Optimising cyanobacterial growth using dual colour high frequency intermittent LED lighting with...

1 Optimising cyanobacterial growth: The effects of using dual-colour, high-frequency, intermittent LED lights in Synechocystis PCC6803 36 EC (1 st April 2014 – 1 st October 2014) MSc Biological sciences: Limnology and oceanography Supervisor: J. Merijn Schuurmans Examiner: Hans C. P. Matthijs Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics, Department of aquatic microbiology, University of Amsterdam. April 1 st 2014 – November xxx 2014

Transcript of Optimising cyanobacterial growth using dual colour high frequency intermittent LED lighting with...


Optimising cyanobacterial


The effects of using dual-colour,


intermittent LED lights in Synechocystis


36 EC

(1st April 2014 – 1st October 2014)

MSc Biological sciences:

Limnology and oceanography

Supervisor: J. Merijn Schuurmans

Examiner: Hans C. P. Matthijs

Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics,

Department of aquatic microbiology, University of


April 1st 2014 – November xxx 2014



Algal biotechnology has gained renewed interest due to declining fossil fuel

reserves and the need for a bio-based sustainable economy. Cyanobacteria have

the potential to produce a wide range of products (biofuels, alcohols, organic

acids etc.). In order to produce economically feasible amounts on a large scale,

photosynthetic efficiency needs to increase. One way to optimise this, is to take

timescale differences between the two photosystems (nanoseconds) and the

cytochrome b/f complex (microseconds) into account. To prevent excess

excitation from continuous and high intensity light, high frequency short light

flashes emitted by light emitting diodes (LEDs) can be applied. Properly timed

and dosed these flashes could reduce excess energy input , which in continuous

light would have been wasted by non-photochemical quenching. In this study,

we use Synechocystis PCC6803 as a model organism to conduct oxygen

measurements to find the best lighting conditions(duty cycle, frequency, and

intensity of orange and far-red LED lights) that produces the most oxygen, a

proxy for photosynthesis. We also used chemostats (photobioreactors) to gain a

further understanding of how the photosynthetic apparatus, phycobilisomes

(PBS), chlorophyll a (Chla), PSI : PSII ratio and biovolume, change under

different continuous, flashing and dual colour LED climates. We have tested

lighting conditions on a wild-type strain and two mutant strains, flv2flv4Δ and

isiAΔ, which are both partially defective in non-photochemical quenching.

Our oxygen measurement results show low duty cycle orange flashing light (0.2,

0.1, 0.17 DC) to increase oxygen production. The addition of low intensity far-red

increases oxygen production even further. Conclusions from the different

climates showed a low TL/TD ratio to produce higher oxygen concentrations. Our

chemostats showed the PSI : PSII ratio to increase with the addition of far-red,

while a low duty cycle orange flashing (0.2 DC) causes the ratio to decrease in

wild type Synechocystis. Free PBSs decrease in flashing orange light and attach

more to PSI. With the addition of far-red, binding to PSII is increased. The

increase in PSI binding (through flashing) was even more evident in both

mutants. ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII ratios using low temperature fluorescence show

minimal changes between wild type climates, while mutants show an increase in

ratio in flashing orange and even more with addition of far-red. Biovolume of the

culture appears to be affected by the binding state of PBSs. Efficient light

harvesting and energy transfer between both photosystems, increases yield on

light in steady state chemostats. The optimum climate was that of a 0.17 DC

orange flash followed by a 0.03 DC of far-red for both biomass and oxygen

production. We have shown Photosynthetic efficiency can be improved through

very specific and precise dual colour, low duty cycle and high frequency flashing

light. Not only that, but LED implementation is far more cost effective than

traditional artificial lighting.


Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 2

II. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Sustainable energy resource .............................................................................................. 5

2.2 In the field .................................................................................................................................. 5

2.3 Photosynthesis ......................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.1 Photosystem 2 ................................................................................................................. 5

2.3.1 Cytochrome b/f complex and photosystem 1 .................................................... 6

2.4 Non-photochemical quenching ......................................................................................... 7

2.5 State transitions, isiA∆ and flv2-4∆ ................................................................................. 7

2.6 Flashing light ............................................................................................................................ 7

2.7 Flashing coloured light ......................................................................................................... 8

2.7 Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................. 8

III. METHODS ..................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Photo-bioreactors (chemostats) ...................................................................................... 9

3.2 Oxygen measurements ......................................................................................................... 9

3.2.1 Oxygen set up (Firesting optode) ............................................................................ 9

3.2.2 Measurements .............................................................................................................. 10

3.3 Steady state measurements and analysis .................................................................. 10

3.3.1 77k ..................................................................................................................................... 10

3.3.2 Chlorophyll extraction .............................................................................................. 11

3.3.3 Cell counts/biovolume .............................................................................................. 11

3.3.4 Western Immuno-blots ............................................................................................. 11

IV. Results ............................................................................................................................................ 13

4.1 Oxygen measurement results ......................................................................................... 13

4.2 Steady state results ............................................................................................................. 18

4.2.1 Bio-volume ..................................................................................................................... 18

4.2.2 Ratio of Chla and PBS ................................................................................................ 19

4.2.3 SDS page gel analysis ................................................................................................. 22

V. Discussion....................................................................................................................................... 23

5.1 Oxygen measurements: ..................................................................................................... 23

5.1.1 Pmax values: continuous vs flashing .................................................................. 23

5.1.2 Pmax values: orange vs orange + far-red ......................................................... 23

5.1.3 Pmax values: colour arrangement, DCs and dark periods ........................ 24

5.1.4 α Values ........................................................................................................................... 25

5.1.5 Oxygen measurement conclusions ...................................................................... 25


5.2 Steady state measurements ............................................................................................ 25

5.2.1 Biovolume ....................................................................................................................... 25

5.2.2 Chlorophyll a ................................................................................................................. 26

5.2.3 Phycobilisomes ............................................................................................................ 29

5.4 Conclusion of steady states ............................................................................................. 30

5.5 Lighting .................................................................................................................................... 30

VI. Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 31

VII. References ................................................................................................................................... 33

VII. Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 40


II. Introduction

2.1 Sustainable energy resource

Microalgae are becoming the subject of expanding research. This is due to

studies that show them to be promising producers of organic chemicals and

biofuels (Simionato et al., 2013 and Wijffels et al., 2013). They have been shown

to produce products such as alcohols (ethanol, butanol, etc.) fatty acids, organic

acids, and storage compounds (with or without genetic manipulation

addition/subtraction/alterations of metabolic pathways) (Wijffels et al., 2013;

Sforza et al., 2012; Hellingwerf and De Mattos 2009).

Microalgae are effective CO2 fixers, and are around 10 times more productive (in

terms of energy conversion efficiency) than 1st generation biofuels. They also

flourish with only three feed stock ingredients: light, water and nutrition (Gris et

al., 2014; Wijffels et al., 2013; Angermayr et al., 2009 and Patil et al., 2008). This

makes them the perfect sustainable source for cultivation of biofuel, food

supplement, and other energy rich compounds.

2.2 In the field

As microalgae are small in size, they have to be in produced in large quantities to

achieve a reasonable ratio of product to biomass (Patil et al., 2008). To produce

the necessary biomass, large-scale photo bioreactors (PBRs) are preferred over

raceway pond systems because their closed culture environments allow little to

no exchange with the outside environment and the internal environment can be

controlled (Patil et al., 2008; Slade and Bauen, 2013 and Park and Lee, 2001).

Light quality and intensity are very important for growth of microalgae meaning

that PBRs need to be designed in an optimal way to allow for maximum surface

area and also minimize ‘self-shading’ (Gris et al., 2014 and Park and Lee, 2001).

Plants typically use around 1 % of sunlight, which is extremely low. Therefore, in

order to gain the large quantities of biomass needed and keep the process as

‘low-cost’ as possible it is important to optimize the PBR environment for

efficient conversion of light energy into biomass and products (Vejrazka et al.,

2001 and Matthijs et al., 1996).

2.3 Photosynthesis

2.3.1 Photosystem 2

In order to optimize the 1 % of sunlight that plants require, a deep knowledge of

photosynthesis is needed. Photosynthesis takes places in two steps. Photosystem

two (PSII) is the first step. This means the reaction can only take place when

light is available (Checchetto et al. 2013). In PSII light is harnessed by

phycobillisomes (PBS), a light gathering ‘antenna’ consisting of pigments

phycocyanin, phycoerythin around an allo-phycocyanin core.


