the batch settlement date,

then the batch is set to status ‘SUSPENDED’ and the

AP invoices are unlocked.

• AP and AR balances for transactions are validated

again. If the validation fails then the batch is set to

status ‘ERROR’ and the AP invoices are unlocked.

• If the batch has passed all validations, it is sent for

approval, if approval is required, else the settle Netting

batch process is initiated.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


How Netting Batches are settled?

• Validation

o The process starts off with the validation of AR

transactions. This is necessary as the AR

transactions are not locked when the netting batch is

created and therefore there is a possibility that the

AR transaction may have been modified since it was

included in the netting batch

o If any validations fail, the batch is set to Cancelled


o Validations are also performed to check whether the

GL, AR, and AP periods are open for the batch

settlement date. If not, then the batch is set to status

‘ERROR’ and an error message is displayed in the

Report log.

• Derive Netting Bank Details

o Netting bank details like bank account name, bank

account owner and number are derived based on the

FUN_AGREEMENTS.bank_account_id for the

given batch.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


• Settle AP invoices

o Invoices in each batch are grouped by vendor,

vendor site and invoice currency code.

o AP payment APIs are called to process the

payments. These APIs return the check id which is

updated in FUN_NET_AP_INVS_ALL.Check_ID

• Settle AR transactions

o AR receipt APIs are called to create and apply the

receipts. These APIs return the receipt id which is


o If all processing goes through successfully then the

batch is set to COMPLETE and the AP invoices and

netting agreements are unlocked.

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


What are various Netting Batch Statuses?

Netting Batch



RUNNING User creates the netting batch

SELECTED Review Batch option is set to YES

ERROR Error encountered while validating or selecting


SUSPENDED Current date has gone passed the batch settlement


CLEARING Review batch option is set to NO but no approval is


SUBMITTED Review batch option is set to NO and approval is


REJECTED Batch has been reversed

APPROVED User approves batch requiring approval

COMPLETE Netting process completed for transactions

REVERSING User chooses to reverse the batch

REVERSED Batch has been reversed

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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight


What tables are involved?

AP/AR Netting engine is owned by ‘Oracle Financials

Common Modules’ (FUN) Product. All tables behind the

scene will be stored under the FUN schema.

Information related to Netting is stored in the following


Table Name Table Purpose

FUN_NET_AR_TRX_TYPES_ALL Netting Agreement – Transaction

types of AR

FUN_NET_AP_INV_TYPES_ALL Netting Agreement – Transaction

types of AP

FUN_NET_AGREEMENTS_ALL Netting Agreement – Details

FUN_NET_SUPPLIERS_ALL Netting Agreement – Supplier


FUN_NET_CUSTOMERS_ALL Netting Agreement – Customer


FUN_NET_BATCHES_ALL Netting Batch – Details

FUN_NET_AR_TXNS_ALL Netting Batch – Details of AR


FUN_NET_AP_INVS_AL Netting Batch – Details of AP


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How these tables are linked?

Here is the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for AP/AR


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AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight



The Oracle AP/AR Netting feature provides a foundation to

create netting agreements with flexible definition of business

rules and association of trading partners. It executes an

automated netting process so that customers can reduce their

debt obligations without incurring bank charges by creating

unnecessary payments and receipts.

Information Source

Oracle® Payables

User's Guide

Release 12

Part No. B25454-03

AP/AR Netting – A Technical Insight August 2008 Contributor: Shanmuga Senapathy Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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