Synechocystis spec. PCC6803 used in this study do not contain phycoerythrin.

These pigments optimally absorb orange light in the 590 nm to 650 nm range of

light and transfer the energy to the chlorophyll a (Chla) pigments in PSII’s

reaction centre. The photon energy is used in the reaction centre where it causes

water molecules to split into protons, electrons and oxygen (oxygenic

photosynthesis) (Checchetto et al., 2013 and Ma et al., 2007).

The electron (from the water splitting reaction) is then passed to chlorophyll

pigments within the reaction centre. From here it is able to reduce electron

acceptors (quinones Qa and then Qb) (Pinchasov et al., 2005 and Checchetto et al.,

2013). Qb then leaves the PSII reaction center and trasfers the electron to

plastoquinone that brings the electron to the cytochrome b/f complex.

2.3.1 Cytochrome b/f complex and photosystem 1

The cytochrome b/f complex forms a proton gradient that transfers electrons to

plastocyanin. The proton gradient across the membrane helps to form nature’s

intracellular energy source: Adenoisine riphosphate (ATP) (Cramer et al., 2004).

From Plastocyanin, the electron is transferred by photosystem one (PSI). PSI, like

PSII relies on light energy but at a wavelength of 700 nm. The electrons are re-

excited to contain enough energy to be transferred to ferredoxin (Stroenel et al.,


From this point there are three ways the electron go. First, ferredoxin NADP+

reductase reduces NADP+ to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

(NADPH) using the electron from ferredoxin which can be further used in the

Calvin-Benson cycle (dark reaction) for carbon assimilation (Takagi et al., 2014).

Second, ferredoxin-electron is cycled back into the PQ pool (cyclic electron

transport). Lastly, the electron may leave PSI and be use in Mehler and Mehler-

like reactions.

The Mehler reaction (taking place at PSI) is a direct reduction of O2 forming

singlet oxygen 1O2 also known as a reactive oxygen species (ROS). This is quickly

converted to H2O to prevent damage (Roberty et al., 2014). It is thought however

that the purpose of the PSI-Mehler reaction is to act as an extra proton gradient

across the thylakoid membrane, decreasing excitation pressure (Roberty et al.,


Mehler-like reactions on the other hand do not produce ROS, but instead H2O

and are involved in photo. Here flavodiiron proteins flv1 and flv3 use NADPH as

an electron donor to produce H2O (Dang et al., 2014, Roberty et al., 2014 and

Helman et al., 2003).


2.4 Non-photochemical quenching

Electron transfer from plastoquinone to plastocyanin via cytochrome b6/f takes

place on a much slower time scale (milliseconds) than PSI and PSII

(nanoseconds) (Sforza et al., 2012; Wilhelm and Selmar, 2011 and Matthijs et al.,

1996). This means that much of the energy of the Chla + electron molecules

cannot be used for functional use. In other words, the reaction center within PSII

is ‘closed’ (fully reduced Qa and Qb) (Kato et al., 2003 and Schuurmans et al.,

2014 in prep).

PSII is extremely susceptible to high oxidative stress (singlet oxygen 1O2),

especially in light intense environments and the excitation energy must dissipate

as heat or fluorescence through non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) (Gris et al.,

2014; Bersanini et al., 2014 and Checchetto et al., 2013). This refers to process

that do not aid in light capturing, but instead energy dissipation. PBSs are

strongly involved in the formation of quenching states (Joshua et al. 2005).

Methods of quenching for cyanobacteria include, flavodiiron (flv1, 2, 3, 4), the

formation of IsiA, Orange CarotenoidProtein (OCP), state transitions and

Mehler/-like reactions. If the energy is not dispersed through NPQ then it causes

damage to the photosynthetic apparatus (Bersanini et al., 2014).

2.5 State transitions, isiA∆ and flv2-4∆

State transitions occur when the excitation energy between the two

photosystems is unequal. In such cases phycobilisomes are moved from PSII to

PSI (Baily and Grossman, 2008; Pettai et al., 2005 and Mullineaux and Allen,

1990). IsiA is a protein found in most cyanobacteria that binds with PSI to create

super molecules forming additional light harvesting antennae (photochemical

quenching). It has also been shown to mediate excitation energy from PBS to its

reaction centre (Cadoret et al., 2004).

However in continuous light it is more likely that the isiA function is geared

towards mediating excitation energy. Studies have shown free-isiA proteins to

be created in excess at PSI and they are thought to subsequently shade PSII

under high light conditions (Yeremenko et al., 2004). Flv2-4 protein combo (from

this point on Flv4), who’s formation is also induced by high light conditions, are

found in cyanobacteria on PSII where they act as an electron sink dissipating

excess energy through electron transfer processes. This allows the PQ pool to

stay oxidised (Bersanini et al., 2014). Flv2-4 also plays an important role in

energy transfer from PBS to reaction center (Bersanini et al., 20

2.6 Flashing light

Non-photochemical quenching may well protect the photo-systems from

damage, but it is also costly, diverting much energy (in the form of ATP) from

biomass formation (Gris et al., 2014; Simionato et al., 2013 and Sforza et al.,


2012). Thus when algae are exposed to continuously high levels of light biomass

productio is hindered by photo-protection (Sfroza et al., 2012). In order to

reduce photo-protection and excess energy within PSII and PSI and increase the

overall biomass, high frequency intermittent light can be used to mimic the

natural ‘open/closed’ rhythm of the reaction centres (Sforza et al., 2012; Park

and Lee, 2001; Matthijs et al., 1996). This allows for maximal use of the light

energy received (Sforza et al., 2012).

Flashing light (in various combinations of on-off cycles) was shown to be

effective in increasing biomass as early as 1932 (Emerson and Arnold, 1932a and

Emerson and Arnold 1932b). More recent studies have confirmed the increased

biomass (up to three more than that achieved under continuous light) and/or

increased photosynthesis (i.e. a more efficient utilization of the absorbed light)

(Gris et al., 2014; Lunka and Bayless 2013; Sforza et al., 2012; Simionato et al.,

2013; Vejrazka et al., 2012; Vejrazka et al., 2011; Grobbelaar et al., 1996 Matthijs

et al., 1996; Terry et al., 1986 and Laws et al., 1983).

A duty cycle (DC) is the fraction of time that the light is ‘on’ in a given period of

time (for example 1 second). A 0.2 DC signifies that the light is on 20 % of the

time and for the following 80 % is off. Regardless of the frequency of flashing or

light dark cycle the majority of reported results from above authors show an

increase in biomass at a DC of 0.1 - 0.2.

2.7 Flashing coloured light

Lunka and Bayless (2013) used four different light climates of white LEDs

lighting (75 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 continuous, 175 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 flashing, 275

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1flashing and 375 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 flashing), all with a 0.2 DC and

repeated at 10 KHz. Here optical density was a measure of productivity. The

treatment, 375 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 of flashing light produced an increase of around

540 % relative to the continuous 75 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1. Not only did flashing light

increase biomass but also the power consumption was less than half that of the

continuous light. This shows the enhancement in biomass production efficiency

that flashing light can achieve.

Although continuous light has been studied, there has been little to no research

on coloured flashing light. One study by Mohsenpour et al., (2012), for example,

showed orange light to be one of the three most beneficial light colours (150

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1) with biomass concentrations of 0.04 g∙L-1∙day for cyanobacteria

Gloeothece membranacea.

2.7 Hypothesis

In this study we look at the effects of combining far-red light with orange light

with different DCs in a small scale PBR containing Synechocystis (wild type). Two


mutants (isiA∆- and flv4∆-deficient mutants) will be used to show the effect of

light environment on biomass in quenching deficient strains. We also look at the

positioning of the far-red light within the cycle to gain optimal oxygen

production. We do this in the hope of stimulating PSI, allowing more efficient

electron transport through the two photosystems via the electron transfer chain

resulting in an increase in biomass (Mullineaux and Allen, 1990).

In addition we would like to find a climate with optimal PBS binding. Continuous

light (1.0 DC) and 0.2 DC (Schuurmans et al. in prep) were used as controls. LED

panels were used as they did not waste energy through heat and eliminate the

excitation of other wavelengths (such as blue light) (Matthijs et al, 1996). The

rate of photosynthetic was measured via O2 production (Checchetto et al., 2013).


3.1 Photo-bioreactors (chemostats)

Four PBRs (chemostats) were assembled (Huisman et al., 2002) using BG-11

mineral medium (Sigma) with the addition of 5 mM Na2CO3 to insure nutrient

and carbon replete conditions. CO2 enriched air (1.5 %) was flushed through the

cultures which were maintained at a temperature of 30°C. The dilution rate was

set to 0.015 h-1. Chemostats were inoculated with Synechocystis spec. PCC6803

and were kept at a light regime of continuous (1.0 DC) orange light (636 nm) at

an average of 15 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1. The chemostats were run for 1 week to reach a

sufficient starting optical density (OD750).

Climates for Synechocystis (WT) consisted of: continuous orange (1.0 DC)

(control), flashing orange (0.2 DC), continuous orange + far-red (726 nm) (1.0

DC), flashing orange + far-red (0.2 DC) and the best climate from oxygen

measurements. All WT chemostats were illuminated at 30 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, and

flashing frequency at 1 KHz. Two mutant strains (isiAΔ and flv4Δ) were also used

and placed in the following climates: Continuous orange, flashing orange (0,2

DC) and best climate from the oxygen measurements. After five to six volume

changes, the cultures were considered to be in steady-state (approx. two weeks)

at which point samples were taken for analysis. The pH values were measured

(SCHOTT instruments pH meter) and always remained in the range 7.8 - 8.6.

3.2 Oxygen measurements

3.2.1 Oxygen set up (Firesting optode)

Three small transparent double-walled glass vessels were placed in the middle

of two LED3 panels, to minimize shading and increase equal distribution of light.

The optical light path was 1 cm. Water was flushed through the double wall to

control the temperature of the experiments (30°C). The internal chamber of the


glass vessels contains a sample chamber of 3 ml. Each vessel had an attached

optode (Firesting, Pyroscience Germany) that entered the sample chamber.

These optodes were calibrated to zero by flushing ddH2O in the sample chamber

with N2 gas for at least 15 minutes until 0 % dissolved oxygen was reached. To

reach maximum dissolved oxygen, air was flushed through the vessel.

3.2.2 Measurements

Sample was taken from the continuous control (1.0 DC orange) and diluted with

BG-11 to achieve an OD750 of 0.250 (+/-0.025). From there, 3.5 ml of sample

were placed in the three internal chamber cuvettes and flushed with nitrogen to

bring O2 production to less than 20 % of O2 saturation in water. NaHCO3 were

added to the cuvettes, to a final concentration of 10 mM sealed with stoppers to

prevent air exchange. A computer-mediated LED lighting program allowed

manual alteration of light climates using orange (620 nm) and far-red (730 nm).

Light regimes were run for 33 minutes in three minute intervals with

incrementing orange light intensities. Far-red intensity was kept constant

throughout each individual experiment. The percentage of dissolved oxygen was

converted into concentration of oxygen, assuming that at 1 atm. Pressure at 30°C

air saturated water contains 190 µM Oxygen. Chla concentrations of the samples

were calculated using the following formula:

Chla = ( 14.003 · ( OD750 - OD680 ) – 0.2167 ) · 3

To calculate the Oxygen production (µmoles·min-1·mg Chla-1) the change of

oxygen in each three minute climate (disregarding the first 20 seconds of every

three minutes) were averaged. These data were then transferred to sigma plot

(version 12.5) where oxygen curves were fitted for each climate using a

hyperbolic tangent function from Jassby and Platt et al., (1976). This function fits

well with the increases in photosynthesis, but does not account for photo-


Function: P = Pmax · tanh ( αI / Pmax )

3.3 Steady state measurements and analysis

3.3.1 77k

A sample of 1.5 ml was taken as soon as possible after sample collection and

placed into fluorometer cuvettes containing 1.5 ml of 60 % glycerol and flash

frozen in liquid nitrogen (stored in -80°C). Samples were analysed through a

spectrofluorometer (OLIS DM45) at 77K (in liquid nitrogen). Excitations of 440

nm and 590 nm (corresponding to Chla and PBS pigment) with emission spectra

of 600-750 nm and 630-750 nm, respectively were recorded and used to

determine the distribution of free PBS and Chla/PBS attached to the different

photosystems (PSI and PSII). The area under the emission peak was calculated


from the procuct of the peak’s height and its half-height width. These values

were then used to show the ratio of PBS and Chla.

3.3.2 Chlorophyll extraction

Two 2 ml of sample were centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C (HAWK

15/05 MSE), supernatant was removed. To the remaining pellet, 1.6 ml of 90 %

acetone and 0.4 ml DMSO were added. The samples were vortexed (VWR

analogue vortex mixer) at maximum speed for 1 minute until the pellets were

dissolved and then stored in the refrigerator (4°C) for 10 minutes. The samples

were then re-vortexed and centrifuged (14000 rpm, 5 minutes, 4°C) again.

Samples were then analysed in cuvettes and read on a spectrophotometer

(Pharmacia LKB Novaspec II) at 663 nm. The formula used to calculate the

concentration of chlorophyll was:

Chla (mg/L) = 12.7 * [A663]

3.3.3 Cell counts/biovolume

A 1 ml sample was added to three bottles containing 10 ml of casyton. This was

then further diluted by adding 100 μl to three new bottles containing 10 ml

castyton. Samples were analysed on a CASY 1 TTC cell counter with a 60 µm

capillary (Schärfe Systems GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany). Blanks were subtracted

from the total counts

3.3.4 Western Immuno-blots

50 ml of sample was placed into a 50 ml tube and centrifuged (Heffich

rotanta/RP) at 40000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C. Supernatant was removed and

5 ml of MES buffer solution was added to the pellet and centrifuged again. When

done the supernatant was removed and MES solution was added until 5 ml total

volume was reached. The treated samples were stored at -20°C. Samples were

then French pressed (American instrument company) to break the cell walls. BCA Protein assay

A protein assay was done before the gels to calculate the amount of protein

within each sample. A 1 ml sample was centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 2 minutes

at 4°C. 10 mg/ml BSA (bovine serum albumin) was used as a protein standard (5,

2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02 and 0 mg BSA/ml). 100 μl of BSA standards and the

supernatant of the samples were placed into a 96 well plate (Costar 96 wells falt

bottom plate) and read on a Microtiter plate spectrophotometer at 595 nm

(molecular devices VesaMax tunable microplate reader). Values were then used

to make sure all samples had the same amount of protein for the gel. SDS page gel (12%) preparation

A gel system was built (Bio-rad) using a large glass plate and a small glass plate,

making sure there was no leakage between the two glass plates.


Running gel: 2.6 ml ddH2O, 3.2 ml 30 % acrylamide, 2 ml 1.5 M Tris (pH 8.8), 80

μl 10 % SDS, 80 μl 10 % APS (ammonium persulphate) and 8 μl of TEMED were

mixed together. The solution was then poured between the two glass plates and

a small layer of n-butanol was added on top to prevent air bubbles and to keep

the top of the gel flat. The gel was then left to polymerise and the n-butanol was

removed using filter paper.

Stacking gel: 3 ml ddH2O, 0.67 ml 30 % acrylamide, 1.25 ml 0.5 M Tris (pH 6.8),

50 μl 10 % SDS, 50 μl 10 % APS and 5 μl TEMED. This solution was this added on

top of the running gel and a 15 well (1.5 mm) Bio-Rad toothcomb was added into

the stacking gel and left to polymerise. Once the gel was fully polymerised, the

gel along with the two glass plates and toothcomb were transferred into a Bio-

Rad gel system. 1 X SDS buffer (25 mM tris, 192 mM glycine and 0.1 % SDS)

solution was used to fill the inside and outside chamber (making sure there was

no overflow between the two chambers) and the toothcomb was removed slowly

in order to keep well intact. Protein sample for gel preparation

A 1 ml sample was centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 2 minutes at 4°C. The

supernatant was then transferred to an eppendorf tube where relevant samples

were diluted with MES to reach a total volume of 12 μl. To these samples 3 μl of

sample buffer were added and then left for 10 minutes on a 70°C heating block.

thereafter, the samples were centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 1 minute. 15 μl of

sample was then carefully pipetted into the wells of the gel, making sure to note

what sample went which well. A 3 μl protein standard was used as the ladder.

The gel was then run at 70 V for 2 hours Western Immuno-Blot

14 pieces of 1 M filter paper were soaked in Towbin blot buffer (25 mM Tris, 192

mM glycine, 20 % methanol at pH 8.6). Some Towbin blot buffer was poured on

to the blot machines (Bio-Rad trans-blot SD semi-dry transfer cell) to make it

semi-dry, after which 7 of the pre-wetted filters were stacked on top of each

other in the machine. Here a nitrocellulose membrane (cut to gel size) was

placed on top of the filter pile and the gel, which was carefully removed from the

Bio-Rad gel system and the glass plates, was placed on top of the nitrocellulose

membrane. The rest of the pre-wetted filter papers were stacked on top and the

lid of the machine was closed. The proteins were transferred for 15 minutes at

15 V.

Once the proteins had transferred, the nitrocellulose membrane (blot) was

removed and washed with Tris buffered saline (10 mM tris and 50 mM NaCL, pH

7.6) (TBS) 0.05 % pH 7.6. It was then incubated with fresh TBS and 3 % BSA for

10 minutes (pour into tube for re-use), and rinsed again with TBS. To the tube of


TBS with 3 % BSA the primary antibody (1 : 25000 for Rbc1, PsbA and PsaC) was

added. This was then used to incubate the blot overnight. When finished, the blot

was rinsed with TBS twice and then incubated with TBS for 30 minutes. It was

then washed again and incubated again for 30 minutes with new TB and washed

again. A TBS solution with 1 % BSA was made and secondary anti-body (Goat

anti Rabbit peroxidase GARPO antibody 1 : 10000) and 0.5 ml of 0.05 % sodium

azide was added. This was poured over the blot and incubated for 1 hour. After

incubation the blot was washed twice with TBS.

1 ml of west femto peroxide buffer (supersignal) was added into a tray and 1 ml

of west femto luminol/enhancer solution was pipetted into the peroxide buffer

to equally mix the two. The blot was then placed face down into the solution and

the blot luminescence signals were measured on a Li-Cor Odyssey FC. The image

was then transferred to imageJ64 where the fluorescence signals can be turned

into peaks from which the relative density (fluorescence signal) can be

calculated and shown as PSI and PSII ratios.

IV. Results

4.1 Oxygen measurement results

Table 1: Light regimes used for oxygen evolution measurements. Orange

segments represent orange light (621 nm), red segments represent far-red (726

nm) and black (thinner) segments represent light ‘off’. The total length of line

corresponds to 100 µs.

Regime Number







Total orange








Total far-red




0.1 + 0.1




Total light








Light diagram


Figure 1: Photosynthesis-Irradiance (PI) curve. PI curve (circles) under

continuous orange lighting with fit (solid line) from Jassby and Platt et al., (1976)

with Pmax and α (dashed lines). Alpha-affinity for light absorption and Pmax-

maximum photosynthesis.

The continuous orange oxygen production curve was used as a standard for all

oxygen experiment. Further experiments were all normalized to this curve to

account for differences between initial sample quality. All oxygen curves were

then converted to percentage production for easier comparability.

Far-red on its own (continuous 1.0 DC and flashing 0.2 DC) showed no net

change in oxygen concentration (Appendix 1).





n (





g C



Light intensity (µmoles∙m-1∙s-1)




Duty cycle, intensity and frequency were altered to find the most productive light

climate in regards to oxygen production (figure 2 above). Flashing orange (0.2

DC) gave a higher oxygen production (120 %) compared to continuous orange

(1.0 DC) (100 %). R1 (0.2 DC orange + 0.1 DC orange) on average had four

climates that surpassed flashing orange (0.2 DC) P value (with addition of 18.9,

24.9, 52 and 558 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 far-red). Within R1 adding a little far-red shows




- 0























R2 R3

. . . .

O2 p





) R2 R3




r -




- 0

.2 D



- 0

.1 D







.9 43





. . . . .

O2 p










- 0



* 3







9.3 11


.9R5 R6

. . . .

O2 p






R5 R6




r -




- 0

.2 D







.4 95










. . . .

O2 p







Figure 2: Pmax (P) values from hyperbolic tangent function (Jassby and Platt

et al., 1976) for different light climate, all at frequency of 10 KHz.

Represented as % increase from continuous orange light (Or – 1.0 DC). Each

bar represents a single PI curve. Solid black line indicates Or-1.0 DC orange control

P value (set to 100 %). Dashed line indicates Or - 0.2 DC orange control P value. Or-

orange only accompanied by duty cycle used. R- light routine corresponding with

figure 1. Values under the bars of the R-light routines are the μmol∙m-2∙s-1 of far-

red added to the routine. Error bars show the standard error of the mean. *Climate

with highest production Pmax value).

R1 R2 R3

R4 R5 R6


promising oxygen production as both the smallest and largest amount of far-red

added showed similar oxygen production values. A slight decrease at the

addition of 30.9, 43 and 49 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 can be seen. Flashing orange of 0.1 DC

surpassed flashing orange of 0.2 DC in maximum oxygen production although

only with a 10 % increase. In 2B both R2 (0.2 DC orange and 0.2 DC far-red) and

R3 (0.1 DC far-red + 0.2 DC orange + 0.1 DC far-red) showed lower oxygen

production compared to other climates.

In figure 2C, R4 (0.2 DC orange + 0.2 DC far-red together, no delay) had the

highest oxygen production values 147 % and 142 % were both towards at the

latter side of far-red addition 121.1 and 127.8 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 far-red,

respectively. The rest of R4 stayed level slightly exceeding flashing orange 0.2

DC. In 2D flashing orange of even smaller DC (0.17 DC) only showed an increase

of 11 % compared to continuous orange. R5 (0.17 DC orange + 0.03 DC far-red)

showed on average much higher oxygen production compared to other routines.

The highest oxygen production was with the addition of 3.8 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 far-

red (33 % increase compared to 0.2 DC flashing orange). No concentration

dependent relation was found between additions of far-red in routines. Both R1

and R5 show a similar pattern with a decrease in the mid-range of far-red while

both lower and higher ranges of far-red give on average the same oxygen



When switching from continuous orange light (1.0 DC) to flashing orange light

(0.2 DC) an increase in α value can be seen. All other climates showed a higher α

value than continuous orange (100 %) but none exceeded that of flashing orange

(153 % increase).











r -




- 0

.2 D



- 0

.1 D



.9 -




.2 -




.4 -




.2 -




- 1



.9R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

. . . . . . . . .





R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

Figure 3: Average α value per climate (from hyperbolic tangent function,

Jassby and Platt et al., 1976) for different light climate, all at frequency of

10Khz. Solid black line indicates Or-1.0 DC orange control slope (α) value (set to

100 %). Dashed line indicates Or - 0.2 DC orange control α value. Or-orange only

accompanied by duty cycle used. R- light routine corresponding with figure 1.

Values under the bars indicate intensity range of µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 of far-red added.

Error bars show the standard error of the mean.

R1 R2 R3

R4 R5 R6


4.2 Steady state results

4.2.1 Bio-volume

Figure 4: Bio-volume of cells A) WT Synechocystis (averaged), B) flv4Δ and

isiAΔ Synechocystis for different light climates. Total light intensity on

average: a = 30 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, b = 10 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, c = 15 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, d = 24

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, e = 7 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1,* = best climate from O2 measurements figure

2 (R5 – 3.8). Or – orange and f-red – far-red. noD - no delay in far-red (light ‘on’


Although the error is high in flashing orange light (0.2 DC) (A) it shows a higher

bio-volume compared to that of continuous light (1.0 DC). While both

aforementioned climates decreased with addition of far-red (no delay) the same

trend was seen as with orange only, flashing (0.2 DC) had the larger bio-volume.

In climate R5 - 3.8 the biovolume was similar to that of flashing (0.2 DC). When

looking at mutant strains (B) flv4Δ, continuous orange showed the lowest bio-

volume of just 15.09 mm3∙L-1. When the climate changed to flashing (0.2 DC)

biovolume increased by 337 mm3∙L-1. Flv4Δ R5 - 3.8 showed a slight decrease in

biovolume compared to the latter climate. The isiAΔ mutant showed an increase

in biovolume from continuous (126 mm3∙L-1) to R5 - 3.8 (430 mm3∙L-1), which

was the highest biomass produced by both mutants, although R5 - 3.8 (A)

showed the highest biomass of all climates.











Or 1.0 DCᵃ

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)ᵃ

Or 0.2 DCᵃ

Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)ᵃ

R5-3.8*ᵈ flv4Δ Or 1.0 DCᵇ

flv4Δ Or 0.2 DCᶜ

flv4Δ R5-3.8*ᵈ


IsiAΔ Or 1.0 DCᵉ

IsiAΔ R5-3.8*ᵈ




e (







4.2.2 Ratio of Chla and PBS

Figure 5: Relative ratio of Chla (440 nm emission) in PSI (purple) and PSII

(orange) as well as relative ratio of unbound PBS (590 nm emission) (blue),

PSI - bound PBS (green) and PSII - bound (red) for wild type (WT)

Synechocystis in different light climates (averaged). Ratio calculated using

area of peaks. Total light intensity on average: a = 30 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, * = best

climate from O2 measurements figure 2 (R5 - 3.8). noD - no delay in far-red (light

‘on’ together). Or – orange and f-red – far-red. Based on 77K fluorescence.

When looking at the distribution of Chla there isn’t much difference between the

five light climates (<5 %). PSI for all climates contained the majority of Chla

while the Chla associated with PSII remained between 7-10 % giving a ChlaPSI :

ChlaPSII ratio of 9-12 : 1, based on figure above.

In continuous orange light (1.0 DC) the PBS ratio is 2 : 1 : 1 (PSI, PSII and free

floating respectively and from this point on). When far-red light is added no

difference in PBS binding was seen (<5 %). Comparing continuous orange and

flashing orange (0.2 DC) an 8 % increase was seen in PBS attached to PSI while

both the PSII and free PBS showed no difference (<5 %).

When far-red is added to flashing orange (0.2 DC) an increase in PBS bound to

PSII increase (105 %) while those attached to PSI and free decrease by 6 %. In

R5 - 3.8, 62 % of the PBS were attached to PSI (highest PSI bound out of all wild

types) with a ratio of 4 : 1.5 : 1. As a whole, nearly half of all the PBS were

attached to PSI.

R5 - 3.8*d Or – 1.0 DCa Or – 0.2 DCa

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)a Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)a



Figure 6: Relative ratio of Chla (440 nm emission) in PSI (purple) and PSII

(orange) as well as relative ratio of unbound PBS (590 nm emission) (blue),

PSI-bound PBS (green) and PSII-bound (red) for flv4Δ and isiAΔ

Synechocystis in different light climates. Ratio calculated using area of peaks.

Total light intensity on average: b = 10 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, c = 15 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, d = 24

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, e = 7 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1,* = best climate from O2 measurements figure

2 (R5 - 3.8). Or – orange. Based on 77K fluorescence.

Flv4Δ under continuous orange light (1.0 DC) showed a difference of 17 % in PSII

Chla fluorescence compared to flashing light (0.2 DC orange). Chla fluorescence

for all other mutant climates showed the same ratio as wild type.

440nm fluorescence in PSI accounted for 75 % of Chla giving a ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII

ratio of 3 : 1 in continuous orange but when the climate was switched to flashing

(0.2) it increased to 89 % (8 : 1). In R5 - 3.8 it increased slight further by 3 % (12

: 1). The isiAΔ mutant had a ratio of 8 : 1 in continuous orange light which

increased to 12 : 1 in the R5 – 3.8 climate.

Free-floating PBS in continuous orange accounted for 56 % of the total PBS with

only 17 % and 28 % in PSI and PSII respectively. However in flashing orange (0.2

DC) a shift occurred where a decrease in free PBS was seen (down to 31 %) and

PSI bound PBS increased to 44 %. PBS attached to PSII remained similar with

only a 3 % decrease in flashing orange (0.2 DC). In R5 - 3.8 however an increase

to 50 % of PBS attached to PSI was seen while PSII bound PBS increased by 4 %

and free floating PBS decreased to 21 %. Free floating PBS decreased along the

Flv4Δ climates (continuous, flashing (0.2 DC) and R5 - 3.8). The isiAΔ mutant in

continuous orange showed a ratio of 1 : 1 : 1. When flashing light was

implemented this changed to 1 : 1.5 : 3. Here both PSII and free PBS decreased

increasing the binding to PSI. This climate also had the lowest free floating PBS

within the mutant climates.

flv4Δ Or – 1.0 DCb flv4Δ Or – 0.2 DCc flv4Δ R5 - 3.8*d

isiAΔ Or – 1.0 DCe isiAΔ R5 - 3.8*d



Figure 7: Chla concentrations A) WT Synechocystis (averaged), B) flv4Δ and

isiAΔ Synechocystis for different light climates. Total light intensity on

average: a = 30 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, b = 10 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, c = 15 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, d = 24

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, e = 7 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1, * = best climate from O2 measurements figure

2 (R5 -3.8), ** = Chla content under detection limit. Or – orange and f-red – far-

red. noD - no delay in far-red (light ‘on’ together).

Chla content of continuous orange (1.0 DC), continuous orange + f-red (1.0 DC)

and flashing orange and far-red (0.2 DC) showed similar amounts at around 2.9

mg∙L-1 (A) while that of flashing orange only (0.2 DC) was higher at 4.1 mg∙L-1. R5

– 3.8 contained the highest biovolume (with smallest error) at 3.1 mg∙L-1. The

mutants showed varied results (B) with Flv4Δ continuous orange having an

undetectable amount of Chla. When flashing light was added to Flv4Δ the Chla

increased to a similar amount as continuous orange and continuous orange + far-

red (approx. 2.6 mg∙L). The isiAΔ mutant showed the second lowest Chla content

although when in climate R5 – 3.8 increased form 1.4 to 2.2 mg∙L-1.








Or 1.0 DCᵃ

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)ᵃ

Or 0.2 DCᵃ

Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)ᵃ

R5-3.8*ᵈ flv4Δ Or 1.0 DCᵇ**

flv4Δ Or 0.2 DCᶜ

flv4Δ R5-3.8*ᵈ


IsiAΔ Or 1.0 DCᵉ

IsiAΔ R5-3.8*ᵈ





a (







4.2.3 SDS page gel analysis

Figure 8: Western immuno-blot (inverted). Black bands on white

background for PSI and PSII sub-units WT Synechocystis for different light

climates (excluding R5 – 3.8). Total light intensity on average: a = 30 µmoles∙m-

2∙s-1, noD - no delay in far-red (light ‘on’ together). Or – orange and f-red – far-


Figure 9: Quantitative ratio of PSI (purple) and PSII (orange) for wild type

(WT) synechocystis in different light climates (averaged), based on PSI -

PsbC and PSII - PsaA sub-units. Total light intensity on average: a = 30

µmoles∙m-2∙s-1. noD - no delay in far-red (light ‘on’ together). Or – orange and f-

red – far-red. Based on protein sub-units from averaged gels (figure 8). (No data

for WT R5 – 3.8).

Here similar to the relative ratio based from 77K fluorescence, PSI is the most

numerous photosystem. Flashing orange light (flashing orange 0.2 DC) shows an

increase of 5 % in PSII compared to continuous orange (1.0 DC). However,

addition of far-red light in both conditions decreased the amount of PSII sub-

units by 5 and 6 %, respectively. Flashing orange (0.2 DC) had the most sub-units

of PSII.

Or – 1.0 DCa

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)a

Or – 0.2 DCa

Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)a

1) Protein standards (PSI and PSII)

2) Or – 1.0 DCᵃ

3) Or + f-red – 1.0 DC (noD)ᵃ

4) Or – 0.2 DCᵃ

5) Or + f-red – 0.2DC (noD)ᵃ

1 2 3 4 5



V. Discussion

5.1 Oxygen measurements:

In photosynthesis there is oxygen production, through PSII water splitting and

consumption by Mehler and Mehler-like reactions (Bersanini et al., 2014).

Therefore the oxygen measured through the optodes is the NET oxygen

production. The optodes used here aren’t able to differentiate between oxygen

production and oxygen consumption through respiration and Mehler-like

reactions. In future studies, if differentiation of the two oxygen forms is wanted,

a MIMS (membrane inlet mass spectrometer) can be used alongside heavy

oxygen (18O).

5.1.1 Pmax values: continuous vs flashing

Switching to flashing light routine as opposed to continuous light increases the

maximum photosynthetic rate. As seen in figure 2, flashing orange light (0.2 DC)

increased the Pmax by 20 % and even by 28 % in shorter flashes (0.1 DC). This

shows flashing light to be a step in the right direction for increasing productivity

of PBRs. In continuous orange the amount of excited electrons compared to

available PQ is high, this build-up of excited electron forces energy to be used in

NPQ mechanisms. When that isn’t enough to decrease the excess excitation then

photo-inhibition occurs (through ROS) (Krashnakumar et al., 2013; Lambrev et

al., 2012 and Muller et al., 2001).

Photo-inhibition causes irreversibly damage to the photosystem proteins and

thus no oxygen splitting can occur causing the oxygen levels to decrease. New

proteins must be synthesised which is extremely inefficient. When flashing light

is incorporated into lighting regimes the ratio of excited electrons to PQ is higher

and the problem of over excitation is alleviated. The short flash and subsequent

dark period allows for PQ to transfer excited electrons to cytochrome b/f

complex where they have time to complete the reactions to PSI which

replenishes the PQ pool for the subsequent flash therefor decreasing photo-

inhibition as well as the need for NPQ mechanisms (Krashnakumar et al., 2013;

Lunka and Bayless, 2013; Matthijs et a., 1996). In 0.15 DC flashing orange the

Pmax decreased to below the level of continuous orange (1.0 DC), this cannot be


5.1.2 Pmax values: orange vs orange + far-red

When far-red light is added to flashing orange light a further increase in Pmax is

observed, although this is depends on the lighting pattern used. Climates R1, R4,

R5 and R6 (figure 2A, C and D) showed similar or higher Pmax values compared

Or – 0.2 DC while climates R2 and R3 which on average remained below the

percentage of flashing (0.2 DC). R1, R4 and R5 although average oxygen

production was slightly higher than Or – 0.2 DC the range of far-red intensities


made little difference in O2 production. This shows that adding just a small

amount of far-red can be beneficial for increasing photosynthetic rate and

provide the desired results. In both R1 and R5 decreases can be seen within the

mid-range intensity of additional far-red (Figure 2A and D) that shows the NPQ

action of state transitions.

State transition, as mentioned before, is the change from the high proportion of

excitation energy governed by PBS from PSII to PSI (Yang S et al., 2009 and

McConnell et al., 2002). Here PBS detach from their PSII-coupled state and move

to PSI (PSI-bound) equalizing the excitation of PSII (Mullineaux and Allen, 1990).

In singular PI curves when state transitions are apparent, the Pmax is affected

showing a lower value due to the skewed curve fit of Jassby and Platt (1976).

This happens because when the de-coupling of PBS-PSII takes place, there are

fewer antennas available for light harvesting in PSII resulting in a decrease in

excitation within PSII thus less O2 production. This produces a sigmoidal oxygen

curve and it is this sigmoidal section that causes the curve fit to skew towards a

lower value.

5.1.3 Pmax values: colour arrangement, DCs and dark periods

R2 and R3 climates on average showed the least oxygen production with an

average increase of only 10 % and 1.5 %. Both these climates had the largest

total light duty cycle decreasing the length of the dark period (no light). This

shows that the dark period needs to remain at least 70 % of the total light flash

to increase productivity, due to the time scale difference of the cytochrome b/f


The light independent reaction (Calvin cycle – carbon fixation) also benefits from

this dark period (Takagi et al., 2014 and Matthijs et al., 1996). The R1 oxygen

production is much higher than that of R3 while the climates are very similar,

except for the additional 0.1 DC of far-red at the beginning of the flash in R3. This

shows the importance of stimulating PSII first prior to PSI although this

difference could be due to the decrease in dark time in R3.

As previously mentioned the stimulation of PSII in the light climate produces

more oxygen when stimulated first in the series. Although R4 stimulates both

PSII and PSI at the same time, this too shows oxygen production not be at its full

capability, although better than R2 which shows the same average photon flux

density of both orange and far-red (far-red -49.2, 62.3 and 75.4). This is most

likely due to small amounts increasing the efficiency without the need to cause

state transitions. Any moment where PBSs are not bound to either photosystem

is inefficient. If small amounts of far-red increase the PSIII binding of free-

floating PBS there is no need to increase the far-red intensity further as state

transition causing PBS to un-bind therefore becoming free-floating for a period


of time (inefficient). DC of far-red also plays an important key factor showing to

be effective when half or less than half of the preceding orange DC. This can be

due to PSI working faster than PSII (although still within the nanosecond range)

and therefore receiving an extra ‘boost ‘of light in the far-red spectrum

specifically for PSI.

5.1.4 α Values

Continuous orange light (1.0 DC) showed the lowest α value (slope) of all light

climates (figure 3). When flashing light is used instead of continuous the slope of

the fitted curve increased by 53 %. This shows that flashing light increases the

affinity for light absorption. This is because unlike continuous light where light

energy may be lost through NPQ and photo-inhibition, flashing light allows for

the majority of the light energy to be absorbed and used for photosynthetic

processes (light efficiency).

The slope for all climates was higher than continuous orange (minimum increase

of 21 % in R1 and flashing 0.1 DC orange). In Schuurmans et al., (2014) they

found that with the addition of far-red to orange light (125 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1), both

the Pmax and α increased compared to orange light alone (100 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1).

However, with the addition of far-red in this study, the photon flux increase

caused the Pmax to be apparent at a lower intensity shifting the slope of the curve

to less than 15 µmoles∙m-2∙s-1 for which only one or two sample points were

available. This caused most of the PI curves to show a flatter curve than in both

the standard (continuous orange, figure1) and flashing orange (0.2 DC).

5.1.5 Oxygen measurement conclusions

Flashing light increases the oxygen production (Pmax) as well as the slope ( )

while far-red addition shows only an increase in slope (α). From this section we

conclude that flashing mono colour (orange) light is beneficial, up to 28 % more

productivity (oxygen production) and the addition of even a small amount of far-

red increases the productivity even more. For climates to be effective the

positioning of the far-red pulse must go behind the orange pulse as well as the

far-red pulse (DC) to be 50 % or less of the orange pulse. But most importantly,

the dark period needs to be at least 70 % of the total flash.

5.2 Steady state measurements

5.2.1 Biovolume Wild type Synechocystis

In this study biovolume was used a measure as productivity. The biomass

increase from continuous orange (1.0 DC) to flashing orange (0.2 DC) is more

than 25 % (figure 4A) of continuous orange (although error is high). This fits

with theory that flashing light provides enough time for reaction centres to


become saturated with light and enough dark time to allow reactions to place

leading to an increase in light efficiency thus increasing the efficiency of carbon

fixation resulting in the formation of glucose to aid cell growth.

With the addition of far-red to the aforementioned climates, both show a

decrease in biovolume of around 54 mm3∙L-1. Showing far-red addition with no

delay to be disadvantageous in biomass production, even though flashing orange

+ far-red (0.2 DC) produced a higher biovolume then continuous orange and far-

red (1.0 DC). In R5 - 3.8 the biovolume was similar to flashing orange (0.2 DC)

although large standard error on flashing orange (0.2 DC) makes it difficult to

assess which climate is more efficient (productive). isiA∆ and flv4∆ Synechocystis

In both flv4∆ and isiA∆, continuous orange showed the least biovolume of all

climates used (figure 4B). In flv4∆ the biomass was the lowest with 15 mm3∙L-1.

This shows flv4 in NPQ to be the most efficient quencher (Bersanini et al. 2014

and Simionata et al., 2013). When comparing 15 mm3∙L-1 with 353 mm3∙L-1 the

potential for reduced NPQ in flashing light (Or – 0.2 DC) becomes apparent. This

large increase shows how flashing light can reduce over saturation and increase

the low ratio of excited electrons and PQ. When far-red is added (R5 – 3.8) the

biomass does show a slight decreased although this difference is negligible.

With isiA∆ the same pattern was seen, although there is no flashing orange to

compare to, R5 – 3.8 showed a large increase (304 mm3∙L-1) in biovolume from

continuous orange. Here the importance of isiA∆ can be seen too. NPQ

mechanisms are able to account for nearly 80 % of the total flux dissipation,

which shows a great importance in continuous lighting (Simionata et al., 2013). A

high biovolume doesn’t necessarily mean that the climate produces light

efficiency (Gris et al., 2014) however when biomass is concerned for increase

production in a PBR scale a 0.2 DC or R5 - 3.8 (0.17 DC orange + 0.03 DC far-red

at 3.8 µmoles∙m-1∙s-1) would be of benefit. If production for cell content (oil,

ethanol, storage compounds) was the purpose, then optimal climates must be

carefully researched as far-red could produce smaller cells while showing an

increased growth rate (Schulze et al. 2014). Conclusion of biovolume

Implantation of flashing regimes increases biovolume and has a stronger effect

that the addition of far-red. With no delay in far-red decreases in biovolume are

evident while preceding the orange flash increases biovolume, showing a time

dependent relation.

5.2.2 Chlorophyll a

With an excitation wavelength of 440 nm, emission at 680 – 695 nm shows the

amount of chlorophyll within PSII and emission between 710 - 730 nm show


chlorophyll fluorescence within PSI at a temperature of 77K. The majority of the

77K Chla fluorescence data showed PSI to be the dominant Chla carrier. In

literature the Chla ratio is around 90-150 (PSI) : 35-50 (PSII), giving a ChlaPSI :

ChlaPSII ratio range of 2-5 : 1 (Kopecna et al., 2012; Albertsson, 2001; McConnell

et al., 2002 and Van Thor et al., 1998). For this report we assume a mid-range

ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII ratio of 3 : 1, which is incorporated into the Chla fluorescence

(77k) data.

Like Chla ratios, the ratio of PSI : PSII is well documented in literature. The

concentration of PSI is greater than PSII giving an average ratio of 2.5 : 1 under

continuous white light. This ratio helps to maximise electron transfer from PSII

(Fraser et al., 2013 and Fuhrmann et al., 2009). Fujimori et al., (2005) and Folea

et al., (2008) showed that when using light specific towards PSII excitation an

increase in the PSI : PSII ratio can be seen from 2.5 – 4 : 1. Alternatively, light

specific towards PSI excitation decreased the ratio to as low as 1-1.5 : 1, PSI

being the variable component (Fraser et al., 2013; Fuhrmann et al., 2009;

Muramatsu et al., 2009 and Miskiewics et al., 2002). Wild type Synechocystis

The amount (mg∙L-1) of Chla does not show much change within the first two

continuous climates (figure 7A), remaining around 2.7 mg∙L-1 contradictory to

the trends seen in literature which expect a decrease in [Chla] under high light

(continuous orange and far-red), in order to reduce light harvesting (Sfroza et al.,

2012; Fuhrmann et al. 2009; Murumatsu et al., 2009 and Miskiewics et al., 2002).

Sfroza et al., (2012) also showed that flashing light (integrated light), regardless

of frequency or durtation, produce higher amounts of Chla per cell. This doesn’t

correspond with our results as both continuous climates and flashing (0.2 DC

and R5 – 3.8) showed near similar values. This could be due to far-red light

increasing the synthesis of alternative pigments Chld and Chlf instead of Chla

(Gan et al.,2014).

Looking at the immune-blot (figure 9) a distinction in PSI : PSII ratio can be seen.

Continuous orange (2.5 : 1) decreased to 2 : 1 with the implementation of

flashing orange (0.2 DC). This is due to the improved efficiency of PSII requiring

less PSI to achieve the same maximum electron transfer. When far-red was

added to both climates an increase in PSI : PSII ratio could be seen (both 3 : 1)

contradicting literature that shows in environments of high light the PSI : PSII

ratio to decrease (Fraser et al., 2013; Fuhrmann et al., 2009; Murumatsu et al.,

2009 and Miskiewics et al., 2002). The decrease in ratio from continuous to

flashing, mentioned above, was not seen from continuous orange and far-red to

flashing orange and far-red (0.2 DC), showing far-red to have a greater effect on

PSI : PSII stoichiometry. It could be that far-red light stimulates PSI production

independent of a high light climate.


All climates showed a relatively high ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII fluorescence ratio (figure 5)

of around 3-4 : 1 coinciding with literature and the large PSI proportion in figure

9. Continuous orange showed the largest ratio 4 : 1 the R5 – 3.8 climate ratio was

3.3 : 1. Yet the trends from the immune-blot are not visible in the 77K

fluorescence data. One would expect a change in PSI : PSII ratio to show the same

change the ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII. This cannot be explained at this moment. isiA∆ and flv4∆ Synechocystis

Total Chla concentration of mutant strains showed much more pronounced

differences in different climates, compared to wild type. Both flv4∆ and isiA∆

strains increased from continuous to flashing and R5 – 3.8, however in flv4∆ the

R5 – 3.8 climate showed a decrease in Chla concentration. flv4∆ in continuous

orange light was so low in total Chla that measurements were below the

detection limit of the OD reader. This extremely low value may be caused by the

lower ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII ratio (compared to all other climates) most probably due

to a sever decrease in PSI : PSII ratio as mentioned above (Hernandez-Prieto et

al., 2012; Fuhrmann et al. 2009; Murumatsu et al., 2009 and Miskiewics et al.,


The ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII ratio of flv4∆ saw increasing trends from continuous,

flashing and R5 – 3.8 (1 : 1, 2.6 : 1 and 4 : 1) and likewise from continuous to R5 –

3.8 in the isiA∆ strain (2.6 : 1 to 4 : 1). Both mutant R5 – 3.8 climates and

continuous orange WT showed a PSIChla : PSIIChla ratio of 4 : 1. Perhaps this ratio

of Chla produces less Chla in total. As 3-3.3 : 1 showed higher values. It is

possible that that isiA∆ in a flashing climate may produce a higher Chla

concentration (as seen in flv4∆) however due to time constraints the flashing

climate (0.2 DC) as well as an immune-blot was not investigated/prepared for

isiA∆. Therefore this ratio could be due to PSI : PSII ratio alterations. Conclusions of Chla

Contrary to the literature, far-red light increased the PSI : PSII ratio, although

this study used dual colour illumination as apposed to single colour (in literature

mentioned above). Flashing orange only (0.2 DC) showed a decrease in PSI : PSII

ratio. This decrease was not seen between the continuous orange and far-red

and flashing orange with far-red (0.2 DC), showing far-red to have a greater

influence on photosystem stoichiometry and be time independent. Chla ratios

between the photosystems had little difference in wild type Synechocystis. In

both mutant strains however Chla fluorescence. Total Chla did increase with

through flashing light (orange 0,2 DC and R5 – 3.8) coinciding with Sfroza et al.,

(2012) although more pronounced in the mutant strains. Chla values are not

related to PSI : PSII or ChlaPSI : ChlaPSII ratios as no trends between parameters

can be seen.


5.2.3 Phycobilisomes Wild type Synechocystis

The different light regimes show trends in PBS arrangement for wild-type

Synechocystis (figure 5). Specifically, flashing light increases PSI-bound PBS and

decreases unbound PBS, working to balance the excitations between the two

photosystems. In continuous orange light the ratio of PSI-bound to PSII-bound to

unbound PBS is kept at 2 : 1 : 1. (From this point on, the ratio of PSB bound

states is always expressed in this order). The emission wavelength of 590 nm

detects PBS, but it is possible that the first peak of fluorescence for unbound PBS

could be coupled with the fluorescence from the free floating pigment

phycocyanin (Joshua, 2005).

In continuous orange light more PBSs are needed in PSI to turn 636 nm radiation

into excitation energy at the reaction centres. PSII requires fewer PBSs, as here

flv4 - 2 combos, the unbound PBSs and OCPs (orange carotenoid proteins) assist

in energy dissipation. PSII still requires enough PBSs to prevent photo-inhibition,


When the Synechocystis is switched from continuous light (Or 1.O DC) to flashing

light, the PSII-bound PBSs decrease, as the lighting conditions are less likely to

induce photo-inhibition. In such a case, fewer PBSs are needed for energy

dissipation, and they can be used elsewhere – as in PSI, which now needs to

harvest more light to equalize the excitation of PSII.

A similar phenomenon explains the opposite trend revealed in the change from

Or – 2.0 DC to R5 – 3.8. Because far-red light specifically targets PSI, the energy

flux available to PSI increases and an increase in PSII-bound PBSs then helps to

equalize the excitations between the photosystems (Allen and Nilsson, 1997). isiA∆ and flv4∆ Synechocystis

The experiments with flv4∆ and isiA∆ show how important energy dissipation

mechanisms are. Under continuous orange light (flv4∆ Or – 1.0 DC) the ratio of

PBS is 0.3 : 0.5 : 1. A large portion of the unbound PBS is needed to dissipate the

excess energy due to the continuous illumination, although it is not known how

this happens. At the same time, PSII contains a higher proportion of PBSs than

PSI in order to prevent the formation of ROS (Foyer and Shigeoka, 2011 and Oort

et al. 2010).

Going from the continuous-light to the flashing-light regimes, and more

specifically with the addition of far-red, a decrease in unbound PBS shows the

increasing energy-efficiency of the regimes. For flv4∆, PSII binding increased


with the addition of far-red light – an effect that was also seen with wild-type

Synechocystis. For the isiA∆ mutatnt, the PSII binding decreased.

The isiAB operon is related to oxidative stress and iron deficiency. In B form it

replaces ferrodoxin, and in A form it can act as either a light harvester (full ring)

or a dissipater (empty ring). The lack of this protein leaves PSI more vulnerable

to over excitation (Kouril et al.2005). The increase in PSI binding of PBS could be

a way for isiA∆ to mimic either of the two functions of isiA. In R5 – 3.8 the

flashing light produces a favourable climate for PSII where PBSs are not needed.

On the other hand, the far-red addition leaves PSI vulnerable to over excitation.

In this case, PBS binds to PSI either to increase either energy dissipation or light

harvesting. Conclusions of PBS

Flashing light causes more PBSs to bind to PSI, increasing the light harvesting

capacity to match that of PSII. Orange light has been shown to induce transitions

to state - 2 (PSI-bound PBS) (Li et al., 2004). This could explain why the majority

of PBS are bound to PSI. This also raises the question what PBS ratios will other

colours of light lean towards.

Far-red light increases the efficiency of PSI, meaning more PBSs have to couple

to PSII in order to balance the excitation energy between the two photosystems.

This coincides with the findings of Schuurmans et al. (2014) that showed how

adding far-red to the light regime increased the PBSs binding to PSII. Showing

the movement of PBS to be time dependent.

PBSs are known to move at a time scales of seconds to minutes, dependent on

the intensity and dosage of the light (Yang 2009). It may also be that the transfer

of a sample from chemostat to fluorimeter cuvette altered the original binding

site of the PBS.

5.4 Conclusion of steady states

From all the light climates with wild-type Synechocystis, R5 – 3.8 proved to be the

most productive. (This conclusion neglects Or – 0.2 DC, given its large standard

error). Biomass was 27 % larger than continuous orange. In the R5 – 3.8 regime,

the unbound PBSs were the lowest, allowing the majority of the PBS to function

in photosynthesis and harvest light for PSI or PSII. Chl a concentration, in

contrast, was the highest of all climates (3.1 mg∙L-1).

5.5 Lighting

Two types of LED panels were used in this study: LED2 pannels were used for

the chemostats while LED3 panels were used for the oxygen measurements. The

LED3 panel showed homogeneous irradiation while LED2 did not. For that

reason the chemostat units were kept at a distance of 15 cm away from LED2


source to maximize homogeneous irradiation. Far-red and orange lights were

chosen as they correspond to the pigments in PSI and PSII (Mullineux and Allen,

1990). In this study the amount of light was much lower than hoped for (as

decreasing DC gives a lower output).

Chemostats were illuminated with approximately 20 - 30 µmoles∙m-1∙s-1 for all

WT and mutants subjected to flashing-light regimes. Lower illumination was

needed for the mutants exposed to continuous illumination due to their photo-

sensitivity. Otherwise the measurements would have fallen under the detection

limit for most of the equipment used. In single-colour illumination

photosynthetic yield drops towards the end of the red spectrum because of the

unequal excitation of the photosystems (Pettai et al., 2005). With dual colour

(specifically orange and far-red) both photosystems can be equally excited either

simultaneously (as in R4 and Or + f-red 1.0 / 0.2DC) or in sequences.

VI. Summary

Artificial light used for large scale PBR does not have to shine continuously. It

can be switched on and off to correspond to the natural time scale of the

photosynthetic reactions. In such flashing light environments less energy (ATP)

is needed for photo-protective synthesis (Schuurmans et al., in prep). NPQ

mechanisms are triggered less frequently and the energy previously required

can use for more productive purposes (Calvin cycle or cell maintenance for

example). PBR based on flashing light regimes could therefor increase the

photosynthetic rate and the desired metabolic product (biomass/cell

content/expressed proteins) relative to those with continuous illumination

regimes (Brennan and Owende, 2010).

Not only does flashing light increase the photosynthetic efficiency of

Synechocystis but, due to the increased intensity needed to fulfil the amount of

light needed for photosynthesis, it also increases the proportion of Synechocystis

that are illuminated by the light (Lunka and Bayless, 2013 and Park and Lee,

2001). This helps to decrease self-shading of the cyanobacteria (a problem in

PBR design) and increase the biomass.

To attain high productivity within PBRs, whether it be for alcohol or lipids,

careful attention must be given to the light regime parameters (DC, light

intensity and frequency of the light and flashes). The parameters that produce

the largest concentration of the desired outcome product will vary from species

to species, as species tolerances will differ (Gris et al., 2014). The wrong value of

a single parameter can result in a production (bio-volume/cell content) decrease

(Sforza et al., 2012). The light environments chosen in this study are just a


fraction of the possible combinations. Further research on DC, intensity and

frequency of light and flashes are needed to gain a better picture of the optimal

light environments.

With the addition of far-red, a flashing-light environment becomes more

productive with equal excitation of both photosystems. Sudden decreases in

biomass may be seen when light climates are first altered, but after a

acclimatising period of two weeks increase in productivity becomes evident

(Gris et al., 2014).

Research pertaining to Chla, PBS placement and PSI and PSII units in

cyanobacteria exposed to flashing or coloured light is lacking. The three

parameters studied here are only a few of the many parameters used in

photosynthesis, making this area of study complicated. Future research in this

field would be of benefit to companies exploring photosynthetic approaches to,

for example, CO2 remediation and renewable energy

Flavodiiron proteins and isiA are important quenching mechanisms that only

serve to increase the production value of cyanobacteria (Pinchasov et al., 2005).

Under incorrect lighting regimes energy within cells is used to synthesis higher

concentrations of quenching molecules. Further studies on expression of both

quenching mechanisms could be of interest as well as electron microscopy to

allow determination of light harvesting or energy dissipating isiA rings. Adding

to that of course, immune-blots of all climate studied. On top of that, expression

and concentration of cytochrome b/f complex’s and PQ : Chla ratios may be of

interest as both these parameters increase electron flow (Miskiewics et al.,


The benefits of LED lighting compared to natural or other artificial lighting

(incandescent or fluorescent) are slowly being recognized. Although more

expensive in purchase (costing up to four times more than conventional lights),

the LEDs energy efficiency and working lifetime make label them a cost-effective

source of lighting for PBR (Matthijs et al., 1996, schuurmans et al., in prep).


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VII. Appendices

Appendix 1: oxygen curve comparing standard Or – 1.0DC and far-red only

curves of 1.0DC and 0.2DC for Synechocystis wild type.

Appendix 2: Percentage values based of relative ratio of chla and PBS for wild

type Synechocystis.

Appendix 3: Percentage values based of relative ratio of chla and PBS for mutant

Synechocystis strains.



15 23


21 57


25 49



27 51







93 91




Or – 1.0 DCa Or – 0.2 DCa

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)a Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)a



27 89









21 50


44 25








35 32

flv4Δ Or – 1.0 DCb

flv4Δ Or – 0.2 DCc

isiAΔ Or – 1.0 DCe

isiAΔ R5 -

flv4Δ R5 -










0 20 40 60 80 100 120





n (





g C



Light intensity (µmoles∙m-1∙s-1)

1.0DC orange

1.0DC far-red

0.2DC far-red


Appendix 4: Percentage values based from protein sub-unit ratios of chla for

wild type Synechocystis.

Appendix 5: Percentage values based from protein sub-unit ratios of chla for

mutant Synechocystis strains.

Appendix 6: Aminco spectrum for wild type Synechocystis. Normalised to 730nm

value of continuous orange

flv4Δ Or – 1.0 DCb

flv4Δ Or – 0.2 DCc

isiAΔ Or – 1.0 DCe

isiAΔ R5 - 3.8*d

flv4Δ R5 - 3.8*d

58 43



7 10


25 42


Or – 1.0 DCa Or – 0.2 DCa

Or + f-red 1.0 DC (noD)a

Or + f-red 0.2 DC (noD)a

29 66


34 71

72 28 24











400 500 600 700


wavelength (nm)

Or - 1.0 DCᵃ

Or - 0.2 DCᵃ

Or + f-red 1.0 DC(noD)ᵃ

Or + f-red 0.2 DC(noD)ᵃ



Appendix 7: Aminco spectrum for mutant Synechocystis strains with (WT) R5-

3.8, for comparison. Normalised to 730nm value of continuous orange (from WT

– above appendix 6).











400 500 600 700


wavelength (nm)

Flv4 Or - 1.0 DCᵇ

Flv4 Or - 0.2 DCᶜ

Flv4 R5-3.8*ᵈ

Isia Or - 1.0 DCᵉ

IsiA R5-3.8*ᵈ
